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Business Horizons (2017) 60, 677—688

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The rise of 3-D printing: The advantages of

additive manufacturing over traditional
Mohsen Attaran

School of Business & Public Administration, California State University, Bakersfield,

9001 Stockdale Highway, Bakersfield, CA 93311-1099, U.S.A.

KEYWORDS Abstract The use of additive manufacturing technologies in different industries

3-D printing; has increased substantially during the past years. Henry Ford introduced the moving
Additive assembly line that enabled mass production of identical products in the 20th century.
manufacturing; Currently, additive manufacturing enables and facilitates production of moderate
Rapid prototyping; to mass quantities of products that can be customized individually. Additive
Global supply chain; manufacturing technologies are opening new opportunities in terms of production
Mass customization paradigm and manufacturing possibilities. Manufacturing lead times will be reduced
substantially, new designs will have shorter time to market, and customer demand
will be met more quickly. This article identifies additive manufacturing implemen-
tation challenges, highlights its evolving technologies and trends and their impact on
the world of tomorrow, discusses its advantages over traditional manufacturing,
explores its impact on the supply chain, and investigates its transformative potential
and impact on various industry segments.
# 2017 Kelley School of Business, Indiana University. Published by Elsevier Inc. All
rights reserved.

1. An introduction to additive Sterolithgraphy Apparatus (Bogue, 2013). The

manufacturing technology was very expensive and not feasible
for the general market in the early days. As we
Three-dimensional printing (3-D printing), also moved into the 21st century, however, costs drasti-
known as additive manufacturing (AM) or rapid cally decreased, allowing 3-D printers to find their
prototyping, has been around for decades. The first way into many industries.
working 3-D printer was created in 1984 by Charles The 3-D printer works in a very similar way to the
W. Hull of 3-D Systems Corp. He named the machine standard inkjet printer, however, instead of printing
layers of ink on paper, a 3-D printer uses materials to
build a three-dimensional object (Berman, 2012).
The term AM encompasses many technologies in-
E-mail address: cluding subsets like 3-D printing, rapid prototyping

0007-6813/$ — see front matter # 2017 Kelley School of Business, Indiana University. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
678 M. Attaran

(RP), direct digital manufacturing (DDM), layered 2016, $12.08 billion by 2018, and exceed $21 billion
manufacturing, and additive fabrication. by 2020. These figures depict an AM market that
Additive manufacturing–—the industrial version is growing robustly. Drivers for the rapid growth
of 3-D printing–—is already used to make some niche are the reduction in cost to access the technology
items in many industries. The terms 3-D printing and as well as an increase in applications (Wohlers
additive manufacturing have become interchange- Associates Inc., 2014) (See Figure 1).
able. The term additive manufacturing refers to the
technology–—or additive process–—of depositing suc-
cessive thin layers of material upon each other, 2. Evolving technologies and trends
producing a final three-dimensional product. Each
layer is approximately 0.001 to 0.1 inches in thick- 2.1. Status of technologies
ness (Wohlers Associates Inc., 2013). A wide variety
of materials can be utilized, namely: plastics, res- AM has existed for over 30 years, but only recently
ins, rubbers, ceramics, glass, concretes, and metals has this technology risen in popularity and captured
(Bogue, 2013). Rapid prototyping refers to the the interest of both technology experts and the
application of the technology. This was the first public. After 2009 when the last major patent for
application for AM, which assisted in the increase fused deposition modeling (FDM) expired, printers
of time-to-market and innovation. It can be could be produced without infringing on intellectual
referred to as the process of quickly creating a property, which bred a newfound interest and
model/prototype of a part or finished good. This investment in AM technologies (Van Lancker,
part or finished good will be further tested and 2015) (See Figure 2). The industry is still very young
scrutinized before mass production occurs. Most and technological advancements in AM, as well as
commercial 3-D printers have similar functionality. the discovery of new applications of the technology,
The printer uses a computer-aided design (CAD) are still in development. It may be a number of
to translate the design into a three-dimensional years before AM truly revolutionizes manufacturing
object. The design is then sliced into several two- and other industries in a considerable way.
dimensional plans, which instruct the 3-D printer 3-D printers all use additive manufacturing pro-
where to deposit the layers of material. cesses, but they use different technologies to build
In the past few years, many companies have the layers that form the final object. Melting or
embraced AM technologies and are beginning to softening material is used to produce the layers.
enjoy real business benefits from the investment. The two most common 3-D printing technologies are
The technology is maturing and has worked its way selective laser sintering (SLS) and FDM. SLS utilizes
into a number of markets. It is now used in proto- a high-powered laser to fuse small particles of
typing and distributed manufacturing, helping the plastic, metal, ceramic, or glass powders into
next generation of users adopt AM. The technology a mass that has the desired three-dimensional
is slowly reemerging as a valuable way to improve shape (see Figure 2). FDM employs thermoplastic
internal efficiencies. It is now one of the hottest and materials injected through indexing nozzles onto a
most interesting advancements in the design and platform. Another method uses a UV laser or similar
marketing world today. power source to cure a photo-reactive resin one
According to a 2014 report by Wohlers, the world-
wide revenues from AM were $3.07 billion in 2013; Figure 2. A diagram of the SLS build process
the industry is expected to increase to $5 billion by

