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SPINE Volume 29, Number 3, pp 311–317

©2004, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.

Force Production Parameters in Patients With Low

Back Pain and Healthy Control Study Participants

Martin Descarreaux, MSc,*† Jean-Sébastien Blouin, MSc,* and Normand Teasdale, PhD*

Epidemiological studies have shown that 50% to 80% of

Study Design. A control group study with repeated the population is affected by low back pain (LBP) at least
measures. once in a lifetime.1,2 In the United States, annual costs for
Objective. To compare isometric force production pa-
rameters in low back pain and healthy study participants.
low back disorders have been estimated to $100 billion.3
Summary and Background Data. Recent evidence sug- One factor explaining these enormous costs is the high
gests that chronic patients with low back pain exhibit rate of recurrence and chronic disability related to LBP
deficits in trunk proprioception and motor control. The disorders. As reported by Croft et al,4 the majority of
control of force and its between-trial variability are often
patients with LBP are still symptomatic after 1 year, with
taken as critical determinants of performance. We com-
pared various force time characteristics in patients with only 21% of patients being pain free and 25% of the
low back pain and healthy study participants. patients completely recovering from disabilities associ-
Methods. Fifteen control study participants and 16 pa- ated with their low back problems. Work and lifestyle
tients with low back pain participated in this study. Study have changed over the last decades and automation, ro-
participants were required to exert 50% and 75% of the
maximal trunk flexion and extension. In a learning phase,
botics, and prevention campaign have led to minimiza-
visual and verbal feedback was provided. Following these tion of heavy lifting and repetitive tasks in the working
learning trials, study participants were asked to perform and living environments. During this period of time,
10 trials without any feedback. Time to peak force, time to however, the incidence and costs of LBP kept rising.3
peak force variability, peak force variability, and absolute
error in peak force were calculated. Time to peak and peak
Diminution of mechanical loads and trunk forces devel-
dF/dt were computed to determine if the first peak of dF/dt oped during working activities does not seem to prevent
could predict the peak force achieved. LBP episodes. One could easily argue that muscular
Results. Two subgroups of patients with low back pain weakness is not the predominant factor in the develop-
were identified. Controls and patients with low back pain
ment and recurrence of LBP episodes. Indeed, most stud-
with more pain showed faster time to peak force than
patients with low back pain with less pain (331 ms and ies have indicated that isometric strength, by itself, is not
341 ms vs. 574 ms, respectively). Linear regressions related to risk of low back disorders.3
showed that, for control study participants and low back There is much recent evidence suggesting that patients
pain study participants with more pain, peak dF/dt ex- with chronic LBP exhibit deficits in proprioception and
plained 94.0% and 97.0% of the variance observed in peak
force while 84.4% was explained for low back pain study
trunk motor control. Changes in postural control,5 de-
participants with less pain. Peak force variability and ab- layed muscle responses to sudden trunk loading,6 in-
solute error in peak force were similar for all groups. creased trunk movement detection threshold,7 and in-
Conclusions. Patients with low back pain were able to creased repositioning errors in patients with LBP were
produce isometric forces with an accuracy similar to con-
recently reported.8 Hodges demonstrated that the orga-
trol study participants. The longer time to peak force and
the smaller percentage of variance observed for the linear nization of the trunk muscle responses (anticipatory pos-
regressions suggest that some patients with low back tural responses) is altered in study participants with
pain adopted a control mode that was less “open-loop.” It chronic LBP.9 When producing a fast unilateral flexion
is possible that this mode of producing forces results or abduction of the arm, patients with LBP showed de-
from an adaptation to chronic pain or tissue degenera-
tion. Spine 2004;29:311–317
layed transversus abdominis activation compared with
healthy study participants. In healthy study participants,
the transversus abdominis muscle activation preceded
the postural perturbation. Hodges proposed that these
changes could be explained by an alteration or adapta-
From *Faculté de Médecine, Division de Kinésiologie, U. Laval, and
†Département de Chiropratique, Université du Québec à Trois- tion in the planning of motor responses.9 Alternatively,
Rivières, Canada. Indahl et al have proposed that sensorimotor changes
Supported by FCQ and FCAR (M.D.) and by C1HR-CFCQ (J.-S.B.). could result from local alterations of the lumbar spine
Acknowledgment date: February 20, 2003. First revision date: May 13,
2003. Acceptance date: May 27, 2003. complex reflex system.10 Numerous mechanoreceptors
The manuscript submitted does not contain information about medical and nociceptors located in the intervertebral discs and
device(s)/drug(s). zygapophysial joints can modulate local paraspinal mus-
Federal and foundation funds were received in support of this work.
No benefits in any form have been or will be received from a commer- cle activity to control segmental stabilization.11,12 For
cial party related directly or indirectly to the subject of this manuscript. example, degenerative conditions of the lumbar tissues
Address correspondence to Martin Descarreaux, MSc, Cité Universi- can lower the threshold at which mechanical and pain
taire, Faculté de Médecine, Division de Kinésiolgie, PEPS local 00233,
Québec, Ste-Foy G1K 7P4; E-mail: martin.descarreaux@ receptors are activated.13 Impaired control of segmental motion and stabilization resulting from degenerative

