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Uthrania Seila Sentana-Ries

Published by

Sentana-Ries Publishing Company

P.O. Box 99

Ryley, Alberta, Canada

T0B 4A0

Extraordinary (Mini-Series)

2020 Edition

Copyright 2020 by Reni and Uthrania Seila Sentana-Ries

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced without written
permission from the publisher, except by a reviewer, who may quote brief passages;
nor may any part of this book be reproduced, translated in part or in whole, nor
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise, without
written permission from the publishers.




Table Of Contents

1. The "Extraordinary!" - A Peek Into Paradise!!! (Mini-Series

Part One)…………………………………………………………………………………04

2. The "Extraordinary!" - What Is A Paradisaical World? (Mini-

Series Part Two)………………………………………………………………...……08

3. The “Extraordinary!” What Kind Of Music Exists On A

Paradisiacal World? (Mini-Series Part Three)…………………………13

4. The “Extraordinary!” “Is Telepathy A Gift Or A Right?” (Mini-

Series Part Four)……………………………………………………………………..19

5. "Extraordinary!” “What And Where Is Heaven And

Hell?” (Mini-Series Part Five)…………………………………………………..23

6. “Extraordinary!” Project Blue Beam - Are The Christians

Correct? Maybe Not...Quite (Mini-Series Part Six)……………………30

7. "Extraordinary" - Is Love Really Just Enough To Bring In

Paradise For All? (Mini-Series Part Seven)………………………………39

The "Extraordinary!" - A Peek Into
Paradise!!! (Mini-Series Part One)

In every Era there is a gate, and within, there is no hate. Come and going to
serve below is the higher formation to engage a soul. - Uthrania Seila Sentana-
Ries Cortez

Introduction Into A Paradisical Way Of Behaving Toward

"ALL" Sentient Beings

ALL Sentient beings are equal!

Dear readers and wise Ones whose task and Mission is to bring knowledge to
the peoples of this planet earth, Angorius as we term it to be, in answering
questions of such nature regarding animal vs. human sentient behavior patterns
in apropos to just “how” our forefathers and foremothers of the much higher

elevation of creators being as our great grandparents many eons
removed, regard the evolutionary state of the ones here today who reside
upon this particular earth, of which there are many in sequence of the same
and exact elevated attire or should we say less elevated attire toward their own
understanding of the Universal Total of that, which “within” they reside. –
Uthrania Seila Sentana-Ries Cortez

The Mystifying Essence Of True Creationary Expression In

Paradise Answers: "Are These Sentient Beings?"

Table 1 Universal Image from a Pink Person

When a soul's reaction to the Oneness of beingness he or she has cultivated

toward another person whether that person be a goat, a calf, a hog, a fish, a
crab, a lobster, a seal, an elephant, a walrus, a giraffe, a rhinosaurus, a cat, a
dog, a hen, a rooster, a duck, a HUman, or an ostrich, for example, RESULTS
in ACTION toward the GOOD and positive action for the safekeeping of his
or her neighbour subjecting the Oneness not to just a relative species or
breed, then indeed paradise can, will, and is attained at that very critical

And just as quickly, can paradise be lost.

(Notation: rhinosaurus is the original spelling of the word as brought by the

seeders of civilization on this account. - Uthrania)

This Harmony Between A Holy Universal Female And Her
“Family Member” Is A-Typical Soul Attitude In Paradise

Universal message from a little pig

There are many levels of paradise, dear Ones, and those are actually your
recorded “dimensions.”

The recorded “dimensions” are “worlds or planets” and not a loosely woven
etheric mystifying existence of souls in non-HUman form.

The HUman form once passing out of its last casing, or body, always stays in
its latter format save that of a higher and less denser frequency of calibration
with its surroundings. This is why people tend to “see” the so-called “dead” after
they pass out of their bodies. Yes, they see them, most definitely.

Of the first dimension, or world, or planet where a paradisaical societal

structure has been set up and to where many of you will be
evacuated, there is a gentle shifting of vibration frequencies, and those of
higher evolved understandings will have finally earned the right to reside and
be One with the civilization who have attained toward themselves, that finality,
if they wish, of not having to return to the lower “planes” of under-
developed conscious behavior.

Therein, though blindness may still occur at this level there are many
reductions in sight loss due to the extreme research of scientific
development, and a sentient being such as Bentley would indeed be not only
found in a hospital, but eye surgery would be a promised hope depending upon
the progress of such discipline in previous surgical attention.

