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AUDIO SCRIPTS Cae: tea Wel ve ala loved sport and simi As 2 used to penal fe tine the surnmer onthe beach with ay ‘ends We woul wi suo Jot play abouin the water dnd theresa lay aifeguard thereon te beach ar ed tolthink What brltnt joo So, when! let choo trained {o boalifegiard real enjoyed the ob for afew years Inthe “mma yould work on the beach and then nthe wena ‘woul go shina my dream jo. loved tBu eral, Trt to ge bore Iwas ust on this boltng beach al ay. vatthngal the Beautiful people, butt coulda enjoy Ise you tow jst ado stand there and watch So he ‘yas tine tind sorathng els to a. Nicola ued be an ice-cream taster and fora wile was deity myateam mean can you magne snything tater tan ‘Hing ot werkesingdeliousecream al day? asin heer was working fora big company, wih tea of food ‘Sintst and ourjeb wast ome tp wth ne ens frie ‘ery Ravours 3 supose that nas the pole, because a Sotafthetime we had try new Novours, the cu ond me ke ‘Geom ocheese and sainage de would have taste and sual tos erie realy inguin Now mos people would fists ack no ating tat ag Bu anormal, tthentsyouroh yu are to bep tating tose hey have tase it ony beter Sometimes we woul teste tity ferent ee {rear Ravurs etre neh, Se wasnt al goo Amy Iwas professional shopper fora whl. was good un t rst “helo worked for wera eeusonpreserter and se pede ts to wea on television, bt se it have tne go, Shopng S woud go cur nd buy lone or he then she vty theron tone. aT wal take back ang that sro goo eas ascatng sight how sme pele Tee Bufo tne mnt eles shes tape pe ‘ne tine had toby her an oti ora spect evert she es, ong tani bough her afew cere things oy on bak Sei sanyo them and she wo eal Frows hat iT ound ber something iret wasn eli my Fa, bu astm job soon serthat Caine» WE OK so were laoking at plan or the new al Fest of all we need to decid onthe action Then wel sk at what kind of {ood wete going offer, and possbienamestor the cafe MisYes, nat sounds good. We:oK WE Figh Lets focus on the ideas we hed forte lation, Weloaked at sme options iastume, bute need to make ‘deo Mites the one nar te station, would be realy busy uring the weet when everyone comes in fo work But wat dees everyneclse in? Maser thine he eatin ei oo Wo: Think nee to clon the ind of atmosphere wee Seong for The tocaton near he shopping cence would bo 2 telly nice place to st ot he weekend Winn Mist not sure hat | gre, actualy Th way se things we eet choos the lscation which ll ge the moe stom And hinktnat willbe the cate nea the tate, Masi’ cheaper Wa: Thats good point | suppose so WE:So shall we 329 welch at the location near the station? AL Ye Good ides Yes, OF \W1: Good Sa moving on tothe nex pint, what Kind of food ae ve gong to serve? What do you tht? Miskin: how abou anita ae? Wa: Mmm. Fmt sure We tlie abut talon, but there te traf ner alan cafe around, ely fel that t would be ferdvomake ours different W1:OK™ good point |thnkwe shoud think abou semething ‘een hen Any eae? Nos, ae thinking bout Portuguese cafe, you ow wth ‘elisous cee ana pasnes Thre ae quite be oF Portuguese peopl inthis tea ad tourists to. think hat sea ale Soul be realy popula, Wa! \eah 3 Portuguese café. Ithinkthata great ies What do youth All Thats OK Yeah. Nee Mi: Thats arice idea could do Poruguerestyle inches too farofie workers Wi: Ves maybe So, are weal agreed? A Portugues caf? WI: OK Lets recap A Portuguese café sling cakes and lunches located er te station Right Swat would we call Ree Expres? Mis Tm ot sue about that. | think we ned to come back the ‘ype cafe wore esabishing So Cae Portugal Or something Teehot Wa: iy dost we alt Café do So Or af Lisboa? Cate ‘nm Cafe Fado WI ike Café ibaa | hink't sounds realy god ad