Electrical Experimenter 1915-10

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Baan EXPERINENTER 1000 TO 1000000 VOLTS Louis srmwarnarr’s PATENTS Adopied by. U. S. NAVY andall the Commercial Wiroloss eeeNnIeH Tolograph Companies @ comme cemmeo re -ELECTROSE MFG. CO., 6-72 Washington &t. BROOKLYN, N.Y. The “SUPERIOR” Type Price, Complete, Five Dollars described on pige210 in August iarusof the Elects Experimenter. Mr. Apgar chose Brander Receivers after careful comparative tests with other makes. a ee ee C. BRANDES, Inc., Wiles Resse Specists ||| "s.r. wurars 32 UNION SQUARE, NEW YORK. See ST ‘NOBAN YB The Electrical Experimenter Meited by bazaars Paliting Compaen, te. (Ul Gortoct Pea 22 Pte Vol. II] Whole No. 30 CONTENTS FOR OULOBER, 1515, ‘AURORA BOREALIS" Pas paiaite Us AN ELECTRA No. cs Pao EE Piste sstiehe ee WARE TR ile Eot MGhagibe rr Seb Tle Hobe AE Rees Enrcae TOvS TEN RHeernocer FE ATED AN ceesgye Sata By fat a Mie ony S32 8 EERAIEBE is With on MFhINTS id Eiri Set The Wireless Amateur cover, aseeas Wires ws all In Expland's colocies Caaada probably has the gresiot Jane ntton bal oceason to fel arsed at she Kink sotosbhacse of the arcraxs sel weed Pavopean nbs De Erste) De Homicels of werialy wh a0 dazzle a rude of howies ff cies Whe wr ie the ranger ais, aaverding ta trtwovthy sit abe Gre now ‘sewees ICN an HOOD perry amie Wiese serdar stattned all over the United: State ers iy 90 end a Bie wonder ‘Thi is nok mrp if we conhider the (att that ve Use Stet to-day fe the ory ees acs praceally ap rovwiaions upon ie Wires amaver. Is Ameren everbody Is slared co pot up >) Rain recsiane satan, ad wile a Heeave nut be abtaned for seeding meumger she rezulcone are fae” frem Severe and any itlbacat youn a3 a eee ih some faratiely cxay to obixa the cowed Hease “ow Be ue tur toaher eosmtrie. OF conte, daring the afeced courte to stateer satict dco operate, the pestis Zoe the eaters tine carimely eevee and analy 2 lng tm 6f itgecnmcat in ted oak to Whe SHS person. fs prevailing bifere the wit sed hich No Wireless nt the consent of is, rede 19 the sainresed, OF Wireless freedem, aihogh a Este dar she Past mar svat be obtained, In Gest Brltaie proper, f fas bovn eitimated fast net sore shoe 3000 anarear Winuess stsiom prospered before the war. J France aa! ite colonies and im Belafam the cme cooditions Berain It seema however, Hot Revue 0 Of all the foreign amateurs ‘fe grolabis te ete te Sr Som LD mater Wii eaten gure este ia France aot Belgium, actosding te te best sation, Tn Germany, Avitri-Huagery arm, Resta amsiear ‘Wireles de ebsctotely unknowa. There haye ocver tee ‘aay amateur Eadio tiation ip these coezirie: 19 ché bet af our kromledge ‘The governments af the above cnontrics are caccediagly strict le bhe ‘ananasion of fntcliseace ty Kadio telemraiby and. a Heerees ace fcrer granted, ‘with the cxictlien of those to savas st 0 a few cmivesies, Bun even bere the reariations ste formidable." "The seat of he we, sith oh 2 few Sent” ttaticor Berri siehnares ‘Wireless amatgae da concerned. i is boLeved “hat eal ice of the countries mamed there adw exit Ket that 300 anatesr. radia sutions. Octeide the United States thee are, enerefore, comuldersly [ase War 2200 seh a. In tes winds, there ae In ameriza twenty tinier an ariay darsiear Kado eatlors as in the cere worlds IL ia) freed, = serpeiceg casa and speaks well fr tke ‘cnlepriss of the American ex~ evinesters 3 Nor om the weetage Buropeam unéesstatd, of bat exrhly good the yaitifel Radio amateer is, for Ihe fgven darvectly “Bat wot all of sean can poosly Tew come coeamersial operators But Be dongele that the forerege anietedr must cf nebda Rave a Hither inte Hence than bis cand-playicg, danee-ball-resortng sits. Indeed, when 3080 average Nadia amateur fay fs Virelees set, be hae rough imowlatge of eleeriity in esétal, An a role, owt of Gar elecireal iedustees, ig and Bile, recuite torcuahiy practical fhe one wan know how to do ings, the sorainin thoes, and alge cimee ou: of ten be Inds 1S rer the heed of the weston, or thi rsaeon Adierean gareats, 26 2 rue, ena. exc ther san, for ter know tht be dow net ace fis tag FThe Spats werelesa stefan dems to Ee a first-class imeestmest, H, GERNSBAK, aE THE ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTER October, 1915 JEND FOR COPY OF OUR UNIVERSAL DETECTOR STAND New Wireless Manual No. 9 Seine Sees ROTARY oe SPARK GAP = ee Saleen F te Set WIRELESS CATALOG ats This unrivaled catalog mailed to myenc upon recvipt of Sc, In stamps for colt whids nay be deducted! on first dillue pureiase, Great gost of satslog and tow Stites pratsbet diechstion olberwise, WHY WASTE TIM AND, POSTAGE IN SENDING FOR A DOZEN CATALOGS then this catalog contains practically cvecything worth while in wireless and ctsetries! Beode advertced Ig this and. all ether magarioes—and So minst caves at more attractive : What This Big Catalog Contain: it bbt Dp 10 yp Amestnn # Veed Con Howling Ave THE WILLIAM B. DUCK G You Can Only sceure the best in FLASHLIGHTS and BAT- TERIES by insisting that this trade-mark ie on Mlash- § light-ease and battery. If your dealer cannot supply you with our product write directly to us for Catalogue A2 BEACON MINIATURE ELECTRIC CO., *itw'oxx*™ wide variety of styles and = shapes but only \ one quality— = THE BEST. ‘Suar-Cires EXPERIMENTER H. GERNSBRCK eEpitor H.W. SECDR A55DCIRTE EDITOR Whole No. 30 OCTOBER, 1915 Number 6 The Aurora Borealis or the Northern Lights Agora Boreas, of 24 I ie corse iniy kcwny he "Nerthera Lishis tore uses ome ef thar rest tee can which bid far 69 pauls the fn hele aolctlen Lot goa at ne of he carts have fetaie ot topieat sone of the carts fave Frabbty ceeér wanesice ty any steat =" fe the irvlyedescritatie she mace Bature are seen i the Righbarhond of tie Notts Dale, 02 a eset in tha on, fey are knows Sethe Marra Ror Bi! When sess ‘South Pele ot em Gh “tee epee te theicbisryers Beating’ tige sare termed the ‘Aurore Aaralis! "Tho: wo- Auroes Bese Gand tere te the ncrtbers re Lilie freuen Peeaeine tre Be caged is frony wild tes poblebed fy vations 13 ‘Sf Hie world with cetpect to the Aurera Boreal ard of ts what i lacked Hoe, a8 well ex tg he other ph uanifeiced by th Itle unde monon essureag in mature, It is Reha’ comcevell towday to. be. ai elec cal live charge. ting place throagh the Bighly farelid upper alpsgheris erate sunsasni rag tbe earth. Atibough many writers sare lated that’ the ince smd a= ‘duchneres oe long, it ie pointed out im mast Getic mocks om the subject that hore ie co nnd ratieeza whos tate =x BLSGTIGAL SRYERDOOTHR (t-Bu By Hi Winfleld Sueur be lake ghee, of at Be an) Se atl bein divscely ite cases, al all exer, therefere, there sod bawe ice fields. the en Ssongitig. of tsrge saw eleposics midge tmawes of any diane! Srrell_naticedbie (vara the «MUrcra fea gon autores have os is dager «br lr able to that prom cn” prc seh gabe sure 4) we all She mobced Ber crip thaisler storm Bas passed. “The Soawe? in tins case sing aschanges Sespiere and. par area oa, By Enis ares ESL 2 Srompi, fa ease ALA Geter ot and cERREISSt ta inaaeasomcea, Cen:rary to genera beef Ug strength ofthe ight given forty by the rger uroras tach inferior ty tatt ef he a 5 aenone by thane furore 19 the Nertb- at clare range, ets cats ing a pristed cat, ele, Prove ceatlig toe atin Light (oka, Dofealis rarely cxezeds ‘a: of the ean in Sey hee quarter, which ig of seurse ute or ie bg esling Stains “Bock 9 tot ju genie The UNvatign, of tke Aurora ditphae ey fe bat a frasion of fn hour or ie sone rely fet eve Avctnaling iL abe wile, "The eolor of the dharotg Morea ne of tie east sae sword, sn green ‘the fe thstration Srocuced fom aft ol Pitt ng cpceally ajetse foe te Bl Dial Experineter, Sos seme oF SOU wotterat Gislay produced by nature and nhics baa ered “satya all ee Tey few emer once 88 verte Ew ie obtained only 3 pieeieaas™ te the teepons ae ‘oe Nore Pete, 1 akove mastiaved pasting i th eal i ToC nowicdge Ow tig ara Bera eae ele aly canseived Sy Aig, Te tense ick mb ot reporaine fer i accuracy He requizel sever weeks cf cartel an wel fhvtanstling sek cedar to coal The med att Bae. Th art the gt TOR FACIAL, Bigeek Ai take Ueaer ata cost ‘posing: Hea bcm Vache. Pee Sabteaiae, sf HG Gli Saon. socremperenee. stem 24 + THE ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTER Oetoder, 1975 x tacduifing Ms. Arctomaky, of Kew ee eure te ihe a ere ee is MR SY see Se ae a ed rea Mag tee Tare: Ben sa ag nar sees eri iow Ee UT aie tare, Tab ee he wie ad eee few worls from Alexandes Vou Hum flashes or stripes, 60 ta speale, whica are liars Nurorae. part, of our re Bole ede coor non tae fbbcoe a seats ae Es MESA nas 22: wim ier = home betig cha bike vee af then axe cae RET ae : tars a Sve rz her aimee Wbecp BERL vlc Lol tet Get tig 3 Se actmcenes the nage Ga MMe Pa the Murare Avra ap. Soi ok ES ater 'Fanhenoare, featn rt grass Pe fae ene amen ee onan fre the wave Iemetk Bai been egtgb suc ty the repu.sre acticn of radian’ ‘hgh HORS Geen of ae MCW" Kee Shee StS then ‘banat de SIEGE ie eat senile voces SAUER sth ant gnu gui ae ohn ant” ee tee ot ab r bee oF reas the, laboratory, vie ae fe chen Gea, ee Keka plot Susie Sod Hist IS eda ‘ees ed er. resi ses, fe hrc be nina % tS Wises we lg" onmpe a toeorie skelind or Archenim ae epAsedl OF Babee tard ails hi Siteied evn Sete tt itis preval ot the toe at EE ee aut ie few qsrosui een ‘Ao BLED agt heart ag IE Wee a Bs Soe eee reamed, fe sorbed ln Se ce ae sical man leach echaee ME ee canke ce nal tea fe uate, Wares pce. waely es Tice al cree, tore ed wy tse al acne He i Peels Tomson) oe ey et dee naire owas the Gus tex, Semrtiee St ik iar aac gute strony Fy jeveanma ontag (tbe fact that the Betoors tg Cee Chele ila poriy ot tdieds epee gre il, sige testo at meray Se coe eg tonsa bert ates ee ap nye be amped at ibe vaurara Hosealie wat etle * mt upon! gre. cea Bice neeaeen Ge Seger eta ae ipiag po inca Senko ede ke, 42 pad a nat 1, pron hae ae ie ea Ba se oo ect ee won oy ee ae eee aL cigiad Ths eke woot cohljfig Miami weer’ erat SOCE! P citab SEU Seal Ew" Saciia nce: (ileioneih ote oft uit ae i apie ia ein need Minty nicest Gk. kato of Caiktinie Nereye To" e Golesi vette of siily eksies the ahd ing ether segs frem, Prot. Sram “hak ieaeis Suey Atte of Seek Seven hing had ea may sl Sat one Ign at eer Wt yop, and ar oie Coleh. ae Sanhy decetee by" ppotsananke east), Pea, ope Ther aleeehet tap, Irie eeagerind rol Dehelunt atthe pte a fhe at fo caseeh by eclr erupelons, ant that the ‘then ‘ctssll 9 ghee forth an. cx asadiaaty amount of Rerstivdly charaed farewales nat lfkc those et erica fins Pra EASES er pe ates How which wa'oee ag an arch is. the sky Legere ordigury view points, attainale Haeateapee Tia Se Gis ech chet at hae f im a'teeat som eavdars o Nonions’vgibs tees SES ces se srtta teblays ths afte, wedetine ops inner Wt cate dic Nom ie oF sited by man area, ar at leo weer diss ce cl tarse acy ward aid im the coumve of a abort sce iy Wate SRS 2 es re eee er ee eta theo HE sre ante ed ah sled foe the aul cee ef Pi ba TOME reed mace saa RSIS cat Benoa ate ot Be Ceteber, 1915 THE ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTER got munter of mato eats Wireless and Telephone Fiad Extensive Use in European Armies Win age a a a i ae quan aad gioco fae by rartndeeSre ti fee Bie se weet is nde pias Sal Tiey abo Re etn teentininas “Genarellyapeaklage Ley tee fea ag Steger face nlect te vanpciie af cranes needle sopteaitiy, An arora 8f 5 Snap ag pen ote Cogeco Soot of archce.‘Bzsended eeyions ow ith abe arene ania Phe mane are ry blten etwcrved 1.08) dee” abuve the grow’ Ne she Sram cast in af “Antoine may be antioard hove iia ‘efled by sbeuans ow yay rail at Seats seta and whe viewed per Seabees pine fo ee moe sence? of s eadlly striped coroca, "ares fof this Caan are not steely, bon are rsoorerd 4. tevey of woven ay thes ols from the Hortkern becgon ard a's they pete conga giao te eat bit fies nasing dhe weath diez comes eas Sot latiaths "of tame Foon teere oo femiyer int, teen Batoe ‘wiles nepaalve vekectee cinges ace Mogmrard touaea ihe exit) Git fomieitions fabeates she Aurora x ware from thy ery Sore : Poe fg cee sty re gf tue Sag cf abe Ep tte daria ribbon ‘ee say eoell es bege enctvered i varia wavs 4 Sinaiey 1 ag copter ara hated anne ae hsubicd | From van wr fie rid bie fasting ean of Sy cok nt ty mann ef ene sfsowaltion row wales tga atc ee oly sunegilg ieee, rapid mavernan cf cep a ayetane lbtgte' oh the gren above tee ass > Stetang “seth stteonerse EC andi ai laee tas Iron fod ta vary nt ales," Fest te ah flee that Hane, berm edd jcrinl "ture coming as demeestaed tee aed geal by tee Cvmane ae well at 1a Alia ome ceo seete heath BXTONTIRS, ARE TOLN 70 Us wine Batts, “ip eae fesly aoa "Zeukern Capone“ Yocelgn conmaaters iy Ey ts aril the str eon ihe eller col nals Toye fawaired co all ‘cay the Cited "Secs sitce te oath ect at he TEs tp eof eh of ena che Hae bee ENE tere Peet made er = Rate tomnatn SEES & eee Baayen Battie Seat i atten te aa) ion Srtheasae Bae tat sence and recurrence. ‘The periods fal “wire” telephone opparains ia cctunl use by of Atlanta «xpomiing bowes nd teen wa wile ibed for es eggeatanee ney be Wenigedl apes tfge Gena atm. Thy Ie ta. eoscnineae will Wee fee See ae a tee iat RSet wales ace ef incl'on"commereks anes yak em aid te mel git Real aie ae fhe ems) ae andthe Ser sh aie ore ished Ale, "Wace tlepoone st. Tt lng nen ale! by the State Depart= Soe “Afni hs dggcarne goes ect Hs ate fhcewiel yy linge tie “TP” “mane hat oa Pet SUlgeeh ns bo Exicly known, tut af wick We-exisecce ong cn the tres ar perseiced. Ta Sage aoe vit feore'ta be pioven, ‘are cre of teat far tke guiduacr rly, a! comru, of mes dae the 25'ts 00, diye aad anoiber pf aout 4% bery of fae lead eaten to "hl Sot Dibte esutrenee pert have born Hunedied and cntonel by dierea teas So, fears ge = 3 ist of about 2 sears, bat Oisy Hem reais Hither Sei * ne 2 sees ‘We mat tay Ma. "3, Gets 3 a Jana (Cenened ox pope 80.1 Meean "copies BE dren ne Fair. 246 ‘THE ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTER Geecber, 1915 Baron Miinchhausen’s New Scientific Adventures eaileran ‘with a ghevaree o's pan a dime a) roschy old visid oe well as gros dition wrtcrs, presuatiy because from the, latse receives re! their stuf th Shue vee Bis tesecttuea! su amy Pe strange, bt fr swaps sirangocctirangor tek tine sheomgh tae Darylageles to Coa oat ti yaene coarse soul, tolily ob: Acd by ‘way of dirrsion i manages to 8 vious of any peeve snfecticm whatseect, sak iki. Ghat hiasell to mutate the cove meando feof one ak Lord. Byron's wins wan Jules eine never eaaeeved sank an henspecsag macats to “ump cble thing ad wine fas Sam pa (ren after wat the ed lig Wout truth i roma than fa free com, take Uysal pnceeds. Banat be Snutesisi Thi fe rtorlicg re tear she oacatl Marra owt on uke carh ag awe deat. Tye te ws BuvStoll cn topttdart ke fareng of ihe meteors repieenis Lie Jaumeey 1 Bad Ye Sur crdstosn fanaa) wilh us egg Mootle lets we gee. Qu the’ mon, acws arn ae ‘The "spare aamewbere Wi Goa'e rau forget oat fever fecagaized in tis own cust. the ew Testament teas) Wil he safer for all [.W. to remaan former in ¢9 be hoarless prophet. flr “However, that |s nee hs: [ had i tied ity eo bard forme (2 aay We vex evening, wheal SISUT wes and a gol deal hander fe fae to geo my (ous saralag om the Table fen ong motineness Teer fate acetsey. My inled init werpecs ie Mote Sead de hen ayecvedy regions ood Tt aE Manehhateen Bot = tags