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Effective-medium resistivity models for calculating water saturation in shaly


Article · May 1996


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Charles Berg
ResDip Systems


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Effective-Medium Resistivity Models for Calculating Water
Saturation in Shaly Sands
Charles R. Berg
ResDip Svstetns

Abstract: A saturation equation is derived from effective- ting techniques or by improving calculation of input vari-
medium theory (the Hanai-Bruggeman equation) for calculat- ables. However, this study is intended as an introduction of
ing water saturation from resistivity and porosity measure- the basic framework, and it leaves fine-tuning to a later
ments. That saturation equation is then incorporated into dis-
persed-clay and laminated-shale models. The 1-ive basic vari-
ables needed for the saturation fomiula include whole-rock
porosity, true fomiation resistivity. water resistivity. cementa- Why Use a Theoretical Model?
tion exponent, and grain resistivity.
In the dispersed-clay model. whole-rock porosity, true for- Many log-analysis techniques are necessarily empirical.
mation resistivity, and water resistivity are calculated by stand- A good example is the neutron-density crossplot. As long
ard log-analysis methods. Next, cementation exponent and as such an empirical model appears robust there is no
grain resistivity are calculated for the whole rock. These five compelling reason to replace it with a theoretical one. How-
variables are then used in the saturation equation to calculate ever, shaly sand analysis is one of those areas where empiri-
whole-rock saturation that is, in turn, used to calculate effective cal models run into trouble. The sheer number of empirical
saturation. Intermediate variables used in calculation include
shaly sand techniques is an indicator that perhaps another
clay volume and effective porosity in addition to sand and shale
counterparts for porosity. cementation exponent, and grain re-
approach is needed.
sistivity. The accuracy of an empirical model may decline when
In the laminated-shale model, shale resistivity is subtracted conditions differ from the conditions under which the
from the whole-rock properties by resistors-in-parallel treat- model is derived. A classic example of the problem is
ment and effective saturation is then calculated directly from Waxman and Thomas’ ( 1974) rederivation of Waxman and
the saturation equation using only sand input variables. Smits’ (1968) empirical constant B. Waxman and Thomas
The shaly sand models are proved accurate and stable by found that using a wider range of rock samples for deriva-
calculations on some published log data, including low-resis-
tion improved the basic Waxman and Smits model. Al-
tivity, low-contrast examples. Saturations can be detemiined
from standard log suites. The variables used are calculated in a though they used a fairly large data set, it still included only
straightforward manner, while the calculation sequence is flex- an extremely small fraction of shaly sands in the world.
ible to allow for unusual conditions such as nonclay micro- Clearly, measuring all the rocks in the world is not a solu-
porosity. tion. In addition, a little-known side effect of the new
Waxman and Thomas B was that use of the new B degraded
INTRODUCTION the accuracy of the Waxman and Smits model on the origi-
Effective-medium theory has been a strong contender for nal Waxman and Smits data set.
the study of rock resistivity, but analytical problems have The desirability of theoretical solutions in general is that
limited its use in log analysis. This article combines ele- as long as the original assumptions apply to the phenomena
ments of effective-medium theory with widely used log- being studied, they should accurately describe those phe-
analysis relationships to derive a relatively simple nomena. Theoretical assumptions are very similar to em-
calculation sequence for water saturation in shaly rocks. pirical conditions except that assumptions are usually stated
This adaptation of effective-medium theory is intended as a explicitly, while the restrictions imposed by empirical con-
first-pass technique similar to the dual-water model of Best ditions may not readily be apparent. The basic assumptions
et al. (1978). In fact, the effective-medium model uses the set forward for this shaly sand model may at first seem
same input as the dual-water model. As in the dual-water restrictive, but in fact they cover the vast majority of reser-
model, it may be possible to refine the model by crossplot- voir conditions.

16 The Log Analyst MayJune 1996

Effective-MediumResistivity Models for Calculating Water Saturation in Shaly Sands

EFFECTIVE-MEDIUM THEORY addition to a rock-conductivity variable to fit their respec-

tive 100% water-saturated equations to experimental data.
The Hanai-Bruggeman Equation The main problem with these types of correction factors is
that they may not be valid outside of the conditions (or data
The Hanai-Bruggeman (HB) equation was originally de- sets) for which they were derived. Although the dual-water
veloped by Hanai (1960a, 1960b) for describing the con- model does not use these correction factors in log analysis,
ductivity of colloidal suspensions. These suspensions the substitution of these variables for the log analysis vari-
consisted of a “disperse” or nonwetting phase and a “con- ables makes experimental verification of the model used on
tinuous” or wetting phase. The theory was developed be- logs questionable.
cause the Maxwell-Wagner theoretical model, which was The HB equation works well on rocks, which are not
developed for this type suspension, did not work for con- suspensions but which are grain supported. I believe that
centrated mixtures of disperse phase. In the original experi- the HB equation works successfully on rocks because water
ments to test his equation, Hanai used both water-in-oil and carries the bulk of the current and the matrix is only pas-
oil-in-water mixtures. He found that his relationship sively involved. This passive involvement of the disperse
worked well even as the concentration of the disperse phase phase is sometimes referred to as “induced polarization” or
approached 100%. The analogue to rocks, of course, is the “interfacial polarization.” In cases where the rock grains, as
concentrated disperse phase because, for example, a mix- a whole, become as conductive as the water the relation-
ture with 85% disperse phase is equivalent to rock with 15% ships may not hold, but these kinds of conditions are ex-
porosity. The fact that oil-in-water mixtures were used by tremely rare in the subsurface, and it is very likely that other
Hanai is good justification for treating hydrocarbons (oil rock conductivity models would not hold either under such
and gas) as part of the matrix fraction in the development of conditions. Even in cases where there are highly conductive
a saturation model. constituents, such as pyrite, moderate amounts should not
Bussian (1983) demonstrated the usefulness of the HB appreciably affect the HB equation because the constituent
equation for modeling rock conductivity. He demonstrated, grains would be “floating” or dispersed in the other matrix
in the case of shaly sands, that the curvature of the rock elements and water. The main problem with minerals such
conductivity (oo)versus water conductivity (D,) plots ex- as pyrite is how to estimate their amount and distribution
hibited by shaly sands are well modeled by the HB equa- from logs.
tion. He also set forth a saturation relationship based on a
binomial-expansion approximation to the HB equation
Derivation of the Saturation Equation
combined with De Witte’s (1957) empirical relationship.
Following is a resistivity version of Bussian’s [1983,Equa- A more thorough derivation and theoretical treatment of
tion (7)] adaptation of the HB equation for conductivity: the following saturation model can be found in Berg (1 995).
In that paper, a general conductivity equivalent to the satu-
ration equation is derived and the applicability of the model
to all frequencies is demonstrated.
Also in that paper are experimental results demonstrat-
where 4 = porosity, R, = water resistivity, Ro = mixture ing the accuracy of the saturation relationship compared to
(rock and water) resistivity, R, = matrix (disperse phase) the dual-water, Waxman and Smits, and Bussian shaly sand
resistivity, and rn = cementation exponent or geometric models.
factor. The assumption underlying the derivation of the satura-
Note that when R, is large in relation to Ro and R,, the tion equation is that matrix and hydrocarbon can be treated
right-hand factor approaches 1 and the relationship reduces together (Figure 1). Further, the relationship between those
to Archie’s “law” [ 1942, Equation (3)]. This property of the elements can be treated as resistors in parallel, which
HB equation has been observed many times before (Sen et mathematically is a volumetric weighted average of con-
al., 1981; Bussian, 1983). Although some may rightly argue ductivities. To derive the equation it is necessary to associ-
that the term “law” may not be entirely appropriate for ate the matrix and hydrocarbon. The easiest part of setting
Archie’s equation, that terminology will be retained here up the equation is the association of water saturation (S,)
because of its ease of use and recognizability. with porosity. Such an adaptation of Equation (1) results in
Part of the desirability of the HB equation stems from the the following expression:
fact that it introduces only one new variable, R,, to describe
rock conductivity and that it does not introduce any other
new constants or variables. Many shaly sand methods, in-
cluding the dual-water (Clavier et al., 1984) and Waxman-
Smits (1968) models, use empirical correction factors in