312 Spine • Volume 29 • Number 3 • 2004

condition, pain, or previous low back injuries are possi- Table 1. Basic Data on Low Back Pain and Healthy
ble mechanisms that could explain the high recurrence Study Participants
rate of LBP injuries and the development of chronic pain
Controls [mean (SD)] LBP [mean (SD)]
and disabilities.10
Since repetitive activities requiring trunk forces pro- Subjects n ⫽ 15 n ⫽ 16
duction are often linked to the development of LBP, it is Age (yr) 38.2 (10.7) 41.1 (9.1)
Height (cm) 172.8 (6.4) 171.1 (7.0)
possible that alteration of force production parameters Weight (kg) 74.1 (15.2) 72.4 (13.9)
could partially point out the chronic changes and adap- Duration of LBP (mo) — 50.93 (16.4)
tations related to low back conditions.1,14 To our knowl- Oswestry index (%) — 26.8 (9.9)
VAS (mm)
edge, trunk isometric force production parameters and Before testing — 26 (17)
their variability have not been studied (in a motor con- After testing — 31 (15)
trol context) in LBP populations. The control of force
and its variability are at the heart of several motor con-
trol models aiming at the understanding of skillful be- end of the experiment were assessed using a standard 100-mm
havior. When a study participant attempts to produce a visual analog pain scale. Each LBP study participant filled out
given target force repeatedly, the between-trial variabil- the modified Oswestry questionnaire before the experiment.
ity of the force-time curves is often taken as a critical The control group consisted of 15 healthy study participants (9
determinant of performance. The underlying idea is that men, 6 women, mean age 38.2 years). Table 1 shows charac-
teristics of both the experimental and the control groups.
the initial impulse for producing the force can be related
Study participants were asked to exert 50% and 75% of the
to the muscular activity necessary to produce the maximal flexion and extension forces of trunk muscles against
action.15,16 a harness connected to an isometric testing apparatus (Loredan
Furthermore, force production spatiotemporal char- Biomedical, West Sacramento, CA). During the maximal vol-
acteristics measured in an isometric reproduction task untary contractions, study participants were encouraged ver-
have been proposed to reflect various limitations of the bally to give their maximum effort in both flexion and exten-
neuromuscular system.16 Using the first and second de- sion. The higher force value obtained in three consecutive
rivative of the force signal, Ghez and Gordon proposed a 4-second trials was used as the reference for maximal voluntary
model to examine the control strategy adopted by study contraction. Testing was done in a neutral standing posture.
participants in modulating the amplitude of isometric With their eyes closed, study participants had to learn to pro-
forces aimed at a target.15 To determine whether isomet- duce each of the four experimental conditions (50% and 75%
of the maximal isometric force in extension and flexion) within
ric trunk forces were similarly programmed in LBP and
an error margin of ⫾10%. For each trial, study participants
healthy study participants, we used the model proposed were instructed to produce a rapid isometric force as soon as
by Ghez and Gordon.15 If proprioception and motor they heard the start signal given by the experimenter. They
planning are affected by LBP, we should observe differ- were encouraged to produce a single impulse (“shoot and re-
ences in force production parameters between healthy lease”) and to make no attempt at correcting the force once the
and LBP study participants. Hence, the aim of this study contraction was initiated. After each learning trial, study par-
was to evaluate if patients with LBP can produce various ticipants opened their eyes and looked at their result on an
isometric extension and flexion forces with an accuracy, oscilloscope (visual accuracy feedback) located in front of
variability, and mode of control similar to those of them. They could then evaluate their performance and correct
healthy control study participants. it for the next trial, if necessary. The learning sequence stopped
when 5 consecutive trials were successfully made (within the
10% margin). Following these learning trials, study partici-
pants were asked to perform 10 consecutive trials without any
Force production parameters were measured in 16 study par- visual feedback. All conditions were performed by block. The
ticipants with chronic nonspecific LBP and in 15 control study number of learning trials needed for each of the four experi-
participants. Every study participant gave their informed writ- mental conditions was also calculated and submitted to a group
ten consent, and the study was approved by the Université by direction by force analysis of variance with repeated mea-
Laval (Canada) Ethics Committee. All study participants were sures on the last two factors. The analysis revealed no signifi-
recruited through local advertising. The experimental group cant effect (mean number of trials 15.8; P ⬎ 0.05).
(LBP) included 16 study participants (11 men, 5 women, mean For every trial (3 seconds), torque data were recorded at a
age 41.1 years) who had a history of chronic recurrent LBP that sampling rate of 500 Hz. Torque data were digitally filtered
lasted for at least 6 months. Exclusion criteria for both groups with a seventh-order Butterworth filter (7 Hz low pass cutoff
were as follows: 1) spondylolisthesis or spondylolysis, 2) anky- frequency). Onset of force and peak force were then deter-
losing spondylitis, 3) spinal osteoarthritis or inflammatory ar- mined in every trial for each study participant. Using this in-
thritis, 4) nerve root compression, 5) trunk neuromuscular dis- formation, time to peak force, time to peak force variability,
ease, 6) scoliosis (ⱖ15°), 7) previous spinal surgery, 8) peak force variability, as well as absolute error in peak force
malignant tumor, 9) hypertension, 10) pregnancy, and 11) were calculated for each condition. Absolute error in peak
breastfeeding. Lateral and anteroposterior radiographic films force represents the positive difference between the reached
of the lumbar spine (including pelvis) were taken to rule out the peak force and the goal peak force, whereas time to peak rep-
possibility of congenital, degenerative, or inflammatory dis- resents the period of time between the beginning of rising force
eases of the lumbar spine. Pain levels at the beginning and the and the maximal force obtained in the trial. Peak dF/dt was also
Force Production Parameters • Descarreaux et al 313

