Crepes With Camembert and Chives: Ingredients

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Crepes with Camembert and Chives

(Pfannkuchen mit Camembert-Schnittlauch-Füllung)

Serves 4

3 eggs
1 1/2 cups milk
7 oz all purpose flour
12 oz German Camembert such as Champignion
1 bunch chives
1 jar cranberry or other German jelly

Separate the eggs and blend the egg yolk with the milk and flour. Beat the whites with a dash of salt in a
blender until stiff and add to the mixture. Add salt and pepper and allow to stand for 20 to 30 minutes. Heat
a small amount of butter in a frying pan. Add spoonfuls of the mixture and fry pancakes over medium heat
cooking each side about 3 to 4 minutes.

Cut Camembert into 1/2 inch thick pieces and place on cooked pancakes, and then sprinkle with chives.
Fold the pancakes in half, place on a greased cooking tray and bake at 400 degrees F for 6 to 8 minutes.
Serve immediately with German cranberry jelly. Serve with a salad.

Hot and Crusty Frankfurter Rolls

(Frankfurter Würstchen im Schlafrock)

Recipe of the Month: July, 2006

These light and crusty rolls appeal to all ages, from children and teenagers to adults of all decades ! And
they're a perfect dish for your summer barbecue. Simply roll crustless slices of white bread spread with
German mustard and curry ketchup around the Frankfurters, then butter and bake for a few minutes until
crisp. To add a tangy bite, add thin slivers of pickled gherkins before rolling up. So easy to put together,
even your children could make them. Ideally, choose bread slices that are slightly narrower than the Franks
so they pick out attractively each side. Make sure to use genuine German Frankfurters such as those from
Meica and German mustard, curry ketchup (such as from Hela, Burkhardt or Zeisner) and pickles.
Serves: 6

6 large thin slices of white bread
German sweet or medium-hot mustard to spread
a little curry ketchup (optional) such as Burkhardt, Zeisner, Hela
6 Frankfurters such as Meica
3 German pickled gherkins cut in slivers such as Hengstenberg, Kuehne, Gundelsheim
1 3/4 oz butter, melted
1. Cut the crusts from the bread and using a rolling pin, roll to make the bread a little pliable
2. Spread thinly with the mustard making sure it reaches the edges evenly, then drizzle over a little curry
ketchup, if used. Place a Frankfurter at the top end and tuck in a couple or more the gherkin slices.
3. Roll up quite firmly, place joint side down on a baking tray and secure with a wooden toothpick. Brush
the top and sides with the melted butter.
4. Make 5 more rolls in the same way then bake for 12-15 minutes until golden brown and crisp. Remove
and cool until warm. Take out the sticks before serving.

Potato Pancakes with 3 Toppings

Serve these cakes warm at a cocktail party, and let your guests choose their toppings.
Serves: 16-20 pancakes

8 cups (loosely packed) frozen shredded potatoes
4 eggs, lightly beaten
1/2 cup flour
1 teaspoon sea salt
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
Vegetable oil for frying
Toppings (recipes below)
Combine potatoes, beaten eggs, flour, salt and pepper in a large bowl and stir well, until flour is no longer
visible. Heat 1 inch of vegetable oil in a large skillet, and use a 1/4 cup measure to scoop three piles of
potato mixture into hot oil. Let fry on medium-high heat about until golden brown, about 3 minutes. Turn
cakes and press down with a spatula, flattening them as much as possible. Fry until golden brown, and
remove onto paper towels. Repeat with remaining potato mixture. Serve pancakes immediately, or store
refrigerated until ready to serve, and reheat in a 350 degrees F oven for 10 minutes.
Black Forest Ham & Sauerkraut
Combine 2 cups sauerkraut in white wine, drained, and 4 slices of Black Forest ham, sliced into strips. Add
3 tablespoons light olive oil and 1 teaspoon sweet mustard. Add 1 teaspoon fresh thyme. Stir gently and

Smoked Salmon & Spicy Crème Fraiche

Combine 6 ounces smoked salmon, 1 finely diced large scallion, 1/4 cup crème fraiche, 1 tablespoon
creamy horseradish, and 1 teaspoon minced fresh dill. Stir gently and serve.
BBQ-Curry Chicken
Combine 3 tablespoons German curry ketchup, 3 tablespoons barbecue sauce, and 2 tablespoons balsamic
vinegar in a saucepan. Add the shredded meat of 2 cooked boneless, skinless chicken breasts. Cook on low
heat, stirring occasionally, until warm throughout.

