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10 Dangerous Toothpaste Ingredients

Even though toothpaste (in some form or another) has been around as long as the Ancient Greeks
have, the formula (as we know it) did not become popular until World War I. As soon as
companies began manufacturing toothpaste, people began to purchase the magical concoction –
guaranteed to produce glistening teeth! White teeth were all the rage after World War I had
ended, and toothpaste quickly became a product that most people simply couldn’t live without.
Toothpaste is one item that nearly everyone uses today, but what makes this concoction so
special? Whether you brush your teeth once per day or three times per day, chances are that
you've never taken the time to read that ingredient list. Some believe that the ingredients
contained in a standard package of toothpaste are essential – others believe that water may be
just as effective. In the end, there's a good reason why most toothpaste packages warn: "Do Not
10. Formaldehyde
That same ingredient that coroners can't live without can be found inside of your toothpaste tube.
Formaldehyde kills all of those small bacteria that climb onto your teeth after eating or sleeping.
If a large amount of formaldehyde is accidentally ingested, the result could be fatal. Severe
formaldehyde ingestion results in jaundice, kidney damage, liver damage, and death.
9. Detergent
Foam, suds, activation! What would toothpaste be without that satisfying soapy feeling?
Manufacturers use regular detergent in order to appease the masses that prefer bubbly toothpaste.
While bubbles may be fun, be careful if you accidentally ingest a large amount of this stuff –
swallowing detergent can cause digestive tract burning.
8. Seaweed
Stretchy and slimy, seaweed holds that paste together. Without this green stuff, toothpaste would
simply fall apart! The good news is that seaweed isn’t toxic. In fact, seaweed has a number of
nutritional benefits, though hitting the sushi bar is a better way of gaining those benefits.

7. Peppermint Oil
Minty, minty, minty! Fresh breath can only be kept fresh with the help of peppermint oil! While
refreshing when brushing your teeth, peppermint oil can cause a slow pulse, heartburn, and
muscle tremors if it is consumed.
6. Paraffin
As slick as the petroleum that it is derived from; paraffin creates a smooth paste that oozes onto
your toothbrush. As you might imagine, paraffin wasn’t meant to be eaten. If you happen to
swallow this ingredient, you may end up with abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and severe
5. Glycerin Glycol
never heard of this ingredient before? Sure about that? Glycerin glycol is added to toothpaste in
order to prevent the paste from becoming too dry – it’s also found in antifreeze. Even though
glycerin is not toxic, this additive may cause nausea if swallowed.
4. Chalk
that’s right – chalk. Thanks to the fact that chalk is made from exoskeletons, it's hard enough to
remove all of that caked on gunk from your pearly whites. Chalk dust may cause lung problems
if inhaled, and swallowing a bit of chalk could cause bleeding.
3. Titanium Dioxide
This is another common toothpaste ingredient, though it's usually found in white paint. When
added to toothpaste, titanium dioxide has the safe effect on your teeth as it does on walls – it
keeps them nice and white (for a few hours, at least!). Ingesting titanium dioxide won't hurt you,
but it isn’t recommended either.
2. Saccharin
something has to combat that terrible detergent taste! Saccharin is sweet, but not too sweet – just
the way that most people like their toothpaste! Saccharin has been a hot topic of debate every
since Theodore Roosevelt was in the White House. The USDA tried to ban the substance in
1972, though it is considered "safe" to ingest today.
1. Menthol
One last ingredient to add a minty note to your breath. Without menthol, toothpaste might taste
like, well, chalk, glycerin, paraffin, detergent, titanium dioxide, and seaweed! Go ahead and
ingest menthol if you like, but sipping some tea containing menthol is a far better idea than
chewing on your tube of toothpaste.

Thanks for the nice write-up on toothpaste ingredients. That is why we should all
prefer Neem stick, as it is natural and has all benefits - no harm or side-effects!
Dr. Manthena, for similar reasons, says that we shd avoid the allopathic medicines for
1. Side-effects and
2. All the chemical ingredients that go into any of them to:
a) Preserve;
b) Differentiate (with different coloring agents);
c) coagulating agents (to ensure that the tablet does not become powdery before being taken;
and such others totaling 8 to 9. All these have to be processed and thrown out by our poor Liver!
And if it can't do it due to overload, it wraps such chemical into a fat molecule and stores them
somewhere in the body, so that it does not harm the body. But when we grow old, and when such
fat molecule melts, liver may be too weak to process, and it may create the harm in the body
then. Using even charcoal powder is better than toothpaste. - T Sekhar, NLSM-mentor,
9848043885, 17.10.10. Live Naturally, Cure Naturally!

Dear Ms.Jayanti, When one has skin problems, tell her to abstain from certain foods like
salt, oil...any oil(includes ghee, butter), tamarind, chilly powder, n white rice n also turmeric
(less than 1/4thteaspoon is ok per day... if u r used to...), non-veg(any kind), tea, coffee....also
very high calorie food...tell her not to eat mustard and cumin seeds or powder, coriander(I mean
all the masala items), but take lot many juices n also lots of lemon...and apply only coconut
oil on the area... n not to touch washing soap or powder or any chemical...u can see a miracle in 5
days... but don't even touch salt, tamarind , oil or any masala, plain phulkas n
boiled vegetables , n green leafy, n fruits....  n all natural foods...the same works for u too to
reduce weight....

