BIO 160 1st Lecture Exam Reviewer

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BIO 160 1st Lecture Exam Reviewer Laboratory experiment tests the role of parasites

CHAPTER 1: THE WEB OF LIFE  Pieter Johnson  put together Minnesota incident and
 Henderson, Minnesota  No direct evidence that Ribeiroia infected P. regilla or A.
 30% - 40% Severely deformed Rana pipiens macrodactylum
o Missing or extra limbs  Surveyed 35 ponds in santa clara California
o Legs that are too short or bent in odd directions o 4 ponds contained deformed frogs
o Bony growths out of their backs o 15%-45% tadpoles had extra limbs or
 US  found in 46 states and in more that 60 sp of frogs, deformities
salamanders and toads o Souce of concern: pollutants ang nag c-cause
o Some >90% of popn had deformities (pesticides, PCBs, heavy metals)
 Decline of amphibian popn’s beginning late 1980s  Similarites of 4 ponds: aquatic snail Helisoma tenuis
 Alarming because: o One of two intermediate hosts for Ribeiroia to
o Started recently complete life cycle and reproduce
o Some were located in protected areas  Controlled experiment
o Amphibians are biological indicators of the env o Experimental group  P. regilla with parasites
 Amphibians as biological indicators of the environment o Control group  no parasites
o Amphibians have permeable skin and their eggs
lack shells
o Spend time partly in land and water
o Exposed to a wide range of potential threats
o Remain close to their birthplace throughout life so
decline of a local popn indicates deterioration of
local env conditions

o ↑ parasites, ↓ tadpole survival rates, ↑

 Ribeiroia caused deformities
o killed 60% of the tadpoles so may also be the
cause of decline

Multiple Factors influence Frog Deformities

 Ribeiroia also caused deformities in other amphibian sp.
o Western toads – Bufo boreas
o Wood frogs – Rana sylvatica
o Leopard frogs – Rana pipiens
Early observations suggest that parasites cause amphibian
 Effects of pesticides and parasites
o Joseph Kiesecker
 Stephen ruth discovered deformed pacific tree frogs
o 6 ponds with Ribeiroia but only 3 with persticides
and long-toed salamanders in northern California (9
o 6 meshed cages per pond – 3 w mesh small
yrs b4 the one in minnesots)
enough to block Ribeiroia
o Pseudacris regilla  tree frogs
 Exposure to Ribeiroia was necessary for deformities to
o Ambystoma macrodactylum  long-toed
 In the presence of Ribeiroia, deformites more common in
 Stanley sessions  expert in amphibian limb
ponds with pesticides
o Pesticides decrease frog’s ability to resist
 All deformed amphibians contained parasite
o Ribeiroia ondatrae  trematode flatworm
o Pesticide exposure lowers WBC  suppressed
o produced cysts close to area where limbs
immune system
form in tadpole
 Hypothesis: parasites caused the deformities
 Conclusion: similar but less severe
o Ocean deterioration
 decline of fish stocks and coral reefs +
formation of dead zones (low O2 conc)
o actions often taken without considering natural
o understand systems  anticipate consequences
 Natural systems
o Driven by the interaction of organisms w one
another and with the environment
o Ecology  scientific study of how organisms
affect and are affected by other organisms and
the environment


 Events in the natural world are interconnected
 Connections occur as organisms interact with one
another and with their physical environment
 o Doesn’t mean that there are strong connections
among all the organisms that live in an area
Connections in nature can lead to unanticipated side
effects  All organisms are connected to features of their
 as seen in amphibian deformity and decline due to
pollution and Ribeiroia  Even species that do not interact directly can be
connected by shared features of their env
 other factors that may contribute to amphibian
deformities  Connections in nature can lead to unanticipated side
o addition of nutrients to natural or artificial ponds effects
 nutrients can enter a pond when rain or
snowmelt washes fertilizers from an DEFINITION OF ECOLOGY
agricultural field into it Ecology = “oikos” + “logos”
 fertilizer stimulate growth of algae Ernst Haeckel
 snails that harbor Ribeiroia eat algae  German scientist, philosopher, physician
 ↑ algae, ↑ snails, ↑ Ribeiroia “oekologie” – combined Greek words for “household” &
 Chain of events  events in the natural world are “knowledge”
connected  Definition- comprehensive science of the relationshop of
 Altering of one aspect can cause unanticipated changes the org to env
 Other examples of changes made to our local and global
Textbook Definitions
 Cain (2014) : Scientific study of interactions between
o Damming of rivers in Africa  schistosomiasis
 Dams favorable habitat for snails that organism and their environment
harbor trematode parasites o Others define ecology as the scientific study of
interactions that determine the distribution and
o Increase in the appearance and spread of new
diseases abundance of organisms
 AIDS o Ecology refers to a scientific endeavor
 Lyme disease- caused by a bacteria,  Burdon sanderson (1893): the science which concerns
Borrelia burgdorferi, that’s transmitted to itself with external relations of plants and animals to
humans through a bite from an infected each other and to the past and present conditions of
black-legged or deer tick their existence
 hantavirus pulmonary syndrome  Kerbs (1972): the scientific study of interactions that
 ebola determine distance and abundance of organisms
INTRODUCTION  Ricklefs (1973) : study of natural environment,
 Humans = enormous impact on planet particularly the interrelationships bet org and
o Human activities transform nearly half of earth’s surroundings
land surface and alter compo of atmosphere   Likens (1992): scientific study of processes influencing
climate change distribution and abundance of org, interactions among
o Introduced species
orgs, and the interactions between organisms and the  “there is a certain balance in nature, and there is a
transformation and flux of energy and matter place for all species. There is a reason for their
 Smith (1996): study of interrelations of org with their existence and we are not free to exterminate them.”
total environment, physical and biological Professional ideas on ecology
 Stilling (1998): branch of science dealing w 1. Natural systems do not necessarily return to their
relationships of living things to one another and to their original state after a disturbance
environment 2. Seemingly random perturbations often play an
 Miller (2005): study of interactions of living organisms important role in nature
with one another and with their nonliving environment of  Current evidence suggests that diff species often
matter and energy; study of structure and functions of respond in different ways to changing conditions
 Molles (2008): study of relationships bet org and
 Begon (2014): sci study of dist and abundance of org,
the interactions that determine that dist and abundance,
and the relationships between org and the
transformation and flux of energy and matter
 UPD PPL: required subj, field work, interactions w env
and each other, habitat, resources, food chain
Ecology has other meaning in its public usage


 How people impact the environment, take into
account people (Social science)
 Interdisciplinary field that draws concepts, expertise,
and tools from natural and social sciences
 Interdisciplinary field that incorporates concepts from
the natural sciences and social sciences (such as
politics, economics, ethics)
 Focused on how people affect the environment
 How we can address environmental problems
 Having concern for, or acting in favor of the
 Environmental movement  political and ethical
movement that seeks to improve and protect the
quality of the natural environment through changes to
environmentally harmful human activities
 EX: Rachel carson
o Cases of cancer sa areas with pesticide


Public ideas on ecology
1. Balance of nature in which natural systems are stable
and tend to return to an original preferred state after a
2. Each species in nature has a distinct role to play in
maintaining that balance
 such ideas can have moral or ethical implications for
the people who hold them
 can lead people to think that each sp is important
and irreplaceable  cause people to feel wrong to
harm other species
 Communities – association of interacting populations
of different species that live in the same area
o Can cover large or small areas
o May differ greatly in terms of numbers and
types of species found within them
o composition and organization of ecological
 Ecosystems – community of organisms plus physical
o Biotic- living components of a natural sysem
o Abiotic- physical environment
o Pathways followed by energy and matter as
these move among living and non living
 Landscapes- areas that vary substantially from one
place to another
o Typically includes multiple ecosystes
 Biosphere- consists of all living organisms on earth
plus the environments in which they live
o Global patterns of air and water circulation link
the world’s ecosystems
o Highest level of biological organization
o Global scale

 Boundaries on what is observed
 It is not possible or desirable to study everything at once
 Scale – most appropriate dimension in both time and
space for collecting observations
 We seek mechanistic links among patters and processes
 Ecological studies differ in time scales they cover Evolution
o Some use fossil data to show how the species  2 definitions of evolution
found in a given area have changed over time o A change in genetic characteristics of a
Ecology usually emphasizes one or more of the following o Descent with modification, process by wc
levels: organisms gradually accumulate differences from
 Individuals their ancestors
 Populations – group of individuals of a single species Adaptation
that live in a particular area and interact with one  Defn: Characteristic of an organism that improves its
another ability to survive or reproduce within its environment
o Central questions of ecology: how and why the  Critical in understanding how organisms fxn and interact
locations and abundances of populations with one another
change over time Natural Selection
o Often helpful to understand the roles played by  An evolutionary process in which individuals with
other species particular characteristics tend to survive and
reproduce at a higher rate than other individuals o Energy cannot be recycled, but nutrients can
because of those characteristics be recycled from physical environment to
 Heritable characteristic selected for  offspring will organisms and back again
tend to have the same characteristics that gave their Nutrient Cycle
parents an advantage  Cyclic movement of a nutrient (like N or P) between
o Frequency of those characteristics may organisms and the physical environment
increase over time Climate
o Population will evolve  Climate Change: directional change in climate (such
 Example: bacteria resistance as global warming) that ovvurs over 3 decades or
 Affects many aspects of ecology (ie growth and
survival of indiv)
Ecological patterns
Example: global distribution and abundance of red kangaroo

Distribution patters
 Distribution patterns may be characterized at a variety
of spatial scales (pwede local, global etc)
o Ex: tetrapphic moss