May-June 1996 The Log Analyst 17

We now substitute this expression into Equation (2) to
obtain the following quadratic equation with respect to S,:

0 = Rrn .$ + S; + [R, - R,, . ( H + 1)].$. S, + H . (Rrn- R,) ,



Solution for S, yields

-R-,/B2 + 4 . H . Rrn.(R,- R r n )
s, = > (6)
2 ‘ 4 . Rrn
Figure 1: Diagram showing how hydrocarbons are related to where
the matrix and water. In a water-wet system such as this,
surface tension will keep a thin film of water (exaggerated B = R, - R,., * ( H + 1) (7)
here) between the oil and the grains (Berg, 1975). Both matrix
and oil are the dispersed phase while water is the continuous There are, in essence, only five variables needed for
phase. The matrix grains are definitely connected and the input for calculating water saturation: R,”, R,, $, m , and R,..
hydrocarbons can be connected but are not necessarily Therefore, the calculations leading up to finding saturation
connected. The connectedness probably does not matter, will be aimed at determining the best possible values of m
however, because the more resistive dispersed elements react
passively to current in the more conductive water.
and R,., since R,, R,, and $ are usually known.


where S, = whole-rock water saturation, R, = partially Basic Assumptions

saturatcd, whole-rock resistivity, and R, = disperse-phasc
resistivity (thc combination of matrix and hydrocarbons). Equation (6) is general and can be used for more than just
Note that this equation, in a relationship similar to that of shaly sand analysis. To adapt a general equation to a spe-
Equation ( I ) and Archie’s law, will reduce to Archie’s cific purpose, it is necessary to define the model to fit the
saturation equation [ 1942, Equation (6)] if Archie’s satura- problem at hand. Below are three sets of assumptions: the
tion exponent ( n ) is allowed to equal the cementation expo- first set is true for most shaly sand methods, while the
ncnt (m).Note also that Equation (2) is vcry similar to second and third sets are true for the dispersed-clay and
Sherman’s dielectric saturation equation [ 1987, Equation laminated-shale models introduced here.
(6)], except that in his equation the matrix “resistivity” was The following assumptions are common to most shaly
not ad.justed by adding the hydrocarbons. Before we can go sand models:
on to derive a saturation equation we have to define the 1 Capillary-bound water - Water in the clay pore spaces
combined resistivity of hydrocarbons and matrix (Rd).An is mechanically bound to the clay and will admit hydro-
assumption common to ncarly all shaly sand models, carbons (the nonwetting phase) only under extremely
whether expressly stated or not, is that various elements high entry pressure if at all. A corollary of this is that clay
making up rocks can be treated as resistors in parallel. In will release this bound water only with great difficulty.
this model the mixture of disperse-phase elements for both In this respect, the important physical property of the
saturation calculation and for mixing grain resistivities is clay that controls the bound water is the small grain size
accomplished by assuming resistors in parallel. Following and not necessarily the mineralogy. In fact, any other
is the relationship for the composite dispersed phase ( R J : extremely fine-grained rock will exhibit similar proper-
ties. A recent quantitative discussion of the reasons for
the phenomenon of capillary-bound water can be found
in Zemanek (1 989).

18 The Log Analyst May-June 1996

Effective-Medium Resistivity Models for Calculating Water Saturation in Shaly Sands