Hi Krishna garu
I can suggest something with my own personal experiences. All the problems that
you are facing are due to imbalance in the body. Strictly follow the NLS techniques; it will solve
all your problems. Remember great things cannot be built in one day. We spoiled our body for so
many years and don’t expect to get cured in a short period of time. Have patience and be rigid in
following NLS for at least 6 months. Adopt NLS to at least 75% and this will refill all that you
have lost over a period of time.
Coming to specifics:
1) I used to use Colgate sensitive for my teeth morning and evening as it doesn’t allow me to
chew or eat anything sweet/sour/hot/cold. I adopted NLS and stopped artificial sweets,
refrigerated items. Believe me in 6 months I got rid of the problem. Now I don’t find any
discomfort in eating natural sugars like cane juice, dates, dry grapes etc. But the moment I take
sweets again I feel the pain. So remember it’s a life style change not a therapy. I got so used to
the NLS, if I eat cooked breakfast I don’t feel happy. Not to satiate my mouth I am munching
some coconut or something hard now a days :)
2) Its not a problem, but it’s a result. Doesn’t worry continue drinking 4-5 liters of water? You
are cleansing your body and will find results soon.
3) Mouth ulcers come because of multiple reasons. When you eat right whole food (sprouts,
whole rice, whole wheat or anything completely raw) you will get cured to a large extent. One
day fasting every week will get rid of the ulcers to a large extent. One a two day weekend, allot
one day for fasting and rest. Regards Siva 

Q. dear sir, generally doctors prescribe folic acid, iron tablets and calcium with vitamin d
enriched syrup. I want to know natural substituents for all these. I want to plan for second child
next year. Now we are living in Canada. Naturally we couldn’t get vit d from sunrise. Please
suggest me good diet for getting ready my body. Last year one of my blood test reports showed
my ferritin levels are 2.4, hemoglobin level is 11. Is ferritin is different from hemoglobin.
Please clarify my doubts. Thanks a lot. Sunitha Ravirala
A. Some natural substitutes:
1.Folic Acid-
Ladies finger(Bendakaya),Spinach(Paalakura),Beetroot,Brocolli,Lettuce,asparagus,Beans
3.Calcium-Nuvvulu(Till/Sesames seeds),Ragi
Our mothers and grandmothers never took any vitamin tablets during pregnancy. They ensured
to have a healthy diet.So, these supplements are essential only in specific cases...
Having Sprouts, dates, soaked groundnuts daily for breakfast and taking vegetable juice will give
you all the required vitamins and minerals .You need not to take any supplements. Pls start
following NLS methods and you can see remarkable difference. All the above listed ingredients
are a part of NLS. NLS has much more in fact. All the very best. Sunitha

Hi, it’s good to get substitutes for various vitamins.

We cannot compare our generation to that of our grandparents. Infant mortality was very high
then than now. The reasons could be many but taking extra vitamins when needed, like during
pregnancy, may be helpful. We cannot start eating well just before planning for kids and expect
every thing to be fine without supplements. Following Dr. Advice is better. Vijay

Hi Srilatha garu, 
Though I do not have answers to all your questions, felt like replying at least the ones I
1. You can have buttermilk, but pls do not take immediately after having any food. See we take
water only after 2 hrs after any food, isn’t it.So, u can have buttermilk might be at 4-5P.M in the
evening. Mix more water in the buttermilk and churn it nicely. There is no harm in having this
can add lemon and honey to this if u wants to.
2. Onion doesn't cause any harm.
It is a very good vegetable. See the design, though we have so many veggies, we use onions in
preparing almost all dishes; it has been coming from our ancestors. Why don't we use any other
veggie like that...This shows that onions are harmless and can be taken.
3. Alovera shampoo, I am not sure, but u can take the pulp from alovera leaves directly and mix
it with coconut oil and boil this for sometime. Store it and use as regular hair oil. This really
works can also apply alovera extract before head bath. If u follow NLS method, eat sprouts, nuts,
veggies automatically there will not be any hair or skin problems.
To avoid hair fall and dandruff can follow this age old technique.Saok methi (mentulu) seeds
overnight. Morning grind it to a fine paste. Apply and let it for 30 mins.Take head bath with
shikakai or kunkudukaya only. No shampoos pls.
4. Honey and Lime water does give energy. Pls watch Maa TV at 8:30 A.M. in the morning,
today Dr. Garu was emphasizing about fasting and honey water. Pls watch the programme.
5. Pls stop having tea/coffee. And do yogasana (Watch MAA TV from 4-5 AM, for the
asanas).Even if u follow NLS, Asanas are a part and parcel of this lifestyle and if not able to do
them, u can take a brisk walk in the morning or evening. But, there should be some physical
exercise. And it is good that u r following most of NLS methods, pls try to avoid taking non-
veg if u can. All the Best. Sunitha

Dear Srilatha addanki garu,

Sunitha ji has already answered you for a few of your querries.Regarding fasting
and eating sprouts I have attached below the proper reply taken from the book of respected Dr
Manthena teachings. Kindly go through it and follow strictly at your best. You will be positively
rewarded shortly. Don’t be confused .Have faith and act accordingly. May god bless you? Get
well soon. Your queries are rightly answered as following: -

Q. Your idea of fasting (Upavasa Dharma) is entirely different from other naturopathies,
especially in using honey. What is its specialty?

A. Fasting (Upavasa Dharma) means giving rest to the body. If you starve your body
without giving any food including honey, it doesn’t rest, it becomes restless. When you are
fasting your body consumes its stored energy, just as you withdraw money from bank when
needed. When your stomach is empty for a long time and when stored energy is not
sufficient for the brain, you feel weak or dizzy. The energy that we get from the food stays
in our liver for six hours in the form of glucose. After that period the excess energy is
converted into fat. Our brain requires 800 calories of energy per day, whether you work or
relax. The brain is the director of our company (body). If such an important person is
neglected in the form of strike (fasting) he can’t work. If he can’t work, you can’t carry on
your fasting! If the brain is energetic, so will be the body. That is the reason why we give
honey and water to keep the brain in good stand. This food is for the brain, not for the
body. If the brain doesn’t get glucose, the cells in the brain die, and their death is once for
all. Fasting should not harm the body and brain. If you provide 800 calories energy
to the brain through honey, the brain cells don’t mind your prolonged fasting . If
you have to supply 800 calories of energy through honey, it means you should take 250g
(1/4 kg) of honey per day. This ¼ kg of honey should be taken at regular intervals from
morning to night. Take four spoonfuls of honey in a big glass of water (lime juice sprinkled
in it) for every two hours. So you have to drink like that for roughly eight times. Then your
body and mind will be energetic during fasting period. The same way, by drinking 5 – 6
liters of water during fasting, the body can purge the waste matter easily. During fasting,
roughly 8 lemons are used. Their sour taste kills your desire for food and you will not feel
hungry. The honey and the water cleanse entirely the cells of their waste matter, thereby
providing them new energy and vigor. Fasting once in a while is good for health and