Figure 1. Worldwide revenue from AM

Source: Top Max Technology (2017)

The rise of 3-D printing: The advantages of additive manufacturing over traditional manufacturing 679

Figure 3. A diagram of SLA build process a lower price. However, during the past few years,
the gap between these two classifications has begun
to narrow. Now, some printers have more high-end
capabilities but come at a lower cost than they
have in the past; one of these printers can be
purchased for less than $5,000 (Curran & Baya,
2016). The availability and affordability of more
capable printers is expected to continue as the
3-D printing industry continues to grow and progress.

2.2.2. Printing speed

Speed of printing is an important performance fac-
tor in 3-D printing and a key challenge that prevents
it from being a practical means of manufacturing in
some instances. While 3-D printing is fast in com-
Source: DTS Bromsgrove Ltd. (n.d.)
parison to standard manufacturing at times (e.g., in
the production of prosthetics) it still takes hours
layer at a time. Stereolithography (SLA) is the and even days to produce a product. Speed could be
most common technology using this method (see improved by using higher quality components and by
Figure 3). This high-end technology utilizes laser optimizing the designs and movement of the lasers
technology to cure layer-upon-layer of photopoly- (Curran & Baya, 2016).
mer resin. Finally, direct digital manufacturing Adding multiple print heads can also aid in
(DDM) is a process that produces parts directly from increasing the speed of a 3-D printer. Robox
a CAD file. launched its first dual-material 3-D printing head,
although this printer is more for the 3-D printing
2.2. Trends and industry changes hobbyist than for commercial manufacturing. It
allows for faster printing in addition to the ability
Retailers, driven by a desire to cut supply chain to print multiple materials at the same time. Having
costs, made radio-frequency identification (RFID) limited print heads is not the only barrier to print
one of the fastest growing technologies in the speed; the size of the object can also slow down
decade after 2000 (Attaran, 2007, 2011). AM, which the 3-D printing process. Simply put, large objects
has grown in leaps and bounds in the past 5 years, is require more material, which makes printing larger
likely to continue as a huge technology trend in the objects a tedious process. The technology for in-
current decade. Futurologist Jeremy Rifkin (2012) creasing printing speed for large objects is currently
believes that AM is a significant technology in the in development. Features like larger nozzles for
third industrial revolution. faster polymer deposition, high-speed laser cutters
As the costs associated with 3-D printing have with larger work areas, and high-speed motors to
decreased and its practicality has increased, the accelerate printer heads are being considered. With
technology has captured both the interest and these technological innovations, print speed will no
imagination of consumers and scientists alike. longer be a barrier to future growth of the 3-D
Several technology trends are fueling the evolution printing industry (Curran & Baya, 2016).
of 3-D printing and are enhancing its abilities and
offerings. These trends are summarized below. 2.2.3. Autonomous abilities
While 3-D printers often perform tasks without
2.2.1. Innovation and cost capabilities human intervention, many still require upkeep
In order for 3-D printing to be a more functional and supervision to ensure the printing process is
means of manufacturing, printers must move accurate. Having fully autonomous printers will
beyond the current focus of rapid prototyping. To make 3-D printing more practical and appealing
move past the technology’s nascent foundations, to the masses. Some hobbyist 3-D printers are
innovation must take on overall 3-D printing perfor- already seeing a shift toward autonomous capabili-
mance and perpetuate technological advances in ties. For instance, many printers sold to consumers
manufacturing. Printers must become faster, auton- include a feature called auto-leveling, which makes
omous, easier to use, and more reliable. the process of leveling the printer’s platform
Typically, 3-D printers usually have one of two completely autonomous, as the printer is able to
shortcomings: They either have higher capabilities calibrate itself. As designs and research and devel-
at a high price or they have primitive capabilities at opment efforts come to fruition, 3-D printers could
680 M. Attaran