ie Ps he tt fr Sen ieatat em peor one around to starboard sm! BS Bat Bat fam rambling agi Sees retan fo the criceal sarang rea Serious ay wy Bon mich, Pete Bid Leaps Under the Seat ser took Mew Serious Te ip coutr tal whether fn that to It was jest facet a nukes yon, £5 BL ie, fest iis Lerddip at ue ste on markioy comes true, th ; ‘mxderh logis, there titer. fhe mcoay etlentsted hathing ae fetoa. Te singly offerer a pemection cus age tg Face the cars tise Miwa femers true saine lie or ober, ay sth nice to be 8 pews sabieh be invented By Hugo Gernsback Mimchhausen Departs for the Planet Mars etal i ira siove tis Deeb GRE Gorman harbir and wavels mchionets fas ite ow pawes ‘the former for his poe:ry, theoauh the North Sea, the English Cxatr *sloaidied ears. Seez! eh own Yar Atlaatie’ threagit the entire "My dea Alien Yorurath stat length of the | Mecitesranes cnet Ws eral battleships of the enaray by my ita torpedoes. New, bold ab he “Uigpel wih almost every on ie gr foapala, as ei ery aoe aa Bimitals tof ear tra 1 dtd, tae Tack of eyase prehiies By estes 1 imustet eatable Miichlamen, 2 will be remembered, had explain mnjeteries of the som toms ata be had als eile rate danger of 41 img doa that ieeivesing ala sasuke Nurs flat Hf ston reach the surfer a foul ever, the rmtcors crave dawn wally: quae after fe tromencoss Havos, and. this Yersitle Sec cow pies te tives ealisstmewt goes on foterce witht Tete unt Conssauemty, wn Baron Me 2 ark ind my joy when, sittin hor run ro Pthige & havsew s! We midit et sa iin igh sted an rap ‘ Si) tae etree of S207 come zez0n ured to celle SEP PAHERE cre more things in Beowen and orth, de, I than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” So-inge Shakespeare. Oce of these xblagy in heaven I the Puaet Mars, the most fieslnawag, the most astounding revelation to the fecble hnaas intelligence, Shikeepenre, the master of the drama, neree conceived anything like a drama of an catiro world—millions of intelli gent Leiags—fighling bercic battle, a tattle for existence. Yet this droms wes goitg on wight before his very eyes, ut 38 million miles away; for the Kartinus bave been fighting for water uges ugo, and the avnilable supply becomes smaller exci yeux ‘Thtce ia nothing moze inspining, nothing mere eripping to the tmagi- nation, chan this wonderful battle Setwecn crptimizcd intelligenee on ot side aad unrelenting aatore on the other. Mx. Miiachhausen's seientile Ieerare gives yor the Intest: faets—now aliaedt niverially belivvec—abeut Mars, You eam sper ng better half hour thin turnizg yoor mind from your huméram existence cowardly w subject whieh is 08 obsorbing as it (a lofty in its grandeur. iteicree of nese eserted th yeurs sonorous voice to-night Rad an enfar berever, the wyalsry Med tug Eta lect biel ty meteor last 7 as you Americans potit, 12ad x esa! feet Er a Teepe ot pe Sexe glaseily releting what om ine arias ‘io i vas ao ce doh a he otto af ‘Sp toon. | though: ot mar Penleily torus csasciaes of a ferrite ‘ond the er Sr SM fcton ignites tre Torer aad soos! af it fails €elh Coll it instiet or presence of mid, Ufa s ater ot tay dowarard ‘Weatlnz, stow! Ty tools me s fev allt 37 paiied me ra dwarecet4oWavks, clesred aad this is wit poured im my No doubt you th eter exaied where {wan ate ‘Siaokeometal nec the ee ell nant ay in 9 hery coud ef red vapor ted Dues bow Ghee a0 fect, eight down inte the mouth wanes Of a pnt crater, oy she eoleseal sesultiog: Sf thee ceri ssin Soa, this Tong-extiner crater ie a very ssw deep | was £0: down bead sect and Rept se faliug ata peed rautt have bees fall bealleng a dieanee of to learnt as wat sermed ty ‘onal er act dead and gs, han sd tay body, ‘hat wan at least rstien Elance in Tee efter & iy Beary, wie had ‘wie had seen “The \rotee Bad wo Rover at al, Mee went sieht” roauh tothe center “ot tie, moan, hers it coniceted ath inte ct Tek aban side Tike mae Treo fie must bem becuse ‘eles T bad Tonle dawn Pid seem several art ahuping shroagh ‘ot Tandy Ee sule th tous me ad | aleacat Seemed taut flag Hive te lagi hea tn in inte ast sa bolas” ‘igh ea fomewia: SP tmew the diameter of she maca to be Cetuber, 1915 THE ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTER Mp ‘ls, while fee, crest can bef the BL fay. prove ‘eenge a the i ony reg feel pa it St gue 3 ra Genta Sel my oeay ao 2 the tiple speed.” As the rater at shit Hie ef the tom nan feetimately rallies ratio, 1 fomnd lige difsealty 9 Feaeh profes cock ay sow as tay pumas i tz a dend stop ale ta tor Fe asl dowtrred cya astow kale, r (Bl Gorn’ extouiad and acto ea a alline throogh 2164 vost Shee wo ea Weal Bia nie Tis tatber eoplessan High lace altro. gaur eomach sa iit is"one vase arce of nausea, Bat ince joe seenme aceustarced fo ie ft Secor Laarable, far shee 19 aoching else XO Gor Vow might Ene Heat the tosh of ‘thc would kil yea an a fe feces, f ‘Sb Cl te ie ote 3 Soha iter iat She tir ir fo tig on the moon Ghar the Tush is ol ag tnt bu wou e.g enh ig the mont’ tch Siafhingwuh dibeiy us, dkeougn the ooo Weer "xo 5p bhinwtes, The friction af te a agaient iy body Md no gee Se hater ether, hs a Goateysenk Leng fy dear tlh For a T0'd yrs one ton ago, the seme Init of the: thar is aeie he fer the 0 Beat ale UB @BsUsT 3 fo beep mie eooatortadte they po se2 WP ie hed ast been so exld P wouk d the ave ocee 46 (ere rent ths eh tong bee ter of the. ousip rip hay pan. Tre posit on Saee Bite ot course, "a Tather well eit, anc or tat tenant Call nam wot se fete tile ae may body hod wea Ia pound a sata, et ‘rac fo Fale ta the sige oF fpeerater ard would hare beat fPNeay eight tne bee grea-er ‘Mion it” we farbonate toot sino" craters widened oat e028 Souhly the furihee. dover They Wont” ita: che moon's ieter' eva tatter of fae, the Sle 20 Saeh crater of pa ak lepa thar tive raiee fa “Thin eas loweed very te follow Ht we d = rectly take stone mil are Foes Zhe" hotiern, Teste it "gl bur ech inte the urietn call of “Sn sae tong seface reaching bgt Cresiine ts Shalt seep enangh Be expat ieee 2 ce tan wo THE ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTER fit the earth rotates ga ite axis from west Ebene ata speed of 1H tect per tecce Tuy feces thar at the aieators the earth revolves quicker shart Entercejte the sions fight, nih EM the state tusk of Beseealy Ealert gall ofthe shaft Th iisuoane St fergie the ating oF a Body ‘Now, prestely the came condition «x- teeom the moor, of coane.Fartenately, 1 heted Saline G0 the wertrn oe of ue crates, tar arte lots war s0 ene aoe moar cucu ies earns al fot ie Likenise ihe ober crater, at the ‘enpesite stds of the meat, meagured rome fear miles 4a iaeeie? awd he | Bnaly serene the sete ai yea ed fem te a ead as-expamney aceiig, Ine Seed, soatre favored i all throat for foe mmo rocatcs wiih a velocity of bat TENG fer pax second at its equator, agains alike spose af 1204 feat of tae earls this retwon ete was no Camger tbat oir Rody! weed cobide mith the seced of the ceaier sorvesliere in dhe iierior=al the Freon foe say Aighe wer far eee rap tan thc spscd oF the root's rataoa ‘Hut'in the raxamwbile my. troubles were fr from bee terminated. "No roorer 2d I pegained sey T becmee con solo af the ern Bae ten leek eae fea the oH, darkness anf devolution relgr. Avide fren this, Tomas some 20) Tl from Fil Walking mon vst oat oF he. questions seud J nay bore JW nce ‘sitio ‘eczing [oldest So] cmbed vp t dhe suriscr thte efor. Tn SF the maces wie ca a Fapicly anid iy aid at aie stathish: T 1b the westorm te oie erste, for 1 ing {5 fu i cree to Keep arm. Alter fae ‘obuained say Deariags. ie aided the i eorstetbtions to make stre that ‘ag nt the wesrers side of the ezate, E fork deep. breath, Tooled uses the alyas Enoah which Sse sen wes akitine trams Tots by Lowel) Glaeceaters the otter side, and spice coice mare “Yeu ee, 1 Bail rencaned tact it wos far Deccer to attemp' ‘he fying jo wney Thveul the moon ence mere thant perikh walt the orld on th dace site af (he nmin sides, 1 ad eerients ow to expect sucess gain. 1 had nethin head daw date October, 1905 wetevor to lose, but everything 20.4 ‘My arst cxpericnee wan sepeatea. wil us aby Tneiceey furthermare, 1 cifeuated stl sheald and at the castors wall of “soa lye goed oid aaa any of ey edsuztans, ‘Ge. the gravilatiesal airacton of tee 862 ed the fall of my beat Suorozlina an fe coatrals the rObton at team and the arth, as well se the iwc, ognurte hem 36, a3 Termes figat I Bad lien 0 the top Of the enc ota se oe opeaieg of this cuter rae whrface dhe acon Unt ig fosora the i, ad the Ms, wo siditg ab well ay acters 9 Ter I woved sonctanty neater fot iis ‘roves a ie wid of 43 faite ate na se he eed of he vier. Howceal Pvbivne| right fast th Sila wlll Teal bevdhng st ae come wed gaifoe ap igte the Sir ‘aboue 103 iced" oclore "ray, spsvd. was, ry reared tape ‘he Grate agai z Sti 4 a regent fall dowa exc ‘nie ween the wnesseeted hapgsed Ot seleriy ire sepe em ody ane befate fg tis tink fy eg eitewuy, sont bar Beenie wh ih riw's exe, ao eo of cairse, geome ball daa the erater, and sehec to the edge be had seen Pidows ab Ve'iving. sees Sosced what Les, remely. tial the crater went right throu the ere diameter ob fer ke Sevanee shat was “thaly to happen ti jo nectad thet i wos tale ew ent coal frige ile af tor en ab, tat Ia cave L wae nt pteped i rite ase tine, + went tate eae haa” Bs w Huss het pene wile Foe Ie hate Shpas tyme of Ne ghee fer has nosy som: te sure hor Gea. Attaching gee ee gi Whe pov (2 8 paar-by a Ae faralines side etve be ide and shite, Ye bald saunger days Ie kal Tirade fre Weaton's i ac bestare ae expert dn the of toto He Faaeted iat once he faitecd a cern by ite Talk But ths V beheve to welat etasamaice, “ha nat a: Sirgliy enverged. ta Ue pice of tsva jected ‘gah! ab estire! eeater, Elitcrnix Mad out Tite srouble in soley ane ak team wihidaing a Whereupon | ranked iinsant shed hae Hf ‘unch way sendy fF the tip fag aren me ‘re to cu ie swell oe ye i hat Pere yas tle further tee é im page 2) October, 1915 THE’ ELECTRICAL EAFERIMENJEN The Gravitation Nullifier Ned Cawthorne, Millionaige, “Floats a New Tssuc, but Not of Bonds exons mg, Xo, 78, hod eas Teas SAEs ce ine casks Fe Ealrcea* wing for torent trains (a pasp em thar rush Ie tke Efinte,” Baikad” er were 40 ‘emrier deh she. was. baslicg sack 1, Ted “wes” meardiens acd-aopztlee agai ta'oe rasked fo the {rea Sai be eae eh ad, bce 22 te rah teat, wae Geely nbrose, far Bib erdsre mire comieg By George Frederic Suatten Dobe found sng mre, Te ea segee dry aed peters sion: a EN a foxerag.ntarled lee headed aah ive bie Gly tees over the Sores Bie tee an egense tne thegle, P3ere Wh act he lighter seule Ezeewand oF ieewan The thacp exhacst eux ome the sxplesisa sf coreg Een aa capttvstam “Then be yelled 29 tae soudactor ah Iegd tome fonwards "Cn: be: Boose, Hoss” im ang watted hen alocs ay thous Be deidova Sly gacts deny be st Hie elegrhwelres aRe Ten convubieey.” Crocped ber ind the zat were De tai tna at lek Ee to a Vigtane, ‘ANioratey ligsemaat ith 2 ees Bi appar second icutenan's or curt. Beusgue realory, stead of shroagh srllng stat. ‘arenca wath dhsis crisp telesractas Mt he get Bie signal aad sickens pulled 1d atl, There, was @ forejes Tue am tebrs( the IsWtoupled “drivers ara Hendra He invtcctvely shes off steam, eamed oa the sand and again slomiy tad ene leedy opened the tarotte wich the same Fepiltes whit of the devvers as if they sere the whesle of a 6910s agate (Mhacil ve a et Biamed feats. play sess owled Blasely as be orang frora the cob, triphos sag heat of th sa Ercbagp gow el lac reeeping dow te fetal the Soe wach Tha Wield dana in Ge ty Exvoae to dirluee one Sr lskely shied tmck on Fis test azia gad ic yur hy coregated eis an ita taied wf twcn eekly ash ‘rheuiands 41 Mea Wace RIO (Me Ae) Mises CP WRN Machine Gans, Marta an Siam Arm? , haliag as they reached sil the ieee are Gener fer saseencing araedatirn, aad that ot lane Ie operating ie" Tie tuned tm Ge tesuan ia the wares apd shave Sia te Sep bl of tho Sele deen, al Te Hein Spire cle 1p Him. *t suppove you Know Giat We rou ig under Taint EX Sea owe yearre naeetering feith iis operation, You're under argeily ar 250 “Certainly,” grinaed Cawthorne, “Naw, sorts, youl io ate bay that 280 ile be fae coin” 2 tree ta tee pitt arsine fe ec ee Bcc? Ey Reet Ang such, re Sues ‘ouar we adeaticher fits She ents Gye at tae loeomsive ue of ae tera citys entrely gone te. faughed oy ing oe Sys ot toe mer seca a ae ase ca ely ant well eu et moment. Thea wel restore ite weigh ae em gr abe "The ofiee vcowled ard heslated, Thea he enigrel to tapers dione ad Blin So ‘npwses iter they od cera Aeover to He beat of the isla dw they Gid'ba,Covthorne Spal slgaated the ee Pian Thon he seaped te: Soe enwenteher Eira ark rach al tach feoenant! Mow "Taw ours afierwards Camthorse, e- consd tye Gray tad anne fe fearagg oie fit pence a was fly’ fhves tefore Great ‘That giaeiy ad marco eeuteised Edward Cave SE signed “che peveral sailed eri cond continaed = = Be ma nao devised hots ausesarinse fore boar etteg “te fap eae Hales to deep” “Tem the mam ubo fianced them, geoe ea. The, bet ink an aed reason, of ‘Providence. Very qecive, sis whogser id Bot and a “icant daveened Hh rugced face, “hat is ne excuse at fest,_general; eegonstation, Shak € expsia: "cli Mees co pou ait Eat T warn yon tere ou at that ao explenatiea can the conteqemer of your action Vou dev a that freiph foe neatly tea Ina fen mocictts the artillery captain oppected, "The geteral syurcered Tils, Cawthorre progases to, explain the method ty which fe Aste tho fascias Hive of “the tracks, Be scaled, gentle: een en“ ay Hee oe Car ae siveiee ieee ee sea an mace ila eer ee rae PMS handled ato shed wr peate 389, Enetpefimention, gute te Umi rw sencrstor—xive Wf Of moze proseris, iy Heo. Tat keane ae Dur gyroplane sear y E00, fe nee, pale gasped: “De yew foray Canthorns Ha at was cone with no receiving antennae!” ‘Cowtharee ble hand des his pocket and dew oct a few mesal bolls As exuall ge uckshot. He handed 3 eaple 49 the eaxeral and the others to the cap “Those are the antennas, Simply solic ‘metal bala! Poa care to ell the com i z Biemiess athe gpropane Brown “down around. the. Thesmolive “Ther, whe ie condensing: generator wae pon hae dee te ae ual ee THE ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTER fond heavens!" ejaculated the general, ile gang Be se ot posta, Hr ht ta i of te porte Tet op oe What we hava dive see Gute i fas never beet demons Sour obieet bap seen, cml bee sorted yeu. eut Oe posse” ‘land the indgente—or wowewr ft fe— se radiey coverod by tos Tig evade the coors “Aiue) Surcher thas Ht, exptain, Ca gauitivecxpaiens at ay comty forme, conducted very sccrlly, we fous: that the indeencethacs 4 ooo) terp—ek- tends for fully Hall wale on ech side gay chuser af alls! altho the ine Ensley of the action ts ati falest aan 2 ball The. suppression ote Lome: [esp a) the cistance ine ne yet the altitud wales ao difference?” el Te bexe worked wp te 6000 fee yor ayronlane dae gee the ut Brding ary silterence le the eonctiioas Seeestlse "Tite sapeain scttled back io bis exair snd goed at Cantor dank asohedety is‘argan borsien Heply on exci alee ot Hine generat Iwhtek ine eal OF Mi ap mastache into Bis mouth ao chewed PSaleticey | Preity he arowled Tiny have’ you non gt the Sor auth ‘ dace Tastead Eeld aad make 3 Semonsiraioy withaat forward, is, brows ble ips pressed elghely fogerier? “Twa yours ages weneral, the war aie iiss were abe rans and ragged Wer sheldcrs and