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Pregunta 1

1 de 1 puntos
Lea el texto y seleccione la palabra correcta para cada espacio.
Marque A, B o C en su respuesta.

The bicycle is (0) a cheap and clean way to travel. The first bicycle (11) ……… made about one hundred
and fifty years ago.
At first, bicycles were expensive. Only rich people (12) ……… buy one. These early bicycles looked
very different from the ones we have today. Later, (13) ……… bicycles became cheaper, many people
(14) ……… one. People started riding bicycles to work and in (15) ……… free time.

Today, people use cars more than bicycles; cars are much (16) ……… and you don’t get wet when it
rains! But some people (17) ……… prefer to cycle to work. They say that (18) ……… are too many cars
in town centres and you can’t find anywhere to park!

0. A. any B. a C. some Answer: B

Opciones de respuesta para el numeral 11:

Respuesta A. 
seleccionada: was
Respuestas: A. 
Comentarios Respuesta:  was
para respuesta: En esta oración hace falta un verbo que complete la frase verbal que
conforma la voz pasiva para el sujeto bicycle (It). La expresión de
tiempo one hundred and fifty years ago indica pasado, por lo cual la
respuesta es was.

Pregunta 2
0 de 1 puntos
Lea el texto y seleccione la palabra correcta para cada espacio.
Marque A, B o C en su respuesta.

The bicycle is (0) a cheap and clean way to travel. The first bicycle (11)
was made about one hundred and fifty years ago.
At first, bicycles were expensive. Only rich people (12) ……… buy one. These early bicycles looked
very different from the ones we have today. Later, (13) ……… bicycles became cheaper, many people
(14) ……… one. People started riding bicycles to work and in (15) ……… free time.
Today, people use cars more than bicycles; cars are much (16) ……… and you don’t get wet when it
rains! But some people (17) ……… prefer to cycle to work. They say that (18) ……… are too many cars
in town centres and you can’t find anywhere to park!

0. A. any B. a C. some Answer: B

Opciones de respuesta para el numeral 12:

Respuesta C. 
seleccionada: might
Respuestas: A. 
Comentarios Respuesta:  could
para respuesta: En esta oración hace falta un verbo que le dé sentido a la misma. En la
oración anterior hay un marcador de tiempo At first, y el
verbo  were indican que se sigue en el mismo tiempo verbal, pasado. Por
tanto, la respuesta es could, el pasado de can.
Pregunta 3
1 de 1 puntos
Lea el texto y seleccione la palabra correcta para cada espacio.
Marque A, B o C en su respuesta.

The bicycle is (0) a cheap and clean way to travel. The first bicycle (11)
was made about one hundred and fifty years ago.
At first, bicycles were expensive. Only rich people (12) could buy one. These early bicycles looked very
different from the ones we have today. Later, (13) ……… bicycles became cheaper, many people (14)
……… one. People started riding bicycles to work and in (15) ……… free time.

Today, people use cars more than bicycles; cars are much (16) ……… and you don’t get wet when it
rains! But some people (17) ……… prefer to cycle to work. They say that (18) ……… are too many cars
in town centres and you can’t find anywhere to park!

0. A. any B. a C. some Answer: B

Opciones de respuesta para el numeral 13:

Respuesta A. 
seleccionada: when
Respuestas: A. 
Comentarios para Respuesta:  when
respuesta: Hace falta una conjunción que enlace la oración bicycles became
cheaper con la siguiente many people… When es la opción que le da
sentido a la acción pasada que indica el verbo became.

Pregunta 4
0 de 1 puntos
Lea el texto y seleccione la palabra correcta para cada espacio.
Marque A, B o C en su respuesta.

The bicycle is (0) a cheap and clean way to travel. The first bicycle (11)
was made about one hundred and fifty years ago.
At first, bicycles were expensive. Only rich people (12) could buy one. These early bicycles looked very
different from the ones we have today. Later, (13) when bicycles became cheaper, many people (14)
……… one. People started riding bicycles to work and in (15) ……… free time.
Today, people use cars more than bicycles; cars are much (16) ……… and you don’t get wet when it
rains! But some people (17) ……… prefer to cycle to work. They say that (18) ……… are too many cars
in town centres and you can’t find anywhere to park!

0. A. any B. a C. some Answer: B
Opciones de respuesta para el numeral 14:

Respuesta A. 
seleccionada: buy
Respuestas: A. 

