Problem Set - Tacheometric Surveys

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Competence Service Uprightness


Tacheometric Surveys

1. A transit with a stadia interval factor of 100.85 was set up at a point C between points A and B, and the following stadia
reading were observed: (picture)
Staff Reading
Stadia Rod Vertical Angle
Upper Middle Lower
A +20° 25’ 1.850 m 1.600 m 1.350 m
B -12° 10’ 1.645 m 1.488 m 1.330 m
If the stadia constant is 0.442, determine the following:
a. Horizontal distance AB
b. Horizontal distance CB
c. Difference in elevation between A and B

2. A dumpy level with an internal focusing telescope was set up on the left bank of the river and the rod readings tabulated
below were taken on a stadia rod held successively at the left and right water edges. If the stadia interval factor of the
instrument is 100, determine the width of the river. (online: Workbook in Higher Surveying)
Hair Readings
Rod Position
Upper (a) Middle (c) Lower (b)
Rod Held at LWE 2.189 m 2.172 m 2.155 m
Rod Held at RWE 2.277 m 2.173 m 2.069 m

3. A transit located between points A and B is set up at point P with elevation = 96 m, H.I. = 1.2 m, K = 100, and C = 0.3. Find
the elevation of points A and B. (Solution: 15.12)
Points Observed Rod Intercept Vertical Angle
A 1.056 +2° 00’
B 1.260 -4° 00’

4. A dumpy level is set up at one end of a line 160 m long for the purpose of determining the instrument stadia interval factor.
The line is marked by hubs at every 40 m and a stadia rod is held at each hub. The stadia intercept at each location of the rod
were observed as follows: 0.402 m, 0.813 m, 1.231 m and 1.602 m respectively. Compute the average value of the stadia
interval factor. Height of instrument is 1.5 m. (Solution: 29.15)

5. A subtense bar 2 m long is set up near the middle of a traverse line MN. At M, the angle subtended is 38’05” and at N the
angle is 63’16”. Find the length of MN. (online)
6. Following are stadia intervals and vertical Following are stadia intervals and vertical angles for a transit-stadia traverse. The
elevation of station A is 461 08m stadia elevation of station A is 461.08m, stadia interval factor is 100.0 and C = 0.0. Rod
readings are taken at height of instrument readings are taken at height of instrument. Compute the length of each course, the
traverse perimeter and the elevations of traverse perimeter, and the elevations of the traverse stations. (online)
Station Occupied Station Observed Stadia Interval (m) Vertical Angle
A 2.59 +0° 46’
C 1.33 +8° 15’
B 1.32 -8° 16’
D 3.80 -2° 25’
Competence Service Uprightness
3.78 +2° 20’
2.19 -1°33’


7. An automatic level with an internal focusing telescope was set up somewhere at mid-length of a long-span steel bridge. The
rod readings tabulated below were observed on a stadia rod held successively at the vicinity of the concrete abutments in the
southern and northern approaches of the bridge. If the stadia interval factor of the instrument is 98.5, determine the length of
the bridge. (online_Workbook)
Hair Readings
Rod Position
Upper (a) Middle (c) Lower (b)
Rod at Southern Approach 2.98 m 1.68 m 0.38 m
Rod at Northern Approach 3.54 m 2.02 m 0.49 m

8. Complete the stadia level notes shown below and perform an arithmetic check. Assume that K = 100 and C = 0. (Higher)

Backsight Foresight Elev (m)
Sta (m)
S (m) α RR (m) VD (m) S (m) α RR (m) VD (m)
BM1 1.245 -4° 25’ 2.42 1,552.35
TP1 2.044 3° 20’ 1.08 1.515 8° 18’ 1.55
TP2 1.720 -6° 40’ 1.46 1.438 -3° 25’ 3.06
TP3 2.426 -9° 15’ 2.08 1.025 10° 05’ 0.45
BM2 1.326 4° 22’ 1.45

9. The following tacheometric observations were made from station A to stations 1 and 2. (Chandra)

Instrument at Staff Reading

Staff at Zenith Angle
Station A Upper Middle Lower
1 96° 55’ 1.388 0.899 0.409
2 122° 18’ 1.665 1.350 1.032
Calculate the errors in horizontal and vertical distances if the staff was inclined by 1° to the vertical in the following cases:
(a) Staff inclined towards the instrument for the line A–1.
(b) Staff inclined away from the instrument for the line A–2.
The height of the instrument above ground was 1.52 m. Take stadia constants as 100 and 0.0 m.
10. From a given observed data and figure as shown below, calculate ∆ ∝. (picture)
α =28 ° 17'
i=1.50 meters
f 2=2.56 meters
D=60 meters

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