Translational Research: Separation Anxiety: at The Neurobiological Crossroads of Adaptation and Illness

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Tr a n s l a t i o n a l r e s e a r c h

Separation anxiety: at the neurobiological

crossroads of adaptation and illness
Marco Battaglia, MD

“ With maternal love, life makes a promise at dawn

that it can never hold [Avec l’amour maternel, la
vie vous fait à l’aube une promesse qu’elle ne tient
Romain Gary, 1960

Separation anxiety:
a tentative paleoneurobiological history

Physiological and adaptive separation anxiety (SA) is
intimately connected with the evolutionary emergence
of new brain structures specific of paleomammalians,
the growth of neomammalian—and later hominid— eparation anxiety (SA) is indissolubly connect-
brain and skull size, and the appearance of bipedalism. ed with several essential anatomic and functional mile-
All these evolutionary milestones have contributed to stones that marked the emergence of mammals from
expanding the behavioral repertoire and plasticity of mammal-like reptiles. These include the advent of the
prehuman and human beings, at the cost of more pro- brain’s neopallium during the process of phylogenesis
longed dependency of the infant and of the child on and the evolution into bipedalism, followed by the for-
parental care. Separation anxiety disorder (SAD) can midable success story of human adaptation on planet
be seen as an exaggerated/inappropriate manifesta- Earth. Interpretations of anthropometric data and tools
tion of SA that constitutes a gateway to poorer men- from our ancestors allow us to infer the way in which
tal and physical health. By blending epidemiological, brain growth—and the related, augmented plasticity of
genetic-epidemiological, endophenotypic, and animal behavior contributing to extending the infant’s depen-
laboratory approaches, it is possible to delineate some dence on parental care—bring about some novel and
of the mechanisms that link childhood-adolescence SA specific elements of the mother-child bond and attach-
and SAD to health problems later in life. Causal mecha- ment, and also to reinforce and expand the regulatory
nisms include gene-environment interplays and likely element of SA.
differential regulation of genes and functional net-
works that simultaneously affect multiple behavioral Author affiliations: Department of Psychiatry and Neurosciences, Laval
and physical phenotypes after exposure to early-life University, Québec, Canada; Centre de Recherche Institut Universitaire
en Santé Mentale de Québec, Canada
adversity, including parental separation/loss.
© 2015, AICH – Servier Research Group Dialogues Clin Neurosci. 2015;17:277-285. Address for correspondence: Marco Battaglia MD, Centre de Recherche
Institut Universitaire en Santé Mentale de Québec, Room F 3567, 2601 Che-
Keywords: separation anxiety; CO2 hypersensitivity; panic disorder; gene–envi- min de la Canardière, Québec City (Québec), Canada G1J 2G3
ronment interaction; animal mode; DOhAD (e-mail:

Copyright © 2015 AICH – Servier Research Group. All rights reserved 277
Tr a n s l a t i o n a l r e s e a r c h
As with any newly emerging behavior that becomes in ontogeny, rather than through a markedly extended
consistently and adaptively maintained within a species period of growth.2
(or rather within a class, as SA is present in virtually all Inevitably, the evolutionary history of a best-fitting
mammals), at least two thoughts relevant to evolution equation between brain size, brain plasticity, and behav-
arise. First, a simple consideration: it takes new “hard- ioral sophistication in our species needed to accommo-
ware” to produce a new behavior. Second, the pro- date several constraints, one of which—the diameter of
longed dependence on parental care that characterizes the pelvic inlet and birth canal—is paramount in a bi-
our species is probably a cost of the selective advantage pedal species like ours. Man is actually the only extant
of having larger, and thus more plastic, brains. mammal that permanently walks on two legs, with skel-
etal hallmarks of bipedalism being already recogniz-
Brain and body size trade-offs in human phylogenesis able in the 4-million-year-old Australopithecus anamen-
sis,3 and significant brain expansion beginning with the
It takes a proportionately large brain to yield a sophisti- Homo genus, some 2.5 million years ago,4 parallel to the
cated, plastic array of behavioral, emotional, and cogni- appearance of tool utilization. With the advent of biped-
tive functions. A suitable ratio of brain-to-body dimen- alism, anatomy underwent significant departures from
sions is, however, necessary to support comparatively the pattern of apes and other nonhuman primates. Bi-
large brains, both mechanically and metabolically. pedalism required a relatively narrow pelvis that could
The advent of greater brain cellular mass—like that simultaneously accommodate balance and the possibility
associated with the emergence of the neopallium—al- of running for safety, and still permit bearing infants with
lowed paleomammals to attain greater brain plastic- increasingly large brains and skulls. Among prehumans
ity and extend the array of learning capacities, which these disparate needs entailed the necessity for optimal
are in turn basic ingredients of individual variation in adjustments between the transverse diameter of the ma-
behavior. All forms of learning, however, require time ternal inlet, the infant’s longer antero-posterior cranial
for practicing, as practice implies errors, and correction dimension, and the need for the infant to rotate during
and consolidation of newly acquired skills. In a growing labor in order to have the head enter the inlet facing
child this generates dependence on parental care in or- transversely.5 By the coincidence of all these factors, hu-
der to ensure safety, nourishment, and protection. It can mans (and probably prehumans) became the only spe-
thus be expected that the wider the array and plasticity cies characterized by the need for assistance at birth.5
of behavioral repertoire in a species, the longer the time Neonatal brain size of about 400 cm3 has been identified
needed for learning and practicing, and the more pro- as a feature of the last common ancestor of Neanderthals
tracted the dependence on parental care. and Homo sapiens, probably representing the best evo-
Within this frame of reference, mankind constitutes lutionary compromise between pressure and brain mass
the epitome of a series of evolutionary trade-offs be- growth, and the upper physiological and obstetrical limit
tween brain mass, offspring body size (especially relative that can be attained in Homo, irrespective of the course
to skull dimensions), the diameter of maternal pelvic in- of postnatal brain expansion.6 Another implication of
let and birth canal, and offspring dependence on paren- hominid and human fetal brain growth is the need for
tal (mostly maternal) care.1 With their limited range of substantial maternal resources investment7 to sustain
stereotyped behavior, birds—which need to be light for brain progression during gestation and after delivery,
flying and cannot afford relatively large, and thus heavy, together with the implication of a more prolonged rela-
brains—are an example of an opposite evolutionary tionship of interdependence between infant and mother.
trade-off tendency: smaller brains are light to fly away The progressive extension of a period of dependence
with, but allow for only limited behavioral repertoires. from maternal care that can be attributed to an increas-
While brain size at birth is only a precursor of the ingly complex, and thus immature, brain at birth, proba-
adult brain size (the human brain expands by a factor bly prepared the ground for the development and main-
of 3.3 from birth to adulthood, compared with a 2.5 tenance of SA as an element of reciprocal regulation of
factor in our closest cousins, the chimpanzees2), the the infant-mother bond, and a moderator between the
distinctively human achievement of large adult brains child’s cycles of exploration of the environment, learning,
takes place primarily through higher growth rates early and safe return to the mother.1

Neurobiology of separation anxiety - Battaglia Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience - Vol 17 . No. 3 . 2015

