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» EBOOK WRITTEN BY AARON NIMMO TABLE OF CONTENTS BY AARON NIMMO Common Weight Loss Problems 5 Secrets To Fat Loss 10 Importance Of Protein 12 Importance Of Carbs 13 Importance Of Fats 15 What To Expect When Dieting 18 Clean Eating 19 Low Carb Diet 20 Ketogenic Diet 21 Low-Fat Diet 22 Intermittent Fasting 23 Paleo Diet 24 Training 26 Beginner Workouts: 12 Week Program 31 Advanced Workouts: 12 Week Program 38 Cardio Secrets 45 Eat What You Want To Get Abs 50 Lifestyle Change 63 | ACEO UT \\, Now look at your lifestyle. What about your lifestyle has contributed to your weight? Do you sit at a desk all day? Do you eat out five times a week? Have you picked up your family’s bad lifestyle habits? Even the smallest things can add up and contribute to an unhealthy lifestyle. Be clear with yourself about what each and every one of those things are. Next, set specific and realistic goals. Specific isn’t “I want to walk more.” Specific is “I will work out 4 days a week for at least 15 minutes.” The more specific you are the easier it'll be to stick to your goals. At the same time, you also have to be realistic. Realistic goals are achievable goals. Setting unrealistic goals like losing 20 pounds in 2 weeks,will only frustrate you and make you feel like a failure when you come up short. Being realistic also means expecting occasional setbacks. When setbacks happen, get back on track as soon as possible, but don’t punish yourself for letting them happen. Setbacks are a part of the journey. Lastly, be proud of yourself for your successes! Be proud of what you accomplish in a week or a month. Don’t hold back for the day when you reach your ultimate weight loss goal. There will be many successes from now until then. Enjoy every one of them. It’s time to get started. Are you ready to change your life? of ACEO UT \\, A x F INTRO Losing weight takes more than just desire. It takes commitment and a well-thought-out plan. In this eBook we’ll cover secrets to fat loss, pros and cons of popular diets and you'll be given two workout programs that will take you step-by-step through your weight loss journey. You'll have everything you need to put a plan together and then put it into action. But before you begin chapter one we need to start at the beginning — making the decision to change your life. Making the decision to lose weight, change your lifestyle, and become healthier is the big first step. Be clear with yourself about why you want to turn your health around. What does this decision to lose weight mean to you? Does it mean you could live a longer, fuller life? Does it mean you'll lower your risk of an illness that has plagued every generation in your family? Does it mean you'll feel better about yourself and have a new outlook on life? What does this decision really mean to you? Next, you need to take a good hard look at where you are. What got you to this place? Are you 10 Ibs. overweight thanks to a summer of bad choices or are you carrying twice the weight you should be and have been struggling for years because you don’t feel like you have the right to a better life? Whatever got you to where you are today, take a good hard look at it and acknowledge it. TTT, 4. DSH ai Aaron Nimmo Fitness offers health, fitness and nutritional information and is designed for educational purposes only. You should not rely on the following material as a substitute or replacement for professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or rehabilitation. You should consult a physician or health care professional before starting this or any other fitness programs, as well as making any nutritional changes. By engaging in this program, you acknowledge that you are doing so at your own risk and that it is your sole responsibility to consult with your physician beforehand. The use of any information provided, distributed, and promoted by Aaron Nimmo Fitness are to be used solely at your own risk. Do not perform any exercise without proper instruction. If you experience faintness, dizziness, pain or shortness of breath at any time while exercising you should stop immediately and be evaluated by a physician. All exercise poses possible risk of injury or death, depending upon any underlying medical conditions. Do not take risks beyond your level of experience, expertise, training and fitness level, and do not perform any exercise unless you have been shown the proper technique by a certified fitness professional. PTT, 4S wan Sete aN ssl me LOSS PROBLEMS . € by ACEO UT WN A lot of people think that getting lean is easy. The truth is if it were easy, we'd all have 10-12% body fat all the time. Problems can sneak up on you, stopping your progress before you even see them coming. There are common challenges everyone faces while they're trying to get lean. Here are some reasons why you might not be seeing the progress you want fo see. Cravings Going Too Hard, Too Fast Fighting food cravings can be one — Too much