eventually be entirely autonomous and ensure interest and support of 3-D printing, it is only
accurate designs without human involvement. a matter of time before printers become more
The printers are not the only expensive feature of
3. Obstacles to rapid growth 3-D printing, however; the materials required for
printing are expensive as well. The plastic filament
While AM is a breakout technology poised to change used in 3-D printing can range from $25 to $45 per
manufacturing and a variety of other industries, kilogram (Covert, 2014). Some 3-D printing compa-
implementation of the technology is only in its nies want to force the cost of filament down by
infancy and there are numerous challenges to creating competition in the market. Other compa-
applying AM in a way that would allow for its nies have turned to other means to find more rea-
significant and rapid growth. The major obstacles sonably priced filament. Protoprint, based in India,
of implementing AM technologies are summarized in makes filament out of used plastic bottles. The
the following subsections. company has partnered with garbage collectors in
order to collect and recycle the plastic bottles
3.1. Size restrictions (Covert, 2014). Just as the price of printers is
expected to decrease over the coming years, it
3-D printers are only capable of producing an object can also be expected that the cost of filament used
that is smaller than the size of the printer casing. to print will also decrease as companies find inno-
This places restrictions of the size of objects that vative ways to access and/or manufacture filament
can be manufactured. Although larger printers do and sell it for a lower cost.
exist, they need to be housed somewhere big
enough to accommodate their size. Without a large 3.4. Regulations
enough printer, sometimes a product’s parts are
manufactured in segments; however, this requires The growth and adaption of 3-D printing could have
additional time to assemble the parts of the finished colossal social and commercial implications if not
good, which starts to deter from the advantages. regulated effectively. With new technology, often
the rules and regulations do not move at the pace of
3.2. Production time innovation. Regulation of 3-D printing has already
been brought into question. In 2013, the design for a
In comparison to traditional mass production, AM is plastic handgun was freely available on the internet
relatively slow. Although the change time between (Bogue, 2013). Essentially, if a CAD design is avail-
production runs in AM does not exist, the production able and there is a printer available large enough to
output trails in comparison to conventional mass print the item, then the product can be easily, and
production run times (King, 2012). Unless the pro- without restriction, brought into existence. The 3-D
duction times of the printers can be improved when printed gun was especially concerning as it could
large quantities are demanded, conventional not be detected by metal detectors and, if printed
manufacturing will be the preferred mechanism by someone with malicious intent, could be a
of production. AM technologies are more likely to threat to public safety. As the limits of 3-D printing
be used in mass customization manufacturing, as it continue to be tested and new issues become
offers the ability to create highly customized prod- known, regulations and government intervention
ucts in limited inventory. could restrict who can perform 3-D printing and
what can be printed.
3.3. Cost

One barrier to entry that currently exists is the 4. Advantages of AM over traditional
cost of the printing equipment. However, this will manufacturing
not be a reality for much longer. With increases in
technical developments, coupled with more manu- AM is truly innovative; it opens up new opportunities
facturers entering the industry, the price of 3-D and lends itself to many possibilities for companies
printers will decrease. The commitment to advanc- looking to improve manufacturing efficiency. AM
ing 3-D printing technology is substantial. The Chi- significantly streamlines traditional methods and
nese government has set out to be the largest player has the potential to become the norm over the
in the 3-D printing industry and in June of 2013, it decade to come. According to several academic
committed approximately $245 million to drive studies, AM is a powerful tool to reduce complexity
advancements in 3-D printing. With this continued in the supply chain in a variety of approaches
The rise of 3-D printing: The advantages of additive manufacturing over traditional manufacturing 681

