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Debby Rizky Kurnia Sianturi

Desi Ramadani Karina Suheri
Elvina Ratih Virda. R
Elvita Yusnida Sisnawati br Sitepu
Graciela Haraito. T Wida Yanti

No Indonesian Text English Text Problem Revision

1 Meskipun kamu sudah sembuh, tapi obat Even though you have recovered. You still No problem
itu harus terus kamu minum setiap hari. have to take the medicine everyday. That's
Itu penting, supaya virusnya tidak important, so that the virus no longer appears
muncul lagi di dalam tubuhmu. Jangan in your body. Don't ever get bored taking the
pernah bosan minum obat ya. medicine.
2 Saya sudah terlalu bosan untuk merasa I'm already too bored to feel bored, Dad. I No problem
bosan ayah. Saya hanya ingin tahu, just want to know why did God create
kenapa tuhan menciptakan manusia humans in the first place if He would only
kalau hanya membuatnya menderita. make them suffer.
3 Tuhan tidak pernah salah menciptakan, God never creates wrong, only humans Readability God never wrongs for creating. It just
hanya manusia yang terkadang berburuk sometimes prejudice to him. God is always humans that sometimes prejudice him.
sangka kepadanya. Tuhan itu sendiri loving, but we have not been able to
maha mencintai, kita saja yang belum understand the breadth of God's love.
mampu memahami keluasan cintanya.
4 Nah, uang jula jula ku bulan ini. Bulan There you go, this is my savings for this Readability There you go, this is my savings for
depan aku yang narek kan dek? Oy! month. Next month will be my time to have this month. Next month will be my
the money, right? Hey! turn to accept the money, right? Hey!
5 Hah, apatuh kak? Huh, what is it sis? No problem
6 Bulan depan aku kan yang narek jula Next month will be my time to have the Readability Next month will be my turn to accept
jula itu se? money, seis? that money, right seis?
7 Bukan bukan, itu ibuk yang rumahnya No no. That lady in that house number 5? No problem
nomer 5 itu?
8 Kok dia pulak yang menarek sekarang?, Wait. Why will she have the money first ? I Accuracy Wait. Why will she accept the money
kemarin waktu kita ngocok itu, kan aku thought when i drew my name yesterday, it first ? I thought it was me. Do you
kakak kau ini yang narek, bukan dia. will be my time to have the money, not her?! remember that when we drew it
yesterday? it supposed to be me.
9 Dia mau pindah rumah lo. Come on, she's moving out. No problem
10 Ah urusan dia lah mau pindah rumah, Ah, that's her business for moving out, and No problem
urusan aku mau pakek uang lima puluh it's my bussiness is to have the money first,
juta nih, jalan jalan aku ke eropa dan this is 50 million, i want to travel Europe and
bawak oleh oleh, untuk kau jugaknya buys some souvenirs, which i'll give some to
nanti ku kasih. you too, come on...!
11 Kurang seratus ini Sis, this is one hundred thousand less .. Naturalness This money is less one hundred
thousand sist
12 Ahhhh Ahhhh No Problem
13 Eh kak kakk Sist, sist, sist No Problem
14 hmmm hmm, what ? No Problem
15 Itu yang lewat itu, itu yang kena AIDS was the one who passed just now is the child Accuracy The guy who passed just now, isn’t he
itu kan ? with AIDS an AIDS patient?
16 Iya memang Yes indeed. Accuracy Yes, indeed.
Biar kau tau siska, Mamak sama By the way, rumor has it that his father and By the way, the rumour said that the
Bapaknya meninggal dunia gara-gara mother died from that disease. is it horrible ? death of his mother and father caused
penyakit itu. Ngerikan ? of that disease. It is horrible right ?
