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Name: Luyện Minh Thư Student ID:


Question Answer
Chapter 1a
1.Which of the following statements d.The single most important variable in
regarding managers in today’s world is employee productivity and loyalty is
accurate? the quality of the relationship between
employees and their direct supervisors.

2. According to data collected by b. 15.7

Catalyst, a nonprofit research group, _
percent of corporate officers in Fortune
500 companies are women.

3. All levels of management between a. middle managers

the supervisory level and the top level
of the organization are termed _____.
4. Executive vice president, president, d. top managers
managing director, chief operating
officer, chief executive officer, or
chairman of the board are positions
associated with which of the following
levels of management?
5. Managers with titles such as d. middle managers
department head, project leader, plant
manager, or division manager are
6. All levels of management between a. middle managers
the supervisory level and the top level
of the organization are termed
7. ______ is the process of getting b. Management
activities completed efficiently and
effectively with and through other
8. Effectiveness is synonymous with c. goal attainment
9. Efficiency refers to _____________. a. the relationship between inputs and
10.In successful c.high efficiency and high
organizations,________. effectiveness go hand in hand
11. Whereas __ is concerned with the b. efficiency; effectiveness
means of getting things done, ____ is
concerned with the ends, or attainment
of organizational goals.
12. Writing an organizational strategic c. planning
plan is an example of the
______________ management
13. ___ developed a categorization c. Henry Mintzberg
scheme for defining what managers do,
consisting of 10 different but highly
interrelated roles.
14. According to Mintzberg’s b. interpersonal
management roles, the _____ roles are
those that involve people and other
duties that are ceremonial and symbolic
in nature.
15. Which of the following is true c. Human skills remain necessary
concerning technical and managerial and technical-skill needs decrease as
skills? managers move to higher levels.

CHAPTER 1b (continue)
1.Frank and Lillian Gilbreth were the b. hand-and-body motions
first researchers to utilize motion
pictures to the study of
2. The primary issue that aroused a. worker efficiency
Taylor to create a more scientific
approach to management was
3. Which of the following is not one of d. equality
Fayol’s principles of management?

4. According to Weber’s ideal d. formal selection

bureaucracy, ______________ is when
people are selected for jobs based on
technical qualifications.
5. Bureaucracy defined as a form of d. all of the above:
organization characterized by division of labor, clearly defined
__________________. hierarchy
detailed rules and regulations
6. Concern for employee motivation is b. organizational behavior
most closely associated with which
management approach?
7. The Hawthorne studies were initially c. the effect of illumination levels
devised to study ______________. on employee productivity

8. Workforce diversity refers to d. all of the above

differences in employees such as
9. TQM differs from earlier b. increasing productivity
management theories because TQM
costs can be lowered while
10. A learning organization develops c. continuously learn, adapt, and
the capability to ______________. change
11. __________ is the process of a. Entrepreneurship
developing businesses to pursue trends
and changes that no one else has seen
12. Knowledge management involves d. systematically gather
encouraging the members of the information and share it with others
organization to _____.
13. ______________ is a b. Electronic business
comprehensive term describing the way
an organization does its work by using
electronic (Internet-based) linkages
with its key constituencies in order to
efficiently and effectively achieve its
14.All of the following are a. intense focus on the competition
characteristics of total quality
management except
15. _____________ is a philosophy of Quality management
management driven by continual
improvement and responding to
customer needs and expectations.
1.What are the two views of managerial a. omnipotent and symbolic
impact on the success or failure of the
2. The omnipotent view of b. managers are directly responsible for
management means _______. an organization’s success or failure
3. The symbolic view of management c. that external forces are directly
means _____________. responsible for an organization’s success
or failure
4. Which of the following views of b. omnipotent
managerial impact is useful in explaining
the high turnover among college and
professional sports coaches who can be
considered the “managers” of their
5.Employees in organizations a. are more committed to their
with strong cultures organization
6.An organization’s culture d. constrains what managers can, cannot
______________. do, and are rarely explicit
7. Which of the following is not an b. sociocultural factors
example of a constituency that makes up
the specific environment?
8. For an organization such as a hospital c. both are examples of suppliers
that needs nurses, the labor union and the
local labor market are examples of what
kinds of factors in their specific
9. Sociocultural conditions consist of d. changing expectations of the society in
_______________. which they operate
10. Generation Y is predicted to be a. as large as, if not larger than
__________ their baby boomer parents’
11. Which of the following are the two a. degree of change and degree of
dimensions of environmental complexity
12. We call it a __________ environment c. dynamic
if the components in an organization’s
environment change frequently.
13. The first step of managing external c. determine what particular interests or
stakeholder relationships is to identify concerns these stakeholders might have
who the stakeholders are. The second
step is to _________________.
Changing Organizational Culture (Scenario)
14. Mary asked employees if they knew b. has a weak culture
what constituted “good employee
behavior.” She found that very few
understood, and most had a variety of
ideas. This is one indication that her
company _______________.
15. Mary was surprised to find that most c. moderate to strong
organizational culture strengths are

