Unit 1: Pre Task - Initial Evaluation María Fernanda Suárez Geopolitics and Environment

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Unit 1: Pre Task - Initial evaluation

María Fernanda Suárez

Geopolitics and environment

Topics City or Summary of 150 General Objective Bibliographic

Region words references according
to APA standards
 La toma  In this article we  Resistance that is  http://www.scielo.org.
Suarez address the resistance welcomed in active co/scielo.php?
Cuaca- expressions against opposition research, script=sci_arttext&pid
Colombia mining expansion which linked to the idea of =S0122-
are based on the socio- fighting against and 51972015000200005
Impacts environmental conflicts, requires generating
on in the framework of alternatives that place
natural policies that promote in another
resources the mining sector in epistemology
Colombia. it highlights
strategic issues that
offer a platform, in a
geopolitical context, to
support the advance of
this sector towards
foreign direct
investment (FDI).
 Colombia  The problem of global  The aim is to provide  https://revistacuidarte.
climate change that the –on a consolidated and udes.edu.co/index.php/
planet is experiencing up-to-date basis– cuidarte/article/view/6
must be continually information on climate 64/1356
shown so that countries change to be
achieve an objective considered in
and consistent view, and decision-making
plans and policies for concerning its impact
environmental on survival. 
management are
Climate developed.  Climate
change change is based on
broad theoretical
framework that must be
shown in concise and
up-to-date manner to
contribute to decision-
making about the
mitigation of and
adaptation to its adverse
impacts on the survival
of life on earth. 
The  Colombia As an essential function   This analysis allows  
determin of public health, health to determine the needs http://www.scielo.org.
ants of situation analysis has and facilitate co/pdf/bio/v38n2/0120
health assessment parameters ‘prioritization’ in -4157-bio-38-02-
that make it possible to health, and supports 00162.pdf
direct its development formulation of
and measure its intervention strategies
implications. This is and their
where the first consistent evaluation.
challenge lies. All of this requires
However, the most complex political
important ones go negotiation processes
beyond the technical that involve
criteria established in the mobilization of
the year 2000 by the considerable amounts
Pan American Health of
Organization. The local resources and the
dynamics where health definition of criteria in
situation analyses are the responsible
inscribed, are institutions.
increasingly more
influenced by
globalization processes,
which in turn demand
that international
policies be articulated in
our country, as is the
case with the
Development Goals.
Moreover, the
demographic and
transition requires
accounting for
heterogeneous profiles
including mental,
occupational and
environmental health. 
Geopolitics: Is the study of the effects of Earth's geography (human and physical)
on politics and international relations. While geopolitics usually refers to countries and relations
between them, it may also focus on two other kinds of states: de facto independent states
with limited international recognition and relations between sub-national geopolitical entities,
such as the federated states that make up a federation, confederation or a quasi-federal system.
At the level of international relations, geopolitics is a method of studying foreign policy to
understand, explain and predict international political behavior through geographical variables.
These include area studies, climate, topography, demography, natural resources, and applied
science of the region being evaluated.
Climate change: Occurs when changes in Earth's climate system result in new weather patterns
that remain in place for an extended period of time. This length of time can be as short as a few
decades to as long as millions of years. Scientists have identified many episodes of climate
change during Earth's geological history; more recently since the industrial revolution the
climate has increasingly been affected by human activities driving global warming, and the terms
are commonly used interchangeably in that context.
Sustainabe development: sustainability is the development that meets the needs of the present
without compromising the ability of future generations, guaranteeing the balance between
economic growth, environmental care and social welfar.

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