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This is roughly the workout that I’ve been following while traveling. I
have two days, A and B, that I alternate between every other day. Only a
pull up bar is required to complete the workouts.

For any of my push/leg/core exercises, I move up to the next level after I

can do 4 sets of 12+ repetitions.

For the chin ups and pull ups, I just do four sets of maximum repetitions.
As soon as I can do four sets of 12+ repetitions, I’ll find ways to make
them more difficult by wearing my backpack while doing them. The leg
routine is the same for both days - get up to pistols!

You don’t need to follow this routine perfectly - pick the exercises that work
for you, and work on CONSISTENT IMPROVEMENT!

Don’t forget: WARM UP and COOL DOWN with each workout!

1) Close-Grip Chin ups – 4 sets for max reps – 90 seconds rest
between sets.

Do each of these next four exercises in a circuit (one after the other
without stopping) with a 2 minute rest after each circuit.

Start with the first exercise listed in the progression. Once you can do 4
sets of 12 reps with an exercise, move up to the next difficulty.

2) Push ups --> Decline Push ups --> Plyometric Push ups

3) Body Weight Squats --> Overhead Squats --> Bulgarian Split Squat
--> Pistol Squats Assist --> Pistol squats

4) Tricep Push Ups --> Close Hand Push Ups --> Side to Side Push Ups
--> Divebomber Push Ups

5) Reverse Crunches --> Knees to Elbows --> Feet to Hands

1) Wide Grip Pull Ups – 4 sets for max reps – 90 seconds rest
between sets.

For these next exercises, 4 sets each with 2 minutes rest between sets.
once you can do 4x12 with an exercise, move up to the next difficulty.
For handstand push ups, if you can’t go all the way down, just go halfway
and work on getting closer to the ground. After a few half reps, practice
just staying in the handstand position for increasing amounts of time.

2) Pike Push Ups --> Jackknife Push Ups --> Handstand Push Ups

3) Body Weight Squats --> Overhead Squats --> Bulgarian Split Squat
--> Pistol Squats Assist --> Pistol Squats

For the planks, progress when you can do 4 sets of 60 seconds. 60

second rest between sets.

4) Planks --> Side Planks --> One and One Planks --> Inch worms

Once you can do knees to elbows for 4 sets of 12 reps, you can look into
doing the gymnastic exercises listed in this article (LONG read, see post
#2) for your core and ending movements.

I’m currently up to level 2 on the planche progression and still on level

1 on the front lever progression, but I’m getting stronger with each
workout – it’s fun to see.

If you don’t feel like attempting these crazy gymnastic moves, then you
can just stick with the knees to elbows or or feet to hands.

And that’s it! Consistenly improve your number of reps or advance to the
next level, and you will build some serious strength.

-Follow Operation: Slim Down and you’ll thin out.

-Follow Operation Bulk Up and you will build bigger muscles.

If any of this doesn’t make any sense or you have questions, email me at and I’ll help in any way that I can!

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