Chap 8
1. Informal planning is _________. b. general and lacks continuity

2.Planning can’t eliminate change. b. anticipate changes and develop the

Managers plan in order to _____. most-effective response to changes

3.Governmental regulations, powerful a. reduce the impact of planning on an

labor unions, and other critical organization’s performance
environmental forces constrain
managers’ options and __________.
4. Which of the following is true c. They may issue different objectives to
concerning an organization’s stated stockholders, customers, employees, and
objectives? the public.
5. When we categorize plans as being c. frequency of use
single use versus standing, we categorize
them by ____________.
6. A state legislative plan that calls for a c. specific
2.45 percent increase in tobacco sales tax
for the next 2 years would be considered
what type of plan?
7. What happens to traditional goals as a. they lose clarity and unity
they make their way down from top
management to lower levels?
8. Emphasis on one goal ___________. b. ignores other goals that must also be
reached if long-term success is to
9. Strategic plans are plans that apply to d. seek to position the organization in
the entire organization, establish the terms of its environment
organization’s overall goals, and
10. Operational plans specify the details d. how the overall goals are to be
of ___________. achieved
11. ____________ planning dominates c. Operational
managers’ planning efforts at lower
levels of the organization
12. A well-designed goal should be b. written in terms of outcomes rather
____________. than actions
13. In the traditional approach to d. a group of planning specialists
planning, planning was done entirely by
top-level managers who were often
assisted by ____________.
14. As organizational environments have d. the definition of long term has
become more uncertain, ____________. changed
15. The organizational hierarchy b. shoved the lowest organizational
becomes flattened as the responsibility levels
for establishing goals and developing
plans is ____________.
Chap 11
1.Organizational design is based on d. all of the above
decisions about ____________.
2.What kind of departmentalization d. customer
would be in place in a government
organization where different public
service responsibilities are divided into
activities for employers, children, and
the disabled?
3. In describing the degree to which a. work specialization
tasks in an organization are divided into
separate jobs, managers use the term
4.Departmentalization based on c. geographic
_______________ groups’ jobs based on
the territory or physical location.
5. ______________ refers to the rights d. Authority
inherent to a position that allows a
manager to tell subordinates what to do
and expect them to do it.
6. ________________ is the obligation a. Responsibility
or expectation to perform a duty.
7. In an effort to make organizations b. decentralized
more flexible and responsive to
competitive pressures, firms have
adopted more ____________ decision
8. A(n) ____________ organization is d. mechanistic
rigidly controlled and efficient.
9. According to Woodward’s studies, d. mass
what type of production works best with
a mechanistic structure?
10. In studies of the structure of an a. organic
organization to uncertainty in the
environment, organizations that face
higher uncertainty are more
11. A simple organizational structure is b. wide spans of control
characterized by ______________.
12. Divisional structure allows grouping d. a and b
of different groups of jobs that are
related by _______________.
13. Matrix structure mixes characteristics a. product departmentalization
of functional departmentalization and
14. The matrix approach violates what a. unity of command
classical principle?
15. The strength of a _____________ c. divisional
structure is based on results of managers,
but it has a weakness because
duplication can occur easily within the

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