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BIO 160 2nd Lecture Exam Reviewer  allele frequencies cannot possibly change over time unless

Chapter 06 – Evolution and Ecology the individuals in a population differ genetically

 mutation provide raw material for evolution
Case study: Trophy hunting and inadvertent evolution  happens too rarely; weak agent of allele frequency change
 Bighorn sheep – males with large curl of horns to
battle over the right to mate with female (2) Natural selection - Individuals with particular heritable
 Trophy hunting removes the largest and strongest traits consistently leave more offspring than do individuals
males (that would tend to sire large numbers of with other heritable traits
healthy offspring)  Only under certain environmental conditions
 Ave size of males and ave size of horns decreased 3 types:
 Directional selection
“Evolution can be viewed as genetic change over time or as a o Individuals with one extreme of a heritable
process of decent with modification” phenotypic trait (ex. Large size) are favored over
Evolution: change in organisms over time other individuals (small & medium-sized)
 Small fluctuations – genetic makeup of popln change o Ex. As a result of drought in Galapagos
 Larger changes – species become increasingly diff from archipelago, most seeds were large and hard to
ancestors crack, so birds (Seed-eating medium ground
Evolution is allele frequency change (genetic changes) finch; Geospiza fortis) with large beaks had
 Evolution as change over time in the frequencies advantage over birds with smaller beaks
(proportions) of different alleles in a population  Stabilizing selection
 Ex. Average horn size of male bighorn sheep decreased o Individuals with intermediate phenotype are
over time – horn size is a heritable trait. Trophy hunting favored
selectively eliminate rams with large horns, it favors rams o Ex. Eurosta flies parasitize goldenrod plants,
whose genetic characteristics lead to pdtn of small horns causing the plants to produce a gall in wc the fly
Evolution is descent with modification larva matures as it feeds on the plant. Wasps
 Populations accumulate differences over time, a new that parasitize and kill the fly larvae prefer small
species forms, it differs and resembles its ancestors galls, while birds that eat fly larvae prefer large
 Descent (shared ancestry, result to shared characteristics) galls. Thus, larvae in galls of intermediate size
and modification (differences) have an advantage
 Used by Charles Darwin to summarize the evolutionary  Disruptive selection
process in The Origin of Species o Individuals with phenotype at either extreme are
o Natural Selection: process by which individuals favored
w certain heritable characteristics survive and o Ex. African seedcrackers depend on 2 major food
reproduce more successfully than other plants. Birds with smaller mandible size can feed
individuals because of these characteristics on one plant’s soft seeds most efficiently, while
o ex. Populations of rock pocket mice that live on birds with larger mandible can feed on other
dark lava formations have dark coats, while plant’s hard seeds most efficiently.
nearby populations that live on light-colored  Alleles that encode a favored phenotype can increase in
rocks have light coats frequency
o by favoring individuals with diff heritable o Ex. Andean goose which live high in the Andes –
characteristics in diff populations, natural evolved a version of oxygen transport protein
selection can cause populations to diverge hemoglobin with unusually high affinity for
genetically – each population will accumulate oxygen and provides an advantage in their low-
more genetic differences oxygen,high-altitude environment
Populations evolve, not individuals  Fixation: allele at a frequency of 100%
 individuals with favored traits leave more offspring
 greater proportion of individuals in the population will have (3) Genetic drift – chance events affect which alleles are
traits favored by natural selection passed from one generation to the next
 cause the allele frequencies of the population to change  Alter frequencies significantly over short periods only in
over time small populations
4 related effects on evolution in small populations:
“Natural selection, genetic drift, and gene flow can cause allele a. Cause allele frequencies to fluctuate randomly in
frequencies in a population to change over time.” small populations over time. When this occurs, some
Mechanisms of Evolution alleles disappear from the population, while other
(1) Mutation – change in the DNA of a gene reach fixation.
