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Listening activity

Estimados estudiantes

Esta actividad de listening fue desarrollada para dos horas de clase, por lo cual la actividad debe
ser entregada el día miércoles 20 de mayo de 2020. Al correo


1. I fell asleep: me quede dormido

To fall: caer-------- fall- fell (Puse esa palabra para que

reconocieran el sonido, pero en este caso no es el verbo talar, es el pasado simple de Fall (caer)

2. To fly: volar---------- fly-flew

3 Desert: desierto (como se puede ver en la

transcripción fonética, la E antes de la S se pronuncia como la E española)

4. dessert: postre ( como se puede ver en la

transcripción fonética, la E antes de las SS se pronuncia como una I española)

Activity 1

Listen and mark the sentence true or false

A. the woman was asleep

True ( )

False ( x )

B. The man looked tired

True ( x )

False ( )

C. Graham was asleep for over three hours

True ( x )

False ( )

D. The woman ate rice, fish, and dessert

True ( x )

False ( )

E. they flew right over Chicago

True ( x)

False ( )

Activity 2

Listening Comprehension

Chose the right answer

1. Where were they?

a. Autobus

b. ship

c. airplane

2. where did they go during the flight?

a. New York, Chicago, Los Angeles

b. Chicago, the Great Lake, Rokies

c. New York, dessert, desert

3. Who ate the food?

a. The man

b. the woman

c. the air hostess

4. What did she or he eat?

a. I ate chicken rice, salat and a dessert of strawberries

b. I just ate a dessert, it had pear in it,

c. I ate chicken and rice. There was also a dessert, it had pear in it

5. Did the character who ate the dessert like it?

a. no

b. Yes

Activity 3


Answer the questions and complete the chart

1. In the conversation they talked about a famous actor, who was he?


2. what landsacapes did the character see?


3. Complete the chart

City What landscapes did he or Anything else?

she see?

_____new York_________ ___mountains____ _________boats_


Near of the angels___ _______lagos_____


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