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194 Kaiion NATIONAL CARGO BUREAU, INC. GENERAL INFORMATION FOR GRAIN LOADING NATIONAL 3 CARGO = BUREAU *) Vesey Street New York, N.Y. 10007 National Corge Bureau, fne., 1994 CVORTAN EM 4ANOIL- -oRISTIANL \ | | | PETROMI As | It wv CONTENTS Preface National Cargo Bureau - Headquarters and Regional Offices National Cargo Bureau - Location of Offices [ational Cargo Bureau - Services Performed by USCG Navigation & Vessel Inspection Circular No, $= 94 Information on International Grain Rules 14 Intemational Maritime Organization Principle of the 1M © Grain Rules Limitations of the 1 M © Grain Rules History Is Application Definition of Grain Trimming Volumetric Heeling Moments Stowage factor Stability Requirements Angle of Flooding Permissible Heeling Moments Grain Loading Manual Document of Authorization Ships Without a Document of Authorization Adaltional Grain Stow 1 requirements Ballating Overstowing Saucers Bundling of Bulk Grain Strapping or Lashing Scouting with Wire Mesh ‘Temporary Longitudinal Division General Information on Grain Losing “a Acceptance of Vessels to Loa! Bulk Gisin Preparing A Ship «Load Blk Grain Precautions While Loading 2 Grain Cargo Carriage of Bulk Grain in Tankers Stability Terms and Symbols Fornys for Stability Calculations Preparation of the Stability Caleulations Permissible Hesting Moments Tables (lsterpoation) Utilizing a Statical Stability Diagram Methods of securing (hstrations) ” Caleulation of Average Void Depths (Vd) Calculation for Regutation AY Examples of Loading Conditions Stanlard Bushe! Weights Average Test Weights of Principal Grains Grain Stowage factors Stowage factor Conversion Tables Moteie Conversion Tables Useful Conversion Table Fresh Water Allowance Tables, wie Distances in Nautical Miles 103 03 43 44 46 a a 95 96 7 98 99 100 102 tos PACIFIC PORTS GREAT LAKES PORTS Freeport, TX. Galveston, TX Houston, TX. Lake Charles, LA (covered by Beaumont) Orange. TX (covered by Beaumont) Point Comfort, TX (covered by Corpus Chiisti) Port Authur, TX (covered by Beaumont) Por Isabel, TX (covered by Brownsville) Port Neches, TX (covered by Beaumont) Aberdeen, WA (covered hy Seattle) ‘Anchorage, AK (covered by Seattle) Astoria, OR (covered by Portland, OR) Coos Bay, OR (covered by Portland. OR) Eureka, CA (cavered by San Pranciseo) Grays Harbor, WA (covered by Seattle) Honolulu, HL Hilo, HI (covered by Honetulu) Kalama, WA (covered by Portland, OR) Longview, WA (covered by Porttarul, OR) [Los Angeles, CA Maul, HI (covered by Honolulu) "Newport, OR (covered by Portland, OR) Port Hueneme, CA (covered by Los Angleles) Portland, OR Sacramento, CA (covered by San Francisco) San Diego, CA (covered by Los Angeles) Seattle, WA ‘Stockton. CA (covered by San Francisco) ‘Tacoma, WA (covered by Seattle) Witlapa Viatbor, WA (covered by Seattle) Wilmington, CA (covered by Los Angeles) Astabula, OH (covered by Cleveland) Buffalo, NY (covered by Cleveland) ‘Burns Harbor, IN (covered by Chicago) Chicago, tL Cleveland, OH . Detroit, MI (covered by Toledo) Duluth, MN Greenbay, WI (covered hy Milwaukee) Holland, MI (covered by Toledo) Milveaukee, WI Muskegon, Ml (covered by Toledo) Saginaw, MI (covered by Toledo) Superior, WI (covered by Duluth) Toledo, OH St. Lovis, MO SERVICES PERFORMED BY NATIONAL CARGO BUREAU, INC, National Cargo Bureau, Inc. is authorized to conduct any type of inspection oF sur vey that is incidental 10 the loading or discharging of a ship and issues appropriate cor- tilfcates andor survey reports foe services such as described below! 10, u 2. 13. 14 1s. 6, “The loading, stowspe andl securing oF jeneral es special surveys of heavy’ or large items: cq on and under deck, incl ry ‘The approval on behalf of governmental administrations of vessel plans for the stowage of bulk grain cargoes under the existing imtemational regulations: ‘The stowage of bulk grain cargoes, including vessel suitability and arrangements: ‘The stowage of explosives and packaged! and hulk hazardous materials in accor ‘dance withthe requirements of the Code of Federal Regulations, including preload Jing and shipboaed temperatures and the loading and stowage of metal borings, shav- ings, urnings and cuttings: The stowage of ore concentrates andor dry bulk cargoes in accordance with the IMO Code of Safe Practice for Bulk Cargoes: ‘The loading of bulk tallow, grease and similar commodities in cargo tanks; Inspection of cargo compartments for eleanliness and condition price to loading or when a ship isto Toad at another port or for charter purposes; Inspection of refrigerated cargo prior fo loading, including taking and recording temperatures atte time of loading: and inspection of refrigerated spaces for clean liness and temperatures Discharging of various bufk cargoes. including cleanliness of reveiving raihoad cers, barges, handling equipment, et ‘Vessel readiness to discharge jute and jute products, ‘Cargo and space measurement surveys: Hatch surveys, including condition of cargo prior to, during, and afer discharge; Surveys of import and export unboxed automobiles: Determination of tonnage of cargo loaded ot or discharged from ships or barges by immersion computation; ‘Omhite, offhire and condition surveys of cargo compartments and handling gear, Contition of cargo and packaging at point of origin and/or prior to being loaded, including stowage: Witness tank soundings of ships and barges including the computation of the quan- tity of liquids in tanks; Cargo container spections: (a) Inspection and cextifcation of containers and road vehicles for transportation under Customs seal (©) Condition of the container for suitability to receive any particular cargo (c) Stowage of the cargo in the container (4) Inspection of containers for handling damages (6) Inspection of containers for leasing purposes (9 Inspection of the securing of containers on deck {2} Inpection of containers loaded with hazardous cargo for compliance with U.S. (Coast Guard regulations and/or International Maritime Dangerons Govnls Conde: 19. Consultation service o ensure proper completion ofthe Dangerous Cargo Manifest; 20. Stowage of cargo in barges including LASH and SEABEE; 21 21, Witnessing of tests and certification of shipboard cargo gear (accredited by U.S, (Cost Guard and U.S. Department of Labor): 22. General planning and consultation services concerning any of the above of other ceargo-related problems; 23. Special cargo and/or safety inspection of specific requirements of governments, ship ‘operators, insurance companies or shippers: 24. Providing training and conducting seminars on cargo stowage and safety-related mawers The issuance of an NCB Loading Centficate indicates thatthe cargo observed has been stowed in compliance with the applicable U. S, Coast Guard regaitions or recommei tions or in the absence thereof, in accordance with recommendations of National Cargo Bureau, Ine NVIC 5.94, 13 July 1994 NAVIGATION AND VESSEL INSPECTION CIRCULAR NO. 5 - 94 Subjects: REQUIREMENTS FOR VESSELS CARRYING BULK GRAIN CARGO PURPOSE, This citular calls the atention of Coast Guard Field units shippers and carriers of bulk grain eargo to the International Maritime Organization's (MO) Code for the Safe Carriage of Grain in Bulk, referred to a8 the Grain Code, which entered into force on January 1, 1994, ‘The Grain Code specifics stability, loading require: ‘ments, and Documents of Authorization for each vessel shat loads grain in bulk 2. DIRECTIVES AFFECTED. This circular cancels and supersedes NVIC 2-78 3. BACKGROUND. In response tothe growing need for broader regilation ofthe o riage of all eargoes which may pose a hazard 19 ships o¢ personnel, the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) decided to replace the original Chapter VI ofthe Safety of Life at Sea Convention, 1974 as amended, (SOLAS), which contained detailed repu- lations onthe eaiage of grain in bulk, with requirements of a more general nature and to place the detailed provisions on grain in a mandatory code. SOLAS Chapter VI pre viously tiled “Carriage of Grain” is now titled "Carriage of Cargoes”. A the 59M ses sion in May 1991, MSC adopted amendments to SOLAS Chapter VI PariC Regulation 9 (cesolution MSC.23{59}) to make the Iniernational Code for the Safe Cartage of Grain in Bulk mandatory. The Grain Code became effective Janwary 1, 1994. The Grain Code is available co the public from the IMO as publication 240-E. Information ‘on obtaining this publication can be found in enclosure (1), 4, DISCUSSION, 4, The Grain Code applies tall vesses that lose grain in bulk in ULS. waters, except those engaged solely on voyages on rivers lakes, bays, and Sounds, or on voyages between Great Lakes ports and specific St. Lawrence River ports as referred to in the Load Line Convention. The St. Lawrence River ports exempied include those pons as far east as a straight line drawn from Cap de Rasiers to West Point Anticosti Island, and as far east as a fine drawn along the 63rd meridian from Anticosti Island ta the north shore of the St, Lawrcace River b. A Document of Authorization is requited for each vessel to which the Grain Code applies except vessels an certain intracoastal voyages, provided they comply with the alternative conditions found in enclosure (2). The US. Coast Guard has dele- ‘gated the authority to issue Documents of Authorization to the Nationat Cargo Bureau, Incorporated (NCB). Information on contacting NCB ean be found in enclosure (1). Requirements for obtaining a Document of Authorization are sum- ‘marized in enclosure (3). The Document of Authorization format is shown in enclosure (4), «, Vessels fo which the Grain Code applies are required by the Code of Federal Regulations to oblain a Certificate af Loading before cach sailing. A Cenificate of Loading, issued by the NCB, attests that the stability of the vessel complies with the information approved by its Document of Authorization, or otherwise isin eam pliance with enclosure (2) before each voyage fram a U.S, por. The Certificate of Loading is recognized by the Coast Guard as evidence of compliance with regula- tion 7.2 ofthe Grain Cove 4. A vessel which caries a cargo of grain in bulk should not, atthe same time, carry ‘any solid bulk cargo which may liquefy unless such cargo is tested and the mois- ture cauteat is equal to oF less thaw the wansportable moisture be conducted in accordance with the procedures set fort Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes, International Maritime Orgs No, 260-6. Festng should the Code of Safe ation publication 5. IMPLEMENTATION. Officers in Charge, Marine Inspection, ate encouraged t0 bring this NVIC tothe attention of appropriate individuals in the marine industry with in their one, (Signed) LC. CARD Rear Admiral, US, Coast Guard Chief, Ofice of Marine Safety, Security and Environmental Enel: (1) Sources for Obtaining Additional Information (2) Voyages and Conditions for those Vessels Exempted from the Requirements of Obtaining a Document of Authorization (3) Requirements for US. Vessels Obtaining Documents of Authorization (4) Document of Authorization Format Enclosure (1) NVIC 5.94 SOURCES FOR OBTAINING ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. The Intemational Code for the Safe Carriage of Grain in Rik (IMO. Resolution MSC.2.459)), publication No. 2404 Publication Section International Maritime Organization 4 Albert Embankinent London SEI 75K United Kingdom ‘Telephone: 44(0)71-735 7611 Fax: 44(0)71-587 3210 or be obtained fre: New York Nautical Instrument and Service 140 West Broadway New York, NY 10013 ‘Telephone: (212) 962-4522 Fax: (212) 406-8120 2, Documents of Authorization and additional Gr ‘obtained from: Code compliance guidance ean be National Cargo Bureau, Incorporated 30 Vesey Strect New York, NY 10007-2014 ‘Telephone: (212) 571-5000 Fax: (212) 571-5005 Enclosure (2) to NVIC 5-94 FOR THOSE VESSELS VOYAGES AND CONDITIONS EXEMPTED FROM THE REQUIREMENTS OF OBTAINING A DOCUMENT OF AUTHORIZATION |. Vessels without a Document of Authorization may carry grain in bulk subject eo she limitations imposed by Sections 8.3 or 9 provided their stability complies with the requirements regarding subdivision of cargo compartments, securing of hatches, trimming of cargo and metacentric height as detailed in Section 9 of the Grain Code 2, Vessels on the following voyages: 4, United States ports along the Northeast Coast from as far south as Cape Henrys Wilmington, NC and Miami, FL «©. United States ports in the Gulf of Mexico; 4d, Puget Sound ports and Canadian West Coast ports or Columbia River ports, or both; oF fe, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San Diego, CA Great Lakes ports to United States ports along the Northeast coast as far south as Cape Henry do not need a Document of Authorization if they comply with the fol- Towing conditions 4, The master or person in charge is satisfied that the longitudinal strength of his ves: sel is not imped », The master or person in charge ascertains the weather 10 be encountered on the voy age and determines it does not pose a risk. «. Potential heeling moments are reduced to @ minimum by carrying as few slick holds as possible 4. Bach slack surface has been levee. 1, The transverse metacentic height (GM), in meters, of the vessel throughout the voyage, after correction for liquid free surface, has been shown by stability calew lations to be in excess of the required GM (GM). in meters. (1) The Git is the sum ofthe increments of GM (GM) multiplied by the comree sion factor. where: f = 1 if is 20,268 ot F = (0268+ iris <0.268. = (avilable freeboard) + (beam of the vessel) and (2) The GM; foreach compartment which has a slack surface of grain, Le, is not teimmed Tul, is ealeutated by the formula given below: GM, = (Bx L x 0.0661) + (Disp. x SF) where: B= breadth of slack grain surface (mn) L__ = Length of compartment (en) Disp-= Displacement of vessel (ones) SE. = Stowage factor of grain in compartment (cubic metrestonne) 10 Enclosure (3) 19 NVIC 5-94 REQUIREMENTS FOR U.S. VESSELS OBTAINING DOCUMENTS OF AUTHORIZATION 1. General Requirements, The grain stability information required by the Grain Cee that must he included in the Dociment of Authorization is in saldition to that provided to the master in accordance with 46 CER 170,110 snd 42.15-1 2, Stability Information, Stability information in the format of a grain Josding booklet or 1 grain loading appendix to a'Trim and Stability booklet shall be submiced tothe NCB. for approval a. The submittal should contain: (1) 5 copies ofthe grain loading stability information which is to be approved hy the Document of Authorization 2) 1 copy of the calculations supporting the above mentioned grain loading stabil \y information The data above must be in complete agreement with that found in the Trim) and Stability booklet b. The NCB is authorized to perform any additinnal stability review prerequisite © approval if, in addition tothe grain loading stability information, the documentation ‘contain stability data pertinent co other bulk cargoes or to eargaes which will be c2r- ried simultaneously with bulk grain such as deck cargo oF containers on dec, ¢. After review, NCB will forward one copy of the approved grain loading information fo Commanding Officer, U.S. Coast Guard, Marine Safety Center. 