of a good thing can turn of the hardest parts of dieting. into a bad thing, and that goes for Food cravings can feel powerful exercise foo. Once you get going it enough to pick you up and carry can be addictive and some people you straight to the refrigerator no end up exercising too much (too matter how strong your will or hard, too faster too often). Your better judgment might be. | YoYo Man A-Te Mila Bos ccell memory Coren inte Maeda MLM UAeMCUULCOLN much as it needs exercise. If you and eating balanced meals is the aren't seeing progress you might best way to shut them up. need to give your body a break. Protein is one of the single most important nutrients needed for losing weight. It also reduces cravings and hunger. This is because of protein’s effects on appetite-regulating hormones. A high protein intake also helps prevent the metabolism from slowing down and helps to prevent weight regain. Eating too many calories. C 6 ACEO UT \\, ANE Many people who have trouble losing weight are eating more calories than their body can use up in a day. This problem can be fixed by increasing the intensity or frequency of workouts, or by cutting back on your calorie intake. Tracking calories helps you reach nutrient goals, like getting 30% of your calories from protein. This is almost impossible to track if you're not writing down your food intake. Not eating whole foods. Food quality is just as important as quantity. Not only will whole foods regulate your appetite, butthey are also more filling than processed Not Lifting Weights (Olio mia Maou Solace malate you can do when losing weight is some form of resistance training, cM Tititats nice aloe foods. This will help you keep muscle mass, which is burnedalong with body fat if you are losing weight through diet alone. Lifting weights can also help prevent metabolic slowdown. Binge eating is triggered when you deprive yourself of enough food or the right foods. Just like cravings, binge eating is a big problem for many dieters. Even if something is healthy, the calories still count. Binging will wreak havoc ‘on your diet no matter what foods you overeat. i ACEO UT \\, ANE Not Doing Cardio Cardio is one of the most effective ways to improve your health and burn fat, especially belly fat — the harmful fat that builds up around the organs and causes disease. A high intensity, 30-minute-long cardio workout burns about 500 calories. This allows you to create a caloric deficit without dropping your daily calorie intake. Not Getting Good Sleep Good sleep is needed for physical and mental health, and your weight. Studies show that not getting enough sleep is one of the single biggest risk factors for obesity. Not Cutting Back on Carbohydrates A low carb diet can help you see 2-3 times more weight loss vs the standard diet. Low-carb diets can also help improve triglycerides, HDL cholesterol and blood sugar. If you aren't seeing the weight come off you might need to start tracking calories. Not Drinking Water Drinking water has been shown to boost the number of calories burned by 24-30% over a period of 1.5 hours. weight gain and Eating Too Often Letting your body get hungry before you eat your next meal will help you lose fat. It’s a myth that your body starts to store fat the minute you start to feel hungry. There is even an effective weight eSSMantiiarete Mi lalel mow ohm (elie called intermittent fasting. This method involves fasting for extended periods of time. 3 ts ACEO UT WN Drinking Unnecessary Calories. Beer, wine, sugary alcoholic drinks and even juices are all very high in unnecessary calories. Moderate drinking is okay for some people, but heavy drinking will eventually pack on the pounds. Giving in to addiction. Addiction to junk food is similar to drug addiction in how it triggers the brain. Ridding your life of junk food can be almost impossible if you have symptoms of addiction. It takes about 2-4 weeks to get rid of those overwhelming junk food cravings and for your body to start craving healthy foods. Giving into that addiction during your diet will stop your fat loss in its tracks. s. Unrealistic expectations. Weight loss is generally a much slower process than most people want it to be. We'd all like it to happen overnight, but that’s not reality. It’s common to lose weight quickly at the beginning of a new diet, but not many people can keep up weight loss at a rate of more than 1-2 pounds per week. Many people have unrealistic expectations of what they can achieve with a healthy diet and exercise. Losing 1-2 pounds a week is normal for someone who wants to lose weight steadily. | — et} at See ah) ee LOSS . "Se i PARE WN No question about it, burning fat is on the minds of everyone from athletes to people who want to transform their health. To make the fat melt away you have to choose the right foods in the right amounts to keep your metabolism revved up. But fat loss isn’t only about diet. Training also comes into play. In this chapter we'll cover the foundations of a