Q.  As long as we eat usual breakfast and drink coffee, we don’t feel hungry for 4 – 5 hours. But
now, ever since we have been following your natural food style and have been eating sprouts, fruits
as breakfast, we feel hungry within two hours. What should we do?

A. The breakfast made of oil and salt kills hunger, whereas sprouts, fruits create your
hunger. You have been accustomed to centre your mind about hunger and tasty food. Some
even like to get up and eat in the middle of the night. Sprouts, fruits dates etc get digested
quickly, within two hours, without troubling the intestines much. They also give extra
energy. Since the food is digested, your stomach becomes empty, giving you the feeling of
hunger. On the contrary, your usual breakfast of oil and salt takes 3 – 4 hours to get
digested; you don’t feel hungry till then. Your intestines will be heavy and they have to slog.
Sprouts can give you more energy than your usual breakfast. There is no problem if your
stomach is empty for some time. Realize the fact that hunger is a healthy sign and such a
healthy sign is produced by the healthy food. Try to divert your mind from hunger till

Psoriasis is attributed to the more accumulation of the toxins in the system, and less
immunity system, the only answer is to under go panchakarma treatment, where all the waste
toxins are removed, don’t use any soaps, apply coconut oil after bath, use all natural foods as per
the dr mnls method, it is better to stay at ashram under the guidance of the doctors,
Once the toxins are eliminated u will be free from the disease, if you are taking non veg, stop
immediately. Venkateshwarlu Anchuri Mentor, dr mnls, live naturally, cure naturally

Psoriasis is considered as an auto immune disorder, first and foremost you must
clean your internal system by way of fasting as per the dr msr methods and take natural fruits and
change your diet as close as natural possible. Apply coconut or til oil on the areas after bathing
and never do bathing with soaps which will further aggravates the situation, you clean your body
with Sunni pindi or any other flour which is available at your residence. Drink more water;
observe the foods that will increase your disease. Since more amount of toxins are present in the
system, when you apply local ointments it will suppress the disease and will re occur once you
stop the medication. You can get panchakarma treatment at Hyderabad or join at Bodhan ashram
for some time as per the Drs Guidance so that you can get rid off the problem. Best of luck
Venkateshwarlu Anchuri

Q. I am madhavi m/o son has autism. He is 5years now. Any nature therapies for
autism. If any please give message. Thank you...
A. Autism is observed in many children , it may be due to neurological problem
or genetic disorder, what you can do is to give him more sprouts every day , you may find good
result , you can find special schools run for the autism children in Hyderabad, giving nutritional
food and physical activity is important for the child. Venkateshwarlu Anchuri

Q. In stomach some times I hear sounds it makes me scary I will get cold in every 3 days....
in my mouth I am getting mouth ulcers(nagukurupulu) please guide me what to do ?
Thanks bhanuprasad.s
A. It is evident from your mail that you have low immunity and indigestion problem. You
are advised to do Vajrasana sitting posture in any time preferably after taking food, and never
take water along with food, either you should take before taking food, and after 2 hours of taking
food, Avoid all junk food, tea, coffee, cool drinks and non veg food. Start taking sprouts,
vegetable juice as suggested by dr msr methods. Do meditation and yoga regularly. Your mouth
ulcers are due to the deficiency of VitB2 , you can take raw rice (brown rice) like liquid form
which has abundant Vit B2 , if you have more problem consult a dentist who can give some
ointment for temporary relief, but you must change your life style in to natural methods so that
you will not have problem. You can do fasting on Sunday with lemon and honey alternate hour
and water every 1hour till night so that all the toxins are removed from your body, and body will
repair the system when you are on fasting.
Venkateshwarlu Anchuri, Thursday, 2 September, 2010, 12:07 AM

Q.let me know the proper diet for osteoporosis is please?

Earlier I had high bp, but now I have low bp. I am 42 years old, 49 kgs, 5' never drank coffee or
tea but very rarely milk (may be twice or thrice in a year) for your info I am following Dr. Raju’s
NLS for last 2 years. Like two meals a day, 4-5 ltrs water, mixed vegetable juice, raw food I
mean sprouts, dry fruits, roasted gingerly in either of the meal, weekly once fasting etc. I get
acidity in following situations (very strange case) when I drink water - specially the first 3 ltrs
i.e. for cleansing when I eat fruits (2/3 bananas) when I eat sweets made of sugar (Tirupati
laddus) and also home made sweets made of dates (learnt from dr. Raju’s programs) when I
drink honey water with lemon juice. Having very poor appetite, (I force myself to eat so that I
will not suffer from under nutrition) before practicing nls also it was the same case with my
appetite, I am not a food freak but a health freak!!! Because of my appetite problem I can’t eat
vegetable curry, greens curry and rice (1 small cup brown rice) / phulkas (3 nos.) regards nirmala
A. I want to narrate my case to enable you get some idea and inspiration.2008 Jan-I got
pain in my right knee and with in a week it got worse and I could not walk. I consulted
Orthopedics surgeon and he told its OSTEO- ARTHRITIS.I was following Dr. Raju's food
regime to some extant not fully. I am 65 and my wt-75kg.Iwas advised to reduce by at least 10
kg. I joined nature cure centre for whole body massage, steam bath and yoga-asanas for one
month and due massage I lost 5kg and due to change food regime and timings another 5 kg and
reached 65kg with in 6 months. Lot of relief but not full. I reduced salt intake almost too nil and
there is further improvement. I went to Karnataka in Feb-09 and to Shravana Belogola.I thought
it’s impossible to get on top of that hill to see Jain statue. But I tried to walk slowly and ascended
the steps 700 nos successfully. I was surprised that I was faster than my wife and other fellow
yatris who are much younger than me. This was a real test for me. Now I am totally free from
this problem. If I start salt the knee pain shows up again. So, the important point is stop salt
totally if you want total relief, reduce salt to reduce the problem or eat salt and has your problem
progress but, you have to follow the natural life style and hope I need not repeat the same.
Wish you good health! Muralikanth