17 Ngeri kali la kak. Kalau gitu, kakak If so, we must be careful. Do not get close to Naturalness If it’s so, we must be careful.
jangan dekat dekat dia lah him Do not get close to him

18 Iya ngapain pulak aku dekat dekat sama Why I must close to him? ewww Accuracy Of course. I won’t do it.
19 nanti bisa ketularan kau you might get infected too later. No Problem
20 Tau kakak, penyakit itu belum ada That trrible disease, there is no cure for it Naturalness Let me tell you an issue about that
obatnya now. Let me tell you that. disease, there’s no cure for it now.
21 Ih iyanya ? What ? really ? No Problem
22 Iyaa Yeah, I am Naturalness I’m pretty sure.
23 Alahmakk Oh my God No Problem
24 ada 5 cairan tubuh yang berpotensi There are five body fluids with HIV that have Accuracy There are five body fluids that have the
menularakan virus HIV kepada orang the potential to transmit the HIV virus itself potential to transmit the HIV itself to
yang sehat to healthy people healthy people
25 Yang pertama adalah darah The first is blood Accuracy The first is the blood
26 Yang kedua adalah cairan sperma pada The second is sperm in men Accuracy The second is the sperm in men
27 Yang ketiga adalah cairan vagina pada The third is vaginal fluid in women Accuracy The third is the vaginal fluid in women
28 Yang ke empat cairan rektal The fourth is rectal fluid Accuracy The fourth is the rectal fluid
29 Dan yang kelima adalah air susu ibu And the fifth, is HIV infected breast milk Accuracy And the fifth is, breast milk that has
yang mengidap HIV HIV
30 Penularan bisa terjadi yang pertama Transmission can be through transfusions Accuracy Transmission can be accour. The first
adalah transfusi darah komponen darah and blood components through transfusions and blood
31 Yang kedua adalah jarum suntik yang The second through syringes that are Naturalness The second through syringes that are
terkontaminasi oleh darah yang contaminated with the blood of people with contaminated with the blood of people
mengidap HIV HIV that has HIV
32 Yang ketiga adalah hubungan sexual. The third through sexual intercourse both No Problem
Baik itu heteroseksual maupun homo hetero sexual and homosexual
33 Dan yang terakhir adalah, melalui air And finally is through breast milk that is Accuracy And the last is through breast milk that
susu ibu. Yang diberikan oleh ibu given by mothers with HIV to theirs babies is given by mothers with HIV to theirs
pengidap HIV kepada bayinya babies
34 Dokter, Saya ingin bertanya Sir, I want to ask Naturalness Sir, I have a question
35 Ya silahkan Yes, Please No Problem
36 Apakah AIDS itu bisa disembuhkan Can be AIDS be cured? Readability Do you think AIDS can be cured ?
37 Menurut kamu ? Do you think it can ? Naturalness Do you think it will?
38 Tidak Dokter Can not Sir Accuracy I dont think so, sir.
39 Bisa, Sekarang AIDS sudah bisa di Now, AIDS can be cured. Because there is Accuracy AIDS can be cured. Because now there
sembuhkan. Karena sudah ada obat yang already a drug called antiretroviral. is antiretroviral as the cure.
disebut anti retroviral.