400 Seventh Street $.W., Washington D.C. 20590-0001. NCB will inform the Marine Safety Center of any additional stability related review conducted and recommend an appcopriate statement which may be included inthe U.S. Coast Guat stability leter. 4. NCB will issue the Document of Authorization t the submitter. The Document of Authorization will have the format shown in enclosure (4), Coast Guard Marine Safety Center Oversight, Upon receipt ofthe approved grain ing conditions, the Coast Guard Marine Safety Center will perform oversight 10 the degree necessary and forward the new stahilty letter othe submitter with copies to the cognizant Officer in Charge, Marine laspection and 10 the NCB. A stability letter is not required if the information can be placed on the Certificate of Inspection or the Load Line Certifieate. 4, Tank Vessels. Under the authority of Seetion 5 of the Coxe, a tank vessel designed solely forthe carriage of liquids and which is issued a Document of Authorization, may be exempted from trimming when the vesst has 10 OF more Longitudinal, vi-tight bulkheads arranged so a to substantia reduce the horizontal solumetric et, and ing mo bas an adequate number of expansion trunks and access (hutterworth) openings to ‘meet the intent of Regulation 10.3.1 of the Code. Whenever bulk grain is caries the vessel shall not cary any liquid cargo. 5. Unmanned Barges. Unmanned barges, except for deck cargo barges, may be issued a Document of Authorization without obtaining an approved grain Toading stabi ty hooklet, when calculations and supporting plans demonstrate that the barge, when loaded to its maximem load line assignment with all compartments in which itis anticipated to carry bulk grain trimmed full, meets the requirements of section 7 of the Grain Code, It for any reason upon completion of loading a compartment is partially filled with bulk train, the grain mast be secured as described in Seotions 16, 17, oF 18 of the Code or else discharged from the vessel Single Voyage Document of Authorization. A vessel without a Document of ‘Authorization and not exempied by enclosure (4), may engage in a single voyage car- ‘ying grain in bulk by 4. Submitting stability esleulations together with supporting plans to the NCB, forthe proposed, specific loading condition, Ifthe calculations indicate eompliance with the provisions of Section 7 of the Code, a single voyage approval will he issued by the NCB prior co loading. b. Upon satisfactory completion ofthe loading in accordance with the approved plan, a certificate of loading willbe issued, | | Enclosure (4) 9 NVIC 5.94 DOCUMENT OF AUTHORIZATION FORMAT Date of issue DOCUMENT OF AUTHORIZATION TO LOAD BULK GRAIN Based upon a review of pertinent plans and calculations, it has been determined that the SS (or MV) meets the fequirements of the International Code forthe Safe Carriage of Grain in Bulk. Accordingly. under the author- ity granted by the U.S. Coast Guacd, the S$ (or MV),____may load stain provided the ship complies with he stability information contained inthe following booklet densification of bookier containing the grain loading stability information bearing ‘an approval stamp by the National Cargo Bureau, Ine. dated. ik: Giese. GENERAL INFORMATION ON THE INTERNATIONAL GRAIN RULES The information in this booklet is intended for use by ship masters and ship oper ‘ors when engaged in the ocean transport of grain in bulk, Is thee responsibilty to eam ply wit the mandatory reputations for such eariage as sot forth in she Tnterativnal Code forthe Safe Carriage of Grain in Bulk (hereinafer referred to as “the Code”), if these te ulations are applied by either the home Administration, ie. theit national flag, andor by the Administration atthe port of loading. Its not intended for use by naval architects or ship designers The descriptive material andthe amplifying information on'the regulations, as con- ‘ained inthis booklet, are not intended as official interpretations but rather as explanations as to how these regulations are understood by the surveyors of the National Cargo Bureau, In., which isthe agency, designated by the US. Coast Guard, to enforce the provisions of the Code on ships loading bulk grain at United States ports. In all eases where the intent oF meaning of any 1 M O Grain Rule discussed in this buoklet is subject to ques tion, resolution must depend solely on the content of IM O publication No. 240E. This, Publication can be purchased at most nautical bookstores or, directly, from International Maritime Organization Publications Section 4 Allert Embankment London SEL 7SR United Kingdom CONTN-TAS-T611 Fax: 444(0)71-587-3210 Telex: 23888, Telephone: + International Mar ‘The International Maritime Origination (LM ©) is a spcialized agency of the ‘United Nations whi those iavoleee deals with mantime affairs principally. thove tavoteed with the imprivernont of safely al sca avid protection of the environment war ecBINT iq ‘Acting iw cBincert, these member ‘Adminisiations develop reconmigndaio Zulations In the ease of regulations, they mutually agre® to incorporate then into their national Its and thereby give effect to such regulations on a worldwide basis The organization is headquartered in London, England. — Principle of the IM O Grain Rules ‘The 1 MO Grain Rules are based on the recognition that in a compartment nomi nally filled with grain there exists a void space between the surface of the grain and the overhead ofthe loaded compartment and that, due to the motions ofthe ship in @ Seaway there is @ possibility that grain will shift, unsymmetcically, into this void and thereby cause possibly dangerous loss of stability. The Rules minimize this possibility by requiting thatthe grain be einumed te a level sbrface so that a lage angle of motion is needed before the grain will move of, alternatively, by physically restaining the surface of the grain against movement. Additionally the Rules requize demonstration hy ealeu- lation thot at all times during a voyage The ship will have sufficient intact stability 10 pro> de adequate residual AVANTE TabiMy after Taking. nto account the averse cE 9 fain shin if one shoueroccar Taare pM Ta sn si aepende on va oat apramic cor emo be precisely anikiate. Therefor the © Gein Rares “ue” an angle fran hla then specify a manimar lee of acepale abi oy orth carage of rin ners ofthe estan ante hel dette sumed rin SQ tuned ex vighing coy ay STSTTE Sp] aa ET hod once ate ates aT EST noone ea he TO Ge Ra Isat intended to pray te atl noverent oft an wae the hip ven a seavay, Nevers is conideted at th ake ecting tome base on C8 prescribed pater of wan ovement adequacy reese the sea tet wich ray Fe encountered Limit ws of the IM O- Rules ‘The scope of the Code is limited to matters which relate to the intact stability ofthe ship. It does not relate to the following matters: damage stability, hull strength, fire safe 'y, pollution prevention, fumigation, matters pertaining tothe individual safety of persons (on board the ship, or matters pertaining to the satisfactory out-tuen ofthe cargo. These concerns are not unique to the carriage of grain and must be considered by the owners and the master inthe context ofthe rogulations,insttetions. or responsibil ‘ies which are olberwise applicable. HISTORY Grain has been carried aboard ships for thousands of years, As one of the major is inthe maritime market, i arteacted atvention because of its importance and the spe cial problems it preseated. The tendency of grain, when carried in its bulk natural state, 1s to shift within the cargo space ofa ship moving in a seavay represents a potential hazard to vessel and crew. Consequently, the problems raised by such carriage are often the sub> ject of national eequirements and international agreements AA the international Conference on Safety of Life 0F8 international regu lations applicable to the carriage of grain in bulk were developed and incorporated in Chapter VI, entitled “Carriage of Grain and Dangerous Good Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, T938, as safety was concerned, fof the International These regulations proved elfective as far owever in the light ofthis safety ezeor, and in view ofthe increasingly high costs ‘of the required temporary fittings and/or bagged rain, a review of the regulations adopt cd in 1948 was undertaken. Revisions to the regulations were made atthe Internatignal Contessce on Safety of Life at Sea,(TM). and incorporated in the Taternational Convention forthe Safety of Lafe at Sea, T9B0. Under these pm specified stability requirements were allowed to ‘boards formerly required in and beneath the Feeders and the limitation on the cartiage of heayy grain in upper teen-decks was eliminated. A ew concept galled “common Io ing” was inttoduced which allowed two oF more compartments se ated by docks to be The 1960 Conference also recognized the need for international agreement on all aspects ofthe safe carriage by sea of bulk grain and recommended that Governments sub rit to the Intemational Meritime Organization details of their practices with a view t reaching an international agreement on requirements for the strength of grain ings. ovisions, ships which met stitute large feeders for shifting Although the 1960 Convention did not enter into force until 1965, most of the Contracting Governments tothe 1948 Convention, wishing to take advantage of the eco ‘nomi aid to shipping, in 1961 put the revised chapter VI int effect as an equivalent. In ‘a period of about 4 yeas following the introduction ofthe ew rules, six ships Fouled with grain were lost and there were several cases where a severe list fron shifting caused a ship to return to port for corection of its list, any in 1963 he werk of aetna boay within IMO staying inte aii of ships reexamine the dna on which he gran res of Chapter Vi were hase parc trl those elating to grain sedlement ro feeders int the holds and the ait ol a the spaces between the Beams an the wings and enn the oly timing. IMO. 3° nizing the eed won npc dt, nated a survey vo which masters of stipe of Imany nationals lading bulk. rain in al pat ofthe world conibuted. Further stud ics and tess were cared ot bythe Sub-Commitee on Suevisin and Sibi andthe Sut-Commitee on Burk Cargoes shih conned tha certain principles on which the Teplations were sed wee invalid nd a such ended the hase renents oat tain ‘Thus. afle review of the regulations of cater VI in the ight ofthe forernen Assembly of IMO in October 196) esoution At84(V1) and common Known sy the “T569 Equvalen Grim REGUS" hove boon widely aceped an ein partic anion measure, the Asembly adopted resolution A.1RA(VD which recommen th Governments similarly apply the 1969 Equivalent aia Relations to ship of ts than 500 gros tonnage 16 When adopting the Fiuivalent Grain Regulations, the Assembly requested the Maritime Safety Committee to study data compited ac a result of their application and determine their suitability as an anvendment to chapter VI of the 1960 Convention ‘Accordingly, this evaluation and review sas caried out hy the Sub-Committee on Containers and Cargoes (formerly the Sub-Committee on Bulk Cargoes) over a petiod of 3 years, Iwas found thatthe we of the 1960 Fguivalent Grsia Regulations eesuled in enhanced safety in the iunspost of grain ia halk and proved fo he move practical andi ros cases, Tess expensive dha the 1960, Convention plication of dhe cequicwnonis of chapter WE OF the “The 1969 Equivalent Grain Regulations were only slightly amended in the light of operational experience, and the amended text was initially adopted by the IMO Assembly in November 1973 (resolution A.264(VIT}) as an amenlment 10 the 1960 Convention When adopting the IMO Grain Rule, the IMO Assembly revoked resolution A.183V] which included the 1969 Equivalent Grain Regulations provisions of the new IMO Grain Roles annexed to resolution A.264(V 11} as 8 total replacement for chapter VI of the 1960 Convention, [twas recognized that approvals issued under the provisions of the old 1969 Equivalent Grain Regulations (A.184(V1) ) would be considered as generally complying with the new IMO Grain Rules. ‘The Sub-Committee on Containers and Cargoes recommended in 1980 that valid approvals under resolutions A.184(VP and A.264(VT} be deemed to be in corplince With, oF equivalent to, the requirements of chapter VI ofthe 1974 Convention, provided that no alteration affecting the approval of gra loading information had taken place afer such approval was given, The Sub-Committee further agreed to this end thatthe approval cof ships under the requirements of regulation 12 of chapter VI of the 1960 Convention should remain vatid, provided that all the requirements of that regulation were met and further that n0 aeration affecting the approval af the grain loading inforamation had sab sequently been made. Finally it was also ageeed to recommend that 90 Further docurments would he required where valid approvals existed For the ships desorbed above. These recommendations were approved by the Maritime Safety Committee at its forty-second session in May 1980. The amended text was to form the basis of new int national requirements forthe carriage of grain in bulk and tobe known asthe “IMO Grain Rules", Apart from a few minor editorial changes, the text of these Rules and the text of chapter VL of the Intemational Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, which entered into force on 25 May 1980, ae identical |Also, daring this interim period, certain Administrations made some changes in the train rules as applied to their own ships, One of these was to give a dispensation fom lsimming the ends of filled holds on specially suitable ships. Another was the exper: ‘mental use of wire reinforcing mesh as a means for securing slack grain surface. In November 1981 the Maritime Safety Committe, at its forty-fifth session, adopted ‘8 number of amendments to he 1974 Convention, including sonte related to chapter VI ‘In 1992, tits fifty. session, the Maritime Safety Committee decided tvs ture cha of the Inlematignal Convention Tor the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (GOLAS 1974), jo apply to a broader spectrum of cargo-reated maiters and to tans-eethe ‘Hundatogy regulations pertaining {o the carriage of grain in hulk to 9 ogw docuineas eny- tied “The Intemational Code for the Safe Carriage of Grain in Bulk. These changes went into effect on January 1, 1994, INFORM: ION ON REQUIREMENTS, Application In econtance with requirement 1, regulation 9, Part C, chapter VI of SOLAS 1974, ‘as amended, and regulation A 1.1 of the Cade, the Code applies to, and is mandatory for all ships regardless of size, including those of less than S08 gross tons, which carry bulk rain on an international voyage. However, it should be noted that two of the require- ‘ments in the Code apply only to ships built after January 1, 1994, One is a requirement pertaining to the provision ofa table of permissible hecling. moments. This is diseussed ina paragraph marked with an asterisk, on page 27. The other requirement pertains tothe