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In hadiths

There was a hadith from Abu Amamah reports that Muhammad said: "Invoke more

Salawat upon me on every Friday, the Salawat from my ummah is presented to me

on every Friday. Whoever had invoked more Salawat upon me will be closest to


Muhammad was also reported saying: "The meanest person is he who does not

invoke Salawat upon me when my name is mentioned in his presence."[7][8]

"Blessings of Allah be upon him and his household and peace" (‫صلَّ ٰى ٱهَّٰلل ُ َعلَ ْي ِه َوآلِ ِه َو َسلَّ َم‬
َ )

Ibn Asakri has transmitted from al-Hasan bin Ali that Muhammad said: "Invoke

more Salawat upon me, for your invocation is conducive to your sins being

forgiven. And pray for me a high status and intercession, for surely my intercession

will plead in your favour before Allah."[9]

There was a narration from Ja'far al-Sadiq from Muhammad. He said: "All

supplications to Allah will remain in a veil from the sky until a Salawat is sent to

Mohammad PBH and his Household."[10]

In another tradition, Ja'far al-Sadiq was quoted that: "Whoever sends Salawat on

the Prophet PBH and his Household means 'I am standing on the promise that I

gave when Allah asked me, 'Am I not your lord? And I answered yes you are.'"

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