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Christine Bautista
Noelie Vina Bactat
Kyla Tanuco

There’s more customer satisfaction than customer service. The most pleasant

experience with a person can’t make up for bad food, faulty products. There are so

many factors that can affect the moral character of the vendor towards the customer

satisfaction one is the attitude, and attitudes depend on what a customer experiences

with the service. It is these customer experiences especially negative ones that are

most influential on customer loyalty and value. In order to build better relationship with

customer is having a good personality.

In recent times, customer satisfaction has gained new attention within the context of the

paradigm shift from transactional marketing to relationship marketing (Grönroos, 1994;

Sheth & Parvatiyar, 1994), which refers “to all marketing activities directed toward

establishing, developing, and maintaining successful relational exchanges” (Morgan &

Hunt, 1994, p. 22). In numerous publications, satisfaction has been treated as the

necessary premise for the retention of customers, and therefore has moved to the

forefront of relational marketing approaches (Rust & Zahorik, 1993). Kotler sums this up

when he states: “The key to customer retention is customer satisfaction” (Kotler, 1994,

p. 20). Consequently, customer satisfaction has developed extensively as a basic

construct for monitoring and controlling activities in the relationship marketing concept.
This is exemplified through the development and publication of a large number of

company, industry-wide, and even national satisfaction indices (E. W. Anderson,

Fornell, & Lehmann, 1994; Fornell, 1992; Fornell, Johnson, Anderson, Cha, & Bryant,

1996). The link between satisfaction and the long-term retention of customers is

typically formulated by marketing practitioners and scholars in a rather categorical way,

and is therefore treated as the starting point, rather than the core question of the

analysis (see, for the practitioners’ side, e.g., Naumann & Giel, 1995; Quartapelle &

Larsen, 1994, and for the academics, e.g., Engel, Blackwell, & Miniard, 1993; Kotler,

1994; Woodruff, 1993). Or, as LaBarbera and Mazursky point out: “The assumption that

satisfaction/dissatisfaction meaningfully influences repurchase behavior underlies most

of the research in this area of inquiry” (1983, p. 400). Consequently, only a few

researchers have investigated the nature and extent of the relation between satisfaction

and retention itself (Bloemer & Poiesz, 1989).

The recent growth of international business activities by entrepreneurial firms has been

phenomenal. The early internationalization of relatively new entrepreneurial ventures

has received considerable attention in the literature (Zahra et .al, 2000 ; McDargael and

Oviatt, 2000 ; Hitt et al.. 2001; Sbrahim and Mcguire, 2001). Indeed international activity

is a key element of entrepreneurship. Research studies suggest that, as part of the

entrepreneurial process, most entrepreneurs perceive international opportunities from

the first day they start their business (Zachanakis,1997; Oviatt and McDougall,1994).

The entrepreneurial process includes identifying and assessing the opportunity and

marshalling the resources to exploit it (Ibrahim and Ellis,2002). In other words

entrepreneurs are opportunity-driver regardless of the location be it domestic or

international opportunity. Entrepreneurs person trails and backgrounds drive them to

scan the environment ( local or international) looking for market opportunities McDougall

and Oviatt (2002) define international entrepreneurship as the combination of

innovative, proactive and risk-seeking behaviour that crosses national borders and

indented to create value in organizations.

Despite the growing interest of international entrepreneurship, most research studies in

international business tend to fucos on large multinational enterprises (MNEs) as the

traditional unit of analysis (Brush,1995; Coviello and McAuley,1999; Oviatt and

McDougall,200; Ibrahem and McGuire 2001). While the theoretical contributions offered

in the international literature have added much to over understanding of the

internalization motive and process in the context of large organizations, most of these

frameworks have proved to be too limited to explain the entrepreneurs internalization

motive and process.

1. What is the level of Moral Character of the Vendors in Philippine Women’s
College of Davao in terms of:
1.1 Competitive Strategy; and
1.2 Efficiency?
2. What is the Level of Customers Satisfaction in Philippine Women’s College of
Davao in terms of:
2.1 Service Quality
2.2 Product; and
2.3 Customers Trust?
3. Is there a significant relationship between the Moral Character of the Vendors
and Customers Satisfaction in Philippine Women’s College of Davao?

This study is guided by the null hypothesis tested at 0.05 level of significance
Ho1: There is no significant difference in the Level of Moral Character of the Vendors in
Philippine Women’s College of Davao.
Ho2: There is no significant difference in the Level of Customers Satisfaction in
Philippine Women’s College of Davao.
Ho3: There is no significant relationship between the Moral Character of the Vendors
and Customers Satisfaction in Philippine Women’s College of Davao.