immersion of the deck edge and is stated in the second paragraph on page 26, [As proviled for in regulation A 8 of the Code, Documents of Authorization which previously approved under Regulation 12, chapter VE af SOLAS 1960, or MO Resolutions A184 V1) of A.264(VII), will continue to be recognized, Existing ships holding such Documents are not required to obtain new Documents of Authorization indi- cating compliance with the Code. More information on Documents of Authorization is, sven on page 28. In the ease of vessels registered in the United States, the Code applies 4 all ships and barges carrying grain in bulk. whether or not engaged on an international voyage ‘except that voyages on inland waters, the Great Lakes, and specified coastal waters are exempted. Definition of Grai 2.1 The term grain covers wheat, maize (cor), oats rye, barley, rice, pulses. sceds and processed forms thereof, whose behavior is Simla to that of grain in its natural state. “The term “pulses” includes edible seeds for such leguminous erops as peas, heans ‘or lets. Maize includes varieties such as sorghum (mila). Nuts such as peanuts in the ecortcated form are included. However, undecorticated (unshelled) forms are not ‘These requirements apply to saw-delinted cottonseed and acid-delinted cottonseed but not to finted cottonseed. The requirements do not apply to processed grains such as flour of soybean meal, but processing is not the determining criteria, For example the require ments do apply to rapeseed pellets. In general, when there is a question as to whether oF not the requirements apply to an agricultural commodity, the angle of repase, (the na tural angle with harizontal which a feeely poured pile will tain) should be carefully mea sured. If itis 30 degrees or ess, the requirements ofthe Cade should be deemed « apply. ‘Trimming When grain is ree poured into a compartment it arranges itself into a pie of eon cal shape. The angle of the surface of the grain with horizontal varies with the specific variety ofthe grain but may be as much as 30 degrees. This termed the angle of repose tbe ple is state, the surface would remain undisturbed However, if the grain is in a ship and is subjected to the motions of a ship at sea, the grain surface could move in response to this motion moving the center of gravity of the grain mass, ‘This is grain shift. This off-center weight condition is a GRAIN HEELING MOMENT wiih causes the ship to heel ‘But ifthe surface of the grain is levellel to a zero degece angle with horizontal, then the ship would have to rol in excess ofthe angle of repose, for example 30 degrees, before the grain would shift. Consequently, to minimize the possibility that butk grain wilt shift at sea, the I M © Grain Rules equte thatthe grain be srimimed, ie. levelled after it has been loaded. “The magnitude of a grain shift depends upan the amount of open space above the grain into which itean move, Thus when a compartment i filled 10 the maximum extent possible, the adverse effect of the rain shift ic, the grain heeling moment, will he less than i the compartment is partly filled. The Grain Rules recognize this by assuming a 15, ‘degree shift of grain when the compartment is filled 2s opposed to a25 degree shift when ‘a compartment is partly filled. In both cases the grain is wimmed, but there is a much _reater volume of open space above the grain surface when the compartment is partly filled 2.2 The term filled compartment, rimmed, refers to any eargo space in which, after loading snd trimming as required under A 10.2. the bulk grain isa its highest possible level ‘Thisis understood 1o mean that, the hatehway, the grain is filled to the level with- in the coaming which will be a the underside of the hatchcoxers or the underside of the hatch beams which either frame or support the hatchcovers. ‘The grain must he trimmed level at this height eneath the deck, outboard and fore and aft ofthe hate opening, the grain must be {wimmed level tothe maximum extent possible. Because ofthe capability of the machines, used for trimming this is generally to a level slightly above the bottom of the hatch side irders and hatch end beams Figure 1 illustrates @ transverse scetion through a filled compartment, trimmed, Figure 2 shows a compariment which appears to he trimmed, filled but which is not ‘beeause the spaces outside the periphery ofthe hatchway were merely free-poure. Figure 1 Figure 2 ACCEPTABLE UNACCEPTABLE 2.3 The term filled compartoent, anarionmed, eters 10 a cargo space which is filled 10 the maximum extent possible in way of the hatch opening but which has not been trimmed outside the periphery of the hatch opening either by the provisions of A 10.3.1 forall ships or A 10.3.2 for specially suitable compartments 20 As illustrated in Figure 3, below, grain does not have to be trimmed if ts surface is permanently restrained by graintight structure which slopes at an angle of 30 degrees ot ‘more. On most bulk carriers this is achieved by having the structural desiga include upper wing tanks extending the length of the hold, port and starboard. Th accordance with eg- ulation A 2.7 compartments so fted are termed specially suitable. And, while ina filed compartment, the grain is restrained against shift in the areas tothe por and starboard of the hate opening. tis not sieniaey restrained by the horizontal surface on the underside fothe deck forward and aft ofthe hatch opening. By regulation A 10:32, cimming is not required in these a ly suitable compartments and only when the ‘vompartment is ezherse filled, ic. the bulk prin is Fille to the maximum extent pos sible in way of the hate opening. as but only in spot 30 Figure 10 Similarly, regulation 4 10.5 requires that when bulk grain is stowed on tap of closed tween dock hatch covers which are not grain-tight, suck covers shall be made grain-tight ‘by taping the joins, covering the entire hatchway' with tarpaulins of separation clothes, oF ‘ther suitable means. Ttis obvious that if some ofthe bulk grain in an upper compartment, in the course ofthe voyage, shifts down to a lower compartment through the joints inthe hatch covers, then the void space above the prin inthe upper compartment will increase. ‘This will increase the potential prain heeling moment to a greater Value so that the stabil~ ity calculations, made atthe start ofthe voyage, wll not indicate the actual status of eom- pliance In the case of specially suitable compartments which ae filed. wntrimmed in acco dance with regulation A 10.3.2, the grain inthe spaces forward and aft ofthe hatchway is disposed at its angle of repose flowing outward from the lower edges of the hatch end ‘beams. However, if there are feeding holes in the hatch end beams, as shown in Figure 11, the grain flows from the holes thereby reducing the void space which would obtain if the grain flowed from the lower boundary. Where such holes ae provided the tabulaced ‘volumetric heeling moment takes redit for the smaller void space. Thus, when the hateh- way is Filled, time must be allowed for the feeding through the feeding holes to be com= pleted. When feeding ccases and the hatchway is filled, then the hatch can be closed, Figure 11 u Other Methods of Achieving Co {nthe event thatthe stability calculations for & proposed stowage arrange hot meet the stability reyuitements oF ment do egulation A 7.1, alternate stowage arrangements should be investigated, If this i not successful, other, usually more enstly, alternatives are available a flows AL Ballast If there is reserve deadweight, ic. if the proposed loading condition does not bring the ship to its permitted Load Line draft, then taking ballast may be helpful. The ballast should be in the double bottom tanks and the tanks should be filled to eliminate fee sur face effect. Thus low weight will increase the displacement and lower the KGy, Generally, this will increase the permissible grain heeling moment and this may be suffi: cient to make the proposed stowage arrangement acceptable this alternative is to be used, the ballast must be on board at the time of departue, Sometimes, because of dirty harbor water or similar considerations, itis not advisable for the ship to ballast while atthe loading berth. Ta such cases, the stability calculation should show the ballast on board and the master must cemtify thatthe ballastng witl be complet {ed enroute 10 sea and before the vessel departs sheliered waters. ‘This certification may be inthe form of a leter, on ship's stationery, signed by the master. ‘This option does not require eny special information or endorsement in the Grain Loading Manual B. Overstowing I one or more of the grain compartments is partly filled, the grain heeling moments for such compartments is much greater than itis forthe filled compartments. The grain hheeting moment for a partly filled compartment can be eliminated, ie., reduced to 2ero, by securing the slack surface against shifting by overstowing it with bagged grain or with ‘ther eargo which will have the similar effet of restraining the prain surface against any ‘movement, A reduction inthe total grain heeling moment, achieved by this means, may be sufficient to bring the proposed stowage arrangement within the limit specified in the Permissible Heeling Moment Table. This option does not require any special information or endorsement in the Grait Loading Manual The specific requirements for overstowing are given in regulation A 16, as follows 16.1 Where bagged grain or other suitable cargo is utilized forthe pur- pose of securing partly filled compartments, the free grain surface shall be level and shall be covered with a separation cloth or cquiv= alent or by a suitabie platform. Such platform shall consist of bear {75 spaced not more than 1.2 m apart and 25 mm boards laid there fn spaced not more than 100 mm apart. Platforms may be con structed of other materials provided they are decmed by the ‘Administration to be equivalent. 16.2 The platform or separation cloth shall be topped off with bagged ain tightly stowed and extending to a height of not fess than one~ sixteenth of the maximum breadth of the free grain surface or 1.2 m whichever is the greater, 2 16.3 ‘The bagged grain shall he carried in sound bags which shale well filled and securely closed 164 Instead of bagged grain, ther suitable cargo tightly stowed and lexening at leas the same pressure as bagged grain stowed in accor. dance with A 16.2 may be used. © ‘The grain heeling moment may be significantly reduced ina filled compartment by constructing a saucer, as described in regulation A 14, below, inthe square of the hach- way. This device has the same effect asa centerline, grain-tight bulkhead in that it pre- vents the grain from shifting across the entre breadth of the compartment, as illustrated in Figure 12, CONDITION AFTER A GRAIN SHIFT [ 2, ene Figure 12 Unless there are grain-tight division forward and aft of the hatchway, the effect is limited to the longitudinal length of the saucer. The volumetric heeling moment which applies in a specific compartment when a saucer is fitted must be included in the approved Grain Loading Manual if this option isto be avilable for use by th ship. “The specific requirements pertaining tothe use and construction of saucers are given in regulation A 14 as follows 14 For the purpose of reducing the hecfing moment a saucer may be used in place of a longitudinal division in way of a hatch opening only ina filled, trimmed, compartment as defined in A 2.2. except in the case of linseed and other seeds having similar properties, where fa saucer may not be substituted for a longitudinal division, If a Tongitudinal division is provided, it shall meet the requirements of A109. 14.2 The depth of the saucer, measured from the bottom of the saucer to the deck line, hall be as follows: 1. For ships witha moulded breadth of upto 9.1 m, not less than 1.2.m, .2 or ships witha mouldod breath of 183 m or more, ntessthan 1.8m 3 For ships with a moulded breadth between 9.1 mand 18.3 m, the ‘minimum depth ofthe saucer shall be calculated by interpolation. 2B M 14.3 The top (mouth) of the saucer shall be formed by the underdeck structure in way ofthe hatchway, Le, hatch side girders or coatings ‘an hatch end beams, Te saucer and hatchway above shall be com plecely filled with bagged grain or other suitable cargo laid down on ‘separation cloth or ils equivalent and stowed tightly aginst adja cent structure 50 a8 to have a bearing contact with such structure to ‘depth equal to or greater than one-half of the depth specified in A 14.2. IF ull structure to provide such bearing surface is not avail able, the saucer shall be fixed in position by steel wire ope, chain, ‘or double steel strapping as specified in A 17.1.4 and spaced not ‘more than 2.4 m apart D. Bundling of Bulk Grain Whereas a saucer is formed by a volume of bagged grain or similarly restrained cargo, the same result of preventing a transverse shift of grain across the entire breach of the compartment, as illustrated in Figure 12, may be achieved by constructing a single, large bag of bulk grain which fills the hatchway and which is fixed in position by the siruetural boundaries of the hatchway. This is termed “bundling of bulk grain” and is an acceptable alternative to a saveer. ‘The volumettic heeling moment which applies when bundling of bulk grain is used ina specific compartment isthe same as that which applies for a saucer used in the same location, and it must be listed inthe Grain Loading manual if this option i to be available for use by the vessel ‘The specific requirements pertaining t the method of “bundling of bulk rain” are given in regulation A 15, as listed below. Its tobe noted that the limitations on its use are the same as those which apply to a saucer and ate specified in regulation A141 ‘Asan alternative to filling the saucer i filled, trimmed, compartment with bagged {rain or ether stable cargo a bundle of bulk grain may be used provided tha 15.1 ‘The dimensions and means for securing the bundle in place are the same as specified for a saucer in A 14.2 and A 14.3, 15.2 The saucer is lined with a material acceptable to the Administration hhaving a tensile stength of not less than 2,687 N per $ cm strip and which is provided with suitable means for securing atthe top. 153.As an alternative to A 15.2, @ material acceptable to the ‘Administration having a tensile strength of not less than 1,344 N per 5 emi strip may be used ifthe saucer is constructed as follows: 3.1 Athwartship lashings acceptable to the Administration shall bye placed inside the saucer formed in the bulk grain at intervals ‘of not more than 2.4 m, These lashings shall be of sufficieat length to permit being drawn up tight and secured at the top of the saucer, 3.2 Dunnage not less than 25 mm in thickness or other suitable — ‘material of equal strength and bitween 150 mm and 300 mm in ‘width shall be placed fore and aft over these lashings to prevent the cutting or chafing ofthe material which shall be placed there- ‘on to line the saucer. 