 Q: why does an org exist where it does
 Proximal: physical environment, food eaten, parasites
Producer  Ultimate: ecological experience of its ancestors 
 Organism that can produce its own food from an evolutionary
external energy source without having to eat other o Ex: how does it come about that co-existing
organisms or their remains sp are often similar yet
 Aka primary producer or autotroph PURE VS APPLIED ECOLOGY
Consumer  Type of environment an ecologists studies
 Obtains energy by eating other organisms or their o Nature
remains o Human-influenced
Net Primary Production o Manmade
 The amount of energy that producers capture by  Q: is there an environment completely unaffected by
photosynthesis or other means minus the amount human act
they lose in cellular respiration per unit of time  Q: is there a human activity that does not affect the
 The amount of energy (per unit of time) that environment
producers fix by photosynthesis minus amount used Applied ecology
in cell respiratio  Applications of ecological principles to major env and
 Each unit of energy captured by producers is resource management problems
eventually lost from the ecosystem as metabolic heat  Forest, range, wildlife and fishery management
o So energy moves through ecosystem in one  Conservation bio, restoration ecology, landscape
direction ecology
 “a sustainable future depends fundamentally on  Field experiments
ecological understanding and out ability to predict or Quantitative models
produce our outcomes under different scenarios” –  can predict change depending on given factors
Begon et al.
 “application of ecological theory must be based on a WHAT WE KNOW ABOUT ECOLOGY IS ALWAYS
sophisticated understanding of the pure science” – CHANGING
Begon et al  Our understanding of ecology is constrantly changing
 Scientific method
o Observe nature and ask a well framed
 In an ecological experiment, an investigator alters one o Hypotheses: Use previous knowledge or
or more features of the environment and observes the intuition to develop possible answers
effect of that change o Evaluate copeting hypothesis by performing
o Allows scientists to test cause and effect experiments, gathering carefully selected
relationship observations. Or analyzing results of
o Includes a control group and an quantitative models
experimental set up o Use results, observations, or models to
 In some cases, it can be difficult or impossible to modigy one or more of the hypotheses to
perform an appropriate experiment pose new questions or draw conclusions
o EX: Events that cover large geographical Take home messages
regions or occur over long periods   Events in the natural world are interconnected
experiments can provide useful information  Scientific study of interactions bet org and env
but can’t provide convincing answers to  Ecologists evaluate competing hypothesis about
underlying questions natural systems w observations, experiments, and
o Ex: global warming models
o Approach these problems using a mixture of
observational studies, experiments, and If, as T.H. Dobzhanksky said, “nothing in biology makes sense,
quantitative approaches except in the light of evolution” then equally, very little in
Field observations evolution and hence biology as a whole makes sense except in
 Can be used to summarize the environmental the light of ecology.
conditions under which species are currently found
 observe and describe in a manner that captures the
whole thing faithfully
 Ex: Story of jane goodall
o Documented their use of tools
o Documented their hunting strategies- hunt as
a group
 can be used to examine the performance of species
under different environmental conditions
 designed and analyzed in consistent wats
 Replication
o Each treatment, including control, is
performed more than once
o ↑ number of replicates , ↓ probability that
results are due to variables that weren’t
measured or controlled in the study
o accounts for possible effects of uncontrolled
 Assigning treatments at random
o Lowers probability that plots that receive
particular treatment share other
characteristics that might influence results
 Statistical analyses
o To determine significance of results
 Controlled experiments: Lab, microcosm, mesocosm
160 LE
 Grizzly bears of the pacific northwest feast seasonally
on the salmon that arrive in huge numbers to
reproduce in the streams of the region
o Grizzlies capitalize on the salmon’s
reproductive habits
o Forego their usual territorial behavior and
tolerate high frequencies of bears while
fishing salmon
 Salmon are anadromous
o Born in freshwater streams
o Spend adult lives in the ocean
o Return to freshwater to spawn
 Salmon now fished commercially in waters of the north

pacific ocean Steven hare and Robert Francis
o Economic base for many coastal o Changes in the marine environment where
communities salmon spend majority of their adult lives
o Successful reproduction for salmon depends could be contributing to the declines in
on the health of the streams in which they salmon abundance
spawn o Multi-decadal periods of low or high fish
 Decline of salmon population production have occurred repeatedly
o Due to construction of dams, increased  Nathan mantua and colleagues
stream sediments due to forest clear-cutting, o Periods of high salmon production in Alaska
water pollution, and overharvesting corresponded with periods of low southern
o Degradation of freshwater habitat production at the southern end of the salmon
o Decadal peaks and slumps sa graph range (Oregon and Washington)
 Summary of factors for these peaks  Hypothesis of steven hare and Robert Francis
o Quality of water (degradation of water habitat) o Abrupt shifts in salmon production were
o Degree of hunting (overharvesting) associated with long-term climate variation in
o Land use the north pacific
 The “ecological space” occupied by org
o Resource “space”
o Environmental tolerance
o Ecological role
 Ecological niches help us understand
o Main factors w/c limit population’s growth
o Mechanisms/factors that influence species
geographic distribution and abundance

People who defined Niche

1. Joseph Grinnell
Grinnellian Niche ≈ “Habitat”
The niche relationships of the California Thrasher (1917)
“The ultimate distributional unit within which each species is
held by its structural and instinctive limitations" (1928)
 Coined the term
 Habitat concept, emphasis on where the sp lives
 Sum of the habitat requirements that allow a species to
persist and produce offspring
2. Charles Elton
Eltonian Niche ≈ “Profession” or “Role”

“The status of an animal in its community... its place in the
biotic environment, its relations to food and enemies" (1927)
 Functional concept
 Niche- role the sp plays in community rather than habitat
3. Dr. Seuss
And NUH is the letter I use to spell Nutches
Who live in small
caves, known as Niches, for hutches. These Nutches have
troubles, the biggest of which is the fact there are many more
Nutches than Niches. Each Nutch in a Niche knows that some
other Nutch Would like to move into his Niche very much. So
each Nutch in a Niche has to watch that small Niche Or Nutches  Incorporating facilitation into the niche concept recognizes
who haven’t got Niches will snitch. processes that can expand the amt of space used by the
4. G. Evelyn Hutchinson organisms
Hutchinsonian Niche = “n-dimensional hypervolume” o Incorporating facilitation into the niche concept
“an n-dimensional hypervolume... defined on axes [representing] recognizes processes that can expand the amount

all of the ecological factors relative to [the species]... [and] of space that meets the requirements of the funda
every point in which corresponds to a state of the environment niche and can mitigate the effects of niche shrinking
which [permits]...
the species... to exist indefinitely” (1958) factors like predation and competition
 N-dimensions  many aspects o Bc of mutualism lumalaki siya
Reminder: When we talk about species, we speak in a
continuum Example: barnacles
 We talk about species as an entity that is very defined but
really it is in a continuum
 It may be a species now pero tomorrow pwede mag
 Very dynamic concept


 F- niche in absence of interspecific competition and predation

 R- niche in presence of competing and or predator species
o Brown yung fundamental niche
o Lumiit because of introduction of another species
 Fundamental- defined by organism’s adaptations to persist in
a given abiotic environment INTRODUCTION
o Basic aspects – where it is found, resources it uses,  Physical environment is the ultimate determinant of where
organisms can live, the resources that are available to
 Realized- often smaller than fundamental due to competition,
predation, parasitism, and recruitment limitation them, and the rate at which their populations can grow
o Has to do with relationships with other organisms Components of the physical environment
o Lumiliit yung niche because of comp, pred, etc.  Climate – long term trends in temperature, wind, and
o Could be larger than fundamental due to mutualism precipitation
 Katulong sa community so lumalaki yung  Radiation from sun drives climate system as well as
niche biological energy production
 When facilitation is considered, the realized niche (green) can  Chemical composition of air and water
be larger than the spatial range predicted by funda niche o Salinity, acidity, concentration of gases in the
(dashed line)
atmosphere and dissolved in water
o Recall Mutualism or Facilitation
 Soil – medium in which microorganisms, plants, and
animals live
o Influences availability of critical resources like
water and nutrients