Figure 4. Five key benefits of AM over traditional revolutionized by 3-D printing technology. 3-D printing
manufacturing would make it possible for consumers to print their
own parts for fixing their purchased products.
Simple spare parts will primarily be sold globally
by downloading a 3-D printing file. Consumers can
become micro-manufacturers.

4.2. Mass customization

The technology enables mass customization at low

cost. Retailors can design and personalize goods
without lengthy delivery time.

(e.g., Cohen, Sargeant, & Somers, 2014; Huang, Liu, 4.3. On-demand manufacturing
Mokasdar, & Hou, 2013; Janssen, Blankers, Moolen-
burgh, & Posthumus, 2014; Nyman & Sarlin, 2014; Additive manufacturing facilitates easy, on-demand
Petrick & Simpson, 2013). manufacturing of replacement parts. The technol-
There are five key benefits that AM has over ogy makes it possible to have parts printed in
traditional manufacturing: Cost, speed, quality, remote locations by local distributors and service
innovation/transformation, and impact (See providers. Therefore, the delivery of goods is no
Figure 4). AM will not replace existing conventional longer a restriction. This results in the shortening
production methods. However, it is expected to of the supply chain and saving as shipping and
revolutionize many niche areas. Exponential growth stockpiling inventory is not necessary. The need
is expected to be on the horizon. Savings in cost for large bulk inventories will be a thing of the past.
and speed have been predicted in the literature.
Production savings for AM with metal for the next 4.4. Decentralized manufacturing
5 years is shown in Figure 5.
In the following sections, I summarize AM’s great- The technology could potentially reduce the need
est potential and its capability to challenge many for logistics as designs could be transferred digital-
traditional manufacturing constraints. Advantages ly, leading to a decentralization of manufacturing.
of AM over traditional manufacturing is also sum- By manufacturing items closer to the end destina-
marized in Table 1. tion, we reduce logistical costs and environmental
impact. This also reduces the time from production
4.1. Industrial efficiency to sale. In terms of environmental impact analysis,
I recommend a study by Paris, Mokhtarian, Coatané,
3-D printing of parts available to the consumer Museau, and Ituarte (2016) that compared and
could be an additional aspect of the industry evaluated AM technologies with traditional

Figure 5. Production savings in cost and speed for AM: Facts and forecast

Source: Siemens (2017a)

682 M. Attaran

Table 1. Advantages over traditional manufacturing

Areas of Application Advantages
Rapid Prototyping Reduce time to market by accelerating prototyping
Reduce the cost involved in product development
Making companies more efficient and competitive at innovation
Production of Spare Parts Reduce repair times
Reduce labor cost
Avoid costly warehousing
Small Volume Manufacturing Small batches can be produced cost-efficiently
Eliminate the investment in tooling
Customized Unique Items Enable mass customization at low cost
Quick production of exact and customized replacement parts on site
Eliminate penalty for redesign
Very Complex Work Pieces Produce very complex work pieces at low cost
Machine Tool Manufacturing Reduce labor cost
Avoid costly warehousing
Enables mass customization at low cost
Rapid Manufacturing Directly manufacturing finished components
Relatively inexpensive production of small numbers of parts
Component Manufacturing Enable mass customization at low cost
Improve quality
Shorten supply chain
Reduce the cost involved in development
Help eliminate excess parts
On Site and On-Demand Manufacturing of Eliminate storage and transportation costs
Customized Replacement Parts Save money by preventing downtimes
Reduces repair costs considerably
Shorten supply chain
The need for large inventory is reduced
Allow product lifecycle leverage
Rapid Repair Significant reduction in repair time
Opportunity to modify repaired components to the latest design

