Micro-Teaching Fresh Bread

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Micro-Teaching Lesson Plan: FRESH BREAD!


Preparation: Determine what important tips and the sequence of events to share
Gather ingredients and Make a video of the dough making and bread shaping

Welcome: Rod, Lori, Claire and Jacob – thank you for coming to class today!

Intro. Broad to Lesser known:1. think of a time you’ve been near a bakery…
2. You know when you can smell the bakery before you
actually even enter it?
3. What do you imagine is being made in the bakery and
displayed in those beautiful and well-lit cases in front of the
*wait for their responses
I think of all kinds of doughnuts, cakes, pastries, cookies and
*have any of you eaten fresh homemade bread?
*have you made it?

Objective: Today I would like to share how to make fresh bread and some of the tips and
techniques in making it.

Story: I haven’t always known how to make fresh, homemade bread. When I was
engaged to my husband, I asked what he imagined life to be like when we got
married. Do you know what he said? He got a dreamy look on his face and said
“Fresh Bread”. Well my response was not very friendly! I knew he was joking
but I didn’t know how to make fresh bread…yet!
I did marry the guy and a few years later we moved so a small town. I told a
friend about this story and Connie called me one day and said “Turn on your
oven, your husband is coming home to fresh bread!” She taught me how to
make bread and I really enjoy making it so I thought I could share the process
with you.

Body: To begin, I would like to share a video to demonstrate the making of the dough
and shaping the bread. I invite you to notice what ingredients interact and the
sequence of events. Afterwards we will have a discussion and you can ask
questions too.

Transition: If we were together in a classroom I would’ve brought you some bread to eat
and we could discuss while we ate it. As we sit and eat the bread will you allow
me to ask a few questions?

Discussion/Find Out:

What can you look for to tell that the yeast is working? (foaming, bubbling, growing yeast)
What is happening? (yeast takes in oxygen, mixes with sugar and produces carbon dioxide)

How do you know when you have enough flour? (comes off the sides of the bowl, touch test)

Why do we knead bread? (develops gluten – which are protein chains that lengthen and keep
adding to themselves)

What’s important in shaping the loaves? (consistency, roll tight)

Why do we let the dough rise? (To make it fluffy and develop flavour)
There were two times we let the dough rise – can you remember where/when this was?

Do you have anything else you are curious about making bread?

Would you be interested in making it together one day?

Conclusion: Making bread reminds me personally that I didn’t know how to make it before
but that I can learn and there are people all around me to help me.

There’s so many interesting things in the process of making bread. I hope that
you liked learning the process of making bread and that the next time you go to
the bakery you will remember the steps behind the yummy smell!

Thank you for listening and participating today

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