New hardware for new functions: the emergence of the steadily abate afterwards, without notable sex-related
neomammalian brain and the separation call differences.11 Although SA is most typically observable
in the mother-child interaction and within nuclear family
It has been noted that three elements of behavior mark interactions, it may involve a relatively extended array of
the transition from reptiles to early mammals: nursing, figures of attachment, and is typically expected to con-
play, and the separation call.8 This latter behavior, in- tribute to moulding attachment and separation patterns
tended to maintain mother-offspring contact, has been later in life.11 Children are able to form several figures of
suggested to be the most ancient form of mammal attachment. However, as far as SA is concerned, the con-
communication, and together with nursing and play, struction of a clearly identifiable bond with a small num-
probably became possible by the emergence of the dis- ber of individuals seems to constitute the optimal format,
tinctively mammalian brain structures of the cingulate as suggested by higher incidence of non-autonomous
cortex and the so-called thalamo-cingulate division.8 attachment representations and less competent coping
Since the mid-1950s, murine lesion studies have shown with imagined separations among adolescents raised in
the importance of this complex for nursing9 and play- a communal kibbutz setting, compared with peers raised
ing, a fundamental element for learning and socializing in more traditional familial settings.12
in mammals.10 In many primates the separation call is a The SA-related diagnostic category of SAD has fea-
regular message to “check” that the offspring-mother tures that connect to both normal and abnormal devel-
distance is acceptable, again with the rostral cingulate opment. Consistent with prior diagnostic formulations,
gyrus being implicated.8 In man, the separation call can the DSM-V13 recognizes SAD as an exaggerated and/or
take on different nuances and communicate hunger, age-inappropriate manifestation of physiological SA:
pain, and other needs, and primordial “limbic affective this supports a degree of continuity between adaptation
vocalizations” may have constituted a springboard for and psychopathology, the differences being a matter of
the evolution of successive neocortical propositional intensity of the manifestations, and appropriateness for
speech.8 age and context. While the DSM-V diagnosis of SAD
Through the advent of the separation call, a clearer, requires—as is typical for a polythetic approach—the
more interactive mother-infant bond became possible, presence of a minimum of 3 among 8 symptoms, three
and formed the basis for an exquisitely human variant manifestations: (i) overt distress related to separation;
of separation anxiety, the one that, by strengthening the (ii) reluctance to sleep separated from a major attach-
mother-infant bond, created the basis for another dis- ment figure; (iii) fear of being alone or without an at-
tinctively human realization: the family as stable unit tachment figure, seem to best discriminate children with
of highly individualized relationships and the smallest higher vs lower SA, according to recent item-response
component of societies. Once more, it is fascinating to analyses.14
notice the correspondence between anatomical chang- It is also generally recognized that children can
es, new behavioral displays, and adaptation: based on show exacerbations/remissions of anxiety about sepa-
fossil analyses, it has been argued that the mammalian- ration, so that self-limiting phases of heightened SA
like reptiles were most probably deaf and mute.8 If they manifestations do not necessarily warrant a diagnosis of
were also cannibalistic, as are most of today’s lizards, it SAD,13 and may represent transient, and even possibly
would have been highly maladaptive for their offspring adaptive, responses to changing environments. Due to
to call attention to themselves. the continuity between physiological (ie, transient and
self-limiting) SA and clinical SAD, and the relation-
SA and SAD in contemporary human societies ships between childhood SAD and later psychopathol-
ogy (panic disorder and agoraphobia most prominently,
Epidemiology, physiological course, and the see next section), early identification of children with a
relationships between SA and SAD profile of high SA who are more likely to go on to de-
velop full-blown SAD is of paramount importance.
Physiological SA typically becomes manifest in man The prevalence of SAD is estimated at 4% in popu-
between 6 and 12 months of age and remains clearly lation samples15 and 7.6% in pediatric clinical samples.16
observable until approximately the age of 3 years, to While large-scale epidemiological studies have reported