Dear Anchuri garu,

Q.Thank you very much for the information’s. I am sorry that I could not notice the duration
hours of fasting in your earlier e-mail, which forced me to write you again. Today I have finished
the day satisfactorily and didn't feel any hunger during the fasting, except gas formed in the
evening under the chest in stomach. It was bit uncomfortable .Therefore I had a tablet of
pentosec (opramizole). I was feeling belching and the gas was not releasing downwards. So now
I am OK and I hope will have sound sleep. I have experienced today and will continue on every
Tuesday without fail. A doubt only comes when we do it practically.  Thanks & Regards J K
MehtaPune-48 .9822747315
Hi Mehta garu, 
A. It is really so nice to see your interest in Dr.Gari's teachings and in spite of your age you are
practically following everything so nicely. Seriously, feels good. All the Very best. And your
commitment is like an inspiration to all. Sunitha

If you are unable to withstand the fasting norms stop, if you want to continue you
should do it systematically at least for 24 hours with water and honey lemon alternatively till you
sleep, this has been already explained to you in earlier mails to you. The whole digestive system
will be on rest when you observe fasting, and clean the system expels all the stored toxins
outside giving a boost to the immunity system. Best of luck Venkateshwarlu Anchuri

Dear Sudha,
It’s advisable to take veg.juice in the morning . The raw veg contain lot of micro-
nutrients. You may add any natural fruit to this as they go very well with this juice. It’s
beneficial to add lime as its rich source of vit-c and also makes it tasty. Honey also makes it
tastier without any harm. So if you don’t add them there is no harm, but adding them enriches it
both nutrition wise and taste wise. Now it’s your own choice.Pl. Understand the natural
principles and follow in spirit of it. I add musk melon and amla to veg juice and find it very tasty
and enjoyable. Only if you can afford it add any fruit or veg suitable for juice. Muralikanth.

Q. unless I eat papaya I do not get toilet, and I can not drink too much of water like 5 liters,
because I will find it difficult to make it in office but I can drink 2 liters at home. Now my
problem is if I eat papaya, I am not getting pregnant, so I need to know any other food so that my
motion will be smooth without being in my body for a week. Please help me out with
alternatives. Thanks, Srilatha.
A. Your problem is not papaya - it is your present solution! Your problem is severe
constipation. And Dr Manthena advises like: - eat more fibrous foods, vegetables with peel (inclg
gourds etc.); fruits (like sapota, mango, apple, etc.) with peel for more fiber. - have fruits b/fast
for a week or two if your constipation is mainly due to gas problem - have enema done. You can
do enema daily (after 1 hr after 1st instts. of water) for 3-4 days - with warm water. Enema box is
available in medicine shops. Manthena Dasapustakamala gives procedure of doing enema by
oneself. - do some walking or exercise etc. Do Pavanamuktaasana (asana that relieves gas from
body) - on empty stomach in morng. (Can do it 1/2 hr. after 1st water intake) - keeping stools for
a week is unhealthy and even dangerous too. After taking water, walk some steps slowly with a
thought on bowels and one then gets the stools. - T Sekhar, 9848043885, VSP, 250810

Q.Dr. Manthena garu, we are big fans of you. My sister is 42, she has been suffering from knee
joint pains since two months, her weight is 75kgs, and her height is 5ft 4". How can she get rid
this inconvenience? She has been working in an organization as a teacher. Could please suggest
her how to get rid her weight, and how to get rid her knee pains? Regards, thanking you, savithri
A. Dear Madam, The only way for reducing knee pain is that you should wash off
salt deposits in your knee joints and also you have to regenerate lubricating material in your
joints. For achieving these twin objectives, you have to drink water about 5 liters as specified by
Dr Manthena and also drink vegetable juice as specified by him.  The detailed methodology is
enclosed.  If you follow it properly you will find good relief in about a month's time -- V SIVA

Hi Mehta Ji, Usually in traditional cooking, many people tend to use Masalas and dhaniya,
jeera powders to enhance the taste. But in our natural way of living, we know that we should
not use these. So Dr. MSR garu has come out with an alternative "Koorala podi" so that it
enhances the taste of any curry without using any Masalas. You can call it "Sabji powder".