Table 2. Basic Data on Low Back Pain Subgroups indication of a preprogrammed or open-loop mode of
LBPshort LBPlong
[mean(SD)] [mean(SD)]
Subjects n⫽7 n⫽9
Age (yr) 39.7 (12.7) 42.1 (10.1) Both groups demonstrated similar maximal flexion and
Height (cm) 173.6 (7.4) 169.4 (7.9)
Weight (kg) 68.1 (15.2) 75.4 (13.9) extension forces. On average, the peak flexion and peak
Duration of LBP (mo) 52.4 (12.8) 45.5(17.4) extension forces were 179.5 Nm and 231.5 Nm, respec-
Oswestry index (%) 26.0 (9.3) 27.4 (10.8) tively (P ⬎ 0.05 for the main effects of group). As re-
VAS (mm) before testing* 43 (9) 14 (8)
ported in Table 1, pain levels of the LBP study partici-
* Significant difference (P ⬍ 0.001).
pants, measured with the visual analog pain scale, did
not vary significantly during the course of the experiment
computed to examine if the first peak of dF/dt could predict the (P ⬎ 0.05). A first analysis of the force-time curves, how-
peak force achieved. Linear regressions were calculated for ever, revealed that LBP study participants were not a
each study participant, and a high r2, indicating that the first homogeneous group. They could clearly be separated
peak of dF/dt could predict the peak force, was taken as an according to the time they took to achieve the various

Figure 1. A: Time to peak force

(95% confidence interval) for LBP
subgroups and control group. B:
Time to peak force variability
(95% confidence interval) for LBP
subgroups and control group.
314 Spine • Volume 29 • Number 3 • 2004

