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ie 2 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE® EXAMINATION 21 MAY 2018 (am) ‘ea wsa01207020 FILL IN ALL THE INFORMATION REQUESTED CLEARLY IN CAPITAL LETTERS. wer (Sth tlelr eis a eae BIOLOGY ~ Paper 02 PROFICIENCY evens REGISTRATION NUMBER, [—SCHOOUICENTRE NUMBER] ‘NAME OF SCHOOLICENTRE ‘CANDIDATE'S FULL NAME (FIRST, MIDDLE, LAST) DATE OF BIRTH SIGNATURE, fe &. rest cope 01207020" | FORM TP 2018045 MAYJUNE 2018, CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE® EXAMINATION BIOLOGY Paper 02 ~ General Proficiency 2 hours 30 minutes READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. ‘This peper consists of SIX questions in TWO sections. Answer ALL questions Write your answers in the spaces provided in this booklet. Do NOT weit inthe margin. Where appropriate, answers shouldbe iusteated with egrams. Ifyou need to rewrite any answer and there snot enough space todo soon the original page, you must use the extra lined page(s) provided at the back of this booklet. Remember to draw a line through your original answer. Ifyou use the extra page(s), you MUST write the question number clearly in the box provided at the top ofthe extra page(s) and, where relevant, include the question part beside the answer, DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. Copyright © 2016 Caribbean Exam All right reserved. . con nvAMEMT TOA ' tions Council 4 SECTION A. “Answer ALL questions in this section. Ge) Scientists, imerested in studying the survival of organisms living at high temperatures, identity some microorganisms living ina desrthabitat where the average daily temperatures txceed $0°C. They extract an enayme, protease, that facilitates the digestion of proteins from these organisms, and investigate the effect of temperature on the action ofthis enzyme. State TWO precautions that they should take in earrying out this experiment. (@ marks) Gi) The results of their experiment are presented in Table 1. On the grid provided in ‘igure 1 on page 5 dra a graph o represent the results presente in Table 1 (marks) ‘TABLE 1: RESULTS OF EXPERIMENT INVESTIGATING ‘THE EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE ON ENZYME ACTIVITY Temperature °C) 5 [10] 30[4s| so|5s| 60 | 65 "Time Taken for Protein to Disappear | «| 6 | 4s |>5|18|15 | 60| 60 (nimutes) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE (012070200F 2018 ‘oem HT Figure 1. Results of experiment GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 012070200 2018 4 From the graph in Figure 1, identify the optimum temperature for the protease activity mari (Gv) Suggest ONE reason forthe shape ofthe graph at less than 10 °C, TWO reasons fore shape ofthe graph between 10 and 55°C, and ONE reason for the shape ofthe graph at more than 55 °C. Less than 10°C 10-85-¢ More than 55°C marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 012070201" 2018 | ” a (9) Describe a suitable procedure that the scientists could use to investigate the effect ‘of pH onthe activity of the protease enzyme. (GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE ‘012070200 2018 4 ()) The human skin shown in Figure i an onan which helps humans to regulate their body temperature, r Figure 2. Vertical section through human skin, Name the parts labeled I, 1, 1H and IV in Figure 2 eae ae 0 m Vv. (marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 012070200" 2018 / r * 7 Gi)_Deseribe how the structures named in (b) (Delp humans to regulate their body temperature Gimarks) GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01207020 2018 -10- = plants to conserve water during (© Explain how changes inthe epidermal cells of leaves help high temperatures. (S marks) ‘Total 25 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 012070200" 2018 10. NOT WHITE IN THIS AREA 5] OF WRITE IN THIS AREA pono r “We =| 2 (@) Figure 3 shows thee different types of eels, A, Band C. o w ain 0120702006 2018 igure 3. Diagram showing three different types of cells [Name the types of eel labelled A, B and C in Figure 3 marks) [Name TWO structures that are common to the thse types of cell “Gimaris) State TWO differences between the type of cell labelled A and the type of cell labelled c. “@marks) GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE a a (&) ‘Tissues made up of Type B cells are placed in container of concentrated salt solution ‘and left for one hour. DDeseribe THREE changes inthe appearance ofthe cells after one hour in the concentrated salt solution, and give n explanation to account for these changes. mari) GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE 12070201" 2018 i -B- | (©) Tissues made up of Type A cells and Type B cells are placed in a container of distilled ‘water and let for one hour. Describe how the appearance of Type A cells is expected to differ from that of Type cells and give an explanation