The methods to be followed is start with water therapy and have vegetable juice and after 1
hour sprouts as breakfast as much as you require, you can add curry leaves, pudina, coriander
and sprinkle lemon for taste. If you want to eat only raw vegetables as breakfast eat carrot,
beetroot, and Keera only (it is not good to take dondakaya, the main idea is we should not
consume raw foods whichever used more fertilizers so bottle gourd [sorakaya], Ridge Gourd
[beerakaya] and snake gourd [potlakaya] are good to eat in raw) In the vegetable juice you can
add fresh young (leta) beerakaya or sorakaya, carrot, beetroot, Keera, tomatoes, pudina,
corianders, curry leaves. Lemon and honey makes a perfect match. If you finish your dinner only
with fruits with sufficient quantity which should satisfy your appetite is a wonderful concept,
you can sleep early, you can get up early, and you can do yoga and mediations... Venkateshwarlu

Dear all please note that honey does not contain the required nutrients and so it’s not
enough to take only honey. I am furnishing the details of nutrients in 100 Gms of HONEY, from
NIN Publication. 1. protein-0.3 gm, fat-nil, minerals-0.2 gm, carbohydrates-79.5 Gms, Energy-
319 kcal, So, even if you take 1000gms (kg) of honey, you will get 3 gms of protein. But you
require 60 Gms of protein. So don’t think of such ideas. It’s fine for fasting. Muralikanth

Q.My sister is suffering from continuous vomiting from the date she conceived, please tell me
the prevention.  Every thing she eats is coming out even after completions of 04 hours.
A. First trimester vomiting are very common , due to the more requirement of the Vit
B6 known as pyridoxine , as the mother has to share the same vitamin for the growing baby, the
Tryptophan is a protein is not converted to niacin a vitamin, in turn it will stimulate the CTZ
chemo receptor trigger zone, and vomiting centre to cause vomiting, You can take the food s that
contain highest concentration of Vit B6, or ask the family physician to recommend a preparation
which contains the same as an alternately. Nothing to worry, it will set right. Venkateshwarlu
Anchuri Mentor, Dr. MNLS live naturally, cure naturally

Please note the attached vital information’s reproduced by our expert moderators Mr.
Thiru ji and Mr. Manayam ji regarding the misconceptions about honey, to reconcile for
the benefits of NLS followers.

Dear All, It is everyone’s concern, whether we can go for the adulterated Honey or
not? It is always recommended to purchase the good honey, if not able to find good
honey in branded.  Don't worry, take whatever available.  I checked with Dr.
Manthena Satyanarayana Raju before my Australia trip. He said. Go ahead and use
any branded honey. It is negligible negative things compared to good things
from honey.  He also said and cleared that, it is far better than the cooking oil. If
we compare cooking oil, it is very dangerous in terms of health hazard. It is not
helpful to the body and on top of that causes more hazardous to the body. So,
please go ahead and use the honey without any fear. Healthy Regards, Thirupathi
Reddy | Moderator |

Dear All,      Few points here that I have noted from the recent episode of Dr. MSR on Honey (MAA TV -
18th Oct’10):

1) Pure Honey has no expiry date - Lives Long...

2) Even pure honey also some times become solid bases (atta kadutundi) i.e. not the sign
for adulterated honey... it purely depends on seasons that honey collected or from where it is collected
etc... So many factors...
3) Basically two types of Honey available in the market wild honey (pattu tene) and Boxed Honey (pette
tene) by Honey Bee Keepers
4) Wild Honey's life is less compared to Boxed Honey since the methods used to extract honey
5) Pure Honey taste will not be same always... Since depends on seasons honey bees will collect honey
from various blossoms (puta) they are not always same combinations...
6) Company Honey used to same taste due their Honey processing techniques used... 
7) Heating Honey will leads to loose its few good qualities and properties...
8) If extracted honey from farms or houses... let the honey under sun light instead of heating it... this will
increase the shelf life and evaporate excess moisture from honey.
9) Don't use honey if having bubbles, any lumps like layers, sore or some odd taste...Etc...
10) Don't mis-belief the techniques advised by adulterated loose honey sellers like Dog can’t touch pure
honey or testing on currency notes and fire it etc... Even adulterated honey can pass those tests with type
of ingredients used...
11) If purity test required need to get it from some advanced research labs in Hyderabad city is only
12) Try to choose best honey collector other wise choose some company made honey...
13) usually company honey are collected from Bee Keepers honey and their Honey collection is some
thing not much harm to Bees and those wax cages can be reused quickly for further harvesting
(collections).. Healthy Regards, Manayam | Moderator, NLS by Manthena | Kuala Lumpur
| +60193437493 "Live Naturally – Cure Naturally" Web-site: | Yahoo

Q I have few queries can you please answer.

Is it ok to eat curry in curd rice?
My husband has less HDL cholesterol and LDL is in normal range. So foods help
in increasing HDL cholesterol?
MSR says we should cook leafy vegetables in the afternoon only. Does cabbage, broccoli and
cauliflower fall in this category only or can we cook any one of these in the evenings also?

A. Follow the below guidelines to increase HDLC

1)    Eat Soya Beans that are rich in alpha- lenolenic acid, every day.
a.    Soak Soya beans in water for 15 hours and add to the vegetables while cooking.
b.    Consume like “gugillu” along with chana or alasandalu
c.    Soak for 15 hours, blend it with water and then filter it to prepare Soya milk. This can be
used as ingredients in recipes.
d.    Mill the Soya beans into dry powder and add ¼ kg to 1 or 1.5 kg of wheat floor for making
e.    Prepare curd from Soya milk
f.    Also make paneer by breaking Soya milk.
2)    Regular use of sprouted lentils like “pesalu (Green Gram), alasandalu, and sanagalu”
increases HDLC.
a.    Recommended method of having sprouts is consuming one fist full of sprouts from each
variety of lentils (at least 3).
b.    Rajamas do contain good amount of “alpha- lenolenic acid”, but Rajamas cannot be sprouted
and should be consumed as curry.
3) “Leafy Vegetables” are mandatory in everyday food to increase HDLC.
4)   Physical exercise also helps to increase HDL cholesterol.
Regards, Fayaz Dr.Manthena’s NLS Mentor