40 Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa The results showed that HIV sufferers who Accuracy The result of the study showed that
pengidap HIV yang mengonsumsi consume antiretrovirals regularly and in the HIV sufferers who consume
antiretrovirals secara teratur dan dalam right combination, in a “viral loud” in their Antiretrovirals regularly in the right
kombinasi yang tepat, pada suatu saat blood were not detected or the amount of combination, then at one time when
“viral loud” atau jumlah “virus” didalam “virus” in their blood was undetectable. the “viral loud” or “the virus” in the
darahnya tidak terdeteksi. Ketika jumlah People with HIV no longer transmit it to their blood was undetected. When the virus
virus tidak terdeteksi maka pengidap sexual partners. This is known as prevention. was undetected, so that the AIDS
HIV tidak lagi menularkan kepada patient will no longer transmit it to
pasangan seksualnya. Ini yang dikenal their sexual partners. This is known as
sebagai treatment as prevention. treatment as prevention

41 Yang diharap tidak ada, yang ada tidak Something expected does not exist, Accuracy Something that is expected does not
diharapkan, kesadaran hidup adalah Something exist is not expected, life exist,
pemberontakan, Hidup bukan hanya conciousness is a rebellion, life is not just to Something exist is not expected,
untuk hidup, kita hidup untuk menerima live, we must learn to make peace with our life conciousness is a rebellion,
kehidupan, Kita harus belajar berdamai dreams, we must look in the mirror quiet. life is not just to live,
dengan mimpi-mimpi kita, kita harus we must learn to make peace with our
berkaca dalam sepi. dreams,
we must look in the mirror with
42 Oke, yang barusan yang saya bacakan Oke was a quote from WS Rendra’s poem Accuracy What i’m showing is a trailer by WS
tadi,adalah cuplikan puisi ws rendra dari from his book caused by the Wind Rendra’s poem the book title is “By
bukunya yang berjudul disebabkan oleh the wind”
43 Nah siapa diantar kalian yng besedia Any of you can give an understanding of the Naturalness Who is willing to give a response
memberikan pemahamanya tentang poem ? about the poem
puisi tersebut ?
44 Saya pak Iam sir Readability I’am sir
45 Ya,tegar silakan Yes please tegar Readability yes please Tegar
46 Dalam hidup tidak semuanya berjalan In life,not everything goes as we expect Accuracy In life,not everything goes as we
seperti yang kita harapkan, .sometimes you want something lke expect. Sometimes we want something
kadang ingin yang begini malah dapat that,sometimes you want something like like this, but it’s not like that.
yang begitu,kadang ingin yang begitu this,sometimes you want something like Sometimes we want something like
malah dapat yang begini,kita harus that,you get something like this innstead.we that, but it’s not like this. We have to
elajar membongkar pikiran kita must learn to dismantle our own thoughts learn to explore our own mind. We
sendiri,brlajar menerima dan berdamai learning to accept and make peace with have to learn how to accept and make
dengan kenyataan yang sering kali tak reality that is often not in accordance with the peace with the reality which
sesui dengan keinginan.Dan saya malah wishes and i was suspicious that perhaps,the sometimes out of our expectation. And
curiga bahwa jangan-jangan puncak height of the rebellion was not resistance but I was suspicious about the reason of
pemberontakan bukanlah kerena the whole acceptance the rebellion was not resistance, it is
perlawanantapi penerimaan yang se Thankyou about the acceptance, thank you.
utuh-utuh nya terimaksih
47 Mantap mantap ,pemahaman yang Very good,interesting thoughts,very exciting! Naturalness Excellent, is there anyone want to give
menarik sekali ,sangat menarik.Ada lagi Anyone else? an opinion?
yang lainya
48 Ini surat dari ibumu,bacalah His letter is from your mother ,read it Accuracy This letter is from your mother,reat it
49 Kurasa suadah saat nya engkau I think it’s time for you to know what was Naturalness I think It’s time for you to know what
mengetahui apa yang sebenarnya terjadi really happening to you happened to you.
pada mu
50 Tegar,anakku. Tegar,my son. Accuracy Tegar my son.
Saat kau membaca surat ini,itu artinya When you’re reading this letter it means I’m When you are reading this letter it
aku sudah tak ada. already long gone. means I have already gone.
Dan kau dengan izin Tuhan telah And you by the Grace of God have managed And with the mercy of the Almighty
berhasil hidup dengan selamat,sejauh to live safely for as your age today. God you can be live safely until now.
usiamu saat ini.
51 Penyakit yang di bawa oleh ayahmu The illness brought by your father had made Accuracy The diseases which brought by your
telah membuat hidup keluarga kita jadi our family life mess like the doomsday that father has made our family life fall
hancur berantakan seperti kiamat yang came before its time. apart like the doomsday that came
datang sebelum waktunya. before it’s time.