manufacturing processes using life cycle assess- will help since most finished products are made
ment (LCA) method. from more than one material. Other areas being
worked on include materials, printing methods,
4.5. Component manufacturing and combining additive and traditional methods
of manufacturing.
The production of component parts is the other
main application of AM. Industries that most utilize 4.7. Quality improvement
this technology require low quantities of parts that
must be printed to certain specifications with little The technology has the potential for improving
tolerance. Over 20% of the AM market is made up of quality. For example, through 3-D printed implants
component part production for the aerospace and and prosthetics, patients around the world are
automotive industries (King, 2012). In 2013, the experiencing improved quality of care. The tech-
aerospace industry had in excess of 22,000 parts nology will also help companies enhance their
in use (Royte, 2013). The level of success and aftermarket services. As manufacturing is moving
growth of AM in these sectors is an indicator that closer to the consumers, the consumer is fast trans-
the level of quality arising from AM parts is satis- forming into a producer-consumer.
factory against tough industry standards.
4.8. Modifications and redesigns without
4.6. Printing complete systems penalties

The technology has the ability to print complete AM is not just about the physical creation of a part.
systems or subsystems. This multimaterial capability It facilitates design and innovation without time or
The rise of 3-D printing: The advantages of additive manufacturing over traditional manufacturing 683

cost penalties. This is so important when you con- the consumer experience, the way that businesses
sider that over 60% of designs submitted for tooling manufacture and distribute goods, and how indus-
are modified while in production. This can quickly tries function.
lead to significant increases in cost and time delays.
AM enables engineers to try multiple iterations 5.1. Small-volume manufacturing
simultaneously with minimal additional costs.
Small-volume manufacturing in the AM industry is
4.9. Increased supply chain proficiency expected to increase due to the use of AM in auto-
mobile parts and aerospace engine production. This
AM could enable the creation parts at a digital factory increase will result in a $1.1 billion for the AM
near the manufacturing facility when and where they industry in 2025. As small volume production in-
are needed, eliminating lost time and costs associ- creases, the cost of 3-D printing materials is also
ated with shipping parts globally. Additionally, AM expected to come down in price. The increase in
allows for real-time visibility to production and re- production will mark an 18% increase to 9,700 tons
ceipt of parts. General manufacturing time and cost in the amount of 3-D printing materials sold. The
are minimized through the process. entry of new suppliers into the market will result in
an 11% decrease in materials cost, making 3-D
4.10. Sustainable manufacturing printing more economically feasible (Lux Research,
initiatives 2013).

AM leaves a smaller environmental footprint. The 5.2. Healthcare and medical

technology generates little waste as only the need-
ed materials are used. Healthcare is among the sectors with the greatest
transformative potential. The use of AM in the
4.11. Manufacturing of parts on demand medical industry is expected to trend toward
growth. The applications of AM in manufacturing
Being able to access parts almost instantaneously prosthetics–—even human organs–—is becoming an
allows for a more fluid product development and increasingly standard implementation of the tech-
design process. nology. This market is still in its infancy, but the
expectations of successfully using AM in the medical
industry are high. In 2012, the medical segment of
5. Transformative potentials of AM the AM market was only $11 million, but as the cost
of the technology decreases, the market is ex-
Technology trends are not the only thing that will pected to grow to $1.9 billion in 2025 (Lux Research,
help shape and predict the future of AM. The 2013).
growth of industries like the automotive and AM facilitates easy, on-demand manufacturing of
aerospace industries can and will affect the AM replacement parts. The technology makes it possi-
industry as well. The changing demands of major ble to have parts printed in remote locations by
industries that utilize AM will shape the direction local distributors and service providers. Therefore,
of AM and the type of technological innovations that the delivery of goods is no longer a restriction. This
will be required to keep up with the demands of results in the shortening of the supply chain and
the market. increased savings as inventory shipping and stock-
In a study conducted by Lux Research, a global piling is not necessary. As this technology enters the
consulting company, Lux estimated that the market medical industry mainstream, the need for large
size of 3-D printing would grow significantly due to bulk inventories will be outdated. Table 2 summa-
the growing use of 3-D printing in the automotive, rizes the greatest potential of AM and its capability
medical, and aerospace industries. These industries to challenge manufacturing constraints and open up
are expected to become 84% of the 3-D printing new opportunities in global supply chain.
market by 2025 (Lux Research, 2013). While the
industrial sector of the market is expected to
increase dramatically, consumer applications are 6. Industries that benefit from
expected to remain a small segment of the market AM technologies
as the practicality of consumer AM is limited beyond
a hobby or art form. The breadth and impact of AM continues to expand
Beyond production, AM is changing how whole as the technology gains acceptance and functional-
industries operate. The technology is transforming ity, making it a feasible means of production in a
684 M. Attaran

