Spelling Bee Contest Paperwork

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Spelling Bee Contest

Spelling Bee competition is a long-running tradition that encourages young children to
develop their spelling skills and vocabulary, as well as developing their poise for public
speaking. In this competition, youngsters are pitted against one another with the aim of
becoming champion and perhaps go on to represent their state in the National Spelling
Bee Competition.

1) To improve and advance the skills associated with good spelling habits.
2) To enhance students development of poise and communication under pressure.
3) To expand student vocabulary and encourage accurate word usage and
4) To provide an opportunity for students to meet and encourage them to be
involved in extracurricular activities.
5) To identify and select participants as the school representatives at Zone/District
Spelling Competition.

Committee Members
Chairman :
Vice Chairman :

Secretary :
Treasurer :
Stage Preparation :
Hall Preparation :
P.A System :
Photography :
Prizes :
Discipline :
Participants Preparation :

Junior Dictionaries (1st & 2nd prize) RM = RM

Trophies (1st & 2nd prize) RM = RM
Total RM

Master Speller
The master speller is the person on stage that reads the words to the spellers from the
specified words list that is to be used in the competition. The list consists of words found
in books approved by English Panel, such as Longman Dictionary. The master speller
appointed is

The judges have ultimate control of the competition. They can correct errors as soon as
they see them if they believe the rules have been breached, or that the master speller
has made errors in his pronunciation or definition of a word. Appeals can be made from
the spellers as well as their parents or teachers, but they must be done so immediately.
Appeals are handled at the end of each round and the judges' decision is final. The
judges appointed are

Time Keeper
Only one time keeper is appointed. The time keeper needs to ring the bell twice after 30
seconds as soon as the master speller pronounces a particular word. The time keeper
appointed is


Level 2 (Year 6) 10 participants


All year 6 pupils of SK Sentosa are allowed to take part.


The champion and the runner-up from each category will receive prizes.
Words List

A list of words will be given to pupils before the contest begin. They need to practice
spelling and do mental preparation before they take part in the contest. The word list
according to the categories are as below:

Level 2

accident agree address angel

answer alarm August banana
bank basket beach believe
belt bicycle blanket body
bottle branch bridge brother
brush buy candle carrot
carry chase cherry choose
circus climb country crazy
cross dance December deer
desk dinner doctor donkey
drain drive eagle easy
eleven empty evening face
family fifteen field fight
finger flag floor flower
forest fox free fruit
garden gate giant great
ground group hair hall
hammer handle hate heavy
helicopter hit hope hundred
idea island join joke
juice June key kitchen
knife ladder lamp lawyer
lazy lesson library listen
magic magnet medicine minute
month mouth music needle
noise number ocean oil
owl parrot pear phone
picnic plant please police
power pretty question radio
rainbow record return rich
river rose sail salt
sandwich science selfish seventeen
shape shirt signal sister
skirt smart smile smoke
sound soap soup speak
spider spoon station strong
sugar sweet tall tape
teach television throat tooth
tractor true turkey ugly
uncle van vegetable visit
voice wash welcome wind
world wrong yesterday young

Rules and Regulations

1. Introduction
1.1 The competition will be an oral spelling competition.
1.2 The competition will held in School Hall on the
2. Rules of the COMPETITION.
2.1 All the spellers will be given a number to determine their spelling turns. The
numbers will be randomly drawn from a box/container.
2.2 All the spellers will be seated in numerical order on a stage, facing the
audience, master speller, timekeeper and judges.
2.3 The official/teacher-in-charge will prepare the words, definition of the words
and sample sentences.
2.4 Each speller beginning with speller number one will be called up to the front
and the master speller will read out the words to be spelt.
3. Each speller is given 30 seconds to spell the words once the master speller has
pronounced the word. A bell will be rung twice after 30 seconds.
4. Spellers should say the word, spell it and then say the word again. However the
judges will not disqualify any speller for failing to pronounce the word either
before or after spelling it.
5. By saying the word aloud before spelling it, the speller has a chance to confirm
what they have heard. If the speller says the word differently from what the
master speller has pronounced, the master speller will clarify the word by
repeating the word to the speller.
6. If the speller fails to complete the spelling within the 30 seconds time frame, the
speller will be disqualified / dropped from the competition.
7. The spellers are allowed only once to ask for the word to be repeated, or for a
sample sentence during the 30 seconds time frame.
8. Once a speller begins spelling a word, he or she may pause and start all over
from the beginning within the time frame.
9. All the words spelled during the competition must follow the British standard of
English. Other types of spelling like the American variation will not be accepted.
10. The judges will be in control of the competition. Their decision will be final on all
questions and no objections will be entertained.
10.1 After spelling the word, if the spelling is correct, the Master Speller will
announce “That is correct”. If the speller is incorrect, the Master Speller
will announce ‘I am sorry, that is incorrect. The correct spelling is....”.
10.2 If the spelling is correct, the speller will return to his/her seat.
10.3 If the spelling is incorrect, the speller will be dropped from the competition.
The speller will have to leave the stage.
10.4 The next speller is then called to the stage and given his/her word to spell.
10.5 Once all the spellers have had their turns, the round is over and the next
round begins with the remaining spellers.
10.6 This continues until only two spellers remain. The winner will be declared
champion and the other speller as runner-up.
11. Official dictionary.
When it comes to spelling bee, nothing is more important than making sure the
spelling is proper. The official source to determine the proper spelling in spelling
bee is LONGMAN dictionary of contemporary English. All words that are used
in a spelling bee can be found in this edition of the Longman’s dictionary.