healthy diet. We'll also talk about different diet plans and their pros and cons. Lastly, we'll talk about how to train the right way to build muscle, lose weight and see consistent gains. Nutrition Eating a balanced diet is vital for good health and wellbeing. Healthy food gives our bodies the energy, protein, essential fats, vitamins and minerals it needs to live, grow, and function properly. We need a wide variety of different foods to get the right amounts of nutrients for good health. An unhealthy diet increases the risk of many diet-related diseases. Poor health from a poor diet and inactive lifestyle is connected to major causes of death, illness and disability. These include heart disease, stroke, hypertension, atherosclerosis, some forms of cancer, obesity, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis and more. If you don’t suffer the consequences of poor health, chances are, you know someone who does. Nutrient rich foods help the body develop, replace and repair cells and tissues, including muscle tissue. These foods also help the body resist and fight infections and disease. A healthy and balanced diet acts as a prevention for all of the illnesses and disabilities listed above. Remember, preventing diseases and illnesses is better than one day needing to be cured. The earlier you start fo eat a balanced diet, and incorporate fitness into your life, the healthier you will be now and down the road. i ACEO UT \\, A x F Eating well means eating a variety of foods. No single food contains all the nutrients that our bodies need. Each of the elements of nutrition that we'll cover in this chapter is as important as the next. The Importance of Protein Protein makes up every cell in the body and is used to build and repair tissue. Your body uses protein to make hormones, enzymes and other chemicals it needs to function. It is also a building block for bones, muscle, cartilage, skin, hair and blood. Protein helps speed up recovery after exercise, reduce muscle loss and buildlean muscle. By building muscle and curbing hunger, protein helps you maintain a healthy weight. Like carbohydrates and fat, protein is a macronutrient. This means that you need large amounts of it to stay healthy, compared to vitamins and minerals, which are classified as micronutrients and only needed in small amounts. When proteins are digested, they leave behind amino acids. Next to water, amino acids (in the form of proteins) make up the greatest portion of your body weight. But unlike fat and carbohydrates, your body does not store protein, so it has no reservoir to draw from when you're running low. This is why it’s important to keep your body fueled throughout the day with these macronutrients. Good Proteins Protein comes from several sources — meat, milk, fish, soy, eggs, yogurt, beans, legumes, sprouts, nuts and seeds. Whey is also a highly concentrated source of protein. This high qualj protein sourceis naturally found in milk is a complete protein and contains all of the amino acids your body needs. Plus, it is uniqu: because it’s easy for your body to use. V2 ACEO UT \\, A x F No matter where you're getting your protein, quality protein is important. Eating a variety of protein sources will help guarantee that you're getting all of the nine amino acids you need. Eat the highest quality beef, fish, chicken, eggs and protein-rich vegetables you can find. Recommended Protein Intake 10-35% of your daily caloric intake should be protein. The percentage of protein you need depends on your activity level, and your nutrition and fitness goals. If you want to build muscle you need a higher percentage of protein. Endurance athletes also needmuch more protein in their diet than someone who is sedentary or works out to maintain their health. But remember, not all proteins are equal. High quality proteins are complete. Low quality proteins are incomplete and you get less bang per gram. Grass-fed meats, organic dairy and plant-based foods, along with quality whey products, contain the highest levels of nutrients. FOODS Protein in 100g Protein to Calorie Ratio FISH (COD, SALMON, TUNA) 20g 1g protein per 4.1 calories CHEESE (MOZZARELLA) 32g Vg protein per 4.4 calories TURKEY OR CHICKEN (BREAST) 29g Vg protein per 4.6 calories LEAN BEEF 369 1g protein per 5.3 calories PORK (LOIN) 30g Vg protein per 5.4 calories BEANS (KIDNEY, WHITE, LIMA) 15-179 1g protein per 9.5 calories DAIRY (YOGURT, MILK) 5.79 1g protein per 9.8 calories EGG WHITES 33g Vg protein per 4.4 calories NUTS AND SEEDS (PUMPKIN) 30g Vg protein per 19 calories The Importance of Carbs Many diet fads have a strict low-carb regimen, but carbohydrates are an important aspect of any diet. Carbs are the primary fuel source used for energy during your workouts. ANE 13 ACEO UT \\, F Fueling your body with nutrient-rich carbohydrates will give you sustained energy and the nutrients you need to train and compete at your best. No matter your level of fitness, carbs are necessary. Protein is necessary