Figure 2. A: Typical force and

dF/dt curves illustrating the mean
(SD is represented by the dashed
line) of 10 consecutive flexion tri-
als (without feedback) for a typ-
ical control subject, LBPshort and
LBPlong subject. B: This figure
clearly illustrates that LBPlong
subjects used a longer time to
peak force and showed more
than one peak in the first time
derivative of the force signa.

force levels. Seven LBP study participants showed time to reported by the LBPlong subgroup (43 mm vs. 14 mm; P
peak force similar to those observed for healthy study ⬍ 0.001). A reanalysis of the maximal peak flexion and
participants. For these LBP study participants, all times peak extension forces showed that the three groups were
to peak force were within 1 standard deviation of the not different (P ⬎ 0.05 for the main effects of group). All
mean time to peak force observed for healthy study par- subsequent analyses included three groups (healthy
ticipants. For the nine other LBP study participants, the study participants, LBPshort and LBPlong), and force-
time to peak force was beyond 3 standard deviations of dependent variables were submitted to group by direc-
the time to peak force observed for healthy study partic- tion by force level (3 ⫻ 2 x 2) analysis of variance with
ipants. For this reason, we decided to create two sub- repeated measures on the last two factors.
groups from the original LBP group. Characteristics of Not surprisingly, the average time to peak force was
the two subgroups, therein called LBPshort and LBPlong significantly longer for the LBPlong than for the LBPshort
are presented in Table 2. It is interesting to note that the and healthy study participants (574 ms vs. 341 ms and
LBPshort subgroup reported pain scores (visual analog 331 ms, respectively; F2,28 ⫽ 11.47, P ⫽ 0.0002 for the
pain scale) that were significantly higher than the scores main effect of group). This observation is illustrated in
Force Production Parameters • Descarreaux et al 315