15 The saucer shall be filled with bulk grain and secured atthe top except that when using material approved under A 15.3 further dun ‘nage shall be laid on top after lapping the material before the saucer is secured by setting up the lashings 15.5 Ifmore than one sheet of material is used to line the saucer hey shall be joined at the bottom either by sewing or hy a double lap. 15.6 The top of the savcer shall be coincidental with the bottom of the beams when these are in place and suitable general cargo or bulk grain may be placed between the beams on top of the saucer. E, Strapping or Lashing Partly filled compartments have the greatest volumetric heeling moments because they have a large volume of open space above the grain surface into which the grain can shift and, also, because the regulations assume a 25 degree shift instead of the 15 degree shiftwhich applies when the compartment i filed. Consequently. a significant reaction in grain heeling moment can be achieved by totally preventing a grain shit in a partly filled compartment and ths reducing the grain hecling: moment attributable to that com: partment to zero. This may be accomplished hy fabricating 4 somewhat costly constr: tion which completely covers the stack grain surface and physically resrains it against any movement which may be generated by the motions of the ship at sea “The use ofthis option does mnt require any special information or endorsement in the Grain Loading manual. ‘The specific eequirements pertaining to the details of con siruction are given in regulation A 17, as given below When, in order to eliminate heeling moments in partly filled compartments, strap. ping or lashing is utilized, the securing shall be accomplished as follows, 17.1 The grain shall be trimmed and leveled (0 the extent that itis very slighily crowned and covered with burlap separation cloths, tarpau Tins or the equivalent 172 The separation cloths andlor tarpaulins shall overlap by t least 1.8 m, 17.3 Two solid floors of rough 25 mim x 150 mm to 300 mm lumber shall be laid with the top floor running longitudinally and nailed to an athwartships bottom floor, Alternatively, one solid floor of $0 mm lumber, rnning longitudinally and nailed over the top of a SO mm bottom bearer not less than 150 mim wide, may be used. The bottom ‘beaters shall extend the Full breadth ofthe compartment and shall be spaced not more than 2.4 m apart. Arangements utilizing other ‘materials and deemed by the Administration to be equivalent to the foregoing may be accepted. 174 Steel wire rope (19 mm diameter or equivalent, double stel strap: ping (50 mm x 1,3 mim and having a breaking load of at least 49kN) fr chain of equivalent strength, each of which shall be set tighlly by ‘means of a 32 mi turnbuckle, may be used for lashings. A winch tightener, used in conjunction with a locking arm, may be substtut- ed for the 32 mm tumbuckle when ste! strapping is used, provided suitable wrenches are available for setting up a8 necessary. When steel strapping is used, not less than three erimp seals shall be used 3 for sccuring the ends, When wire i used, no less than four clips shall he used for foaming eyes ia the lashings. 1755 Prior 10 the completion of loading the lashing shall be positively attached to the framing ata point approximately 450 mi below the anticipated final grain surface by means of either a 25 mm shackle or beam clamp of equivalent strength, 17.6 The lashings shall be spaced not more than 2.4 m apart and each shall be supported by a bearer mailed aver the lop of the fore and aft floor, This bearer shall consist of lumber of not less thats 25 min x 150 mm or its equivalent and shall extend the full breadth of the compartment 17.7 During the voyage the strapping shall be regularly inspected and set ‘up where necessary. F. Securing with Wire Mesh ‘This method of preventing a slack grain surface from shifling and thereby reducing the grain heeling moment to zero, is essentially the same as "Strapping or Lashing” except thatthe principal restraining force ofthe transverse cables spaced every 2.4 meters forthe length of the hold is transmitted to the overall, fabric-covered surface of the grain by ricans ofa stif, wire mesh of the type used to reiiforce concrete instead of through a deck constructed of dunnage, ‘The use ofthis option does not require any special information or endorseinent ia the Grain Loading manual, The specific requirements pertaining to the details of con- struction are given in regulation A 18. as given below: When, inorder to eliminate grain heeling moments in partly filled compartments, strapping of lashing is utilized, the securing may, as an alternative tothe method described in A 17, be accomplished as follows: 18,1 The grain shall be trimmed and levelled to the extent that itis very slightly crowned along the fore and aft centeeline of the compart- 18.2 The entre surface ofthe grain shall be covered with burlap separa tion cloths, tarpaulins, othe equivalent. The covering material shall have a fensite strength of aot less that 1,344 N pee 5 em stip. 18.3 Two layers of wire reinforcement mesh shall be laid on top of the burlap or other covering. The bottom layer is to be laid athwartships and the top layer is to be laid longitudinally. ‘The lengths of wire ‘mesh are to be overlapped atleast 75 mm. The top layer of mesh is to be positioned over the botiom layer in such @ manner that the squares formed by the alternate layers measure approximately 75 ‘mm x 75 men. The wire reinforcement mesh is the type used in rein- forced concrete construction. It is fabricated of 3 mm diameter steel wire having a breaking strength of not less than 52 kN/em? welded, in 150 mm x 150 mm squares. Wire mesh having mill scale may be™ ‘used but mesh having loose, flaking rust may not be usd. 18.4 The boundaries of the wire mesh, atthe port and starboard side of the ‘compartment, shall be retained by wood planks 150 mm x 50 mm. 36 18.5 Held-down lashings, cunning from side to side across the compart ‘ment, shall be spiced not rote than 2.4m apart except tha the fest, and the fst lashing shall not be more than 300 mum from the forward or after bulkhead, respectively. Prior to the completion ofthe foad- ing, each lashing shall be positively attached tothe framing ata point approximately 450 mm below the anticipated final grain surface by means of either a 25 mm shackle ot beam clamp of equivalent strength, The lashing shall be led from this point over the top ofthe boundary plank described in A 18.1.4, which has the function of distributing the downward pressure exerted by the lashing, Two layers of 150 mm x 25 mm planks shall be laid athwartships centered beneath eacs lashing and extending the Full breadth of the compartment 186 The hold-down lashings shall consist of steel wire rope (19 eam diameter or equivalent), double stel strapping (50 mm x 1.3 mm and having a breaking load of at least 49KN), or chain of equivalent sleengih, each of which shall be set ight hy means of a 32 mim ture buckle. A winch tightener, used in conjunction witha locking arm, may be substituted for the 32 mm turnbuckle when steel stepping is used, provided suitable wrenches are availabe for seting up as aee- essary. When stcel strapping is used, not less than theceerimip seals, shall be used for securing the ends. When wire rope is used, not less than four clips shal be used for forming eyes in the lashings. 18.7 During the voyage the hold-down lashings shall be regulary inspect ced and set up where necessary, G, Temporary Longitudinal Division ‘The grain heeling moment in a compartment, in cither the filled or partly filled con Aiton, can be significantly reduced by installing, usually onthe fore and aft centerline, a longitudinal bulkhead which prevents the grain from shifting across the entte breadth of the compartment. This is an expensive alternative but itis available for use in a ship if the applicable volumetric heeling moments listed in the ship's Grain Loading manual, If the grain is tobe loaded on both sides of a longitudinal bulkhead, the siest on the balk head will be somewhat relieved, ‘The Code contains regulations governing the design of divisions loaded on both sides and divisions loaded on one side only. ‘The former is si pler and is covered by regulation A 11 and A 12, as given below: 1A Timber All imier used for grain fittings shall be of good sound quality and ‘of atype and grade wich has been proved tobe satisfactory for this purpose. The actual finished dimensions of the timber shall be in socordance with the dimensions specified below. Plywood of an exterior type bonded with waterproof glue and fitted so that the direction of the grain in the face plies is perpendicular to the sup porting uprights or binder may be used provide that its strength is ‘equivalent to that of solid timber of the appropriate scaling. ” 38 11.2 Working Stresses (This regulation pertains divisions loaded on one side.) 113 Other materials Materials other than wood or steel may be approved for such divi- sions provided that proper egard has been paid to their mechanical Properties 114 Uprighs 1 Unless means are provided to prevent the ends of uprights being dislodged from thei sockets, the depth of housing at each end of ‘each upright shall be not less than 75 mam. If an.upright is not secured at the top, the uppermost shore or stay shall be fitted as near thereto as is practicable. 2 The arrangements provided for inserting shifting boards by removing a patt of the cross-section of an upright shall be such that the local level of stesses is not unduly high, 3 (This regulation pertains divisions loaded on one side.) 11.5 Composite section ‘Where uprights. binders or any other strength members are formed by wo separate sections, one fitted on each side of a division and interconnected by through bolts at adequate spacing, the effective section modulus shall bee taken as the sum of the two moduli of the separate sections 116 Partial division Where divisions do not extend tothe full dep ofthe cargo space sich Aivisions and thei uprights shall be supposed or stayed so as to be a cient as those which do extend to the Full depth of the eargo space, Applicable to Divisions Leaded on Both Sides 12.1 Shifting boards 1 Shifting boards shal have a thickness of not less than 50 mm and shall be fied graintight and where necessary supported by uprights 2 The maximum unsupported span for shifing boards of various thicknesses shall be as follows: Thickness __ Maximum unsupported span 50mm 25m 60 mam 20m Toa 35m _ 80mm 40m I thicknesses pre than these are provided, the maximum unsupported span will vary directly with the increase in thickness. 3 The ends of all shifting boards shall be securely housed with 75 mm minimum bearing length 122 Other materials: Divisions formed by using materials other than wood shall have & strength equivalent to the shifting boards requised in A 12.1 123 Uprights 1 Stcel uprights used to support divisions loaded on both sides shall have a section modulus given by Weaxw, Where: W. = section modulus in eubie centimetres = horizontal span between uprights in metres “The section modulus per meite span WE shall be not less than that given by the formula Wy = 148 (hy 1.2) emn¥im Where: hy is the vertical unsupported span in metres and shall be taken as the maximum value of the distance between any ‘two adjacent stays or between a stay and ether end of the Upright, Whore this distance is less than 24 m the respective moguls shall be calculated as ithe actual value were 2.4m. 2 The moduli wood! uprights shall be determined by multiplying by 125 the coresponding moduli for stocl uprights. IF othe materials are used thie modu shall be at feast that required for steel increased in proportion wo the ratie of the permissible sess es for steel to that of the material used. In such cases attention shall be pad also to the relative rigidity of each upright to ensure thatthe deflection is not excessive 3 The horizontal distance between uprights shall be such that the unsupported spans ofthe shifting boards do not exceed the max= imum span specified in A 12.1.2 1244 Shores <1 Wood shores, when used, shall be in a single piece and shall be securely fined at cach end and hecled against the permanent structure of the ship except that they shall not bear directly against the side plating ofthe ship. » 40 2 Subject othe provisions of A 124.3 and A 12.44. Size oF woo shoes shall be as follows Rectangular Diameter of ciel section com conan) domy) Length of shore Section Not exceeding 3 1m 150 100 140 Over 3 mut not exceeding Sim 180 x 150 165 Over S mut not exceeding 6m 1504150 180 Over 6 m but not exceeding Fm 200% 150 10 Over 7 but not exceeding 8 m 2001 150 200 Exceeding 8 m 200 x 150 2s Shores of 7 m or more in length shal be securely bridged at approx: imately mid-ength, 3. When the horizontal distance between the uprights differs signi cantly from 4 m, the moments of inertia of the shores may be changed in direct proportion, 4 Where the angle of the shore to the horizontal execeds 10 the ‘ext larger shore to that required by A. 12.4.2 shall be fitted pro- Vided that in no case shall the angle between any shote and th horizontal exceed 45°, 125 Stays Where stays are used to support divisions loaded on both sides, they shall be fitted horizontally or as near thereto as practicable, well secured at each end and formed of stet wire rope, The sizes of the Wire rope shall be determined assuming that the divisions and upright which the say supports are uniformly loaded at 4.9 kN/an The working load so assumed in the stay shall not exeeed one third of its breaking load, If the bulkhead is going to be loaded with bulk grain on one side only (this is us ally the case when a temporary, transverse bulkhead is installed to reduce the length of a compartment). the further details of construction are given in regulation A 13. Since the pplication ofthis regulation requires a knowledge of structural engincering, if it is to be used on a ship, the plans and specifications forthe bulkhead must be included in, or be a supplement to the ship's approved Grain Leading manna GENERAL INFORMATION ON GRAIN LOADING ACCEPTANCE OF VESSELS TO LOAD BULK GRAIN AT UNITED STATES PORTS, CERTIFICATE OF READINESS ° A Centficate of Resdiness is a document which must be issued by the National Cargo Bureau surveyor before a ship can load grain at a United States port. The infor- mation presented in the following pages is intended to clarify the requirements forthe issuance of the Certificate and thereby help prevent cosily delays which might result from failure to meet them, DOCUMENT OF AUTHORIZATION The vessel should have on boutd a Document of Authorization (deseribed on page 28 inthis booklet), issued hy the Adinimistration of the country of regisey or by an agency ‘uthorized to issue such documents on behalf of the Adntinistration, ‘The document shall accompany and refer to approved Grain Loading booklet which is provided to enable the Master to meet the requirements of the grain regulations. CHANGE OF REGISTRY ‘When a vessel changes registry, the Grain Loading booklet must be approved or accepted by the new Administration or an agency authorized to act on behalf of that ‘Administration and a new Document of Authorization issued. Owners and operators are ‘cautioned that such approcal isnot automatic and may in some cases require reparation of anew booklet to canform with the requirements of the new Adiministration. Therefore, itis strongly recommended that timely action be taken to obtain such approval or aecen- tance by the new Adminisitation to avoid possible delay when the vessel is presented to load grain, SEAWORTHINESS, “The vessel should have on board a valid Cargo Ship Safety Construction Cerificate, ELS WITHOUT DOCUMENTS OF AUTHORIZATION ‘A vessel which does not have on board a valid Document of Authorization may load grain under the requirements snd limitations sot forth in epulation A 3.