Rye Bread Crostini

Quick and easy yet sophisticated, this recipe is a twist on traditional crostini.
6 slices German rye bread
2 large garlic cloves, halved
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
3 1/2 ounces German soft, spreadable cheese
2 medium-ripe tomatoes, seeded and diced
3 basil leaves, sliced very thinly lengthwise
Sea salt and freshly ground pepper
Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Cut bread slices in half. Rub one side of each piece with the cut side of
garlic. Brush with oil and place on a baking sheet; bake 10 minutes. Let bread cool, slightly, and spread
toasted bread with cheese. Gently stir together tomato and basil spoon on top. Sprinkle with salt and pepper
and serve.

Pepper Brie and Radicchio Salad

Peppery radicchio combines with German peppered brie cheese in this colorful salad dressed with a wine
white German mustard honey dressing.
Serves: 4

1 head radicchio
1/4 head iceberg lettuce
2 tomatoes, sliced
2 spring onions, sliced into thin lengths
2 tbsp sunflower seeds (optional)
8 oz Bavarian Brie with peppercorns (such as Champignon Brand)
sea salt and freshly ground pepper
For the dressing:
5 tsp canola oil
2 tbsp white wine or apple vinegar
4 tsp coarse-grain German mustard
1 tsp German flower honey
sea salt and freshly ground pepper
Whisk the dressing ingredients together and set aside.
Cut the core from the radicchio then separate the leaves. Wash and dry carefully. Tear into bite-size pieces
and place in a large bowl. Prepare the iceberg lettuce in the same way. Mix with the tomato slices, most of
the spring onions (reserving some for garnish) and sunflower seeds (if used).
Toss with half the dressing, add more seasoning if liked, then divide between four plates.
Cut the rind from the cheese then slice into eight. Place two pieces on each plate, drizzle over the last of the
dressing and scatter over the remaining spring onion shreds.

Dark Beer-Marinated BBQ Chicken

This recipe may be halved. Always remember to use separate platters for raw and cooked chicken.
Serves: 4

1/2 cup peanut oil
1 teaspoon German mustard, preferably Düsseldorf-style
1 cup dark German beer
1/4 cup lemon juice
4 cloves garlic, minced
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon black pepper
1 teaspoon minced fresh basil
1 teaspoon fresh thyme leaves
3 1/2 to 4 1/2 pounds chicken parts
Non-stick cooking spray
Whisk together peanut oil and mustard in a large bowl. Whisk in beer and lemon juice until mixture is
smooth. Stir in garlic, salt, pepper, basil and thyme. Add chicken pieces and turn to coat well. Cover and
refrigerate 2 to 12 hours.
In a charcoal grill, heat about 5 dozen charcoal briquettes until covered with white ash. Meanwhile, drain
chicken and discard marinade.
Use large tongs to push hot briquettes to one side of the grill. Away from the grill, spray grill rack evenly
with non-stick cooking spray; place on grill. Place chicken parts on grill rack, on the coals side. Cook
uncovered until skin is crisp, about 10 minutes, moving and turning as needed with clean tongs to prevent
Move chicken parts to the cool side of the grill; cover and cook until meat is opaque throughout and juices
run clear, about 10 to 15 minutes more.
Serve with mustard and German sauerkraut, such as the Hengstenberg, Gundelsheim or Kühne brands.

Beef Rouladen with Pan Gravy


Perfectly seasoned stuffed beef rolls in a savory brown sauce make this classic German recipe a common
family favorite. Herbed Spätzle perfectly complete this German comfort food.
Serves: 6 - 8