Comentarios para Respuesta:  bought
respuesta: Teniendo en cuenta que el verbo became nos dice que se sigue en
pasado, bought es el pasado de buy. Por eso, es la respuesta.
Pregunta 5
0 de 1 puntos
Lea el texto y seleccione la palabra correcta para cada espacio.
Marque A, B o C en su respuesta.

The bicycle is (0) a cheap and clean way to travel. The first bicycle (11)
was made about one hundred and fifty years ago.
At first, bicycles were expensive. Only rich people (12) could buy one. These early bicycles looked very
different from the ones we have today. Later, (13) when bicycles became cheaper, many people
(14) bought one. People started riding bicycles to work and in (15) ……… free time.
Today, people use cars more than bicycles; cars are much (16) .…… and you don’t get wet when it rains!
But some people (17) ……… prefer to cycle to work. They say that (18) ……… are too many cars in
town centres and you can’t find anywhere to park!

0. A. any B. a C. some Answer: B

Opciones de respuesta para el numeral 15:

Respuesta C. 
seleccionada: his
Respuestas: A. 
Comentarios para Respuesta:  their
respuesta: En esta oración hace falta un posesivo que concuerde con el sujeto People
que es plural y se puede reemplazar por They. Por esta razón, their es la
opción correcta.
Pregunta 6
0 de 1 puntos
Lea el texto y seleccione la palabra correcta para cada espacio.
Marque A, B o C en su respuesta.

The bicycle is (0) a cheap and clean way to travel. The first bicycle (11) was made
about one hundred and fifty years ago.
At first, bicycles were expensive. Only rich people (12) could buy one. These early bicycles looked very
different from the ones we have today. Later, (13) when bicycles became cheaper, many people
(14) bought one. People started riding bicycles to work and in (15) their free time.
Today, people use cars more than bicycles; cars are much (16) ……… and you don’t get wet when it
rains! But some people (17) ……… prefer to cycle to work. They say that (18) ……… are too many cars
in town centres and you can’t find anywhere to park!

0. A. any B. a C. some Answer: B

Opciones de respuesta para el numeral 16:

Respuesta A. 
seleccionada: fastest
Respuestas: A. 

Comentarios Respuesta:  faster
para respuesta: En la oración cars are much… hace falta el adjetivo para
comparar cars con bicycles. Faster es un adjetivo que está en grado
comparativo y, por eso, es la respuesta.
Pregunta 7
0 de 1 puntos
Lea el texto y seleccione la palabra correcta para cada espacio.
Marque A, B o C en su respuesta.

The bicycle is (0) a cheap and clean way to travel. The first bicycle (11)
was made about one hundred and fifty years ago.
At first, bicycles were expensive. Only rich people (12) could buy one. These early bicycles looked very
different from the ones we have today. Later, (13) when bicycles became cheaper, many people
(14) bought one. People started riding bicycles to work and in (15) their free time.
Today, people use cars more than bicycles; cars are much (16) faster and you don’t get wet when it rains!
But some people (17) ……… prefer to cycle to work. They say that (18) ……… are too many cars in
town centres and you can’t find anywhere to park!

0. A. any B. a C. some Answer: B

Opciones de respuesta para el numeral 17:

Respuesta C. 
seleccionada: yet
Respuestas: A. 
Comentarios Respuesta:  still
para respuesta: En esta oración hace falta un adverbio de tiempo que corresponda con el
tiempo verbal y el sentido de la misma. El verbo prefer indica que la oración
está en presente y es positiva. Already se refiere al pasado y yet se utiliza en
preguntas y negativas. Still indica que la acción –to cycle to work– continúa
ocurriendo en el presente. Por tanto, es la opción correcta.
Pregunta 8
1 de 1 puntos
Lea el texto y seleccione la palabra correcta para cada espacio.
Marque A, B o C en su respuesta.

The bicycle is (0) a cheap and clean way to travel. The first bicycle (11)
was made about one hundred and fifty years ago.
At first, bicycles were expensive. Only rich people (12) could buy one. These early bicycles looked very
different from the ones we have today. Later, (13) when bicycles became cheaper, many people
(14) bought one. People started riding bicycles to work and in (15) their free time.
Today, people use cars more than bicycles; cars are much (16) faster and you don’t get wet when it rains!
But some people (17) still prefer to cycle to work. They say that (18) ……… are too many cars in town
centres and you can’t find anywhere to park!

