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Main Pranayama practices

Prana is the "life force" and Yama means “to extend”. Pranayama refers to “extending the capacity of the life force” .
Tasminsati shwasaprashwasayorgativicchedaha pranayamaha
“Pranayama is the interruption of inhalation and exhalation.” (Patanjali Yoga Sutra, II.49)

Heating Pranayama
(Subtle body: activation of Ida nadi - Gross body: activation of sympathetic nervous system)
*Lung Times
Pranayama capacity recommen
used ded
Vigorous and voluntary inhalation and exhalation from
the chest through the nostrils. It can be performed by
Bhastrika raising our arms by inhaling and lowering them by
exhaling to support and facilitate the breathing
B 30×3

Vigorously and voluntarily exhalation from the
abdomen toward the sinus and natural effortless
Kapalbhati inhalation by realising the abdomen, both through the
A+D 30×3
Inhalation through the right nostril and exhale through
Surya Bhedi the left nostril.
A 20×

Cooling Pranayama
(Subtle body: activation of Pingala Nadi - Gross body: activation of parasympathetic nervous system)
*Lung Times
Pranayama capacity recommen
used ded
Mouth inhalation through the previously rolled tongue
Sithlee and normal exhalation through the nostrils.
A 5x/10x
Mouth Inhalation between the teeth (the upper row is
Sitkari in contact with the lower row) and normal exhalation
through the nostrils.
A 5x/10x

Inhalation through the left nostril and exhale through

Chandra Bhedi the right nostril.
A 20x

Balancing Pranayama
(Subtle body: Open gradually Sushumna Nadi - Gross body: balance the sympathetic & parasympathetic nervous systems)
*Lung Times
Pranayama Details capacity recommen
used ded

Nadisodhan (Anuloma Viloma) Alternate nostril breathing (Inh L, Exh R, Inh R, Exh L) A 10×
In savasana, during inhalation the glottis is slightly
Ujjai contracted and normal exhalation through the nostrils.
A 10x

Bhramari Deep inhalation and humming on expiration A 5/10x

A - Tidal volume (0.5 litre); normal quiet breathing

B - Vital capacity (5 litres); maximum inhalation and
C - Inhalation reserve (3 litres)
D - Exhalation reserve (1 litres)
E - Residual volume (1.2 litres)
F - Resting exhalation level (2.2 litres) Ex: Uddiyana
bandha (Kriya)

“A Yogi measures the span of his life not by the

number of years but by the number of his breaths. ”
Swami Sivananda

Sri Aurobindo Integral life Centre - AURO University Surat

Pedagogical material designed by D. Pramanik & F. Milet

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