Q.Hello sir, could you please tell me the procedure of til laddus with dates with
measurements of til and dates. Til laddus can we preserve for one week. How many we have to
eat per day. Can I substitute til laddus instead of milk for my baby (5 years old)? Sunitha
A. This is how you make Sesame laddus: take 1 cup of dry fried Sesame seeds and 1 cup
of seedless dates. Make the Sesame into fine powder then grind the dates as paste. Now mix the
2 items thoroughly to form a laddus. You can give daily 1 small laddus to your baby.
Per doctor's advice, this can be used as replacement to Milk. Hi,
Soya is a useful ingredient for human but limited quantity to be consumed.
There was long discussion on this topic of Soya usage few months back Dr. Vishala was
suggesting some tips on usage. You may be able to drill down in Archives and get that info. 
As a first hand info it increases Cholesterol production so those who are already of high levels
advised to avoid until it comes to normal.  I hope this mail reaches to forum. Last response to
forum on a topic did not come through. Regards, Satya.
Q from the past few days, I have been using brown rice for my lunch. But, I do not find it as
soft as the white rice used to be. Could you please give me some tips to make the brown rice
softer? I stay in Chennai and I get the brown rice from Spencer’s store. I feel that the husk is not
cleaned properly. Is there any other store from which I can get a good variety of brown rice?
Thanks, Shilpa
A...Hi Shilpa, Wash the brown rice properly 2-3 times and soak it in lukewarm water for at
least half an hour before cooking. Then drain the water and u can cook either on stove top or a
pressure cooker (6 whistles) U need to check for 2-3 days to c how it turns out. Use 1:2 ratio, one
rice and 2 cups of water. Sunitha
A. Soak rice overnight and cook it in the morning. Also, you may want to add more water
than you add for white rice.Normaly water is 4 times the quantity of rice. Vijay

40 Points about Wheatgrass and its Nutritional Values

1 Wheatgrass Juice is one of the best sources of living chlorophyll available.
2 Chlorophyll is the first product of light and, therefore, contains more light energy than any
other element.
3 Wheatgrass juice is crude chlorophyll and can be taken orally and as a colon implant without
toxic side effects.
4 Chlorophyll is the basis of all plant life.

5 Wheatgrass is high in oxygen like all green plants that contain chlorophyll. The brain and all
body tissues function at an optimal level in a highly-oxygenated environment.
6 Chlorophyll is anti-bacterial and can be used inside and outside the body as a healer.
7 Dr. Bernard Jensen says that it only takes minutes to digest wheatgrass juice and uses up very
little body energy.
8 Science has proven that chlorophyll arrests growth and development of unfriendly bacteria.
9 Chlorophyll (wheatgrass) rebuilds the bloodstream. Studies of various animals have shown
chlorophyll to be free of any toxic reaction. The red cell count was returned to normal within 4 to
5 days of the administration of chlorophyll, even in those animals which were known to be
extremely anemic or low in red cell count.
10 Farmers in the Midwest who have sterile cows and bulls put them on wheatgrass to restore
fertility. (The high magnesium content in chlorophyll builds enzymes that restore the sex
11 Chlorophyll can be extracted from many plants, but wheatgrass is superior because it has been
found to have over 100 elements needed by man. If grown in organic soil, it absorbs 92 of the
known 102 minerals from the soil.
12 Wheatgrass has what is called the grass-juice factor, which has been shown to keep
herbivorous animals alive indefinitely.
13 Dr. Ann Wigmore has been helping people get well from chronic disorders for 30 years using
14 Liquid chlorophyll gets into the tissues, refines them and makes them over.
15 Wheatgrass Juice is a superior detoxification agent compared to carrot juice and other fruits
and vegetables. Dr Earp-Thomas, associate of Ann Wigmore, says that 15 pounds of Wheatgrass
is the equivalent of 350 pounds of carrot, lettuce, celery, and so forth.
16 Liquid chlorophyll washes drug deposits from the body.
17 Chlorophyll neutralizes toxins in the body.
18 Chlorophyll helps purify the liver.
19 Chlorophyll improves blood sugar problems.
20 In the American Journal of Surgery (1940), Benjamin Gruskin, M.D. recommends
chlorophyll for its antiseptic benefits. The article suggests the following clinical uses for
chlorophyll: to clear up foul smelling odors, neutralize strep infections, heal wounds, hasten skin
grafting, cure chronic sinusitis, overcome chronic inner-ear inflammation and infection, reduce
varicose veins and heal leg ulcers, eliminate impetigo and other scabby eruptions, heal rectal
sores, successfully treat inflammation of the uterine cervix, get rid of parasitic vaginal infections,
reduce typhoid fever, and cure advanced pyorrhea in many cases.
21 Wheatgrass Juice cures acne and even removes scars after it has been ingested for seven to
eight months. The diet must be improved at the same time.
22 Wheatgrass juice acts as a detergent in the body and is used as a body deodorant.
23 A small amount of wheatgrass juice in the human diet prevents tooth decay.
24 Wheatgrass juice held in the mouth for 5 minutes will eliminate toothaches. It pulls poisons
from the gums.
25 Gargle Wheatgrass Juice for a sore throat.
26 Drink Wheatgrass Juice for skin problems such as eczema or psoriasis.
27 Wheatgrass Juice keeps the hair from graying.
28 Pyorrhea of the mouth: lay pulp of wheatgrass soaked in juice on diseased area in mouth or
chew wheatgrass, spitting out the pulp.
29 By taking Wheatgrass Juice, one may feel a difference in strength, endurance, health, and
spirituality, and experience a sense of well-being.
30 Wheatgrass juice improves the digestion.
31 Wheatgrass juice is high in enzymes.
32 Wheatgrass juice is an excellent skin cleanser and can be absorbed through the skin for
nutrition. Pour green juice over your body in a tub of warm water and soak for 15 to 20 minutes.
Rinse off with cold water.
33 Wheatgrass implants (enemas) are great for healing and detoxifying the colon walls. The
implants also heal and cleanse the internal organs. After an enema, wait 20 minutes, and then
implant 4 ounces of wheatgrass juice. Retain for 20 minutes.