 Weather- current temperature, humidity, precipitation, o Thus physical environment must also be
wind, and cloud cover characterized by its variability over time not just by
o Important determinant of behavior average conditions to understand ecological
 Climate – long term description of weather at a given importance
location, based on averages and variation measured over o Frequency and severity of extreme temperature
decades events are predicted to increase in association
Climate variation with global climate change
o includes daily and seasonal cycles associated with  Increase the probability of large scale
changes in solar radiation as earth rotates on its mortality of vegetation (ie pinon pines)
axis and orbits the sun  Timing of changes in the physical environment
o includes changes over years or decades, such as o Seasonality of rainfall
large-scale cyclic weather patterns related to  Important in determining availability of
changes in the atmosphere and oceans water for terrestrial organisms
 El Niño Southern Oscillation  Mediterranean-type climate: precipitation
o Long term climate change occurs as a result of falls in winter
changes in the intensity and distribution of solar  Regular dry periods pag summer
radiation reaching earth’s surface, as well as  But more rainfall than desert
changes in the overall energy balance  Lack of water during summer
 Greenhouse effect limits potential growth and
o Changes in concentrations of gases (i.e. carbon promotes fires
dioxide) emitted into the atmosphere as a result of  Grasslands :In contrast to Mediterranean
human activity  Same average annual temp and
o These gases absorb energy and radiate it back to precipitation
the surface  Precip spread evenly throughout
 Variables determined by climate yr
o Where organisms live  Climate influences rates of abiotic processes that affect
o Geographic distribution organisms
o How organisms function o Rate at which rocks and soils are broken down
 To supply nutrients to plants and
Climate controls where and how organisms live microorganisms
 Temperature determines rates of biochemical reactions  Climate can influence rates of periodic disturbances
and physiological activity for all organisms o Ie: fires, floods, avalanches
 Precipitation  These kill organisms and disrupt biological
o Essential for terrestrial organisms communities
o Freshwater organisms dependent for the  Subsequently create opportunities for the
maintenance and quality of their habitat establishment and growth of new
 Marine organisms depend on ocean currents that organisms and communities
influence the temperature and chemistry of the waters GLOBAL ENERGY BALANCE DRIVES THE CLIMATE
they live in SYSTEM
 Extreme conditions  Energy that drives global climate system is ultimately
o Climate – characterize at a given location by the derived from solar radiation
average conditions over time  Top of earth’s atmosphere = 342 watts/square meter / yr
o But geographic distribution of organisms are o 1/3 reflected back out by clouds, aerosols, and
influenced by extreme conditions more than earth’s surface
average conditions  Aerosols = fine atmospheric particles
o Extreme events are important determinants of o 1/5 absorbed by ozone, clouds, water vapor
mortality o ½ absorbed by land and water at earth’s surface
o Temp and moisture extremes can affect even  Energy gains must be balanced by energy losses to keep
long-lived organisms such as forest trees earth’s temp
o Ex: record high temp along with severe drought in o Much of the solar radiation absorbed by earth’s
2000-2003 contributed to widespread mortality in surface is emitted to the atmosphere as infrared
large stands of piñon pines (Pinus edulis) in radiation
southwestern US o Infrared radiation = longwave radiation
 These long lived plants could no longer  Latent heat flux – heat loss due to evaporation
survive in the region where they existed for o Earth’s surface loses energy and is cooled when
decades water evaporates
 Change in phase (Liquid  Vapor)
absorbs energy
 Sensible heat flux – energy transfer from the warm air
immediately above earth’s surface to cooler atmosphere
by convection and conduction
 Conduction and Convection
o Conduction- Exchange of kinetic energy by
molecules in direct contact
o Convection –movement of currents of air and
 Atmosphere absorbs infrared radiation emitted from
earth’s surface and reradiated is back to earth’s surgace
o Reradiation  energy gain
 Greenhouse gases
o Radiatively active gases  Movement of earth around sun + tilt of axis of rotation =
o Absorb and reradiate infrared radiation changes in amt of solar radiation received at any location
o H2O, CO2, CH4, N2O over the course of the year  seasonal climate variation
o Some are produced thru bio activity linking ATMOSPHERIC CIRCULATION CELLS ARE ESTABLISHED
biosphere to climate system IN REGULAR LATITUDINAL PATTERNS
o No greenhouse gases = cooler  Surface warmed by the sun emits infrared radiation and
warms the air above it
 Heating of earth’s surface varies with topography
 Differential warming creates pockets of warm air
surrounded by cooler air
 Warm air is less dense
 Uplift: Warm air will rise if surrounding air is much cooler
 Atmospheric pressure: force exerted on a pocket of air by
the air molecules above it
o Air pocket decreases with increasing altitude
o Warm air expands when it rises higher so less
atmospheric pressure
 Not every location on earth receives the same amount of o Expansion cools the rising air
energy from the sun o Cool air cannot hold as much water vapor as warm
o More solar energy is received per unit of area in air
the tropics o Air continues to rise and cool
 Equator vs poles o Water vapor contained within it begins to
o Equator – sun strikes perpendicularly condense into droplets and forms clouds
o Poles- angle of the sun’s rays becomes steeper
 Same amt of energy spread over a larger
 Amount of atmosphere the rays must
pass through increases towards the
poles  more radiation is reflected or
absorbed b4 reaching surface
 Differential input of solar radiation establishes latitudinal
gradients in temp and becomes the driving force for
climate dynamics (ie. Warm and cold fronts)

 Troposphere- atmospheric layer above earth’s surface

(cooler temp)
 Stratosphere- above troposphere (warmer temp)
 Condensation of water into clouds is a warming process
o Another form of latent heat flux
o Keeps the pocket of air warmer than the
surrounding atmosphere and enhances its uplift
despite cooling due to expansion
o Air pockets cease to rise once it reaches the
stratosphere kasi warmer na yung temp
 Differential heating and storm formation
o Reason why tropics has the most precipitation
o Tropics – high solar radiation  greatest amount
of surface heating, uplift, and cloud formation
o Uplift of air in the tropics creates a band of low
atmospheric pressure relative to zones to the north
and south
o Rising air flows towards the poles pag na reach
yung boundary ng troposphere and stratosphere
o Poleward air movement cools as it exchanges
heat with the surrounding air and meets cooler air
moving from the poles toward the equator
o Subsidence creates regions of high atmospheric
pressure around latitudes 30 deg north and south
 inhibit dormation of clouds, formation of deserts
 Subsidence- descent of air when air reaches a temp
similar to that of surrounding atmosphere

 These atmospheric circulation cells establish major

climate zones on earth
o Tropical zones – bet 30 deg N and S
o Temperate zones – bet 30 and 60
o Polar zones – above 60
 Hadley cell  Winds flow from areas of high pressure to areas of low
o Named after George Hadley pressure
 Polar cells  Prevailing winds – consistent patterns of air movement at
o At higher latitudes earth’s surface formed by areas of high and low pressure
o North and south poles from the atmospheric circulation cells
o Cold dense air subsides at the poles and moves  Prevailing winds
toward the equator when it reaches earth’s surface o Clockwise in the northern hemisphere
o Descending air at the poles is replaced by air o Counterclockwise in the southern hemisphere
moving through the upper atmosphere from lower o Deflection is associated with rotation of earth
o Subsidence at the poles creates areas of high
pressure so the polar regions receive little
o Polar deserts- precipitation sa poles
 Ferrell cells
o Intermediate cell between Hadley and polar
o William Ferrell
o Driven by the movement of Hadley and polar cells
and by polar front
o Polar front: energy exchange between tropical and
polar air masses
o Because winds blow from areas of high pressure
to low pressure, seasonal shifts in pressure cells
influence the direction of the prevailing winds
o Effect of land areas on devt of semipermanent
pressure cells (figure sbove) is more pronounced
in the northern hemisphere because dito yung bulk
ng land mass
o Air over the oceans is cooler and denser than over
land pag summer
o Semipermanent zones of high pressure form over
the ocean (30 N and S)
o Air over continent is cooler and denser
o High pressure cells develop in the temperate
zones over large continental areas


 Wind moving across the ocean surface pushes the
surface water
 Coriolis effect  water appears to move at an angle to
 Coriolis effect- deflection of path of the wind the wind
o Actual conservation of momentum  Pattern similar to but not identical to prevailing winds
o Currents in air and water are deflected right in the  Current speed is only 2-3% of wind speed
N and left in the S  Surface and deep layers of ocean don’t mix because of
o An effect whereby a mass moving in a rotating differences in temp and salinity
system experiences a force acting perpendicular o Sa taas yung warmer and less saline, less dense
to the direction of motion and to the axis of rotation  Global circulation of water (Global conveyor belt)
 Trade winds o Warm tropical surface currents reach the polar
o Coriolis effect results in surface winds being region (Antarctica and Greenland) their water
deflected to the west pag towards the equator from loses heat to surrounding env and becomes cooler
the high pressure zones and denser
o Importance to the global transport of trade goods o Water cools enough for ice to form and the salinity
in sailing ships during the 15th-19th century of unconverted water increases so it sinks deeper
o Westerlies—winds blowing toward the poles from o Dense downwelling currents move toward equator
areas of high pressure, deflected to east carrying cold polar water toward warmer tropical
 Presence of continental land masses and oceans oceans
complicates idealized depiction of wind patterns o Grand ocean conveyor belt – large system of
 Water has a higher heat capacity than land interconnected surface and deep ocean currents
o Water can absorb and store more energy without that links the pacific, Indian, and Atlantic oceans
its temp changing than land can  Important means of transferring heat to
o Solar radiation heats land surface more than polar regions
ocean water I summer
o Oceans retain more heat and remain warmer in
o Seasonal air temp changes less extreme over the
oceans than on land
zooplankton which in turn support the growth of
their consumers
 Phytoplankton – small free-floating algae
and other photosynthetic orgs
 Zooplankton – free-floating animals and
 Ocean currents influence the climates of the regions
where they flow
o Gulf stream and north atlantic drift contributes to
warmer winters in Scandinavia than in locations at
the same latitude in N America
 Temp difference reflected in vegetation
 Deciduous forests common on
Scandinavian coast
o Winds blowing eastward across the Atlantic pick
up heat from ocean and contributes to warmer
climate in N Europe
o Gulf stream also keeps north atlantic ice-free most
of the winter
o Ocean currents responsible for 40% of heat
exchanged between the tropics and the polar
 Zones of upwelling  Ocean currents sometimes referred to as
o Deep ocean currents connect with surface heat pumps or thermal conveyers
currents at zones of upwelling o 60% transferred by the winds
o Deep ocean water rises to the surface GLOBAL CLIMATE PATTERNS
o Occurs when prevailing winds blow nearly parallel OCEANIC CIRCULATION AND DISTRIBUTION AND
o Western coast of N and S America and westward TEMPERATURES
flowing equatorial pacific ocean
o Force of the wind + Coriolis  surface waters flow
away from the coast and deeper colder waters rise
to replace them
o Coriolis effect  water to the N and S of the
equator is deflected slightly away from the equator
 divergence of surface water and a zone of
 Effects of upwelling
o Creates a cooler and moister environment for the
local environment
o Biological activity in surface waters
o Upwelling brings nutrients that accumulate below
back to the photic zone
 Photic zone- layer of surface water where
there is enough light to support
 When organisms in the surface waters  Global pattern of solar radiation
die, their bodies and the nutrients they o Explains why temp at earth’s surface become
contain sink progressively cooler from the equator to the poles
 Nutrients that accumulate in deep water o Changes in temp not parallel with changes in
and in sediments at the bottom of the latitude
ocean  Variation of temp across same latitude
o Upwelling zones are among the most productive o 3 major influences that alter the global pattern of
open ocean ecosystems bc nutrients increase temp
growth of phytoplankton which provide food for o Ocean currents, land and water distribution,
 Ocean Currents  Location of Hadley, Ferrell, and polar cells suggest
o As discussed earlier sa gulf stream precipitation should be highest in the tropical latitudes bet
o Ex: influence of Humboldt current is noticeable on 23.5 N and S and in a band at about 60 N and S and
the west coast of south America where lowest im zones around 30 N and S
temperatures are cooler that similar latitudes o African continent displays pattern closest to this
 Note: difference in heat capacity between oceans and idealized precip distribution
continents not reflected in average annual temperatures o Deviation in America associated with
shown above semipermanent high-pressure and low-pressure
o Annual temp variation is not depicted in the above cells and large mountain chains

