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Francisco E.

Barzaga Integrated High School's incapability of providing STEM


A Senior High School Research Proposal

Presented to Mrs. Ernelyn Rizo Sayaman


Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements in

Practical Research 1

Group 1

Arts & Design 11-A

Cepeda, Toby

Dagdagan, Clyder

Gerna, Kenneth Ian

Tiopez, Allen

Dionisio, Ishie Miyuki

Jomiru, Dela Cruz

Soliguen, Jennifer

The study is about why Franciso E. Barzaga High School is incapable to provide STEM


This study, which deals on FEBIHS's incapability of providing STEM, is under the
field of Education. Education is a process of receiving or giving systematic instruction in
institutions such as a school or university.


The researcher's target would be audience are the senior high-school students of
Francisco E. Barzaga Integrated Highschool who are fifteen to twenty years old. The
research will be conducted on the months of December to February 2019.


The research design used to conduct this research is Case Study. The method used
is Focus Group Interviewing.


The purpose of the study is to determine to determine why FEBIHS is incapable of

having STEM strand.


A. General Problem
1. Why Francisco E.Barzaga Integrated High School is incapable of providing
STEM strand?
B. Specific problem

1. What are the factors affecting the capacity of FEBIHS's to provide STEM?

2. What is the main cause of FEBIHS’s incapability of providing STEM?

3. How important is the STEM strand for students?


Habits are the cause of the degradation of curse words from emotive to speech
disfluency. the habit of using curse words as speech disfluencies because it is socially
entertaining by nature, a simple act of malice, and almost unpunished.


Currently, curse words are also used as speech disfluencies. Aside from their
emotive purposes (i.e. conveying anger, joy, surprise), curses are now used as a
disruption in the flow of spoken language that is caused by the speaker (Rouse, 2018).


STEM as the most preferred strand of Grade 11 students

This study is about students who are likely to educate themselves in terms of exploring
their skills through the use of science, technology, engineering and mathematics
(STEM). This study aims to find out why most of the grade 11 students chose the STEM
strand over the many other courses offered in the curriculum. The researchers
purposively chose their participants from the STEM AM students of the New Era
University. Each student were interviewed and given the chance to widely explain their
aspirations in terms of studying in this strand. The result shows that most of the
students chose STEM because it is in line with their desired course to take up in
college, while some has experienced uncontrolled circumstances that made them to
forcefully choose this strand.
Why is STEM Education So Important?
According to the U. S. Department of Commerce, STEM occupations are growing at
17%, while other occupations are growing at 9.8%. STEM degree holders have a higher
income even in non-STEM careers. Science, technology, engineering and mathematics
workers play a key role in the sustained growth and stability of the U.S. economy, and
are a critical component to helping the U.S. win the future. STEM education creates
critical thinkers, increases science literacy, and enables the next generation of

Considerations for Teaching Integrated STEM Education

Quality Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education is vital
for the future success of students. Integrated STEM education is one way to make
learning more connected and relevant for students. There is a need for further research
and discussion on the knowledge, experiences, and background that teachers need to
effectively teach integrated STEM education. A support, teaching, efficacy, and
materials (s.t.e.m.) model of considerations for teaching integrated STEM education
was developed through a year-long partnership with a middle school. The middle school
was implementing Project Lead the Way’s Gateway to Technology curriculum. The
s.t.e.m. model is a good starting point for teachers as they implement and improve
integrated STEM education.

Facilitating Teaching and Learning Across STEM Fields

The reformation of the instruction of subjects across STEM fields has changed the role
of STEM educators from being “dictators” in the classroom/ laboratory to being
facilitators of students’ activities. This new paradigm shift means STEM educators are
no longer limited to delivering instruction intuitively, but rather with effective facilitation of
students’ activities. Thus, the STEM educator is now to assume the role of the creator of
effective educational environments for learning while teaching. This is enhanced by
instructional strategies and delivery that synergize diverse students, strategies,
technologies, societies, and subjects. This article addresses a paradigm shift for STEM
educators as facilitators, their roles as students’ activities enablers, and factors
influencing effective facilitation in STEM programs.
Barriers to Successful Implementation of STEM Education

The implementation of STEM education in schools across the globe is to prepare the
future workforce with strong scientific and mathematical backgrounds to enhance skills
development across STEM disciplines. However, for STEM education to achieve its
goals and objectives, addressing the barriers to STEM education should start by fixing
the problems at the elementary, junior and senior high school levels; the grassroots and
potential feeders to colleges and universities. Since many nations including the United
States of America is in dire need of the workforce with adequate preparation in science
and mathematics to help address the nation’s economy that is in shambles, the barriers
to its successful implementation should be identified and addressed. In this paper, (a)
the definition of STEM education and (b) some barriers to successful implementation of
STEM education are discussed and elaborated.


These implemented questions will be the guide in conducting the research and to
develop a theory about word degradation.

1. How important is the STEM strand?

2. How can STEM be helpful?

3. Why do FEBIHS need STEM?


A., J. (2011, November 30). Facilitating Teaching and Learning across STEM Fields. Retrieved
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Flormata, Estabaya, Dela Cruz, Buala, Acorda, & Hebrew. (2017). Retrieved from

Ejiwale, J. (2013). Barriers to successful implementation of STEM education. Journal of Education

and Learning. Vol.7 (2) pp. 63-74.

Kids, P. B. E. F. (2016, February 2). Why Is STEM Education So Important? Retrieved November
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Stohlmann, M., Moore, T., & Roehrig, G. (2012). Considerations for Teaching Integrated STEM
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