Tr a n s l a t i o n a l r e s e a r c h
6 years as the age of onset for typical SAD,17 recent pe- longitudinal study20 of SA showed only a transient asso-
diatric primary care surveys indicate that SAD is quite ciation (in the 1.5- to 2.5-year window of measurement)
common among preschool children.18 This spurred our between parental divorce and SA trajectories, suggest-
recent efforts to characterize the longitudinal trajecto- ing only transitory effects on children’s evolution of SA.
ries of SA among general population children from age However, longitudinal data on the association between
1.5 years to age 6 years, and the study of the factors as- parental separation/divorce and offspring SA after age
sociated with higher and more persistent SA symptoms 6 are lacking, and it would be conceivable for such an
in the preschool years. association to become significant when parental sepa-
In the representative, population-based cohort of ration/divorce strikes at a later age, when children’s
the Quebec Longitudinal Study of Child Develop- cognitive abilities are more developed, and allow for a
ment19 (QLSCD) we20 found four well-distinguishable deeper understanding of the impact and implications of
trajectories, including a prevailing, physiological Low- such events. Moreover, the occurrence and impact of
Persistent group (60.2%), and, at the opposite end of childhood parental loss (through parental separation/
the distribution, a High-Increasing (6.9%) group. The divorce, or death) on offspring psychopathology is fur-
High-Increasing group showed a remarkably stable, el- ther complicated by the difficulties in teasing apart the
evated SA profile throughout the preschool years, and cross-sectional (age at impact) from the longitudinal
predicted teacher-assessed SA profiles at age 6 years. (duration, including the pre-separation/divorce period,
The High-Increasing group was also distinctively asso- which is arguably marked by parental conflict) compo-
ciated with higher maternal depression, maternal smok- nents of this adversity.
ing during pregnancy, and parental unemployment. Possible risk factors such as parental conflict are typ-
Except for the High-Increasing group, the other three ically intended as mediators that act between negative
trajectories showed very substantial symptom reduc- familial atmosphere and children’s psychopathology.
tion by age 6 years. While internalizing and external- However, the rearing environment is influenced in part
izing problems often co-occur in children,21,22 the High- by parental heritable behavioral characteristics that
Increasing group showed no significant association with may lead simultaneously to familial disruption and psy-
externalizing problems,20 suggesting that high and per- chological difficulties in the offspring.23 This connects to
sistent SA tends to present as a predominantly inter- the general concept that, while adversities convey a risk
nalizing picture. In keeping with the general indication that occurs in the physical world, their causal architec-
that development tends to evolve into adaptation, these ture is often partially genetic. This implies the need for
data20 show that the majority of children with a high SA thorough understanding of risk processes, including the
profile at age 1.5 years will progressively recover by age delineation and quantification of separate effects, such
4 to 5 years. However, high SA that persists over time as gene–environment correlation (rGE) and gene–en-
from age 1.5 years onwards deserves special attention, vironment interaction (GxE).
as it may predict SAD. Another clinical implication of Further etiological questions pertain to the relation-
our findings is that the early identification of children at ships between childhood parental loss SAD and the fu-
risk for SAD should not rely solely on early assessment, ture development of panic disorder (see next section).
but also adopt a trajectory approach, ie, seek evidence
for consistently high SA profile, as assessed by repeated Etiological architecture of SA and SAD,
assessments over time. and their neurobiology

Do separation events precipitate SA? Are separation The bearing of SAD on later individual risk for psy-
events purely “environmental”? chopathology (and to some extent, to familial-genetic
aggregations of mental illness) has been debated over
An interesting aspect pertains to the role of actual vs time. A specific longitudinal relationship between SAD
feared separation events in the etiology of SA and in childhood, and the later appearance of panic disorder
SAD. Do separation events (eg, parental separation/ (PD)-agoraphobia (AGO) in the same individual was
divorce/death, protracted illnesses) put children at first suggested by Klein24 and Gittelman-Klein25 on the
heightened risk for SA and SAD? Our epidemiological basis of clinical observation. The best available source of

Neurobiology of separation anxiety - Battaglia Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience - Vol 17 . No. 3 . 2015

