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Nigel Harris


Please don’t flinch, Sir Roy!

Rail’s pride and perversity demand radical action
The railway’s behaviour over this past couple stuff do they think covered Network Rail’s we are more connected than ever, the railway
of weeks has been as extreme as the weather - 22,000 track miles - and our train depots? And too often failed to make even the most basic
and consequently, commentary about the rail- how do those who can’t get out of their own information widely available. I was aston-
way has been about as extreme as I’ve seen it. driveways think that train drivers get to their ished to hear that the Train Service Database,
The sad thing is that what appears to have train depots on those same frozen mornings? from which all online sites take information,
been a generally creditable job (yes, really) in Over the first week or so in December I cannot be updated later than 1500 for the next
trying to keep a service going in genuinely travelled to King’s Cross a half-dozen times day’s services. That needs to change.
extreme conditions has been overshadowed and York once, and while even East Coast’s It’s crucial to use the best technology to keep
by the incompetence and arrogance of some contingency service was running late – it was passengers informed - yet too often the rail-
of those who run and speak for the railway. running. I allowed a bit more time, I cut the way remains mired in analogue angst when
We should be wary about jumping on the railway some slack, and generally my busi- digital dexterity is demanded. I truly felt for
‘railway gave up and let us down’ tabloid ness continued thanks to East Coast railway- those out on the front line, battling to provide
bandwagon because it just isn’t that simple. men and women at the sharp end who, like a train service and who were so horribly let
The weather really has been extreme - and I’m colleagues across the country in TOCs and at down by the incompetence of those whose job
not talking so much about snow as incredibly Network Rail, genuinely did their best. No one it is to inform and explain - quickly.
low temperatures over many days. I’ve been can expect more. Of course, there were doubt- Yet again we suffered the buttock-clenching
driving diesel cars on and off for 20 years, and less other routes where maybe more effort embarrassment of watching a Secretary of
December 6 was the first day I’ve ever noticed could (and should) have been made - but in State tell the industry to ‘man-up’ and deliver
a lack of power which may have been fuel on general terms, from what I saw, main lines at its most basic responsibility. I thought it
the verge of freezing, despite additives. As least kept going where other modes failed. The regrettable, however, that Philip Hammond’s
diesel doesn’t freeze until the mercury falls fact that East Coast carried 34% more passen- open letter to the industry of December 2,
to minus 9.5 degrees Celsius this highlights gers than last year, snatched from the airlines, while mentioning ORR’s review, failed to pay
the severity of the winter. EMT Class 158s suf- during the first week of the worst disruption, due credit to the really excellent report by
fered similar difficulties, I understand. Also, says a lot, so let’s be wary of blanket criticism Passenger Focus on passenger information
from Platform 2 at Peterborough at 0650 on of all rail operators. during disruption, published only a couple
December 7, I was taken aback by the strength of days before. Hammond noted that “ORR
of electrical arcing from the pantographs of are undertaking a review of communications
the FCC EMUs and EC ‘91s’ as they ploughed
“I was astonished to hear performance during the (winter) disruption”
through encrusted ice on the contact wires. that the Train Service - but overlooked the PF report which actu-
They looked and sounded like powerful weld-
ing arcs (which is effectively what they are)
Database... cannot be ally tells him exactly what he needs to know
about passenger requirements, based as it is
but 25kv trains cope much better with this updated later than 1500 for on a survey involving 1,000 real passengers
phenomenon than 750vDC third rail electric
trains, with their lightweight pick-up skates
the next day’s services.” over an extended period! ”My message to
the train operators is clear,” said Hammond”
and finnicky software, which shut down. “Passengers must be informed.” The PF report
And it’s simply absurd to trot out the tired What a pity, sadly, that we cannot say the could have added evidence-based factual
old criticisms about our not being prepared same for some of those who claim to manage data to his otherwise general comments, and
for this funny white stuff, and how well they railways – and as for some of those who claim it’s odd that he chose not to use this superb
manage in other countries. If we were to to speak on its behalf... they need a re-think. ammunition to bolster his point. PF continues
maintain large fleets of snow and ice clearing Because where the railway failed was in to provide quality information that shows both
equipment, which stand idle in plant yards for terms of basic planning on the one hand and what passengers want and whether, therefore,
111⁄2 months of the year, to cope with a couple information on the other. That Network Rail the industry (and Government policy) are
of weeks of ice, then those same commenta- should admit that no ice scraping vans were working and delivering. You’d think the DfT
tors who sneer at winter problems would be in service anywhere on the iced-up third rail would use this fantastic resource rather more.
riding their high horses about the waste of all system ‘because they were in for maintenance’ Because a regrettable arrogance still lurks
that cash, tied up in kit that rarely moves. Oh, was pathetic maintenance planning. I hope among owners or operators, as represented
and by the way they DO have problems like whoever was responsible doesn’t plan engi- through the Association of Train Operating
this in other European countries, as anyone neering possessions too! On the other hand, Companies. Its dire and provocative PR per-
who watches international news will know. today’s EMUs need constant, clean power, so formance on rail fare increases immediately
And I got really fed up of hearing avia- it’s good to know that NR experiments with before the cold snap effectively stuck a huge
tion people whining about the 150,000 heating conductor rails are going well. ‘kick me’ sign on the railway’s backside, an
tons of snow they’d cleared, But there were major information cock-ups. invitation which the national media was
using enormous boys’ toys, from In an age when the internet, Twitter, Facebook only too pleased to accept when the ice came.
Gatwick’s nice flat runways - which – even good old-fashioned texting - amid the ATOC’s PR about fares, presumably agreed by
nevertheless remained closed for two massed ranks of social networking opportuni-
days! How many tons of the white ties and mobile phone technology ensures that Continued on page 79

Subscribe at December 15-December 28 2010 RAIL 659 3

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