The HUmans' Equal The Crow Toward Being Receptive To
Their Own Habitual Needs

Universal message from a crow

Upon a paradisaical world the H=Holy = moral and ethical U=universal =

observing by actions the Oneness of beingness within the Universe in its
Totality (Human) understands fully and therefore cooperates with all sentient
beings around his/herself. – Uthrania Seila Sentana-Ries Cortez

The "Extraordinary!" - What Is A
Paradisaical World? (Mini-Series Part Two)
Paradise is a "normal" world. It is the cultivation of the species which regulates
and proves whether or not it exists as a world of paradise. - Uthrania Seila
Sentana-Ries Cortez

Introduction To The Worlds After The Evacuation

There are many worlds

Dear Readers and all who serve to venture into our pages of Universal
History within its Totality, herein do we greet you.

Subjective to the eclipse of your minds is the ironic juncture from where
didst you all Once originate, and, will indeed you be returned to such places or
practicalities of worlds or planets as once promised by those whose
transportation of your bodily casings encapsulating your souls, commence?

We are here to explain throughout the Mini-Series the answers to a few of

the most thought of and unthought of, captivating questions. - Uthrania
Seila Sentana-Ries Cortez

The Question: "Paradise - Which World Is It And Does It Have

Paradise is always without borders!

Many fine people ask: Where does religion fit in? Well, we can guarantee you
that religion fits in nowhere, save that on worlds of behavior contrary to the
Universal academics of “normality.”

You see, loved Ones, there is no such thing as one pressing oneself down upon
another to demand nor to expect to be worshiped within an efficient
working paradisaical system of behavior because expecting one to set
oneself up as a deity over another is nothing more than self-serving, egotistical,
and a prime waste of another’s life event.

Worship is also contrary to the laws or principles of nature.

To worship another is to worship yourself! Why is this then? Simply

stated: As we all belong to the same creation, and birthed from many
diverse universal species and mothers and fathers, we are ONE within the
Total or Wholeness of all Universal design.

Paradise does not uphold laws of this sort. We do not use the term laws for
we make no laws to serve until the humanities; rather we call our provisions
our “principles.”

Why is this? Simply because at even the first rung or paradisaical level of
one’s journeyings one no longer must bow or cower under lower man’s
laws or provisions for himself due to their lower-evolved egotistical greed
and wont of sadistical accumulation of power put in place in order to
govern nor to be governed in the correct and concise manner.

What About The Many Mansions You Say Jesus Promised?

The universe is teeming with life

First of all, there are many planets which house many nations of peoples within
many galaxies within many universes.

Upon starship evacuation, those of you who do not run away but prepare
to board will be taken to a world best suited for your own soul’s growth and of
that world will you be given a shelter. It is not a mansion as you understand a
mansion to be. Your house will be a simple dwelling built by others for your

What you build for yourselves following that will be a decision you will
coordinate with others of like mind and work to build together.

As many of you upon this particular planet or world have incarnated

together you will undoubtedly be taken to a world of like manner. And the
inhabitants will therein be expecting you. It will be a type

of homecoming with all the natural excitement and food and interest people
display and prepare for guests.

This may be only a temporary place of residence or you may wish to live out
your incarnation with these friends and family and those whome ye ones
designed to be with of your own level of evolvement within the landing party. It
will be an exciting time for the lot of you!

Where To Now? What Indeed Is The Rapture And How And


The Rapturous Embrace!

No Christed One promises anyone literal mansions, dear Ones. Why is this?
Simply because he or she cannot make such a promise.

Those are the words of the Hell-ions in order to further “trick” you, the
unsuspecting people of Liturgy (among all others of varying religious decree
and whom have had their original history ripped cruelly from them and well
hidden) into believing if you only listen to their teachers of the world’s
religious establishments, and pay them homage and “money” (tithes)

then you will be sure to live in luxury in one of these mansions one fine
day or evening when you “die.”

Tell us, dear Ones, did you know that there actually is no death of the soul,
and that the soul when leaving the body does not even realize it has already

The only time a complete extinguishing of a soul occurs is when the soul has
passed into such state as a total reformatting or beginning is necessary. When
the soul has diminished its capabilities to such extent that to allow it to continue
existing would be an unmerciful action of conscience by the High Councils of
Highly Evolved Men and Women in their fullness of consensus toward the
universal principles of the Total or Whole.

Ye Ones have been severely lied to more times than enough, and it is high
time each one of you woke completely up “BEFORE” Ye Ones miss your
next evacuation up into the ships awaiting in the clouds!

THIS is the meaning of your rapture!!!

his is the nature of your RAPTURE as bespoken of long seasons and yet
not so very long ago.