52 Setelah ayahmu meninggal kare After your father died of his terrible Naturalness After your father died of the disease
penyakitnya yang mengerikan itu,yang illness,which he also transmitted to me and to which he transmitted to you and me.
kemudian ditularkannya kepadaku dan you.
juga kepadamu.
53 Orang-orang membakar rumah kita dan People burned our house and evicted me No problem
mengusirku dari desa itu,desa kelahiran from that village,our own village.
kita sendiri.
54 Aku yang saat itu sedang I was pregnant with you run away from the Accuracy I was pregnant while run away from
mengandungmu berlari meninggalkan village aimlessly. the village aimlessly.
desa itu tanpa tujuan.
55 Tak ada tempat yang bisa didatangi,tak There is no place to go,no one to ask for help. Accuracy There is no place to go, no one exist to
ada orang yang bisa dimintai tolong. asked for help.
56 Semua memandangku seolah aku adalah All eyes looked at me as if was a terrible Naturalness All the people looked at me as I was
monster yang mengerikan yang harus di monster that had to be shunned and pushed terrible monster that must be shunned
jauhi dan di enyahkan. aside. and pushed aside.
57 Aku merasa ditolak oleh dunia dan I felt rejected by the world and all beings in Readability I feel rejected by the world .
seluruh isi. it.
58 Aku hanya bisa berlari mengikuti I could only run following my own footstep No problem
langkah kakiku tanpa tau harus kemana without knowing where to go.
59 Aku terus berlari dan berlari sampai aku I continued to run and run until I fell and was Accuracy I kept running and running until I fall
jatuh dan tak sadarkan. uncoscious. down and uncoscious.
60 Lalu dalam keputus asaan yang pekat itu Then in that desparate desperation doctor Naturalness Then in the depth of desperation,
Dokter Umar menemukanku dan Umar found me and helped me. Doctor Umar found me and helped me.
61 Lalu, dalam keputusasaan yang pekat Then, in that desperate desperation, Doctor no problem -
itu, dokter Umar menemukanku dan Umar found me and helped me
62 Meskipun aku tahu bahwa sebenarnya Even though I know that my life at that time Naturalness Although at the time, I knew that my
hidupku saat itu sudah tak tertolong lagi way beyond help life was beyond of help
63 Tetapi, aku sangat berterima kasih I am very grateful to him Readability However, I am very grateful to him.
64 Ia merawatku dengan sabar sampai aku He took care of me patiently until I gave no problem -
melahirkanmu birth to you
65 Suster : Iya bu, iya bu. Bagus dah lahir Good, the baby is born Accuracy Good ma’am, ya the baby is already
bayinya. Sudah lahir bayinya ya bu born.
66 Aku sadar bahwa hidupku tak akan lama I realized that my life wouldn’t not be long Readability I realized that my life was not being
lagi anymore long anymore
67 Namun, tak ada keinginan yang lebih But, there is no desire that is make me full of Readability However, there is no desire that make
membahagiakanku saat itu selain joy at that time than seeing you born safely me happy at the time than seeing you
melihatmu lahir dengan selamat born safely
68 Harapan itulah yang memeberikanku That hope gave me life force even though the Readability That hope gave me power to life
daya hidup meski penyakit itu telah disease had gnawed at my body viciously and although, that disease had gnawed in
menggerogoti tubuhku dengan keji dan mercilessly my body viciously and mercilessly
tanpa ampun.