$ or regulation A 9 of the Code. Information on these alternatives is given on pages 29, 30, and 65 in this booklet STABILITY CALCULATION A stability calculation, signed by the Master, which demonstrates thatthe vessel will comply with the stability requirements of the Grain Loeding booklet and the appropriate regulations at every stage of the voyage must be presented to the attending Surveyor before a Cenificate of Readiness will be issued. Information on the correct preparation of the stability calculation is shown on page 67. 4 FITTINGS: All grain divisions which are to be utilized fr the particular stowage arrangement shall be grain ight, in sound condition, and constructed in accordance with the requirements in regulations A 11 and A 12 ofthe Code, or the design andl specifications as included in the approved Grain Loading manual, whichever is applicable Panticular care niust be taken fo clean overhead beans, ledges, and the unkerside stmeture of steel hatch covers. STRUCTURAL DEFECTS ‘The boundaries of eargo compartments in which grain is to be loaded shall be struc tural intact and feee of leaks, Deficiencies which may affect seaworthiness or the satis factory cariage of the grain may have occurred after issuance of the Cargo Ship Safety Construction cestificate, Ifsuch deficiencies are found, they shall be brought tothe atte tion ofthe Master and evaluation or repair to the satisfaction of the Classification Society shall be required before a Certificate of Readiness to load grain can be issued, 2 a PREPARING A SHIP FOR LOADING GRAY! ‘The following suggestions are offered for officers of ships carying grain cargoes CLEANLINESS. It is essential that all spaces intended for grain be thoroughly clean, free of odor. fee of loose rust and paint scale, ad in every respect fit to receive grain, ‘This means thatthe holds must be swept, washed (if ncessary), and dried. Panicwlar ere ‘must be take to clean the overhead beams, ledges and the underside structure of steel hatch covers BILGES, Bilges andlor drain wells must be cleaned and then sealed with burlap or other suitable material which i gramtight but not watertight. Bilge suetions and sounding pipes must be clear. Tween deck scuppers must be made graintight, That compartments be ‘completely dry eannot be overstzessed, This is especially applicable o wwoden sinvetures such as ceiling landing pads, bilge limber boards and grain ftings. Green lumber may ‘cause dampness in grain fittings and should be avoided INFESTATION, A thorough inspection ofthe grain compartments should be made for any signs of inseet or rodent infestation. This applies particularly to vessels which have previously cared grain cargoes. Any indication of infestation wil be cause For rejection bby government inspectors or their representatives who will then require fumigation or ‘extermination prior to acceptance. STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY. Cargo compartments shall be structurally sound Cement boxes over holes or eracks affecting the watertight integrity are not permitted, Bulkhieads below the main deck shall be watertight. Manhioles on double bottom tanks under grain holds should be inspected for tightness, and, if necessary, the tanks should be tested by pressing up. Weather deck hatch cavers should be inspected for water tightness and, if necessary, hose teste. SHEATHING OF HOT BULKHEADS. Ficeroom and engine room bulkheads which are subject to temperatures of 110 F. (43,3 C.) or above and are adjacent to holds in which bulk cor, soybeans, milo, sorghum, maize or rice are stowed, shall be sheathed Sheathing shall also be required whenever bulk grain of any type is stowed adjacent tothe ‘bulkhead of a tank in which a heated liquid is eared. DEEP TANKS. When grain i to be loaded in deep tanks, the ballast filling lines and hheatng coil lines shall be blanked in the tanks or inthe engine room. Where decp tanks are not fitted with drain wells or covered bilges, the bilge suetions shall be adequately boxed. WING TANKS. When grain isto he loaded into wing tanks, precautions should be taken against the entry of water through ballast filling lines, overboard discharge valves, eck vents, deck manholes and any other openings. Ballasing of wing tanks isto be avoided when grain is cari in the center hold ELECTRICAL WIRING. Wiring and electrical equipment which may be buried in bbulk grain constitutes significant hazard for fire. Unless essential to the underway oper- lation of the ship, all electrical circuits in grain compartments shall be discoanected or defused, 3 i { 44 PRECAUTIONS WHILE LOADING A GRAIN CARGO ‘he eran regulations ave predicated om argo spaces being as fall as possible and ‘well invned. Constant sapervision att inspection by ship's officers is required to iasure that this is done. Proper timing can be ascertained by Hequent sigh ring hale sid access maninokes, Wh ne dusty earpoes, it may be necessary to 1M Toaing petientcally to allo the dst to sete su iiently to inset the ‘ning, When timing machines are used, iayum, Poor timing is nto ti liste shoul he kept to a ntin- al expensive to correct TRIMMING HATCHES, When con decks anl lower holds are foaded in combina ‘ios, wiming hatcies and access manfoles shall he lefh aon, Whe the tween decks and lower olds are fouled separately, these openings mst be SECURING OF TWEEN DECKS. Whon tween decks ate secured hy means of bun: p. the tween deck must be sealed ts prevent the settling of gran into the “compartment belo SECURING HATCH COVERS OF FILLED COMPARTMENTS. I there is no bulk Brain oF other cargo above 3 filled eon wrewved sutment the hatels covers shall be secured in an vce aving report the weig provided for sensing such covers, ‘of the cavers dp angements ELECTRICAL FIRES, Daring loading operations sevious Fires in grain compartinents can be cause by faulty electrical cireuits i cargo compartments and by leaving portable ‘cago lights unattended in grain conmpaeinents, At elecitiealeieuits in grain compartments, rust he disconnected or defuse, aa portable lights nus he removed when notin use. LOAD LINES. A Centficate of Loading wi not he issued if the vessel is loaded over hier seasonal marks, ater careetion For density, tn all cases, the applicable frechoatd, as shown pn the Load Line Cevtifieate, will gover. The Ceniicate of Loading becomes ‘ai if, at any stage ofthe voyage, the vessel is Ibe over er seasonal marks. 1. in order totems within a certain seasonal tea, the vessel must follow an inl tw her destination, the stability calculation should indicate this fact, amd there shoul be sufficient fuel and water on hand forthe intended voyage. No allowance will toe permitted for pong out residual ballast after depan ture GREAT LAKES LOAD LINE REGULATIONS. All ships losding at US. ports on Regulations. 46 CFR 459 states as follows: (a) For the punposes ofthe lw and regolaions prohibiting suby fof loadlines (46 U, vessels htding gence (Cf: AG CFR A2,07-10) the marks assigned to lcxnationalloadine ceuiicates apply during the fo lowing seasons: (1) Vessels assigned frechoauds as new vessels under the Lnjernational Load Line Convention, 1966 -— (i) Winter Noverber 1 texigh Mach 31 (Gi) Sumner — April ubtowgh Apail 30 and October I through October Hs GaivTrepient May ty Septerer 30 2) Vessels assigned freeboards as existing vessels under the International Load Line Convention, 1966 — G) Winter — November 1 through March 31: Gi) Summer — April 1 hough April 39 and October U rough ‘Octber Ms (iiyrrpical September 16 yhrouph September 30; Gv Tropical Fresh — May F through September 15. (b) No allowances for lesser Freeboards apply under any circumstances, LIST. A Certificate of Loading will be issved only if after the completion of toading. and prior to departure, the vessel has ao Histor is listed less than one degree. TRIM BY THE HEAD, 1f,at the completion of loading, the vessel is trimmed by more than one-half percent of the Length Between Perpendiculars (0.005 x LBP) by the bead. 1 Cestificate of Loading will be issued only ifthe Master furnishes a statement that he ‘considers it sae to proceed inthis condition, LONGITUDINAL STRENGTH, Unless specifically permitted by the Grain Loading ual or the Trim and Stability booklet, the existence of enipty or largely slack holds. ‘loaded ship causes concern aboot Fongitudinal strength, In such cases the Master shall satisfy the surveyor thal the longitudinal strength of his vesset is not impaired JERDECK HATCH COVERS. Precautions should be taken to prevent the leakage of water into grain cargoes through the joints of metal weatherdeck hatch covers ‘which may be caused by the working of the vessel in heavy weather. Sealing of these joints by tape or other means is recommended. OVERHEATING OF DOUBLE BOTTOM TANKS, Precautions should be taken to prevent damage t» grain cargoes caused by overheating of double bottom or other fuel tanks, Engineer officers should be advised regarding this hazard 46 CARRIAG! A taker is defined of liquid cargoes 2 OF BULK GRAIN IN TANKERS a vessel specially designed and constructed for the carriage bulk, and in which the eayga spaces are subdivided into smaller eon pavtmients by longitudinal sd transverse bulkcas “Uhr ate certain seu scat tele ta safety al goad cae eta ahi ants bbe met efore a taker em be consoled realy to fal lk g nce, but ste not Fi in, ‘The serene od the follossing: CLEANLINESS. Compartments are to be completely clean, dy, enor, and 98 free. All loose se: T gonb in ihe cae is to be removed. In case of doubt concerning odor, the compart: sna should be closed and seinspeeted twenty-four hours fate. All pipe lines to cargo compartinents shall be thoroughly cleaned, drained, and blown dey, Heating col Hines and deck manifolds shall be bh ed tm tankers whil have ae ulependlent stipping system, all pipe Hines, except the stripping fines, sue to be blanked off inthe pura toon ng Hines tached ta the 9 Sines, except those forming the stripping arrangement, oon or other Lovati fon Hines, all pipe 1 be blanked off in the pump possible duc a the construction of the piping sys- ans of chains. padlocks, and seals, The time seal numbers, shall be entered in the vessel's tem, applicable and date ofthis operation, together wil Tog bok BOXING OF SUICTIONS, ‘Tossed not have ig ston wad hfe ms he pie wit wer af 3 tke sae ete tal (oi sl be sonst aod he sting aes. Sh bones sal ini ninco cena Srpnings pops covered wt hap esha e pod oes thet) Sint Whereis mete of espn ie ches orth ef Sich openings sl he dternind by nuyng te ise cose sci seo he tpg ine ie ys, We he ie mete hes ne eee ne © he min aeao sh peng sal be 0 sate nes SOUNDING PIPES. Every conyprtiient in whieh grin i eared shall be equipped ‘with a sourding pipe having. ae inside diameter of wot less than U%, the lower end of Wwiiel isto be made grain Hehe but wot watectight, Plastic pies shall have a wall thick ties anol less than LHS inches (Schedule 40 gage. Suet pipes are to be secured at sul ficicntincervas alone thc length to prevent bending, sn shall be fi ‘upper end and "TF" Hitings at the lower end ea with caps at the STABILITY TERMS AND SYMBOLS B = CENTER OF BUOYANCY - A single point within the portion of the ship's holl which i below the waterline and hough which the force of buoyancy appears to operate KB < Height of Center of Buoyancy above the keel G — CENTER OF GRAVITY - A single poim within the entire structre of he sip at whieh the total weight ofthe ship and all that is in her, appears tobe concentrated. vee VERTICAL CENTER OF GRAVITY - Leight of the Center of Gravity lf a cargo compartment or tuk above the kee! KG ——— Height of a vessel's Center of Gravity above the keel. = Virtual height of a vessel's Center of Gravity above the keel. obnines by aaing the correction for liquid free surfaces, and. if applicable, the cor rection for vertical grain shifting moments to the KG. M METACENTER - The point of interseetion ofthe verticals shrough the centers of buoyancy al two consecutive small anples of heel KM Lcight of the Metacenter above the kee GM = METACENTRIC HEIGHT - ‘The distance between the Metacenter and the virtual center of pravity. (KM-KGw) MOMENT The product of a weight multiplied by a distance, HEEL. ~The transverse angle of inclination ofa vessel. HEELANG (Upsetting MOMENT) ~ “The monicnt resulting front a transscese shift of weight dhrough a gives distance which tends thee @ vessel. Expressed as FOOT-LONG TONS or TON METERS. VOLUMETRIC HEELING MOMENT ~ “The produet of a volume multiplied by a transverse distance, Expressed as FT4(FT3 x FT) of M4 (M3 x M). Converted to Heeling Moment by dividing by the stowage factor (or maltplying by the density) of a cargo. RIGHTING ARM (Lever) - The horizontal distance between the force of ‘aoyaney acting upwards through Band the force of gravity acting downwards theough G. STING MOMENT ~ ‘he prenhct of the Righting Arm (GZ) multiplied by the displacement {oveight) of the vessel ore ; | | { ! a8 RIM Low Lea mt ve Mic Tre ‘TRIM 'T =RMS AND SYMBOLS ‘he longitudinal inclination of the ship. Iti measured. between the forward and after drafts. " LONGITUDINAL CENTER OF BUOYANCY - Lamgitidinal distance Df eouter of han any fw ntlships. (Santi perpendictan LONGITUDINAL CENTER OF GRAVITY ‘center of gravity From midships pendioutae) Longitudinal distance of (Sometimes measured from after per MOMENT TO TRIM ONE. INCH TONS PER INCL IMMERSION MOMENT TO TRIM ONE CENTIMETER. TONS PER CENTIMETER IMMERSION FORMS FOR STABILITY CALCULATIONS, ry vessel, for which stability calculations are required by the Coil, shall submit ‘wo copies of such ealeulations for the intended voyage to the attending National Cargo Bureau surveyor before a Centiticate of Readiness can he issued. With the exception of ships which load under regulation A. 9, the ealeuation shall be drafted on the National ‘Cayo Buea Grain Stabitity For, ‘hese Fornis with necessary inert sicets wil e fare ished on request by all local offices ofthe National Cargo Bureaa, Inthe case ofthe required GM calculation under regulation A 9, the calculation shall be fully documented alhougl the format is not prescribed In both cases, the calculation shall be signed by the master and by the surveyor, (One copy shall be retained on board the ship. The other copy shall he tetained by the surveyor Tie information and examples shown in the following pages ate intended to assist, shipmasters and officers inthe correct preparation of the stability ealeulstion, PREPARATION OF THE STABILITY CALCULATION REQUISITE INFORMATION, ‘The following information should be ascertained in order to prepate an accurate stability calculation: 1. The quantity and type of grain to he loaded. 