turned Reged som Ih ve Had pene to them Jo SRT pede tine tha Fel taped Qin thoce Jano Gea eael Wag and thes thar sive eppeimtee am invest wile sr uatinied peri Invevtigetion and. teste et eld clicers general hae weil day fire T ean eten 29 0 fo. tie Government” But a ee od ape sottoed she gr ayropians is here, T eappore yo ‘Chuskorne grinned: “Yes! sus soon ae L Ecard where 1 araa to be bronghs 1 cig nated eieou, ayy assists, sg sant iv here ow id vou expect to Fellow this wo. My, CuuaterbeP Salimg over the river Aussie aeatiog al gt th Mexican aggregation nko the ‘hat The. general glanced at the capt tisk tyltehena. © The, next morn figs eto a roar of taaghter. As it sob sided, the enerars ahd siot out apd ped Neds. "Ve ean tse y08, it! A have 0, t9 save eucselves, 1 evald spare Sar '9) pounce very ingly, Bat the rest of ray seigtt Ema cin under the regulations of sar pou have. fo. como wafer. ay eamenae: appoint yon a captain of aviation, Wil “tt has October, 1915 smy_grepiest smiiion to Po foattog i chis war, geaczals bat 1 RAW® Sea eget tier goto, Dees ati fated the general, "Tac the ia hardy Cow to fine se {Well sverige the cone of the besiniest auc Eimay, the Pt rcom fof (0 “eo, ‘mechanics 1 ever katy, Semctauffeur, ht te oth futare movement” “And ia the Teeaatiese® leaped Cam: cree, utere ‘sms ao repart? Tam ier ares, You know.” ‘Another laugh broke. from “avon ate 09 fia gyionlane ace to Stop sueneee ardiriy deft, Cawtborne saluted toy tanner tor at of eras tat icy are nie mmler 3out eral Heavens! rmadhinss already! ciasded at ones eta {er male tac orderapecal ran, to01 fed all the fehvloccemeals we cau a= rt mad fee faites the ewe is care hah eal feat aga Bra seal gin agai tee acta ene ee farce ta a ee in YTacesine guar and the explosion aye eee BY er aun aan r OF sbrapeel fa, hea me crash of eld slege cannon, he far at CEfmtiaton coull see or both sides of the Hic Grande were guste of amakes some- spasmodic; “somtetines cealincass {or the eaure jer was tz the signa je plate vo whieh, projected by ake Tube at headquarter came ther orders Kl setae os ‘ified eth ealed replies beneath, lst 9 the pit: “Teg hack, Srtromht llaw the sae Tinet™" New, Captaie Cawthorne, pat the geaeratse-coadeneer into aetisn ‘eiqorne threw ‘the switch and all down, Ora, aeepiage letediately them as e ved at cnee Sb for iy le Ie eoctial ped FF daria i 2 complete verti revolution ido WE far beto ie tou 2 ed fa fey af our at roth, “Looe below flowed ig mctors down to 20 miles an October, 1915 oor and in wirstes the Rene raver tad patied over the Gremile ‘ine eh trenches nd uterly deewralled ‘the Een Tene ceased intactly, and ma the geht swept awes tee fgatets ih the EEN bad clear ple as Uy tuened and bla salled-aver pie ne” ior ae ae Sead ad Sehind tem and ta each nde See cuomy aad ke equiparese ‘were fa the fs anduan 4 silt Erdeer nas Ulewiaw ial ‘he dort chouraoee of those Sroen and Srllog: we and Gusards OE dull ais Zea Sig’ gune were: difsiog. ee tealaces terrane hei Re ‘the gala or inte te iver | Fieng,f Be Aperieie tle ee ed Theeget 2 task Cemirne! Or mex are ing, down the. poriooes. Teed tave a Bitace across ia an owt A weve got Sat ay Seve favs tte Sed 3h fait hs we SO saysplided down whtla 3° test of THE ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTER Insioatly a Veatenant sprang eat and Were soe [oe your Sapnia Coulorte, Fou ton da nobieg mare wilh a games at the Teoked, at Berge sudo snd thor eal eae shea whe: ee poe neyo within, 2 your ice nentred “eeet? ‘somrunited Tieager. tu: sheet tment ze ave eae Bini sprang feu door Se fin mining ld. aod ah he care 25a, Seated at aie hee! of a ean Soe chime to a ail Rowling. “Thee athe Jape ase ‘it aclousingiy foci, Ss GSES Ba Str enenclne oo fin bel, fiitesina a7 Brash, roess, athe Balt Serre of Ra dethies, af anythin fn ‘aickorege toma" dear ld Sod a3t fer tess; we sonld assemble a Seo itgure and ‘ing it here ce ve, Trelve of IS here at td "io ith encisened the general “TH idercked atmer—Cape ates ts tain will each Sve hours haces, and dise ‘atch “orders. te erop. cee three eas There Then tra Canorne = STs ecemy har beauy ‘releforcemome coming up, wittin a Bundeed aad ily fee of the river; cod youd be back ie pect them, Take a the yaen you tise fiend and return web tho ers: sacking Yor ay get together me Tien he Come) with a chack'ing grin to Riloth a “Vou ry aehiey imptionaig, cam, 7 Sen to the frost witout ceay?™ Riot griensd ond bored Yer aaiar ogee iter the par, sc ain Coming ovihest foam Cangas Day, inte Gaf'Sr Giteas, ea be aah Siaty gt the Jabe-Chrade Ben Snse Sina la sight 0! cach other eran the surface. The enemy's es had tid ey, forartes ane cite de Banh 3 ‘cetions ire craving slome We salons, ftluence ‘roth coubled ep fa a parccism of Eringing up beay Geld aus, acrogianey, fine ah ‘neni snts. supaiee he Arcerieat ara mae eer prevbuly warned we | Bay ce Blocant ed awed q 7 OT have req of cones, Xr Stratton’ interesting etry “Omegnn,” jhczbel erat ad Berivers i eres" WF Tcet moth) Bere the cotintion: This atexy sa sarliig Nate's coments ae Seccécty there was 2 fe it 6 original; mone itis exceedingly timely and it Oy Gy rth, alae shed yell Frans the pale’ ay ‘ar ok ok susired, hed fn'0 the sai) shee heen eon ge srength ef str Ber, aod the Bi gomentatie aall= Bec heng crumpled 8s of axtoneiotn planes were topalieg to che round, All but Everotly ‘ha camt down oy reeks anid brolee bath Hes, lescel ia one ths trctettey om top ef a party of guiver- tng’ Japs who bad craved fack there after the Bret attack of the nee. But for the duet tbat a Tonnes - see aca dt tee sealed oa aad atou the weeeked gerasre Capiain Berger glassed around Oa, every de spcaqied mec Fa ecb ach ler 9 fei yy ie jest terror, might beep tie eed, wins. fqn uttering’ tik ‘othees were ei Others reve ene uy Ce yer ctw a Lave Lay tng in Trance ceorder back AT ana biting 40 bie mes tis ta eat a shouted plate gine We abw fie hale sound far more impessitle than it reall is, for Professor Thorana Teileroa Sacksen Sec, of the Naval Okservatery at Mare faland Cal, Maw iuowrend one of the muxvt impertant and momentos dseaceres of te age. He claims that gravity 18 bat anather eleetrice! phenemanon caused OF lela eects eveiaing aboot, ptaan of atten, this i aelly Sewand we have no roanon to deur tke utw theeey—then Ji, Stratten’s story ix nat ocly probable, bat highly post "ew mast read this tile by all means Taught 3 yoleg an3 Ikey hited ‘hes feane ce the second acqooline, he fas and rte lane sage which vas reruns appealing oe ‘Noeese, bu wear sersiniy decorated wh am fel ssiortment of profane trimmings. outs marvels anatiened Gets at Heinaton te he neat their soporte “To Nowired eyousand of the ene rogied, and not one lest hed by sh EP ak xc at ve inig aca without eeaies of at Higher Silvec fe otheg gytastares lel Denver set” bled Cesharne "The genoral gromleds “A sesact cae fn ust Uetorg fom arrival that the Ux Hallecaced, Walco. But i ae Ct ‘rain conse each Bere for #07 £0 hors fenpe bonge ‘nite Camthoras, ‘ao evoskate cunt fon ‘ae si ates trail The bead of tale semy ha paced. Gxardeloue, fet from the Fo st ane rs Sor teore forces co come py Eavten ie ge Ig news atvived of the Tisster ak march, stenggled cieuing and ris of er tations SP toll tousaed teat above, for ee the feceriag email ‘Gracey ‘eres fo nce alrshipt, 4 -occatozal gues showed sposmocic a ieterference Bresenify these dic vance ior. trowps small pales aA mat vie rere wounds on the few man ticy ba pened (st. "Thee: ne uercpisic ie HSE eta cho he cry and lied fy over he calor “of druspe. ber feu ‘Jesin wege the astznadips ondiions ae Grande re saddenonaiietn ot 0 ects the effects fo. Cavithomes feet to the march step were lace thea ith aay accuracy end would Gagwer or drift agawst each ether fa seplpene Iaries ‘Ball and badeage Wagohs. sudealy hi head aa ell weight behind yaniibed and aed goughe in) vain for gent lan iescant, 21 the, gyropiare {Hided lowly over tie, all orden af aise galas sod tl courage dingarct Mea ese along ta I down, ometinss Ena dowen cltch (Continued ov fege 3) a2 THE ELECTRICAL EAPERIMENTER ‘Oetaher, Conserving Uncle George Dy. Thomas Reed POU ei igs by na ae ig th Sy wa aa yest et sparggee pes oy 2h oy Sgn Bee re Sa ads. “I yom oe a foie, he naps isn eet vl the jelurs of Jolie were nase yor with ther yee tgieg tnd tet ‘Well omor hiteaDat' he way we ed fellows get to bere afat riche Seetty et, Pa! sen bite Beige nd bein Setng ext re i Ze Tie geaund in toe guise ef advonce gent ise ariel 5 2 wating is nse 59 va ae 1 ee an CT Noy dae “au sina" think up some! torths beoause every dell tpem for engin ii) igtararce. bow you to ane cl choxe ike thas wl ave te have aa artes for eee Wel sivaied Wasehests a which a 20uae Say ro r cla fag Shi ee Om Waatds joa sam of an: oo ta at ew sep of knives Ee etn em Sut ples. ut father ¥ Elica eg hale ond emacs epee de. eet, fae Head ao ee Mech ase aoe om at Se euees 2 Ripgibd tates i tetames a Yala ee poe, ag the appearance of * Flees tet of tacts ‘you weat—toaly 29 use on big stout ie? Concerve year cary hammer cay, jane, et 20 jou tave pleched fetheead ey yor, “emmeerve “om? "Hand dh $1253 nekean, all 4s cs much os Tea do leating foot, Sts ceater pune Me ty Pac &n, Tet alone that se8—co heath ie triers 256 (Toe rab geo the Dae end. Yeu awd FoR ord you We EE mb pame, ys fo tae fe einer By ad eve ng span of bai om, FL ler weeds tie Tomato ean 2 the anos perfect eoranguler ae go te on and ae es 8 ‘ sand omleriais meee Bre take : Took hke 3 iy? Sareke doen "Then ge4.a rescures bes Lake, Wr Wench yore spre (raakt ig, mse Heo ee 9 SENT a gen want sa coerce bien” Sour own janet, he fles, Ae and hale che Maen Wat was of eet ITN gw fais rary Uso tap Waele goand We, eat two dil Uo A be Genige for matesioly bat tee him tuy the €lthy aboct Si; mood Bley, nam sueee feet Zhe Hie al of at licorered an tig heh: apap ien “ete eine in all over, agin ard reba fe ia Nite at po want ao tow woah HE HB tap aed ie, wh Ce. stocky perth forw—doll it ug itl a fal to him Zr dieappears and he tite ETB tel bane With ebdassd a pot, tae ok panting ee, arin & Joule eatrerigan, ard exraeapimse Neste 39 to ccoes and milled mate E341 for you, What he went to give 98d iy Fr from. tentwod 16 406 metimts unto eve eione, Ohm fe toneihing Immgeraed simpeumelieg jepwites th PROT, SER, SEATS TORNOW, | tera in to denote the cok: of eecsieal U.S. NAVAL, RADIO SCHEMES FAWITATION. curcert,rhowel that ge sural garfemts PiockEes Pelee 3 ae cave OU Geir tawg Became Aeccve rye eau rei conrargn arora of sigy of Mochesier, will quire fg the anc Sttaet each ether, Cut regal when fiswing pi gctvel gaa conaacion progiags of oknecmert “af rol, Torus fefenan ia. wiyoite dct nn ns USycaue the geet Wat (hs Ee toes Jaskson See, 200 of the bert kvowa actrone ‘omers ard Watheratic ans in ie Uucted Stare: ad at present ia ciorge cf the cal ic electric currcety around flag. forward to completion ‘withaat fowing in the sme Seeding the $1/W0609 Vint of cont xed ty Berl Pacgracer ice MEd cae tat | e Game mowie ai aie mith oc! hee rat he bas discovered the elute of ‘attracie fessor See attends, and CMI te ore aber ie Soksteln ene geteaiive: Sisiasel anata 's canines tet sieeg te Areian Goveraness at Wash sted fn the anrocacemeat cong froma a fete tha gra See a eae ae ee fae of suk stanibae. Ds Minchin sai ee eee ia - Sed Ee coud not taceligesly comment on ihe Chogovery ust he fad Fret gated rursmilled with te velocity of Tight, Tbe fend has teen wed in the comstroe- Professo- Soe cree thar graviiticn aur it would excre from the sun tothe ton 20d equipment ef che sasal radio ation on the Canal Zowe, which fa operation: and ix an electrical ghenameron onbich it ae Sais at San Diega wed Hochst, nent Shusez fy elementary chateles) eorrea:s Sey Sarees i ronchs &y ie merci of he Resal Sc eat raed Hog ‘atiorstien ef wa fret cem> Tease Newicg atmaumel Nic Taus of gravic maeals for eanudeaclion are Cuter gap, nd ‘astra by the Feenes aye ‘Armpers, itton ta 1685," The society hay net yet a Guam, where the project is in the Bo years ago. Ampere, nlicee Dame! hos paved pars the Wee stave Ostober, 95 THE ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTER 253 Can Electricity Transfer Thought Waves? aac ragoted questa wh ane cecupiel he vials of tanya ae remt in the olf and) ser Barks, Awanip some of the mate Well: Gown’ asd brikaot mer. who "have serie ‘ns'y conser! this titer there may be fueitioned Thomas A. Edizon, Sir Olver Tiglge sud Prof. Alecmder Gesiramy Bei “This ‘whole stbject revolved af < wor aloratithe a r aes Gs “houshcy can bs tranaforeed freon tee fo gaceeIn any ges of fence hk © acdence} ever cl we Guan mman‘esia with the 2epartedepite ef ce Clan cee. most of gs in cot eral eclecl a ‘igtedtanenc of the cup ‘ne probe to APA sgeh theories 64d alleges demon ota new art ie casegty betwee wig ee ate ar neces Shan uth greet acti (avestgators 03 Ban Cinco and Ledge will conden] Ss imo such things secously Peon rege nga gg oft Ameria Tow sitite of Bletal Eginers at New Vere Cervtace De var of ee foe preered wita, dhe Edlyan SCaineag shaerement a ene ay be esposie coe procnition aids eceonpacting toe si Sie toetal poke as tale We “We pow hare fe'pomer, elects seceh ef euetie cophanecs tnt with worlds on the “pou” and when the Inugiter” had suisided "he eqntiawed Irave been stresk by the fact tise seacly all OF the accent ste tare aad te da th vation sve the power 10 cnake ane wisn any deste Teecueney Wa dare tosh At foe een ‘trating shoty, te morarent wall be ia ‘eae by ge fa er Of ach i con appre lier that tage grave the tense of tome ate ay aoe tune fe iedieata! rst by Poratere, and then, orhen, the eat beearace Ar Rese feb hy by the serue uf alps Eee veep’ "Now the tiowelt Lax oor atelier ine great ca feduh Tha. pone tot ‘res "rhenttane Lee that gop, Dat the pap ie eo, great tist it ceerae where teal bermors. You ast make sch acs CSG coe Dr ae a BORE! Eaves ha Sapatt cae tendo He iin oat live Meals with improvised Induction got, ‘ut tbe eal eal of tke bead fist expe tertmreveatee ty chakce two yeare lier 2 thst, while there faa U3 Manvald af te te season of fans gis a4 the tame was comm Sick Beadacbe ang 9 eeirg’9/ uactea. Dh ‘Bell inks that if may be tnat varie Toss A Some of tala ac-ealled racial ‘or hast tweeg aussi, Hey By ere gersee br the dame ‘aie, Bieie, Mr Pulte erate 9 senor oF aiqercel etd fess conection ae Muy Reeve, abd atao fr tmade several ex petinents botuces the expert ard employer ve Feliu past. Me: Faison sayy of his toattcr sen I saked em to le me hy east Tice i arate Wal ji and “wraie dawn the wards 1s thee sang eter weed pani Soe ‘Bniallarine statoge haitsey™ “At ka! Cine Twar experimenting whh fp tae rorage battery ane fat sanawhat fohdoes ali ictae tbe right facie Tt tke meza:ine ae Y talded te tip of fceabaining lie abave words ed mp ed eh i ‘Kepe we hing oso ‘soshd act hy ‘raiederesding™ decipher what Pind Srtien om the ap of goper, od te gee ee dy ‘Orca cea ar fen reeaeth Eat ach, Sak Hilarie cit tele nt feof praca Bi ay? ae Ate BEE en See oy ect ner ee aria Sharh (ree ae he sede ce of 30 elect crgicga sod they gusts showed og 0 Sigyleh etea of fh eaievet pe Renee nal agian: : ‘hat Tal is Tar 30m bo wake possible” ‘The, ‘possihinen at dere by fern tie ean bese Sir Oriver Lodge in dealing with the de» selopment of nee intelgese (ramaraesion Has declared that is to aareascoable to Say we wil evemtetly Beemer ao dovelope may cll nother yan he welds popuacam