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Research Proposal: Impact of Audio Piracy in Bangladeshi music industry.

Date: 30.7.2018
To: Ms. Shapla Parveen
From: Shadman Hasan
ID# 1410126630, Eng105, Section: 25

Subject: Proposal to research on understanding how internet piracy on music is affecting the
Bangladeshi music industry scenario and how it affects the artists.

The new era of innovation has introduced the world to internet which changed everything around
us. The rise of internet along with the technology of digital downloading has had immense
effects on the very nature of the modern-day Bangladeshi music industry. Digital downloading is
like poison to artists and it is killing off their spirit once they used to hold, to come up with new
materials for their beloved listeners. Digital downloading is harmful in such an extent that
questions the artist to rethink about change in career path. Can they be blamed? It’s like coming
up with a product and the next day seeing your own product getting sold for free. The amount of
work, dedication, money put for a single song and then seeing it getting distributed for no reward
in front of the very eyes is just heartbreaking and de-motivating. Like any other country piracy
on music is also very common in Bangladesh and it is not considered as a big crime. It is a
digital way of stealing valuable hard working content
The purpose of this research is to find out how much illegal digital downloading is
hampering the overall music industry .

Research Questions:

Through my research I look forward to explore the effects of digital downloading and how it is
affecting the Bangladeshi music Industry. Through my research I would attempt to answer the
following research questions.

1. What is audio piracy?

2. How is digital downloading affecting Bangladeshi music industry?
3. Why do listeners not pay for music anymore?
4. Why is online purchase still not affective?
5. What solutions can be implemented to stop audio piracy?


From this research, the researcher expects to hold up the impacts of audio piracy and the
impact it holds for the future of Bangladeshi music industry. It is assumed that, now it is
considered more of a hobby than a profession when it comes to creating music. It is also assumed
that music listeners are not willing to pay for music anymore as it’s easier to get them without
paying anything. Though there are options to purchase music from online. It is believed that,
online purchasing is still very new to the mass population of our country. The severity of
intellectual property theft is vague to a large number of the population. It is believed that, to
distinguish the problem of piracy, importance of intellectual property needs to be addressed to
the mass audience.

Research Methodology:

For the primary research, a survey will be conducted on a representative sampling of the general
public in Dhaka. To be more precise, mainly students of different educational institutions as they
are the primary listeners of today’s modern music. To that end, a questionnaire with different
types of questions will be designed as to get a range of useful data which will help to answer the
research questions.

For the secondary research, the internet will be used mostly for journals, articles and books and
standard search engines like Google will be used.


The paper will be divided into several sections, the most important of which are – the
Introduction, Background, Data presentation and Analysis, and Summery of findings. Within the
sections, the organization will be based on the research questions.


The primary research is intended to be completed by 30th July and the secondary research by the
6th August. Writing the final draft of Research Paper shall be completed by 13th August, and
submission shall be done by specific deadline towards the end of the semester. (20th August,

Request for Approval:

I hereby request your approval for my research proposal. If you wish me to modify or improve
my proposal, I will submit it after incorporating the necessary changes. I would also be grateful
for your advice and help in conducting my research and completing the project.

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