Lisboa beoutifulcty NI: Cafe soa. tee 2: estat sounds good WI:OK we'e running cut of ime Les sum up what weve decided ts pong tobe a Portuguese café We thnk the station {ection might be god. And we eth name Cae Usa Is totsight Ale Yeh so. That ght W1:0K so wens te decide on fuss {im apharmacs ol work sx ays a mock. The pharmacy opens atnine am ut need to be t work before then sean get ‘renting ready usual wake up about thirty ol ean fet ees up and ready fr school ana then go fra un Esforeweik Ihave leavehame by eget athe atest, Temoraingithe buses tne nthe parma sote ee thing do when! ge to work tart preparing prescriptions {a theyre reat forconomerstocallectWs3 community,| know alot ofthe patents gute well Ae well 3s vingoutmecnes we ty to give ave on heathy Ing | {honk people reali appre bing able oak to someone a the plarmacy and get advisor westments without havingto {nen doctor umy have lanch at abot one pm Sometnes Tring my own lunch and on ater day ket ave the shop afd wander arcu might bay something te eto even ty ‘uta newcofeThe area nen wheel work steals and | ‘ten bump into pope nom Inthe afternoon Itry 0 catch up ‘ns the somin ak hat need ding I eheck my emai an ‘pled information to ou webs, fen tke phone als rom ‘ecoplnists nurses and even doctors Wom th eal suger. ‘hecingnfrmstion about mesieaton eave the shop at about Fie tity pm, but usually make some ‘sinanes on my way home Some OF our der pares cant. travel tha pharmacy terse. so they rely on this serve. | Liye be home by about seven lock sothat Ihave Une to ead {the cldren aa pr them to bed usual too exhausted {ogo vry much nthe evening 301 generals cook supper fad wach soe telension Ad then het plan my net day iy ead before goingta besa ong oy, but ve myo. Cie Conversation 2 = West WE= Wan WS HeWan_W= Wena Weaeen Wa: Why are the windows ound on ships? 1M: Round windowsare stronger aren they? Wa: Are they? enon, He There you go. Wa: What bot thisacne one How many hie te there on the human hese? Wa-eim.--A milion? oo ts not ht many st We: depends whose hod does On my ds thee ae Seu e Wirth never about ten hovsand Moon realyt 1W2:think avs bit ofa stupd question because it depends, Aes He We vas furor olde ated the qeston WW2:0h yah tats ue W1:Next question What happens when your lane ies vera ‘olen? We: Urn No oting happens does tl it depends on whether the ‘olcano erupting? Or whether toc We've Wi: Wel scoring tthe book Jamison asked 2 pit. Ae {he pt sada es Pyngover the vlna his engines st flown topped working compet Werscary ete ptr? Wictnm cast ny Bathe about sinived So there you > Anyway sbo ths one? Why i The Beatles beak vp? Wa: aro They esto thes? eto Jo emnen want of wth Yona dni he ‘WieWat eso wrote a Yoho On sr seep, Because {hey alee un wanted todo things te om way. an they \Weron tots eres Mrimanoaed se rept Wi: oa OK test ne ter watching vole video game {hele boy ated why isthe wa? Wa: crest quesion Ye Thots ely good auton Westin tease monn hing? Poti esors One county wants thea the cio the eid AVI: Wel, amazon ated it of experts Most of them nto Cet res ene at rca arn ‘sider are fourbyg reasons ren aloe sense. Shou cconme eeocsandieat wen We: Good question for fouryearot MeAnda good answee Comins conversation 1 We Argah Oh ro. WeWhies the mater? Moh This cashmachine’s net working. Do youknowf theres Shother machine smewhreIvely ned o get some money. Wel fm not sure Tare might be ae inte shopping He Thanks Whats the mate? Wey apostate gin Thatsthe thi tie ts prone ld you minding fore Nese We Thanks ts 0 anoying tae sing my documents Do you Keon hat the poiem BP Nétetmehove a ook Threat of ut on hee Why doit Yossie the documents to amemny sa? erie god en Nid then you want met Conversation 3 Wap W= Wa We