 individuals differ from one another because they have b. By causing alleles to be lost from a population, genetic
different alleles of genes that influence their phenotype drift reduces the genetic variation of the population,
 mutation result from copying errors during cell division, making individuals more similar genetically.  reduce
mechanical damage when molecules and cell structures capacity of populn to evolve in response to changing
collide with DNA, exposure to mutagens, exposure to high- environment
energy forms of radiation (UV light and X-rays) c. Can increase the frequency of a harmful allele 
hinder ability of members to survive/reproduce
d. Can increase genetic differences between populations “Long-term patterns of evolution are shaped by large-scale
bc chance events may cause an allele to reach processes such as speciation, mass extinction, and adaptive
fixation in one population, and be lost from another. radiation.”
 Ex. Greater praire chicken in Illinois – habitat converted to Speciation: process by wc one species splits into 2/more species
farmlands; failed to hatch (fixation of harmful alleles)  When a barrier (geographic/ecological) prevents gene flow
 Genetic drift and natural selection leads to evolution of
(4) Gene flow: alleles are transferred from one population to reproductive barriers
another via the movement of individuals or gametes  Gene flow slows down/prevent speciation
2 important effects:
 By transferring alleles between populations, tends to make Evolutionary history: branching diagram that represents the
populations more similar to one another genetically evolutionary history of a group of organisms
 Can introduce new alleles into a population  Extinction helps to understand the large morphological
 Ex. Mosquito Culex pipiens was not resistant to differences that occur between some closely related
organophosphate insecticide, transmits West Nile virus and groups of organisms
other diseases. Mosquitoes carrying alleles with resistance
to organophosphate insecticides were blown by Evolution as an observed pattern of change – documented in fossil
storms/transported accidentally by humans. Bred with records
mosquitoes from local populations.  Mass extinction – 5; large proportions of Earth’s species
were driven to extinction worldwide
“Natural selection is the only evolutionary mechanism that o Promote increase in diversity by removing
consistently causes adaptive evolution.” competitor groups, allow survivors to give rise to
Adaptive evolution (/adaptation) new species
 Process of change in wc traits that confer survival or  Adaptive radiation – a group of organisms gives rise to
reproductive advantages tend to increase in frequency over many new species that expand into new habitats or new
time ecological roles in a relatively short time
 Increase the effectiveness of an adaptation that selection  Biological communities are devastated by mass extinction
acts on, causing match between organisms and events; It take millions of years for adaptive radiations to
environments to improve over time. increase the diversity of life to the levels seen prior to the
 Ex. Change in population of soapberry bugs (Jadera mass extinction
haematoloma) – insects that use needle-like beak to feed
on seeds located within fruits. Fed on seeds of the balloon “Ecological interactions and evolution exert a profound influence on
vine (native host) but these are rare so instead fed on the one another.”
goldenrain tree Helianthus annuus and H. petiolaris produce hybrid offspring
o Soapberry bugs feed most efficiently when length (Helianthus anomalus) that grows in a much drier environment.
of bug’s beak matches depth to which it must
pierce a fruit to reach the seeds. Goldenrain tree
fruits are smaller than balloon vine fruits. Chapter 07 – Life History
o Result to change in beak length accdg to fruit
size Case study: Nemo grows up
 “rapid” evolution may be the norm, not exception  Clownfish spend adult life in single sea anemone
 Clines: patterns of change in a characteristic of an o Anemone protects clownfish by stinging
organism over a geographic region predators
 Observed changes due to: o Clownfish eats parasites /drive away predators of
o Phenotypic plasticity: single genotype anemone
produces diff phenotypes in diff environments  Clownfish in one sea anemone are not related
o Evolutionary response: genetic constitution of o Largest fish is female
the population changes over time o Second largest is breeding male
o Or both o Remaining fish are sexually immature
Adaptations are not perfect – does not result in perfect match nonbreeders
between organism and environment because environment is not  If female dies, breeding male undergoes growth spurt and