2. Effective porosity - Because of the capillary-bound

water, oil and gas saturations are usually related to the
sand grain
porosity of the larger sand pore spaces. The fraction of
this porosity to the total rock is called the effective
porosity (I$e), and water saturation relative to only the
effective porosity is called the effective saturation (Swe).
3. Clay conductivity - Clay minerals lower the resistivity
filling sand
of shales.
Assumptions unique to the dispersed-clay model are as
1. The cementation exponent (m)can be calculated for a
sand-shale mixture as a volumetric weighted average of
sand and shale cementation exponents.
2. Matrix or grain resistivity (R,) can be calculated as
resistors in parallel of the component grain resistivities.
3. Shale is rock, with measurable electrical properties, and
these parameters can be used in combination with sand
parameters to find whole-rock saturation. Of course, Figure 2: Schematic diagram showing a sand pore space
nearly all shaly sand methods assume this is true for filled by clay grains. In this case, the clay maintains its porosity
while the effective porosity is zero. This demonstrates why
rock-conductivity-type variables, but this has not been
accurate estimation of clay porosity is critical and how splitting
the case with the cementation exponent (m).Since m can the total porosity equally between clay and sand can go
have a strong effect on resistivity, it is important that this wrong. Overestimation of effective porosity will cause
physical parameter be determined along with rock resis- underestimation of effective water saturation (excessively
tivity. pessimistic calculations).
4. Decreased resistivity caused by clays can be associated
with the matrix instead of the “bound” water. Inherent in
this assumption is that the R ,of the water in the sand empirical methods derived under similar conditions. With
pore spaces is the same as the R, of the bulk of the water these assumptions in mind, the models can now be set up in
in the clay pore spaces. a straightforward manner.
The last assumption might seem unusual to some, but it
is justified for several reasons. Clay, although relatively A Working Definition of “Clay”
impermeable to gas and oil, has permeability with respect
to water, and over geologic time the water in the clay and From a practical standpoint, it is difficult to determine
sand pore spaces should equilibrate. In addition, the amount from logs the amounts of clay minerals in shale rock. For
of excess conductivity should be directly dependent on the that reason, in the following discussion, the term “clay” will
amount of clay cations, which, in turn, is directly dependent be used to describe the shaliest end-member of a given set
on the amount of clay. Therefore, anomalous resistivity of logs. As the model becomes more refined it may be
caused by the clay counterions can be treated as a surface
possible to use crossplotting or laboratory techniques to
effect associated with the clay grains and the bound water
define the true, pure-clay end-member.
can be treated as the “far water’’ of Clavier et al. (1 984).
The last two assumptions, for the laminated-shale model,
are as follows: Effective Porosity, Effective Saturation, Clay Porosity, and
Sand Porosity
1. Interbedded shale and sand can be treated as resistors-in-
parallel. It is standard practice to calculate effective porosity from
2. Current from the tool measuring resistivity travels par- crossplot techniques and the method described here takes
allel to bedding; in other words, the tool used should be advantage of them. This usually works well, but cases
an induction tool.
might arise where other methods are needed. The distribu-
Although the above assumptions, at first glance, may
seem to restrict the applicability of the methods described tion and porosity of the clay within the rock greatly affect
next, close inspection will reveal that the conditions cover the sand porosity and, in turn, the effective porosity (Figure
a large majority of subsurface conditions encountered by 2). Effective porosity can be calculated from an assumed
log analysts. Indeed, subsurface conditions that limit the clay porosity (+=,),usually from a nearby shale; whole rock
application of this method will also limit the application of porosity (I$); and volume of clay ( Vcl).Following are stand-

MayJune 1996 The Log Analyst 19


ard log-analysis equations for effective porosity ($&,),sand A more quantitative calculation method for msa has been
porosity (4sa),and effective saturation (Sn,e): derived from a linear relationship from Bussian’s (1983)
and Samstag’s (1992) data of those samples in which R,. was
greater than or equal to 100 ohm-m, on the assumption that
the higher values are indicative of fairly clean sands. Fol-
(9) lowing is the formula:
mso = 1.994 - 0.752 * (1 1)
and The above formula appears to work well, but if satura-
tions are pessimistic for unconsolidated sands, a lower
value of ms, might be tried because, as discussed above,
experimental samples that Equation (1 1) is based on are
necessarily biased toward consolidated rock. Another quan-
The equations for the different porosity variables and V,,
titative possibility for calculating ms, would be to use the
permit differing scenarios for solving different problems.
HB equation solved for msa:
For example, the standard solution set forward in the sec-
tion “Application to Log Analysis” incorporates crossplot
techniques using V,, to calculate $ e . In f ~ Rw ’I
In some instances there might be reason to expect that
log-derived Vc/ might be suspect. In that case, if the log
analyst can acquire Oe from some other means, Vc.,could be
determined from O,, 4e, and 4 using Equation (8) solved for
I. ;./. where the “sa” subscript denotes sandstone variables.
This approach requires an accurate knowledge of R, and
Finding Cementation Exponent ( m ) Ros,,and, in higher R , regimes (more than about 1 ohm-m),
of Rrsa.
With saturation methods a common, arbitrary approxi- Experimental verification of m,! is difficult because the
mation is that the cementation exponent (m)is equal to 2. varying salinities used in the experiments from which ?)I is
In the days before hand calculators and computers, this was calculated tend to cause high-clay samples to disaggregate.
understandable, but today it is easy to calculate exponen- For pure clay, a good value for cementation exponent (m,,)
tials and logarithms. Therefore, make an attempt to deter- would be about 3 or higher judging from the Bussian’s,
mine in as closely as possible. It is possible to calculate and Samstag’s, and Waxman and Smits’ analyses of the
apply 11 to the results of Equation (6) in a manner similar to Waxman and Smits data. I have found that 2.7 usually
the usual methods, but from a practical standpoint this is works well. probably because shales are not usually pure
rarely done. A good approximation for n therefore is m , clay. If one assumes that pure clay has an m of 3 and that
remembering the similarity of Equation (2), the precursor to pure sand has an m of 1.8, then m of 2.7 would represent a
the saturation equation, to Archie’s saturation equation. shale with about 78% clay. In any case, because the volume
The problem remains of calculating m. Let us start with the of shale used in log analysis is generally less than one-third,
sandstone cementation exponent (m,). The fact that clean relatively large variation in m,,will result in a much smaller
sandstones generally have values of m lower than 2 has variation in whole-rock m. In fact, the using 2.7 for m,,is at
been documented as far back as Archie (1942), who stated: least as accurate if not more accurate than using constant 2
“From a study of manly grotips ofdata m has been joiind for m ,a very common approximation. Furthermore, allow-
to range between I .8and 2.Ojor consolidated sandstones. ing m to change with clay content will allow a more realistic
For clmn. unconsolidated sands packed in the laboratory, representation of how m changes in nature, thus giving a
the value of m appears to be about 1.3.” more realistic picture of relative changes in saturation
Although Archie used m of 2 for practical reasons, he
caused by changes in clay content. In any event, the value
clearly understood that this was only an approximation.
of 2.7 is usually adequate, but a double check for accept-
Experimentally, it is not practical to use real unconsolidated
ability is that the associated value for RrCIbe reasonable (see
sands, and so experimental data are necessarily biased to-
the next section on estimation of clay grain resistivity or
ward consolidated rock. It follows from Archie’s statement
that a reasonable value of nz for an unconsolidated sand-
The mixing formula used to calculate the whole-rock m
stone might be 1.6, because even an unconsolidated sand-
stone may be more compacted than loose sand studied
under laboratory conditions.