Customer senices Good morning Un yes Ive gota probe wih my vacuum clesnee We Could youtellme what the problem's i? Mees can Iekeps making funny rise And just ot smoking propery WE Yous it hee making 2 funny nose Mees thas WOK Lets secon nd someone whe can help you. Could {you old the ine poste? eves ofcourse Conversation & Hear W= Won Oh | dont beleve it Excuse me, this machine’ ot working. TRsjusttatenmymoney Could you give me a etn? Welim said cant do that. MeWhy net? W- WEL not allowed to pve retunds. Me But veust lost my ony An Ist nad ake Wl ansell yous ticket but cant give you elu. Me Wel. could you tell me who shold speak to? Wve, of couse You need to speakto he manager M-OX Would yeu ming calinghim forme? WeOFcoure not jus call him, Cen s im ging a tel you about Rabo het. Basal Robo-Chet an repre ond Cookall your fowurte recipes ewer tke ths it ofl tases and prepares al the vegetables, then prepares our di ance yoo a eoker Ratchet comes comple wth hundedsor eran ated progranmed But youcan so programe Pobo-Chet with Jourown recipes. or you nak tty something ne! Youcan Sonniond new ecpesherever oul, Al youve odo thoose the dh you wan. dee how mary people you want Rabo Chef a cock and what tine you wart heal to De ‘exo. So tes you'wol te ease agnor peonl, ready oy ec Then ut ake ste you nae all Thelngetems ta the iter press the ution, ane thats You can gout to work and wenyou come home nthe eng yur dalcou pyri be ea What od be rior bo Ghetto che othe tre ES AUDIO SCRIPTS func Welcome io Start Dy! Hallo can hap you? Nour lis imparant tous Halo can lp you? ‘our cls important tous. Sony al our operators are busy at ‘hemarent Bese ho They pat you ina queve fo ages lsteningto thistle music en you aly speak someone, youre 30 ong You Justwont to shout Re dnger We al apa the feeng A report out st yea shows that people are getting angrier One ten people sy that they ‘ave rouble controling thertemper Taft jams apres Callentres computer rashes they canal leave we feng fangy.and angeris ata te contol Oris Preessor Miler from the ettepotan Unversity shereto tellus about 0 ‘ory deren therapies tofelp deal wih sues Fs ofall, ‘destruction therapy Whats that abou? Be basal tee that 3 1tOF peopl, when they gt Sng they dant kom what todo with thr ange =the Gar eal wh very we hey ut Hep sie. Buf you dat Seal with your ange sonar o tet wile. S wth Sesruetion therapy you we your anger to dst someting, Satins contlled way. andthe hen that you ae helps you tofee bee. OK get angry ot Con destruction therapy help ne? PPethaps We con ty lc What we dois wetake you to place full oi cars When we get thee give yous hae and Joucan are smathacarto pisces FeRaalh? stat simple? If smash the cart ples, wil feel bette? ves ait But hats onl the Beginning. Ten. Mask youto think about situation nthe past when you ft relly angry Andwhen you thnkabout tat anger situation youl te {ar mch ret rd te therapy wil be much more safe. ‘hen we rsh the session, youl fel ch better Tots amazing and business ae using thiskind of therapy Span rthat ra? es there are same ol hotels in Spin. You can payt go and destroy the hotel So, sme companies whofe tet heir worhersare stressed or they ned to bu teary send the Mores to destroy te ote And good way for them fo get ‘lof hat sresa torte BR Tat’sncecible But there's another ides wanted oa Yyouabout People say that augers the best mene. Tewadoys laughter therapy tsedinhosptal to Felp people ssh pai Pethats right So, how does that work? elf people laugh about something they fel batter On average cen laugh up to 400 times dy, Dut when we ‘fw op, we oly augh about seventeen mesa day An net hough because when yu aug, your body prosuces cereals nd these chemicals make you fel happend they aso imate