ad sf that man nawerst Ack then be nest x as the teh ee of the wonder moter teste ieee ‘Br, Alexander Groat Delt fax sited execpt gn belrapentison of Sogatt iStances ty "teats of iadgaton,. ‘The idvéttor @f she te Tosslant Prof. Ci 0" Cam Ue Tramanited Prom Oe Bre te Anche Clty? ad reception. of Sought uz othe room wise {hd oft eee. ‘entered the roars he a0 etter tas ache ses vonage tery ocean Inyrontd a> ae "He bad therefore read my qucslicn ace curctely, ane te See cay Tam calito dit here if moibing better than aickel byerox ie plspose ard ise be Got tg pete, apd. wrote E1 raleroscopie feuers the word Krom! uidel the paper ptte ey pocket and then "ald te bof Toa Se Togeenied lie and 9! once salts Tipene, Ive © lip of peer ‘eontbve ‘on page By 284 CNURCH SERVICE BY TELE- PHONE. By ED. Ceitord, In Goesmy, Englond, a Sucday hep pens to be eblucyed ty the clemants, oie pace cane forable dearth 3 oul gy cen Enea tod hades faa handy ad wboleeartly 08 agate tn he cheren teovie Ie br accomiabed ey anit the tle phone exchange easct fou to the Church fy asm ich is serge 2 la’, sf, remen, rom earch, te arg germ bie prt inge fern of cage af Date 2 Ligathovee ‘tat (Guereany), weve, ier photos were Se eieatiy ge maay ae cbt Te faye smd tbe bh rm Say ea a osttee a THE ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTER stgy tore a strong. ag fg contained in an Sialesry serake of sbiice. "Sites then [ave pursed, my’ exp: nema wth thet ofe paegt a views Hamel, he dkeyvery ef 2 may of exseerar ning and ‘Asolutey ontcolliax | slecziesl | eneray. hig "teu Ear been allaiued waler Sof the aysoratar far whieh the ent granted sre = patent Int De gent, [or example, act more than By oF 23 ASrrepoinar of energy i ceuaized; wi few apparatus | ean eoneentrate and Bin Rereesauer of elec" cal ensrey. "Wish this Wremandeas e3ergy thi cin- ‘ChwehServsee Five: Mia Away be ‘Miercohine ot Palle Ie Marked at Let, velng, Hering to the macinar's Roekemee TESLA, SUES MARCONE ‘wiltLess CONTROL AEE happened © th fave to gece at hh Bat arent mores and wnldeaise mojereel are of St sear ae eee FOR "Reis Coy ef which the, Setian the prisdent. apd to wie ae SI A Heodeset ate tlegraaeg the Bike Marcon WinsleeLriegraph Go. of America "Peala"tomognce cyt te coe eh the Saket ‘be a jast Been iy ihe Tieted cadtes Co wilt eupervede sod eevait~ eee gue Crk and atone sf wirclese iciegraphy sed ill 2 Std thes fimanccre ao nae aasocaced “ith Bie So obi cod keep & hold oa eommer= ESI inde early, the oststie ve the Herel tere tgperimente i Colotadn ‘Tinoeseatee tae 1 fon the, ish (recy, sd wi Seo Myittritia sot move bom Binet Chameiee Eacceated in comcentry ine Bu Mpln aa ancust of electrssl ex “gfe eo Ba ‘Mr. Tesla in abe complaint allem that sarees fpgaratt, ER applied far on Maret 26, 199) 209 for woe ferred 1 patent, sumsbered 403 fer at ve fame Gre at then Teued by the coaster om May 1 Mercons aplication foc a patent on wicelest telertaphy, the, gavplaint steers, Se Bdge oe th ltd nae tet ‘Fanted £00 [od ont J iqnonberce HST ‘he sesk company as “he cot ta de ret svcelecs telegrspi patent redhat tee Mareen gm end sorbic i 1 Te Marco crazy ha ti a a Cin corsa alsa Fas un a-#ult seve tie Aten concany Ee aged Mictgement of top Tes pes, (EG, MoremPesta's fotente oxd wireless Isami bey me seed ‘able from eur Boes Drporimont af §215 Serva pees, F976. CAN ELECTRICITY TRANSFER THOUGHT WAVES? Continued from paze #52) err a HE Sepa i Ie es ee and also ench matters ¢s “thought trans~ ane 5 Tart le er ate me i te, ee eset silent wer al RSE ar ees odes i a rar cei ar ner sais ae laced at ee eet a Ben SERIE cheat ecneer ta ae Be ae a ea ay See ee et cee Pace eae ate tee deci BLESS eae te pongita soe RN Buide OTH RE Hetasceg at cer ugt ppm a take AEETE FT IE tc cua PE Bates 208 eet? ca Sora ee ESSE Soe ts Nesey prrmatgngby ir seer ene, Satta Pca dik F550 Shea ths barter scion 1 Ne ee aac, SUING ow ed for euse 0 3p? Tee Ser a Sins, bng' te is Sore i Ute ale fe pal Poe ele eet rounding tse Rania bw’y by utilisiag Elly coved seresns, and bea ooking seveers Mie everechang.ng ierotgh the hbo fen qelrr or te Dr dite fone of the mand og trols in tie pene pices obetnetinns ep ave red fed EN yale hea Ge geri Te he grat Dhger/ aad fuse Wey chores theoua fet igs fala ler diBeeaay actions 1! te Eicance vias of Dr, Bell and prozozed iS we ba ptrapped aroun the head, i ok all cea yey Bit a they nomi act by nce of ee ae ie i2ues trom tae body rd whocn quite fosoy is elect! in ty nates 10 this fd a see a Episseut the bt Bal ole ed inde, econ deveceharging, sutente ‘nthe feat ca io CScned over 2a lie tthe eon Sik This wt cowl tho fue Othe Hiccoatng corres patcing tnougm fro Brienne Gowen Sct ge le bots 2 the tazand person oF hose ead the col was oced. Say been parted ett by several lece edial a sa parsley By Dre Gacepe HBator the mpl lnowea eoreviog eletead enakece of Mew Yate city, at alte pore Si ihe poles ae ubich to spy the Gfanuc ae and recevieg els ok other orgs ef apgaratay nol sea Ue tea BOT Sie ie som ofver vatsercble poiet Sr pokcts on he holy mcs neds have Eh Towed by experince and ao Ia come lieben a the fact abit these mace = EEGite yeiets ave the strengest ces of Eecrcauel of the eheme: canes cw the Ths anil thas ie thnat nearer persons baying Ether which inane comiered ag te9 made oy tm iene you a. remular reader? eco oe! A Ie will gay yew te Ostober, 1415 THE ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTER 253 Electric Toys ‘hat Respond To The Voice OUHER vray fr aun o AMES Tee's arts These Cee aye atheed teresa aeh ie riitbeescvara Tee Ree Td ‘Cinteoliable by Ve (elon Boe ee Ree Heassreloving youagsters as well a the dll, id. are ede sand wave: se hating 2 delicate mictoohare, by wich the ‘arlols miovorseats ef tbe ty “are iowiced. ‘The rors heeeus Hivstraved ore ee re ules ef comtnvoas labor bye. HE Chitse ‘magarinc., jee lars ie Sqecate “eae asdy the Fan coice 0° aicornewea whatle, ‘Nar in it macessary 40 BeStear the toyei they sill apersie; for Hastease, if the while is Slown 9 fect Sinton Yom che apparaiae ‘Rid > result ee Haat tat asset! had is as wenn oy iH is stein, G0 its Bored Tig. k tegaeseats a exaop of thee alee trie “ays, “hie ene ar the ceft ia a pol ‘aan, enclosed in 8 else win whet a fait, sousd fs proceed, soddenly jumps up from Fie en Te the ster 3 x sl tal keane, the doors of ‘abich are’ cosed. As Pege isan ardiniey Soars open aad toe tie Ssitil joarps ast an sod dandy that 600 is amo they, hac ae a ecyectecneas Of Ne 3p Petia, Thetire td icing coou tebe Bt sr this coum mit "ia" Proper the wr rand Brodtced, The grate, openiag is the from of the eabtact Wake llector af lhe Shute wich are camesd tact “oo tae meio thos Fike 2 depkte a ate navedigeam of the ap: fos used Wala he {aoeite dolfs alate ‘ME 12a Stephon: “cone ested Beatin ith operating aoa of Seteormignsee tf watch fie eunceted in" seriet Mikes cvitraton Cte Cperstion, whea the ‘of enllea tel se Sa eee hoes Te Re gies ee we A aS as aS tae oe eels se ee sae eine Fa gel erase aE tae once mut gs Ses ere aes Res Lnishigis ae are ena ee shown is red the sound act of Bow sh ahancic de {ontoning to, crdiry.iastrontats toed Kor tperstiog the other toys, Two very interest in Fig, 2 io Tiaeaing Oath Apporstan Saja te Velo a device far. throwing a Sign while Ge lber Ba Senetaked inthe chimaty of the. eall Sense 64, peeved. who iarmeditely ape peare at the socne of 2 voice. a ‘Avery Sobel for Christmas time lorced' at Hig: 8. “This ea tree ect erated with giautire Ceetie alle, com Sected (2 deat doclading a mlerophone teri, as seen al the eft the tree are eperatee ty ‘te wals ate sea fuced onde the Palceple coald be well applied facther. 236 A WONHOUSE OPERATED any CKED BY ELECTRICITY, ialated situation noe rexpornatibties come led of check: ar (eepostie be they are-com dl walesee ary Seviee wish fr an aide Saeientye pee eset fey, Eagle, may be pf tlcrest, sce Tey tise die exehaten wo 53 fowly the writers ic use a ee ansalutely taartal working. ‘Aciosk i previded with a fob. of japer attached om whieh Qe mar ov duny record HM egpiture sich boon, This ere ty sho sed to ote the teme.of sariaig aed step. ping the “fog tignah” ond fo the carat ol Sep dineute arin a regard to bce jie Se disc record proves less atch trom alge as at der a iin pada Ties ck Sess to be gua Yo dor i “hoary fuptaeon doy 2 a Should the man o2 dary mest with an sccideat dating the wisi, goosibe wath cangeccns exter oo as fey toa aman he tcments he moda asply We ust "ast lag: wat the led preted, bros cess, at the Bacher Me Sandal wie the fee sod rewieine, ‘The rt tee alter the emt fost the bem pill Ssjogatlty be cab ad ape Pa Galle out co duce. Tice by calling afd the Steck Sight save = tre THE ELECTRICAL EXPE RIMENTER ‘Oersder, 195, LIMIT TUCKERTON WIRELESS, Nese but Goveraenent aid Failassy es vill Be seot ty way of the Tuekertam rele stations oth furtcer notier Mes face for Germany and Alstela must be Sorwatdes Oy way af Saville a the exe BLECERIC DENTAL SIGN sya Den ReP RATS Veron” tt Carrie ex FECES A wep prestne eee ig cee wew Te dennl garter, ie i ie wal pine ‘owt fe pat Daze ta lee ingest tg oa hay ee eel aera Sethe wether a bi | Nee Hai Be! Tithe “ene ts nl Binal fou te sienor 2 ise ue tragey a Speed ast iter ber what the "we Terene faces agpear ater ie features of te syuntensoee_ where the tne text ave iise caused to Say Se oe Wiiove of ies PALACE DENTISTS ain, Tie owed elere ie sien ane_o ‘deverioed Fe em Steet Bel adioce mber Jes tha 2 foeinigh's supely ijl rercies foe tie Ege ‘Doulle pole contacts ars wel tr thet no ‘attery Feikage ce: take stace throsgh oe tee ie ce being ma ane the ine dives elecssolyie reduce, theives ras levenge at ome Tpecomes passe The dock ‘ahaa a orp agpiin seer uae ‘The verter can eeciy hat lssgreeaMe eapertecce tw ene tle els ng our a: che and te resiee thas we mao ef sour ma Bat af 3th eh Trem alee hy ct «sale tor wh Tease as well faves ail aed ghia, al ese (ays mut dhpve before oer hoe eat Ine te fe onte: Teosh “ewies tha ate PFS be ante hn bly y "The recording clock wht she suthor's aciment compels the dite 2f Saul once cresy hou Sine or (Bin Tact twas est arraraed ff tuvaner slecerc eonsar's esting ‘corrent the TisMaine neg ee AUTHORS! ATTENTION! Wace idest have pou regerdiog 2 surtfea am aperitif , Sa eas De caperinmt! tr we tence of the Eveerical pester ast ‘Sire of the cre, ectursing by encsher wi Tuperinentce coders ged Dik‘ Ge cher te gered; at ik jet end ous flewenoster fee every Sour coy 63 tine, “Weare es Si piorides ae hasinge of ike abore etchoe ‘onfinary tates for all suck Pay seule pultshed’ ie these colamne. “Ade af Cmmeanicationt 1a tne Editor atte 1 as Exgpe sai elecre lights cen are dnt std, farther, by mcgns cf e apecial pressure Bauge on ee Uighieuss it ges Warn Oetoher, 1915 AAs ang of the featur ofthe ant fe ng outing af the, Comarca a Cmpane. of Chicago, seve mamas fiom rah of the cmparr' ives once Eitri coogeted 14 a serv dation conte The crew represeating ‘tach, digegt fal grevionsly ces selected Spitlim aalon cents Covdaswed E rease ibe Serviceitalation work dri the (ws irecks eocediog ths bed ey Belg tre day o¥ the final somotion a ae ke cree acy mise Saba Sere yas crected oa te Bell A patfarm ‘Grr stel these sectont of brick wall wore teocntce was seo croc at a dslanie. sf Fe feet dion. she poles glad three corse Soted of a teremar, fro imench ae 3 wutdmany ‘The fore tosis da count, the meh aad ae The rulss of the comtest required een ‘he bak arm mith brsces fry ,co-outs: bane a branstcs footrest che tramstorcier te The prims¥ gut alc to the servce don: belte h pervigs to fhe quilels, |All fois avers to Wier aad properly taped Toe lst ‘his to be dine ab a ayer the penser ples te “igla the lamps, above tae outs, Inceiitg tie! the ork had bees om pleted sha falture te compete Coe fob aceordig to tie company's slaare prec fee war to roselt in a penalty seal te farce ines the tine if Would ordinary take tp do that part of the work Any Installing A Complete Electric Service in 15 Minutes : THE ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTER Vielation of he carmen Toit in dicquatiiying th ee jndyes wit me aid observed the werk as proceste, Ts wien te tho be winner of this ‘hole gang. regular fell days events, a2 aldol Dees ML foe volaiog coe rparpe oafetp vulees Toe wenrane cree nas. lgwexer, Penal’ “Th “toads oe fling wer. YACHTS “MONEL” MEEAL HOLL RUINED BY ELECTROLYSIS Altsander Smith Cocke rate ogden sckoooet yacht “Set Call” after seb i omession oily six neers, i ae being oncken up fot Seapine gues of ber Wri Racct fe ae CS see id seo yacht ai gu Et enging, Ste is Bene Teal i coon oh Se ‘Tho esetralge's whlen Bag domagea th betiny of the Boat fs aaic ta Be due to the set a stoel saaleton. aed 4 Sota nine metal am expensive alisy coniposed ‘of, rosghl7, two pare welal to en9 will scall ahlitions of other ‘win uideratead chatclecirobyats affect sho steel skafeten aed oe te plates of €3e salery rules was ‘wares Tool the eM oilerel Sostest a4 one tf te 257 AN ELECTRIC DacTERIOLOG. ICAL INCUBATOR. By Frank C. Perkins. Tae accompanying: illusrat'on. shows. a artery cal ee vance of ested cevires now geacrally sed cautt of the © tire cegulation wil epeiais on Te um aiih een ion tour hath Pa iahnest lever “um ip in etere uy asare am push ‘snd lowers =, i ean ati the desired point the it of Oe WE “siuemeot ie atealaed Ly f aimall sere. ‘The ioeusetor ca 2 Mnitleswallet bow Saving a. 0.