20 The Log Analyst May-June 1996

Effective-Medium Resistivity Models for Calculating Water Saturation in Shaly Sands

where mcl is the clay cementation exponent. When Rrcl is negative, it is sometimes necessary to raise
Again, this appears to be reasonable based on plots of QV, or lower mcl until RrC1comes to within a more reasonable
which varies roughly with clay content, versus m of the range (between 0.1 and 50). Similarly, when R,, is too high
Bussian and Samstag data (see also Clavier et al., 1984; (above 50), it might be necessary to adjust incl. I find that
Figure 8a). there are negligible differences in calculated saturations as
Of course, when laboratory-derived cementation expo- long as Rrcl and mcl are “balanced” (one is used to calculate
nents are available, it is probably best to use those. the other) and Rrcl and mClare within reasonable ranges. A
reasonable range formcl is 2.5 to 3.5. Possible recourses in
Estimating Grain Resistivity (Rr) situations where a balance cannot be found are discussed in
the “Discussion” section.
Sarid-grain resistivity Now that we have the resistivity of the individual matrix
components, the total matrix resistivity can be calculated
Bussian (1983) found Waxman-Smits’ (1968) “clean” from the following equation:
sands to have a grain resistivity of around 83 to 125 ohm-m.
These values may seem somewhat low for clean sands, but
the rocks may actually have had a small amount of clay.
Calculation of R, and m from the data of Herrick and
Kennedy (1993, 1994) yielded clean-sand R, from 90 to
10,000 ohm-m. In this article, it is assumed that since all the For a derivation of Equation (16) refer to derivation of
sections studied are shaly, there will be some contamination Equation (1 1) in Berg (1995).
of the clean sands with small amounts of clay; hence, R, of
100 ohm-m is used. Because all these resistivities are high Subtracting Shale Resistivity
in relation to the common values of R,, even the lower for the Laminated-Shale Model
values generally have little effect on calculated saturations.
This model is the effective-medium equivalent to the
On the other hand, sand cementation exponents (m,) can
have a strong influence on saturation calculations, even laminar model of Poupon et al. (1954). The model starts
with the resistors-in-parallel relationship
with very low R,.

The remaining problem for the dispersed-clay method is where V,, = shale volume and R , = partially saturated sand
that of finding the clay grain resistivity (Rrcl).In experimen- resistivity.
tal data, Bussian (1983) and Samstag (1992) estimate the Substituting Vclfor VSh and rearranging we obtain
range of laboratory-measured clay grain resistivity of be-
tween 1 and 10 ohm-m. Log-derived apparent RrC1is usually
in that range, but in low-resistivity low-contrast situations
it can be as low as 0.1 ohm-m. It is reasonable that the very
low derived resistivity could be a temperature or salinity This equation will be used to calculate effective satura-
effect and is within the order of magnitude of shale resistiv- tion in the laminated-shale calculation sequence.
ity change with temperature (Waxman and Smits, 1968).
When clay porosity, water resistivity, and clay cementa- APPLICATION TO LOG ANALYSIS
tion exponent are known and with a clay resistivity from an
adjacent shale, the HB equation can be used to find the clay Many of the variables needed to enter into the model are
matrix resistivity as follows: the same ones used in standard shaly sand analysis; there-
fore, they will not be discussed in detail. Some of the
variables can be calculated in different ways and the goal in
calculating saturation is to use the values that most ade-
quately represent the physical properties of the rocks. If the
where cursory descriptions in the following steps are not clear,
refer to the previous more detailed discussions.
When neutron and density logs are available, use the
techniques in the dual-water method for calculating clay
porosity, effective porosity, and whole-rock porosity
and the cl subscript denotes clay. (Asquith, 1990a). If only a density log is available, calcu-

May-June 1996 The Log Analyst 21


late the whole-rock porosity as the density porosity and In most cases the linear approximation for msa [Equation
effective porosity from Equation (8). These calculations (1 l ) ] should be adequate.
may be somewhat conservative compared to calculations 5. Calculate clay resistivity:
using crossplotted porosities.
Rcl = Rsh, or RcI = 0.4 * Rsh.
The approach toward using the saturation methods de-
scribed next should be flexible. The general equation con- The second relationship is an empirical relationship
tains all the variables necessary for S, calculations, but the commonly used when the dispersed clays are assumed to be
exact procedures used to arrive at S, should not be written “purer” clay than the adjacent shales and will thus have
in stone, because there may be different or better ways to lower resistivity (Asquith, 1990a).
determine the input variables. 6. Determine clay cementation exponent:
mcl= 2.5 to 3.5, usually around 2.7.
Dispersed-Clay Calculation Sequence
7. Calculate clay grain resistivity using the HB equation
1. Define, by standard log-evaluation procedures, the fol- solved for RrcI:
lowing variables:
R,. -water resistivity
R, - true (uninvaded) resistivity
V,, - clay volume
$cl - clay porosity ($rsh in the dual-water method)
4e - effective porosity and
(I - whole-rock porosity (4, in the dual-water
RsI, - adjacent-shale resistivity
Effective porosity can alternatively be calculated by the
relationships If Rrcl calculates negative or greater than 50, adjust m,:
(step 6) until RrcI is within reasonable bounds, usually be-
4e = 4 - 4 c r . vc, 1 (8)
tween 0.1 and 50.
or 8. Calculate the whole-rock cementation exponent:
4e = 4sa . (1 - J’cd 9 (9) nt = insa * (1 - Vcl)+ ntcl. V,., .
when needed. 9. Calculate whole-rock grain resistivity:
2 . Calculate sand porosity:

Rrsa R,,
3 . Determine sandstone grain resistivity: 10. Calculate whole-rock water saturation:
R , = 100 ohm-m, or higher if desired. I