2. An accurate estimate of the stowage factor. 3. The quantities of fuct and water on hand at departure, daily consumption, and the ‘nyunts tobe taken at bunkering ports during the voyage. 4, The seasonal zanes wo be traversed during she voyage. ‘The quantities and stownge of other eargo ta be eared in the ship atthe same time as the grain cargo, 6, The distance and steaming time required to the port or ports of discharge. 7. Dat restrictions which may be encountered during the voyage. With the above information on hand, the stability calulation should be prepared, using, the typical conditions shown ithe grain loading booklet 3s a guide, UNITS. All tonnages used in the cakulation should be shown in the same units as are used in the approved grain loading booklet. (A stowage factor conversion table is fur- ished on Page 98 for conversion fron English to Metsic units) Tonnages and moments may be rounded off 1o the nearest uni cy I 0 CONDITIONS DURING THE VOYAG he stability caleuaon shall Sow 1. The depart aval anival he contin an aviv and departuce thn tuherng pons. Adlitonal inset sheets for Par If of the National Cargo Bineau Grain Stability Calculation form shoold be used foe this purpose 4 3. Hany ofthe anivalconeliions indicates the esence am bad of ballast sehich was not shown in the depariore condition, the ‘an additional condition(s) shall he included nonstate conypliance with the inact stability rey ‘This referred to 98 an intermediate “worst” comsition, the Inst paragraph on page 27 in ballasting a sa i discussed FREE SURFACE OF LIQUIDS. Par IT of the Grain Stat include a provision forthe dewinenta etfect af the fice surf Athough this may be based wm the actual eonition ot 1 {stall aot be lesser eect than i apied inthe example onitons inthe proved Grain Loading Manna tn the ease of U. S. lag. vests the eaeulation with tcpert Hid fee surface shall comply with U8. Coast Guard regulation 170.285 as set fen ta Wile 46, Subchapter S of the Code of Federal Regilations. For all vessels while at the Free surface of liquids should be kept toa miniswin by maintaining ll tanks ether fat ‘oF empty withthe exception of those in actual use, PARTLY FILLED COMPARTME ity Calculation form shalt ace of the liquids on board tanks while the ship is at sea, 8.1 is recommended thatthe maximum heck ing moments and vertical centers of pravity of partly filed compartments be entered in {he stability calculation, in which ease, the grain may be lvaded to any level in these ene patients, If in ondee to meet the imac stably requsemtens, itis necesary to toe reduced hecling woments and comers of gravity hased on estimated level of ah in these compartients, itil be necessity fo measure the ules ofthe eompartunents ay completion of loading to ascertain tht actual levels agree with those shown lation. Ifa discrepancy is found, it will be necessayy to rcealeulate thes conective measures, i required, 10 meet the stability requirements, WING TANKS. When wing tanks ane loaded, the mh shoukl he used inthe stability ealeulation, since bie to trim these tanks: fll. shoul be used fori Axim Heeling moments for these iis impesetieab yee factor as that used i mks, when converting volumetvie i ot imps he same st wrmeots to hecling moments, PERMISSINL ihe in the Gain Levan al center of ga increased by Ul ABLE. Wien using this table, i it is fu He arguments are the displacement and the (KGe>, ‘The tater isthe center of gravity ofthe loaded ship (KG) © lui fhee sunface comrection. In sonve unustial eases, hecause of the Sner in which the perinisible heeting msn are presented, the Grain Loning mane al cequites an akliional conection to the KG to provide for the vertical shift the sain, An enry for this carteetion i provided an Pat Hof the Grain Statiity Calculation form, tis to be wed only when s0 tequited hy the instctions in the apvoved Ch Loading mana SEATICAL STABILITY DIAGRAMS. In ianees where te approved Gin Landing mama does rt contain a Table ofPimisibe Hsing Moments. i requed to viz the Cross Caves of Stab to rea sabi dnt fr cc onig com Aton shown the aby caeviaon and to dave teem the mineral vale pied inthe calewlations necessary to prove compliance with the requirements of regu lation A 7.1, A method of preparing such diagrams is shown on page 544 SIDFTING BETWFEN PORTS, Vesting pat ato or mone poiin come Sats may. in some ccumsanors, beled rom il compliance wi ited atthe las port before commencing the interna- the Code until the loading is completed atthe te mem tional voyage. The rules pestaining to this situation are given in Enclosure 2to Navigation & Vessel Inspection Circular No. 5-94 (see page 10) PARE GRAIN CARGOES, Yo ha i ics ely ond ier eago shoul indict the ropose stowage on th ia a m Tih int aowge nvanpenen oe fom the engin elton a eve ay Calaveras pepe. DISCIARGE AT MORE-TIIN OMEFORE, a en coi dca noe than ne port (ore ls argo ued sect the ean cg eh Toe pin cao) a be the eens of ie Mase aly comply wih he Teaitcment ofthe vest’ gin ding document nr he eens ea go thing autos at every stage of te voyage | | MISSIBLE HEELING MOMENT 'TABLI Wien data on pernissite heeling mom presented in tar fon, ii tues which ate Fisted i the table lation. For example, consider (inerpotation) ts, hylstates, tank capacities, ete, are ly necessary to find values which fall hetween the val The arithmetic process for doing this is called intempo: portion of a hydrostatic table: DRAPE | DISPLACEMENT ae) 12.570 350 Bx0as What isthe disp ieement fora draft of 3.17 ret The emoring ae are the drafts. ‘The correspon placements. To define a form these values can he repees tabular values ave the dis ed a Flows where F isthe entering argument the formula for imexpolation is fiscmen ns] y suilstiting the numeri values R = [Seeman rs ‘This formula is amenable to solution on a ealealator, A of the values in the table fare positive and the result will he positive, soave af the intermediate values in the cal culation are negative. the calculator automatically handles the algebsa. Thus on a ealeus Tator withthe algebraic operating system (AQS), enter? Wl Ris the interpoated result whieh is sought. Then Rk + 12970 (GRIT S~2) eDSTO- 13085) « 12870 2728.1 ‘Oron a calculator with the reverse polish notation (RPN) systems S ENTER 3.17 ~3.5 ENTER 3 ~ = 12570 ENTER 13035 — x 125706 ‘The procedure is always exactly the same regardless oF whether the arguments andlor the tabular values ate ascending or descending A Permissible Heeling Moment table is usually stranged as shown below: Virtual Center of Gravity (KGv)_ 650 | 675 | 7.00 | 725 [7.50 14000 | 3829 | 3381 | 2874 } 2396 | 1917 14200 | 3045 | 3461 | 2977 | 2493 | 2000 ladon} owe | 3596 | 3104 | 2613 | 2121 vacoo | 416 | 3077 | 3178 | 2679 | 218i i460 | 4176 | ao77 | 3178 | 2679 | 218 So if you require the permissible heling moment when the displacement is 14287 ‘ons and the KGy is 7.07 meters, iis necessary 1 perform three, separate interpolations as shown below: 200 2493 3 a8? 2 Ry > Ry= 28059 4400 3104 + Ist 2nd = 2032.3 R= 25452. 3 UCTING AND MEASURING STABILITY DIAGRAM manual does pllance with the requirements pert Tu do this you must complete t U1 00 due National Cargo Bureau Grain Stability Caleulation form (hoteinafter idewtitied ts the Foran). This is the identical ealéulation whieh must be pertormed for any grain Toauting and furuishes the following information for the specific laling condition, i departure, seival, and if noeessey, ier Displacement ‘ealeulations on Parts 1 ML and the First half of Part kw GM corrected For liquid fre surtce Grain heeling [Next you must draw the stability diagram forthe specific displacen This requires recourse tthe ship's appraved Cross Curves of Stability. the Cross Curves of Stality Fora typical ship is shown on page $8 “To facilitate the process of drawing the stability diagram and 1 complete the remainder of the required calculation, you should use the Part VE iset to ‘copy of the insert showing a typi ston i illustrated on pages 56 and 57. uses ‘ata {ror the sample Cross Curves. ‘The inserts intended to be selC-explanatory bat i tional explanation is Fornished i the parageaphs below avhich ace keyed to the unibers on the istration, incted mally the Cross Curves of Subility will be maa or other wis reluded in the approved Grain wed in the manual ay furnished seperately © Discussion ofthe angle of Mooding i given starting a the bottom af page 26. For ship whieh does not have a Permissible Heeling Monten c angle of Nooding shoul be ineluded in the information furnished! in the approved Grain Losing asaual © The assumed KG of the Cross Curves will be stated on the Curves, Ta some eases it ‘ill be identified as the “pote height”, In many eases the curves willbe labelled as KIN Curves", thet the pole height assumed KG) is ze, @ Since the assured KG ofthe Cross Curves will probably not be identical to the seta al KG of the ship, the correction determined on Tine 4 , will have to be used in the subsequent preparation ofthe stability diagram, As specially noted on the inset, iis itnportant 6 retain the sign +r @o the Angles of elination w be entered ow line 5, depends upon which angles ane pre sented on the Curves, “The angles selected should eover the range from 5 to atleast, 45. Ha curve for 12 is ct presented, then uve the closest one, usually 15, Generally, there is no curve for 5, but this is an important point which cannot be disregarded “Therefore, enter $s the frst angle oF inein ot provided an the Cress Curves, willbe deseribed in a subsequent paragraph. © Using the sanple Cross curves an page 58, proceed as follows, Por inclination final the pon where a vertical fine fe the curve labelled for hat sgl. ihe displacernent scale intersects 4 pair of dividers to that vertical disnensio sein seafe a the left, an! read off the value of the GZ. @ “he correction factor fom ine 4, wulliplied by the sine of the angle of inclination, is the correction which nuist be added or subtracted fron the G7. om line 610 bain the ‘conected GZ on line & @ The corrected GZ's online 8 are the righting ams at each angle of ietination Foe the displacement and KGy caleulated on Patt Hof the Fores {© These points, righ fon page 2 oF the ins must he plowed on the graph (the let side of the graphs does nt have ced scile. Therefore, the user must ealibiate the scale 0 aceenumodate the tange of righ is working with, Inthe example, the largest righting ac is 2.88% feet. Since there are for major scale divisions, mek the scale for range fram O 19 A feet, (Ifyou were working in meters, the equivalent maximum righting arm would be O82 meters, So it sould be appropriate 10 matk the major divisions as O, 025, (050, 0.35, and 1.0 meters.) ‘The corrected GZ atthe 5° a . ‘of inclination has not been defined. Ifa eurve for 1 included on the Cross Curves then the procedure is the same as for dhe other It isnot, and the calibrations on the Felt scale ave of sufficient range, atk fff the length ofthe GM on a vert ile $7.3" + Draw a seaight line frm (0 to this point, Where vertical fine at S* intersects this line, establishes the $° GZ point. Often, to provide a reasonable scale forthe Fighting arm values, the range of eabibras tions entered on the graph does not permits plot ofthe GM 3t $7.3", In this ease, the ccomested GZ. a S* equals the GM times the sine ofS", Ie sto be noted thatthe steaight Tine plot or the alternative use of the formuls provide the ileical result Draw a smooth curve through the plotted paints. This isthe righting arm curve, Alescrbes the inherent stability charaeterstics of the shpat she given displacement and KGy, Plot the praia hecting arms at angles 0" and 40°. “These are values at (A) sd (8) om page of the in a very close approxin assumed grain shi Draw a sleight line through these tu points, ign of the cueve of heeling sans et © Inspection of the completed plot will indicate a point where the heeling moment curve intersects the righting arn curve. ‘This is the angle of heel, If the assumed gta shi shoukl occur with the ship loaded 3s described in Pars Vand Hon the Forms, the ship woud lay ove lon, ‘To satisfy regulation A TA, this angle nd come 0 rest at this angle of ine Ist not be greater than 12°. @® When the ship is heeled the angle determined on Tine 10 i of stability to sustain it against possible weather andor sea conditivas. The amount of this reserve is indicated on the plot by the area between the righting arm curve 3nd Iiceling atm curve within the boundaries of the angle of heel and a Finiing angle which is specified by the regulation. The Limiting angle i defined on fine 1, Note that it can never be greater than 40°. Note, also, that in selecting the angles of ini nation on fine 5 itis always necessary that the last angle investigated be 43° or greater, This will insure that a smooth curve drawn throug the plotted points witl detect & maximum righting arm it should occur at an angle less that 40°, @ The remainder ofthe evlcuation uiizes the dats obtained from the graph w ealeutte, by Simpson's Rute, the residual area, ‘This s the area described in 11, and to satisfy the requirements of regulation A 7.1.2, cms be not less than 0.075 miter sadn, 35 | | ' Pare vi INSERT-TO NATIONAL CARGO URFAU GRAIN SFABILEFY CALCULATION FORM (ese woes sete A of ee si Ar ATLANTIC Check One DEPARTURE from NEW ORLEANS, port: New Orceans pate: /-/-9# INTERMEDIATE TLARRIVAL at IDENTIFICATION OF CROSS © Cunves or Stamtnys 2” Sean Lonprwe Manure (sce Nae) BASIC BATA: Diplaenet (rom Pa ID ged ar on ++ = mutconpy 47.0.2) Gi Hsing Moment (rom a I) @ nif Fong (ee Note 2) (a) A Henig Ae at Angle 0" (Gr. Heel. Mom. Disp) (8) Dfebesting Arm at Ange (0.8 Hee, Arm a 0) Assumed KG ofthe Cre Curses @ ® oe aye rorssean sen TABLE OF RIGHTING ARMS (G2): Inte daa fom Ot 6 (ini © [Ane ortetenien @ [37 [ vs" | 307 | © [ex tomcroncunes | _- @ as* S20| 3.300| ¥.090| 4.140 47 | -259| «see Sie 8 } we = ‘or Facora See [24 fesene o Say |--440 |-.as0|-7-202|-n-472 @® [conenes oz 3fo |/ob0|7.450|2 888 |2 008 © eet moe si a the agin ne a ee ee Marpac aod pe EXAMINED: _ WER Singer Re 56 ® Flt Am Fae Am Hence Al Cue” SS: moror 40 Ms Sina ave Fighting aan or ° 10 20 a “or so" oo Angle of Mee i - Le pet comply wath A711 @ ” inerseetion of righting arm curve with beeing Boone Arle of ooding, or ‘Reg at wich there fe maximum SS whichever ference between vighing arm ff as curve aad heeling am cure RESIDUAL AREA. Station Spacing (S) = (ining angle~ ange of hee) =2 ato (CALCULATION 8 = ALM a 14:5" (See Nowe) ; ighing | tetng [ite ateotnsntce [Rew | “Smt | ccme |__| rot Mueotues [| - | - | 0 0 aneotheae |25ajzos | 70 [asd [« [536 ig fed + gunicottee* |40 |2.99 |. e43|2.207 1 [2.207 mee ‘ TOOrDiGhES wim = wereRRabuNG 9-242 N [FSO7| +3 = 36.767 Te METER DEGREES = 57. = METER RADIANS He: A Residual (88. 