Figure 1A. For all groups, the time to peak force was trunk isometric force production were found within the
longer when producing extension than flexion forces initial LBP group. Consequently, two different LBP sub-
(446 ms vs. 385 ms, respectively; F1,27 ⫽ 9.02, P ⫽ groups were defined: one subgroup exhibited time to
0.006). The main effect of force level and all interactions peak force values much higher than the control group,
were not significant (P ⬎ 0.05). Figure 1B shows similar and a second subgroup showed time to peak values sim-
observations for the time to peak force variability (82 vs. ilar to the control group.
41 and 40 ms for the LBPlong, LBPshort, and healthy study The control group and the LBPshort subgroup demon-
participants, respectively; F2,28 ⫽ 7.34, P ⫽ 0.003). The strated high r2 values between the first peak of dF/dt and
main effects of force level and direction and all interac- the peak force achieved. In other words, the control
tions were not significant (P ⬎ 0.05). Figure 2 illustrate study participants and LBP short study participants
force-time curves and their first derivative for a typical showed force parameters that reflected a preplanned
control study participant and for one typical study par- force response characterized by a pulse height control.17
ticipant of each LBP subgroup. Each curve is an average The lower r2 values for the LBPlong study participants
of 10 consecutive flexion trials, and all curves were syn- suggest that these study participants used a rise time reg-
chronized on force onset (vertical dashed line). ulation strategy. For control study participants, such a
The first derivative of force shows not only a longer strategy has been suggested to help in reducing response
duration of force production but also a different control variability.17,18 As noted above, the LBPlong subgroup
strategy for the LBPlong than for the LBPshort and healthy scored lower pain level at the time of testing compared
study participants. The dF/dt curve for the LBPlong shows with the LBPshort subgroup (43 mm vs. 14 mm). At the
that the impulse was characterized by two peaks, a small present, it is difficult to draw any direct association be-
initial peak followed by a more important peak dF/dt. tween pain levels at the time of testing and the force rise
Some LBPlong study participants showed three peaks for times observed; it is nevertheless possible that the longer
a number of trials. force rise times for these study participants emerged
No group difference was observed for peak force vari- from a direct strategy to control and limit pain. Pain at
ability (6.6, 7.7, and 8.8 Nm for the LBPlong, LBPshort, the time of testing, however, does not always account for
and healthy study participants, respectively; P ⬎ 0.05) the pattern of sensory pain perception experienced by the
and absolute errors (11.1, 11.9, and 14.1 Nm for the study participants over a defined period of time.4 For
LBPlong, LBPshort, and healthy study participants, respec- instance, Al-Obaidi et al19 reported results supporting
tively; P ⬎ 0.05). Peak force variability was more impor- the hypothesis that spinal physical capacity in chronic
tant for the extension than for the flexion forces (8.5 Nm LBP is not explained solely by the sensory perception of
vs. 6.7 Nm; F1,28 ⫽ 6.84, P ⫽ 0.014). Similarly, absolute pain at the time of testing. In their experiment, the antic-
errors were more important for the extension than ipation of pain and the fear-avoidance belief about phys-
for the flexion forces (14.4 Nm vs. 10.7 Nm; F1,28 ⫽ ical activities better predicted the variation in spinal ex-
8.40, P ⫽ 0.007). The main effects of force level and tension isometric strength than the pain intensity at the
all interactions were not significant for both variables time of testing. An alternative cognitive strategy (fear of
(P ⬎ 0.05). pain) aimed at limiting the rate of force development by
As mentioned above, linear regressions between peak trunk muscles could have been used by LBPlong study
dF/dt and peak force were also computed to examine if participants to avoid potential pain during the experi-
the first peak of dF/dt could predict the peak force mentation. Since all study participants with LBP pro-
achieved. High r2 indicates that the first peak of dF/dt duced maximal voluntary contractions similar to the
could predict the peak force; this can be taken as an control group and since none showed increased pain dur-
indication of a preprogrammed or open-loop mode of ing the experiment, we suggest that increased pain or fear
control. A lower r2 indicates less stereotypical force re- of pain related to the experiment is probably not an im-
sponses. On average, peak dF/dt explained 94.2% and portant factor explaining the group differences. Oddsson
97.0% of the variance observed in peak force for the et al20,21 have proposed that the observed changes in the
control study participants and the LBPshort subgroup, trunk muscular activity (median frequency and EMG
respectively. The r2 for the LBPlong study participants root mean square amplitude) could result from subtle
was 84.4. A one-way analysis of variance showed that postural adjustments that were developed during the
this difference was statistically significant (F2,28 ⫽ 6.31, acute phase to avoid pain. These changes would eventu-
P ⫽ 0.005). Hence, LBPlong study participants were less ally become “normal” behavior for the individuals with
consistent in regulating their force rise time. chronic LBP.20,21 Similar sensorimotor adaptations in
the force production parameters could explain the differ-
Discussion ences observed between the two LBP subgroups. Further
In the current study, isometric force production param- studies are needed to explore the possible acquisition of
eters among patients with chronic nonspecific LBP and different control strategies for the production of trunk
healthy control study participants were evaluated to de- isometric force.
termine if there were any differences between these pop- As shown by Hodges,9 changes in the organization of
ulations. Differences in the temporal characteristics of feedforward postural responses of trunk muscles in study
316 Spine • Volume 29 • Number 3 • 2004

participants with LBP could be explained by alterations related to low back injuries could be useful in identifying
in motor planning rather than by alterations of the de- the stage of the condition as well as in the prescription of
scending drive. Such alterations could explain the differ- appropriate rehabilitation protocols.
ences in force rise times observed in LBPlong subgroup.
While our data on isometric force production parameters
cannot point out the neurophysiological origin of the Key Points
observed differences between LBP subgroups, adaptation ● Force production parameters were measured in
to chronic pain, presence of pain at the time of testing, LBP and healthy subjects.
and modification in motor planning are plausible mech- ● Some LBP subjects used a different motor control
anisms explaining the observed behavior. strategy to produce isometric trunk forces.
Maximal voluntary trunk flexion and extension were ● Adaptation to chronic pain, presence of pain at
similar for the three groups. These results contrast with the time of testing and modification in motor plan-
those of Alston et al22 and Thorstensson and Arvidson23 ning are plausible mechanisms explaining the ob-
who observed reduced trunk muscle maximal voluntary served behavior.
contractions in patients with LBP. For both groups, how- ● Future studies will be needed to document the
ever, maximal trunk extension force was higher than force production parameters throughout the evolu-
maximal trunk flexion force. This seems to be a general tion of LBP.
feature of healthy and LBP populations.24 Peak force
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