Table 2. Additive manufacturing impact on manufacturing and supply chain

Manufacturing Efficiency Supply Chain Improvement
Mass customization Shorter manufacturing lead time
On-demand manufacturing Reduced inventory
Decentralized manufacturing Reduced lot size
Multi-material capability Shorter time-to-market
Consumers can become micro-manufacturer Reduced transportation cost
Ability to print complete systems or subsystems Quick response to customer demand
Quality improvement Reduced production waste
Improved sustainability

variety of industries. While AM is primarily used as a 6.1. Aerospace

way to make low-cost prototypes and mock-ups, the
technology is multifaceted and has many existing AM has been pushed beyond the realm of prototyp-
and possible uses. As discussed by Bogue (2013), ing and has become an effective means of advancing
there are two main categories of applications: rapid the way parts and tools are produced in the aero-
prototyping and component manufacturing. space industry. AM makes it possible to have objects
Rapid prototyping is a provocateur of innovation; printed in remote locations as delivery of goods is no
it provides reductions in cost and time. The cost and longer a restriction. This benefit of AM makes pos-
time savings come from the prototype manufactur- sible the use of 3-D printing in space. NASA has been
ing and product testing stages of innovation. When testing AM in zero gravity in hopes of establishing
producing one iteration or a limited run of a prod- on-demand manufacturing for astronauts. This
uct, it is very costly to use traditional manufactur- would allow component parts for maintenance
ing, thus AM is a far cheaper approach. In addition, and repair of the international space station to
when AM is utilized to produce a prototype, it is be manufactured in space. This would decrease
much faster compared to traditional manufactur- the need for the shuttle to make trips to the inter-
ing. Cost and time savings provide more focus on national space station to deliver parts, thus greatly
other areas of innovation, making companies more reducing the lead time on replacement parts. A
efficient and competitive at innovation. reduction in lead time would imply a reduction in
Siemens (2017a, 2017b) uses AM technologies in inventory and a reduction in costs. To quantify the
selective laser melting (SLM) to repair parts for cost reduction, transporting one pound of material
industrial gas turbines up to 10 times faster and
with full freedom of design possibilities. With AM as Figure 6. Siemens application of AM technologies
an integral part of the development process, com-
ponents design and manufacturing are realized and
tested during the development, achieving fast
development cycles (see Figure 6).
Component manufacturing is the other main
application of AM. Industries that require low quan-
tities of parts that must be printed to certain
specifications with little tolerance for error most
utilized AM. Over 20% of the AM market is made up
of component part production for the aerospace
and automotive industries (King, 2012). In 2013, the
aerospace industry had in excess of 22,000 parts in
use (Royte, 2013). The level of success and growth
of AM in these sectors is an indicator that the level
of quality arising from AM parts is satisfactory when
weighed against tough industry standards. The ap-
plication of either rapid prototyping or component
part production across industries, by means of AM,
are summarized in the following subsections and in
Table 3A and Table 3B. Source: Siemens (2017b)
The rise of 3-D printing: The advantages of additive manufacturing over traditional manufacturing 685