when it comes to muscle growth, but carbohydrates help you maintain and gain muscle mass by giving your body energy. Complex carbohydrates are healthy and provide your body with the fuel it needs to build muscle. Good Carbs Just like proteins, all carbs are not created equal. Complex carbohydrates are found in whole foods, like whole-grains and legumes. These carbs contain crucial vitamins and minerals. On the flip side, simple carbs are refined and stripped of their nutritional value. These carbs are found in refined foods like white bread and white sugar. Carbohydrates fall into three main categories. The first is sugars — glucose, fructose, galactose and sucrose. Second is starches — these get broken down into glucose in the digestive system. Third is fiber — used by the bacteria in the digestive system. Sugars:Fructose and sucrose are natural sugars found in fruits and vegetables. When you eat natural sugar from whole foods, you get an energy boost plus vital nutrients. On the other hand, added sugars lack nutrients, cause unhealthy spikes in blood sugar and can cause weight gain. Starches:Starchy foods, like peas, corn, beans, pasta, rice, potatoes and grains, have vitamins and minerals (peas and beans are also good sources of protein and fiber). Avoid refined grains and eat whole grains for their fiber. Fibers:Fiber-rich foods — beans, fruits, vegetables and whole grains — contain different proportions of the two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber keeps your blood sugar steady and insoluble fiber keeps the digestive tract working regularly. cu ACEO UT \\, ANE Recommended Carb Intake Your daily caloric intake should be made up of 40-65% carbohydrates. Most people make carbohydrates 50% of their daily calorie intake as part of a bodybuilding diet. The daily caloric intake recommended for the average female is 2,000 and for the average male is 2,500. One gram of carbohydrates equals 4 calories. If carbohydrates make up 50% of your diet, at 4 calories per gram, 1,000 (50% of a woman's daily caloric intake) divided by 4 would equal about 250 grams of carbohydrates every day and 1,250 (50% of a man’s daily caloric intake) would equal about 312 grams. Your own caloric intake will vary based on your own personal goals. If you want to build muscle you will need to consume between 300-500 calories above your maintenance level which will increase the number of grams you need. If you are cutting weight, you'll need to cut back on your calorie intake which cuts your carb intake as well. The Importance of Fats Fats are the most energy dense of all macronutrients. Each gram of fat delivers 9 calories (compared to 4 calories per gram for protein and carbs) and they are critical to a healthy body. It’s recommended that 20-35% of your daily calories come from fats. But the same way there are good and bad carbs, there are also good and bad sources of fat. Mono and polyunsaturated fats are “good” fats, and saturated and trans fats are “bad” fats. Fats are a vital part of a diet. Unsaturated fats (both mono and polyunsaturated fats) are a must because your body does not make them. Without these fats, our bodies would not function properly, and the body must function properly in order to lose fat. 15 ACEO UT \\, A x F 1200 240-420 27-47 1500 300-525 33-58 1800 360-630 40-70 2000 400-700 44-78 2200 440-770 49-86 2500 500-875, 56-97 2800 560-980 62-109 3000 600-1050 67-117 il ACEO UT \\, Good fats help you see consistent gains, but also improve blood cholesterol levels, lower your risk of heart disease and keep insulin levels and blood sugars stable. Omega-3 fats are vital for your brain and mood, and important for balancing out the more inflammatory, but still necessary, omega-6 fats. MONOUNSATURATED POLYUNSATURATED NBS) FATS AVOCADOS, WALNUTS, ro) BV Ss) BUS ERO) a Sola 4B sy ALMONDS, Satis) al) PEANUTS PUMPKIN SEEDS. IY N@Za BYVAL OMESY WAV aD} HAZELNUTS SYNE IO) PECANS TUNA CASHEWS MACKEREL NICU MSU harass) ala INC ia sOlUIs PORK RYAN] IN leny WN) SOYMILK AND TOFU Most adults should get 20%-35% of their daily calories from fat. Just like carbohydrates, this percentage depends on your goals. Do you want to gain muscle or lose weight? What is your activity level? Fat contains nine calories per gram, compared to carbohydrates and proteins that only have four calories per gram. This means that limiting your fat intake can help you achieve your weight loss goals. But if you're looking to gain muscle, depriving yourself of healthy fats will significantly slow down and stall your progress. 16 ACEO UT \\, ANE RU THE FULL SECRETS TO FAT LOSS EBOOK = TT ae i, 5 | 4 ait) i 4 FAT LOSS ml ..! TI INCLUDES: v FAT LOSS WORKOUTS FOR BEGINNER, vy INTERMEDIATE, AND ADVANCED v EAT WHAT YOU WANT TO GET ABS vy 6 PACK AB WORKOUTS vy CARDIO SECRETS AND DETAILED REGIMENT VA RUC ee Reha a) VTS Sy ee eg vy GUIDE TO OVERCOMING ALL DIET CHALLENGES v STAY LEAN FOR LIFE www.AaronNimmo.com i wy i

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