-neh ale spas beweea The boc is ushed Ie mahogany ane saubped wits doaite doors, the ime lowe favieg = glass panel 19 te tthe muichinc! many. be readily inspeered without opening the docr, Uy means et the Ittan seen on ta the machine a miniature tarp iedtle th boson som be cued on, The wax eam Bigs dato the michive & 80 watth, sal the abet {i watts, Hind 10 iactes rome, ine, Neral ay re of sicch it sof the el fate "a chalky: substanee:” It in saie thet thete ace evidenors af deeesiition i the TOMI Plates of the bakers, bat the bi vice Tew race thet tite fe amy sends ‘ue to the electgoivals af the steel, 298 TELEPHONE THAT TELLS WHO CALLED WILE YOU Wink cigguit mc NY, cas Suinceiter is praviced with a telophine ¥o- SHrueRT eqelpped Set eoly with 3 eaeciive gale ene el abe wth a Hew Bablewlic, HY” They. citer ftom the Saar? gcd turn telepisne tg that § apesial La'tery has beos acd "0 the local healt sid 9 visual signal or dewo, gel ra bel bay teem arranged "a" operace Braces sw cuesly seemed ileaive- Bigwaling esac, Ffo cal apedocries ow a tne equzped with Gece’ Eeetroments ft fe mncessarp to ise the speal tery (0) Sea inoue teepomh Be, Tae cab Nate pn erating ail repo, C4 vk the Line a Sit intense’ Ite indlstor them 30 faroeutiy tthe dence fuhen toe Lee ie agzls enor Knives ttl aps a tie. called ibscrects tnetrazment cls the bell-and Poersies the vical seal er Grea. UNE Exetramense: sears to thelr armal. peste eeu Tt i ag pens. chat Ue, gale Dory ie ct within excsbo: of sha bal froich on a Febura that the visual sips ibs Geen operec, “He thes paces St ia oo ft meres tae mane. 0 ite, Heglag Snot inst fangs Ane ony "tul eigras beeatae the tics fens fat postion Heart hs all Bnd Gherving tot the eal gral fae ot cen dstirbed, at sutnenbers adore THE ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTER October, 1915 A Telephonic “Nursemaid” and a Bird Alarm see ete spre ce peas Beran, Saisie eran el ceed et ey hele yom Streniosdy Bocen. ‘The dificuty bse been that where these isan Tysisstinid Ihe busy fttat pare tine 20 be comamly Cu ieaitie net tay, id gee a cia etme Gara ie Norse 20 yacés amis, enable the mother A Telephone tat Maid (at Litt) inst im Ghejmtervals of wore to Lister for baby's eid end during mest is ay to listem coatinnsy. St Close atticienert war also pronided: “tla ems i oad wes" does very well faa sand the sith, and ear the gon. wha pres ‘aowaly called sd Fale! len eae be aa or ew Tarn a trie idal ener kaos. Sater, fan eacann ita hn he eles fe mates St cece be added so tae he fo 2 a Stas tha we ticbore ty wands So lee ‘proved Mises tied a Sar ‘hor ay as Bitaety heard, Bet also the at Br eee cee betes, ee igreigie wakarctal 6 er ac shout 1 shower come om stows! an fcdg! Bed jemetone ak Teatated Above: dtiviéwal with orem he desires ro eorams: Bicale is. supposed to arse: telepivone, adevited also by EO, Catford for the benest of Mr title sot cats Regt binds af a distance from “be youre to hat ss Ire boy cut wat te pleasure of watching them feed from pic thtoce ia eetgeegt yas Store dist from the hoine anal bene roblas, Ghebes and over oes came to feed. t tke tele- phen wncatat wan fen ae an tha ie bards sang Wer could be Retered in Fone te gl Fannie att She Sinthes rf and ga re ere rere 9 the fcr nine aoe socetn and is proceeied from reéa by am inverted comma in, welt pated, apes caer eal 19 ft eocnd a\etes qaonthis 34 Bis te telepone Feet condition TELEPHONE NEW POLICE AID. Felice Commicsianer Anihat Woods a8 seniced reecatly Mat the Mew Yorke Teles home Co. wl. co-operage with the pglice Eeouteent e Sp aie 1 ates of New Vor tides the telephene com- evel rien wanted tomes, ve i pee weet, eomscaleg gra rath ean bevoa the leaks ‘hat eaecier pipers 10 ater seeye gfe guided by magnetic current, © "Shadrics, 2 Frere cindent of fas Noted thet on tw Gceasioes cena Mights were uwatlsfactary October, 1915 THE ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTER An Electro-Magnetic Nail-Packing Machine By Pranic ccompanying Mstration, Fiz. b hows a ilcres ng eestronaghce¢ Haltpacling machine devine at ZoriehSwitrer and, witli. shows the cleans of jatking and indkates the eae Sccomononcd ya Shs orfelypctiod ¢! Song the work as cevlted by Geto Geme a Tg ee ones wie lg the center z. "One type of thi slecww-magnatie sat act, aces eae oe pas spectl canracton tec cay Tey 16 aches Gra vecce yy in aplee ef the fee: fat for a lag Bi¢ An the nail #ndaitry Desctial jana fio one has quccsoded im desigring a. 3p bpiewtne capable of perform tie toe ing eptestives oot lel eat iso ieee Le Tide fecking vince is todas om 0 ingle well kaown to every eioctrican, Dist al inese wa sbjsts, 9 tc the Ae towne hocgcedes seatate id so somites Ubder the nfigeace of the magne to rent, {a toe diectfon cf the magneve bes force, which ae tz well heh, aia peel ath ce i ital foilens Ut bt "colyanted for te pace og of toll. bun iat hear be equally well led for gathing 1 waznesially ext: screws, Duirpins, peas ard knife, blades, Tei be notst that tre meting Sat, "of wo amet, praleine ichanison id 3 feed wees Haliag eve le aitel Festa ve pacha are cepied aia the feed Perkins wergh in ef out 1 eats Ti, edt Suchen af the all Tae ea aa aati Weg eke Sed ini aul el ee ochre le Ae ae Ne tke af op Ard srucuance ty st ng ol foes, Aes cnecmanet Se tramler "ie epee Use arnt SORE ad He Sete he Ein nathan re Sp team of @ lew, whict simmianewasly Shs eh eae Sees Se Fain eae walt Sang hak ste We baker racket, the mouth of which ic placed evee he end af the tray Ty the eperatiee a onfee to eesvive the Thies ated that fe siewle working ‘makeing it petite for gi to ate fr "t0 the snach.ne, cunt be eezeated_ 30 ‘ap-dly that oaa wonky tra'ned to 2 cer= Bibectent fo wit wah Sama age Meu Heat wit ending ‘Betich zou te oe peskey St 19 eu 4 Seek Seval eT eB pickets 5H pouwids ees, while muauldene made re ‘andled at the fate of Ha, Tinch ae ns 8 oende picts of Pet paris of Hema, Pinch, Stock (cued ehat tbe shore. qcanhier following e pe duamity dealt tor hand, a0 walters gall ta Is"times the quaetity dealt with by Band, involving, of fautie, a enrrespinuling See (Eeincawed oo page 280.) 25) WIRELESS ON MOTORCYCLE TO ‘PACIFIC COAST, By A. J. Geiss. aad Miu Wesarte, of Albany, Ns, ‘Y, paised threngh Tale, O., om ‘fie way ilo the Pacthe Coase a July 21 lest MEE Remgaes wil be juin) Tater on ‘by Free Walaes, abe of ABany. Their out” fis soasists of a, Daten motorcycle with eva an a si cg ines eigraps wit aca Se ila nist test rae svill eoekmrusicate with marciessatlans a atom: posts sng thet) wowte, TVep exe Fect to reach the coat ie tice raat, End i jae anc ene tite fall Cae ew ext ects to wae ta 10Us OF Ut w5Flde THE SMALEEST, ELECTRIC A mato rece peeps ly yen T. sae Nort Dakota, foolghe only 43" grsing and feud to Be the tallest eotor it the world Lis some Prion, whieh cenatres OM “ashe itmeter, fe muds up. of Cour geld ae fem slated from cock other rik re Figtaler is moutled is mode of Cte Seen (diameter Plier Snetaiten fr wie! e-neet dee conienctatee aid the SLR Thee tiny anruiaen, DIM) lad a Giemeter, Tas Tour pele pieces, and it patel Te es Sthedne cd “cnoge ‘The wglght ot we serzhins gar Ta prains. "Hetween te arman tobe ore fla co ye provided The Diver Dreskes marae Wu inch dla ster asap Bad again the commetor 5 open 0a ech in Garter" ore ah 'Eimensions the rostar measures 1076 by, he § i ee bn Shc Sra Septet "eee inch fag ard 781 ies bigh, Al Ae ts are fish i ee Whee Extieced fo a onal feshigh baery te motor suteaea sexy hak speed so ELECTRICITY OK GERMAN SUD. ‘MARINES, Elzctrisiy plays toe leading cole in. the opafatiin ao tavigation of the raedsen hove (Cr by Unierwend & Unnereod emereote nn ve al ea fe tna acs atta HOW “PUSSY” RINGS THE DOOR BELL, fe aban eee a foteressing phe a Sie ‘wir of gi inglhemal ger owned by Re chatord, of Guernsey (England). The feling attocncer Hie darice ta ence npeap ouvay* Quan Aamuanie oy tpsing «1 Je ating othe eel fhe, tees hei? obarrved (4 the glota, When 3a ow the abel an eleetles! e942 pein THE ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTER Jabmaine, the teor of the uaderven, Te iTable ona te amy Stranged cletsal and gel caging ae icvaita ina ee cet ‘enact, ‘oni deh Leta bs csherelg al" te i Bowtaat fan Hearn fartattar lon af toleen palates te ally “catted Sad fectrote The sabmarine of tocar and erabieg the craw of 1 wih Lemesth the urls Of toe get ado erates iis Fedioas subucergel n= ely from wight fora S- ‘Sltiowt egmaing to the aus Eine for air. Speeiat parifere and agen ti Powerade fateres drive the eee the motors as dycames, peveratingcurreet for thas atging the storage tate: See fees Thieg boate earry ure less instant ons. of comarcer abte rang, a2 will ge tae wary Tatest types ibaacine sigaaticg devices, cpermtg = as oll at he Seg re wbecely telegraphic signals can tee from cae satan e 10 ‘Sr lant esl of th Sh Bae ching tage af vera themand feiks clue ecetieg ts or begs tm Ty’ ee sehen toner stusince sey reid og 00 te iif perfor ee aces regular we of ‘shit hina of weather satus AN ELECTROMAGNETIC NAIL- PACKING MACHINE, (Cantbnned enw page 22) lial Jakiae the averaze 10 Be 0 per cent. tor Eros ra tion wit pocidna fa Bowes ard barrel euile 20 fy Ae ber cent surg _ ale boven, Hep fy fh svn ie de re ako ica 3 IE por cent Ih maelere all ing smaller Loses a4 ot mond hy Getader, 1915 ELECRIC LICIETING AT PANAMA ‘CANAL. ‘ur itastratiea shaves the Beawtfal sls ta! Huninatien af de Penamna Cara] Pedra Miguel Locke. “Tie powe Tut elccibe fangs ate ghiced on tall core -eeee slum rhe eects ourneet Well ees te Searle stun Solway, ‘Peee cpbate Larepy seve qaele peewee, Tea the pes ing of severely ‘orougn che coral at {phibt al alan make Hraves to gear Be ogee fora su stack Ey a oh ma ean nM eetbe compos ne ie wel are false ary Lis Houliig ba fae desicetion oF fe lg says the possbilises of chemistry and clectiiy have ard'y yet Been touched ‘upon i mocers oul ea. feo any turk af as Wrest (o destroy liter | wit bo make te vost eter face to tive Tre a bramcifol thovy'n of the gueat ine sentoc. Hot maybe i Hie secret be holds 8p ike Seta! someting that weld ‘compel word petee. ees Goctrol area gency rons! nal wl Gre all qekky avatobe by mens of Sea ei satya pi tons af Enemmanders #145 whew be (rcamalcg De Seu ibrwgh ‘the perwwope for” patible Sait, sore arstsnfe Gem's ‘racine, Faia fase be predersed berpuce the packe Made icdopendeat of Uw “Fre destric, caress seal ‘The feedis Ti ILS! teed oo Eee mee i Bees, Soe ea aL Serer gee ee ee se wa foe La sets eaeue foe bean GS = ise! og he ae eae ena oe a Se eae Fearne pare RUN ua ce OUR NOVEMER ISSUE, sit goqtate a wen erfi ancien "Seen ly oie eat October, to 5 NEW SCALE FOR WEIGHING LAMP PILATARNTS. A geino Vance of spectal design de showy ia, the iaustration here- will.” Tiss Werke fs aed 4a general for Ealunc, tor Weighing weighing oxtemay Fght Loti, bit incinal appleatian fs ia gocnecticn with mnderesnt induriry. Tn the manutucturs cH incandescent lame It 3 easectial that the filament possert eer Gharasteristies, cag. of what, a8 that ts fength sa fe shall be of core, Hes the vie gt sm embodied feiai Teetramenn Taw the Balavee feud om a ileal 90 ese table and eareful’y’Heveted by cane of Ue Develing serous pluabteth Pe ‘lomwerd Ye Shen oma on whe hock hi ie SMen peaiecling, (oer the sigs nile of fhe rasey The tog ehroeat ie then freed By aunipglatine the fever oehiel through the better of the ewe srt te feft'ol Wie ‘rete oueore The ken solice i waved vow. scrose tbs cae fat the soul painter shown adigent 9 ihe book doree fo the see pol. ia aah of Whe fue pater Bh thak gf sie weight of the Auman wash being tested operated FR SRE ae se manual seer bate Ge prasad welt ab Reena ge Sone sas, Poiater iedistcs wheter tle lament ix Sire td Pane Thee thee ae ct score te Rhea al ep ta HOW ELECTHICLTY GROWS IN SOUTH, In W years Sonth Carotina’s jump fr soniuming.electricily oy the ile att bear sat rom IROL yo TGA. Te the largest propegtoante ein of kay fra Vor ends to eg vied sn 16" Eicewstthoare THE ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTER 260 Marconi Heads Wireless Corps of Italian Army. Signe Guplicine Matcori, the fae nce seen ae toga Mesewilat the hey of» noe English iets toto Igcated at London, ‘THR Mas aber or bin ceed tp to lana, Shere ew Cenily develoged for the ose ot the yelekcag in the sel ates gel aight pesmi! cere che tong Gegatost he co fhe batlebeld without celle ing the tress" eamberscme Scrank™ sate Soaking ap the regelee ratio equipment of the shin cors ston ead ni he seirtess ‘of {38 Italien army and nase fi eetless te vay, Qe canipmeat will be second to fovea the. gre “This matter gerdus ace had petsecl opportu aye pat isinees SH inde of appara fore rack ay perhaph Wa fae bees portlet aay ther engines ar feentite of ourdap. 7: Pat Bot clways bee #0, however, Rian of ace gat rh ard scientits notably Hever swe unforisel “Salted to ary sch exe fet as his Signér Marconi Whe Marcon! corpora doy operate over the greataat ranges and ‘uli se very COMPLIMENTS, ARLINGTON WIRELESS. Captain Gowan, ranstes of the Jsianslet ff "Bwatore” at Raltinne, pays 2 Sigh eoepttoent fa the perfect working a the ese ntalni, gre clearness tae raan-tine eigpal rt Out from Aclington So fear ore he Signal come that wach “Hck of ed distin ea ti doubt aboct the ‘reat superiority of the Arete fa noe ‘Giroapmvetors By He walt ‘ut & Tenbt 6s Lo eee A NEW ELECTRIC PRINTER “The,"you-do-ths-reet rom elighif3) paces 0 fs pleasure, Cae pou are cot geting all the eligat tol you spake then For Reve nour cooncs the hale amilst cranes Bir thete—tew of Me Cessiy eenlyig av hu, the very Mest ieeas in phosoerasive arti. he proter cartes of 2 tex uhh 3 0 reorablg top 18 which i locaked the priatiag wan, inet ore ft fs ite of the pongeaply. TL ‘course, fo tall: p atthe Jnstian far the afjosmert Of tegative an pi fal Marca fammp eit pr ing Tight, At the side af the how ‘witatowr covereé with ovarge fabele w! Fi, the O°N, Land that wilt be forgonen Sor cencareg Phats (6) br odes weed & Mowe Monsen! ab iby Rey Bela edie Station athe “fund sere a 3 carkerong lege th tg red ieibctuthed ome with ie Meda Sx, a nate Hatt for Velox deyetoina. RA GSIAE? Yatore SB Stomae aaa feb oe Tey betsdjused or dated nll te Super with perfcet assures i that ries lt rmarg ns may ted fram any fly nega gna incincing the 3 and inued frame bolls the negative 230 paper pity together The copes is cles aatowatc, Whey the hinged cover holding the Fegptve an eeloved We asdh Tangs faa!" Taney on, when sie elt ere ened de Merde limp is extngusbel and Se red tub turon, Vis. gerongement Dievents waned eorieat io making orrts. 7 COMPACT RATTERY new Hakata eT, “Tha sew daury stoning ele Crone bereits doelgnie epecally dor oerece in garaces for chordie autcomBile iene tom anc lishing batteries, "This oat com. fla of 3 all mrocgeacraror set cn deh, ia eed a gull what Fond trace all se gltches, ryan Bie pecetaty (or tht conte, The not Brie ts be Cnaested to thy sesodeconk Hating cathy mae oa cre Lg, the mora’ cenercter ben seppied ar verte oc Lib or 89 soll OF els fing eavremsctta or em He oe Sk vee, _ The aioe eueeator ib sngpied to de- Tiger het current al 12 Te or Bt ras, uch outage ele. spes Sciby adapted for Petulog He Wan BO pte Pater aru Tor open eu 3 veer for veal ‘SGitered ty tne gancrat avuneaatee tar ceasing ie shafging coent, on ed {i sang oe lowering the wl ‘ge af Or gener et ‘incense ts Salas “Thin se-ocels practically po terviee shee thie a0 cect ot Oe" Heering grene cuge wei ie Sitch, be" ually fl su to the word "Tks esamutacturees af 4f tis bie are pln _ tener all enable memereaa SE, TTS ma at “aluabte pecs, T ane on asi of caries and give sed sctinfviog resis Wat Mot 29 tie them ie toss of mines He age Face cs ‘Siinica wa onguniend, itis uedertood, ‘ef connie, thst you mkt tee av a Sor faving electric hath it if ya Ie Si AERIS fears lg pox way coe the ce “Fie plan, outined Ws at follows: You itais arts from che local agent for Far "Rata tangy Sandee anti Eisttabate there t3'pettone hors yos tink fan be iacuocd 1a Rie the tags,” Wow et Seung cards st 30m think son crm doe cee tine. ap aa Saba ake 2 at eile at at treme Leary all yeu 2p alow tie below oad dlfercnd ales et liga, saa to be able to tak iseligencly os Hohe shut they "eat ander cpa £2 gu eat cee te Macey (0 st fale acing befovs. atother ow cr gi Sa et ip aad of you” Dent distrete pecedlabet lh Daa = 1 Sou mut foam 0 a caer ot ae Taree ie oer cag Octobe 21, 1815, Ge EE i cue we split teaets rte ee, SP OE a sist : exclaned hy te rate the ands epcenl ‘o GaGa Wee lowe Await Sitoe Maca foope This erei:e ya wrth (ted) E00 pois, . Afser Qotodar 20 tse Thing sme png or sdvot ascet tammy in all he cards fn'the Bien Lamp Werke of the Onur gin hove nae appara on cards tozaling aoe Bi ee ere Oe cee i eee ee ner ieer i bel eee eh et ee, RLS Oe ca gloves, iseluding ext eo Sena J io fusehille 3 sen ness ait pre ae desk sels foumiat § told. aed 00 fath-lighty ave be given away Cait fsiirg er ran at vou wy feajoy" nae teach an The preter fou wll Cataber, 1915 THE ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTER THE CONSTRUCTOR Construction of an Inductive Tuner. ly Miltan B. Sleeper 2 I 4 ote TSE inches and ke he wine wien: hee suictetmcanei dine, BO cetacstaar de Bh RSet hese wedge te Fee eee hata ty ate ak ar eta lars lode, Artie Taser cal Map’ ether Be eo rt dhe she latest EI die repelled hie nee fe too una tomide, Tash Be worked out Brgund the cope, a2 thir male Mick ieee Teced orders Sautwmies of