34 Wheatgrass juice is great for constipation and keeping the bowels open. It is high in
35 Dr. Birscher, a research scientist, called chlorophyll "concentrated sun power." He said,
"Chlorophyll increases the function of the heart, affects the vascular system, the intestines, the
uterus, and the lungs."
36 According to Dr. Birscher, nature uses chlorophyll (wheatgrass) as a body cleanser, rebuild,
and neutralizer of toxins.
37 Wheatgrass juice can dissolve the scars that are formed in the lungs from breathing acid
gasses. The effect of carbon monoxide is minimized since chlorophyll increases hemoglobin
38 Wheatgrass Juice reduces high blood pressure and enhances the capillaries.
39 Wheatgrass Juice can remove heavy metals from the body.
40 Wheatgrass juice is great for blood disorders of all kinds

Q..Due to neck pain since 1 month i had taken Radiograph of cervical spine lateral view and
found changes of cervical spondylosis.I am strict follower of NLS since 2 years as per NLS 10
point progrrame.According to ANCHURI'S advise i am adding TILL POWDER & CURRY
LEAVS in my SALT & OIL less curry  daily. Neck pain has been reduced to some extent but not
totally till today .In addition to this  numbness stated only on left hand since 10 days daily at
regular in travels till today. There is some flow of movements in the nerves from left side of
chest to left hand side observed once in a while daily but no breath problem or any other
inconvenience. Ht 162 cms Wt 57 kgs, age 40 years .profession LIC DO using 2 wheeler daily
not more than 30 kms. Please advise me.           swamy

A. Spondylitis is a mechanical problem . Medicines, such as pain killers give temporary

relief. The Spondylitis region is of slight S shape vertebras, through which nerves pass through.
Due to our wrong posture over a period of time, the S shape vertebrae become straighten. Thus
compressing the nerves passing through it. Hence various problems such as neck pain, head
reeling, numbness in left hand etc., occurs depending the nerve gets pressed. The best cure is not
to use pillow, however a pillow of high thickness such that when one turns to the side while
sleeping, the neck portion should maintain 90 degrees angle. In addition a neck exercise
slowly/gradually has to be done. Over a period of time problem gets relief. A neck exercise
strengthens the muscles around the neck and gives relief to deformed vertebrae. I had this
problem 15 years back. Since I have been following the above procedure, I am relieved of the
problem. Chandra Babu N  
Expert Answers
The Baby Center Editorial Team Yes. Hiccups are particularly common in babies under a year
old. Babies even hiccup in the womb, which can alarm pregnant moms but is also totally normal.
Some mother’s wonder how babies can hiccup in uterus — after all, they're not really breathing
yet. But hiccups have nothing to do with breath: They're sudden contractions of the diaphragm
caused by irritation or stimulation of that muscle.
According to Lynnette Mazur, a professor of pediatrics at the University of Texas Health Science
Center and the Shriner's Hospital, both in Houston, infant hiccups are usually caused by feeding
(breast milk, formula, or other foods) or a drop in temperature that causes a baby to get cold.
"It's a nuisance to parents, but not so much to the baby," says Mazur. "Unless the hiccups
interfere with daily activities like sleeping or eating, there's no need to see a healthcare provider."
Babies with gastro esophageal reflux disease may hiccup more frequently, according to Mazur. If
your baby hiccups often, mention it to her doctor, particularly if she spits up a lot or coughs and
seems very cranky.
In addition, if your child's hiccups are uncontrollable, happen very frequently, or occur often
after age 1, talk to your doctor. Unusual hiccups can — in very rare cases — be a sign of a more
serious underlying medical condition.

As for how to stop hiccups, there are a lot of theories, but Mazur pooh-poohs them all. "There's
really not much you can do, and they'll go away soon," she says. Some say to give babies sugar
water or let them suck on something, which Mazur says "won't really hurt and might help, but I
wouldn't bet on it."
Don't try to cure hiccups by startling your baby, pressing on her eyeballs, pushing on her
fontanel, or pulling her tongue, which are common folk remedies in some cultures. There's no
proof that any of these methods work, and you could hurt your baby in the process.

Q.Hi Fayaz, Thank you for the recipe. How many small laddus can elders take and what is
the best time to take? I like milk a lot, i take milk with protein power and along with honey, I
like this taste a lot, but then this causes constipation to me. So I can replace it with sesame
laddus...Thanks Srilatha.

A.Hi Srilatha garu, I think you can have 1-2 sesame balls per day. You can have them at 5
in the evening or so. As Dr. MSR garu says, normal milk can be replaced with cocounut milk. It
has more fat and instead you can take coconut/Soya milk, add honey and take them. Sesame is
very rich in calcium and meets most of the daily requirements. You can try having ragi ganji for
calcium. Sunitha

Dear All,         All mails good and thanks for sharing various experiences.... One suggestion
here is that; try to avoid refrigeration as much as possible.... Instead, you can plan sprouts for 1
or 2 days requirements at a time... Plan 3rd day sprouts after one day sprouting like that...Healthy
Regards, Manyam | Moderator, NLS by Manthena | Kuala Lumpur | +60193437493

Rupa garu,        you are right. Laxmi brand of large size moong seeds sprouts well. 
Organic wheat seeds we can buy from whole foods, its cheap and sprouts very well.
I used cloth before I bought those sprouters.
Here are my observations on cloth vs. sprouters when sprouting wheat and moong seeds.
Cloth: -
    1) Soak it in water for overnight.
    2) Take out water completely, clean with dry cloth,bla bla....
    3) I had to change the cloths frequently as cloths used to become dirty and sometimes difficult
to clean them since sprouts stems penetrates in cloth.
    4) It dries very quickly when i store in frig.
Sprouters: -
    1) Soak it in water overnight.
    2) Just take out water completely; we need not clean with dry cloth.
    3) Put the different varieties of seeds in different containers of sprouters. Allow for 2 days to
sprout. Moong we can start eating in after putting in sprouters for 24 hours.
    4) If required, spray water very lightly (moisture in sprouters itself enough to sprout) as more
water may lead to form fungus.
    5) Once it is sprouted completely, keep the sprouters in refrigerator and we can eat them as
and when required in fresh form.
    6) Cleaning sprouters is not taking much time for me as I am required to clean once in every 3
or 4 days.
    7) If consumption is more, we can order two sprouters and use alternatively.
Thanks Ganesh.