yu fel es pain San Manca Ter example they ie Lbughter therapy i bsptals A group a pple go found the hospital vstng the patents and basta they make ther Laugh, by teling them oes, or ding something anny dnd does realy werk? Do people fel etter afterwards? bole Tey fal better an they don eel diene Thats iliant Sin Meco, aught realy isthebest mmesiine? Pes tlocks theit Tat’ ght Conversation 1 Wea We Wa eve got something totel you Wears that? fe been ofeced ajc, Wo That fantastic Congratulations Me Thre'sone thing ve gotttellyou though We Realy? Whats that : The 9 isin Germany im mowing atthe endof the month W.Thatsawf Whatam going todo? nae tog. hope yeu understand Wilsee Conversation 2 HeWan_W= Worn Wella You camel fra jab intenview astweek, Mees thats ght We Fit fie to say that we were veryimpresed with your Itaven. Moh. Thankyou LW Howaverm sorry te have tell you but weve offered the jab to someone ele HOh Thats a shame. Thankyou ayy. Weim ftaid the other cared had more experience. He lunderston But wedine wo keep your dtl case another jb comes wpinhetuure Heo. Conversation 3 a WE Ivejust won some moneyina creative writing competition. We: Youre olig? WIENe realy \W2: Thats amazing! How much you win? Wis Two thousand ero, 1W2: ou lek thing How fans How are you ging send? Wirt, ve got so yb op. spend on that Wa:Mil is good news anya. Conversation & etal an accident cated the car na Tha terol Are you OF? Mi ermfne as Thats. Mi: But Im afd tecar ent. 20h that doesnt mater You can get the caries i: Unfortunately ites your co Ha:My ca? You mean you crashed my car How id that eppens ME Wel, yousee Conversation § W. ae, ve got some good news for you. Me woes Wel you know was wing ear from the Universi? Mees, Weve, mea place Thats wonderful news, deat Well done. so pleased for you ‘We There’ enlyone problem thoush Me whats thae? Weltmean rn eaing home Me Wel, of course well miss you, butts antasenews. Conversation § i W= Woman We There something ve got tell you Me whavthe mater We spit up with Fabia Me Ohl Thats tebe. im really srry to bar that. WeNe O atnly in pleased abou bu guess what? Me what? We’ reat gota new grtend Me Nal Thats really annoying. Wea. ad they got engaged. Me Youre joking Conversation 7 Wis two w= ae Wa: Bad rows, Fm ari. rm relly pleased to telyou that. they ve offered Wi: Stove los ij W2: Oh no. Thats ofl rm realy sor to hear that, (Wi: bo youwanetoar the good news hough? Waiver Wa: The compony i paying him tht thausal pounds W2: Realy? WE: Hes going to tree oun the world Wa: Tats smear Cae (Onecfthe mast; memorable moments or nt moments father events myles was coupe of ea ago Een Teall sated one dayen vas at wok ana my brther ‘honed mecutof the ue and si um, What are you doing {he weekend of Set 23rd or whatever wasn a, Toons kon He sid, Wel bok a fight to Norway My beter ves in Nonway ana vein England 2, Why hai Oh it $ouknow when yu gt tere it srpie’ So eee went on nd eg to workout what ti coud be, but had abe fo idea. 30 the weekend in quastion cae abut. wet to the igre got on my ght and ah was met thereby somatody Td ‘terrors duscame wands Neyer FSi, Nes fre at OK Came ith Sol went with hitethecr ed foraile whe yea of gti out him where we were going but he wouldnt tl ‘meanything Ke poled up outs shot nd tere was my rhe andy Pal bother rt my wo hal sisters thee alng forme was thinking Wat on earths gong on? 2a my brother Just sai, Trealie we dor spend enough time together ove gathered you al here ae ve planed 2 techn or you Wet ike’Oh ool Sa what are we dg? Frnnot alg you" OX fre’ Netting we goton abot ad cere tok usc toa lighthouse And the fst ight we spent, ‘ening Hovweanprowrs dining bee ad we sept in lighthouse, Next morning we go up. drove fn his cot we sad "Where