windla, od egies Ser areca! eeulena ‘is toner are i Tbe, sha methog af featling ere, This ig to alow showld be csnde ia e atrataht line down the From enough for chem to culls bosewes. the ids, “After the cazsa are Yaekered Title, o> te Rare wires will frome toon, tle a ere Semi with “ie. sand careiul ia oreping the iaraiassea hese he pore Do vet thelist er taps nee twisted Gee Fig. 6) at b * vee. By serwging the wire it pecare ini Leave fenaclty toe a ile seal, re. the tps are t fasca them {0 cxpance iGe owes cr three weeks bey air aga i A Era ree Serer CaP 2 voulhie tere, leaving emaigh Sor cimcctl am. forthe ut u3 focr etice of tie doth. | mekee SPP ied an sek dhe io lay ce "Thea key them Jensthake or, the St iteetes sqart, Car off he the Cloth avin ib the code a then een cote This tring in sionals over 138) ilivooverad wie met range ary ee ean F “ded. ‘itpoot "ine wile BMcaied ty rotary st giving £0 ths 9p Serantage of che “varsmeter, fay apie asalien of cot pI, ‘he srdimiry bee hehe fr det leat ime end wei vy ane coven "i the eowesan af the pice ean n= e i art maria Cale fnatctial "Shewd te bough Eesate Seat worse dome, Then co fps! any gs tngethr ap hey ane ef fompleed fo tye drones hoy, oerroe he pest wil at Re Cott. Coser bere ere shown setiealy Fig. 2 Wie orchray ming tee ea be jes by cbenree He ames eng 1 Fig. = Sites Seatheat View of cuanto Showing Primary ana SoS aire Zeoet the autsife igts one qill kiep the wire viskt without sbellack is pces, Sele wot ae all iene mn) being font the cil Fug feat aver, ina fe Be bets ge fie dubs wade br loata ead 6 inches Jona’ for eannect tom, 00 degresa {nora the tag ¢€ tare, gla ; site ite geet ae lie'wo getdes (AG ef aa doch apare (Figs, ites posed ingo a at Loar. ard & shen wll keep tke aecondory Pat thee pane ft ie it graye inthe ide: then wal the fr, (rom the. ont t nocd lec Sten Orne oa ne the bs Te Behe itnte te te ceabled. fee i Geek mohscany stain SPem Bits wectecly ery pair three Goat of ain oie cltvaste polis The ease {fom aaa pee anni Fie s) arwmmiy of Pvimary we Seca Cone me commen MSE 28 doulle cilk-cmgered wire ie re fal, (1) shows abe uadersr of te fle seeumany eail Te taps (ire (2h a. agetion through the A) are mace digereaty. fnsterd of corn: sachs €) ie the bade de of the sate, from the Meniews fun Ghewing tir coapemsator. | The ae freien foataet ie made ot th Gia of Ao em re Ut er 3 See re sie cme ha Stk we Ti a saree thteaced "the jadi. “The pate TS tothe center gies dap of solder. Come nm a ead ty agli 9 seipret Se psi AP taser the semernete. 1 te hwcinpe ata trou the side of the cots, "Dagigaing Lid of Brinch frum the ned af ihe ee ‘re, sneiof 3/10 of aa inch. 0 eles SEE petute rote Moles duck Taras heard of (bf he Fea tpi the hontin, (stoned 1B Set the comma gel spo rach on the ce igs ara te wire fy oly spend ‘hs wil be aoe the 7 eee ‘late pe aac be ‘Por thi tripa ef ie ints wading ho Cabinet Detail. ‘The dlnecstane for the cose ate giten Tags e Paris oxo Up “Pelmacy™ Sach uf Gvanle 3 and ane inthe Hef gare. she poiote Heke ocesery 20 pat 3 etre ine pital exc ide The ay ‘iteog Sold De THE ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTER Cccotiey, 1915, coseesice 1b ‘Stkese! ta he Gilt tee a es “Aug Bee ii fa a a a, Satie eed fe cies oth TagarmaT FOR syupuatED TOR naan SES See ae teeter rr et 1 en on Ene Sa ehh ease EGE Sieh bes wnt eh da cn foe ls vende tne peste ue str Pe ta abo a “Coed ‘hat Snr inown Ie de shel ME MET atta a sain (aualey Oe alee ae Beri tes ot ss ee ate Meter Fler Ocala ef Sccoatary Saatce ery they aheuld be wuchoe 22 to 18 mee Lateef wate a wiced for fF condiersiie pevied “encer a Grater pean, on alles any Boiiostion acciie fa" the “abate Sisntegests. won Sree wa aa Steve se eT eee whch ae se “fo 2 he kent bo a Hoo ptced a se tee eed lam te aad ray Garces sek a tee ae Sale oc awuie cam be perciseed at ding stove or cust? Dpsty hes fy ahaa. A. Tange? Ga estate ile tp, of cote, fling Det portions ‘OW 10 CLEAN Rass. Brags onsteinaests or seria thereat that fnave Lecome bicusbed Irom expose te er ay ed fm the following ua ser boll fra fey mine: in a otog are ounce of alum to every: pat of ‘Then poled th ary sod of late palsh, or even a dey clot will en. Els Ni Temove tarwish “from all crevices Shece other mass Fave fired SV ELECTRIC TONITION SCHEME FOR Gas RANGES. Tle eteerial eepermeater may gue seme af bls ffs 66.2 good purpose ka Fe ti sleet rie fenton Sytem on ‘aitchen gas riage. Taro welhode are sige Fie, 1. “Jam Spmtk Apped Gas Ranete getted jn the drawings berewith, at Fis PP at a At Fig. L ia ineieated the soi agllising'a seal jump spark < Yeioch rate tigna, fo? of abeut ‘ogee a bale? a rary seach, ahd ata ei pecs Titel arcondin? enfch The oselary yrting for the funny spark crest to te Burnet esl fe mace a:b igh tersion for autamoniie ensine calls. Ord nary wire Sra be ssed, Si tketeh stows, by leading this wire through paresia:n tube! gritably Esurad co the top af the tae TNO ue sone, suraers ube grevtded with spark Seder mare exch pois ‘op the Rigtotemsion garish A. This site Thowld fare good “spacing. berween the is And. the been fame 2hould be ffncies tary. Treen be grote Bond sill be weveral ices sway ‘rhea manizulat.ng come, toed (ave Tigran, Fly. 1, eth i ise ‘and, cesondaty sith feted mlisa the gas wener, “The spar write (at tie ene of tie porcelain he ish i placed over oe of the small bo ‘he, wrrmer, ta, the buen fis very Gar pei yp switching stunt fof ties Det 3 famp. spark coll, az shown at Fig Pingersie, RE ome premey ware i :ofned tothe tron frame cf the sove aie the ther nrinary wre seanects to at inealated Sapper or Urase wipe spring. as. chacrved Ai et fish ag)'8 teachice eerew, Doel Tetpee valve hams Fiz 2 Whe" age ie tomcat reas the, st Ot ite eg wi fhe srigue rei ad'e Bae ie gat fake being st eit open ane the decondery spark from tho Coit the Barner, (grate tie gis AS handle is opened further it breaks COntsct THE ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTER Ae wpe sprg-and the Tae se 4 ST, anita need for toilets es wig aeabe, katchen per: whezeby nb te Hues 3 Unie sae 3 Geriwan silver the gas eration. the gas ix dru on a0 Aly after i, the lanier Naadlg Tie pacer sereas Mle spath goiol Sy theseby Brocusting 9 “wipe” eyak, whieh ianiee the gas A tat I ay cee vuraally” enisiert fay Im sed twgen the batiery, stove and sei Muctance apatk colle may bee purchased cheaply af any electrical wgply store and See ‘commonly ‘Known ar gas Bghting goles alta ugg Ce wide op from oF fron wite core abngt 4 Tastes Tea by | ihe Ia" kreier This eros provided | pa lupe wenden dikes at the ene. abot ‘hcp fe diarocter aed the core iy cov Fal Iapery of heavy paver i won 9 1 Inyers af Mes Th fr ged Cooges vig fei. priedple Contthuted by JOHN GALLAGHER ELECTRIC LIGHT FROM HIGH ‘TENSION MAGNETOS. With the adven: ef smgnctes. for th purpases_of ignition dr ‘interaal. comin Hen engin, ic. (baaghie of site mari actu cnrrest gene rage ilized fer ilvowtation, ab we varlons devices to effect pay ccuiiraticn “iare been piven th aad ore of them beeayee of ite sleapliily of csusteusin atl age worhy of cond The deesee i i to mg safer of an Blin patent, The inde she invedtlnes ie ve wrorked ere 4g that of troneforains the veltage ef the [etary terials of Ihe magnely ¢own to thar of the lamer to be wed. The Weulton acueiing'y cms of a revista eo the form af oh caro eaten frie lamp e. tpreterably, of she metalic Hlamert type) comrected betwern the prin Sry Eee dE Tey: aidan bee x a jartiselag meare emalcyed to earth ont end of this winding. s3y at fe A conver acta acwe! the accompenyteg draming al howe ia trating 8 diagrammnatis view of, the, cormiele a pparatus, vneluding. a. Bscis Figustondien ‘Toe one terminal of the coil is eon cts Light Prom High Taralee Nageaten, ected the at d, whieh ig in cae esti watt te Granary wading oF the eto, ald # prowl ded for mse eae primary caret snd preventing an ef fective portan oft gaising Uhigh ft eather Braker “Te ‘ther termed 2 featasted ta we Of the tims of tit imps the eller terminal af which tied al fe Atm srl to the circuits place heteeen the by ation The tweatcrs ewe aubjestoe Win ice form tent wilh 9 one ai) oncnty Bier Cid earth, wheres Temp may be pet ite and out of cotton ewsle “eiging, cboving” Bouck Jygracdanol ite cn covered, copper ive So. 24 and eiecant- fostered leenem the wistinas The siyaarats ay be apie} to ether svitae venetne in sabwaaaly sim br mae A POWBREUT, BLECTRO.MAGNET KOR BATTERIES. A preat mane clectrisal experimenters Fie lien with to fave 3 good eracg elec unit ie ne ee a tae Fart of Powerit Bavaery Marne Lapeer gre fee *Colamb" dovake ne power af oc paunds, the rea arspers as attained by 0 the eater of the iron fea te loud ae oe Ae tar shsait “e obvatird al cer lacdware Stare or {rom a Blsssermth set it howd fave a diameter atti ile Tix length eT) How of beading te the mig itt, mest "and he for 2 eireait Tater te picse oF JM16 inch sound ieem bar bat Been bene $0 alee on Fig, 1, the ra pole contact faces ust be (ved sp smcoth and far with rex spect to ceca otter, Ako 9 increase the ramets density at fhe" pols faces, a0 thereby” gaising’a wrester ‘pul, these ale 6 Gace areas ene redtced ae s0%"n, ge Ct they howe but 4 tach dikmcten eat be fecnapliciet very cul wah a Bh he magnetizing ceils are wean om to fin apcols we bulbsns, onace alter ho fa aps, as ids fen instrated ‘ot Tig. lhe enc sheets of these spools age mate a hemy card Board or The tin tubes sagald oe about 15 netics lacy aad fa nicely Over te iron core lest. After making the tae whieh can te held togedler ty > soller, the gtd cBecks are placed 62th: Si the cncs of tae cules Upeenicraly ct all way aren for shan 15 tach deep are bent upward to bold the dike ua eas check a each habia shocld ave fro Li trsepretenhh Suh nagce] Foe a Sy Sa ee Sie ies finch holes deilled shrowah them—one ae ected the acher slsse (Sue aa edge, to eed the coli or mite feemiasls hrcnch ‘When te two cbbins bave seen finished hos far they are buat portions by ‘erappang tio ayers of ced Bary Rotefaer aroma therm, This paper rast ft easly up agsizet the end cheske fo pevent the coil wires from touting the THE SLECTRIGAL EAPERIMENTER HOW TO RUILD AN SLECTRIC FURNACE FOR LASORA- FORY. Usk. Following: is a, descripilen ef an. inex: fre, ot practkl, experimental electric Us nseestary. are, tw. cyase weed Es bali Tye eka rade el Ege st about 2 metas oa ta be wie fe tics bells cosether. fee wioie ig & and Ry as a ween the on sree in the midele, te ett far ‘ince berueed ie wa wn ef the neelons at tats place ard foe ths Snr tioa aid ex sation 1h matesials tbe ntied, wees are shueed Ey the gidoved ‘chamter be Wigh ty will ae Sep abel am ts Be folloping refractory ican carhade wd Simple Ehewie Furnace sing aseplene gas), rhonda at feinl cena. foe urea! cra ieoild 's layp tel ade op af 3 sane ier of “Tova Tarps (DCm bese cm tial Tail hy agro. 8 ret regulation, Conirituied by ALFRED GWYNNE. REM Ab esac 5 gem “ahs, boSties are, fuer wound silk Lt tasers of No! “" 2 Eovived cooce: magne! wire (ibs rege hain AE otede at wie) Ml Byers Renee oa aetna tines create ccl'em the ais Ta hy aay. The ears sclof the cat eb he sega Bee ‘ songactis pelzelty of the tio orks nat irdiveved, aul cefetesee to Fig 3 wil tial thts alee clear. Peieleuol 4 gta ae feral i aca sotth vepending upom weather fag aitiatt Wee Mt oe Beate of a in needle, such as ia the 2 fg at A By bokg st the snare wie nt sompaes chat Cerober, 19hs, INSPECTING Rods WETH X-RAYS. Hage ae now hing guar ey Hvar stalled jn re aad Ce Ail dha fppatain quavisly af a dled 3 Say tebe Eq toe rom Tantera is 8 ¢ rea, to tie the aye com pace ihe ye threw a whadow of tty Wp a Aurore cert pce! rite Preah eggs ave ceem to be Gite ea tog dee shee at a caritg om toe screen. Such (ges are Bie Etictrmnl ease bet ifthe ais are foo Linge they are rejected. Itt wel to have & site [etd teem nthe Sox Ato screen eff ihe rays not necersry im inspecting Ot O28 UNIQUE COUPLER swiTcH. ‘The piile-polat sveitele slow in seen heteuih provider a large umber of vild points a sual thane, Tie Scconplishet by arranging a alicg Semtace Shoe of thin sepper or brass, as percenvees Bad at che gwen arm is yoeated Tus eure ing past he at comtard tints edie ay. Thete stops, are mae level with the eps. al the switch prints, @7 curse, 50 thal the levee eam pats! by then, but ro\a the shoe ‘Geleber, 1RE SASCIRICAL ERKPERIMENTER 7S ot conerlling wacko local meta by iste wah Eopory ea lacy Sat ow “Elam 8 i ha graces ane a i Say growed or earth” ‘conwretan, 25 teigal wit) peacticaly all lbcr = win tsa era ana tbe raves ate iy mange of th apparatus tis posible 15 roe belly var and ep meters ope temaphore rms, Fatst lumps, stees a fire auia, sovigate a Ptoet model Boat, ‘Peo: Sepird i mow at work oy g aine- Jess subrarine boat destroyer. ‘This ape Iforoimg, be an. far isteloned, employs Bread 4) He titeles wave comrol ovcived i ite Te cco: ‘Shepad operatic a andthe “ile sirl fa came dnvget, Miss Essie Slepanl A NEW AUDION RECEIVING erreur. Hovenith ix Alanrated a ae resting gieeait sewloring. twa vananwcters aed four taclatle condencere in genet nth fn gates dee. condense en, hn ira crpacky, wa! four, tie tet tlbecney eae be sealed. Each ir omelet, a5 well at condsyer is Ender Pendent med end 2 gate aidiaa Boeke hp is itive, as peeacivel, with the ex: Ieeeeved Radice finals ig Wachee Tt dic Hains ‘ception Us: neroas the ehones and hie'ae Tele batteny 2 varie, igh ‘e=gacty ner ie cheated. V arp tuning iainate Ereseily accomlis ed wi (ara tet praetica, HAMPTON, IA, GETS RADIO TIME. Haesptoa will soon te come wa the: fon small atler ig Howe co seselne grrect tine ‘Serineterd ‘eon, fans had ansenal mine 'naalled exterling Team Ue topaf doe stSncpipe to the cower of te Soiit doese aid (ence fo the cn af Oe Reule Sle apd wits will ese foams taere Int apparata: way bs Invealled tora wa signet gh SAYVILLE WIRELESS STATION COMPLETED. iar, recently Pow taken over by the United Steter Gove sent, rom the Athaete Comme ext Condy fw completed and fs one epiest stations va the world.” ‘The fou fo the new reinforced twaxest Eat jart beet njghed. Vive ates a taal af 11 tomers. Tac Sew powerful ih KEW ara ltcr wae diet communiesticn with Germany Shy regular and mela WIRELESS STATION IN cAMP. wrecest sion hee ech sete UF David Bssowits at 8. Ske’ & Bahratc avenue, 21 Pauegonue Take MHLN Tai nly one me 200 Real Mcp some veges mening very goed tee fails ve been sbeenad a4 A UNIQUE CHEMICAL RADIO AMPLIFIER, At last an aiphikcr for the! radio, amas ‘ews 813 wil” baer Mnearata mesaree fflcen Bunda times t Bist enaibiity tn cireng:m of sha Bren erisoke Thin new ampliier consbte of < ipectat euerial placed Telsenn ne leeteades ‘Sihisy arrangement chosger the ¥ Bp virtue of 4 diaphragm actracter ta an clecuownagoet. ‘This vill be ase clearly adersicod by referring to a erzstseeeton. Hea af hie ieatrameat shies Jepiced fe figuas It conciate a aperracnent mage nel Av augpacting a nelallic oe N have Eraaced sere cip SL The gue bate {ain the evs gio opi, covsntisia dectronmagct by bie's small iron ‘onbested to 3 oa fing steel dla Shae “Dy “carry teat ite Euvfoc, ‘Avotlet cup Sr ple en she Qprosite, side amt witic It the (oecret fesmuts) ‘chemical placed at 1 ATtube HY crosSded 43 that hs aterdal Ip tnsned! within che caps, “Lhe cup U Se con Beeied gq threaded rod J aad Tne, iogerice Bx a rebocretardind oo the Steel wagner & "The «lpg o sg chee Soesiaciod by micane ef be nines O, wile