 Air temp over land show greater seasonal variation with  Pressure cells influence cloud formation and movement
warmer temp in summer and cooler temp in winter than of moist air from oceans to continents
those over oceans  Ex: high pressure over south pacific ocean decreases
o Major impact on the distribution of organisms precip along the central west coast of S America
o See figure above  Ex: Atacama desert located along the pacific coast of
 Elevation chile
o Elevation above sea level has an important o Associated w presence of high-pressure cell and
influence on continental temperatures the blockage of air masses moving from the east
o Note in the colorful figure: may difference yung by the Andes
temp sa may indian subcontinent and asia bc of  High pressure over atlantic ocean increases flow of moist
the Himalayas and Tibetan plateau air to southeastern N America
 Extreme change in elevation in a very  Mountains influence precipitation patterns by forcing air
short distance moving across them to rise  enhance local precip
o Colder climates at higher elevations
 Fewer air molecules to absorb the  Climate differences resulting from effects of oceans and
infrared energy radiating from earth’s continents on regional energy balance and influence of
surface mountains on air flow and temp
 Heating of air by the ground surface is  Vegetation reflects regional climate differences
less effective because of the lower air  Vegetation impacts climate via energy and water balance
 Exchange air more effectively with cooler  Maritime climate – for coastal terrestrial regions that are
air in the surrounding atmosphere influenced by an adjacent ocean
 Atmosphere is warmed mainly by infrared o Little variation in daily and seasonal temperatures
radiation emitted by earth’s surface -> o Higher humidity
temp of the atmosphere decreases with o Influence of oceans tends to be accentuated on
increasing distance from the ground west coast in N hemisphere and east coast sa S
 Lapse rate: decrease in temp with hemisphere
increasing height above the surface  Continental climate – middle of large continental land
 In addition, wind velocity increases with masses
increasing elevation bc less friction w o Limited to mid and high latitudes
ground o Large seasonal changes in solar radiation
PATTERNS OF ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE AND accentuate effect of low heat capacity of land
 Mountains can also generate local wind and precipitation
o East facing slopes receive more solar radiation
from the rising sun and thus become warmer than
surrounding slopes of the lowland
o Differential heating = localized upslope winds in
the mountains
o Depending on moisture content of air and
prevailing winds at higher elevations, clouds may
 Influence of land and water on climate
 These clouds can generate local
thunderstorms that may move off the
mountains and into surrounding lowlands
 Visually apparent in the elevational patterns of vegetation
o Night time cooling more pronounced bc thinner
in arid regions
atmosphere absorbs and reradiated less energy
 Grasslands  forests  alpine grasslands and allows more heat to be lost from the ground
 Vegetation reflects rapid change in climate that occur over surface
short distances in mountains  Allows more heat loss from ground
 ↓ temperature, ↑ precipitation, ↑ wind speed along with surface
elevation o Daily upslope and nightly downslope winds
 Windward slopes  Influences vegetation distributions in
o Air is forced upward when it encounters a temperate zones
o Uplifted air cools when it rises, water vapor EXCHANGE
condenses to form clouds and precipitation  Climate determines where and how organisms can live
o Amt of precipitation increases with elevation  Organisms also influence the climate system in several
o Windward slopes = slopes that face the prevailing ways
wind  Amount and type of vegetation influences how the ground
 Rainshadow effect on the leeward slope surface interacts with solar radiation and wind and how
o Lose most of moisture before cresting over the much water it loses to the atmosphere
summits o Albedo – amount of solar radiation that a surface
o Loss of moisture + warming of air as it moves reflects
down dries the air mass  Influenced by presence and type of
o Lower precipitation and soil moisture vegetation, soil, and topography
o Sparser and more resistant vegetation  Texture of earth’s surface is also influenced by vegetation
o Rough surface allows greater transfer of energy to
atmosphere by convection than smooth surface
o Vegetation disrupts air flow at ground surface   PERIHELION  Point where earth is closest to the sun
turbulence  brings more surface air into the in January
atmosphere  APHELION  point where earth is farthest away (July)
o Vegetation can cool atmosphere through
o Transpiration – evaporation of water from inside a
plant via its leaves
o ↑ leaf area per unit of ground surface area, ↑

 EVOTRANSPIRATION – water loss from transpiration +

water loss from evaporation
o Evotranspiration transfers energy (latent heat) as
well as water into the atmosphere

 ↓ vegetation, ↑ albedo, ↓ absorption of solar radiation, ↓

heating of land surgace
o lower heat gain is offset by lower evotranspirative
o lower latent heat flux due to loss of leaf area
o Lower evotranspiration reduce surface cooling
and leads to lower precipitation CHAPTER III – THE BIOSPHERE
o TLDR: warmer, drier regional climate
Great plains (central part of NAmerica) vs. Serengeti plain of
 Axis tilted at an angle of 23.5 ‐ Dati superficially similar
 365.25 day jourey around the sun
‐ GP – low biological diversity; SP – largest and most  warm, seasonally invariant temps
diverse  seasonal rhythms are generally absent and plants
Extinction of large mammals of N. America grow continuously
‐ Changes in habitat or food supply  substantial amount of living plant biomass
Terrestrial biomes are characterized by the growth forms of the  most productive ecosystems
dominant vegetation.  *contain 50% of Earth’s species
 In Central and south America, Africa, Australia and
Biomes southeast asia
 large-scale biological communities shaped by  Characterized by broad-leaved evergreen and
physical environment in w/c they are found deciduous trees
 reflect climate variation  Light
 categorized by most common growth forms of plants  5 layers of plants
o size and morphology o Emergent trees – make up canopy of the
 ex. Leaves – thickness, forest
deciduousness, succulence o Lianas – wood vines
o immobile, must cope with environmental o Epiphytes – grow on tree branches; cling to
extremes to survive and biological pressures canopy and emergent trees
(competition for water, nutrients, light) o Understory – grow in shade of canopy
o plant growth factors are good indicators of o Shrubs and forbs – forest floor
physical envt  Threat: Disappearing rapidly due to logging and
o different forms in response to selection conversion of forests to pasture and croplands
 Regrowing but soils are nutrient-poor so longer
 selection pressures: aridity, high
and subfreezing temps, intense
solar radiation, nutrient-poor soils,
grazing by animals, crowding by
 Rainfall becomes seasonal, pronounced wet and dry
 deciduous leaves – exposure to
subfreezing temperatures/
Large gradient in climate
extended dry period
 woody tissues – increase height  Vegetation: shorter stature, lower tree densities, an
and ability to capture sunlight increasing degree of drought deciduousness, leaves
dropping from the trees during the dry season
Convergence: evolution of similar growth forms among
distantly related species in response to similar selection  Abundance of grasses and shrubs, fewer trees
pressures  Include tropical dry forests, thorn woodlands, tropical
Terrestrial communities  Frequency of fires depends on length of dry season
 Tropical forests – multiple verdant layers, high growth  Savannas: promoted by recurrent fires; communities
rates & tremendous species diversity dominated by grasses with intermixed trees and
 Polar regions – scattered cover of tiny plants clinging shrubs
to the ground, high winds, low temps, dry soils  Thorn woodlands
o Dominated by widely spaced trees and
Tropics = high rainfall and warm, invariant temperatures shrubs
Subtropical regions = rainfall more seasonal, pronounced dry o Thorns on trees – deterrent to herbivores
and wet seasons o In regions with climates intermediate
Deserts = zones of high pressure, rain-shadow effects between tropical dry forests and savannas
Temperate and polar zones = subfreezing temperatures during  Threat: human demand for wood and agricultural
winter land; conversion to cropland and pasture