4. Determine or calculate sandstone cementation exponent: H=(+lrn 9

msa = 1.6 to 2 ,
mso = 1.994 - 0.752 . $sa , (11)
or B=R,-R,.(H+l),

11. Calculate effective saturation:

22 The Log Analyst MayJune 1996

Effective-Medium Resistivity Models for Calculating Water Saturation in Shaly Sands

Q * (1 - s,,, The calculation sequences given here should work in

swe=l- most cases. However, sometimes situations arise where the
models do not work for one reason or another, and this may
Laminated-Shale Calculation Sequence be because some of the original assumptions are violated.
One example of this is if the shale has such high resistivity
The laminated-shale sequence assumes that beds can be
that a reasonable value for clay grain resistivity (RrcI)can-
treated as resistors in parallel. Inherent in this assumption
not be found with reasonable values of mcl. This could be
is that current flow is parallel to bedding. This means that
caused by shale S,,, less than 100% caused by active hydro-
to use this method two conditions must be fulfilled: 1) the
carbon generation. Another possibility might be that the
physical configuration of the clay should be exclusively as
“shale” being studied has a low clay content. The first
laminated shales; 2) current from the tool used to measure
true resistivity (R,) should flow parallel to bedding. In other problem might be solved by assuming a reasonable Rrci,
words, the tool should be an induction tool. while the second could be solved simply by using the
The laminated-shale method uses steps (1) through ( 5 ) unusually high value of Rrci. Another example of invalid
except that no correction factor for dispersed clay should be assumptions is a case where the adjacent shale is predomi-
used in step ( 5 ) . The following steps complete the sequence nantly kaolinite (relatively nonconductive), while the dis-
for the laminated-shale model: persed clay is montmorillonite (relatively conductive). One
6 . Calculate partially saturated sand resistivity (Rss): solution is to assume a value for Rrcibased on reasonable
values for the formation. Another problem area could arise
in situations where effective porosity is reduced by silt or
other finely crystalline rock that is undetected or underde-
tected by the usual ways. It might be possible to calculate
7. Calculate effective water saturation from the saturation an effective porosity and “clay” volume on the basis of
equation substituting R, for R, and sand variables for other methods such as from electromagnetic propagation
whole-rock variables: logs or shallow resistivity curves. Under such circum-
stances it would also be advisable to revise upward the
“clay” grain resistivity (Rrci).
(4) To adapt the dispersed-clay method to CEC data, further
investigation is needed into the relationships between grain
conductivity (Rr),cementation exponent (m),and CEC-type
(5) measurements such as Q,,. The theoretical background for
such adaptation could come from de Lima and Sharma’s
(1992) work. Other possible sources for adaptation include
B = R,,, - R, * ( H + 1) , (7) Sen and Goode (1988 and 1992).
and If water saturations for clean zones are coming out un-
reasonably low in fresher water environments, the sand may
-B-,/B2+4.H.R,.,,.(Rss-Rn,) have a higher grain resistivity. As stated earlier, clean-sand
Snse= . (6) grain resistivities can be 10,000 ohm-m and higher. In
2.4 sa Rnr higher resistivity environments, knowledge of produced-
water resistivity is highly desirable, because that knowl-
edge enables more precise determination of sand grain
8. If whole-rock saturation is needed, calculate it from Adaptation of the dispersed-clay shaly sand method to
Equation (10) solved for S,,,: high water-resistivity environments will require investiga-
tion into calculation of accurate clay-grain resistivity (Rrci)
Discussion on Calculation Sequences when the water resistivity (R,,,) approaches or exceeds wet-
clay resistivity ( R J . Possible routes to solution of this
If a clean, 100% water-saturated sand is available for problem could be from de Lima and Sharma’s (1 990) paper.
calculation of R,, it is more accurate to use the HB equation With shaly sand methods in general, much of the error
than Archie’s law, especially in areas of higher R,. The comes from the estimate of Vc/.There are some log exam-
main problem in using the HB equation is that it is not ples where shaly sands will calculate as negative satura-
directly solvable for either R , or R,. Equations such as these tions. In those cases it is likely that V,, has been
can be solved by using iterative computation techniques overestimated. In many of those cases Archie’s (1942)
such as the Newton-Raphson method. saturation methods are adequate. In fact, a quick check with

