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DKG ~ Nu Chapter Minutes

Texas State Organization

The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International

Chapel in the Hills, Wimberley, TX

October 18, 2016

Nu Chapter of the Texas State Organization of The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International met on
Tuesday, October 18, 2016 at 5:30P.M. at Chapel of the Hills, Wimberley, Texas for fellowship followed by a
regularly scheduled meeting. President Sandra Morales and Secretary Cheryl Blake attended. A quorum was

Members in Attendance: Jenny Turney, Tonda Frady, Bonnie Flammang, Sandra Morales, Robin Estepp,
Virginia Williams, LaVerne Rydell, Loretta Eiben, Beth Doege, Charlotte Evans, Cheryl Blake, Karen Franco,
Debra Zupancic, Diane Graeber, Ruth Spear, Sharon East, Gracie Rocha, Janis Brown, Nadyne Gartman.
Initiates: Kathy M. Prather, Clementine Cantú, Rece Barr, Peggy Hilburn, Nelda Reyes, Paula Cole

President Morales welcomed everyone. An inspirational reading followed by Gartman. Everyone enjoyed a
delicious sandwich, chip and dessert buffet prepared by the Wimberley members.

 President Morales called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.

 Recording Secretary Blake submitted the September 19th minutes which were read, corrected and
approved as corrected.
 Treasurer Frady reported a balance of $1803.54. Frady reported that 23 members have paid and 12
have not. Initiates may divide their $93 into two checks. No budget was presented due to all the
changes. Frady reported that the budget would be emailed to members for approval.
 Committee Chair Reports
o Membership: Turney reported that we have six initiates and three reinstatements.
o Scholarship: Blake reminded members to have young ladies who will be entering student teaching
check out our website and apply for the scholarship.
o Ceremonies: Estepp reported that we will initiate new members and have a Necrology Ceremony
for Bea Ellison.
o World Fellowship: Rydell reported that at the next meeting we will have a silent auction that will
include home baked goods, jellies, pickles, etc.
o Special Presentations: Gartman presented certificates of membership anniversaries to Blake, 10
years, Dr. Evelyn Barrett, & Morales, 30 years, Evans & East, 35 years. Carol Grimm was also
presented a certificate for being inducted into the San Marcos Women’s Hall of Fame. Grimm was
 Old Business: 1st Vice President Eiben gave an update on our ASTEF grant, approximately 550 books
have been purchased and it looks as if all Crockett students will receive a book. Members were
encouraged to sign up to read to the students. Blake announced that DKG ribbons are for sale at $3
apiece. Turney reported that eight T-shirts are available but are temporarily on hold. Gartman
reminded members that she still has magnets for sale at $3 apiece.
 New Business: None
 Announcements: Gartman reported that the newsletter is not receiving tidbits from members.
Zupancic is doing the member spotlight column for the newsletter. Morales shared the reasons for
several members not in attendance. She also encouraged members to apply for DKG scholarships.
Eiben reported that she traveled to Galveston with 54 DKG sisters through ASTEF. Schools for Africa
Raffle winner was Turney and raised $61. Williams won the October birthday raffle.
 Guest Speaker: Eiben introduced the guest speaker Ruth E. Spear. Political issues were shared with
members. Members were also given ways to be involved.
 Adjournment: President Morales adjourned the meeting at 7:25p.m.
 Initiation of New Members was conducted.
 Necrology Ceremony for Bea Ellison followed initiation.
 Delta Kappa Gamma Song

Respectfully submitted,

CherylBlake ______________________________

Minutes prepared by Cheryl Blake, Nu Recording Secretary. Sandra Morales, Nu President

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