- Uthrania Seila Sentana-Ries Cortez

The “Extraordinary!” What Kind Of Music
Exists On A Paradisiacal World? (Mini-
Series Part Three)
When we stray away from home the soul grows fonder not, for the
implementation of all is drawn in a line of music sought. – Uthrania Seila
Sentana-Ries Cortez

Introduction To Music In Paradise

Dear Ones, the soul, each soul structure, such as the helixes are
ingrained with notes. These notes are charred cells of a sort, when the music
of the universe, the sounds which enlighten the heart chakra with the temperate
breeze of silence, you say? dulls its way inward into a vaste enclave and lies
dormant to the inner hearing of a beautiful play.

But nay, no silence ever exists throughout the temporal world, and the
universe so fraught with ingestion of another sort; space frequencies that do
not belong there will surely take of the good and the wise to temper the
over-drought bringing all majesty back into the world of worlds, each
planet firmly nestled within the arms of the Universal Total with the music
and the serenade of each wisp and light, for the music so embraced within
each soul needs further cultivation, and the forested land upon each
world duly will triple the most enlightening experience.

Welcome to Part Three of The “Extraordinary!” What Kind Of Music Exists

On A Paradisaical World?

Now let us examine the universal and creationary structure of "Music in Our
Souls" and how exactly did it get there and what indeed cultivated and
nourished it?

We greet you this day, and now for our display headily listen, and listen up
well, for it is only the music that is within each soul which you need not
dispel! – Uthrania Seila Sentana-Ries Cortez

How Did Music First Enter Into Each Soul Structure?

Music in paradise!

Since The Inception Of Our Atomic/Molecular Creation we have had

ingrained within each cellular structure that hylinx of “notes,” in order
that each soul may better “tune-into” the vibrational frequencies of all that
is around us.

You see, dear Ones, music was our first integrated universal
language. We dealt in nothing more than vibrational frequencies which
embedded and created the space within each atomic/molecular structure of
each and every participating cell within our soul structure which is a
symphony in itself not only tuning itself into receiving the vibrations and
translating those vibrations into music, melody, and harmonics, but
indeed, cultivating those always present sounds or frequencies flowing
ever-present throughout the universe (for we began with One universe) and
transmitting those sounds or frequencies into many different dialects as
the events began to unfold, bringing new sounds to the majesty of the entire
creationary body, each soul, each plant, each animal, and each new world
within the segment of its own galaxy and universe, but that indeed is a story
for another day.

Good Morning, Good Evening, and Good Night for the rest of ye whose
souls are so tired and weary that rest eludes you simply because the harmonics

of the day were not simple and cultured, but rather the dramatic all too often
takes the peace far away - Peace indeed you Ones need and peace be
upon ye all! - Uthrania Seila Sentana-Ries Cortez

In The Beginning The Frequencies Were Pure

Make this your religion if you need it!

In the beginning the frequencies were pure and were integrated into each
cell of each atomic/molecular energy which concretely formed into plasma and
of that plasma did the frequency levels working at many different “notes” or
“ranges” beginning with One in design begin to multiply into more “strains” or
dialects of sound such as the strings of a guitar, the lute into the cello, and the
flute, clarinet, orchestrating itself well past the principle of that which was first
integrated and begun.


Ries Cortez

Learn therein, dear Ones, and as you learn you will come to finally realize
that "sin" and "blood sacrifice" have no dealings within a universe based
upon universal principle of enlightenment. Each Christed One or One with
the Universal Understanding will call upon each soul to Think, to
Understand, and to Live and to Learn Universal reality and principle, for

each soul has a journey to fulfill and noone else can or is going to do it
for him, or her. In this wise will each one work out their own karma or
salvation. But a provision is made for both which does NOT consist of
bodily sacrifice on a CROSS. Those are the words of the Hellions who
divide the humans by guage of religions therein precipitating wars upon
wars toward their own ill-conceived Power-Base.

Music Of Temperance and Happiness has been engrained or calibrated within

each soul structure and thus created didst each of you become. In fact, dear
Ones, these frequencies are exactly the “instrument” in forming your souls from
the inside out.

The “energy” brought these frequencies throughout the universe, a bit at a time,
in one place then another, until all instrument of frequencies joined in the
Oneness of harmonics and spread throughout the universe and its temporal

The First Spirit Lamp

Energy and vibrations are ONE

As the soul needed the electrical current which was just minuscule at the
time, to jump-start the vibrational frequencies one by one which in turn
created the minutest cellular structure of atomic/molecular plasma, which in
itself contained the male/female hormone in a yin yang position, this
electrical current was what you might define as a spirit lamp and no more.

Therein this energy which developed the frequencies into a jump-

start began to permeate throughout each cellular structure jump-starting it
when it became dry and unencumbant, and began to shrivel up as dried leaves
upon a full autumn day.

When Does "Life" Enter Into A Child Born Of The Woman Of

The Flesh, Blood, And Water?

What or who am I?

As each atomic/molecular cell structure formed over the events of

their incubation a babe in full format of that which you understand to
be Human, was born.