0. A. any B. a C. some Answer: B
Opciones de respuesta para el numeral 18:

Respuesta A. 
seleccionada: there
Respuestas: A. 
Comentarios para Respuesta:  there
respuesta: En esta oración hace falta la palabra there que completa la expresión de
cantidad para referirse a too many cars que está en plural.

Pregunta 9
0 de 1 puntos
Lea el texto y seleccione la palabra adecuada para cada espacio.
Marque la letra correcta, A, B o C.
The First Woman Scientist
Hypatia was (0) born in Alexandria, in Egypt, in 379 A.D. For many centuries she was (26) ……… only
woman scientist to have a place in the history books.
Hypatia’s father was director of Alexandria University, and he (27) ……… sure his daughter had the
best education available. This was unusual, as most women then had few (28) ……… to study.
After studying in Athens and Rome, Hypatia returned to Alexandria (29) ……… she began teaching
mathematics. She soon became famous (30) ……… her knowledge of new ideas.

We have no copies of her books, (31) ……… we know that she wrote several important
mathematical works. Hypatia was also interested in technology and (32) …… several scientific tools to
help with her work.
At the (33) ……… many rulers were afraid of science, and (34) ……… connected with it was in danger.
One day in March 415, Hypatia (35) ……… attacked in the street and killed.
0. A. grown B. born C. begun D. developed Answer: B

Opciones de respuesta para el numeral 26:

Respuesta A. 
seleccionada: a
Respuestas: A. 

Comentarios para Respuesta:  the
respuesta: Para completar esta oración se necesita el artículo definido the para que
acompañe al adjetivo only y de esta forma darle sentido.
Pregunta 10
0 de 1 puntos
Lea el texto y seleccione la palabra adecuada para cada espacio.
Marque la letra correcta, A, B o C.
The First Woman Scientist
Hypatia was (0) born in Alexandria, in Egypt, in 379 A.D. For many centuries she was (26) the only
woman scientist to have a place in the history books.
Hypatia’s father was director of Alexandria University, and he (27) ……… sure his daughter had the
best education available. This was unusual, as most women then had few (28) ……… to study.
After studying in Athens and Rome, Hypatia returned to Alexandria (29) ……… she began teaching
mathematics. She soon became famous (30) ……… her knowledge of new ideas.

We have no copies of her books, (31) ……… we know that she wrote several important mathematical
works. Hypatia was also interested in technology and (32) ……… several scientific tools to help with
her work.
At the (33) ……… many rulers were afraid of science, and (34) ……… connected with it was in danger.
One day in March 415, Hypatia (35) ……… attacked in the street and killed.
0. A. grown B. born C. begun D. developed Answer: B

Opciones de respuesta para el numeral 27:

Respuesta D. 
seleccionada: put
Respuestas: A. 

Comentarios para Respuesta:  made
respuesta: En la oración hace falta el verbo made que al unirse con
palabra sure le dan sentido a la misma.
Pregunta 11
1 de 1 puntos
Lea el texto y seleccione la palabra adecuada para cada espacio.
Marque la letra correcta, A, B o C.
The First Woman Scientist
Hypatia was (0) born in Alexandria, in Egypt, in 379 A.D. For many centuries she was (26) the only
woman scientist to have a place in the history books.
Hypatia’s father was director of Alexandria University, and he (27) made sure his daughter had the best
education available. This was unusual, as most women then had few (28) ……… to study.
After studying in Athens and Rome, Hypatia returned to Alexandria (29) ……… she began teaching
mathematics. She soon became famous (30) ……… her knowledge of new ideas.

We have no copies of her books, (31) ……… we know that she wrote several important mathematical
works. Hypatia was also interested in technology and (32) ……… several scientific tools to help with
her work.
At the (33) ……… many rulers were afraid of science, and (34) ……… connected with it was in danger.
One day in March 415, Hypatia (35) ……… attacked in the street and killed.
0. A. grown B. born C. begun D. developed Answer: B

Opciones de respuesta para el numeral 28:

Respuesta seleccionada: A. 

Respuestas: A. 
Comentarios para Respuesta:  opportunities
respuesta: La palabra opportunities le da sentido a la oración.
Pregunta 12
0 de 1 puntos
Lea el texto y seleccione la palabra adecuada para cada espacio.
Marque la letra correcta, A, B o C.
The First Woman Scientist
Hypatia was (0) born in Alexandria, in Egypt, in 379 A.D. For many centuries she was (26) the only
woman scientist to have a place in the history books.
Hypatia’s father was director of Alexandria University, and he (27) made sure his daughter had the best
education available. This was unusual, as most women then had few (28) opportunities to study.
After studying in Athens and Rome, Hypatia returned to Alexandria (29) ……… she began teaching
mathematics. She soon became famous (30) ……… her knowledge of new ideas.