static. changes sex to become female. Largest nonbreeder
Number of constraints on adaptive evolution: increases in size and become new breeding male.
 Lack of genetic variation – no beneficial allele  Hatchling fish leaves anemone to live in open ocean. When
 Evolutionary history – modify traits already present develop into a juvenile, find an anemone to inhabit. Stay if
 Ecological trade-offs – ability to perform one function there is room/ expel.
reduces the ability to perform another; adaptations present
compromises in the abilities of organisms to perform many [Ricklefs]
diff functions
Female sockeye salmon – lays thousands of eggs then dies
Life history
 Schedule of an individual’s life – age of maturity, number of o Long-lived organisms (ex. Albatross) begin to
offspring, life span reproduce at an older than short-lived ones (ex.
 Include all behavioral and physiological adaptations of Songbirds)
organisms, & all the individual responses of organisms to  How often should it breed?
their environment  How many offspring should it attempt to produce in each
 Complex phenomena influenced by physical conditions, breeding episode?
food supply, predators & constrained by general body plan
and lifestyle of individual Determinate growth: lizard continues to grow only until it reaches
 Shaped by natural selection sexual maturity
 Represent solution to the prob of allocating time and Indeterminate growth
resources so as to achieve maximum reproductive success : many plants, invertebrates, some fishes, reptiles, amphibians
: grow throughout their lives
David Lack of Oxford University – first to recognize that these
differences in reproductive strategy had evolved in response to Fecundity is related to body size = larger the female, the more eggs
differences btwn tropical and temperate envts she can produce
3 important points:
 Because life history traits contribute to reproductive Adult longevity determines the optimal allocation of resources
success, they also influence evolutionary fitness. between growth and reproduction
 Life histories vary consistently with respect to factors in the
environment (molded by natural selection) Trinidadian Guppies – strength of predation as a selective force in
 Suggested that the number of offspring that parents can evolution
rear is limited by food supply.
Semelparity vs Iteroparity
Trade-offs: time, energy/materials devoted to one body structure,  Species of salmon that grow rapidly for several years, then
physiological function, or behavior cannot be allotted to another. undertake a single episode of breeding. Females convert
Allocation – use resources to achieve maximum possible fitness large portion of body mass into eggs, males fight and court
females. Both sexes die after spawning
Components of life history:  Programmed death – death consequence to reproductive
 Age at maturity – first reproduction success
 Parity – number of episodes of reproduction  Semelparity – semel = once; pario = to beget
 Fecundity – number of offspring produced per o Must survive at least one non breeding season
reproductive episode  mature  reproduce  die
 Longevity – how long to live  Bamboos – few opportunities for successful seed
germination. Increase by asexual reproduction until habitat
Life history traits vary among different species: is packed with bamboo. When vegetative growth become
 Life history traits vary consistently with respect to habitat or severely limited, produce seeds to colonize newly disturbed
conditions in the environment
 Variation in one life history trait is often correlated with  Agaves – grows rosette of thick, fleshy leaves. Rapidly
variation in other traits sends up huge flowering stalk and sets fruit, after which
rosette dies
Slow-fast continuum  Iteroparity – itero = to repeat; ex. Yuccas
 Slow – elephants, albatrosses, giant tortoises, oak trees  Proposed explanations for semelparity and iteroparity:
o Exhibit long life, slow devt, delayed maturity, low o variable environments might favor iteroparity,
fecundity, high parental investment which would reduce variation in lifetime
 Fast – mice, fruit flies, weedy plants reproductive success by spreading reproduction
over both good and bad year (bet hedging)
J.P. Grime – emphasized relationships btwn life history traits of o variable environments might favor semelparity if
plants & certain environmental conditions a plant can time its reproduction to occur duringa
very favorable year. Storing resources and then
 Stress tolerators – live under extreme conditions; grow
using them for the big event makes sense.
slowly and conserve resources; rely vegetative spread