Prepared by, Approved by,

--------------------------- ------------------
() ()

Date : 29th April 2012

Venue : School Hall



Date :
Venue : School Hall











M.C & Head of English Panel Speech

Honourable headmaster, Mr. S.Elanggo, First Senior Assistant, Mr. S.Nagendran, Senior
Assistant of Co-curricular Activities Ms G.Saanthi, fellow teachers, participants, boys and girls.
Welcome to the Spelling Bee Contest organized by the English Panel of SJK(T) Kalaivaani.

Before we begin, let us keep silence to listen to prayers which will be read by Lingeswaran.

Thank you, Linges.

Now, as The Head Of English Panel, allow me to say a few words about The Spelling Bee
Contest. Spelling Bee is an internationally recognized competition. It is not just a contest to train
the pupils to improve their vocabulary in English. Pupils will also improve their ability to
memorize words. Not only that. The winners will be able to go on and represent the school in
district, state, national and international level if they are really prepared to take up the challenge.

The Spelling Bee contest 2012 is the first of its kind to be held in our school. This contest
provides a platform for the pupils to strengthen their public speaking skills. Pupils are given the
opportunity to stand up and contest against each other in a vibrant environment. There is no
room for mistake as the participants will be eliminated from the contest for one single misspelled
word. As such, pupils cannot take this contest easily and will have to strive hard to memorize
the words given to proceed to the next round.

Only 25 out of 139 pupils in this school were selected to participate in the final round to be held
today. These 25 participants memorized hundreds of words given earlier and spelled them
correctly to beat the others in the preliminary round held in each class. Today, only the best of
the pre-school, level 1 and level 2 pupils will take away the prestigious award of champion
speller. This award gives them a motivation to further improve their English vocabulary as well
as excel in their studies.

In conclusion, the Spelling Bee contest is only the first step taken by the English panel of SJK(T)
Kalaivaani to improve pupils knowledge and communication skills in English. Trust me, there is
more to come. We are prepared to organize more such competitions in future, it is up to the
pupils to grab the opportunity and improve their abilities. So, let the game begin. Sit back and
enjoy the show. Thank you.

Next, I would like to invite Mr S.Elanggo, the headmaster of SJK(T) Kalaivaani to deliver his
speech and officiate The Spelling Bee Contest 2012, Sir please……

Thank you Mr Elanggo for your inspiring speech and for officiating this contest.
Alright, now let us begin the event by introducing the judges. They are Mr S.Nagendran and Mr
P.A.Vadivelu. Judges, kindly take your seats on the stage. I will be the master speller. Madam
Indra will be the time keeper, please take your seat on the stage.

Before we start our event today, I will tell you briefly about the rules and regulation of the
Spelling Bee Contest.

Firstly, the master speller will read the word based on the number of participants. The
participant will have to say the word, then spell it and finally say it again. Each participant will be
given 30 seconds to spell the word correctly. The participant will be disqualified If he/she failed
to spell correctly. The bell will ring twice after 30 seconds. The last speller on stage will be
declared as the Spelling Bee champion.

Let us begin the contest with participants from the Pre-school. I request the participants to come
up on stage and take their seats according to their numbers in order.

Next, let us call upon the participants from Level 1. Level 1 consists of pupils from year 1, 2 and
3. I request the participants to come up on stage and take their seats accordingly.

Finally, let us call upon the participants from Level 2. Level 2 consists of pupils from year 4,5
and 6. I request the participants to come up on stage and take their seats accordingly.
To begin our prize-giving ceremony, I would like to invite all our participants on stage please. All
our participants have done their best and have put lots of effort to win today. So, as a tribute to
their effort, we would like to give away consolation prizes to all the winners. I would like to invite
Mr S.Elanggo to give away the consolation prizes to all the participants.

Next, the winners of pre-school category. I would like to invite Ms G.Saanthi, the Senior
Assistant of Co-curricular activities to give away the prizes. The runner-up is __________. The
champion is _________. Congratulation to the winners. Thank you Ms Saanthi.

Next, the winners of Level 1 category. I would like to invite Mr S.Nagendran, the First Senior
Assistant to give away the prizes. The runner-up is __________. The champion is _________.
Congratulation to the winners. Thank you Mr Nagen.

Finally, the winners of Level 2 category. I would like to invite Mr S.Elanggo, the headmaster of
SJK(T) Kalaivaani to give away the prizes. The runner-up is __________. The champion is
_________. Congratulation to the winners. Thank you Mr Elanggo.

It has been a splendid day of nail biting moments and spectacular competition. The prize has
gone to the deserving winners. As for the others, try again next year.
Till then, see you and bye-bye.

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