May-June 1996 The Log Analyst 23


Archie’s method might save time and is advisable before Dispersed-Clay Model on the Asquith (1990a, 1990b) Data
expending time and effort on any shaly sand method, espe-
The ultimate test of how well a saturation method works
cially when a high degree of accuracy is unnecessary.
is to try it on log data. Table 1 is a compilation of effective
It is possible to create a hybrid dispersed-clay/laminated-
saturations (S,,e) calculated on the data sets of Asquith
shale model by first removing the laminated shale and then
(1990a and 1990b) by the dispersed-clay model set forth in
treating the remainder of the clay as dispersed. First, calcu-
this article and by some other saturation models. As with all
late Vs,land V,, and then correct the calculated hybrid satu-
log examples, there is no right answer because the satura-
ration to either whole-rock saturation or effective
saturation. tions cannot be measured except through log analysis-cor-
When laboratory-derived saturation exponent ( n ) is rectness can only be inferred through production history.
available, apply it with the following equation: The example labeled “Eagle” is from Asquith (1990b);
the rest are Asquith (1990a). The saturations in the column
labeled “this article” were calculated with the standard
dispersed-clay sequence except for example 3, the
Cenientation exponent (in) is calculated in this way be- Spraberry data, and example 5, the Mississippian Chester
cause the derivation of the saturation relationship assumes data (these will be discussed in detail later). The saturations
labeled “Archie” were calculated from standard Archie
that 111 is equal to n.
( 1942) saturation calculations using cementation exponent
Although the methods have been set up for shaly sands,
and effective saturation calculated the same as “this arti-
they can easily be adapted to work on any two-component
cle.” In other words, the Archie calculations use the same
rock. They could also be extended to even more compo- sequence as this model except that R, is infinite. The sahi-
nents. For example, if a rock has sandstone interbedded rations from the other methods were calculated based on
with shale and chalk, the volumetric identities used to de- Asquith’s (1990) descriptions of those methods.
rive the effective porosity, clay porosity, and sand porosity In the Spraberry example (example 3), the adjacent shale
could be extended by including the chalk along with the shown on the log was extremely high, possibly indicating
shale fraction. The calculation of cementation factor would active hydrocarbon generation or another anomalous condi-
still be a simple volumetric weighted average, but of three tion. In lieu of a good shale resistivity (Rsl1),reasonable
components. The matrix resistivity could be extended in a guesses were made as to clay grain resistivity (R,/) and clay
similar manner. The main problem in this scheme would be cementation exponent (ni,/)of 5 ohm-m and 2.7, respec-
how to determine chalk versus clay volume. This might tively, and these were substituted directly into steps 8 and 9
require using a method such as that used by Guillotte et al. above. For the methods requiring Rshrthis was back-calcu-
( 1979) to calculate effective porosity and then using the
lated using the HB equation and the known R,, and oc, and
the same RVc/and ?n as above.
results to calculate the overall fraction of fine-grained ma-
On the Mississippian Chester (example 5) V,, calculated
terial. Apply methods such as these with caution, however, from the garnma and SP curves reportedly did not ade-
when calculating reserves near the top of large columtis of quately represent the change in effective porosity at depths
gas or oil. because chalk or other finely crystalline material of 5,728 and 5,736 ft (1745.9 and 1748.3 m), so Asquith
may be coarse enough to admit hydrocarbons when the used Guillotte et al.’s (1979) method for determining a
pressure from the buoyancy of the hydrocarbon column coinbined Archie ( 1942) cementation and saturation expo-
becomes great enough to overcome the entry pressure of the nent (I49and also effective saturation ($,,). Because V,, was
small pores. On the other hand, the high entry pressure not available this was back-calculated from 4,!. 4, and
means that the fine-grained material is likely to forcefully [Equation (8)]. V,, and $,, were then substituted into all the
expel its hydrocarbons. methods. On the “this article” colutnn, clay cementation
exponent and grain resistivity were made the same as their
CALCULATIONS ON LOG DATA sand counterparts, while in the “dual water” column Rsh was
arbitrarily set to 2 ohm-m. In addition, in the “this article”
These calculation sequences were used verbatim for and “Archie” columns, saturations were recalculated at
most of the results in this section. Except as noted in the 5,728 and 5.736 ft (1,745.9 and 1,748.3 m) using both $ e
descriptions below, m,/was set to 2.7 and ins0 was calcu- and the W exponent (to match Asquith’s calculations).
lated from the linear porosity relationship [Equation ( 1 l)]. All these shaly sandstones were productive. Overall, the
Other deviations from the calculation sequences are also dispersed-clay model seemed to work as well as or better
noted in the text. than the other models. One surprising result was that the
Eagle sandstone example appeared to calculate correctly
without the special correction for microporosity proposed

24 The Log Analyst May-June 1996

Effective-Medium Resistivity Models for Calculating Water Saturation in Shaly Sands

Table 1 : Swe calculations by the dispersed-clay model and various other models on examples from Asquith (1990a) and
Asquith (1990b).
Example Depth Depth This Archie Dual Simandeaux Fertl Alger Asquith
(ft) (m) article water

1 6550 1996.4 0.38 0.61 0.54 0.5 1 0.40

1 6566 200 1.3 0.5 1 0.66 0.63 0.57 0.51
1 6580 2005.6 0.43 0.59 0.57 0.53 0.42
1 6614 2015.9 0.3 1 0.63 0.49 0.48 0.36

2 3684 1122.9 0.35 0.65 0.5 1 0.58 0.48

2 3710 1130.8 0.2 1 0.93 0.47 0.65 0.62
2 3716 1132.6 0.23 1.11 0.50 0.7 1 0.69
2 3728 1136.3 0.32 0.81 0.54 0.65 0.57

3 7724 2354.3 0.41 0.58 0.39 0.54 0.48

3 7732 2356.7 0.30 0.41 0.33 0.45 0.38
3 7738 2358.5 0.42 0.50 0.44 0.53 0.46

4 9730 2965.7 0.42 0.53 0.54 0.54 0.58

4 9750 2971.8 0.37 0.54 0.49 0.53 0.56
4 9770 2977.9 0.3 1 0.59 0.45 0.54 0.55
4 9790 2984.0 0.39 0.5 1 0.50 0.52 0.55

5 5706 1739.2 0.16 0.24 0.28 0.25 0.23

5 5712 1741.0 0.22 0.27 0.32 0.29 0.28
5 5728 1745.9 0.66 0.74 0.92 0.70 0.67
5 5736 1748.3 0.68 0.78 0.83 0.72 0.60
'5 5728 1745.9 0.37 0.40 0.24 0.65 0.3 1
'5 5736 1748.3 0.46 0.48 0.39 0.72 0.34
"5 5728 1745.9 0.23 0.30 - - -
**5 5736 1748.3 0.36 0.4 1 - - -

Redfork 6680 2036.1 0.28 0.39 0.44 0.49 0.38

Eagle 1736 529.1 0.47 0.72 0.65 0.68 0.74

Eagle 1750 533.4 0.33 0.78 0.54 0.66 0.73
Eagle 1760 536.4 0.25 0.78 0.47 0.64 0.68
Eagle 1770 539.5 0.27 0.78 0.48 0.64 0.70

*Calculation using $, from Guillotte et al. (1979)

**Calculation using $, and Wfrom Guillotte et al. (1979)
~ ~

by Asquith. This might possibly be because the other meth- than the Archie calculations. It is important to remember
ods did not work well with the relatively high R, of 0.25 that sandstone matrix resistivity will have increased influ-

ohm -m.
The Archie calculations are a good yardstick for the
dispersed method. They should be the upper bound of cal-
culation since the Archie equation is essentially a reduction
ence as R, gets higher.
Another interesting point about the clean sands in exam-
ple 5 is that the other saturation models calculated higher
than Archie. This is probably because they assume m = 2.
of the new model with infinite grain resistivity. It is inter- Indeed, when m was set to 2 the Archie saturations came out
esting to note that at low water saturations, the amount of to 28% and 32% at 5,706 and 5,712 ft (1,745.9 and 1,748.3
water is small enough that the grain resistivity of clean m),respectively, and were identical to the dual-water and
sands (Vcr= 0) comes into play. A good example of this is Fertl calculations.
example 5 on Table 1 at 5,706 and 5.712 ft (1,739.2 and
1,741 m). V,, was zero for these two zones, yet the calcu-
lated saturations by the new method were 5% to 8% lower

May-June 1996 The Log Analyst 25


Table 2: Swe calculations by the dispersed-clay model from this article on log examples of low-resistivity sandstones
from Moore (1992). Rw was calculated in most cases from wet sands.