for this diference ‘@maris) Total 15 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01207020 2018 r “ 1 3. (@__ Figured shows a section through the human eye ‘Figure 4, Section through the human eye “Table 2, which is incomplete shows structure in the human eye labelled in Figure 4 and thee related functions. ‘Compete the table by matching EACH labeled part ofthe ey to its function. Write the fetter and the name ofthe part. The first row has been completed for you ‘TABLE 2: FUNCTIONS OF THE PARTS OF THE EYE Letter Structure Function A |Conjunctiva Te membrane that protects the cores “Transmits nerve impulses tothe brain Becomes more o less convex to focus light con the retina Controls the amount of light passing through the pul ‘Contracts and relaxes to alter the shape ofthe lens Protects and keep the shape ofthe eye Converts ight energy t nerve impulses ‘Gmaris) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE o1207020F 2018, a 7 (©) Name ONE type of light sensitive ell found in the retina mark) (©) Explain why colours are seen less clearly in dim High than in bright light, (@martes) (© Acolour-blind woman mates with a man who has normal colour vision. Determine the probebilty of thiscouple having acolour-blind daughter by completing the genetic diagram below. Parents’ phenotypes: Normal colour vision man * colour-blind woman Parents! genotyps xy x xo Gametes: Fertilization cross: Game Probability of olour-blind daughter sos (marks) ‘Total 15 marks GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE 01207020 2018 r a 7 ao Answer ALL questions, labelled A,B,C, 4 (@) Figure Sis dingram of the human respiratory system. Name the parts I 1, Eand Fin the space provided. tory system Figure S. Diagram of human respi (marks) GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE ar 9n70707F 2018 r - 7 (6) State TWO characteristics thatthe respiratory surface used for gaseous exchange in human beings has in common with the respiratory surface used in flowering plans. Explain how EACH characteristic makes the respiratory surface sultable for gaseous exchange. “Gémarks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 012070208 2018 iD “ 7 (©) Advertisements for electronic cigarettes promise to supply nicotine tothe body without the ‘harmful effects ofeigarete smoke, These cigarettes are promoted asa healthier alternative ta smoking regular cigarettes. Outline the effects of THREE named components of cigarette smoke, other then sicotne, on the human body. @ marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 012070207" 2018 r a. 5 ‘Outline TWO ways in which the use of nicotine in electronic cigarettes may be harmful othe human body. @ marks) ‘Total 1S marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE ‘012070207 2018 r * 7 5. @_ Name THREE components of human blood that are important in protecting the body against pathogenic diseases and state the function of EACH. “(@marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 012070207" 2018 r 2 7 (©) Marianne, one-month-old baby acquires immunity from her mother through breastfeeding, Marianne's father accidently punctures his finger with a nail but does not need a tetanus antiserum injection because he received a tetanus vaccine the previous year. Explain how the type of immunity that Marianne acquired from breastfeeding differs from the typeof immunity that her father acquired from his vaccine. In your explanation, state the name of EACH type of immunity marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE (01207020F 2018 -22- 7 wunized from registering in public schools. (©) The authorities prevent hire who are not mm ‘Suggest TWO reasons why some parents may have a valid concer about immunizing that children and TWO reasons why the authorities maintain their postion on preventing the entry of unvaccinated children "Gémarks) ‘Total 15 marks GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE 012070200" 2018 4 6 (@_Deseribe how the process of mitosis results in the production of identical cells in asexual reproduction, “GG maris) GO ON To THE NEXT PAGE 012070200 2018 i ” 7 () Plants that reproduce sexually have some advantages compared to those that reproduce nly eewualy, Outline TWO advantages end THREE disadvantages of sexual reproduction. Advantages Disadvantages marks) GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE 012070207" 2018 © =25- 7 (Scientists have successfully cloned animal species. Suggest TWO reasons why humans ‘may choose to clone animals. @ marks) Gi) Outline TWO ethical isues related tothe cloning of humans. a marks) ‘Total 15 marks END OF TEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. 01207020/F 2018 a a 1 EXTRA SPACE, Ht you use this extra page, you MUST write the question number clearly in the box provided. Question No. 1207020 2018, : nee oem 1

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