We have no copies of her books, (31) ……… we know that she wrote several important mathematical
works. Hypatia was also interested in technology and (32) ……… several scientific tools to help with
her work.
At the (33) ……… many rulers were afraid of science, and (34) ……… connected with it was in danger.
One day in March 415, Hypatia (35) ……… attacked in the street and killed.
0. A. grown B. born C. begun D. developed Answer: B

Opciones de respuesta para el numeral 29:

Respuesta A. 
seleccionada: there
Respuestas: A. 

Comentarios Respuesta:  where
para respuesta: Hace falta una conjunción que enlace la oración Hypatia returned to
Alexandria con la siguiente she began teaching mathematics. Where es
la opción que le da sentido teniendo en cuenta que en la primera se hace
referencia a un lugar: Alexandria.
Pregunta 13
0 de 1 puntos
Lea el texto y seleccione la palabra adecuada para cada espacio.
Marque la letra correcta, A, B o C.
The First Woman Scientist
Hypatia was (0) born in Alexandria, in Egypt, in 379 A.D. For many centuries she was (26) the only
woman scientist to have a place in the history books.
Hypatia’s father was director of Alexandria University, and he (27) made sure his daughter had the best
education available. This was unusual, as most women then had few (28) opportunities to study.
After studying in Athens and Rome, Hypatia returned to Alexandria (29) where she began teaching
mathematics. She soon became famous (30) ……… her knowledge of new ideas.

We have no copies of her books, (31) ……… we know that she wrote several important mathematical
works. Hypatia was also interested in technology and (32) ……… several scientific tools to help with
her work.
At the (33) .…… many rulers were afraid of science, and (34) ……… connected with it was in danger.
One day in March 415, Hypatia (35) ……… attacked in the street and killed.
0. A. grown B. born C. begun D. developed Answer: B

Opciones de respuesta para el numeral 30:

Respuesta D. 
seleccionada: by
Respuestas: A. 
Comentarios para Respuesta:  for
respuesta: Para completar esta oración se necesita la preposición for para darle
sentido a la misma.
Pregunta 14
1 de 1 puntos
Lea el texto y seleccione la palabra adecuada para cada espacio.
Marque la letra correcta, A, B o C.
The First Woman Scientist
Hypatia was (0) born in Alexandria, in Egypt, in 379 A.D. For many centuries she was (26) the only
woman scientist to have a place in the history books.
Hypatia’s father was director of Alexandria University, and he (27) made sure his daughter had the best
education available. This was unusual, as most women then had few (28) opportunities to study.
After studying in Athens and Rome, Hypatia returned to Alexandria (29) where she began teaching
mathematics. She soon became famous (30) for her knowledge of new ideas.

We have no copies of her books, (31) ……… we know that she wrote several important mathematical
works. Hypatia was also interested in technology and (32) ……… several scientific tools to help with
her work.
At the (33) ……… many rulers were afraid of science, and (34) ……… connected with it was in danger.
One day in March 415, Hypatia (35) ……… attacked in the street and killed.
0. A. grown B. born C. begun D. developed Answer: B

Opciones de respuesta para el numeral 31:

Respuesta B. 
seleccionada: but
Respuestas: A. 

Comentarios Respuesta:  but
para respuesta: La oración We have no copies of her books… es negativa y la oración  …
we know that she wrote several important mathematical works es
positive, es decir, hay un contraste. But es la conjunción que enlaza estas
oraciones que tienen sentidos diferentes.
Pregunta 15
0 de 1 puntos
Lea el texto y seleccione la palabra adecuada para cada espacio.
Marque la letra correcta, A, B o C.
The First Woman Scientist
Hypatia was (0) born in Alexandria, in Egypt, in 379 A.D. For many centuries she was (26) the only
woman scientist to have a place in the history books.
Hypatia’s father was director of Alexandria University, and he (27) made sure his daughter had the best
education available. This was unusual, as most women then had few (28) opportunities to study.
After studying in Athens and Rome, Hypatia returned to Alexandria (29) where she began teaching
mathematics. She soon became famous (30) for her knowledge of new ideas.