D-5 8540 2603.0 0.47+ D-39 10530 3209.5 0.41+

8566 2610.9 0.5 1+ 10544 3213.8 0.46
8585 2616.7 0.45+ 10548 3215.0 0.79
870 1 2652.1 1.oo 10594 3229.1 1 .oo
D-7 11520 351 1.3 0.29+ 10705 3262.9 0.93
11650 3550.9 0.5 1+ D-50* 10098 3077.9 0.25+
11750 358 1.4 0.28+ 0085 3073.9 0.19+
11830 3605.8 1.oo 0220 31 15.1 0.50
D-15 9790 2984.0 0.45+ 0276 3132.1 0.63
9810 2990.1 0.25 D-66 5920 1804.4 0.30+
9850 3002.3 0.62 5970 1819.7 0.26
9886 3013.3 0.68 5990 1825.8 0.30
9988 3044.3 1.oo 6030 1837.9 0.66
D-17 7388 225 1.9 1.oo 6044 1842.2 1.00
7448 2270.2 0.58+ D-79 73 14 2229.3 0.97
7482 2280.5 0.20+ 7354 2241.5 0.5 1+
7500 2286.0 0.05+ 7378 2248.8 0.49+
D-18 7130 2173.2 0.34+ D-113 8575 2613.7 0.97
7160 2 182.4 0.47 8600 2621.3 1 .oo
7180 2188.5 0.7 1 8650 2636.5 0.02+
7260 2212.8 1 .oo D-115 11050 3368.0 0.60+
D-29 7790 2374.4 0.72 11070 3374.1 0.47+
7820 2383.5 0.43+ 11095 3381.8 0.2 1
7840 2389.6 0.46+ 11124 3390.6 1 .oo
7890 2404.9 0.80 D- 120 9516 2900.5 0.70+
7900 2407.9 0.77 9526 2903.5 0.3 1+
7960 2426.2 0.99 9550 29 10.8 0.53
D-35 9034 2753.6 1.oo 9624 2933.4 0.50
9104 2774.9 0.43+ 9640 2938.3 0.46
9110 2776.7 0.69+ 9650 2941.3 0.60
9140 2785.9 0.85 9680 2950.5 0.76
9190 280 1 . 1 1.02 D-136 7055 2 1 50.4 0.54+
D-3 8 10142 3091.3 0.52+ 7062 2152.5 0.3 I +
10154 3094.9 0.45+ 71 10 2167.1 1.oo
10290 3136.4 0.98 7120 2 170.2 0.84

* R,,, calculated from SP

+ Within perforated interval

Dispersed-Clay Model on Low-Contrast, sands in the logged section. In most cases R , was calculated
Low-Resistivity Data from the wet sands using the HB equation, but in two cases
Because all Asquith’s (1990a, 1990b) sandstones were R , was calculated from SP. The model appeared to work
productive, there could be some skepticism that the dis- well and generally calculated high water saturations for the
persed-clay method might always calculate low ,SUje.To nonproductive sands and low saturations for the productive
investigate that possibility, some of the wells in Productive ones. The results for other saturation methods were similar
LOW Resistivity Well Logs of the OJfikore Gulf of Mexico to the results of example 4, the offshore example, on Table
(Moore, 1992) were worked using the new model (Table 2). 1.
The criteria for choosing these examples were that they
appeared to have wet sands along with proven productive

26 The Log Analyst May-June 1996

Effective-MediumResistivity Models for Calculating Water Saturation in Shaly Sands

While the calculation sequences defined here may be a
little more lengthy than most shaly sand techniques, the
variables and the concepts behind their calculation are easy
to understand. There are also few arbitrary constants or
approximations. By nature, constants must be derived em-
pirically, and empirically derived quantities can have prob-
lems when applied outside the conditions for which they

+-I:' I-,
0.0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5

Sample No.
were derived. Similarly, arbitrary approximations such as
setting m equal to 2 can erode the ability of a model to
change with changing conditions. The method described
here allows the log analyst to determine the variables in a
--Lanhted-shak &el straightforward manner and to change those variables as
conditions demand.
Figure 3: Calculations of Swe by the laminated-shale model Ideally, the log analyst should not have to choose differ-
from this article and by the dual-water model on the data from ent models for different conditions. Because the saturation
Etnyre (1993).The log example was originally published in model derived here is theoretical, it should be applicable
Vajnar et al. (1977).
under a much wider range of conditions than the present
models, thus freeing the log analyst from having to use
different models for different areas.
Laminated-Shale Model on the Etnyre (1993)
Low-Contrast, Low-Resistivity Data
The data from the Etnyre (1993) data set (originally I thank Robert R. Berg for introducing me to effective-medium
published in Vajnar et al.; 1977) are a good test of the theory and for his review of the manuscript and encouragementon
laminated-shale model because, according to Etnyre, R, is the project.
from an induction log and the clays are contained in lami-
nated shale. Figure 3 is a plot of the Entyre (1993) data set REFERENCES
with S, calculations from the dual-water model and the
Archie, G. E., 1942, The electrical resistivity log as an aid in
laminated-shale model presented here. The standard error determining some reservoir characteristics: Petroleum Tech-
between the two, relative to S,, of loo%, was 7%; the nologv, v. 1, p. 55-62.
average difference between the models was 5.9%, with the Asquith, G. B., 1990a, Log evaluation of shaly sandstone reser-
laminated-shale model usually being smaller. voirs: a practical guide: American Association of Petroleum
Geologists continuing education course note series 31,59 p.
CONCLUSIONS Asquith, G. B., 1990b, NWSE.BAS: BASIC<program for deter-
mining effective water saturation in shaly sands using percent-
Effective-medium theory can be successfully applied to
age of clay-bound water-tilled microporosity: Geobyte, v. 5,
published log examples using fairly simple calculation se- no. 3, p. 43-50.
quences. Although the results compared favorably with Berg, C. R., 1995, A simple effective-medium model for water
current shaly sand models, further work is needed to de- saturation in porous rocks, Geophysics, v. 60, no. 4, p.
velop crossplot techniques and empirical relationships for 1070-1080.
calculating input variables. For example, the mixing rela- Berg, R. R., 1975, Capillary pressures in stratigraphic traps:
tionship for mCland msa [Equation (13)] might be improved American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 59,
by using a nonlinear empirical relationship similar to that of no. 6, p. 939-956.
Sen and Goode (1988). Similarly, when integrating labora- Best, D. L., Gardner, J. S., and Dumanoir, J. L., 1978, A computer-
tory measurements, it is important to correct measurements processed wellsite log computation, paper 2, in 19th Annual
gathered at surface temperature and pressure for pressure Logging Symposium Transactions: Society of Professional
and temperature at depth. Well Log Analysts.
Bussian, A. E., 1983, Electrical conductance in a porous medium:
The assumptions set forward in the derivation of the
Geophysics, v. 48, p. 1258-1268.
dispersed-clay model, although fairly lengthy, imply that it Clavier, C., Coates, G., and Dumanoir, J., 1984, Theoretical and
should be valid for the vast majority ofreservoir conditions. experimental bases for the dual-water model for interpretation
Indeed, although empirical saturation models have no such of shaly sands: Society of Petroleum Engineers Journal, v. 24,
broad explicit assumptions, they necessarily have similar p. 153-168.
restrictions on their application because of the ranges of de Lima, 0. A. L. and Sharma, M. M., 1990, A grain conductivity
conditions encountered during their derivation. approach to shaly sandstones: Geophysics, v. 55, p. 1347-1356.