But when did life actually enter into the child?

During the time of the womb or after the time of the child’s entry into his
or her new incarnation?

Neither, for the child first began his/her dual incubation at his/her very
beginning of the atomic/molecular inception when the “energy” touched
the “earth” or solid part of each particle which was not yet formed, and
brought about the frequencies which then routed the energy toward
forming the plasmid cell and then another creation began of the same
stance, and then another, and another; all of this in simultaneous fashion,
“the energy” kick-starting the first cell just as the silent child just
delivered of its mother’s womb receives an electric charge from the hand
of the deliverer, for we are electrical frequencies and for that purpose of
our beingness do we bring life to the lifeless and serve as “spirit lamps”
to each new life.

Harmonics Precipitated The New Birth Of Each And Every

Atomic/Molecular Cell

The soul-body is what is so precious indeed

So harmony grew in you, each one, for since the very inception of your
presentation even before each of you were created into One cellular
structure, the harmonics which are the vibrations which strengthened
into frequencies and were kick-started by the electrical energies were the
event whereby each of ye souls began. - Uthrania Seila Sentana-Ries Cortez

The “Extraordinary!” “Is Telepathy A Gift
Or A Right?” (Mini-Series Part Four)
Telepathy is a universal grid. As telepathic beings you are on
the “grid” dear One.

Introduction to Telepathic Components

The beginning of wisdom is when I listen

Futuristic, dear Ones? Naught so. You were not estranged from the
vibrational sound, the music within and all around you, creating the
spontaneous conjunction of your mind influxes to the base instinct of your
growing soul compound upon the

creation of your cells into beingness.

In other words, the "mind" is not the only base for telepathic waves but
rather just as spontaneously do the electrical vibrations=frequencies which are
in themselves NOT music inhibitors but rather One in the same. Do you
understand of we Ones here, little Ones? Let us read on shall we? - Uthrania
Seila Sentana-Ries Cortez

The Spandex Reaction Keeps The Soul-Mind Most Agile

How telepathy works

Telepathy is not as many seem to believe a series of brain waves which
go from point A to point B.

Telepathy is a submergence of energy=frequencies otherwise known as


It is because of these ingrained vibrational frequencies being incubated and

coursed through us since the incubation of our first atomic/molecular
cells, that pure telepathy occurs and has always been there with each soul.
Stymied at the onslaught of severe tampering with the DNA-Helix coding

(Hielogram) by the Hellion forces of science and technology (space program)
is the main criteria in what is preventing many from being themselves in full
coordination of these facts.

Therein the altering of the coding through medicinal means in “implanting”

severe cellular destroying chemicals, and utilizing alloy synthesization such as
aluminum dust particles at a hardly detectable sequence through “dusting,”
conjointly the utilization of HAARP which works on vibrational altercations
through alterations of frequency not only concludes this memorandum
of epidemic brain control but also contributes to the most problematic
shifting and destruction of the Original brain stem cells of the HUman soul
no matter which present or future incarnational casing or body he or she
resides within.

MUSIC Is First Born In The Soul Genes

Vibrations telepathy is everywhere

One must understand here that the soul-body which “IS” the inner “complex” or
“complexity” is the DNA Helix Original holder of all genes. When the soul
moves into a denser body the soul then integrates the same DNA Helix

combination of ALL cellular structure into the outer body or casing and
when damage is done to the outer body the soul-body will indeed be
affected and set out to repair itself. Its success determined by the extent
of damage done to itself.

How Is Telepathy Preserved?

Telepathy and music go hand in hand

In the coordinative effort in aligning both the energy hylinx “within” the
frequencies of all dour arrangements, the piano keys of vibrations are all tuned
through “space” reactors of a sort as a radio tower brings the vibrational
frequencies through channels in its streaming or over-layers.

You see, dear Ones, telepathy is born of vibrations of sensory musical

vibrations as sent forth by energy or light. So music and telepathy are one
in the same; because like a tuning fork the range or frequencies are
created and aligned in perfect harmonics throughout universal space, a
"space" which is anything but void of sound of music and Lights born of
pure energy! - Uthrania Seila Sentana-Ries Cortez

"Extraordinary!” “What And Where Is
Heaven And Hell?” (Mini-Series Part Five)
Those whose leadership lends credence into the captivity of not One soul will
find themselves Surrounded and “Protected” by the Peoples, “and militaries”
they command. – Uthrania Seia Sentana-Ries Cortez

Introduction Into Heaven And Hell

Heaven and Hell

Dear Ones and wise readers, we all have friends in both places because
there are many who reside in hellish conditions upon this world and
others by their own ignorance in accepting and protecting the general
quota of the societal structure of religions. Coupled with an anti-
paradisiacal economic system as set up by the Overlords of this world,
the manufacturers and instigators and “positioners” and (petitioners)
have over millennial manufactured a “hellish” lifestream upon us all. –
Uthrania Seila Sentana-Ries Cortez

Ye Ones MUST Begin To Understand!

