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This edition of the Village Snooper provides the

basic floor plan for the home & business of a
local herbalist. The two story building is small
but tidy and charming. Inside one can find a
wide variety of dried herbs, teas, soaps, medici-
nal remedies, scented oils, and incense.

1. Shop/Store– This cozy area features numer-
ous shelves loaded with various goods. Various
drying herbs hang above a hearth in the upper
right corner.

2. Stairs– This closed off section features a

stone staircase leading up to map area 3.

3. Living Quarters– This spacious area serves

as the primary living quarters for the herbalist
and family.

4. Storage– This closed off storage area features

sacks of grains, dried herbs, a locked wooden
chest, and barrels of vinegar, wine, and ale.

Popular Items Available At The Shop: VILLAGE SNOOPER:

The following is a list detailing a few of the many items that are commonly at the shop. For the pur-
pose of currency conversion, consider 1 silver coin as being the equivalent as one day’s worth of work HERBALIST SHOP
from an unskilled labor or a very simple, poor quality meal at an inn or tavern. FWG1009
Created By:
Item: Quantity: Cost: Dave L. Woodrum Jr.
Burn Salve 12 ounce jar 7 silver coins Contact:
Cough Tonic 1 pint flask 3 silver coins
Dried Common/Local Herbs 1 ounce 1 silver coin Copyright 2012, Fishwife Games
Dried Uncommon Herbs 1 ounce 3 silver coins
Essential oil 1 ounce vial 18 silver coins Look Us Up On Facebook! Just Search
For Fishwife Games and Look For Our
Herb Infused Vinegar 1 pint flask 3 silver coins
Logo. Drop In and Say Hi, We’d Love To
Herbal Soap 6 ounce block/bar 8 silver coins Hear From You!
Herbal Tea 1 ounce 3 silver coins
Mugwort Dreamer's Pillow 1 small pillow 5 silver coins SYSTEM GENERIC PRODUCT:
This system generic product is designed
Scented Beeswax Candle 1 candle (15 hour burn) 1 silver coin
to be used with most any form of paper
and dice, fantasy genre role playing game.
Adventure Hooks:
The following adventure hooks provide the characters with specific reasons for checking out the herb-
alist shop.

Plague of the Lavender Mist– Strange lavender colored mist has been spotted in the wooded areas
near the village. Unfortunate individuals that find their selves wandering into the mist have fallen
gravely ill. The herbalist reports that the mist is actually the spores of a strange mildew and needs the
characters to assist in the location of a rare herb to treat the sick.

Path of the Orchid Witch– The orchid witch, a powerful spell caster that ravaged the countryside a
decade ago, has been spotted in the area. A member of the local militia/guard claims to have spotted
her walking up to the herbalist shop and passing straight through the door, leaving a path of orchid
petals behind. Superstitious villagers believe that the herbalist (or other family member) may actually
be the orchid witch in disguise. The adventurers must try to figure out if the herbalist really is the or-
chid witch and if so, how to stop her. If the herbalist is not, the heroes may be needed to protect the
herbalist from the advance of an angry mob (without using lethal force on the mob).

A Dire Need for Wolfsbane– Werewolves have been reported to exist in area and the rulers of the
land have requested the herbalist’s assistance in gathering wolfbane. The herbalist knows of an aban-
doned orchard where sufficient quantities of wolfsbane may be gathered but the place is ridden with a
variety of other dangerous creatures. The herbalist has requested the services of the heroes to help
provide protection during the gathering of the wolfsbane.

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