Instruções para Realização Da Prova

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Izabela Cristina Arruda

Info 3a


- A lista poderá ser feita em dupla ou trio;
- Esta deverá ser toda redigida à caneta;
-Não é permitido uso de dicionário nem aparelhos eletrônicos e/ou celulares.

1)Leia os trechos abaixo e escreva o tema abordado em cada um deles, ou seja, a

que cada trecho se refere.
a) It is located immediately north of the Tropic of Capricorn, located in the
southeast of Brazil, in Guanabara Bay. There are many beaches and mountains
around the city, but there are poor communities, called favelas. The most
beautiful tourist attractions are Sugar Loaf and Corcovado.
-Ta falando sobre a cidade Rio de Janeiro.

b) The hardware consists of all the electronic and mechanical parts that make up a
computer system, and the software is the collection of data and programs needed
to solve problems with a computer.
-Ta falando sobre a parte de hardware e software do computador.

c) It´s the most famous party in Brazil. People dance during all the night. There are
many rhythms in this party, but the most danced are samba and axé. It often
happens in February in our country.
-Ta falando sobre o Carnaval.

d) It is the science, engineering, technology and physical phenomena associated

with the presence and flow of electric charges. Electricity gives a variety of well
known electrical effects such as lightning, static electricity and electromagnetic
induction flux of electrical current in an electrical wire.
-Ta falando sobre a eletrecidade?

e) Software piracy is the unauthorized and illegal duplication of copyrighted

computer software. The most common forms include copying for personal use,
for use among employees of a company, and for resale. The latter includes
manufacturing of counterfeit packages that pretend to be originals.
-Ta falando sobre pirataria de software

2)Identifique CINCO cognatos dos trechos acima.

Trecho A: Favelas
Trecho B: Hardware
Trecho C: Samba
Trecho D: Electricity
Trecho E: Illegal
3)Aplicando as técnicas de leitura, leia o texto e responda as questões abaixo:


Come to Las Vegas and visit Rock River Casino - at 234, Oklahoma
Ave., near the Fashion Tower Shopping Mall. It works from 8 pm to 6
am. Ticket U$ 50,00. Phone Number 98 10 15 59.
There are many electronic and cards games, different drinks and
beautiful girls. Entryallowed over18 years old.
a. Qual é o horário de atendimento do cassino?
8 da noite até 6 da manhã
b. Quanto custa o ingresso?
50 dólares
c. Qual é o telefone do cassino?
98 10 15 59
d. Qual a idade mínima permitida para os frequentadores?
18 anos
e. O que o cassino oferece aos frequentadores?
Eletrônicos, jogos, bebidas diferentes e garotas bonitas.
f. Qual o endereço do cassino?
Rua Okalahoma Ave – 234 , perto do shooping Fashion Tower

4) Leia o texto abaixo e responda as questões:

Aries (March 21 – April 19)
If you’re an Aries, you probably have a lot of initiative, but you can also be impatient
and sometimes too impulsive. Your planet is Mars. Your color is red.
Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
The native of Taurus is serious and careful in his work. A true Taurus is
stubborn, sometimes too stubborn, even inflexible. Your planet is Venus.
Your color is pink.
Gemini (May 21 – June 21)
Gemini is the sign of the twins. If you’re a Gemini, you’re probably talkative and
sociable. But you can also be indecisive and too much indecision may lead to problems.
Your planet is Mercury. Your color is yellow.
Cancer (June 22 – July 22)
You are nice and friendly. Your first interest and concern is your
family, the main influence in your life. You must learn to be more open
and less sensitive. You are under the influence of the Moon.
Your color is gray.
Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Leos have a strong personality; they tend to be active and responsible. On the
other hand, if you’re a Leo, you’re probably showy and dramatic. You may
become an actor. You are under the influence of the Sun. your color is orange.
Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
If you’re a Virgo, you probably love organization, lists and anything that puts
your logical, analytical mind to use. A true Virgo has a practical nature and a
very responsible attitude to life. But remember: you mustn’t worry too much.
Life is so short… Yourplanetis Mercury. Your color is Brown.
a)Qual é o tipo de texto e qual seu objetivo?
Um texto informativo sobre os signos
b)Esse texto fala sobre quais aspectos da vida das pessoas?
Sobre como a pessoa é e a cor dela
c) Quais signos se sairiam bem na educação?
Leão e touro
d)Quais signos tem como característica principal:
a)preocupação com o trabalho: touro
b)inclinação para ser ator: leão
c)prático e responsável: leão
d)preocupação com a família: câncer
e)indecisão: gêmeos

5)Identifique nos textos as informações pedidas pela tabela.

Texto 1 (T1) Texto 2 (T2) Texto 3 (T3) Texto 4 (T4)

Cameron Diaz Michelle Obama, Elizabeth II Follow French
(born August 30, 48, is the first lady (Elizabeth president Nicoloas
1972) is an of the United Alexandra Mary, Sarkozy. Sarkozy
American actress. States, married to 86, is the British won a hotly
She has appeared in President Barack queen and head of contested battle
a variety of films: Obama. She's an state of 16 against Segolene
The Mask, There's attorney with two independent Royal to win
Something About children: Malia and sovereign states leadership of
Mary, etc. Diaz is Sasha. Michelle known as the France. Nicolas
also known for her was born in Commonwealth Sarkozy,51,began
quirky personality, Chicago. realms. She is the his political life 30
and her previous figurehead of the years ago. He's
relationship with 54-member regarded as "The
singer Justin Commonwealth of Mozart of Politics"
Timberlake. Nations and, as the for his talents and
British monarch, energy. He is the
she is the Supreme son of a Hungarian
Governor of the refugee aristocrat.
Church of England. Sarkozy has
become one of
France's most
popular new

Name Age Occupation Nationality

TEXTO1- 48 actress American
T2- 48 American
T3- 86 queen Britsh
T4- 51 presidente French

“A alegria está na luta, na tentativa, no sofrimento envolvido e não na vitória

propriamente dita.”
Mahatma Gandhi

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