May-June 1996 The Log Analyst 21


de Lima, 0. A. L. and Sharma, M. M., 1992, A generalized Vajnar, E. A., Kidwcll, C. M., and Haley, R. A., 1977, Surprising
Maxwell-Wagner theory for membrane polarization in shaly productivity from low-resisistivity sands, paper EE, in 18th
sands: Geophysics, v. 57, p. 43 1 4 4 0 . Annual Logging Symposium Transactions: Society of Profes-
Etnyre, L. M., 1993, Comparative performance of a dual water sional Well Log Analysts, p. EEI-10.
modcl equation in laminar shaly sands, paper I, in 34th Annual Waxman, M. H. and Smits, L. J. M., 1968, Electrical conductivi-
Logging Symposium Transactions: Society of Professional ties in oil-bearing shaly sand: Society of Petroleum Engineers
Well Log Analysts, p. 11-25, Journal, v. 8, p. 107-122.
Guillotte, J. G., Schrank, J., and Hunt, E., 1979, Smackover reser- Waxman, M. H. and Thomas, E. C., 1974, Electrical conductivities
voir: interpretation case study of water saturation versus pro- in shaly sands: I. The relation between hydrocarbon saturation
duction: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies, and resistivity index; 11. The temperature coefficient of electri-
Transactions, v. 29, p. 121-126. cal conductivity: Journal of Petroleum Technology, Transac-
Hanai, T., 1960a, Theory of the dielectric dispersion due to the tions AIME, v. 257, p. 213-225.
interfacial polarization and its application to emulsions: Kol- Zemanek, J., 1989, Low-resistivity hydrocarbon-bearing sand res-
loid-Zeitschrift, v. 171, p. 23-31. ervoirs: Society of Petroleum Engineers Formation Evaluation,
Hanai, T., 1960b, a remark on “Theory of the dielectric dispersion December, p. 5 15-52 1.
due to the interfacial polarization and its application to emul-
sions: Kolloid-Zeitschrqt, v. 175, p. 61-62.
Herrick, D. C. and Kennedy, W. D., 1993, Electrical efficiency: a
pore geometric model for the electrical properties of rocks,
paper HH, in 34th Annual Logging Symposium Transactions:
Society of Professional Well Log Analysts ,p. HH1-HH9.
Herrick, D. C. and Kennedy, W. D., 1994, Electrical efficiency-a
pore geometric theory for interpreting the electrical properties
of reservoir rocks: Geoph-ysics,v. 59, p. 918-927.
Moore, D., 1993, ed., Productive low resistivity well logs of the
offshore Gulf ofMexico: Houston Geological Society and New
Orlcans Geological Society, A-1 to D-154.
Poupon, A,, Loy, M. E., and Tixier, M. P., 1954, A contribution to
electrical log interpretation in shaly sands: AIME Transactions,
V.201, p. 138-145.
Samstag, F. J., 1992, An effective-medium model for complex
conductivity of shaly sands in the salinity, frequency, and ABOUT THE AUTHOR
saturation domains: Texas A&M University Department of Charles R. Berg was graduated from the University of Texas
Geophysics Rock Physics Consortium, v. 4, 16 1 p. at Austin in 1974 with a BSc degree in geology and from the
Sen, P. N. and Goode, P. A., 1988, Shaly sand conductivity at low Colorado School of Mines in 1981 with an MSc in geology. Until
and high salinities, paper F, in 29th Annual Logging Sympo- 1987, most of his work was as a seismic interpreter with Phillips
sium Transactions: Society of Professional Well Log Analysts, Petroleum Co.; Terra Resources, Inc.; Trend Exploration, Ltd.; and
p. FI-10. Adobe Resources, Inc. He also spent a few years from 1981 to
Sen, P. N. and Goode, P. A , , 1992, Influence of temperature on 1985 as a consultant. In 1987, his interest in the water saturation
clectrical conductivity of shaly sands: Geophysics, v. 57, p. problem led to development geology work in the south Louisiana
89-96. area, including subsurface structural mapping and log analysis. At
Sen, P. N., Scala, C., and Cohen, M. H., 198 1, A self-similar model that time, Charles developed a strong interest in dipmeter interpre-
for sedimentary rocks with application to the dielectric constant tation. Since 1992, he has been involved in dipmeter interpretation
of fused glass beads: Geophysics, v. 46, p. 78 1-795. and the development of dipmeter interpretation software. Readers
Sherman, M. M., 1987, A model for the determination of water may contact Charles by mail at 4747 Research Forest Dr. #l80-
saturation from dielectric permittivity mcasurements: The Log 221, The Woodlands, Texas 77381; his e-mail address is
Analyst, v. 28, p. 282-288.; his telephone is 713-367-0843.

28 The Log Analyst May-June 1996

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