information available on this topic is probably offered Corroborations of our findings, including the shared
by meta-analytic data26 from 25 independent studies genetic diathesis between PD and SAD42 and the links
and some 15 000 subjects worldwide, showing a speci- between CO2 hypersensitivity, SAD, and familiality of
ficity of the link between childhood SAD and the later PD,32 have come from other research groups and inde-
development of PD/PD-AGO in the same individuals pendent samples. Some reported associations between
by an odds ratio (OR) of 3.45 [2.4-5.0]. This confirmed SAD, specific risk factors, and adult psychopathol-
earlier findings27-29 that SAD, together with a family his- ogy appear counterintuitive, however. It is still unclear
tory of PD-AGO, predicts earlier onset of PD-AGO. whether and how real vs feared separation/loss act in
The same meta-analysis26 failed to find a significant re- influencing SA/SAD, and to what extent these elements
lationship of SAD to the development of later depres- affect the later development of PD. Research on clinical
sion, or substance use, while the bearing of the develop- and community-based samples of adult subjects35,43 con-
ment of PD-AGO on anxiety disorders other than SAD cur in finding that retrospectively assessed childhood
combined together had a lower OR of 2.19.26 This again SAD predicts PD in early adulthood,26 and childhood
supports a specific relationship between SAD and PD. parental loss has been associated with heightened risk
Since childhood SAD and adolescence/early adulthood for PD.44 However, the correlations between separation/
PD are two phenomenologically diverging disorders, loss events and retrospective assessments of childhood
this makes a case for heterotypic continuity. SAD were reported as being close to zero.35,43 There
A further, powerful approach to clarifying the neu- may thus be heterogeneous, or independent, pathways
robiological basis of SA/SAD, its relationships to early- that lead from childhood adversity to the SAD-PD de-
life adversities (including separation and loss), and its velopmental continuum: one can conceive a first path-
bearing on other mental—and possibly physical—ill- way whereby actual early separation/loss events predis-
nesses posits on the endophenotype30 approach. Child- pose later development of PD without inducing SAD,
hood SAD shares with adult PD the endophenotypic and on the opposite end a pathway whereby children
trait of exaggerated emotional and respiratory reactiv- fear separation/loss excessively, and therefore meet the
ity to CO2.31,32 criteria for SAD only to develop PD when they enter
By genetically informed strategies, we showed that: late adolescence/early adulthood. While this double-
(i) a significant proportion of genetic factors are proper pathway hypothesis constitutes an oversimplification,
to the response to CO2 stimulation, and do not overlap our recent longitudinal data on SA trajectories20 are
with the genetic influences of pretest baseline, general compatible with this view.
trait anxiety33; (ii) childhood SAD, CO2 hypersensitivity,
and PD in adulthood co-occur in the same individuals, SAD in the era of DOhAD:
largely due to a common set of genes34,35; (iii) the early early life adversity, animal models,
life adversity of childhood parental loss (CPL), contrib- and gene-environment interplays
utes to explaining these reciprocal relationships35; (iv)
family-wide environmental influences are important While a clear causal relationship between early life ad-
influences for SAD.36 Moreover, common and stress- versity and SAD is yet to be proven in human naturalis-
ful life events: (v) heighten CO2 sensitivity37; and (vi) tic cohorts and awaits to be better understood, we have
enhance the influence of genetic factors on post-CO2 shown that a specific category of early life adversity,
anxiety,38 a form of GxE.39,40 Interestingly, GxE effects namely childhood parental loss (in the form of paren-
on CO2 sensitivity are explained by events that strike tal separation/divorce or death), is significantly associ-
within childhood-adolescence, not adulthood.38 Based ated with SAD, PD, and their related endophenotype
on this latter finding, and the notion that hyperventi- of heightened CO2 sensitivity. This suggests that neural
lation and increased arousal in response to heightened systems involved in two different phenotypes—emo-
CO2 are common to all mammals, we modeled early life tionality and respiration physiology—are to some ex-
adversities in a repeated cross-fostering (RCF) para- tent simultaneously affected by a specific type of early
digm of early interference of mother-pups interplay, life adversity.
and studied its consequences on responses to CO2 stim- In mice, by cross-fostering newborn pups from their
ulation41 (See the following section). biological mother to other lactating dams, we induced