Land use change: effects of land conversion and resource 3. DESERTS

extraction by humans  Sparse populations of plants and animals
‐ grasslands are transformed the most  High temps and low water availability
 Subtropical position due to descending air of Hadley
 in low-altitude tropics where precipitation exceeds
2,000 mm annually
o Descending air creates zones of high  Help deter consumption by
pressure which inhibit the formation of herbivores and prevent wilting as
storms and their associated precipitation water is lost
 Low precipitation + high temperature + high rates of  Fire as common feature
evapotranspiration  limited supply of water o Without regular fires (30-40 year intervals)
 Major desert zones in the Sahara, the Arabian temperate shrublands may be replaced by
deserts, the Atacama Desert of Chile and Peru, the forests of oaks, pines, junipers, or
Chihuahuan, Sonoran and Mojave deserts of N. eucalyptus
America o Regular fire + unique climate of temperate
 Stem succulence in desert plants – store water; help shrublands = promote high species diversity
plant continue function during dry periods  Threats: converted to croplands and vineyards
 Drought deciduous shrubs and grasses o Climate and nutrient-poor soils limited extent
 Abundance of organisms may be low, species of agricultural and pastoral development
diversity high o Increase in human populations  increase
 Threats: freq of fire  decrease ability of shrubs to
o Livestock grazing – risky due to recover  replacement by invasive annual
unpredictable nature of the precipitation grasses
o Agriculture – failed due to salinization
 Desertification: loss of plant cover and soil erosion 6. TEMPERATE DECIDUOUS FORESTS
due to long-term droughts and unsustainable grazing  Deciduous leaves solution to extended periods of
practices freezing weather
o Leaves more sensitive to freezing bc of high
4. TEMPERATE GRASSLANDS lvl of psychological activity associated with
 Vast, undulating expanses of grass-dominated photosynthesis
landscapes  Enough rainfall to support tree growth & soils fertile
 Greater seasonal temperature variation than tropical enough to supply nutrients lost when leaves are shed
climates, w/ increasing periods of subfreezing in the fall
temperatures toward the poles  Primarily limited to Northern Hemisphere
 Warm, moist summers and cold, dry winters  Eastern and western edges of Eurasia, eastern north
 Precipitation high enough to support forests America
 Frequent fires and grazing prevent establishment of  Oak, maple, beech trees
trees and maintain dominance of grasses  Canopy trees, shorter trees, shrubs and forbs
 Threats: agricultural and pastoral development  Species diversity lower than tropical forests
o Central north America and Eurasia  Threat : Focus for agricultural development
 Most human-influenced biome on earth o Fertile soils and climate conducive to growth
 Summer rainy season of crops
o Widespread forest clearing for crop and
 Seasonality of precipitation o Agriculture shifted toward temperate
 Woodlands: open canopy of trees, and shrublands in grasslands and the tropics
regions with a winter rainy season o Species in second-growth forests differ:
 Nutrient loss from soil
 Precipitation primarily in winter and hot, dry weather
 Loss of some species due to
occurs throughout late spring, summer and fall
introductions of invasive species
 Evergreen shrubs and trees
o Evergreen leaves – allow plants to be active
during cooler, wetter periods and lower their
 Wide range of environmental conditions – warm
nutrient requirements since they do not have
coastal zones to cool continental and maritime
to develop new leaves
o Sclerophyllous trees – tough, leathery, stiff
 well adapted to dry soils and  Precipitation varies
continue to photosynthesize and o “temperate rainforests” – temperate
grow at reduce rates during hot, dry evergreen forests with high levels of
summer. precipitation
 Nutrient-poor soils due to acidic nature onf leaves of
evergreen trees
 Regular fires promote persistence
 Northern and Southern Hemispheres  Sedges, forbs, grasses & low-growing shrubs (heaths,
 Diversity lower than deciduous and tropical forests willows, birches)
 Needle-leaved conifers (pines, junipers, Douglas fir)  Lichens and mosses
 Threats:  Summer growing season is short, days are long
o Conifers – high-quality wood and pulp for  Plant and lichens survive long winter by going
paper production dormant, maintaining living tissues under the
 Subjected to extensive clearing snow/soil, where they are insulated from cold air
o Suppression of naturally occurring fires temps
 More intense fires when they do  Similarities with Taiga
occur, increased spread of insect o Temperatures are cold
pests and pathogens o Precipitation is low
o Air pollution – damage and more susceptible o Permafrost is widespread
to stress  Many areas wet – permafrost keeps the precipitation
that does fall from percolating to deeper soil layers
8. BOREAL FORESTS/ TAIGA  Repeated freezing and thawing of surface soil layers
 Severity of winters  polygons of soil at surface with upraised rims and
 Plants cope with low air temperatures and permafrost depressed centers
o Permafrost: subsurface soil layer that  Where soils are coarser and no permafrost  soils
remains frozen year-round for at least 3 may be dry plant cope with low water availability
years  Herds of caribou and musk oxen + predators (wolves
 Impedes water drainage, soils are and brown bears) + migratory birds
moist to saturated  Largest pristine regions on Earth
 Precipitation is low  Human activities:
 Coniferous species – spruces, pines, larches o Exploration and devt of energy resources
(deciduous needle-leaved trees) + extensive o Climate warming
deciduous birch forests  Increased losses of permafrost
o Conifers resist damage from winter freezing  Catastrophic lake drainage
better than angiosperm trees  Reduced carbon storage in the soil
 Only in N. Hemisphere
o Largest biome in area Mountains
o 1/3 of Earth’s forested land  Create climate gradients
 Soils are cold and wet  limit decomposition of plant  Temp decreases rapidly with elevation
 Rate of plant growth > rate of decomposition Mountain biological zones:
 During extensive summer droughts – conducive to  Base – grasslands
forest fires set off by lightning  Lower montane zone – initial slope; pine savannas
 Threats:  Montane zone – denser strands of mixed pine-aspen
o Less affected by human activities forest; resemble temperate evergreen and deciduous
o Logging forest biomes
o Oil and gas development – mining of oil  Subalpine zone – spruce and fir trees; resemble
sands boreal forest biome
o Global carbon cycle o Mountain treelines similar to transition from
 Store of organic matter in the soil boreal forest to tundra
 Climate warming  more rapid  Alpine zone – diminutive plants (sedges, grasses,
decomposition  higher rates of forbs)
carbon release from boreal forest o Resembles the tundra
soils  increasing atmospheric o Higher wind speeds
greenhouse gas concentrations  o More intense solar radiation
additional warming o Lower atmospheric partial pressures of O2
and CO2
 Trees cease to be dominant FRESHWATER BIOLOGICAL ZONES
 Primarily in arctic and edges of Antarctic Peninsula Biological zones in freshwater ecosystems are associated with
 Zones of high pressure  poleward decrease in the velocity, depth, temperature, clarity, and chemistry of the
temp and precipitation water
o Open water inhabited by plankton (small
 Freshwater streams, rivers, lakes organisms suspended in water)
 Characterized by both plants and animals  Photic zone
o Reflect abundance of animals in aquatic o Phytoplankton – photosynthetic plankton;
ecosystems limited to surface layer of water with enough
 Lotic = flowing water light for photosynthesis
 First order streams (smallest streams at highest o Zooplanktons – tiny animals and protists
elevations)  Littoral zone
 Second-order streams – 2 first-order streams converged o Nearshore zone where photic zone reaches
 Individual streams form repeated patterns of riffles and to lake bottom
pools o Macrophytes, benthic phytoplankton, fish,
o Riffles: fast-moving portions of the stream zooplankton
flowing over coarse particles on stream bed, w/c  Benthic zone
increase oxygen input into water o Detritus as energy source for animals, fungi
o Pools: deeper portions of stream where water and bacteria; coldest part; low oxygen
flows more slowly over a bed of fine sediments concentration