We have no copies of her books, (31) but we know that she wrote several important mathematical works.
Hypatia was also interested in technology and (32) ……… several scientific tools to help with her work.
At the (33) ……… many rulers were afraid of science, and (34) ……… connected with it was in danger.
One day in March 415, Hypatia (35) ……… attacked in the street and killed.
0. A. grown B. born C. begun D. developed Answer: B

Opciones de respuesta para el numeral 32:

Respuesta C. 
seleccionada: learnt
Respuestas: A. 

Comentarios para Respuesta:  invented
respuesta: invented es el verbo que le da sentido a la oración.
Pregunta 16
1 de 1 puntos
Lea el texto y seleccione la palabra adecuada para cada espacio.
Marque la letra correcta, A, B o C.
The First Woman Scientist
Hypatia was (0) born in Alexandria, in Egypt, in 379 A.D. For many centuries she was (26) the only
woman scientist to have a place in the history books.
Hypatia’s father was director of Alexandria University, and he (27) made sure his daughter had the best
education available. This was unusual, as most women then had few (28) opportunities to study.
After studying in Athens and Rome, Hypatia returned to Alexandria (29) where she began teaching
mathematics. She soon became famous (30) for her knowledge of new ideas.

We have no copies of her books, (31) but we know that she wrote several important mathematical works.
Hypatia was also interested in technology and (32) invented several scientific tools to help with her
At the (33) ……… many rulers were afraid of science, and (34) ……… connected with it was in danger.
One day in March 415, Hypatia (35) ……… attacked in the street and killed.
0. A. grown B. born C. begun D. developed Answer: B
Opciones de respuesta para el numeral 33:

Respuesta C. 
seleccionada: time
Respuestas: A. 

Comentarios para Respuesta:  time
respuesta: time es la palabra que le da sentido a la oración.

Pregunta 17
1 de 1 puntos
Lea el texto y seleccione la palabra adecuada para cada espacio.
Marque la letra correcta, A, B o C.
The First Woman Scientist
Hypatia was (0) born in Alexandria, in Egypt, in 379 A.D. For many centuries she was (26) the only
woman scientist to have a place in the history books.
Hypatia’s father was director of Alexandria University, and he (27) made sure his daughter had the best
education available. This was unusual, as most women then had few (28) opportunities to study.
After studying in Athens and Rome, Hypatia returned to Alexandria (29) where she began teaching
mathematics. She soon became famous (30) for her knowledge of new ideas.

We have no copies of her books, (31) but we know that she wrote several important mathematical works.
Hypatia was also interested in technology and (32) invented several scientific tools to help with her
At the (33) time many rulers were afraid of science, and (34) ……… connected with it was in danger.
One day in March 415, Hypatia (35) ……… attacked in the street and killed.
0. A. grown B. born C. begun D. developed Answer: B

Opciones de respuesta para el numeral 34:

Respuesta A. 
seleccionada: anyone
Respuestas: A. 
Comentarios para Respuesta:  anyone
respuesta: anyone  es la palabra que le da sentido a la

Pregunta 18
0 de 1 puntos
Lea el texto y seleccione la palabra adecuada para cada espacio.
Marque la letra correcta, A, B o C.
The First Woman Scientist
Hypatia was (0) born in Alexandria, in Egypt, in 379 A.D. For many centuries she was (26) the only
woman scientist to have a place in the history books.
Hypatia’s father was director of Alexandria University, and he (27) made sure his daughter had the best
education available. This was unusual, as most women then had few (28) opportunities to study.
After studying in Athens and Rome, Hypatia returned to Alexandria (29) where she began teaching
mathematics. She soon became famous (30) for her knowledge of new ideas.

We have no copies of her books, (31) but we know that she wrote several important mathematical works.
Hypatia was also interested in technology and (32) invented several scientific tools to help with her
At the (33) time many rulers were afraid of science, and (34) anyone connected with it was in danger.
One day in March 415, Hypatia (35) ……… attacked in the street and killed.
0. A. grown B. born C. begun D. developed Answer: B

Opciones de respuesta para el numeral 35:

Respuesta D. 
seleccionada: had
Respuestas: A. 
Comentarios Respuesta:  was
para respuesta: En esta oración hace falta un verbo que complete la frase verbal que
conforma la voz pasiva para el sujeto Hypatia (She). La expresión de
tiempo in March 415 indica pasado, por lo cual la respuesta es was. 

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