Home Assignment 2: Name:-Md. Shahbaz Ansari ROLL: - 17MI33007

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ROLL:- 17MI33007

i. Difference between light type and heavy type stone dust barrier?
Mention their place of applicability in mine workings.

Light type barriers are intended for use nearest to a possible point of ignition,
consists of lightly loaded shelves (not more than 35cm in width).

Heavy type or secondary barriers are intended for use further from the
possible site of explosion. It contains more dust as at greater distance will give
explosion the opportunity to develop greater violence which will be hard to

ii. What is a self contained self Rescuer and when it is required by


The Self-Contained Self-Rescuer is a new generation Self-Rescuer which is
independent of outside O2 content in the environment where it is used as escape
apparatus by persons to pass through irrespirable atmosphere after an explosion
or an outbreak of a fire in UG Mines. It’s an O2 generating apparatus that
generates O2 from CO2 , water vapor and supports life different from filter type.

iii. At which percentage of Co/O2 ratio a sealed of area can be safely

reopened in a mine? At which ratio of above you may have
conception that fire is active?
CO/O2 deficiency – 0.1% to 0.5% is normal to a coal mine.
 1% indicates existence of spontaneous heating.
 2 % indicates existence in advanced stage approaching active fire.
 3% or more indicates active fire.

iv. What should be maximum permissible CH4 concentration in

general body of air and when power supply to working district in U/G 
to be cut off?
As per Indian regulation the percentage of inflammable gas should not
exceed 0.75% in the general body of the air
If CH4 content exceeds 1.25% at the working face - electricity should be cut

v. Mention the poisonous gases usually found in u/g mines and also
specify their allowable concentration in mine air for normal work by
- Carbon Monoxide/ White Damp (mechanical Mixture of CO and Air) - 5ppm
(5mg/m3) [4.33 PPM].
- Sulphur Dioxide/ Stink damp (a mechanical mixture of SO2 and Air) :10PPM
- Hydrogen Sulphide(H2S) : 0.007 Percentage of Total Volume
- Nitrogen Dioxide(NO2) : 0.00025 Percentage of Total Volume

vi. Where self contained breathing apparatus is necessary and how

may persons forms a rescue team for rescue operation in mine?
Self-contained breathing apparatus is necessary for the irrespirable
atmosphere after an explosion or an outbreak of a fire in Underground Mines. If
and when a rescue team is needed and is formed for a crisis situation in an
underground mine, a minimum of a three-member team shall be constructed to
carry out the operation.

vii. what is crossing pt. temperature and which is termed as ignition

point temperature of coal ?
The lowest temperature at which the exothermic reaction in the coal bed is self-
propellant under test condition is called critical oxidation temp. or crossing point
Ignition temperature : the lowest temperature at which a combustible substance
when heated (as in a bath of molten metal) takes fire in air and continues to burn.

viii. What should be the illumination level at pit bottom /shaft level and
Haulage roadways in an u/g mine?
Pit bottom - 1.5 to Cm/Sft
Haulage Road- 1.5 Cm/Sft

ix. How the thickness of a flat type water dam is decided in an u/g
mine workings? Mention any one formula for determination of
thickness of water dam giving clear identity of the notations used.
The most important parameter in the design of an UG dam is the estimation of its
safe thickness under a given set of conditions.

The factors which are normally considered are:

 The maximum water head to be resisted,

 The nature and the geotechnical properties of the surrounding strata,
 The crushing strengths of the materials to be used,
 The cross sectional area of the gallery,
 The form of the dam – flat or straight, cylindrical of arched, and
 The type of the dam – temp. or permanent.

Formula for flat dam:

t= Pbh

T is Thickness water dam

P is the max water pressure (kg/cm2)
B – width of road way (cm)
H – height of road way (cm)
Ts – is safe shear strength of material used or ground whichever is less

x. At which distance from a water body the warning lines and danger
line/statutory restriction lines are drawn on water danger plan of a
The intervals at which the warning lines to be drawn it not specified from source
of water but vary depending on progress of the workings in a Mine and can not
thus specifically indicated
The distance could such that management can take advance action for
working within statutorily restricted area well in time.
Statutory Restriction line - It is drawn at a distance of 60m. (shortest distance in
any direction), form the age of the body of water/other similar danger to indicate
that any advance beyond that line will only be possible with permission from CIL

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