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The is a new startup business taken by a group of individuals after

the horrific fire hazard that burnt down the physical dcc market shop. The online
store dcc market aims to recapture the essence that the original dcc market had but
this time done completely digitally through internet.

E-business organization:

The company’s mission is to serve their customers the ease of shopping their daily
needs through an online portal. The company aims to give its customers a wide
variety of products and delivering those products to their doorsteps. The main
mission of the company is to give their consumers the highest level of satisfaction in
the case of ordering and receiving the product. By using various new technologies
the company is trying to make the order process of a product and receiving those
products easy for the consumer. The website contains various product line mainly
targeting women, and new parents. The company has a wide range of baby products
and cosmetics for users to choose from.
The company hopes to bring back the same legacy that Gulshan dcc market once use
to hold hence the name of the company The company believes that
touch and feel is still very important for a consumer to make a purchase decision. A
fast delivery system is used so that consumers can feel their purchased product as
soon as possible. The company also believes that online purchasing of products are
catching up very quickly and it is the future. wants to remove the
problems of purchasing a product from a physical store and going through all the
hassles that needs to be dealt with while on the way of going to the store. In a
country like Dhaka the problem of traffic is still there and consumers face a great
deal for that. The online shop wants to solve those problems that the consumers are

Range of products and services:

The company has a wide range of products which are mainly baby products,
cosmetics, snacks and household items. The company plans to increase their product

line in future. The key business focus is to give the consumers the ease of shopping
from online and delivering the products in a short time. Products like baby dippers,
various cosmetic products, toiletries, babby food etc. are offered in the website.

Business model:
The company directly sells its products to the consumer through online purchase. It’s
an online version of a department stores which stores various products from different
manufacturers and gives the consumers the option to choose from these products and
ultimately making a purchase of the product.



Managment Business
Team partners


The company promises to give its customers the best service when shopping to their
website and delivering the products quickly. And as stated before there’s a wide
range of products starting from baby products to cosmetics and toiletries. The
company has partnered with Pathao for delivering their products to the consumers in
a timely manner. The management team is still limited to the entrepreneurs who
initially started the business and they take care of most of the managerial decisions.
The advantage the company has over others is that since they started targeting a
niche market their customers have loyalty towards the company and a very high

customer satisfaction which is putting them ahead of some other online e-businesses.
Plus the consumers can get in touch with retailers through the site and can bid with
the retailer. If retailer agrees with it the consumer can buy the product in the bidding
price. This gives the company advantage over other online websites.

E-business revenue model:

When it comes to value proposition the company states that they want to solve their
consumers problems regarding different products by giving them ease of online
shopping of best available products that they desire of and get those products to their
hands in a short period of time. ‘Customer comes first’ that’s the approach the
company is taking by satisfying their customers every need. The company believes
by using their service consumers will get the ease of online shopping from home and
will get their purchased product quickly.

Revenue model:
The company mainly earns revenue through selling the products from different
manufacturers. Just like a department store does but here it is done digitally. By
linking with various retailers of those products the company gives the pending order
to the retailer and from their trough pathao the product is sent to the consumer’s
household. Apart from this the company also earns revenue by charging other
companies for advertisement in their website.

Marketplace structure:

Retailers Consumers

The company follows a multisided market place structure. The organization is linked
with different retailers and products are stored in the retailers’ inventory. The
company acts as a middle man between the consumers and the retailers. Consumers
order for a product and the order is processed and sent to the retailers and from there
the order is sent to the consumer.
Market segmentation:
The company’s market segmentation is targeted towards a niche target. Mainly
targeting new parent, women and young adults. Since the product offering is limited
to various snacks, household items and cosmetics the market is segmented very

E-business platform/infrastructure:

Application service:
The company uses various technologies for their application service. For Customer
relationship management (CRM) the company uses a software known as LiveAgent.
Through this softwere the company keeps the record of their customers. Records as
the customer’s name, number, purchase order, interests and various other
information’s. For Enterprise resource planning (ERP) the company uses ERPNext.
A software which integrates various application to manage the company better. For
order processing the company uses a softwere called Magneto which processes
various orders given by the consumers from home.