Create the peace then preserve

Let us briefly recap: Telepathy is a universal grid. As telepathic beings you

are on the “grid” dear Ones, of universal (paradisaical) tectonic (Hellion
manufactured and controlled) life support.

At your inception you were formed from one tiny electrical vibration which
multiplied into many. Inner sight, vibrational strains became music which
you utilized for the transference of thoughts through feelings which are
the result of electrical

charge but we will get into that later. In adherence to all that you had been
previously led to believe, the charge of weight upon the caliber of desire to be
One with the Universal Chakra, fixated your very souls into believing and
accepting information and teachings which held little to no effort in even
coming close to understanding anything coherent much less realistic in
all artful universal design made up of itself.

In other words, dear Ones, you have been duped, lied to and had your

vibrations and minds capped off in various different ways. No wonder all
ye Ones seem to herewith understand of the moment in “time” as you
also erroneously call your “event” of the moment in all calibers of
sequence, are pretty brightly coloured and manufactured pictures, for
you remember the colours coordinate with musical tonnage and because of
that ye Ones are actually relying on your base preoccupation with your
very beginnings of which no hand of God alone created but rather
creation was an injunction begun by CAUSE AND EFFECT. Therein didst
the universal principle of “Karmic” reaction come into play.

WHO Got The Drop On Ye All?!

Heaven but for Whom?

A nice setting for a negative force to set up religions, set themselves up - as

God(s), and put in place the design of the WSM (world stock market) utilizing
the very sensors which brought about the workings of the electronic age of
money laundering of the peoples primitive “wealth.”

AND MOST DO NOT EVEN REALIZE IT while Others try to free them from the

bondage of such slavery through the talents of their mouth. (Notation: The first
two songs are the presentation)

For true wealth is not in a cash cow, as was attested by Moses on the foot
of the Mount but rather the most exquisite wealth lies in untold riches in the
design of freeing ye ones with the WISDOM you both need to learn how to
crave as your daily diet and to well understand how ye Ones have been
so severely duped. Good Day, Good Night, and Good Evening. – Uthrania
Seila Sentana-Ries Cortez

What On Earth Are Ye Ones Doing?!

Come let us reason together shall we

Sacrifice of another human being either on a cross or in the battlefield or

in a slaughterhouse all come from the same motive. That motive is power
over the people. This power comes in the format of threats, deceptions,
idle promises, and it is all “fear based.”

The strategy is the same. And when you get in the game there is no way
out but by the wisdom of your forefathers and foremothers whose

“temperance” and “power of ingenuity and agility” strikes at the very core
essence of all those wayward and duped ones in order to bring all back
into balance.

Protect and Defend does not mean Invade and Occupy. For the west has
long, yet not so long, been invaded and occupied, but not by the ones
whom the invaders and occupiers of the west have invaded and occupied.

If You Are Living In Hell, Then What Are You Doing Defending

Semper Fidelis


And here is the response, dear Ones, to such strategy of which the
invaders and occupiers of the west have placed most deceptively upon
the haunches of the unsuspecting and the innocent and the weak of heart;
of the sadistic to fulfill their desires upon the innocent with no jail time
nor repercussions:

"Take away their monies, their finances, and when you do you take away
their potential to fulfill their dreams," just like the young man in the article
who no longer could afford to better himself or his lot in life, save that,
dear Ones, through the issuance of Military Academics which promise all he
was wishing to attain.

But when you sell your soul to the wars dear ones, that is when you may
well become their first feast.

“Come all to the table and work of your war(e)s for the feast of the blood of 'you,
our, lambs' will be our very first course,

"and your flesh we will tack, likewise, upon our cross,

"and the bread and the water will flow over your house, over your soul, as
you 'serve and defend' our meat and rake in the money of the nations, at the
expense of your soul.

"But no sacrifice is too great,

"for your 'Lord on the Cross' who was 'also our sacrifice' though happened
that way it did naught, but set us a precedence and we set up a “God” who
was HU-man to be our sacrifice so each

"one of you would be proud to walk in his footsteps.

But you think of the cross and we knew you would bear it for us and you did,
each one who 'died' a most cruel death - for we fooled you once more, so you
would be led as lambs to our slaughter and the house we built for you is the
same house we built for them, in other nations, other lands, using other tricks
and deceptions upon their heads

"and all will see that one day will we mock the very name of their
Semper Fidelis and into the grave with no name on the plate for they all have
been the feast of the bankers of late!”

