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Lesson Plan Template

School Counselor intern: Seblework Sineshaw  Date: 5/7/2019 Activity: 

Grade(s): 4th and 5th grade
WAC Standard(s) Addressed 392-121-182 ,  WAC 392-121-188
ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors (2014) Addressed:
Learning Objective(s):
1. B-SMS 6. Demonstrate ability to overcome barriers to learning.
     B-SMS 7. Demonstrate effective coping skills when faced with a problem
     B-SMS 9. Demonstrate personal safety skills
2. B-LS 1. Demonstrate critical-thinking skills to make informed decisions

             B-LS 4. Apply self-motivation and self- direction to learning

              B-LS 10. Participate in enrichment and extracurricular activities

3. B-SS 2. Create positive and supportive relationships with other students
             B-SS 4. Demonstrate empathy
               B-SS 9. Demonstrate social maturity and behaviors appropriate to the
situation and environment 
Materials: worksheet.
Lesson Outline/Procedure: Include each of your learning activities (and time for each step)
1. Pre-teach worksheet. To gain the understanding of where the individual student at about SEL
2.Identify the social skills A.Self Concept B.Self esteem, C.   Self Control,      
3. Empathy and Skills for Learning  A.Empathy and Respect  B.Listening with Attention
C.Being Assertive
4.Respecting Similarities and Differences  A.Understanding Complex Feelings B.Understanding
Different Perspectives C.Conversation and Compliments
Plan for Evaluation: How will each of the following be collected
 Collect the worksheet after every class. Show the  data before the next class. Use check in
feeling chart.
COMPETENCY 001.0 Acquire the attitudes, knowledge, and skills that contribute to
effective learning in school and across the life span.
OBJECTIVE: 001.03 Practice attitudes and behaviors which lead to successful learning.

COMPETENCY 001.0 Acquire the attitudes, knowledge, and skills that contribute to
effective learning in school and across the life span.
OBJECTIVE: 001.02 Justify mistakes as essential to the learning process.

COMPETENCY 001.0 Acquire the attitudes, knowledge, and skills that contribute to
effective learning in school and across the life span.
OBJECTIVE: 001.01 Demonstrate pride in work and in achievement
Process Data: Perception Data: Second Step using emotion practice.
Outcome Data: Understanding their own emotion and understanding others' emotions.
Plan for Next Lesson/ Follow Up: Check -in with students. Use a Second Step video clip to learn
about the similarities and differences.
 City University of Seattle – Guidance & Counseling Program
ASCA (2012) template modified for internship; revised 4/15 with ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors

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