69 Orang-orang bilang kalau penyakit People said that AIDS is a disease that has no Readability People said that AIDS is a disease that
AIDS ini adalah penyakit yang tak ada cure and therefore can’t be cure has no cure and therefore can’t be
obatnya dan karena itu tak bisa cured
70 Tapi dokter Umar menyakinkanku But, Doctor Umar said that this disease could Naturalness But, Doctor Umar said that this disease
bahwa penyakit ini bisa disembuhkan be cured if it was handled and treated in the could be cured if it was treated in the
bila ia ditangani dan dirawat dengan right way right way
cara yang tepat
71 Tentu saja, aku sudah terlalu terlambat Of course,I was too late to be cured Naturalness Indeed,I was too late to be cured
untuk bisa disembuhkan
72 Ajalku sudah di depan mata I will be pushing up daisier soon Naturalness My life isn’t long anymore
73 Aku sudah bisa mencium bau I have seen death knocking my door no problem -
kematianku sendiri
74 Tapi kamu tidak anakku But you are not, my dear son no problem -
75 Kau masih bisa diselamatkan You are still be saved Readability You are still can be saved
76 Kau masih bisa membuat hidupmu You can still make your life useful for others Naturalness You still can make your life useful for
berguna bagi orang lain others
77 Setelah kelahiranmu, aku meminta After your birth, I asked doctor Umar to raise no problem -
dokter Umar untuk merawat dan and take care of you
78 Karena aku tau, aku sudah tidak lagi Because I know, I no longer have enough Accuracy Because I know that, I don’t have time
memiliki cukup waktu dan kemampuan time and ability to do what a mother should anymore and power to take care of
untuk merawatmu dan tidak ada sanak do for her child and no relatives care about us you, and our family do not care with
saudara yang perduli pada kita us.
79 Hanya dokter Umarlah satu-satunya Only Doctor Umar is my one hope, because Naturalness Doctor Umar is the only one of my
harapanku, karena hanya ia yang only he who understands how to treat you hope, because only he knows how to
mengerti bagaimana cara merawatmu and treat diseases that are within you take care of you and how to treat your
dan mengobati penyakit yang ada di disease.
80 Hormati dan sayangi dia seperti kau Respect him and care for him like you Naturalness Please, respect and love him, like you
menghormati dan menyayangi Ayah respect and love your own biological father respect and love your biological father
kandungmu sendiri
81 Aku beri kau nama Tegar, agar kakimu I give you the name Tegar, so that your feet Accuracy I give you the name of Tegar, so that
bisa berpijak di tanah dengan kuat dan can stand firmly on the ground, strong and your feet can stand strongly and
kokoh. sturdy. sturdly on the ground

82 Aku beri kau nama Tegar, karena kau I give you the name Tegar, because you need Accuracy I give you the name of Tegar, because
butuh ketegaran untuk menjalani a strength to live your hard and challenging you need a patience to face your hard
hidupmu yang keras dan penuh life and challenging life
83 Aku beri kau nama Tegar, agar kau tak I give you the name Tegar, so you will not Accuracy I give you the name of Tegar, so that
mudah goyah dan patah oleh nasip easily swayed and broken by bad luck you will not be easily given up and lost
buruk by bad luck
84 Maafkan Ibumu yang tak pernah bisa Forgive your mother who could never Naturalness I am sorry, because I could never at
mendampingimu dan membesarkanmu, accompany you and raise you, my baby. your side and grow up with you, my
anakku son.
85 Aku mencintaimu selalu, selalu I love you forever, always Readability I love you, always
86 “Lelah sekali kelihatan kau, Umar?” “You look so tired, Mr. Umar?” No Problem
87 “Banyak yang dipikirkan ya?” “Do you have a lot of things in your mind?” No Problem
88 “Yah begitulah, Pak Dekan.” “Yeah, well kind of, sir.” Readability “Yeah, I think so, sir.”
89 “Suntuk juga rasanya memikirkan nasib “I fell short sighted about the fate of my son Naturalness “I feel so sad thinking about our son,
anak kita si Tegar” Tegar” Tegar.”
90 Mengingat beberapa hari yang lewat, Given the past few days I have given a letter Readability A few days ago, I had given a letter
saya telah memberikan surat wasiat from his mother from his mother
emaknya itu
91 Oh, bagaiamana reaksi Tegar setelah Oh, how did Tegar cope with with it after Naturalness how was his reaction after reading the
membaca surat dari ibunya itu? reading the letter from his mom? letter?