Think ye of all the “blood sacrifices” in this world which have been made
the “reason” for war.

Think ye all and come into the realization that Semper Fi is what you joined up
for to always remain faithful with no exception to “Protect and Defend”
your country, your people, your Constitution as BASED on Dignity, Honor,
and Pride in what you are doing and “not” to uphold the “Blood Sacrifice”
of the “lambs.”

And who are the lambs, dear Ones, but the men and women and children, your

brothers and sisters who came long ago from the starsystem along with each
one of ye seedlings to live in peace among all other HUman beings.

Look behind your backs, gentlemen and ladies, for the cold calculated eyes
of the singers of the deluge have modified your gain into true Manhood, ye

Ye women of the range, you Sergeants and all, powder away the dust of the
lands for you have been in shortfall.

Blood and sacrifice will get you nowhere, Semper Fi, for you the common
people are to once have been the tide between the good and the evil coming
out of the land,

watch now who sacrifices whom and then Take Your Stand. - Uthrania Seila
Sentana-Ries Cortez

*“Extraordinary!” Project Blue Beam - Are
The Christians Correct? Maybe Not...Quite
(Mini-Series Part Six)
Project Blue Beam is a duplicate with some alterations copied in design from
the ships. As the original HAARP was used for the good of the people, the
poor copy was utilized for wickedness and population control. – Uthrania Seila
Sentana-Ries Cortez


Project Blue Beam?

Dear Ones, One and All, there is a term and it is “wise” for “wisdom” reigns
high up in de-skies. And off these terms ye come and go but for sighth is in
the know. Good Day, Good Morning, and of ye all, have of yourselves a fine
“read” as they so cautiously “say.” – Uthrania Seila Sentana-Ries Cortez

Christians and Blue Beam Project – as above so below.

Project ......Blue....

Let us then “listen intently” to “your” story first, dear Ones, as all coherent
diplomacy and politeness requires.

Ye ones have lost all cognitive ability to think coherently, to rationalize,

to even reason.
Ye have all been atonomized (atone-ized) and of this do ye Ones make no
sense at all.

In a partial sense, ye who put this video together have done a wonderful
job. Your effect in extracting such dynamics of efficiency for the sole purpose
of alerting the population is near to nigh perfect, except for One thing.

And that, being, dear Ones, that you have forgotten your heritage and in
doing so you have no wherewithal to alert the public in exactly how they
are to recognize or discern the difference between the good "Aliens" and
the bad.

We have a notion or two of exactly how ye Ones have all forgotten your
heritage therein NOT examining the Hierarchy of the Stars from our sector and
in not doing so have ye then not prepared the peoples of this planet for
anything "wonderful, promised, and "good."

Let us explain.

Admiral Captain Sophram Galiac's Ship - The Stargazer

Intrepid - Captained By Admiral James Galiac

The _REAL_ Starship Stargazer Intrepid


How on earth or in the viewing of the skies are you Ones able to become
duped by your perception of Blue Beam with all of its controversies IF

NOBODY came from “space” to monopolize your minds, dear Ones, and
if you have given yourselves over to such “deception” over the ions, then
it is your doing and your doing alone, for the “Truth is out there” if you

would only look for it.

Seek and you WILL find all that your DNA-Helix matrix has already been
subjected to since the beginning of your once-upon-a-day-long yet not so long
ago wisdom from the very inception of your coming into a cellular plasmic being.

How, then, can the any One of ye fall prey to the continued duping of the
masses when we have told of ye all that the One you call "Jesus" A Christed
One, is in fact, sitting command OVER one of the largest starships in the
fleet of the Federated Union of Starships, named as being the
STARGAZER INTREPID which, by fact, is the most elite Galaxy Class
Starship in our fleet?!

And she has an armament which you would not like to see on a bad day.

Her array of lights symbolizes that of a Christmas tree save that for the
brightness which could blind even a cow at the right distance. We love our
animals, believe me!

We do not like to see them abused. Understand of we Ones here, if you

are “wise.”

We can well assure the each one of you that Admiral James Galiac
definitely is not wearing his hair long and brown nor does his prance
around the galaxy nor around your world with sheets of cotton or gauze
waiting to be shot at!

The Admiral is a MILITARY GENIUS and a great strategic employer of the

senses of the intellect, and it is about high time the lot of you grew out of
your infancy and diapers and put the pablum well aside, and the dirt along
with it, and grew into adulthood before ye get led well into the FEMA camps by
which many of ye will go in the five mile high coffins just because you are
being sprayed to death with the trails and antihistamines to weaken your
DNA, change your moods into swings of either disaster for your temporal
physical bodies, or lull you into a false sense of compliance.

And "how" will you raise up as a groundswell when you are sick
and haggard, and economically tourniqueted by the Hell for ions?