The company uses internet to connect to the retailers. Separate softweres are given to
the retailers to keep track of the order that is being processed and from there to send
the product to the consumer.
Web 2.0 is used by the company when it comes to web technology. Through
facebook the company also keeps the consumers engaged with various upcoming
products and services.
The company uses solodev a software for various web content management. To give
the consumers a fast user experience and ease of use the company manages their
websites content through this software.

E-Business digital strategy:

S.W.O.T. Analysis:

The company has a loyal customer base which gives them an advantage over other e-
business companies. The companies’ customers are growing in a number rapidly and
consumer satisfaction is very high which works as a strength for the company. The
websites user interface is simple and clean which makes it easier for the consumers
to browse through and pick products. The option of bidding is very new to the market
and as a first mover the company has advantage over other online businesses.

Loyal customer New in the market
Easy experiance limited products
Option for bidding

Strengh Weakness

Oppurtunity Threats
Fast delivery service Competative market
New idea Already established E-

The company’s biggest weakness is being a new entrant on the market. There are
many other online e-business companies out there who sets a tough competition to
the company. The competition in the market is very high today. And this is
challenging for the company. And the other weakness of the company is limitation in
different types of product. The company is offering its product to a very niche
audience for which this there can be seen a lack of product versatility.
The company has a very fast delivery system which gives them the opportunity in the
market. A fast delivery service results in a satisfied customer base which gives them
an edge over the other competitors. And new ideas like bidding with the retailer also
gives them the opportunity over other e-business companies.
In a very competitive market the company being a new startup might face some
problems. The competition in the market is a threat for the company where many
well established businesses like Daraz, Bagpack etc. exists.

Competitive threats:
The firm can face different competitive threats one of them being a new entrant in a
market where already many well established companies are conducting their
business. This can be a huge competitive threat to the company because other e-
businesses are already popular in the market and gives a tough competition to anyone
who enters the market. But since the company is bringing out something new which
is bidding on a product with the retailers so this gives them an advantage so in
winning in the competitive market. With proper advertisement of the services that the
website offers and letting more people know of these features the company can
respond to those threats.
Another competitive threat the company might face is the offering of different
products that other online e-businesses are offering. Consumers might change their
minds about just getting some specific products from the website and move to the
competitor’s site where they offer a wide range of product. So in order to respond to
this the company has to broaden its product line with more product offerings to the

E-business Security:

Security is a big concern for today’s business atmosphere and especially in the case
of Internet based businesses. There are many ways that a company might be caught
in security breach that came through the internet. For the company dccmarket they
also might face some security issues. Five of them are briefly discussed below.
1. Virus and malware are very common in today’s world. Attackers constantly search
for websites to hack and take down by spreading virus and malware.
2. Attacks on smartphones and mobile devices are growing rapidly and through the
company’s website hackers can hack into and attack consumer’s device which will
eventually be a big problem for the company.
3. Attackers in order to make money often perform ‘phishing attacks’ by stealing
consumer’s data and various information which is highly problematic.
4. Since a number of huge data and processing via cloud the chances of getting attacked
in the cloud is a very big security concern.
5. Attacks on BYOD (bring your own device) also is a method of hacking that is
increasing and might be a concern for security for the company.
From these identified risks security breach in the cloud service and ‘phishing attack’
on the consumers might be a level of severity for the company. As many of the

information is stored on the cloud an attack on it will damage a huge chunk of the
company’s information system. Without those information it will be hard for the
company to keep track of almost everything related to the business which will cause
severe damage to the company.
And when it comes to phishing attack, the consumers are at risk here. If consumers
fall into the trap and becomes victim of various phishing attacks through the
company’s website it will be very tough to maintain the company’s reputation.
Consumers will not feel safe to shop from the website and business might face loss in
this scenario. So this will cause major damage to the company’s reputation and
overall performance.

Managing Risks:
In order to manage the risks first of all proper security training should be given to all
the employees and even the managerial department as well. In lack of security
training many businesses had to face security issues which resulted badly for the
company. Good security software’s should also be used for the protection of data and
other information’s. Although the company already uses Azure by Microsoft for
securing their cloud service and other devices.
Another way to manage risks is to have a good recovery system. It is very important
that the company has a good recovery system to revive lost or wiped out data for
security purposes.

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