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From the sampling process, a final shortlist of stakeholders included the following:
 30 primary and secondary public schools
 Ten maize millers
 Four nutrition stakeholders and two government structures
 The appendix includes names and locations of sampled schools and millers, as well as a list of active
PANITA members in both regions.
This report includes key findings and insights, an overview of sampled schools, an assessment of school
feeding programs, and an overview of sampled millers in Kagera and Tanga, as well as proposed
recommendations and action plan to access to and consumption of fortified maize flour in schools in Kagera
and Tanga.

Nutrition Stakeholders

PANITA is a consortium of civil society organizations working on nutrition

focused and nutrition sensitive sectors, such as agriculture, livestock
development, water and sanitation, health, education, economic empowerment
and social protection. PANITA currently operates in both Tanga and Kagera with 6
and 14 active members respectively.

Future Research (Right before Action Plan- a minititle)

The study identified the following potential areas of further research
Area Justification
40% of sampled schools obtain their products
The role of small-scale producers in the
from informal sources, including small-scale
fortification program
The study focused primarily on maize
The level and compliance of fortification in fortification. There is room for further
salt and cooking oil research to assess fortification in other food
The study only included public schools. There
is room for further research to assess the
The inclusion of private schools in the
implications of any potential fortification
fortification program implementation
program targeting both public and private
The study primarily focused on maize
fortification. There is room for further
The role of locally sourced nutritious foods
research to assess inclusion of locally-
i.e. vegetables in school feeding programs
produced nutritious foods in school feeding

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