o attraction of pollinators by massive floral displays
 Ruderals – colonize disturb patches of habitat, exhibit
might favor plants that put all their effort into one
rapid growth, early maturation, high reproductive rates,
reproductive episode
easily dispersed seeds (enable them to reproduce quickly
o semelparity appears to arise either when
and disperse their progeny to other disturbed sites)
preparation for reproduction is extremely costly
 Competitors – grow large, mature at large sizes, and or when the payoff for reproduction is highly
exhibit long life spans; more constant and predictable envt variable but favorable conditions are predictable
for its success from environmental cues
o ex. Cicadas – annual life cycles, gives larvae
Most allocation probs concerning life histories can be phrased as: time to grow to adulthood on a low nutrition diet;
 When should an individual begin to produce offspring? synchrony of mating to overwhelm potential
Age at first reproduction predators
beak became full, Kacelnik adjusted the
Senescence: gradual increase in mortality and decline in fecundity timing so that each successive mealworm
as physiological function deteriorates over time; inevitable would arrive at a longer interval. He then
consequence of natural wear and tear placed the feeding tables at different
distances from nests and observed how
Life histories respond to variation in the environment many mealworms a starling would wait for at
1. storage of food and buildup of reserves – store in times of different travel times.
feast to eat in times of famine o As expected, starlings increased their load
2. Dormancy – physiologically inactive state entered when size as travel time increased
animals and plants can’t function normally due to too cold,  Individual can maximize the rate at wc it delivers food
dry or nutrient depletion to its offspring by spending an intermediate amount of
Hibernate – spend winter in a dormant state bc can’t find time at the feeding are during each trip and bringing
food back something less than the max possible food load
Diapause – in insects, resting state where water is (intermediate)
chemically bound/reduced in quantity to prevent freezing Rate of food acquisition = # of prey caught/ (search + travel time)
and metabolism drops that it is barely detectable
Survival-reproduction tradeoff b. Risk-sensitive foraging
3. Stimuli for change – organisms rely on indirect cues in envt  Predator/threat of predation reduce the value of otherwise
 2 kinds of cues that trigger life history changes (by good feeding area
J.R. Baker):  Predator factor incorporated into optimal foraging theory
o Proximate factors: ex. Day length; an  Experiment by James Gilliam and Douglas Fraser
organism can assess state of the envt but o Small minnows and adult creek chubs (predator)
wc do not directly affect its fitness o 2 compartments: (1) low density of food, but one
 Photoperiod: length of daylight predator; (2) high density of food, 2-3 predators
o Ultimate factors: ex. Food supplies; o In the presence of 3 predators, the food lvl had to
features of the envt that bear directly on be more than 4x that in the safer compartment to
fitness of organism entice the minnows to switch

Different growth rates depending on high/low availability of food

 Poor nutrition slows devt but not stop it
 Predation risk also a factor
 Alter growth and behavior to increase fitness

Optimal foraging: resolve conflicts of time, reward and risk

a. Central place foraging
 Birds feeding their offspring: chicks tied to single
location while parents search for food at some
distance from the nest
 Greater travel distances increase time, energy, & risk
costs of foraging
 In summer, starlings typically forage on lawns or
pastures for leatherjackets, which are the larvae of
tipulid flies (crane flies). Starlings feed by thrusting
their beaks into the soft turf and spreading the
mandibles to expose prey. When they are gathering
food for their young, they hold captured leatherjackets
at the base of the beak. The more leatherjackets a
starling has in its beak, the more difficult it is to
capture the next one. For this reason, the time
between captures increases with the number of prey
already caught, until a starling with eight
leatherjackets in its beak can hardly feed at all.
 Are Starlings better economists? – Alex Kacelnik of
Oxford U
o Trained starlings to visit feeding tables at wc
mealworms will be provided
o A starling would arrive at the table “capture”
the first mealworm, and wait for next one to
be delivered
o To mimic the longer intervals at which a
starling would catch leatherjackets as its

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