20.126 METER RADIANS {BUM mnt) rea ued. th ATA NOTE: 0) Thx thal ein wal ee ee ins rc iphig tm cane ee mo 7 ILLUSTRATION OF A SAUCER SECURED BY BUNDLING OF BULK GRAIN ne 8 Speci eqzrmens eden region yoeg & (ETE ee er ER eee EAL ze 2 i s 3 (noone © oOz8 rae 5 ERQaSs jo © 3603 g mod 2O52 & 6 Bee g i Ss 2 < asitueh | > = 33 ; Sang CNASSIUPAD | SEES woes me \ Sve ~ (Akane) panuce : 5 mam 5 ° ¥ Caen) de pRevecTIE) | qt g Bos ( rt an (LMimGA VE CALCELY ( RyinetrMEA BarUCULet) : a See tk MwA | () MOULDED nREADTH | _DEPTHLOF a. OW sir : 3 & & less th Lim i egy Beween 9.1 m ney i ~ se ond 18.3 _nerpoioe toy 5 18.3 m ond over 1.8m min 3000 (s © Bearing contact of saucer against ship's structure: Atleast one half of dimension A= OR Secured in place by transverse las © wm Lining, material (strength 2687 N per S em stp, Le, 306.8 pounds pert inch Slcip) joined by sewing or double lap. “OR- spaced not more than 2.4 m apa i | ! Co as ‘bulk grain within the saveer: 6000 Lining material (stength 1344 N per Se stip) joined by ie, 1538 pounds per 1 inch og or dbic fp, estan by tansvere lashings spaced 8 not more than 2.4 sy apart and protec rom chafing by dnnage, 28min 8 thick min, aad Between 150 and 300 main width, place ongitinaly i tsteen the lsings athe inn atria roujren}sqnen arngn} sip nape ' 2 Nn 6 He i 1334 (29) sway SNIHORL 38 cond ppangins Jay 2) s ILLUSTRATION OF ECURING OF PARTLY FILLE BY STRAPPING OR LASHING (Specific requirements are detailed in regulation A. 17) TUNGUCKLE ARO, 125m (780 163000) RUN VONGIUOINALY a Zar tix denn BURLAP SEPARATON 1 cont + apse wi SLi os BULK GRAIN L i ‘TRANVERSE SECTION PARTY FIED ‘ree, wie 9 BEARER BOARD | iia COMPARTMENT 450mm PLAN VIEW’ ©e ©8® © 9888 ILLUSTRATION OF SECURING OF PARTLY FILLED COMPARTMENT WITH WIRE MESH (Specific requirements are detaed in regulation A. 18) seca — = \ ease ean Grain slightly crowned along fore and aft centerine of argo build (One layer of burlap oF canvas tarpaulin (sections lapped 1.8 m minimom). ‘Two layers of wire reinforcement mesh (3 mm wire welded in 150 x 150 mm squares) '50 mm lumber bearers against frames or shell to distribute the downward thrust of ‘wire rope lashings atthe sides. ‘Two layers of 25 mm lumber bearers ditectly beneath the wite rope lashings. Steel wire rope lashings, 19 mm diameter, spaced 2.4 m maximum and atiached to the framing about 450 mim below gesin surface First and last transverse lashing to be close to forward and to after bulkheads 32 mm tumbuckle to tension lashing, 6 a CALCULATION OF AVERAGE VOID DE] rH (Vd) When bulk yrain is stowed so as to satisfy the requirement of regulation A 2.2, ie. ‘led compartment, timed", ic must be loaded and trimmed so that the bulk grain is at its highest possible level. Thus the regulations recognize that, due 1 the setling of the train and restricted working space, i isnot Feasible to require be one hundred pereeat filled. ‘There will hea sinall void space between the rimmed Sut face of the grain and the overhead structure in the compartment. The reguhations do not specify the depth of this void but, instead, “assume” a depth whieh varies depending upon the geometry of the overhead structre hala filed compactaent “The numerical value assigned tothe average void depth (Va) is essential the naval atchitet in the preparation of the data inthe Grain Loading manual and the details for its determination ate provided in regulation B 1, However, void depth (Vd) is nat used by ship's personnel in any of the calculations required when the ship has a Document of Authorization and an approved Grain Loading manual, Inthe ease of a ship without a Document of Authorization which is permitted, by its Administration, to load a partial cargo of bulk grain in accordance with the provisions of regulation 9, the void depth in the compartment(s) wherein the grain isto be stowed, must, ‘be known because it sone ofthe Factors to be plied in the formula forthe requited GM. In lieu of reference to regulation Bi, the following tables, in Metric and English Units, furnish the average void depih (Va) (cisregord feeding holes) Section Through One Side of Ship Vd = Fy + Fao where: Vd = Average void depth {meites for Metre, fet for English Fg = factors from Fyy Tables Tand 11 AVERAGE VOID DEPTH TABLE - METRIC Table 1 ‘Table It Girder Boundary Boundary Depth Fy Distance —Fyp Distance Fyn metres) (onetees) (metres) 1 -0375 0s 0570 50 0.330 02-0300 06 as6z 5 ot 03-0225 07 0584 52 043K og -0150 | 08 0546 53 oz 0s -0075 09 0538 34 0.6 06 = +0.000 100530 55 0.450 07 40075 Lt 024 56 oss 08 40.150 120518 57 oss, 09 40225 130512 58 0.462 10 40300 140506 39 0.166 11 40375 1s 05060 0.470 12 40450 16 0.496 61 074 13 40525 17 0492 62 078 14 +0600 18 0.488 63 ox 15 40675 19 ode 6a 0.386 20 © 0480 6S 0.490 211474 66 0.496 22 0.468 67 0502 23 0462 68 0.508 24 0.456 69 osi4 25 0450-70 0520 26 0448 1 0526 IVa calculates less than 27 O46 72 osx 0.1 metres... THEN 28 Oa 73 0.538 29° 0428 osaa Vd=0.1 mere 30 0.40 15 0.550 34 0438 16 0558 3204677 0366 33 04s 78 0374 340432 19 0.582 Example: 35 80 0590 Girder Depth = 0.5 meters 0.430 Boundary Distance = 4.2 meters 50 6 AVERAGE VOID DEPTH TABLE - ENGLISH ‘Table L Table IL Girder Bound Boundar Depth Fo Distance Fay Distance yp finches) fe (feet) feet feet) feet 6. = 11014 200° 18413 16501145 9% -0.9139 225° 18213. 167514246 12. -0.7264 250 18013 170014346 15 0.5389 275 17813 * 172514446 1B. -03514 3.00 17613, 175014546 2 -0.1639 32517413,” 778 14646, 24 40.0236 350 17257 1800 1.8746 27 02111 37571071825. 1.4846 30 40.3986 400169571850 1.4946 33 405861 425° 168071875 —1.5086 36 40.7736 450 16657 19.00 1.5146. 39 40.9611 475 1.6507 192515246, 2 41.1486 300 163721930 1.5346 45 41.3361 525 162731975 1.5446 48 415236 550 16173 200015546 st) +7 S75 16073-2025 1:5646, 54 +1.8986 600 15973-2050 15746 ST +, 420861 625°) 15873 2075 1.5846 © © 422736 65 157732100 1:5946, 615 2125 1.6046, 7.00 2150 1.6181 725 2175 1.6331 750 22.00 1.6881 IMPORTAN’ 7115 2225 1.6631 8.00 2250 1.6781 If Va calculates tess than O08 teenies 825 22.75 1.6931 850 23.00 1.7080 28 feet 875 2325 1.7225, V8= 0328 fe 9.00 2350 © 17370 9.25 27517516 9.50 24.00 1.7661 9.75 242517806 Example: 10.00 245017951 Girder Depts = 36 inches 102 2475 1.8159 Boundary Distance = 19 feet 8 1050 2500” 18359 inches (19.67 feet), 1075, P5285 11.00 2550 1.8760 , 1125 25.95 1.8960 Vd=Fo+ Fap 1150 2600 1.9160 = #007786 + 1.5414 . = 2315 feet 1640 CALCULATION FOR REGULATION A9 The formula for calculating the quired GM in regulation 9 (See page 29), can be simplified for soluion on an electronic calculator as follows: Le _ Q= Wark Then GMr = Lx @ x(0.388xB)-@ 0.136% SF xa Where [ Dimensions Symbot Meaning Metric English Me Req'd Metacentsic Ht meters feet L Length of Compartment meters feet B ‘Beam of Ship meters feet va Average Void Depth meters feet SE Stowage Factor mvMT nr 4 Disphicement MT Example Bulk grain stowing at 1.254 m* (MT is stowed in Lower Holds Nos. 2 and 4 Length of No. 2 is 22 meters and length of No. 4is 18.5 moter. In both holds the git: er depth is 0.5 meters and the boundary distance is 4.2 metets. The beam ofthe ship 234 meters and the displacement for the voyage is 23,807 metric ton. Using Tables I and Il, Vé = 0.355 m Length of compartments = 22.0-+ 18.5, Q 405 2347 x (0.388 x34) Use L254 x HHT 405 x 12.04 x 9.72 060.1% 1.17 meters = Required metacentric height EXAMPLES OF LOADING CONDITIONS: Examples of typical loading conditions, together with completed calculations on the National Cargo Bureau Grain Stability Calculation form, are shown on the following pages. 1. BULK CARRIES ‘A four hold log earrir, which has cargo holds which are not pleting lading at Montreal before proceeding ose. The loading at Duluth sto meet the #6 2 | ‘requirements of the U. S. regulations for an exempted voyage (see page 10). The final Q 3 | loatng ito mec he requirements of regulation A 7 ofthe International Grain Code. Atk 2232 holds must be tized gfe § 2. BULK CARRIER: A seven hold bulk eater, whic is specially suitable in all fbf a3 hold, is Toaded to meet the requitements of regulation A? of the Intemational Grain 92308 Code. ‘The existing grain loading booklet was previously approved under 1 M O gogaze Resolution A 264(VIN, The full cargo of wheat has asiowage factor of 1.199 monn eee Hold No. tie patly filled for tim purposes. Also, Hold No. is party filled. Both must = te trimmed level, ‘The other five holds are completly filled with the ends of the holds a vatimmed 3. GEN IERAL CARGO: A two deck general cargo ship is foaded to meet the requirements of regulation A 7 ofthe International Grain Code, Its grain loading booklet was previously approved under ] MO Resolution A.264( VIII). The ship is designed with permanent, centerline bulkheads, forward and aft of the hatch openings in all cargo compartments. The grain loading booklet provides volumetric heeling moments for all, ‘compartments without centerline divisions and with centerline divisions. The instructions in the grain loading booklet state thatthe later values may be used only when bundles, saucers, oF temporary bulkheads are installed in way of the hatch openings. tn this exam ple, these arrangements are not used. ‘The ship is loading a full cargo of wheat with a Stowage factor of 45 MVLT. Loading in combination (see page 22), is used in No. 4 ‘Tween Deck and No, 4 Lower Hold 4. GENERAL CARGO: The seme general cargo ship is loaded, with a full cargo of barley stowing at $5 VL, to meet the requirements of regulation A 7 ofthe International Grain Code. However, bundles (see page 33) ate fitted in the hatchways so that the volumetric heeling moments with centerline divisions may be utilized. Als, ballast is necessary in order to meet the stability requirements upon artival. Since the ballast was rot on board at departure, an intermediate condition calculating the stability available at the time of ballating, must be shown, BULK CARRIER 4 zs os 6g e EXAMPLE 1 weal 68 HOLD | CAPACITY |. V.C.G. | HEELING MOMENT (FT.4) curt RL” (Full Compartment) t 138.741 249 38,500 2 200,875 217 52.300 3 201,878 214 52,300 4 193,873 22.1 35.700 PERMISSIBLE HEELING MOMENT TABLE, (escon DISPLACEMENT | VIRTUAL CENTER OF GRAVITY 0KG,) (Long Tons) Feet) meme | mse vam | oar 266s | sa | ness vase tno | asus | som ass an mia | goss | Gao | 4200 Raw rion [see | Sin | 3 NATIONAL CARGO BUREAU, INC. GRAIN STABILITY CALCULATION [a wean CT | ‘woUNTAT GE “eae | ore { oa | _ton sri on | naming no. S8N=105299___.__ pare or anova as. 295-1976. arrcsoue aeouvanons Tne! Grade Code cnanano.No.Dves oat or eovas. etober 15. 1979 Lomo rort Duloths and onteeel, Gusdec meno roars Most seal— srenmncciarance 2500. vesrenony 350, te 10a ont eomunevion fine 25-0 peel 3 Maven 0.43 ——£Thanason easiness Barns pare __tanuagy 13, 3994 ° SHIP AND CARGO CALCULATION. PART it FUEL AND WATER CALCULATION ant 2 [ “ons voir [auen|aruae | aa con, |e] ayase | fo —] fafa. | aera] - Thesis [dbo | |. i ap fea] son] |S L soz faa area | [te > fox fan). enon | [S, wwe L130 [ps3 svuecacorous [te i [ARCO FLAN: OEATE HOLDS, THEEW DECKS, ENGINE SACKS, FITTINGS, TOMAGE TONNAGE. ETE 4 3 2 4037 4017 1 ir BREADTH OF HOLD = 70" BEAM = 70" 0 ee [ref fa [pie] oa) oe 7 so{asso_ fam] a.2l ao farsa [aaa || p00 [ease eas | pafest oe | oso] sal e Totes 300.398 g808 ass Pa uae 21,206. 7060.1. OL ‘Shotaceweut WeBi® 370,420, 20,102 469,508 i9.722. 458,408 connate 22.02 seroma no 23.36 snmenss0 2Bt Imemsumncceaenin 004k. wrattsumacecona ss DS vente narscegoen 238 1022.0 Ba aah seannunc om 28.84 wremet y 295, cu 28.04 ‘cea HA remain y L enue ce 238 cremenarecn Sith parenrera n STABILITY SUMMARY PART I {so PART IV INSERT TO NATIONAL CARGO BUREAU GRAIN STABILITY CALCULATION FORM To be completed when a vessel aryng gran in bulk an engaged on 2 voyage on the inland ot coastal waters of the United Sues, lets and sete to lie the rowsons of 46 CFR 172 0. somy_ SENECA ror Duy me elal y on Tels o Te [basen fiteeasl 0 4 _|e7fer le lo a S 70 [343,000 1972.44 50 [39.450 rors [198,200 2976 Smet 1 [73458 | teats | 20,02 gsr one 2016 n Key NOTES: = Length of Hote 1. All dimensions mus bei fe, long toes, and FLT on, Breadth of Hold aleratvel, ie meters, emacs, and tome. Centerline Divison 2. Where a Ci. dion halves the Breadth, Cols. 2 trough Stonage Factor dus the calaton for (is rection. DEPARTURE FROM: Di 16.819 |r = btwn ey OM = Sank an Dil cat on pe vets 2:27 3450eb 218 Mean Det. 8 | "ieee Proud ter < 0268 ben iow > 2 F's 026 Bean awl OM = 6.41 beri F Perey, s 207 L218, [ARRIVAL AT: Dig = eee Revd OM = fama : (0M (Con) om =23asen 20s ‘Mean Drf “Sa | ___eeoa wr < 026ten iajaan = ® F = 0.268/r Beam tiherwie = 1 pail m= Bramined _727- Becerra NEE Saneyor Be 504 B m4 EXAMPLE 2: BULK CARRIER Loading Booklet 66. Description of example 78-81 N.CB. Grain Stabi 15-77 Excemps from the Grain See pages: Calcul CARGO HOLD GRAIN DATA ate of Readiness 3 | 8 & Fresh Water FILLED FILLED ENDS TRIMMED. ENDS UNTRIMMED Volume | V.C5G. Voume | vc.) Volumetric ™ ™ ™ | Meeting Mom] ™ 1] sas 10.20 nas | 8129 10.20 | 2,085 2 | 10.994 993 1496 | age | 993 2.785 3 | 10.993 9.89 1496] 10.868 | 9.89 2785 4 | 10926 | 989 1496 | 10,802 | 9.89 2785 s | 19.999 9.90 nas | 187 | 9.90 2.785 6 | 10980 9.90 1496 | 0.855 9.90 2.785 7 | 10383 | 1019 1229 | 10,223 } 119 | 2.576 SUMMARY OF TANKS 5 FREE SURFACE tank, | CApaCTTY MONESPaASe ET ea Sw. DALLAS FORETEAK ams | an 208 DB Pas ma} ott | atom 300 Pas Sas | tas | aston $b pas i | tos | “Gove Ts fas is] tees | to 21S Pas ves | ten | sam 318 Pas pee | ten | same ats eas ton | tes | sam arrenreak | sin | iat | 4300 FUEL OM 2DBPAs nae | aes | tao | tae SDB PAS wast | tas | wnaan [tee DIESEL OM BoB Pes 200 us wo | «6 FRESH WAT pwr a | 1636 so DISTILLED 4 te» 0 bat reat yo 75 PERMISSIBLE HEELING MOMENT TABLE Uscerpe) * z % % 3 : DISPLACEMENT] VIRTUAL CENTER OF GRAVITY (KG) & za ee j (Tonnes) (Meters) F oo 3 i 35 90 5 100 105 y Sie pis a 223 + 69,300 assis | arais | 2905 | 2075 ] 14.258 TOG 33 = 71,000 a6oar | 38260 | 30.479 | 22698 | 14.917 ze anf g = 8 2500 a6s70 | 3as29 | 3iase | ane | iso06 A 2S he rere 72.000 ami20 | 39419] airs |. 24017 | 16,316 ~ ge 72,500 4768 | 40027 | s2366 | 24,705 ] i704 < . ge t 33.000 48267 | aoear | 33077 | aseor | 17787 z % Sas ° : g 3 3 { 3 3 3 { 72000 vowme (at (say) Bu1s005 wpe doj woy aby be ise.) doy yor wo4 yng 16 NATIONAL CARGO BUREAU, INC. GRAIN STABILITY CALCULATION eee] ear” er yamxce ~~~} orient 6 nam woaouionaocieraeroveo ny. attonal Getz0 Rares. manneno. 