Come, now let us be reasonable and all of your pretentious fear will most
assuredly evaporate right where you stand.

"Think, People, Think!!! For your ignorance after all this time is
astounding. - Captain James Galiac!"


The Admiral captains the largest light in the skies, dear Ones. You see
there are many more captains and many more ships. You will see various
captains, admirals and generals throughout the nations as they
streamline to keep you informed and instructed.

There will be Sector Commanders to lead you through the routine

of evacuation, and then and only then, into the clouds you will go AFTER

You will see they are physical and real and no hologram will you believe.









Little Ones, you must understand that within the Federated Union of
Starships, being an Admiral does not lose One's prestige in any other previous
rank One has already earned and attained. So the officer may slide at any time
into any previous rank of command depending upon the strategic imput of the
hour, day, or moment in their combined or singularly structured event.

And, “no,” “imput” is not a spelling error either, for ye Ones, known and unknown
in the overall grammatical structure of linguistics must realize that “im” is a
liturgy for I am, putting.

Only your own stubbornness and disbelief of Our words would allow you to

believe people would be just "beamed up, Scotty" into the ships; or people
being taken one here and one there throughout the nighttime hours as
though we have no authority to land in the daylight hours and conduct an
evacuation in an orderly professional manner as behooves our Status and

How can any of ye think Project Blue Beam with its Hollywood Aliens are
going to chase ye all over the place and do “God” knows what to the lot
of ye? Can you not realize that they are simply portrayals of beings to scare
you all half out of the wits you have left IN ORDER THAT YOU RUN FROM

We do NOT offer up a slide show in white cloud coverage because

unbeknownst to ye ones, all, we do have the rapid technology indeed
in artificially CREATING our own light show in the darkened OR lightened
blue ray skies!

Ye Ones so-called Holy Text has been well cauterized, and “modified” long
ago in another Age in order to prepare you as you forget incarnation after
incarnation and are constantly coming back to this earth or other earths similar
to this one which ye now reside upon at this present time for their End Time

And the lot of you fell for it in some manner or another, maybe reluctantly, but
for the most part you still have showed us that you cannot tell the difference
between reality and disassociation from the temporal part of your brain.

Your holy texts modified and cauterized speak of demons, witches, peeping
spirits, and how can spirits be peeping when the spirit is no different in nature
than that which begins a tea kettle to boil? Would we speak like that? … for
you who are too noble to understand?

No matter which religion OR affiliation with any belief, ye ones have been
chastised by the lower ethics and morals abound, and of that, of course,
ye are the “prime cuts” of cattle, for the feast of the Saints does not and
never did exist upon Human nor animal sacrifice.

Some say our language has grammatical mistakes? How would ye ones know?
You cannot even remember, the greater percent of ye, where ye didst even first
originate from.

We brought the languages and we brought you! So do not, dear Ones, even
think to presume you have the greater wisdom than the Stars which surround
you, at any point in what you so erroneously, term as TIME. - Uthrania Seila
Sentana-Ries Cortez

Oh, You Think We Have It Wrong? Just Wait And See

Angels, Ships, and the Navy

So just because the Air Force displays wings on their jackets, does that
make them Angels? You see, dear Ones, how you have so objectively
have been led astray by the religious so-called “authorities?”

When your forefathers and foremothers landed in the city of UR, which you now
call Iraq, UR taken from the word which ye ones are so familiar with, “Urban”
as in cities, they came in large spacecraft or starships. You are their seed. But
we will most definitely be going into that of a later event, dear deluded Ones of
the diocese and other contemporary religious affiliates.

No matter the tenure of your religious affiliation, you do NOT have it all right.

People! You “need” to get “rid” of your bad attitudes long enough to start
talking to one another. You are NOT enemies. You all came from the same
starsystem out there in your multitude of uncounted as yet, galaxies.

If you cannot even talk as One Human race to the Other, what chance do

ye Ones have in living together in any simulation of a coherent fashion?

Think, People, Think of what ye are doing to yourselves as well as to each

other. You are DENYING the best of one another, the best of each nation,
toward the other!

So now stop and ponder, and wonder at your true heritage of which we will be
speaking upon at any given moment or hour in your so-called time clock

People! This Is Your TRUE WEALTH

The Peoples of the world will All benefit


Let our country be as one strong oak

Panoramic hues of blue, cover us with their cloak
The Sea, prosperous, yet untamed
Offer wealth with open waters


"And take what is rightfully yours

To share with all others, so they may have more."

Magnificent forests, deep shades of green

Protect and watch over our beautiful dream
For this is our home, where one and all must unite

So love what is yours

No one has more right!

