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Johanna: Eres una bruja

Johanna considered herself one of the most boring people of her generation, she didn't stand out
anywhere, she didn't fit in her school or her piano lessons, or her dance classes, in short, she didn't
feel she belonged to any of those things, considered his life as boring and tedious, always the
same at the same time, always the same questions and always the same answers.

One day, like many, he walked back to his house when his foot hit a branch of some old tree, the
branch distracted her for a moment and decided to take it with his hands to have some fun while
walking. When he took the branch between his fingers something incredible happened, a
discharge of energy invaded her completely and a very bright light came out of the branch. His
immediate reaction was to release the piece of wood and run as quickly as possible, however
something told him that his life was about to change completely so he returned to the place
where he had released the branch.

Without daring to take it again he observed it, it was a very well formed branch, it had no spikes
on the body or points out of place, it was as if nature had formed it to look like a magic wand,
Johanna began to laugh at her thought without Meaning: Mother Nature making magic wands, go
past! After calming down a bit he armed himself with courage and picked up the branch again, this
time nothing happened, or at least that was what he thought. In the distance she heard peaceful
steps that were heading towards her: A man with a great white beard and tunic was getting closer
and closer to her.

When he had the lord in front of her, he was speechless, had a great resemblance to Merlin, the
legendary magician. It could not be, but her attire suggested that if: Her long blue tunic with
yellow stars and her high-tipped hat left her without mental arguments, the man smiled, looked
into her eyes and said: Johanna, you are a witch. Welcome to my school of magic and sorcery ...

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