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DKG ~ Nu Chapter Minutes

Texas State Organization

The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International

Chapel in the Hills, Wimberley, TX

November 15, 2016

Nu Chapter of the Texas State Organization of The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International met on
Tuesday, November 15, 2016 at 5:30P.M. at Chapel of the Hills, Wimberley, Texas, for fellowship, followed
by a regularly scheduled meeting. President Sandra Morales and Secretary Cheryl Blake attended. A
quorum was established.

Members in Attendance: Jenny Turney, Tonda L. Frady, Sue Thompson, LaVerne Rydell, Diane Graeber,
Sandra Morales, Carol Grimm, Robin Estepp, Karen Franco, Debra Zupancic, Janis Brown, Sharon East,
Virginia Williams, Loretta Eiben, Delores Cruz, Nelda Reyes, Ruth Spear, Cheryl Blake, Nadyne Gartman,
Barbara Pevoto, Beth Doege, Paula Cole, Rece Barr, Peggy Hilburn, Bonnie Flammang, Charlotte Evans,
Connie Martin Thompson, Dr. Karen Duke, and Judy Reinhart.

President Morales welcomed everyone. An inspirational reading followed by Evans. Everyone enjoyed a
delicious sandwich, chip and dessert buffet prepared by the San Marcos members.

 President Morales called the meeting to order at 6:15 P.M.

 Recording Secretary Blake submitted the October 18th minutes which were accepted as posted on
the website.
 Treasurer Frady reported a balance of $3597.15. Frady submitted a copy of the budget to members
for approval. Budget was approved as presented.
 Correspondence: Connie Brooks sent regrets that she will be dropping her membership.
 Committee Chair Reports
o Scholarship: Blake reminded members to have young ladies who will be entering student teaching
check out our website and apply for the scholarship.
o World Fellowship: Rydell gave a brief overview of the World Fellowship program. Proceeds from
tonight’s silent auction will be donated to the World Fellowship.
o Newsletter/Yearbook/Website: Gartman checked to make sure all members have received a
yearbook. She also reported that ours was the first yearbook received at State. Members were
reminded to read their newsletters and submit articles. She also requested items for the website.
State has contacted us about our Hands of Hope article. Grimm was mentioned in the Lone Star
News for her induction into the San Marcos Hall of Fame. Zupancic reported that she will be
restarting the biographies for the newsletters.
o Membership: Prospective new member was in attendance, Martin-Thompson.
 Old Business: 1st Vice President Eiben gave an update on our ASTEF grant, 653 students received a
free book. A DKG bookplate was placed in each book and pictures of members reading to the
students were shared. More grants can be applied for so that we can purchase books for other
schools. Turney reported there are nine t-shirts waiting to be screened and she can order more if
necessary. Blake reported there are still ribbons available and can make more as needed.
 New Business: Pat Tingle has requested reserve membership status. Evans made a motion to move
Tingle to Reserve member and East seconded it. Motion was approved.
 Announcements: Several members were not in attendance for various reasons from travel to family
illness. Eiben announced that our next meeting will be at the Price Center in San Marcos on Dec. 6.
There will be a buffet meal with entertainment by the San Marcos HS Symphony Orchestra. Cost will
be $20.00. The raffle at this meeting will be for the Eula Lee Carter Memorial Fund and canned
goods will be collected for the Food Bank. Morales also reported on the Tri-Chapter Social in Seguin
on January 21st. Birthdays for November were announced, Blake, East, Flammang, & Cole were all in
attendance and each received a table decoration as a gift. Door prize winner was Williams.
 Guest Speaker: Eiben introduced the guest speaker, Dr. Karen Duke, a member of the State Global
Awareness Committee. Dr. Duke explained the Global Awareness part of the Educational Excellence
Committee and enlightened members on all the countries that Delta Kappa Gamma is found in.
 Adjournment: President Morales adjourned the meeting at 7:45p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

CherylBlake ______________________________

Minutes prepared by Cheryl Blake, Nu Recording Secretary. Sandra Morales, Nu President

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