Black shining oil, midnight black coal

Are found in the depths of our country's own soul
The Earth, bringing forth richness for its crops to display
Is only part of our good fortune, which has helped us along the way

So we must all try to understand, the wealth put at our feet

And learn to share with others, the sweetness of our meat
For there's a richness within our country
which is blinding to behold

So raise your eyes, and realize

you're standing on PURE GOLD!

- Uthrania Seila Sentana-Ries Cortez

"Extraordinary" - Is Love Really Just
Enough To Bring In Paradise For All? (Mini-
Series Part Seven)
Just where does sensationalism LOVE begin and just where does it end? What
exactly is it composed of and what is its yardstick? The diseased, the starving,
the destitute...and just where does it leave them? - Uthrania Seila Sentana-Ries

Introduction Into A Rare Balance!

Poverty and its eradication

Dear Ones and Readers of the Wise: In all things strike a balance! If a balance
is naught sought and determined then what WILL result will be no less than
an INEFFECTIVE sojourning of your matrix within the temporal field of all global
posterity, for the GOOD cannot outweigh the BAD OR NEGATIVE in a
temporal mind set IF the height of the mind does naught include
all ASPECTS of the detrimental substitute for the moral and ethics INCLUDING

Otherwise, dear Ones and students of the world, there will be imbalance
and when there be imbalance there must be in its place the IN-
EQUALIZATION of all temporal ports and the sensitization of the extreme.
- Uthrania Seila Sentana-Ries Cortez

The Chirping Begins But Is It Concrete And Is It Viable?

Is LOVE all there is?

These peoples remember that they are a part of a Whole within the Universal
Total of ONE Beingness of Creation. Though "LOVE" in focusing is important,

One must remember that without the Original Blueprint from the paradisaical
worlds already inhabited, the act of "LOVE" will just naught be enough.

BUT People who chirp that they only focus on love, peace, joy, harmony, and
who keep negative people and any negativity away and out of their sphere, tend
to forget that many of those people who appear negative due to an external
situation such as living in a war zone, to cite an example, cannot be expected
to put positive thoughts out into the universe. The soul structure of all
beingness just does not allow it nor does it work that way.

The mind simply does not work properly when a belly is empty, for the
neurons are not receiving the proper nutrition, nor are the cells within the bodily
structure working coherently either, resulting in more of a base animal
nature arising within the confines of an aptitude of sanity, and there is no
other cause for it but hunger sectioning off the workings of a properly nutritioned

So Just How Should The Humanity Respond To The Negative

Around Them?

None of this is alright People!

The essence in keeping the negative away from one’s doorstep is to deal
with it upon a higher level in order that the prime objective and opportunity
to correct a situation to better the lives of the peoples, comes together in a
consensus of thinking first and, coupled with reason, logic, stamina, and
good conscience, must be measured by deeds and wisdom to act with a
viable and workable solution to any problem, with not only the higher
intention, but within always the universal principle of which is gauged by
morals and ethics.

If morals and ethics are not within the consensus of any solution and
detrimental to even one soul upon this earth or any other earthen plane then,
of course, in fomenting and acting out the same solution will henceforth
serve only upon dissolving the problem with the same backlash of going
around in circles.

By What Yardstick Should A Viable Solution Be Gauged?

We Brought Two for you, Peoples

The solution is gauged by morals and ethics of the highest calbre. And
how do you gauge whether a plan or blueprint is good and useful or not? It is
whether the yardstick sees even one person in distress.

It must be a plan for all of humanity naught leaving a one of them
out including the rest of the sentient beings and of the cultivation around each
one in fauna and foliage and so on.

Therein, people who chirp that they only focus on love keeping all negative
peoples out of their sphere are leaving the majority if not almost 98% of
humanity out of the picture so that indeed thwarts any precipitation of
paradise upon the people at large.

Using the same solution over and over again to dissolve a problem no
matter whether that problem be great or small can only result in the same
manufacturing of an outcome.

The Proper Solution Negates All Crime!

We set up the correct system when we first came

If you do not give to the people a solution which will benefit them all then
you will never have succeeded in abolishing crime of any sort because
you will have not equalized the solution for one and for all.

And when this happens, the ones who are cut short of provisions to live will
either sit there in good conscience believing there to be no alternative until
they physically die, OR they will try to reclaim their rights to equalization by

resorting to taking in whichever way they deem possible to bring back into
balance their own lives.

And this, of course, does not negate the worst thieving crimes of all and
those are high Larson white collar crimes committed by peoples who are in
need for nothing but rather whom resort to the self-serving calculus of their
own wants rather than their own needs.

So take that, each one, which belongs to all, and take only that which you
need and the rest share with all others in order that EQUALIZATION be
brought back into balance.

- Uthrania Seila Sentana-Ries Cortez


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