Tr a n s l a t i o n a l r e s e a r c h
both heightened ultravocalization (the murine equiva- to be searched for in biological meaning and mecha-
lent of the separation call) during pups’ isolation, and nisms, the essential implication of GxE being that the
exaggerated hyperventilation during 6% CO2 breath- genetic predisposition of an individual to develop a
ing.45,46 The abnormal CO2 sensitivity induced by RCF condition can manifest differentially according to en-
is stable from childhood into adulthood,45 and in late vironmental circumstances. Most prominently, GxE ef-
adulthood is associated with reduced sensitivity to fects can inform us on how early life experiences and
natural rewards and increased susceptibility to adverse exposures to adverse environments become biologically
events.47 The RCF findings cannot be ascribed to altered embedded, and can exert lifelong influences on several
maternal care, since the amount of nursing, and licking/ complex phenotypes simultaneously.48,49 This same in-
grooming behavior received by RCF and control pups sight is at the basis of the rapidly growing interest in the
was indistinguishable.45 By partitioning the variance of developmental origins of health and disease (DOHaD),
the respiratory responses provided by genetically re- and is consonant with the fact that childhood SAD has
lated and unrelated cross-fostered and control mice, we recently been identified as a possible gateway to both
found that RCF is associated with a significant increase physical and mental health problems later in life.15 In
in genetic variance and almost doubling of heritability addition to rendering the artificial distinction between
of the respiratory responses45 to CO2. This indicates the physical and mental health definitively obsolete, the
presence of GxE effects evoked by the early life adver- bulk of these data call for real-world, comprehensive
sity of interference with mother-pup bond, in close simi- approaches to complex disorders that simultaneously
larity with human results.38 tackle behavioral and physical manifestations of illness.
While quantitative GxE effects are essentially an Can we speculate on a possible example that applies to
algebraic finding and require painstaking and complex the data discussed in this paper?
statistical control for biases, their ultimate relevance is As mentioned, children with SAD and adults with
PD show exaggerated emotional and respiratory re-
Diameter of maternal pelvic inlet and birth canal
sponses to CO2-enriched air mixtures; since CO2 pro-
vokes rapid acidification of blood, these anxiety disor-
A: Offspring’s brain mass and
ders may share a distinctive sensitivity to acidification
Mother’s ability to run
skull size of brain pH.50-52 A recent, promising avenue towards the
for safety understanding of CO2 hypersensitivity in animals and
-N man has been developed by focusing on the possible
-Hom eandert
o: 2.5 hals:
*1 200
-Bipe 06 years 000 yea role of the acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) that are
dalis , r
m: 4 tool util s implicated in anxiety, pH sensing, and nociception.53,54
*106 iz
year ation
s Investigations on the possible effects of early life ad-
versities on the ASIC functions could add significantly
to the comprehension of the links among early separa-
B: Behavioral plasticity tion events, CO2 hypersensitivity, and anxiety disorders
in childhood and early adulthood. The viability of such
C: Duration of dependence approach, which would encompass pleiotropic effects
from parental cares
of early adversities on anxiety and nociception simul-
Figure 1. Interplays among three major evolutionary trends. Three re- taneously, is indeed supported by some data. Early life
lated evolutionary trends in human evolution: the relative adversities predict augmented visceral pain in man,55
increase in brain mass (A) predicts greater and more sophis- and both rats and mice exposed to early adversities in-
ticated behavioral plasticity (B), which in turn predicts longer
dependence on parental care (C) due to prolonged learning
cluding maternal separation show diminished nocicep-
needs. The diameter of maternal pelvic inlet (and width of tive threshold/hyperalgesia.56,57 In a timely tendency,
birth canal) constitute a constraint (blue dotted lines) to: (i) DNA methylation has been suggested as a core mecha-
prenatal growth of offspring brain; and (ii) maternal agility, nism to explain altered nociception in response to ad-
including the vital ability to run for safety. The estimated
time of appearance of bipedalism, tool utilization, and Ne-
versity.58 The co-occurrence of anxiety and pathological
anderthal man are also depicted. See main text for further

Neurobiology of separation anxiety - Battaglia Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience - Vol 17 . No. 3 . 2015