Saplieagin 1 Us fotos! fa wie B. ‘aod d ‘Te campiete a rs ‘Kp Fie Bods wd in lac oF Lever Ke i Fe dane im ley os Pegs the aes ute gn the eerie wanvare betwee cop. lectroks, “Tie aetien “cf ls amplifier bs sous snicrophonie. ant at the. dasha caused to virile br tke ansomiag small varies Ure distance Fetweet the eee ‘THE ELECTRICAL EAPERIMENIER ‘October, 1915 Receiving Wireless Messages With Odd Aerials "Ui caren Berni tere = the opposite fage snlietier 2 meme ee i add Serta bic amg Be wettel y wnete eet toed mane fe ioe ens fa he weg oe ALi see sat ie fecal sn Post ak they hive © ettie isis hse ea Saat electse! cagsety and ndacaace i sams Seip rege aca tod te oe ‘the rt tems chown in Fig. tt ccc foen tied oa ya acta etoe and bole te tie ‘weal tame’ and sings of 8 oct oe orettag rte am Ht rar be sade shat rast of (ee eases, a tbly ws the same a4 wilh a cegular nieless, and the Frosal vice may ‘be copra to afer or steun pipe i tbe bung. ingen Sanaa ground tay he pa sic by “desing a eee of ‘age seve Hest ino. Uap eaed as, is, greed iret cscncel toa sncal phate a ak, a. es BSS 9 apeat deat Bea ‘of Spal avfle weer ig Yeas alurwerate, hese are sald to work suite lon aistanecs deed aM teat temp sores Of supper wre are that Grovideg tine. ice Sx ent iciate Indwetsbee valic, ab wil be ape precited. “The tunms of wise can be gute trodes, coneccuirtly vantag toe posanee em el andthe al he plore fe ish pooner und sme i with this apgaratig sof ie ere iiat g trge eurtons iy peed hie aecoae ery orcuit. Ahora 3 woually feted to Be felcher ao that mestager cin be readily aed Arco he room, wikia wae ‘eae pioncs, ¢ two or acre of wag eré used in tandew siznais can be Bored to suck an suililig at one at eter (8 ths rooea on wecgunt of ne {trelte fowiness of he signals. These a= pliers are cleo eed inom distanse eh Dhooe. werk and a0 ore ork Onresest oe fear Hisho, the investor of i al natransat, exact fiegeel gol ier of Ue ape eee the te revels “FE 2 dec the teri of 18 ampliter, while Fig. a ilasreates the Complete ayparavs fa eabine, ost exon My iach apart, the diame: the wang being 1 9" fet oF st roa Fire Escapes ou tedbtings nuced ssleeeiafey ie esing ap wirslett senals, especially in ces, meet i Fg, 3 Reotber Irak sei’ whieh. geoeray st hs leader pipe ded throug iroa ‘weter pipe cone iy that sbown at Tig. 4, Puaking Tas abet Semele oe dated at Fig er le cerca ot wire it Matagel, aie, si) eploys a Cord foard Tube wound clove witt layer fe fated ange ‘nite, etek (ieoeh engineer, ag somlgerate ues pe ig mists: ge steals a seacout by he Bite! Tower aiken at Peng, frase 1a {Bis tse the ‘phogte gre ahmed accom {te detector’ aa he datecir in cara is joined in sets wth a fixed ce yale fintenier tnd the indtersee eet! afore mentioned. “Ts Ws ¢hse ground ‘maale sever it eyed) ‘The eli abe 9) aches Toges'ite eiamete 4 8 tachon ‘AM Fig, 6 it deoisted 2 exethed which fa reg opp ty Malar G.'D- Souir, of Tie (38, “Signal Carp, se06 0 gute successlully der shore Sue ae ht; oge sal sew the arovend, while the seeand nail te driven #8 the tune fast below the 73 fg eat up te ean ‘one en ecto ae the gaat owt, sitbough ms esi i met abuolitely neces ‘Some experimenters have had quite Cee ee ness sane ‘tSSnteman foted ga Poa ea able dae sr San vy ey ee, "aahcnn an dca wih i offen aigale “ia Coa enptinen rs Foams, Saale eontidey ewe of Sheer Howe Tocieg Coe stetes pear fatare a schemes Gis tae esting ase inh sss Hee leva do ie cae = service pty repaarg, fromied 2a socanke tania ey fhelaely gxcereatey nit ac mrake-alst feral "ff "he sows Atle range of wave logis antouatiea timed i cod oct several wes 4 minute Agee we hs be eed gat Some gars ego with eon Silerbieanveat Ia Mew Vatk City coor giled cf pastiae a> temporisily pooning fell Swipe om She wall 8! E96 tba, ab Fig. f sortrays, Needien to say, all of he tel acre Nogether fa ae A gerve Hor the rap uae fie {2 tars he tne ns phoor prefers aie ot Stet ye dpa of Ua tact aks Seulive closed (elec ty gules ot fen, hl rguirey no bale Hi Goce withond eaplog that erg sheer ‘Contd be hase 8) October, 19) RECEIVING WIRELESS MESSAGES __WITH ODD AERIALS THE ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTER 275 im or torpedoes, Bas “been to. the Publis eye neat in ie wast few pears esi! reiearees of John Hays “Han. Fie paces ee smcenes” athe Brive of wh tine of war, How eo se kro the wat sgpeted as Wert ak the present war ty tines wore mot Sinead Into” etericy by a. Seetmtose loopy fitled ty dresibie eerie wares? "Sunig sin gevte np the Teeth teed! cot tocses fal aivelese torpedo controled © phatograsi Mig 1 fais par EME thepeda, Carries Satenma structures stove the water, at Ferecived, and way thee ty Me 1X most, jnccreair Base af thas subies i how sa ft be doce the ethene tenes. fom varie rae ster fe intr Feausing e finer deve te of she ant of ceils ae peels wall Tocked up ie fstoratery node Bs Ae 4 Ha = ean ven were Drectel hen Ta the diagram, Fig. 2 iy oetined the rigging vm sal model Yaak Wl ‘in or -cparined het hon ait oy pS "Bea are nek THE ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTER Figs Contra Eaulta fr Waris: "Telowccioria™ okay Tox proawtadls ‘eats Uieouge. batter Beets Ail bar he slptett woes iy ead po actly "ie proper apparster fe" wiec}, evdh ‘aes eae af tuning fe. tie ombery gad the fear of “dead ens" de zencee Fie doors congrucrion cons away” wah stders ad switches, tus lesiecing eharces Of poor contac The detecioe is @ touble ener an many devices have best. produced to ch Ther thie Gates iy oe favorite and = stand for thin excellent deleespe shixd ke flected What Se srdy, imple and pros ‘vided with fine adiastetats I condersers baud Fave on air = alétwris cean the blsekieg tocderser A seal Cosilenser range. made irom shes of shrnnary a> ines ther by stipe of sia at aah ead.” TH fopilenser shen justia Bile sees This je aneticr felon” Oe soe to eres 3 dileresn vapeely. Tie for thin as pucslod maar, tut lt However, firpy be.more Taiag cn oe ry he mbar tore of the arrandacy cineait< As a ges feral rie, the alghor the reestarce Saaier cam be the Blacking conde seer ci Try closing, Lex say, exis sale wites ayfer apart he powsilies Srosi all weres at Fight angles an toldee eaea an3 every che ihe: hued comme: of the lnstremeat The gomdensere are of the tatber of plates in use 2 ected Bye) Gitonmeneg. elgcircs the pant of che plates Tig i, by the mower! sae ‘nap the coadessers are n5sol in thele work. Here the fenpaelly of & ris of the oermancnt tvpe and ced ieibig nd te ease a8 al he bats tries for dviuing the mosere, Te ceetial bch ured te vary toe eurréat rupplid to the Setecar ety aap the’ Het time the dial inficctorp to. eee thar she propes wave leacth ss tuned fox. Te has Seon fowsd fa teiting’ Hoot thas & sakes fay TL sestale to change the ware Lengtiae From 260 t0 800 metre. Tho cat can tify be eneried about, Gy i is nere come yacty bi OF Sere Flees, bee tee 08 he Keyboard con be lesavel in any" piece dee sie. WIRELESS SAVER GERM, meer tae BE MALLIONS. hie meuems, fagheé foc a 24h0 niles rer the psc 0 ring Gert wiraless telegragiy ations betta Ae BM, saved Gena tof Her meechart marine, accordin Giver Tonetnauren direcor af Mforeent's Wireless Te'eeraph Cay London, acins af cide Tuplard. ats ranting uf the comieary fie eeving ofthe. Hamer Apesicaa liner *Waterhnt* dione, he died wort {han bab the s10Cbh0H Germaey fad Peyeveeibie erecting the vntions Octoher, 1915 GUIDE FOR AERIAL ROPES, ple cla ose ude J ts i pulley ray te made from a Y inet aligut 1 indies long aad a courle, of pots The tore ls bemty adter vie baad ds Btea eat aif in a circle to fe the cope. ah ole de thon Sorad foes the aerial mart © Qulde fet Rerlat Rooga fo Rrovent tumping Om mem fi the batt, and sat fs Eht om eact side mast Tic gible Soule fe fiscal ot Dt dfs bw Lic pcg, Tas Beatles device ter saver moon rotate fle the rope Cather io Ve palleys Com Eabuted by ee I.QOSENING CORRODED BATTERY TERMINALS. IL is sometimes eer terial nut fllem toe wher no grest care “us treet, taken to see, that the fermiaals were [ree front the seid ed. inv the batery before Es gry 08 Te eines Mt abpate te re Toerebored that wo. cmich Force iy uae u {ora off bodily. ae est meod tT ave foun remove thew iy 1 wee a pale of pliers igh have beer raids fairly hot and t hold the fae owt tee ull he wits afe nested laroagin. The tart to loosen the Genin Be ew x = SAUL, (Seating the terminate in sine eee elt “he Biird AN INSULATED TURNBUCELE, Jere isan casy way CF combining the falter tnd twrabuedle sor the. era of a rreete pole kita wre piece, thas etregih gnirg the guys by ol breaking them up. Bo aewetl arte 9 Tee tradiarane an The insalated corwbackle Beeewith dee seria senses af these party gamely the furatuck'e, wate jm thig cose fe a1 ards ch eneriage tlt having a diaracter ota ota ind tao stand pacces Ibin intolators. "They shocle. be erranged ae shown in diagram To tighten the giys, itis only accesaary to Lighter the etd nul oF the bolt Tne GLECTIRICAL EAPEMIR AN EBFICIENT AERIAL CON. NECTOR, wirelere routes result from Ke ae tauky consections, and (ie ple Block veone, eiajed tomewbak Hike a triangle, Show tT att be fol ad" dry celle. Anether hole in dalled The Yoflow, where the two Aides of the Mock: meet, far the same purposs. Insert ley’ alt the posts and hen lake some No. 1d seria! wite and lend aroene all she esis, srraning A9 per dated ite ne to the otver, Small qroaver may Be irae og the Hack of esc, bd ee ciueered erogly into thee, Tighten che ils on the petls and fasten the rabtsls if Teae-ia fo. pots. "The Hlustration clearly shows the éevice uae, bay may De ated tae a veh shout IS 49 23 feet from atria, Leat-tn Antenna Ceanaster Made of Weed em be aus of from Na, 1D to No. 1 wire. Couribued by WILLIE WOTOW. SOME PRACTICAL HINTS, hoe iumdy article fer loeating apd recovering al serowx deed the oer Ivar wark-h fe he mare: fuer aris of the floor and #3 Sell ke fourd awachod. {Prosiled ir aunt fra ett f Ae Tain newazapar rolled isto a emalt sabe maces a cheap and Bandy brush. for 9p Piss Loequets, ic, and ales saws. the rouble exoumiered whee you aled te flean tho bras fast tie sad wih fs ae igen, Ofcen fe te desired > tose if aa are lamp is being fed by A Cor DCA fare and quick teat can be made by taking SFexegoml posal and boblieg st alone ngs 48 lay pat Ik Navini ttn ‘Meme betcts bh tbl ciaobes Sn the Megat teers Ceysalol eeiegion a9 NEW BUZZER TEST RESONATOR cOmL, ew and affective binzer ter: circuit he fora @! a specially inductones, hae recently been per- aed flied oa the taarket The Hae depicts the apgesrace of | the revonscor chil aul t eecasnel that sad fig. racio dete tors ‘Eeccenes a Blessare with Uhit Fesonator, when connected in series ith thee | Enmaer “test ers Presume y the cevice act Br the buser teal current are & forse of psl’y Geile cevult cam Savunt these een 3 3 ghe a magnbed effect whet they Masi, he egtector and phones Tis aud to be. parley effcacious ween taiiest' foapumction with the well ron Tir frishat Nand saaeee curtposdlon and ia reat adi thom t9 any fad.o recelving att NEW TURNBUCKLE INSULATOR. ‘A usefol forma of strait inguatoe ae ta pet and deeriin fom erie os ovo Toca 4 Spout ov thane of feat Syd Sod tring threaded. eye cmuasing readel bole reseieing epibees ia Enbedted te the eve theread Ghd thoe billaeceing wemaers ce 16 Sere inthe ‘esufating Toxly cull posseas g#s3t ty, its iawisticg val 2 Nory Mh sce the termina are 3e9 Stsled by the sedy of fue geting ma eral in wih they ave fntetded ‘The device ean be adjuerel ta tighten co lansen the site or cable fu which i 1 Itegrted by recat th ‘tone by sere dina:aee, ctr x wetali¢ sleeve 33 > ihedded: fn, fie insulating Twxly. slates’ 10 is paaitaned betwen the end of the devure 2 amd fe therefore inealated eves en from te che wiea in whlch te device ac loasent the wire with= Hone of the ave il to 2 bg! ten fe 1 Ht appears tbe at reat in Conteitaced! by uy EH. DALTON, ‘The seb ject ‘gavared in te poss by ti Bistive tle ene herrwals devecthal alee erver a place gs dhe fit, I have nik iSeed dhe Me fa, me the ote matt of chivee fy forest i adlusting ie Phe pomeyel pers eae af a wero phere moathpice with 19 sayrsits one ghia chan hk deep gaced equiditate Sraraad 13 eee, smal, Weeds bee Euduinches terms 3 very goo tone for i In addition you will iced the follow. fig: 10 a ih Tsu ° isdn pestis ft ieadea’ ba ebet leew, ant Z mute for oy aie dice hoa tah I tek ‘her washer, S-iels amet seeder Fil bo stone fe des isess toft hase wire about ‘Fas imouthptsce (after :be slots are out) thoald fave te perforations in De eenter ‘ns, bgt the once zone Of let shoal be leds fae Wks the brast gre, te lenet on one cen put eack mite im alot wh the Kotte fi entice and ran (le wire cose the ade of the roan and throosh one Strse Poles of the perforsced wlelg at ad ree in pla, tay ie th hoard dat ee ccd So dhe ita Tain Goataat Breda” Balen fe moe tholiee ta ft in without slipin route At ake sthe- nl fey out and Grd Sotee fr 2 tar pain aiteh shams Beatie. Ball tals oe ling ie tste of alle, we vo sosemble fh Whe eeates Ltr the treated rod.” Put rae fut on. end pace an throughs aeuer tf faowlricee, drop. Sex ‘uosber over ted, ‘hom the frase be, a ni She oer aut Cealer he iy tug tight alter draming the bess Contes, ach re fo goa HeSSoawces thn 5 tor i snitch Eevee the detcter is "To se, beeak the eslent wp i aout "is Large: ae Huuthoiece arcu enter abe 'Ths a Hequieuty moved fom point to poise Swell sm Ejuftent 13 foul “Ai Mom there Se iiaten that g sousitive p98 sill be found, Ws surprising gee a2 lene “x0 poiee fo resportd cm tne Stet eit, 1f ae aaineral is Se all good Wink ve ausizance of the PPRICAL EXP! live the deieripton aut by cleas t9 al ew of tle autatets Tae ling tlds igares ment, wach will alveays be eeady ta pce Cal THOMAS Ww. BENSON, WINDOW SCREEN SERVES Ag ANTENNA, Wile my guar anteiea was down ener ily I enporlimgted. wi tes us ne: to a segitary sei seeeen | fond, tah ola tale from a taez! accel vata sie le muay ware reesived el ‘A fell, a0 Fs melanoma wih in wiitien ft slick, rexidar somrancation a9 nbs £9 mata lates nach aa, the fetand a me that then Sle coomesion “Betores the ‘The sence sca prs af t= Snot move tha 12 ee Ih feck ima cet oth ar. seria secmeay that aad ease iy heap im fe se abort oa post ble cordir te eseare god re DONALD PALMETER, COLF-BALL ADRIAL. IN! SULATORS. rite from 3 gol bal, 036 503 Dezeba Kind Eezaz te best, Fire, ity he well ¢© remove liken eaadicter, dc (0 the tia ene ais del balgt a 18004 aay Wier sake a teve Gnas” sereweeyen” 3d By Fellewing th te wade elesr al pin wil ‘eal fo be very siren and fatiy high selager “Siveral may bo ich secles en Her cise the suki Contin) bp PRLTON Detulur, 1915 LONG JSLAND BOYS STUDY LESS he exattitmens ef be wees plant esciving aba Koy Seuute, Ther Eave srgaaited a seis ES class etder the Crees of cvtet Clash Hlecirclaa Durkis, wao iv 2 Gevermenent soeretae at 8 ANENT DR. TYPE tee aed backed vs eaince. and met sient, cnht of arene fag tuthg: Dee Conen's backup. 