Spatial zonation of a stream: Marine biological zones are determined by ocean depth, light
 Main channel – flowing water; swimmers (ex. Fishes) availability, and the stability of the bottom substrate
 Benthic zone – bottom of the stream ‐ Physical location relative to shorelines and ocean
o Home to invertebrates that consume detritus bottom
(dead organic matter): o Nearshore
 Mayfly and fly larvae o Shallow ocean
o Or hunt other organisms: o Pelagic
 Caddisflies and crustaceans o Photic
 Hyporheic zone – substrate below and adjacent to the o Benthic
stream where water still flows
o Rotifers, copepods, insects Tides: by gravitational attraction between Earth and moon and
River continuum concept
 As stream flows downslope and increase in size, input NEARSHORE ZONES:
of detritus from vegetation adjacent to the stream
(riparian vegetation) decreases relative to volume of 1.) Estuaries
water and particle size in stream bed decreases, ‐ Junction of a river with ocean
facilitating greater establishment of aquatic plants in ‐ Variations in salinity
downstream direction o Flow of fresh water into ocean
o Influx of salt water flowing from ocean
 Importance of vegetation as food source decreases in
downstream direction ‐ Shellfish, crabs, marine worms, seagrasses
o Detritus important in stream source ‐ Threatened by water pollution carried by rivers
o Fine organic matter, algae and macrophytes
important downstream 2.) Salt marshes
‐ Formed by terrestrial sediments carried to shorelines
 Feeding styles of organism
by rivers
o Shredders – adapted to tear up and chew
‐ Dominated by vascular plants (grasses, rushes,
leaves; higher parts of stream
broad-leaved herbs)
o Collectors – collect fine particles from water;
most abundant in lower parts ‐ Input of nutrients from rivers enhance productivity
‐ Periodic flooding of marsh at high tide result in
gradient of salinity
Human effects on lotic systems: o Highest portions of the marsh can be most
saline bc infrequent flooding & evaporation
 Pollution - fertilizer
of water from the soil  progressive buildup
 Increase in inputs of sediments – deforestation
 Introductions of non-native species ‐ Food and protection for fish, crabs, birds and
Lentic ecosystems: lake and still waters
Lake biotic assemblages: 1. Mangrove forests
 Pelagic zone
‐ Shallow coastal estuaries and nearby mudflats o Increased atmospheric CO2  increased
inhabited by salt-tolerant evergreen trees and shrubs ocean acidification  inhibit ability of corals
‐ Mangrove roots trap mud and sediments carried by to form skeletons
water  build up and modify shoreline o Increased incidence of fungal infections
‐ Provide nutrients to other marine ecosystems &
habitat for numerous animals 2. Seagrass beds
‐ Manatees, crab-eating monkeys, fishing cats, monitor ‐ Seagrasses – submerged flowering plants
lizards ‐ Found on subtidal marine sediments, with mud/fine
‐ Threatened by; sand
o Human development of coastal areas – ‐ Vegetative growth; produce seeds
shrimp farms ‐ Marine algae grown on surface
o Water pollution ‐ Threat:
o Diversion of inland freshwater sources o Inputs of nutrients from agricultural activities
o Cutting of the forests for wood  increase density of algae
o Susceptible to periodic outbreaks of fungal
2. Rocky intertidal zones diseases
‐ Stable substrate for algae and animals to anchor to
keep from being washed away by pounding waves 3. Kelp beds
‐ Intertidal: part of shoreline affected by rise and fall of ‐ In clear, shallow temperate ocean waters
tides ‐ Large brown algae
‐ zones associated with tolerance for temp changes, o With specialized tissues resembling leaves
salinity, desiccation, wave action, interactions with (fronds), stems (stipes), roots (holdfasts)
other organisms: o Anchors on solid substrate
o Sessile/attached organisms – barnacles, ‐ Sea urchins, lobsters, mussels, abalones, seaweeds,
mussels and seaweeds; cope with stresses sea otters
o Mobile organisms – sea stars, sea urchins;
move to tidepools to minimize exposure to OPEN OCEAN
stresses  Pelagic zone: vastness and depth of open ocean
beyond the continental shelves
3. Sandy shores o Light availability determine life of
‐ No stable anchoring surface photosynthetic organisms  food
‐ Lack of seaweed  limit supply of potential food for o Nektons: swimming organisms capable
herbivorous animal of overcoming ocean currents –
‐ Beneath the sand, invertebrates (sea worms & mole cephalopods, fishes, sea turtles,
crabs) find suitable habitat mammals
‐ Smaller organisms (polychaete worms, hydroids) and o Phytoplankton, zooplankton, pelagic
copepods live among grain of sands seabirds
o Protected from temp changes, desiccation at o Organisms must overcome effect of
low tide, turbulent water at high tide gravity and water currents
 Sargassum with gas-filled
bladders for buoyancy
SHALLOW OCEAN ZONES o Deep-sea fishes w weak bone structure
1. Coral reefs to reduce weight, & lack gas bladder
‐ Warm, shallow ocean water; form large colonies since high pressures would collapse it
‐ Symbiotic relationship with algae  Photic zone: surface waters with enough light for
o Obtain energy photosynthesis; highest densities of organisms
o Provide protection and nutrients  Benthic zone: ocean bottom
‐ Extract calcium carbonate from seawater o Low temp, high pressure
‐ Reefs – massive formations when piled up o Bacteria, protists, sea worms
‐ Threat by human activities: o Sea starts, sea cucumbers in ocean
o Sediments carried by rivers  cover and kill floor
corals o Benthic predators use bioluminescence
o Excess nutrients increase algae growth  to lure prey
increase coral mortality
o Changes in ocean temp  loss of algal Services from marine biological zones
partners (bleaching)  Food production
 Protection of coastal areas from erosion Stress: environmental change results in decrease in rate of an
 Uptake and stabilization of pollutants and nutrients important physiological process, lowering the potential for an
 Recreation organism’s survival, growth/reproduction

Effects of human activities Acclimatization: organisms adjust physiology,

 Change in water temp morphology/behavior to lessen effect of an environmental
 Ocean acidification change and minimize associated stress; short term, reversible
 Increase in UV radiation process
 Inputs of pollutants overharvesting of sea creatures
Adaptation: change in genetic makeup as abundance of
The overkill hypothesis: rapidity of extinctions and greater individuals with favored traits increased
proportions of large animals reflected by hunting efficiency of  Similarity with acclimatization – change that minimize
early humans stress
 Difference – long term, genetic response of
population to environmental stress that increases its
ecological success under stressful conditions
Ecotypes: populations with adaptations to unique
Case study: Frozen frogs environments
 Cryonics: preservation of bodies of deceased people
at subfreezing temperatures The temperature of an organism is determined by exchanges
o Goal of bringing them back to life and of energy with the external environement
restoring them to good health  Aquatic environment – temperature changes over
seasonal and daily time scales
How organisms cope with the environmental extremes they  Open ocean environment – very little temporal
face: tolerance & avoidance variation; ocean’s massive volume and heat capacity
 50 degrees Celsius – extreme upper limit for
Physiological ecology: interactions between organisms and metabolically active plants & animals
physical environment that influence their survival and  -2 - -5 degrees Celsius – extreme lower limit; water in
persistence cells freeze
 Dormancy: little/no metabolic activity; survive periods
Problems to overcome to survive freezing: of extreme heat/cold
 Water forms needle-like crystals that can penetrate  Internal temperature – energy it gains & energy it
and destroy cell membranes and organelles loses
 Supply of oxygen to tissue is restricted due to lack of
circulation and breathing Temperature controls physiological activity:
 As ice forms, pure water is pulled from cells   Enzymes – catalyze biochemical reactions; stable at
resulting in shrinkage & increase in solute limited range of temps
concentration o at high temp – lose structural
integrity/denatured (40 – 70 degrees C)
Each species has a range of environmental tolerances that o upper limit is lower than temp which
determines its potential geographic distribution. enzymes become denatured
o extreme lower limit is -5 degrees
Ecological success and physical environment o isozymes: diff enzymes produced by some
 Ability to obtain energy and resources required to species w/ diff temp optima, acclimatization
maintain its metabolic function (grow and reproduce) to changes in environmental temp
 Extreme environmental conditions  influencing the properties of membranes – lipid
o If exceed what an organism can tolerate  molecules
die o low temps – solidify, proteins and enzymes
o Actual distribution differs from potential lose their function
distribution due to dispersal ability, o lose function as filters when solidified, leak
disturbance interactions with other cellular metabolites
organisms  water availability
Climate envelope: range of climate conditions under which o warmer the air, more water vapor it can hold
species occur; predict response to climate change o rate of water loss in bodies increases as air
temperature increases
 ∆Hanimal = SR + IRin – IRout ± Hconv ± Hcond - Hevap + Hmet
Modify energy balance:  Internal generation of heat
 conduction o Maintain relatively constant internal temps
o contact of warm skin with cool water cause near the optimum for physiological function
heat E to be lost from body o Expand geographic ranges
o direct transfer of E from warmer, more  Ectotherms: regulate body temp through E exchange