4 large, sweet onions, sliced
3 tbsp canola oil
4 lb beef top round, cut into 1/4-inch thick by 8-inch long slices, pounded until tender
1 tsp paprika
sea salt
whole black peppercorns, freshly ground
1 lb hickory-smoked sliced bacon
1/4 cup oil
3 cups beef stock (reserve 3 tbsp for cornstarch mixture)
1 tsp finely chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley
German pickle slices
2 tbsp cornstarch
Additional chopped parsley for garnish
Prep time: 30 minutes
Cook time: 1 hour
Caramelize onions in 3 tablespoons oil; set aside to cool. Place pounded slices of beef on cutting board and
work with them one at a time.
Season each beef slice with paprika, sea salt and pepper to taste. Line each piece with 1 slice of bacon, 1
tablespoon caramelized onions and 1 slice pickle, if desired. Roll the beef around the filling, folding in the
sides until it becomes a bundle. Tie each bundle with string in 2 places to
secure; set aside. Repeat until all meat slices are used. (Reserve any leftover onions to later place in the
Heat large, heavy, stainless-steel skillet over medium heat for 1 minute; add 1/4 cup oil. Increase heat to
high; add some of beef bundles without covering entire surface of pan. Sear bundles until golden on each
side; remove from pan to plate. Repeat until all bundles are seared.
Take 3 tablespoons out of the 3 cups beef stock; refrigerate for later. Reduce heat to low in skillet; add
remaining beef stock. Return all beef bundles to the skillet; add 1 teaspoon parsley and cover. Simmer for
45 minutes. Remove bundles to serving platter; remove string.
Stir cornstarch and reserved 3 tablespoons beef stock in cup; stir into skillet to thicken pan juices. Bring to
low boil; cook, stirring constantly until thick and glossy, about 4 minutes. Season to taste with sea salt and
pepper. Ladle gravy over rouladen and garnish with additional chopped parsley. Serve with Herbed Spätzle.

Walnut Strudel Recipe

(Nußstrudel / Nussstrudel)
This walnut strudel recipe is the one that started this whole site idea for me. Every Christmas, my Oma
would send Nußstrudel (Nussstrudel) along with the gifts, and every slice was treasured. The bread-like
dough, swirled with the walnut and rum filling made her Strudel irresistible.
Once Oma was unable to continue making her strudel for us, I decided to try my hand at making them for
her. Through her final Christmas, she always appreciated getting to enjoy her Strudel around the holidays,
and Oma’s recipe will always be a part of my family’s holiday celebration. I hope this walnut strudel recipe
can be a memorable part of your Christmas season.

Dough Ingredients:
3 ½ cups of All-Purpose Flour
1 tsp of Salt
1 packet of Active Dry Yeast (¼ oz)
1 cup of Milk
¼ lb (1 stick) of melted Unsalted Butter
2 Egg Yolks
Filling Ingredients:
1 lb of Ground Walnuts
1 cup of Sugar
1 cup of Water
1/2 cup of Spiced Rum
Prep and Baking Ingredients:
1/2 cup Flour
1/4 - 1/2 cup of Golden Raisins (to taste)
1 Egg White

Walnut Strudel Recipe Instructions:

In a small bowl, mix Dry Yeast with a pinch each of Flour, Sugar, and salt
Mix in 1 Tbsp of warm Water
Set Yeast mixture aside for 10 minutes to activate
Mix Flour and Salt in large mixing bowl
In a sauce pan, mix Milk, melted Butter, and lightly beaten Yolks
Stir over low heat until warm
Form a hollow in the center of the Flour mixture
Pour frothy Activated Yeast mixture into hollow and cover with Flour
Add Milk mixture to Flour and mix into a Dough
Beat for 5-10 minutes then cover
Set covered Dough in a warm place and let rise for 1 hour
In a sauce pan, mix Sugar and Water
Bring Sugar/Water mixture to a boil
Boil on medium heat for 5 minutes
Remove pan from heat and stir in Ground Walnuts
Add Rum to Nut mixture and stir until blended
Set Filling aside
Fold risen Dough several times
Moved Dough to lightly floured counter or pastry board and knead from 5 minutes
Divide Dough in two equal halves and knead each half again briefly
Form both halves into balls and let rest for 5-10 minutes
On lightly floured surface, roll one Dough Ball out with rolling pin until about 12” by 18”
With a spatula, spread half of Nut Filling over surface of Dough leaving 1/2 inch clean edges
Sprinkle half of Raisins over surface
Gently roll Strudel from narrowest end forming a 12“ long roll
Place Strudel in half of a greased and floured baking pan
Repeat process for second Strudel
Brush Strudel with lightly beaten Egg White
Turn on oven and allow rolled Strudel to rest until oven is preheated to 350 F
Place Strudel pan into oven
Bake for 45 minutes to an 1 hour
Remove pan from oven and let cool for 5 minutes
Remove Strudel from pan and place on cooling rack or dry cutting board
Serve warm or room temperature, in 3/4-inch slices, topped with Powdered Sugar

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