1088 Hav. {pare or omnovas uly a 1985 amuicane nrouuatons nt"hs Grain Code sooenqunronuminmes tw arenovepe_ Bats 4a, Greda Booklet, oso von _Seaeete - ‘SHIP AND CARGO CALCULATION rr or cant BEAT mace tacomice 49 ‘osonance rom Shastagene. sremume osrence 8250. mugsren oa ancy conauurnion Fue, 8 Maa ts. MoT amin 1240 MTs 60205. a 6815 MT paaT FUEL AND WATER CALCULATION fos faenlis | a0 liao. | PART Ht STABILITY SUMMARY 080 ae tHe PEAS vores ens ror%6. ceranune ce 9-10 smtenurcte sana 982 wveace sumac cannio —a® ene sunrnceeoen soneenunraeconn is — oe roy Seth a Ho, 18, cern xe tran eo, BR sono on aL nerf cs a — JIE AL USO Ho Tend. VOLUME: RIC HEI SLING MOMENTS (f+) now learscrry| vee {LOADED SEPARATELY ‘LOADED IN COMBINATION ¥ rr Pannocr | aimger | sigan | watuoer | racy, EMIT | GAINGK | MASUR | GRIT | DIBSON wat] ooze [202] asco | iasoo | rzason | ayion | ano rrp} asaq0 | 394 | 26800 | 20600 | 178,100 aun) nize | 17s | rsaon | siz | $76300 | 129.200 | 112.000 21p | 47400 | 365 | 52.200 | av.a00 | 299-900 air| sino }rex | anor | 17.900 | 292.200 | mara | s8900 arp} ssoi0 }3s0] aaa | acgo0 | 271,300 Apt | 50.600 | 16.8 2asoo | 75.00 att 9osaa | 085 | sx900 | at600 | axon | 100.800 | 91.000 aip | 36.80 [36.1 | 43000 | aaso0. | 254.200 su 244] samo | tan | 151900 | sano | 50.800 stp 316 | 25.700 | 19.400 | 168.200 NOIBEVhis vessel has permanently jons. The above {able shows heeling moments with or without temporary centerline divisions installed in Iateloways, MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE HEELING MOMENTS (FT.LT.) DISPLACEMENT. ‘VIRTUAL CENTER OF GRAVITY (KG) Lt. ep, 2150 | 2200 | 22.50 | 2x00 | 23.50 | 2000 | KM 12,400 igor }na7a | 9san | 2nan | 6298 | axon | 25.8) a.600 raise | insas | 9910 | 8296 | osa2 | sone | 25.45 b.800 isers | 11976 | 19.39 | 8.702 | 7.068 | 5.428 | 25.51 15,000 13.905 | 12.245 | | 8925 | 7.265 | Seas | 25.57 15.130 water | r2aay | t0.759 | aes | taut | 5797 | 25.61 capactty] veg | FREE SURFACE SUMMARYOP TANKS lcaracity| vce | OMEN ‘Slack 989 Full SW. BALLAST | 1 DB ae fas] aad SWW.BALLAST | 2 DB P&S aio] 20 | RRs SAW.RALLAST. | 7 pb sk | 22] ago Sv. BALLAST. | SDT PRS 20 | 9s | so SWBALLAST | FOREPEAK sox | 2a0 | 296 FUEL, OW Vm PRs: aw | 20 | S690 L897 FUEL OW DR PRS m2 | 20] 2208 736 BUEL. OW. SHETLERS a | ato 4a DIESEL Om ADB PRS, wot | 21 | asso 329 FRESHWATER | SDB PRS Mf 24] 36 FRESH WATER | FE PSS. ms fn | re presi warkk | artERPEAK | 200 |o7R | at NATIONAL CARGO BUREAU, INC. GRAIN STABILITY CALCULATION sien ian ouit pa v8.4. sn sonar | como lonvtor arenavas My 2 19RD romance weouvnnons 1We1T. Code for Sate Caretage of. Grate owomvonr —Pottlandy Orexoe srenwposvonce S300 anesrennay 380, re 18 Bare ws consent ue 30 MT ayes, 3 aren WE orien 15-100. syolur_2etor - smear steno S28 4. Jones cence; Ba Sh comany = pare tare 19, 1994 as : 46 pant SHIP AND CARGO CALCULATION or 2145 to23 | 1134] 2502 u wl / ir a ir FUEL AND WATER CALCULATION Pant it re aes _ 2, 2. soln] Pal axe | a ‘von | Yon | 2a] 22r fnaso 2.950 aay a2 ane pun un rovacrucnt 9.130 219,364 16,498 3R4.396_ white - oa Seanane ey 2.20, 87 STABILITY SUMMARY Pane it von{ oe | 9 Paso | as zal wm foe Cennente oF Loxpine: Sa) SP [8 | Teton - {Bo ein Os gurl pe | oa | osc300. - - NATIONAL CARGO BUREAU, INC. | 25,300 ose SH] oe | a fro,s00 sin} or | o | so.so0 s yy aman | - Ds 300 a a BR - - - heitas Aah Nein Btn feta aes Bel — we se ca neoprene noo TATIONAL CARGO BUREAL NG at fn 7 208 1 ad arta form cao ant a ae enumerate Coven a mee crenwconne [ane ‘sc RI.CAIEIS NOTA CHRTINEATE OF SASWORTHINES ween 15,130 14,458 "AND RELATES ONLY TO THE ABOVE CARGO oo a0 “ came so som sna eee som ncaa me 1303 ernicigeetencaruaneaeteemeeeat ae we EXAMPLE 4: GENERAL CARGO SHIP 666. Description of example & a 5 mv the Grain Fuel Oil 3 B a e Ballast NATIONAL CARGO BUREAU, INC. GRAIN STABILITY CALCULATION [PP ame eBRTAVar Gc HET TORRE U.5.A won 3op427 COrleens Shipping Company serucanenecuuarins. Inkl Gade for Sale Carcioge of Grain sopmoumron uutmiais es ienoveD ey Rone sremwme onranee 5,300.4... wuesrenony 350 re 18. nureonsuumnon furs 90 UT vey 3 LT. ate smaen 15130 1 1,014.47 ‘SHIP AND CARGO CALCULATION PART y FUEL AND WATER CALCULATION PART! Tirrenmne ser vortor onan Marley. stomacreaconseey 38. — earn vines “aa | 3 frov280 [tone — Jaros [20.2 | 22.922 “au sig, | 42087] 12.9] 25.829. aa | ‘rsao0 | fate fs au 3020 sae | 168 yr] | fsovg00 ff ano. ba “an | “Paste || en [3.0 | an 16500 gs 183 o eu. pr fo yf) jane me bs ioe nf a0 |= Se . - ae fars| ose] air So Newew {ess [ame UE ms cow 2 SENT eeeee Sauce tense Seem ousten enero a3 anne nesreuon nen er NDE HAE TNS, son, TOOIEES TE yee Sa 8 1 eee se socmecitey 29.56 sennone 28.58 sete. 8 hatin, hae cman TTA 661 iT ear 8681T sovstpunmce tensa 19 tema 17 Tae . soln one rer | 1755 sm | az8 | mau | nosis e i a | oy ‘STABILITY SUMMARY PART IL we [ee son rintoael | | boat va pune| ‘| bande verats [300,800 sue co — | asa 14.897 23.50 D.99 9 STANDARD BUSHEL WEIGHTS WHEATS, SOYBEANS, RICE GO LIS. per Buste! 37.33 Busbets per Lang Ton 1.000 Bushels = 26.7887 LT LT = Bushels ¥ 3) T13 Bushels = LT x 112 CORN, RYE, SORGHUM AND FLAX 56 LBS, per Bushel 40 Bushels pee Long Ton 1.000 Bushols = 25 LT BARLEY 48 LBS. per Bushet 446.67 Bushels per Long Ton 1,000 Bushels = 21.4286 LT LT = Bushels x 3 a0 Bushels = LT x 140 7 Note: The above are standard Bushel Weight Units used in the Grain Trade and should ‘not be confused with Bushel Volume Units used ts determine Test Weights, 9s AVERAGE TEST WEIGHTS OF THE PRINCIPAL GRAINS Tow, LOADED AT UNITED STATES PORTS GRAIN STOWAGE FACTORS ‘The Test Wepht of a particular grain is the actual weight in pounds of a US, (Winchester) Bushel which ia unit of volume (ary measure) equalling 2,150.42 cubic TUS, Bushe! = 1.2445 Cu, Fe. 2240 Ibs est Weigh per bo. (bs) inches or 1.2445 eubie feet. 1.2485 eu R= ef, per long tom Lhs, per Bushel ‘ Lbs. per Bushel BARLEY 5) SORGIILM (ILO) s cuerne | cuaean Gere |e CoRN $3 SOYBEANS 0 REIN | i eure [Gua | LINSEED 50 SUNFLOWER SEED 2 4 ‘MILLET, 37 WHEAT, AMBER DURUM 6 on 2428 50 58.75 OATS 40 WHEAT, HARD WINTER 6) 84.47 2.354 st 34.66 PEANUTS 31 WHEAT, NOTHERN SPRING — 60 aL 2.285 32 53.61 RICE 60 WHEAT, SOFT RED ” 19.65 2.220 53 52.60 RYE sk WHEAT, WHITE 6 | 36 743 2.158 3a 51.62 SAFFLOWER SEED 4 CANOLA/RAPE SEED. st v7 75.34 2.100 5S 50.68 38 73.36 2.045 36 | 49.78 39 7148 1.992, 37 | asa NOTE: The above teat weighs are average Figues based en information obtained fom wo) ee | tea | 8 806 seiriang pons, The sel ext weigh of prior grain cargoes may vary fom T | 4g | gear | tas | 60 Se tgues chown, Dao o ext weigh sus ale from gran inspection ofcs a er at shiping elevators. a fp ae jue jos The above test weights when.used in conjunction with the stowage factor table ow 45 61.95 1726 a | page 97 will give the approximate stowage factor for a conventional general cargo vessel 46 60.60 1.689 64 with one tween deck. a7 59. 1.653 65 te | stow | tsi | oo ‘When test weights are for Canadian Imperial Bushels, multiply the above stowage factors by 1.0315 (1 Canadian Imperial Bushel equals 1.2837 Cu Fi ANGLE OF REPOSE OF VARIOUS GRAINS > ‘pee asec PANTER) BARLEY 46° RYE we ‘CORN 2 SAFPLOWER SEED 28° LINSEED-PLA\ aw SORGHUM (MILO) 31° oaTs 2° SOYREANS: 2 RICE 20" WHEAT 2 96 ” STOWAGE FACTOR CONVERSION TABLE, For use with calculator: curt | Cum. cM | LT MT. MT. Lr. | cum, Mas; 0976 01991 1.008 3543 4.003 1020 | 0980 3740 1059 L076 0929 39.37 Lis rss | 0.883 4035 1143 Lot 0.861 4134 ris 119 oa) a2 1199 1218 0821 4331 1226 12246 0.803, 4429 1254 von O85 4527 1.282 1303 0708 41625 1310 1331 0751 3724 1338 1339 0.736 4823 1336 1388 o721 4921 1393 Hate | 0.706 50.19 Vani haa 0.092 5118. 1449 Lar 0679 5216 vary 1501 0.666 531s 1505 1520 06st 55.13 156 1586 | 0631 52.08 1617 Kets 0,609 59.08 1673 1.699 0589) 61.02 1728 1758 0370 6299 L788 ERI 0552 64.96 1840 1869 0533 6693 1896 1926 0319 68.89 9st 982 0508 0.86 2.007 3039 0490 283 2.063 3.096 oan 7480 219 2Is2 6s 16.17 2075 2209 0453 784 2230 2265, oadt 80.70 2.286 232} 0431 82.67 2342 2379 0420 Shot 2308 2436 | oat B61 2453 2492 | oot 88.58 2.509 2s | 0.392 90.54 2.568 2606 | 0384 92.31 2620 2.663 0375, 948 2.676 219 | 0367 96.45, 2.732 2776 0360 | 9842 2788 Dasa 0353, 100.38 | 2.843 asso | 0346 123s | 2.899 3.936 0339 10432) 2955 3.003 0333, i629 | 3011 3059 | 0327 108.26 3.067 3.116 0321 110.23 3122 3172 o3is 11220 3.178 3229 0309 14.17 3234 3286 0304 1613 | 3290 3303 0.299 isto | 3345 3.400 0294 METRIC CONVERSIONS & Feet Inches _| Meters Peet Kilometers Feet | Statute Miles Nautical Miles Square Centimeters Square Inches ‘Square Feet Cubic Centimeters | Cutie inches Liters Fluid Ounces Voli Cubic Feet Gallons (U.S) Bushels U.S.) Fivid Ounces Gallons (US) Cubic Feet Cubic Inches Mass (Weigh) Pounds Metric Tons Long Tons. Short Tons Pounds Kilograms | Long Tons Short Tons Force Pounds Long Tons Square Centimeter Pressure Pounds Per Square Inch Pounds Per Square Foot Moment Feet Feet - Long Tons wr 2000 + Cpeeeuonnhyve2 = oupeueres EH306 foi [ee cet pei ori @91 OB) 251 wi Se Ba OF Zvi wr BO wo OPO wo wo wo Ho |ro: fas [oor we one ese occ ore me ert 22 s62 oFz yee WE BEL SLL OL rE Gri ai geo [eer Tot [oe oc 9cz rox 29 Oro Od 8S HS BS OoF Gry sLy we Be OFC we ose eZ er [ict ort |oo01 096 cre Ope Oe OF PL O24 O99 OFS COD O95 OFS OFy Ory oDy OPE oe cE ore |oz% Giot jooet eit wll 9e0 WO: OF Ze we GIB BOL ccs ZO me BLS BS CRY By weC SEE BPE |>io ot |ooes wes got Zezi Gril Crit wwOL goo ze 96a ore wL wL We ay OFS mS ery ese ere |FIO! Lot [eos ses: exe opei prot onzt oizi 2511 apoi peOl 098 oso 28 o9L Ww ors ws zis oy vec |ciol Giet |aooe e26i ovai 0821 vst OO! 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FZ oe FOIL Z10E Ooze aze fre 253 og | zoo foot ozei vei e22i 291 se5i oFti FrsL eri esui sem oe Hoe 228 9¢s oF | 1001 c00 oo oo! oes 0021 o091 on Gov OO'eL Oz aO1K ODOL a0’ 002 008 008 | 000" LeNaas [Roe DIST wwRT_OOTT ORT GOST OFT GOEL OORT GOTT OTT OOS OOS 0OT oe OS [ALIENS SSHONT- vind WIOL TSTENS ADENSO Gh SONVMOTI UaLWM RESUS 103 02 104 DISTANCES (QS°. 57" N'5°- 45" W) Albany Alexandria Algiers Barcelona Baltimore Charleston Constaniza Genoa Haifa Istanbul Marseilles Montes! Naples | New York - Ge. [New York via 36°N Norfolk - G.C. Norfolk vis 36° N Odessa Panama | iain Piraeus Port Said Rijeka Tunis STRAITS OF FLORIDA TO: (24°. 24° N 83°. 00° W) Baton Rouge Bishop Rock - G.C. Bishop Rock via Cape Finistere | Bordeaux Casablanca ‘CORPUS citi Dakar Galveston Houston Lake Charles Lisbon Mobile New Orleans Pascagoula Port Arhut Strait of Gibralter Tampa IN NAUTICAL MILI 656 3887 4352 4284 3967 3744 698 741 733 3831 4m 524 464 on 4038 232 STRAIT OF GIBRALTER TO; Miles BISHOP ROCK TO: 9" 45° N6=35'W) Aniwerp Baliore Bremerhaven ‘Copenhagen Gaya Hamburg Helsinks Leningrad” London Montreal New York Norfolk 5 Oslo Philadelphia Rotterdam Savanah Stockholm PENTLAND FIRTH TO: (58°. 42 N3°- 20'W) Antwerp Baltimore Bergen Gaynia Hamburg Leningrad Montreal via Belle Isle Suait New York Philadelphia Rotterdam, Steaits of Florida MONTREAL TO: Baie Comeau Chicago Duluth-Superior Milwaukee Quebec Panama Rio de Janciro Sault Ste, Marie ‘Thunder Bay Toledo 449 3290 637 1001 1370 nT 1668 a2 413 3055 3019 3168 947 3159 453 3455 1570 353 3520 296 1002 355 wa 2641 3240 3393, 495 4100 335 1077 1158 1021 1B 3203 5354 815 1052 4 This page teft blank itentionaly Tis mage tet blank inentionaly NATIONAL CARGO BUREAU, INC. GRAIN STABILITY CALCULATION SSM. — ‘YEAR BUILT AT COUNTRY OF REGISTRY | NET TONNAGE OFFICIAL NO. L - AGENT 1 GRAIN LOADING BOOKLET APPROVED BY — DRAWING NO. ______ DATE OF apPRovat. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS ADDENDUM FOR UNTRINMED ENDS APPROVED BY DRAWINGNO._______ pare oF aprovat Loapine ponT BUNKERING PORTS DISCHARGE PORT. STEAMING DISTANCE ___ miles Pen Day __ — time. DAILY CONSUMPTION: FUEL —______ DIESEL. waTeR — DISPLACEMENT DEADWEIGHT onaFT FREEBOARD swinreR So a SUMMER ee —_—_ sTROPICAL_— ee FRESHWATER ALLOWANCE _TpIrTec 1a SUMMER DRAETY. + Applica! THIS 15 TO CERTIFY THAT: 1. THIS CALCULATION IS PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE VESSEL'S GRAIN LOADING BOOKLET AND THE APPLICABLE GRAIN REGULATIONS; 2. THE STABILITY OF THE VESSEL WILL BE MAINTANED THAOUGHOUT THE VOYAGE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS CALCULATION, CALCULATION PREPARED BY. Masten EXAMINED: Date: — —— NOTE: ORIGINAL STABILITY CALCULATION AND GRAIN ARRANGEMENT PLAN TO BE SUMITTED TO THE NCB. SURVEYOR ALL TONNAGES USED IN THESE CALCULATIONS SHALL BE Ree ee ee eee ee aan ceanmaroouncee SHIP AND CARGO CALCULATION PARTI Tye oF Ghain_—___stowace FACTOR) curriu, four [ears | sr. GRAN WBE Tweicnt] vcq] women we] ee low nop 0 | ltr er Pac] 0) @ it —j-—— 4 Sr | ine_| ae Pan as TSP Te > sas] sise| se 4 | a | sas | 34 —|— | | | Joss | ann] 2s ts | ra | ais 42s | 1200 ‘06 _ as | 1350 297 4s | 1260 | 29 —+—— fic | 1382] 380 - _ | Jass | 1306 | 972 a | ite] 703 —— as} 132e| ass [| - ae | s2se | 948 ans | 1as2 | 240 +— — ——} J fas | ies | 2 . a fT Yass | asta J 2s so | 1293] 718 —— - af ]- — |sos } r407 [ur _ — | fs | ssa] 200 sis | 13s | 637 a - of fm sa | 1449 |90 t 8 [ign | on S| isos | ee Tats caLcULATiON 1s canco Torats ss | uso [652 pmeraneo in ffs | se: [ion (3 ENGLISH UMTS Licht sir 57 | 1599 [29 Bweraicuns -— [}———J Je | seis | ais srones so | see [soe go | 1472 {598 61 | 1700 [ses sir ano canco rorats 1 | 1.700 | ses (1) COMPLETE THESE COLUMNS IF MORE THAN ONE TYPE CARGO IS LOADED. (2) FOR PARTLY FILLED COMPARTMENTS, SHOW ACTUAL CUBIC OCCUPIED IN ADDITION TO FULL CUBIC. CARGO PLAN: INDICATE HOLDS, TWEEN DECKS, ENGINE SPACES, FITTINGS, STOWAGE, TONNAGES, ETC. FUEL AND WATER CALCULATION INTERMEDIATE SECTION IS REQUIRED TO BE COMPLETED IF ARRIVAL SECTION SHOWS BALLAST WHICH IS NOT LISTED IN DEPARTURE SECT ON. INTERMEDIATE CONDITION IS BEFORE BALLASTING SO IT INCLUDES THE EFFECT OF FREE SURFACE BUT NOT EFFECT OF PART II WEIGHT OF THE BALLAST WHICH 15 TO BE TAKEN ABOARD. DEPARTURE: INTERMEDIATE: [sews TYPE, a FS. FS. FS. TANK [ate [ween] vc] moment | secu, wnore]| momen | nou, [weer] vce] moment | arcu : a Tr 1 —_t_1_ —— | rorais trauies a a SHIP ANo CARGO — —__ — GRAND TOTALS DISPLACEMENT DEPARTURE KG MEDIATE KG (1) FREE SURFACE CORR.(4 1) FREE SURFACE CORR.{+) —___ 12) VERT. SM CORR, (+h (2) VERT. Sta. CORR. [+1 key ——— Key DEPARTURE KM INTERMEDIATE Km —— DEPARTURE KGy, - INTERMEDIATE KGy, DEPARTURE GM INTERMEDIATE OM REQUIRED MINIMUM GMa _ REQUIRED MINIMUM GM NOTES ~ ARRIVALKG — UVF REE SURFACE CORR.(+) —__ (21 VERT. SM, CORR. (9) ———— —— Koy ARRIVAL KM. ARRIVAL KGy — ARRIVAL GM REQUIRED MINIMUM Gt (rnis CONMECTION MUST NE APPLIED TO ALL SHIPS.) STABILITY SUMMARY PART Ill - GRAN] VocuMeTRIC a VERTICAL SHIFTING ar. | stow forrtron | “WeetnG” | se on | HEELING wowent cower.| Syge [Tutikee" | owens | gensiry | _Mowent seenoreeanrs | 0 er FTA "2 Gear Frat ra ToTats 1} UNDER STOWAGE INDICATE “F" FOR FILLED COMPARTMENTS, “F-UT" FOR FILLED COMPARTMENTS UNTRINMED, “PE” FOR PARTLY FILLED COMPARTMENTS, “SEC” FOR SECURED OR OVERSTOWED COMPARTMENTS. 12) THE STOWAGE FACTOR USED IN PART Il! SHALL NOT EXCEED THE VOLUME PER UNIT WEIGHT (TEST WEIGHT) OF THE GRAIN. IF STOWAGE FACTOR IS SAME IN ALL COMPARTMENTS, DIVIDE TOTAL VOLUMETRIC HEELING MOMENT BY STOWAGE FACTOR OR MULTIPLY BY DENSITY TO OBTAIN GRAIN HEELING MOMENT. IF STOWAGE FACTOR VARIES OBTAIN GRAIN HEELING MOMENT FOR EACH COMPARTMENT, REGULATION 4, CHAPTER Vi, SOLAS 1974 or A. FOR VESSELS APPROVED UNDER REGULATION 4, IMCO RESOLUTION A 264(VIII), SOLAS 1960 or REGULATION 4. IMCO RESOLUTION A.184(V1), SOLAS 1860, DEPARTURE INTER MEDIATE ARRIVAL, T — DiseLacewent Ky TOTAL GRAIN HEELING MOMENT MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE HEELING MOMENT TANGLE OF HEEL (12° MAX.) “RESIDUAL AREA ta ero OR sam” Min, som (0.3MOR TFT. AMIN) “TO BE COMPLETED IF VESSEL'S GRAIN LOADING BOOKLET DOES NOT INCLUDE A TABLE OF ALLOWABLE HEE LING NOMENTS. IN SUCH CASE, STATICAL STABILITY DIAGRAMS DEMONSTRATING THIS INFORMATION SHALL BE ATTACHED HERETO. SECTION VIB), PART B, CHAPTER VI, SOLAS 1974 or B. FOR SPECIALLY SUITABLE SHIPS APPROVED UNDER SECTION VIB!” PART B, IMCO RESOLUTION A.264VUIl) Gwain weevina momen x ay REGULATION 12, CHAPTER VI, SOLAS 1960, DEPARTURE INTERMEDIATE ARRIVAL TOTAL GRAIN HEELING MOMENT DISPLACEMENT GM (connecteD oF Gave ree SURFACE)

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