rapidly moving molecules to cooler, more with external environment
slowly moving molecules o Greater tolerance for variations in body temp
 convection vs. endotherms, bc less able to adjust body
o when cool water and air move across temp
surface of warmer body, heat E is carried o Exchange of heat btwn animal and envt
away depends on surface area relative to volume
o latent heat transfer – water from liquid to of the animal
vapor as it evaporates on skin’s surface  Larger SA relative to V = greater
 moving into shade lowers amount of E received from heat exchange, but harder to
solar radiation maintain a constant internal temp
 Smaller SA relative to V = decrease
In plants animal’s ability to gain/lose heat
 heat loss through transpiration and evaporation  Surface area-to-volume ratio
(evapotranspiration) decreases as body size increases
 ∆Hplant = SR + IRin – IRout ± Hconv ± Hcond - Het  ability to exchange heat with
o If plant warmer than surrounding air, Hconv environment decreases
and H cond negative o Small aquatic ectotherms at same temp with
o ∆Hplant is (+) = more energy input than output surrounding water
o ∆Hplant is (-) = more heat is lost than gained o Some larger aquatic animals can maintain
 Adjustments – leaves (primary photosynthetic organs body temp warmer than surrounding water
& most temp-sensitive) o Skipjack tuna /Katsuwonis pelamis – use
o Change in rate of transpirational water loss muscle activity/heat exchange btwn blood
 Stomates – guard cells; control vessels to maintain body temp
rate of transpiration; gateway for o Mobility – adjust body temp by moving to
both transpirational water loss and places that are warmer/cooler
uptake of CO2 o Reptiles alter coloration and change
o Change in leaf surface reflective orientation to the sun
properties/leaf orientation toward sun o Activities of ectothermic animals are limited
 High demand to replace fallen to certain temp ranges
leaves may favor protecting existing o Ectotherm in temperate and polar regions
leaves  Avoid -Seasonal migration;
 Pubescence: presence of light- movement to local microhabitats
colored or white hairs on leaf  Tolerate – minimize damage
surface, wc lowers amount of solar associated with ice formation in
radiation absorbed by leaf surface; cells and tissues
lower effectiveness of convective  Glycerol – minimize
heat loss formation of ice crystals
 Drier environment  more leaf and lower freezing point of
pubescence  reflect more solar body fluids
radiation  Endotherms: rely primarily on internal heat
o Change surface roughness (convective heat generation; birds & mammals
transfer) o Other examples:
 Heat loss from leaf by convection –  some fishes
air temp < leaf temp  insects – bees generate heat for
 Boundary layer: zone of turbulent metabolic function and defense;
flow; lowers convective heat loss contracting flight muscles; swarm
 Air flowing close to surface of leaf larger invader (hornets)
 friction  flow more turbulent  few plant species – Symplocarpus
 lower convective heat loss foetidus warms its flowers during
In animals: spring
o tolerate narrower range of body temps (30-  Water flows along energy gradients, high energy to
45 degrees Celsius) low energy
o expand geographic ranges and times of year o Gravity – gradient of potential energy
active o Pressure – elephants
o high demand for food to supply E to support  When solutes are dissolved in water, solution loses
metabolic heat pdtn energy
o rate of metabolic activity - external temp and  Osmotic potential: energy associated with dissolved
rate of heat loss solutes
 rate of heat loss related to body  Gravitational potential: energy associated with
size due to influence on surface gravity; in very tall trees
area-to-volume ratio  Pressure/turgor potential: energy associated with
 small endotherms – higher exertion of pressure
metabolic rates more E  Matric potential: energy associated with attractive
 higher feeding rates forces on the surfaces of large molecules inside cells
o thermoneutral zone: maintain constant or on the surfaces of soil particles
basal (resting) metabolic rate over a range of  Water potential: overall water energy status
environmental temperatures o Ψ = ΨO + Ψp + Ψm
o lower critical temperature: environmental  Osmotic potential: (-) cos lowers E
temp drops at point wc heat loss > metabolic status of water
heat pdtn body temp drops  increase in  Pressure potential: (+) if pressure is
metabolic heat generation exerted; (-) if under tension
o retain metabolically generated heat  Matric potential: (-)
 insulation: feathers, furs, fat –  Resistance: force that impedes movement of water
provide barrier limiting conductive along E gradient
heat loss o Waxy cuticle, skin
 feathers and furs provide  Soils as reservoirs of water
layer of still air similar to o Balance btwn water inputs and outputs, soil
boundary layer texture, topography
o torpor: state of dormancy; small endotherms o Matric potential – attractive forces on
alter their lower critical temperature during surfaces of soil particles
cold periods  Sandy soils – less water than fine-
 metabolic rate is 50%-90% lower textured soils (hold onto water more
than its basal metabolic rate, tightly)
substantial energy savings  Mixed coarse and fine particles –
 length of time limited by reserves of effective in storing water &
energy supplying it to plants and soil
 daily torpor organisms
o hibernation: several weeks during winter Water balance
 only possible for animals with
 Water balance of single-celled microorganisms
enough food
determined by osmotic potential
 store enough energy reserves (fat)
 Osmotic adjustment: acclimatization response that
 rare in polar climates
involves changing their solute concentration and
o Denning: large animals; long-term winter
osmotic potential
o Synthesizing organic solutes/ use inorganic
 Body temp decreases only slightly
salts from medium
The water balance of an organism is determined by exchanges
In plants
of water and solutes with the external environment.
 Rigid cell wall of cellulose
 Maintain water balance and balance uptake and loss
o Bacteria and fungi –
of solutes/salts
o Movements of water and salts influence
o Water balance due to positive turgor
each other
pressure – resist pressure
o Hyperosmotic = aquatic environment more
saline  Wilting – sign of water stress
o Isosmotic = same salinity  Take up water fr sources w water potential higher
o Hypoosmotic = less saline than organism’s than their own
cells/blood  Cell membranes act as solute filter
 Terrestrial plants acquire water via roots
o Earliest land plants wo roots o tradeoff btwn resistance to water loss &
 Mycorrhizal fungi – take up water evaporative cooling
and nutrients fr soil  arthropods
 Lose water by transpiration when stomates open to o highest resistance to water loss among
allow CO2 terrestrial animals
o Replace water to avoid water stress o outer exoskeleton of hard chitin & coated w
 Soil (highest water potential)  roots  xylem  waxy hydrocarbons that prevents water movt
leaves  kangaroo rats
 Daytime dehydration and nighttime rehydration o rarely drink water
 If leaf cells become dehydrated that turgor is lost  o eat dry seeds
stomates close o oxidative metabolism – converting carbs and
 Shed leaves fats into water & CO2
 Signaling system that prevents water stress o minimize water loss
o Soil dries  roots send hormonal signal  active at night during hot periods
(abscisic acid) to guard cells  close  underground burrows during the
stomates  lower rate of water loss day
 Plants of dry envt  thicker, oilier skin, with fewer sweat
o w thick waxy coating (cuticle) on leaves glands
o maintain higher ration of root biomass to  effective removal of water by their
biomass of stems and leaves kidneys and intestines – produce
 alter growth of roots most concentrated urine
 wet soils + harmful fungal species = root death  cut
off water supply  wilting
 marine invertebrates – isosmotic in seawater
 marine vertebrates Toolmaking crows: a case study
o sharks & rays – isosmotic
 Wolfgang Kohler
o marine teleost & mammals – hypoosmotic in
seawater o Observed chimps in captivity made tools to
o fish exchange water and salts through gills retrieve bananas stashed
(organs of O2 and CO2 exchange)
 freshwater animals – hyperosmotic; gain water and  Jane Goodall
lose salts
 excess water – dilute urine o Chimpanzees using grass blades & plant
 terrestrial animals stems to fish termites in holes
o lower evaporative water loss - high skin  Gavin Hunt
 tradeoff – compromise exchange of o Corvids (crows, ravens, magpies, jays)
gases with atmosphere
o living in envt for high water intake o Use food-collecting tools manufactured from
 trade off – reliance is risky if source plants
of water fails
 invertebrates have higher tolerance for water loss  Hooked twig fashioned from a shoot
 amphibians – higher tolerance but lower resistance to stripped of its leaves and bark
water loss than mammals & birds  Serrated leaf clipped from
o rely on stable water supply Pandanus tree
o thin skin – low resistance to water loss
 reptiles o Snag insect larvae, spiders, other arthropods
o thick skin – protection for internal organs; & pull them from wood
effective barrier to water loss
o outer skin – plates/scales; very high  A cost to tool use: collecting materials and fashioning
resistance to water loss tools can be time-consuming
 sweat glands in mammals
Stable isotope measurements to evaluate food and measure
lipid contents of potential food
 Animals act as autotrophs; consume photosynthetic
Energy organisms/by living with them in a close relationship
 Determine physiological maintenance, growth, Radiant and chemical energy captured by autotrophs is
reproduction converted into stored energy in carbon-carbon bonds
 Energy input stops  biological functioning stops AUTOTROPHY