3 coRtnbats a Gingram woah wad Ester marten mor oe inthe rented ’ “ap or Sona be Me Shae Row Waneas Helena $e Th bese Gn amateur gill fat chin to his advan fae theep Soming Soe Ro wp ial : HARRY Y, FIGGS, REL NEW CARNEGIE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY wAlno Phat. i of $108 the Carnegie Intute o('Himiogg 38 Petsturghe Pay se Stine co Me Couey OF Maebingre Dll 8 fen had pat shi wil be the uot Sect inftict part 8 se county, ‘The EAS Wil bave a wile tate rar ics Sremmandsites fe" weston uncey Seite Uigolia Begs setae Gea vies se establiched with ter fecal aelole throught te Cogaery wich have fedia ectipment ‘The other ston te being Lucie for si fas of tng nscale Cah or (pulatiog a? cdeelsca! atudani. Me Eruipment of the new ce comets of a [ee snotorsgenerstor of the latest a (ge Sad ta sania Getetor, voll 3 ore a “sewsumnde spaer” fase fhexe enth, We are changing the ver ta mae Hote he ue October, Ign) ‘A GEISSLER TUBE EFTECT, Goanest 2, deall Geissler tue ia'a gat 11 she vecteh crgie oF other small spat ca Atari pap around by a4 iedeats Non’ adiset the gat ‘that wer BeTeat Ie sered ts Ghee ‘Pal foil to peas shroagh the “uke Te’ the ating Eas Ween eircfally mod: the eail ray now be ‘opsraced wrthout preduetng s glow ja t Su fonp as "he Ibi bept dere s"s tighe ‘sore the fpark sep fr any ordinary Tight fe altiweed 10 fall sr the tobe s dlsshacce wall begin a: once aed wil rine st ihe gall te cps enrrent way or cut ll a any ta very a thea 4d ce dog rt eves apart eo ie Soesitie and the vavator uf theca ‘hoot operate very ste THE ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTER ar hee the capacity, The dovier Mdessrioed comvats of tro sing betesn Bieah one SPIRAL, INDOOR, AZRIALS. whe ‘re dssired Jor wireless torus, ee, in apartments ef places where i fs not desirable hep wil appeat a pi the grooves ghee ful of 2s. 30 S.C. wi Tie wine sbeuld Te menial 09 roneh= iy, ages. the tugng a muck piece fe boa wat be fied, ‘The ecilz aay nea of cach cot! being trou sue shown n Fiz 36: GAS JACKET SOR DETECTORS, Hiesesridt you wT find tes, and dqiwing on ccottrueting 2 aew form bf celeeor. AM the smergl ean My exnlaracion of the effect abssined %5 te place lang steciehes of wiee on te 49g, obtaine Sroand the experimener's work 113: So Tabs chow epon the be aes Whe’ Gab dashed smeal werad. Sil be stop. © bis, ‘mehing i more. concucilag and found very schate for the purpose, “Taiy Inthe crewing A i a sila: eve tar: thos Yowie“ag he Hoeeded tga Gouin ef anal, af course, possesses a large ing’ 2. groove Wo about 14 inch dees anit fase a gles dacnrge ip a value below a1oun: of iséaceones an groportion tq fly the clametcr. of a goed atrce. jclly glass, hat of the Speliec potentials ith seed Geshe el. Temporacy Genser electrodes sre made by weapying Lage or watem star spark Harauge Tube, he tube near sack Bands around tributes Er tame hed the value gf Be Marcorss faven iore romisents erp eee’ ten he thon tines the online af the ww “grace. sos natained Geter mht be writen of Geer oo Marea apetatorgy exid_ Me bet the elect fs {the regular eealee ial the oil fends are conmecte pel in wien patsy Sted en Chis a detector of ie cit wether ‘tre, con same sfaced even fa ge that (ef a lerge value, Monee ies rseciviag actiel= deg ind a wae teh capacity wil Be quite hey. arribaced bp RED W INLAND WEATHER PORECASTS RY WIRELESS. he distibation ARNER rmirice weather force cuits ard wavniegs by raisetelegraph Weal owe, tet te tse of ts method Schucying. werther. infor feliz 4 about to he tied for the st between TeAS. aid tp atl wort of 18 mse tell Be sont saves (10 42 i oe te sor Seeraters wha ara not = Pec fstes The mcerages 2 wands a Oetabier, 19F5 BFS. ceRUSDAE Atanas THE ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTER Ji aa cattlewnste fot fur thige to fire snutes, demave, dey afd polsh. Bluing of Steal Heat the steel ove a ame cf alschal anc vara with £ exe ture af Praia Plug andigohalie Shei iach Use Pe amy a Ink fc Bas to be laecuered tp mae e'mear, Feat steing af Steel. This fornia is vused co Live Fevalver parts, ribeator, steel Femives. ete. Mbox caretully texsther 2 parts Of Prishionas ef dutimeny, 28 saris Sf Pamiig Hitec leis, 9° parts of Alydro: I Tie 3 teu ta FA Bnd rabbine say be yolaiked Teil oa a palwhing head wich a zreca, ale whe Saal a neat cleat Mae ty stato Hewglesr Sorrel Blwang. Clean, the bar: al CSne Ceaeey teak temame al Brees Ibi lie, sad’ potieh he gurfacc, Fane Tre vl letm wool asieg 3m a mle the jatees in the. mmiddk aod a eo a corperrture of therry. ed Tt weir of tones remaye We article tom tie fo"time 2 ger i rk f bs obtained aries cocked in the Sie she desien! ctor te abe 28s, INTERESTING EXPERIMENTS FOR THE AMATEUR CHEMIST. ‘The dolloning experiments can be 3er- formed with owistald Uf you poasess a battery is os can petlara the following ‘eapercnaily sical pactieaar ng on secoumt of He naration of reals, we aypavaa'ly the ramve con Henct Tremere. two peace of brass in a iro Joh sat ae searamoniat Coupes sce plese ta Ue poste ‘ihe wie 20d the cher 19 the nemive, nthe brass pisces eo pet ood each other accent tes pasted for ote or ‘gosttiad writ Deseme cole ‘red, and af. the grease is contiaced a ‘Scioeed pigcet ll be peeciieatec, Tae ‘color of dre procipitnat varies cons deraldy Seiny of Cer ed Pray green Ee the strength GF the “cere sition of Ee brass, The Gieaed Hebidy cam Be wae as fol | pi eh “ig aciage af canghor gam Sa art Seat earery wen RY un SUE ean sain tates eatraain fie Maer aed Ika cpl ge ace dnd fr wal ata cua fo mone end deh wit Poll OMT aod pol SSjuire a melon ork progeessive 2d row ateg Siect 8 ory aigle process 52 lary wig ll oniinat for © eancnerable we tel Sot perd of ie. Ut ths ‘ater be toached Bot, Cea any getty subitinee the Heung ar. Bip te Be aa tag Set thle phere aed Be Konove 04 cel ot ouc: at Paratine Ou bc tat, ah Wy slic C1 cee, Oe 3 tial Tag amd dyin eae Sepricd ot ie Shorten aed leer The oxidising of Je prodused by pinging tye artiles tng Selatan Laver of Naljher, dsteied sib he epi wl peur to the sointotinta 2 cold teat eae nb tee Biwe an from and Steet sitions ligireat expesinent sonnde ae if it ih sigre pot and mix togeter a inte “oiggen Ene ty eo Dianalve 180 Touevoristeg’ He are of a Sanie selurion Gf He Pras pails of oprmapiite of soca in 19 pasty sepean the saintly sine oy Potash, trae nf x Gl aier 24 fol te toon sare of erie Ciera” Dig hy agi fe de profaced When di ane may be Renate, SYMPATHETIC INKS, [ give. below 2he formabe for making epngititie baks Yormala “Take sorae rare fire j dia, ane serie ith R08 8 pupae heat over a aleshol famyp andthe SST ici antler hae een heated to boty wanery ae gam ao f full agave i amt ple Ta pars of aceute of soda 13 pare at bale Bernater, Pour iis seldom sony ioptet we der in each away cat tapes at unger ayer wills wining he : daltons, ERs we! folations are thea Sivered veg wit a tis mater and slowed co pears ete eesaarlae este ned fee af busking ce oF ters, wlth "Thea ORMULA NO. 1. neh TOR METALS, foal) The yan taveien fe alin a ‘allction wil immectately sel in zs seu isees ‘kspocubphite af Disgalve seme sulphate of ivan ie water ie wie with Heat Will zone ant dl Uso fe. fle of potash ie eit and beat, The weiss Tig wil come ecat baonea, igh Clea the weit seer: tare: Wake a mixture ot past ot Aik 18 poi ot Hgts Raniy quid with a sponge until a Hoe is paeadugeds Wank with wate salen ley veltla Roasel and wioe ath Reseed GO “rakes Inter lene Acid ane " se mee im the upper sohuion ayaa of aceite af soda Siepeled bor arene ‘ire and this wal emetic: de time as Whe wher pent vale of soda aad sroueily ated the ter sot the, Hob sobitign. wine 2. pece of 3 mat ith wales, dry, and iis wit m ng. Sttoer Bail the anic'e giistite of of of Hremine, I tae brow were you urie nil Reagent ‘ eetere of iran applied ie hres he nyt SO FRAZER lembuow Lagguer—For a'neminen aise solve 190 parts Ga Lae im 89) parte la marie, Betting for ace ‘anar nuer Hater buy faint te thoros ‘ee ahime fom! ati the sari BEY degrees Falnet Pola For” Parnishiuy Wood Shae 1 niet Vinegar, W gz. Bee Linea OT si Peiean About Bi per" cent soluton of cums amg LpeLuoryras, mes Sint abwaahehecent in oe ae "auch impreven Sowien ayn 4 should. "seeeeee tiers.” “Tis scenes oh fe waned or SO.) ie all that ie feeded Fae weiter ling mae nap elector (veginnieg 2) 'abd gerer used ee than an EL Covtribated by aa "OM Expecimmeate ten THE ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTER AaaTidtig GRDIS, EERTVGH.- lig GRAN Rs cena iaace er eobag Ne RCo BE edie. Seeing dey Ge RATS ieee, ahs “ap it ah ane aaa Hirabeametee. Niassa Un Eh THN apt per iner ach WN wns tid Foe pete + teen ll. Baas fcr, ation, and mineral detoctorse scary ssetches are mcentes) on a AN EPEICIENT EXPERIMENTAL STATION. ‘ | ened 2 pret a pictate oF my wins se | Wied 2600 ary ead yhomes ace woe tion whch [ should like to hive appear 48 Lam able to bear "NACA and “M.A yo Tale Sation corti, i RP" However, my "pho whch ap of my oy make aad to 100) obme "iy eall Eowoald Tike to eset, bave produced very atti Sits" The reeeiag get commie 3 his my range isove couples, two. variable concensers, 3 T have ves at Experi feed eendenien, Toate soil, ealena 09 snort sets Se ender it wert mage, ‘ken dctecrors, bighepitch' Basser ECaGE C CALVERT SRO" tase ead ‘phoses, encunted. im. 2 Postargh, Ba 4 ster Bone whieh “acaeres Halex — FE iveher - ‘ RADIO STATION OF W. MORRISH. Gu the fghe of the pictce can be ciacly g “The phomopragh [sshenis hare shows wee a audion detector et i ty Hud my Conaces wirdeer experimental stalpe, gen flamert Deby, whet ean be alm ese Snties I acol at Graventurst, Om. Canada. Sear anpiier. “The from of the box dusively by #rof, ME. euekmar, of "H0%,) seed at Gravenburet, Om. Coa nde of ye measeres Hixilx Dodge's School of Wireless, comsisty Of 4 seq! MiP snaneh Phot teanatie nal ree Writes In edoitce to ry scr a care loere coupler, leneing set varmbie and 6 MU aTourd } both vaneniting and rex Saueie is employes hice deeremes the fazed co lens detectors antl Sinagiaph of my new radio. station $a Semfdvesest of ieeomuny signals. 1 Rear yma i z copter. "ES eay be seen from she plow, t wich" “cralsed for ft gdb tae Oe bl ave magi ea whic can eatin el cori sion fens mp to 9000 uctcrs. Conersee A specially arrenae untsd shove the lazer S00 = sas ‘outta wave meter bile ty! Pref, Pacawaa ard ni Hg Sompouce af varasle conéeiser, sneuctance, Ease See, inp’ an deaeetoe Slampcoed cf cht en att cage accial Miter {oar pears af exe [Shinn oe erg aciefagtory reese ho staugn. dod cam tear Nok Ae WS. Ee * as" wall aa othe agin ey el Mat waite itch mounted on the center pleaged t commuricage with ee the gonel-board over t¢ table switcher NAR, Ky, 3 ‘anyore within my range. ard ground consections ftom umber of tong: Astiaad, Ky, ©. B. WATKINS. ae Hee Receiving, 304 hi rates cr sea Ws leony tes Het ronan c. cALVERI'E WINDLISS Ictuar cal niet seen mado the eacrerea te ear ay aun Se Sie Tne a ore tt eed 2 Aegean, My SaNGUNR © yesevth submis pure of my eedio Geuley wit ‘ly und acon, age hence SES rat Ee Ata etsy Ste fee ute Coda af te te lary aan gaps ess late condenser (MY aerial is made of No. Li ecpper lar type. Capsta detectors were exaplaye MS eT aE ee aa haw W, MORRISHL ey rat ead ely ep te Minin, Plymouth, Evins mite — Uns ansoLD KAPLAN GRRBNFIELD, Mass, RADIO cLUR. Deeny, Ke Be vOiies. t's seating Bld recently et the Fontab AUATEGR URELESS_ STATION srlegun Ge CASE Seager er Gee Be ey, Cone 3 Penn impr eatinandne Ga whch Tope ie ceil ine “ead Ee Te Ae eR ee eran ee a Se Ray Ch omer PI Veranda ienily af GD Late Mommas Les GES Title ocders mee cecal est foilietion tesnaformer, seri wine 200, test Tong, Te feet Bigh, wa ent, Arches, Doeheml Sie present, ire Sear enna cis Gein eee. Hewied Shag: sonelaty nb cere ena TT Duncttr, relay My trensenittang set comprises the fol Costas S. Theofsa, Communications from ctaber, 1915 mater within 20 miles feo ‘ire peliated by the club. Av dew of the members ares Kiser, Reland, Nravoa, Beaton “5 Perry, Raymond Holes, Dosa N Ding oare, Tie membare of this clus are moutly Boyerao are experimeiing will tckcrariy. Aliet Buchenia of 38 Pond ‘oat the Seat of the Io begia' this tines Radio Station of Marcus G. bi photo. of try wires Marcus Cy Lie aed Its Radio Set. Sit, My receiving oct comprises 4 Mo Boe ease monger, 1. Co. variable ced Sdieseible. combencere, foadtig "col, are REST at crysin dejecters aad trast Harte pe fhaces, he tno detciursare A hemming eure, 08 firticiece jonni doled PONS SOU i ard fe mee Ene aa BRLUEE CGT ics bat int ba Maths’ o. _ancus 6 Lime Dougiy as non rien AES A is ay oS Sate ae PPE Haga Phe, ate Seige nt, Sota) BE soe WE ee lee Geach ea Ub ve hte log rel ALS It ew can es Building throegit porcelain tubes. My round wire Hs eonected toa water ioe Sith a deteen into smolst ground at opt of 18 feet receiv Trandes' 2:10 1 cana chan recewary Acne resdng anette, sos el oy plug ty sat ae censtrection, oe z Re, ete Leet ue iecees we sprisn a eee RSET tf age” Std ee: THE ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTER Radio Station of Famous Inventor Horewith T sebit phetozraps and de. eetiption bE my wlickess expertcttal fal The seccivigg sation oust exasts of a Large Tease souler Sy seas of wich 1 can get very azzuace turiog, a9, Avdin fp and eatfatle candenste, “The, te Sets of paones are mauaily cormoced jn The teontmicing set comssis of al br Specialy vande translorraer, glase ae Sepdenter, eacllaion tramsfoc nes, and a Ge moter rar 2 apsaally Bulle, @umnthed retary une Ten aicis are aera ‘one tor sending wa meter watt Teng! sor dlstene Le fae 10 kes, fn] pac ior sehelse cai eee wine 3 exeer of ies, Fhe putes oft! concewer are sed forthe 280. meer wave Keath. and tts ade Ls ese fre for the 425 eter wave. leu FAS utcose ‘coe! ent corals of ED tot mast at ndnatd ito tat spread ect bang ue toifave f af stranded eget Elateer tans Eke eanaccting soem f ale fe Saeefally dered and gor-accted ‘ty ground at the places. Tak) tation fan "were" pon: Hy Soutien New Jareey, Nore Masuclnnette and can receive 6) Bacame and shipt urpore of tals reskin the “Amere ihn Rats Relay Tangae Tae. letters are HERES HIRAM PERCY MAXIM, Tarsford, Cong WIRELESS AT MASSACHUSETTS - 4, PRGHY CAMP. Tar down ip Mans, where the moming censaners of the ret idee ee shies ighuail the he Mgtsactunety te ob ‘and news, erat sosted om the ballets bet fexe breakfast. Ts fost mould Be pes: able to. pnt these fers at Sigh before ite presser ef the sty papers fave teran ae wack of “wiciig tat Tor ted Bot the respi ie aller samp. Bocas a! Bight ahd there wow be no toe tie fp Fead the builetia of posted whes rectheel TAGs touch with the world It ieeaien ihe nts bg wireless recive tat cate te Hews, Tecincelogy camp. bes its xn ottalice, Toobnsleag ands Tocned oo a the at. byéroulic meas fed city areas to th rement fro foal Worle een tweads amd ponds wer be dace om the comme: RADIO CLUES AT ‘We are always pleated 0 from young “Edlene. sad “Radlo fend 4 write sp of our Chub vite photos of mem separate to-day to! £ ‘eat Gossip” Section, The Electei- ‘gal Experimenter, 038 Fulten 8, New Yerk City. TEST PATENTS ateatlg Tokens Suwen The wclstuwan, “Cron 8. onthe TERED c.g die for ate a Pine tia: Wee eee cit Ung Teeeilore ing dee tee tee ‘Ae apoeantcepuae wth py aie GP Ricca Sec cage te the “That whey indie hon ta - trcent sharges Go enna CMDB Eelettc'eb pleccd ar Gok Ene Ta Ectigat Umbrete tecule ala Stgeat, cm, BARES ted a Fowl fen ‘ct ae Rat SNEC SeScl bya sonia oh atarwiee Say fe et ba ‘Ses Sten ed SERGEY eum rencnee ee a Cae ie cn iene ‘hip shale ce Ilace hedrltintee tbe or chee DeONeE Tet vedas tard z Sey ei Sdhtiewee biee re os aM equ tenon ree tiie Is se ie teaiatss eet Pe end SAP ial ar, seen ie hiveds “ty sae bp ‘ep Ro any ee sh peitesin of .spegngs a Tnteaecng at the ‘yilaes Sewer argo wah ae iase SRL Unis nce connec 283

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