pain syndromes (exaggerated/aberrant nociception) in bad.” A staggering figure of 2.1 million of these children
the same subjects provides another possible support to are reported to live alone, and 80% of their parents re-
our example, as much as it constitutes a poorly under- port feeling inadequate for having left their children
stood case for comorbidity. Chronic pain affects >20% behind. Of course, a relatively distal “macrovariable” of
of adults and it is often comorbid with mood/anxiety this type encompasses several likely other potential risk
disorders.59,60 Pain and psychiatric comorbidity, how- factors, such as lower socioeconomic status, or dimin-
ever, have typically been studied in clinical samples of ished external control and discipline, and may extend
depressed patients, which constitute a possible source past separation, to include neglect or even abuse. While
of biased estimates. Indeed, better-designed, large-scale it remains true that children are able to build multiple
general population epidemiological surveys59 found as- figures of attachment, in keeping with the data and
sociations between chronic pain syndromes (including speculations presented in this paper, several61,62 but not
migraine, back pain, and arthritis) and common anxiety all63 investigations on the Chinese “left behind” chil-
disorders (panic, generalized anxiety) with odds ratios dren show deleterious consequences on a wide array of
(up to 2.5-3.2) that outnumber those found between de- indices of both physical and mental health.
pression and pain (average odds ratios: 2.1).
Very-large-scale parental separation events in con- Conclusions
temporary human societies, together with their pos-
sible implications on children and adolescents’ health, Both SA and SAD are profoundly related to human
evoke further questions. It has been estimated that unique evolutionary, biological, and cultural history:
some 61 million Chinese children are being exposed without taking these elements into account their com-
to prolonged parental separation (>3 months at a prehension cannot be fully accomplished. A relatively
time, according to the All-China Women’s Federation, wide array of research approaches and findings indicate
a Communist Party advocacy group: http://www.wom- that early life exposure to adversities and genetic ele- as a consequence of their mothers’ and ments of risk interplay in influencing the risk for, and
fathers’ migration form rural villages to industrial set- manifestation of, SAD. An emerging set of data con-
tlements in their search for better wages. These children verges in indicating that SAD can constitute a possible
(38% aged between 0 and 6 years), now widely known gateway towards future mental and physical health
as the “left-behind,” report seeing their father and/or problems, so that early identification and follow-up of
mother only seldom (75%: once a year), suffer from children with unusually high and persistent profiles of
significantly more accidental injuries, and 42% of them SA during the preschool years may constitute a valu-
report “having no one talking to them when they feel able preventive strategy. o

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Tr a n s l a t i o n a l r e s e a r c h
Ansiedad de separación: en la encrucijada L’anxiété de séparation : à la croisée
neurobiológica de la adaptación y la enfermedad neurobiologique de l’adaptation et de la maladie

La ansiedad de separación (AS) fisiológica y adaptativa L’anxiété de séparation (AS) physiologique et adaptée
está íntimamente relacionada con el surgimiento duran- est intimement liée à l’émergence évolutive des nou-
te la evolución de nuevas estructuras cerebrales espe- velles structures cérébrales spécifiques des paléomam-
cíficas de los paleomamíferos, el aumento del tamaño mifères, à la croissance du cerveau néomammifère, et
del cerebro y del cráneo de los neomamíferos y más plus tard hominidé, à la taille du crâne et à l’apparition
tarde de los homínidos, y la aparición de la bipedesta- de la bipédie. Tous ces jalons évolutifs ont contribué à
ción. Todos estos hitos evolucionistas han contribuido élargir la plasticité et le répertoire comportementaux
a la expansión del repertorio conductual y a la plastici- des êtres préhumains et humains, au prix d’une dépen-
dad de los seres prehumanos y humanos, a costa de una dance plus longue du nourrisson et de l’enfant au soin
dependencia más prolongada del lactante y del niño parental. Le trouble anxiété de séparation (TAS) peut
respecto al cuidado parental. El trastorno por ansiedad être considéré comme une manifestation exagérée/
de separación (TAS) se puede considerar como una ma- inappropriée de l’AS, constituant une passerelle vers
nifestación exagerada/inapropiada de la AS que consti- une dégradation de la santé mentale et physique. En
tuye una puerta de entrada a una peor salud mental y associant les approches épidémiologiques, génético-épi-
física. Al combinar aproximaciones epidemiológicas, ge- démiologiques, endophénotypiques et des laboratoires
nético-epidemiológicas, endofenotípicas y de animales animaux, il est possible de définir certains des méca-
de laboratorio es posible bosquejar algunos de los me- nismes qui relient l’AS de l’enfance et de l’adolescence
canismos que relacionan la AS de la niñez-adolescencia et les TAS aux problèmes de santé survenant plus tard
y el TAS con problemas de salud en años posteriores. Los dans la vie. Des interactions gène-environnement et
mecanismos causales incluyen interjuegos entre genes y probablement une régulation différentielle des gènes
ambiente y una probable regulación diferencial de ge- et des réseaux fonctionnels font partie du mécanisme
nes y redes funcionales que afectan simultáneamente causal, touchant simultanément de nombreux phéno-
múltiples fenotipos conductuales y físicos después de la types comportementaux et physiques après une exposi-
exposición a la adversidad temprana en la vida, inclu- tion à l’adversité dans la petite enfance, comme la sépa-
yendo la separación y la pérdida parental. ration/perte d’un parent.

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