Sprouted Wholegrain Ragi (Nachni) -1 cup
(If u do not want to sprout u can take the whole ragi soaked overnight)
Uppudu Biyyam (Parboiled rice/Idli rice) (Washed, Soaked for 5-6 hrs)-1 cup
Pottu Minappappu (Coated whole Urad dal) (Washed, Soaked for 5-6 hrs) - -3/4th cup
Mentulu (Methi seeds) - few 
Grind all the above ingredients separately and mix to get the batter. Ferment it overnight.
Next morning idlis can be prepared. They are very healthy as Ragi is sprouted here and also
tastes very good. 
Broken Wheat (Dalia) - 2 cups
Pottu Minappappu - 1/2 cup 
1. Wash and Soak Urad dal for 5-6 hrs.
2. Dry roasts broken wheat and let it cool.
3. An hour before grinding soaks the roasted broken wheat.
4. Grind them separately and ferment overnight.
The best part of these dosas is it does not need even a drop of oil. These come out very crisp and
roasted and kids will love it. And it is full of whole wheat which is very good. Sunitha
Hi All,
      I usually make sprouts by using vessel which contains holes (Chillula ginney),
and they are spouted very well.  I stay in London so here the climate is very cold, so I'm soaking
sprouts in Hot water for overnight and sometimes it takes more time, next day drain the water put
moong in vessel and keep it aside near the heater. By the next morning they are sprouted very
well. And one more suggestion always take small moong dal don't go for large even though they
are sprouted very well. You can try this also putting in a vessel. All the best. 
Best Wishes, Lakshmi Janaki

There is no short cut to burn fat in our body. You have to do exercise to burn fat. The
best way is to do "Asanas". 1. NOWKASANA 2.UTTANAPADASANA are the most important
for reducing belly. You have to follow Natural Life style to achieve your goal in a healthy way.
Most important point is - dinner before 6.30pm. Take protein rich food and avoid junk food,
reduce carbohydrates. Take lot of vegetables and fruits. Still better is to join Prakruti Ashram for
15- 30 days. Muralikanth

LANCET-UK Medical journal, published - NDM-1 Super Bug (NEW DELHI METALLO
-B-LACTAMASE-1-BACTERIA) Is caused due to poor sanitation and unregulated use of anti-
biotics. In our NLS we advocate not to use or abuse anti biotics for acute diseases like cold,
cough, fever, loose motions etc but do UPAVASAMS (fasting) for 2 or 3 days and let our body
fight the invading bacteria by producing anti-bodies. We, in our family, are following this for the
last 3 yrs successfully. Hope others, get inspiration from this and feel assured.
American Sweet Corn is available at Super markets (Reliance Fresh) about 20-25 per kilo.
They are really sweet and i am able eat them raw and enjoy them very much. As its fresh, sealed
by nature with lot of foliage, remains fresh for a long period, can be consumed. Hope we get lot
of micro nutrients. We can boil them, but many nutrients will be lost. So, I prefer to eat them
If sprouts are not fully sprouted, i.e.; 1-1.5" long, we need not discard them, but separate them
and use them in curries or cook them and eat them. Only the extra benefit of sprouts is missing.
If you take such sprouts raw, you may have difficulty in digestion and gas production. Some
times we do not get good seeds and also all seeds don't sprout (infertile seeds). Muralikant

Please note the following while taking sprouts.

Our requirement is about 2000 k.cals, 60gms of; let’s plan to get 700 cals in break
fast, 700 in lunch, 500 in dinner and rest by means of juices etc. All cereals, pulses give 350
kcal/100gms, but when sprouted energy is reduced by 30%.So, we have to take 100-125 gms of
seeds in dry state, 50 gms of ground nuts, 50 gms of coconut and sum good qty of fruits and see
you get the 700 kcals. Muralikanth.

VIT-A, is necessary for clear vision in dim light. Thus lack of vit-A leads to night
As per RDA, 3000micro grams of vit-A (Carotene) is required.
The Rich source of Carotene are :-
Leafy vegetables- Agathi(Avise)-15,000;Amaranthus-5,500;coriander-6900, curry leaves-
7500;drum stick leaves-6700, radish(mullangi) leaves-5300, spinach-5580; Roots :- Carrot-1890;
Fruits :- Mango-ripe-2743; Orange-1104;Papaya,ripe-666;Tmaoto,ripe-351
Even though fruits contain less qty, we can conveniently eat a lot of fruits in their fresh state and
derive maximum benefit,eg;Papaya,which is available through out the year can be taken and 500
gms gives us the daily dose. In season one mango gives us the same.
Source: NIN PUBLICATION. Muralikanth

In continuation to my message on this subject, I wish to add the following:-

As vitamins micro-nutrients are destroyed during cooking, we have to take fresh vegetables&
fruits to get our daily dose of the same. We take Veg. juice and sprouts for the same purpose. To
get 3000 micro grams of Carotene (vit-A), we have to take enough leafy veg.s in our juice or at
least 100 gms carrot either in juice or sprouts. we may think sprouts give enough Vit-A, but the
vit -A in Bengal gram is 189 and green gram is 94 per 100gms which increases by285 % after
sprouting which is far less than the requirement.So,it is a must we add carrot to either juice or
sprouts at 100 gms per head. Or take ripe papaya. Muralikanth

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