This study will be guided by the conceptual framework below:

Moral Character Customers

 Competitive
Strategy  Food Quality
 Efficiency  Product
 Service

Quantitative Research is a type of study that involves the process of analyzing
numerical data using statistical techniques. The researchers will use a descriptive-
correlational type of research. The descriptive method will be used to determine the
level of work engagement and job satisfaction. The correlation method will determine
the significant relationship between the work engagement and job satisfaction of
Philippine Women’s College of Davao employees.
The respondents of this study will take a sample of 30 employees from chosen
through random sampling. The employees will be from Philippine Women’s College of
Davao, University Avenue Juna Subdivision, Davao City, 8000 Philippines. An informed
will be included in the survey to protect their identity as respondents.

No. Item Statement Reference / RRL

1 At my work, I sell products that are out of my According to Piwowar, 2012 that
competitors. competitivenss is the primary
2 requirement
I sell products that are affordable than the products of my not only for
competitors. companies to function. A level-
3 I wake up early in the morning to cook more food. by-level competitiveness
assessment is also worthy of
4 I use appropriate words to communicate with my special attention in economics.
Rasulova, A., Bolatkyzy, S.,
5 At my job, I sell product that need by the customers.
Elshibaev, R., Raiymbekova, A.,
& Tursynbayeva, D. (2018).
Comparative Analysis of the
Competitiveness of Food
Markets: The Case of
6 The staff works very well. According to Bărbulescu and
Bălteanu 2012 the study of the
7 The company was well organized. purchasing behaviour and
consumption products
8 We put a lot effort to make our products perfectly. represents, for managers, an
important source of information
9 I am proud of the work that I do
that can be used to substantiate
10 I value all the effort the market strategies that
managers seek to plan and
implement in order to increase
the efficiency of the activity of
their companies.
Neacsu, N. A. (2015).
Implementation of ISO 22000-a
tool to increase business
efficiency and customer
satisfaction. A Case Study: SC
Prodlacta Brasov. Bulletin of the
Transilvania University of
Brasov. Economic Sciences.
Series V, 8(2), 105.
No. Item Statement Reference / RRL
1 I cook delicious meal. According to (Namkung & Jang,
2007) food quality has largely
2 I serve hot food. been acknowledged as an
important component in the
3 The products are too soft. operation of any restaurant, and
therefore, it has a main influence
4 The quality of food was excellent. on customer satisfaction and
future purchase intention.
5 The food was very tasty.
Hanaysha, J. (2016). Testing the
effects of food quality, price
fairness, and physical
environment on customer
satisfaction in fast food
restaurant industry. Journal of
Asian Business Strategy, 6(2),
6 The products are affordable According to Zeithaml (1988),
"quality can be defined broadly
7 Our product is for everyone. as superiority or excellence".
Here, Kotler and Armstrong
(2012) described that "product is
anything that can be offered to a
market for attention, acquisition,
use, or consumption that MIGHT
satisfy a want or need

Razak, I., Nirwanto, N., &

Triatmanto, B. (2016). The
impact of product quality and
price on customer satisfaction
with the mediator of customer
value. Journal of Marketing and
Consumer Research, 30(1), 59-
8 We give the right order of the customers. According to Parasuraman et, at,
1985 that quality of service is
9 We serve the meal fast as we can. affected by service anticipated and
service perceived. If services are
received as expected, the quality of
10 The staff serve the food neat and clean service is satisfactory, but if the
services received exceed their
expectations, customers will be
pleased and perceive the quality of
service as excellent and vice versa

Hussain, R., Al Nasser, A., &

Hussain, Y. K. (2015). Service
quality and customer satisfaction
of a UAE-based airline: An
empirical investigation. Journal
of Air Transport
Management, 42, 167-175.

Name: _________________ (Optional)

Age: ______ Position: ___________ Years of Service: ____________
Directions: Please read each statement carefully and decide if you ever feel this way
about your job and the company itself. Kindly tick (/) the appropriate response based on
your perception or view of the statements below.
STATEMENT 5 4 3 2 1
1. At my work, I sell products that are out of my competitors.
2. I sell products that are affordable than the products of my
3. I wake up early in the morning to cook more food.
4. I use appropriate words to communicate with my customers.
5. At my job, I sell product that need by the customers.
6. The staff works very well.
7. The company was well organized.
8. We put a lot effort to make our products perfectly.
9. I am proud of the work that I do.
10. I value all the effort.
11. I cook delicious meal.
12. I serve hot food.
13. The products are too soft.
14. The quality of food was excellent.
15. The food was very tasty.
16. Our products are affordable
17. Our product is for everyone.
18. We give the right order of the customers.
19. We serve the meal fast as we can.
20. The staffs serve the food neat and clean.

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