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/On the Street/

Miguel: Hello Rocio , how are you?

Rocio: Hi Miguel I’m fine , Where are you going?

Miguel: I will go to the mall, and you?

Rocio: I also , what will you buy ?

Miguel: I don’t know , but I’ll know when I see it

Rocio: OK , Are you free tonight?

Miguel: No, I going to have a date with my girlfriend , why?

Rocio: Becaue I going to have a party in my house

Miguel: I’m sorry , but look at the sky,is cloudy ,It’s going to rain

Rocio: Oh no … Don´t worry , I going to invite a few friends

Miguel: OK ,Are you going anywhere this weekend?

Rocio: I don’t know I will study very hard for admission exam , and you?

Miguel: I’m playing football with my friends this weekend

/in the mall/

Rocio:Look at this dress , is very beautiful ,I’ll try it onand I’ll buy it

Miguel: Seriously ,Don’t you want to see others shops and others dresses?

Rocio: NOO!!!

Miguel: It’s okay

Rocio: What are you cooking this night for girlfriend?

Miguel: I going to make spaghetti and meatballs

Rocio: Delicious and romantic

Miguel: When are we meeting again?

Rocio: I don’t know , but I promise I will invite the chocolate cake

Miguel: OK …It’s late I going to my house and cooking very fast for the date

Rocio: OHH ,Don´t worry , but you won't buy anything

Miguel: I'll buy a bouquet of flowers on the way home

Rocio: good luck!!

Miguel:Bye Rocio

Rocio:Bye Miguel ,see you soon

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