92 Dia pastinya butuh waktu untuk He certainly needs time to accept the truth Naturalness He must need time to accept the truth
menerima kenyataan yang sebenarnya
93 Selama ini Tegar menganggapku All this time, Tegar regarded me as his own Naturalness During this time, Tegar has regarded
sebagai ayahnya sendiri father me as his own father
94 Persoalan yang paling besar, yang paling The biggest problem that bothered him the Readability The problem that bothers him most is
menggangunya adalah kenyataan nasib most was the fact of the bad luck that had the fact of the bad luck that has
buruk yang telah menimpa ayah dan befallen his father and mother befallen his father and mother
95 Yah, kenyataan itu tidak mudah baginya. Well, that truth is certainly not easy for him. Naturalness The fact was not easy for him. But
Tapi si Tegar anak yang kuat. Dia lebih But, Tegar is a tough boy. He’s stronger than Tegar is a strong kid. He is stronger
kuat dari apapun yang pernah saya anyone I’ve ever met. I believe he’ll manage than anyone I have ever met. He can
temui. Dia pasti bisa melewatinya definitely pass it
96 Cobalah bayangkan, dijaman seperti ini, Try to imagine, nowadays there are still Readability Just imagine, today, there are still
masih ada orang orang yang belum many people who do not really understand many people who do not understand
memahami tentang penyakit AIDS, AIDS. As if the people with HIV are people about AIDS, people with HIV are
pengidap HIV dianggap orang yang who should be shunned and exiled because considered people who should be
harus dijauhi dan diasingkan, seolah the disease is considered harmful to the shunned and alienated, as if the disease
penyakitnya membahayakan bagi community, as if they have no right to live in is harmful to society, as if they do not
masyarakat, seolah mereka tidak this world have the right to live in the world
memiliki hak untuk hidup didunia
97 Permisi pak Excuse me sir No Problem
98 Bahkan, masih ada perusahaan yang In fact, there are still companies, both private Naturalness In fact, there are still companies that
memecat karyawannya jika terbukti and state-owned, that fire their employees if fire their employees if they have HIV.
pengidap HIV. Nah, inikan bentuk they prove positive with HIV, this is already Well, it’s such a discrimination. They
deskriminasi. Mereka melakukan a form of discrimination, you know? They do things that they shouldn't do
tindakan yang semena mena tanpa act arbitrarily without being based on without enough knowledge. I think we
pengetahuan yang cukup. Saya rasa kita sufficient knowledge. Now, I think it is our have to work together to stop the
harus bekerjasama untuk menghentikan duty together to stop the stigma of people community's stigma against HIV
stigma terhadap penderita HIV, agar apa with HIV. So that what happens to Tegar, sufferers, so that what happens to the
yang terjadi pada si Tegar tidak terjadi does not happen to anyone anymore Tegar does not happen again to
lagi pada siapapun anyone.
99 Aku beri kau nama Tegar, agar kakimu I give you the name Tegar, so that your feet Accuracy I give you a name called Tegar, so
bisa berpijak di tanah dengan kuat dan can stand firmly on the ground, strong and that your feet can stand strongly and
kokoh. sturdy. sturdly on the ground.

100 Aku beri kau nama Tegar, karena kau I give you the name Tegar, because you need Accuracy I give you a name called Tegar,
butuh ketegaran untuk menjalani a strength to live your hard and challenging because you need a strength to live
hidupmu yang keras dan penuh life your hard life and full of challanges
101 Aku beri kau nama Tegar, agar kau tak I give you the name Tegar, so you will not Accuracy I give you a named called Tegar, so
mudah goyah dan patah oleh nasip easily swayed and broken by bad luck that you will not be easily given up and
buruk lost by bad luck
102 Maafkan Ibumu yang tak pernah bisa Forgive your mother who could never Naturalness I am sorry, because I could never at
mendampingimu dan membesarkanmu, accompany you and raise you, my baby. your side and raise up with you, my
anakku son.
103 Aku mencintaimu selalu, selalu I love you forever, always Readibility I love you, always.

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