Table 3A. Industries benefiting from additive manufacturing

Industry Applications Benefits Gained
Aerospace Prototyping Produce very complex work pieces at low cost
Component manufacturing Allow product lifecycle leverage
Reducing aircraft weight Objects manufactured in remote locations, as delivery of
Engine components for the Airbus goods is no longer a restriction
Flight-certified hardware A reduction in lead-time would imply a reduction in
Manufacturing of satellite inventory and a reduction in costs
components On-demand manufacturing for astronauts
Eliminate excess parts that cause drag and add weight
Improve quality
Automotive Prototyping Help eliminate excess parts
Component manufacturing Speed up time to market
Reducing vehicle weight Reduce the cost involved in product development
Cooling system for race car Reduce repair costs considerably
Reduce inventory
Could effectively change the way cars will look and function
in the future
Improve quality
Machine Tool Prototyping Quick production of exact and customized replacement
Production Reducing grip system weight parts on site
End-of-arm for smarter packaging Allow for designs that are more efficient and lighter
Healthcare Fabricating custom implants, such Reduced surgery time and cost
and Medical as hearing aids and prosthetics Reduced the risk of post-operative complications
Manufacturing human organs Reduced lead-time
Reconstructing bones, body parts
Hip joints and skull implants
Robotic hand

Table 3B. Industries benefiting from additive manufacturing

Industry Applications Benefits Gained
Dentistry and Dental coping Great potential in the use of new materials
Dental Precisely tailored teeth and dental Reduced lead-time
Technology crowns Prosthetics could be fabricated in only a day, sometimes
Dental and orthodontic appliances even in a few hours
Architectural Generating an exact scale model of Producing scale models up to 60% lighter
and the building Reduce lead times of production by 50—80%
Construction Printing housing components The ability to review a model saves valuable time and money
caused by rework
Reduce construction time and manpower
Increase customization
Reduce construction cost
provide low cost housing to poverty-stricken areas
Retail/ Shoes and clothing On-demand custom fit and styling
Apparel Fashion and consumer goods Reduce supply chain costs
Consumer grade eyewear Create and deliver products in small quantities in real time
Titanium eyeglass frames Create overall better products
Production of durable plastic and Products get to market quicker
metal bicycle accessories
Food Chocolate and candy The ability to squeeze out food, layer by layer,
Flat foods such as crackers, pasta into 3-D objects
and pizza Reduce cost
Feasibility of printing food in space
686 M. Attaran

