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(потсетување за III-1 и III-2 ново за III-3)

Предметен Наставник: Емилија Хаџивасилева

Наставен предмет: англиски јазик

Учебник : THINK 3 B1+ (стр. 86/89)

Наставна целина: Unit 9 What Happened?

Наставна единица : Modals of deduction or modals for speculation

for present and past (модални глаголи за претпоставки)

Modals of deduction or modals for Modals of deduction or modals for

speculation for present and their level of speculation for past and their level of
certainty certainty

Must – 95% must have + PP - 95%

can’t – 95% couldn’t have + PP – 95%

Might (may) – 45% might have + PP - 45%

could – 45% could have + PP - 45%

- You live in the same hood. You may / might know her.
- The light in her room is on. She must be home.
- The girl over there is wearing the same jacket as Lucy. It could be her.
- No, she said she’d go to Ohrid. It can’t be her.

- She looks very tired, she might have worked very hard.
- He’s got plaster on his finger , he must have cut it .
- Maggie is crying, she could have failed the exam.
- Tom couldn’t have broken the window, he wasn’t even here.

I Complete the gaps in the sentences with these verbs: must, can’t, may, might, could, might not

1 She goes out every weekend, she _________________ have a family.

2 He looks depressed. He____________ be having some problems.
3 This woman looks like a politician. She ____________ work for the government.
4 He’s got very nice suntan. He____________ be working in an office all day.
5 Her clothes are all very expensive. She ____________ be earning a lot of money.
6 He often goes abroad. He _____________ be working for the Foreign Office.

II Try to guess what happened in the PAST

1 A young woman is looking at a new ring on her finger.


2 A mother is telling her son off.

3 A boy has a broken arm.
4 There is a lot of broken glass on the street
5 A man is lying asleep on a park bench.
6 A sportsman is cheering.
7 A driver is taking out a tool kit from the boot.
8 A girl with wet hair is travelling on the bus.


Write 8 sentences (one sentence with each modal, 4 for present and 4 for past)

and send them to my email address

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