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Types of Communication

How Do We Communicate?


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Different Types of Human Communication

Most animals communicate with each other in some way. Dogs bark at those they
perceive as a threat in order to communicate their hostility and in some cases the threat
that they will attack if provoked; bees have a pouch in which they carry the scent of their
hive so as to identify themselves as members of the community. However, it is only in
humans that communication breaks off into different types of communication: verbal and
non-verbal, and formal and informal.
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Verbal Communication
Communication is at the heart of any relationship, be it familial, business, romantic, or
friendly. While there has been significant advances in how we understand body language
and other forms of communication, verbal communication continues to be the most
important aspect of our interaction with other people. It’s important to understand both
the benefits and…
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Nonverbal Communication
Nonverbal communication is any kind of communication not involving words. When the
term is used, most people think of facial expressions and gestures, but while these are
important elements of nonverbal communication, they are not the only ones. Nonverbal
communication can include vocal sounds that are not words such as grunts, sighs, and
whimpers. Even…
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Effective Verbal Communication

Effective verbal communication has more to do with listening than it does with speaking
because you are always dealing with an audience. This is true no matter whether you are
speaking to a crowd of thousands or to a party of one. Listening is key because when you
address an audience, no matter the size,…
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Informal Communication

If formal communication is viewed like dressing for a black tie affair, informal
communication is like dressing casually and wearing slippers around the house. Much
informal communication occurs on a person-to-person basis, in a face-to-face manner,
without ceremony or fanfare. Other ways to communicate in an informal manner may
include texting, post-it notes, an informal…
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Formal Communication

Formal communication can be considered as communication efforts that are “dressed up”
to fit customary rules and ceremony For example, in a written letter, the formal
communication style will demand that the layout of the piece of written communication
follow a specific format that includes the date, header, salutation, body of the letter,
close, signature…
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Communication Through Body Language

Communication is how human beings interact with the world that surrounds them. There
are many forms of communication, some being more effective at conveying the intent or
feelings of the individual expressing than others. Many people have a hard time with
communication, and can find it difficult to tell others what they think or to…
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• Formal Communication

• Ινφο ρ µ α λ Χο µ µ υ ν ι χ α τ ι ο ν

• Νο ν ϖ ε ρ β α λ Χο µ µ υ ν ι χ α τ ι ο ν

• ςερβα λ Χο µ µ υ ν ι χ α τ ι ο ν
Recent Posts
• Effective Verbal Communication

• Ινφο ρ µ α λ Χο µ µ υ ν ι χ α τ ι ο ν

• Φο ρ µ α λ Χο µ µ υ ν ι χ α τ ι ο ν

• Χο µ µ υ ν ι χ α τ ι ο ν Τηρ ο υ γ η Βο δ ψ
Λα ν γ υ α γ ε

Νο ν ϖ ε ρ β α λ Χο µ µ υ ν ι χ α τ ι ο ν

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