Topic: Steam Methane Reforming Simulation-Hydrogen Production

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AIM: To perform steam methane reforming simulation for hydrogen production using UNISIM.

PROBLEM: To find the following-

1. % conversion of methane in the reformer

2. % conversion of CO in the shift reactor
3. Amount of methane produced in the methanator

Carbon Monoxide
Carbon Dioxide


1. Open UniSim R440 icon from desktop.

2. Go to file and select new case. Simulation basis manager will appear.

3. Click on Add. Component list will appear. Select the components from list, either by

double clicking on the component or selecting the component by clicking on Add pure.

Name the component list. Close the component list view window.

4. Select Named component list. Click on Fluid pkgs tab. Click on Add. Select Peng

Robinson. Property Pkg should indicate green color (This ensure till here everything is

right). Close Fluid pkgs.

5. a) Go to Reactions – Add rxn – Equilibrium – Add components and their stoichiometric coeffs as per:

Name the reaction as Reform 1. Go to Basis- Select Keq vs T table. Go to Keq and enter details:

b) Go to Reactions - Add rxn- Equilibrium – Add components, their mole weight and their stoichiometric
coeffs as per:

Name the reaction as Reform 2. Go to Basis- Select Keq vs T table. Go to Keq and enter details:

c) Go to Reactions - Add rxn- Equilibrium – Add components, their mole weight and their stoichiometric
coeffs as per:

Name the reaction as Shift 1.

d) Go to Reactions - Add rxn- Conversion – Add components, their mole weight and their stoichiometric
coeffs as per:

Name the reaction as Meth 1. Go to Basis and enter Co as 100.

6. a) Add set and name it as Reformer rxn set.

Add Reform 1 and Reform 2 in Active list.

b) Add set and name it as Shift rxn set.

Add Shift 1 in Active list.


c) Add set and name it as Methanator rxn set.

Add Meth 1 in Active list.

7. Select Reformer rxn set – Add to FP.

Select Shift rxn set – Add to FP.

Select Methanator rxn set – Add to FP.

8. Click on Enter Simulation Environment. PFD (Process flow diagram) window will

appear and maximize it. (You will see a case main browser box) Select blue color arrow

mark ( ), which is a material stream. Click and move the mouse to PFD plat form.

Right click on the stream select the view properties. Enter the following details:

Enter mole fraction of methane=1.

Add another material stream:

9. Click on ‘Set’ and bring it to PFD platform. Go to its properties and enter:

10. Add ‘Mixer’, go to its properties and enter:


11. Add ‘Heater’, go to its properties and enter:

Enter delta P=10kPa, temperature of reform feed= 760 degree C.

12. Add ‘General reactor’ and select ‘Equilibrium reactor’. Add properties:

Add Reformer rxn set to Reaction set. Enter delta P as 70 kPa, Reform liquid T= 760 degree C.

Go to Reactions- Results to find % conversion of methane in the reformer:


13. Add ‘Heater’ and enter its properties:

Add delta P= 24 kPa and Shift feed temperature-= 427 degree C.

14. Add ‘Equilibrium reactor’ and its properties as:

Add Shift rxn set to Reaction set. Enter delta P as 70 kPa, shift liquid T= 430 degree C. Change Duty to
Cooling duty.

15. Go to Reactions- Results to find % conversion of CO in the Shift Reactor:


16. Add ‘Cooler’ and enter its properties:

Add delta P= 35 kPa and Amine feed temperature= 38 degree C.

17. Add ‘Fractionator’ and its properties:

18. Add ‘Heater’ and its properties:


Enter delta P= 21 kPa and methanator feed temperature as 260 degree C.

19. Add ‘Conversion reactor’ and its properties:

Delta P= 35 kPa, T= 280 deg C. Change duty to cooling duty.

Go to Reactions- Results to find Amount of methane produced in the methanator.


1. % conversion of methane in the reformer= 87.89%

2. % conversion of CO in the shift reactor= 57.78%
3. Amount of methane produced in the methanator= 18.09 kgmole/hr


1. The first reaction is strongly endothermic (consumes heat, ΔHr= 206 kJ/mol), the second
reaction is mildly exothermic (produces heat, ΔHr= -41 kJ/mol)
2. Catalysts with high surface-area-to-volume ratio are preferred because of diffusion limitations
due to high operating temperature. Examples of catalyst shapes used are spoked wheels, gear
wheels, and rings with holes. Additionally, these shapes have a low pressure drop which is
advantageous for this application

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