ate we ging” He ad Tm ntteling ou: He took uso localshopping centre and ade realseve done OK in te. Fe'done beter than you guys Here nave lad of money want Gilg hoping anny ute you wa ray bay with hsreney Hei, the one condition s youre not Alewed toby git forme o my fami So off we wen in ‘ferent dreetions sent al is money. ne er bout some ‘very nie things et back agai. nthe evening, he ook rot to’ blus concert then Ne tok us fora fve-cutse meal Ac, fe we stayed that right na ver ie ote The net rein We thd breakfast gt backon plane and went backo England Yea, that weckandisone of my happlest emai. Cie: Pr Helo and welcome backto the Focus podast. Tm en Osman the etre Focus, the mont scence and ecology ‘magazine from the BBC Het the huge infoentia suthorof lik nd The Tiping int His works quoted by academic residents and yor mates ‘awe the pls Andl now Mall Gadel has tured ha eft fnindafhisto anew sje the since of sucess Ins new Book, Gacwel| egies that we want tobe succesful we Should thinks about what successful people are. nd ‘mote about where they have came fom and the opparunies they have had along ne way Now ns eadthe bead he joint me Now . hi ew bookis ooking = Teves and what he ay ier thatif we think bout somebody lke Bil ates hugely sucensl person are want lear from from hs aceverans, then what oo ve lek t We ook Bat what that man ke, you, what ives hn wat aes Fedo on ady-o-day bas how can we be move Uke hin? Emm. But what Gadel aguesin te ew book tat We Shou ay ess tention that sd f Su and lnk at where Bi Gates ame om Sa how el eget to where he got, the ‘opportunites he hadalangthe way im. Bnd what he 5/1 that Bl Gates hasone thingin commen with another group of very sucestl peop The Beals PrSo.uhats that Ie they bth practise ht they doa they prc @ Pig, so hom muchisa lt? Tratots en thousand hours That ihe the magi number i Yeu gingta become wrld-das at anjthing the wai you Teed wut en thousand hous practice Peon oF. FS The Beatles the. they were deng sts, you kno tke Sibright isin lamburg thee ste ub ands the umber thers that they put non the tage et allowed them to master her rant Prlthnk thet thousand hours magic umber isreally Iraeresting becouse ss yout uses to ply ten profesotoly and his od of emis baler as Seunger And mau mast have dene ten thousand hours ‘north you know | must have done four ours ay ane stat Ind remember seating to Marina Hing mur about hy She thought er Kel was so food, and sucha prodigy, and she Easily sae My dauper hasbeen iting emi balls since the age tre nd ake Rast Knombero tens als fork rurmber of hous ants you know, mare he. 30 one You over that maple number often thousand yeah. Five sme goes for people Beethoven, erm needle how But at the end ofthe ay you have to ave alert. Feo go to have raw alert youve got have bln what Yeu and andyou hae tohave te wit pthose Rosin but you aomeed the opporany, AUDIO SCRIPTS [usr og “So what about your memery, Peggy? How good ist? it OK whichis ky eos Meet remember ts ofthis. ELkewtar Prema sles rep fora publishing company om usually futvisting school tying to el books J Soyou need toremember what exact? Oh ota things The wor thing whe started was ust tying to remember how o gett Rese schoolsin my cat used {0 get lon all the time, Im net very good at decors Then once Youre there you have to remernber fe names and faces othe People youre taling ta lance spert a whalehout cain is ‘roman Sal when ner name was Someta {Ean she dt tel you? efor some reason se didn't tall me And then there'll he product nfomaton. J: Proc information? What. the books? os We sll about ve hundred dierent books ad have to now the dference between lof therm | mean pts ese thank goodness but sill make mistakes cccsionaly What. About you. John