o Enzyme system fails Photosynthesis: use sunlight to provide the energy needed to
take up carbon dioxide and synthesize organic compounds
o Cell membrane degrade
 Jan Baptist van Helmont: tested theory that plants
o Organelles cease to operate obtained raw material for their growth from soil
o Measured mass of dry soil in a pot 
Organisms obtain energy from sunlight, from inorganic planted a willow sapling
chemical compound, or through the consumption of organic o Photosynthetic uptake from CO2 from the air
compounds. was source of tree’s weight gain
 Photosynthetic organisms – some archaea, bacteria,
protists; most algae and plants
Sources of energy
 Leaves – primary tissue; but also in stem and
 Radiant energy: light from sun reproductive tissue
 Kinetic energy: motion of molecules that make up  Conversion of CO2 into carbs  used for energy
the objs storage and biosynthesis
 Chemical energy: stored in food consumed  Responsible for movement of CO2
Autotrophs 2 major steps:

 Energy from sunlight (photosynthetic) or from 1) Light-driven reactions

inorganic chemical compounds in their environment  Harvesting of energy from sunlight used to
(chemosynthetic) split water to provide electrons generating
 Convert E from sunlight/inorganic compounds  ATP and NADPH
chemical E stored in carbon-carbon bonds  Chlorophyll
Heterotrophs o Sunlight harvesting
o Green appearance because it
 Consume energy-rich organic compounds made by absorbs red and blue light, reflects
other organisms green
 Detritivores: consume nonliving organic matter  Additional pigments/accessory pigments
(earthworms & fungi) o Carotenoids – absorb blue and
 Parasites and herbivores: consume living organisms green, reflect red, yellow and
but not necessarily kill them orange
 Predators: consumers that capture and kill prey  Pigments
Holoparasites o In plants – in chloroplasts
 Holo = entire/whole o Bacteria – embedded in cell
 Plants that lost photosynthetic function and obtain E membrane
by parasitizing other plants o Photons: discrete units of light from
 No photosynthetic pigments; heterotrophs wc energy is absorbed
 Energy used to split water
 Ex. Dodder – attach to host plant by growing spirals
& provide electrons
around the stem and penetrate phloem of the host
using modified roots (haustoria) to take up carbs  Splitting of water generates oxygen
Hemiparasites o Atmospheric oxygen led to creation
of a layer of ozone (O3) that shields
 Photosynthetic but obtain some of their energy, organisms from high-E ultraviolet
nutrients and water from host plants radiation
 Ex. Mistletoe – draws water, nutrients and energy 2) Carbon reactions
from host tree  Fixation of carbon and synthesis of sugars
Symbiosis and subsequently carbs
 Carbon dioxide taken up from atmosphere  Closing stomates limits
through stomates photosynthetic CO2 uptake,
 Ribulose 1,5 bisphosphate increases chances of light damage
carboxylase/oxygenase (rubisco)  Carotenoids to release energy as
o Enzyme; catalyzes uptake of CO2 heat
and synthesis of a three-carbon  Temperature
compound o influence rates of chemical reaction and
(phosphoglyceraldehyde/PGA) influence structural integrity of membranes
 PGA converted to six carbon and enzymes
sugar o acclimatize by synthesizing different forms of
Net reaction of photosynthesis: photosynthetic enzymes with different temp
6 CO2 + 6 H2O  C6H12O6 + 6 O2
o influence fluidity of cell and organelle
Constraints and solutions: members
o cold sensitivity – loss of membrane fluidity
 Light o high temps + intense sunlight – damage
o Light response curve: portray relationship photosynthetic membranes
between light level and plant’s  Nutrient concentrations
photosynthetic rate o Reflect leaves photosynthetic potential
o Light compensation point: there is enough o Most nitrogen associated with rubisco &
light that the plant’s photosynthetic CO2 photosynthetic enzymes
uptake is balanced by its CO2 loss by o Higher amounts of nitrogen = higher
photosynthetic rates
o Photosynthesis is limited by availability of
o Why don’t all plants allocate their nitrogen in
light leaves?
o Light saturation point: photosynthesis  Supply of nitrogen is low relative to
increases only slightly as light increases
demand; N needed for growth and
o Acclimatization to diff light levels involves a
other metabolic functions
shift in the light saturation point  Increasing [N] = increase risk that
 Olle Bjorkman herbivores will consume the leaf,
 Morphological changes – alter
plant-eating animals are often N
thickness of leaves, variation in
number of chloroplasts Chemosynthesis: use energy from inorganic compounds to
 Alter density of light harvesting produce carbohydrates
pigments & amounts of
photosynthetic enzymes available  Chemosynthetic bacteria/archaea – earliest
for carbon reactions autotrophs; named after inorganic substrate they use
o Average light levels is near transition point for E
btwn light limitation and light saturation  Organisms obtain electrons from inorganic
 Chlorophyll f substrate/oxidize the inorganic substrate  electrons
o Absorb light in the near-infrared region, just two generate 2 ATP and NADPH (nicotinamide
beyond the red wavelengths adenine dinucleotide phosphate)  use energy to
o Allow cyanobacteria to grow underneath take up carbons from gaseous CO2 (fixation of CO2)
other photosynthetic organisms that use light  fixed carbon synthesizes carbohydrates/other
in the blue and red wavelengths organic molecules  stored
 Water availability – constraint on supply of CO2  Alternate: bacteria use electrons from the inorganic
o Low water availability  closure of stomates substrate directly to fix carbon
 restricting entry of CO2 into leaves  Ex. Nitrifying bacteria
 Trade-off: water conservation vs o Found in aquatic & terrestrial
energy gain o Convert ammonium into nitrite  oxidize to
 Keeping stomates open while tissue nitrate
lose water can permanently impair o Nitrogen cycling and plant nutrition
physiological processes  Ex. Sulfur bacteria
o Volcanic deposits, sulfur hot springs, acidic C4 photosynthesis
mine wastes
 Reduces photorespiration
o Use higher energy forms of sulfur, H2S and
HS-  produce elemental sulfur (S) wc is  Found in 18 plant families; grass family
insoluble and highly visible in the envt  Corn, sugarcane, sorghum
o S as an electron donor to produce sulfate  Biochemical specialization – pump that provides high
(SO42-) concs of CO2 to the Calvin cycle
Calvin cycle: most common biochemical pathway in fixing o Greater supply of CO2 lowers rate of O2
carbon uptake by rubisco, reducing photorespiration
 Morphological specialization – spatial separation of
 Melvin Calvin regions in leaf where CO2 is taken up (mesophyll) and
 Catalyzed by several enzymes, occurs in where Calvin cycle operates (bundle sheath)
chemosynthetic and photosynthetic o Increase [CO2] where rubisco is found
**Carbon as measure of energy – since E stored in C-C bonds  Steps:
Environmental constraints have resulted in the evolution of o CO2 initially taken up by enzyme
biochemical pathways that improve the efficiency of phosphoenol pyruvate carboxylase
photosynthesis. (PEPcase)
 Greater capacity to take up CO2
than rubisco
Photorespiration  Lacks oxygenase activity
 PEPcase fixes CO2 in mesophyll
 Rubisco can catalyze 2 competing reactions: tissue
o Carboxylase reaction – CO2 taken up  o Once CO2 is taken up, 4-carbon compound
synthesis of sugars  release of O2 is synthesized and transported to bundle
o Oxygenase reaction – O2 taken up  sheath where Calvin cycle occurs
breakdown of carbon compounds  release o 4-C compound broken down releasing CO2
of CO2 to the Calvin cycle
 Oxygenase; net loss of energy, potentially detrimental o 3-C compound transported back to
for plants mesophyll to continue C4 cycle
 2 main factors for photosynthesis & photorespiration: o Bundle sheath surrounded by waxy coating
o Ratio of O2 to CO2 in atmosphere that keeps CO2 from diffusing out
 As atmospheric [CO2] decreases  High [CO2]
relative to that of O2 = rate of  Photosynthesize at higher rates than C3 plants under
photorespiration increases relative environmental conditions that elevate rates of
to photosynthesis photorespiration
o Temperature  Water use efficiency – C4 plants have lower rates of
 Temp increases = rate of O2 uptake transpiration
catalyzed by rubisco increases =  Ability of PEPcase to take up CO2 under the lower
solubility of CO2 in cytoplasm CO2 concentrations that exist when stomates are not
decreases more than that of O2 fully open
 Photorespiration increases more
 Benefit of C4 photosynthesis at high temps
rapidly at high temps
 Protects the plant from damage to the photosynthetic
machinery at high light levels Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) pathway
o Experiment: tobacco plants genetically
 Separates CO2 uptake and Calvin cycle temporally
altered to elevate/lower plants’ rates of
 Open stomates at night
photorespiration. Subjected to high-intensity
o Air temps at night are cooler, humidity is
light and recorded damage
o Plants w higher rates of photorespiration
o Higher humidity  lower water potential
showed less damage
gradient btwn leaf and air  plant loses less
 If atmospheric CO2 concentrations are low and temps
water by transpiration
high, photosynthetic energy gain might not keep pace
with photorespiratory energy loss
 Close stomates at night when potential for water loss o For ex. When rubisco catalyzes uptake of
is highest CO2, it favors 12CO2 over 13CO2  plants
 During the night when stomata open: enriched in 12C and depleted in 13C
o Take up CO2 using PEPcase & incorporate it o C4 and CAM plants have less 12C and more
into 4-carbon organic acid stored in vacuoles 13C than C3 plants
o Increase in acidity in plant tissues during the  Initial CO2 uptake catalyzed by
night PEPcase which discriminates
 During the day when stomata close: against 13CO2
o Organic acid is broken down, releasing CO2 Heterotrophs have adaptations for acquiring and assimilating
to the Calvin cycle energy efficiently from a variety of organic sources.
o CO2 tissues higher than those in the Heterotrophs: consume energy-rich organic compounds fr
atmosphere during the day envt and convert to usable chemical E w/c breaks down carbs
 Efficiency of photosynthesis as they (glycolysis)
suppress photorespiration
 Capacity to store 4-C organic acid  > water does not provide E
o Succulent, with thick fleshy leaves/stems;  Energy in food found in “dry matter” fraction
enhance nighttime acid storage capacity o Fiber – cellulose; poor energy source
 Arid and saline environment; some in humid tropics o Carbohydrates – provide more E than amino acid
from proteins
 Tropical CAM plants – epiphytes; rely on rainfall
o Fats – richer in E than carbs
 Some aquatic plants
o Amino acids – provide N
o Facilitate uptake of CO2 at low concs found
o Secondary compounds – not good E source;
in aquatic envt
decrease energy intake by binding to digestive
 Facultative CAM: Can switch between C3 and CAM
o Herbivores eat more food to get same benefit as
o Conditions favorable for daytime exchange –
carnivores, but carnivores expend more E finding
C3 pathway (allows greater carbon gain than
Diverse strategies of obtaining food:
o As conditions become more arid/saline –
switch to CAM  Prokaryotic heterotrophs – absorb food through cell
How to measure what photosynthetic pathway is used? membrane
 Archaea, bacteria, fungi – excrete enzymes to evt; digest
 Succulent plants – CAM; well-developed bundle
food outside
sheath – C4
 Microorganisms – bioremediation; cleaning toxic chemical
 Measure presence & activity of specific enzymes
 Measure the proportions of stable carbon isotopes
o Oil spill as energy source
(13C/12C) in plant tissues
Diversity of insect mouthparts:
o Elements have an abundant “light” isotopic
form and one or more “heavy”  Houseflies – “sponging” mouthparts; release saliva onto
nonradioactive isotopic forms their food then soak up and ingest partially digested
o Stable isotopes – do not decay over time solution
o Ex. Carbon-13 heavier than more abundant  Female mosquitoes and aphids – piercing and sucking
form carbon-12 mouthparts for extracting fluids (bloods from animals; sap
o Delta = (Rsample-Rstandard)/ Rstandard x from plants)
1000  Biting flies – razor-sharp appendages that cut through skin
o Determine photosynthetic pathways in to draw blood for drinking
plants, identify food sources of animals, track Adaptation in bird bills:
movts of elements and rates of nutrient
cycling in ecosystems  Crossbills – asymmetrical bills with crossing tips; open
o Due to difference in mass, isotopes can be cones of coniferous trees and pull out seed for
discriminated consumption
o Speed of seed extraction – bill depth
o Speed of seed husking – width of bill where seed
is held
Digestion: breaks down proteins, carbs, fats into amino acids,
simple sugars and fatty acids
 Gizzards
 molars
 To cope w poor-quality diet, herbivores have longer
digestive tracts to increase food processing time and
increase surface area for absorbing energy
 Coprophagy – reingest feces; increase exposure of food to
digestive tract
 Ruminants – w rumen where large populns of bacteria
facilitate chemical breakdown of cellulose into simple
sugars; fermentation chamber
o Rumination – cud chewing; regurgitation of
material from forestomach for additional chewing;
“eat on the run” – consume large amounts of
plant in short time and minimize exposure to
 Acclimatization – adjust digestive morphologies and
produce diff enzymes
o Select best food source

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