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Francisco Antonio de Zela was an illustrious character of Tacna

gave the first cry of freedom

He was born in Lima, July 24, 1768

his father was Alberto de Zela

and his mother was Mercedes de Arizaga

He married María de la Natividad Siles and Antequera

He was the leader of the first armed insurrection for the independence of Peru.

Zela was supported by a large group of people, the chieftain of Tacna, Toribio Ara, with his son
José Rosa Ara and the chieftain of Tarata and Putina, Ramón Copaja.

On June 20, 1811, Zela raised a flag with blue and white colors to four triangular fields,
establishing for a few days a free government, self-government adhered to the principles of
the Board of Buenos Aires

then zela was brought to trial

and he was sentenced to death but thanks to his family he was only sentenced to jail for life in
the Chagres prison in Panama

He died on July 18, 1819

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