Youre an actor righ [Yeah The man thing! have to remembers tne, Fortunately ve gota god memory for weds and dont fred ith had to menor them. Soman, yah, Theother ting Yyouhaveto remember when youein the teat sthe Bloc what sthse? J Blocking? ts where you stan or move oy know Like, when yousny Jou words you ight hae to mak quel across the [Rage Otmoveinfrontof someone. al planned arden you fave to remember On tase J: Bvt nny for forthe things Ihave a tele memany fm totaly useless |aas forget birthdays ad cats m always leo things just. yooh uci Pin OK with ny nes What about you. Tint ‘etm probably the same as al other students Atleast al other Nistoy stents Ihave to memorise dates ond also names But isnot that felt because yu ead about tem 0 much You {a realy forget them ur oter hinge nave rely bs tremor. can never remember jokes or fms Sometimes tratchig Amand afer an hor eae fe seen already in Compet hopeles he that. Oh, meteo COMB ines es iterating one ofthe most iteligent people know 3 tenyearad boy fem Epp He doesnt got chook ard be ‘rons in a tour ares nro An he wl tings to oust, File souvenirs Now the reason se he's inteliger that Ne Can sel yousomething about fiteen languages once spent Snterton natng him and was ncedible Mor ofthe “ie he uses English bute guesses where you'e rom anathen he starts speating your lage. For ama, be an speak litle itef Pench Spanish japanese: halon cca ts Smszing He knows enough inal these languages to say hello and sel you something Wetiow dd he ean the languages? Mase him that ond he sid he er them by talking to \W: Thats amazing Just alting to pple, you can lear so much So, ike sad he doesnt gf schoo tt forme ss per ftaligent Late give yu another example. have end wh But his house He us taught himself how to doe bought oe lnd, bought the materi andthe aqulprent and jus ed ith qualfetons no etieatn no unveraty depres, Wen my view thats impresve. couldnt do that This someone wh ef schol a Fteen todo an apprenticeship, WW Degrees an certificates are evrything but you know. ‘ving sald that. do ik quaiictons re usefl in some ys Fr ene ig, they show that oue able to complete a “urse- that youte motivate enough He Yeah einen ue W Bul must ay elle experince, traveling and mesting people. these ge you amazing education too. Me Bracy Thats what was ying. Lie th boy rm Egypt, (Ces ‘couple of years age eat howto scuba ive whieh was, ene lng ey in expat and wero ming half, he raining the classroom ad hale {era pratalina swimming pool Sot dassoom su ‘sine er ound tells an wat amin my ‘mur an she was really worried about doing the Hind of mre ‘avec sti ane pang the exam but found that pat OF Stor the practical sr tha hac trouble than she wa ely Tei she was er realy god. Bu you go ata you lath al the {echnical stu you kao how ogo unde! wate hte cleat Your maskifyou get water nt that Wd of thing Athen SJouhave to dots ves outside in. ina ki of rsesor ors "vary or you kom something the that. But obvious because Thin the Ut nas ely realy cold ani we woke up. the ‘moming of eur dive andthere Was ice on the water 0 when ste po tere we mere very ners an didnt wat fp nto ‘water Bw once was nie was so frening that te 0 0 lndar the water ut the melted te hater gt and then got very frustrated andstartedto cr and then a yeas got ‘locked up and ould get under But eventual managed it ard erm, ent down, passed ys di al of esl that you ‘ed ta da Despite te fot hat Iwas o tebl tk managed {pass ar now em non Im posse can go onjuere stones il mate sre wl be somenher ery ht. S, em {sump al aogether was 2 rely deat realy out ‘allange Fm so glad managed. rm forme fewas que fn advevement and, and Tm proud of myself having doe i

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