into space amounts to approximately $10,000 (King, unique needs. The custom-made implants reduce
2012). Not only could this be used to make repairs surgery time and cost as well as reduce the risk of
on the international space station, but could also post-operative complications (Bogue, 2013). Lead
allow deep-space crew missions, as parts could time is also greatly reduced. Before AM, patients
simply be manufactured on the shuttle. Having would have to have molds made, which would then
the ability to print on-demand decreases the be fabricated–—a process that could take months.
amount of cargo space needed and the need for AM allows prosthetics to be fabricated in only a day,
spare parts, thus circumventing the weight restric- sometimes even in a few hours (Berman, 2012).
tions on spacecraft (NASA, 2014). Prosthetics were only the first step in the com-
Boeing and Airbus are both active in component ponent production for the human body. Practi-
parts AM. Across 10 different models of military and tioners have been able to print organs that
commercial jets, there are 200 component parts function properly. Most notably, a team led by
being used (Crandall, 2013). There have been no Anthony Atala printed a human bladder using 3-D
reported failures on these parts (King, 2012). Airbus printing of biocompatible materials. Layers of living
has AM components parts on their A380, namely cells are deposited onto a gel medium and slowly
their cabin brackets (Bogue, 2013). Component built up to form three-dimensional structures. 3-D
parts produced by AM allow for designs that are bioprinting has been used for generating and trans-
more efficient and lighter. A lighter aircraft has planting several types of tissue, including skin,
significant cost savings; a reduction in one kilogram bone, vascular grafts, heart tissues, other vital
equates to a savings of $1,300 in fuel per year (King, tissues, and organs (Murphy & Atala, 2014).
2012). Another application in the medical sector is 3-D
printed dental copings. Dental copings are used in
6.2. Automotive dental crowns and bridges. These items can be
quickly printed, are durable, and can be fitted
One of the first applications of 3-D printing was in to the exact specifications of the patient’s mouth.
the automotive industry. General Motors has been This application of 3-D printing has already been
using AM to make prototypes for over 20 years in implemented as a way to enhance the patient
order to speed up time-to-market and to reduce the experience by creating a range of dental and or-
cost involved in product development (Fish, 2011). thodontic appliances (Bogue, 2013). Related appli-
Prototyping is not the only application of AM in the cations of 3-D printing include reconstructing
automotive industry. In 2011, Kor Ecologic unveiled bones, body parts, and heavily damaged evidence
the Urbee. The Urbee is the first car to have its acquired from crime scene investigations in foren-
exterior and interior completely printed. This sic pathology.
helped eliminate excess parts that cause drag and
add weight. While the car is currently a prototype 6.4. Architectural
for developing efficient vehicles, the company
hopes to release the Urbee 2 for consumer use. Computer simulations and wood models have tradi-
The use of AM for automotive manufacturing could tionally been used to review designs, but AM brings
effectively change the way cars will look and func- realistic and unequaled detail and precision to the
tion in the future (Bargmann, 2013). routine practice. Once an architect has designed a
The manufacturing of tools and parts is also building, it is now possible to load those drawings
another benefit applicable to the automotive indus- into a printer and get an exact scale model of the
try. BMW uses the technology to print handheld tools building. This is an effective tool for architects as it
that are used to attach bumpers and license plates allows improvements to be made on the design on a
(Bogue, 2013). smaller scale, thus refining the architecture plan.
The ability to review a model saves valuable time
6.3. Medical and money caused by rework.
Models are not the only way that AM benefits the
The medical industry has found revolutionary ways architectural industry. The construction industry
to implement AM. Fabricating custom implants such can benefit from this technology in terms of reduced
as hearing aids and prosthetics was one of the first construction time, manpower, and cost, while also
ways that AM transformed the medical industry allowing for increased customization. Various re-
(Berman, 2012). Practitioners are now able to scan search groups across the globe are making progress
a patient using CAD software, produce a custom toward printing houses. A group of Dutch scientists
implant or prosthetic, and fit the individual with a has built the KramerMaker, which is a 6-meter
custom component that is specified to the patient’s printer. This printer is capable of printing plastic
The rise of 3-D printing: The advantages of additive manufacturing over traditional manufacturing 687

parts with dimensions of 2.2  2.2  3.5 m. A re- opportunities in a variety of industries, ranging
search group in the UK is working at printing con- from industrial to retail, for AM technologies to
crete component parts of a similar size. Researchers make a substantial impact on the way products
have managed to demonstrate the capability of are made and the way companies do business.
printing components from cement mortar (Bogue, The world is ready to hop on to a decentralized
2013). The ability to print housing components industrial revolution.
could be an effective means of providing low-cost However, experts do not expect AM to replace
housing to poverty-stricken areas and could poten- conventional manufacturing processes. It is not
tially revolutionize the way houses are built. going to revolutionize the manufacturing sector,
rendering traditional factories obsolete. Instead,
6.5. Retail we should see it as a complement and exploit its
unique capabilities. The technology will establish
3-D printed shoes, clothing, and consumer goods itself in niche sectors involving similar parts with
have already made their way into the market as AM minimal differences. The technology is opening up
enters the retail industry. Retail is poised to gain new opportunities for manufacturing and global
some major advantages from innovations in 3-D supply chain. It makes existing products better as
printing. According to John Hauer, co-founder and well as enabling firms to manufacture entirely new
CEO of 3-DLT, 3-D printing's rapid prototyping ones that were previously impossible to make.
abilities will create localized manufacturing, thus Almost every sector of the industry is riding on
reducing supply chain costs and creating overall the AM opportunity to bring innovations to reality in
better products. Hauer stated: “Products are get- industries like automotive, aerospace, and medical.
ting to market quicker, arguably as better-designed While AM started mainly as a means to create
products with more end-user feedback because prototypes, recent technological advancements
they are able to play with a working model of the and applications of AM technologies suggest that
product” (Honigman, 2014). The time and money the technology has potential to revolutionize many
that goes into forecasting what consumers may facets of everyday life.
want to buy in the future and how much of the
product should be made can cost companies bil-
lions. 3-D printers could allow retailers to create References
and deliver products in small quantities in real time,
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