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Today is Day 1 of the 80/20 EC3.

And the first day of the rest of your life�just kidding�well kind of.

Becoming a bad ass at writing emails really can change your life. It has for me.

Alright so let�s hop right to the lesson.

(Quick side note: I�ll be including as few �IM� emails as possible. Internet
marketing emails are A LOT different. They play by different rules. So I�ll use
other niches as much as I possibly can. Rant over.)

As I�ve described the point of this course is to learn the highest leverage point
email types first. This type of email is perhaps the most important email you have
to write because it can make the difference between a highly responsive list�and a
total dud.

So which email is it?

It�s the welcome email. The �immediate� email. This is the first email they receive
after opting in to your list.

It gives you the opportunity to either cement them to you like crazy glue�or make
them never want to open one of your emails again.

Yes, it really is that important. And it�s not really because of awesome email copy
or anything like that.

This is email is all about CONGRUENCY.

When someone gets to the point that they�re on your list it means they�ve already:

1. Found your landing page.

2. Watched the video/read the opt in.
3. Opted in.
4. Hit a thank you page that explains the next step or has a One-Time-Offer (you do
have an OTO right?)
5. Opened your email.

That�s a lot of commitment on their part. So treat that fact with respect and give
them what you promised. I use the word congruency for a reason.

You have two options once people opt in.

1. They walk through a maze, no cheese at any corner to guide them, and no clue at
all where the end goal is.


2. You guide them across a bridge with every step laid out and the end goal clearly

Let�s go for option 2. Makes just a wee bit more sense huh?

How do we do it?

Simple. We follow a basic structure that allows us to fulfill each step perfectly
and set the stage for all of your emails to come.

Get this right and people will consume all of your emails and buy all your shit.

Do this wrong and they�ll ignore your emails, hit unsubscribe or spam.

Don�t get me wrong, unsubscribes are fine IF it�s for the right reasons.

Okay, here�s the structure for a welcome email:

1. Fulfills the original promise from opt in

2. Tells them what to expect

3. Tells them who should unsubscribe

4. Builds curiosity for future emails

5. Conveys personality or beliefs/methodology

6. Polarizes

7. White list or filter

8. Reply?

If you follow that structure you can�t go wrong. You can mix up the order however
you like. And the white list or filter part is up to you.

The 6 core steps are what�s most important.

Alright so let�s move on to the hand copying portion.

The first email is from the Fat Loss Factor. The second email is from Ben Settle�s
email. You can copy it or just read it to see how different it is.

Ben�s works because he relies on daily email blasts on the backend. (Relentless
EMAIL follow up to sell a high ticket $97 a month offer).

If you have a product or course that relies more on education then I recommend at
least a 7 day auto responder to teach them what they need to know before getting on
the blast list.

K, let�s get copying amigos. Set your timer for 25 minutes.

Then write your own email. You�ll have this week to write a total of 2-3 emails so
I recommend you get cracking today. Just follow the steps above.

Notice how these emails address the steps that have happened beforehand. AKA
promise fulfillment.

Here are the links:

Fat loss factor (https://s3-us-west-
Ben Settle welcome https://s3-us-west-

Tomorrow I�ll show you the email I use to welcome my dating list. You�ll see the
differences between mine and the Fat Loss Factor.

I�ll get into the details tomorrow�

Until then�

Keep it real,
Ian �hold their damn hand� Stanley

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