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A-Level Practice MCQ Physics ee *eeeeeeP 1000" Typical MCQs and oe Solutions janised by Topies for Sten pre Capen GCE A-Level Higher 2 CS Toh Edition 2.0 A-Level Practice MCQ — Physics — Edition 2.0.2 eBook edition: First published in 2013 Print edition: ISBN 978-981 -08-0314-8 First published in 2009 Reprinted in 2010, 2013 Published by Step-by-Step International Pte. Ltd. ‘My Mail Box 889128, Singapore 919128 Copyright © 2009-2013 Step-by-Step International Pte. Ltd All rights reserved. No part ofthis book shall be reproduced, stored in a database or retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written petmission of the Publisher, [No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. Every reasonable effort has been made to contact the holders of copyright material, but if any have been inadvertently. overlooked, the Publisher will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity. Conditions of Sale This publication and the materials included therein are provided on an “as is", “as available” basis without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied While all reasonable care have been taken in the preparation of this publication, tothe fullest extent permitted by law, the Publisher does not warrant and hereby disclaims any warranty as to its accuracy, correctness, reliability, timeliness, non-infringement, tile, merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. Its availability or updates are also not guaranteed. ‘The Publisher, the editors of, the contributors to this publication and anyone else involved in creating, producing or delivering this publication, shall not be liable for any damages or losses, including any general, special, incidental or consequential damages or losses, arising out of your use or inability to use this publication, even if the relevant parties have been advised of the possibility of such damages or losses. For the avoidance of doubt, the sale of this publication exelude providing it in any other form or media, electronic or otherwise, Important! By purchasing this publication, you are deemed to have agreed to these conditions. For information on distributors, please visit Please send feedback to hip www post-I-comvstep-by se Dengiggey Pwo p-by-step TERA SP by stp@r Contents Q s Section 1 8 1.01 Measurement 6 18 Section 2 21 2.02. Kineties 2 79 2.03 Dynamies 3185 2.04. Forces 3990 2.05 Work, Energy, Power 495 2.06. Motion in a Circle 56 100 2.07 Gravitational Field 64105 2.08. Oscillations 7 10 Section 3 us 3.09. Thermal Physics 116131 Section 4 141 4.10. Wave Motion 2157 4.11 Superposition 48161 Section 5 167 5.12 Electric Fields 168 221 5.13 Current of Electricity 17 226 5.14 D.C. Circuits 186231 5.15. Electromagnetism 194237 5.16 Electromagnetic Induction 206-244 5.17 Alternating Currents 214249 Section 6 253 5.18 Quantum Physics 254281 5.19 Lasers and Semiconductors 265 (288 5.20 Nuclear Physics 272 = 292 Please check for updates to this book at http://www. post-I com/step & Aten MOQ Fhysee Preface This book contains 1000" typical multiple-choice questions (MCQs) for readers to practise with, and suggested solutions to illustrate how the answers are obtained. All suggested solutions show the essential steps to apply the relevant theories, intended to help our readers learn and apply the relevant knowledge. ‘The questions and suggested solutions are organised by topics to facilitate referring to them as the topics are being discussed. Related topics are further grouped into sections to facilitate cross referencing In each section, the questions come first followed by the solutions. It is aimed at facilitating the readers attempting the questions first and referring to the suggested solutions thereafter. Each Section starts with an introduction comprising the relevant summaries of the syllabus describing the topics. This is to facilitate keeping the reader focused on what need to be studied. Following the introduction page are question pages containing serially numbered questions. Each question is separated from the next by a horizontal line The 1" page numbers (under Q) in the Content page are the starting pages of the questions on the topic. A keyword of the topic, followed by a letter Q, and the page number is shown at the outer-top comer of each question page to facilitate finding them quickly. The introduction and question pages are also marked with a black tag at the right edge. ‘The solution pages are formatted in two columns with each solution following the serial number ‘The 2™ page numbers (under S) in the Content page are the starting pages of the solutions to questions on the topic. The keyword of the topic and the page number is shown at the outer-top comer of each solution page to facilitate finding them quickly. We recommend that readers review the relevant updates at our website before using this book. The updates contain late-breaking information that became available after the book was printed. Our books are intended to help our readers learn and apply the relevant knowledge. An Ancient Chinese Proverb: Give aman a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime. Wadi: PAUL, S482 HG; AEA Li, BE ZL ‘We believe our books will also help our readers learn to fish for knowledge Arkerel CQ Pie Section! [J Measurement 1.01 Measurement 6, 15 Units, Tables and Graphs Errors and Uncertainties Scalars and Vectors & Level MCQ Pyser Measurement Q Measurement [Units] 1. Which one of the following pairs comprises two SI base units? A. ampere, degree celsius B ampere, kelvin C coulomb, degree celsius D_ coulomb, kelvin 2. Which one of the following lists contains only SI base units? A. kelvin, metre, mole, ampere, kilogram B_ kilogram, metre, second, ohm, mole C__ kilogram, newton, metre, ampere, ohm. D__ newton, kelvin, second, volt, mole 3. Which pair does not contain any SI base units? A ampere, mole B coulomb, metre © newton, ohm D second, volt 4, Interms of the base units of mass, length and time, the kg, m and s, what are the base units of work, the joule (J)? A kem's? B kgm’s® Cc kgm’s! D kgs? 5, When a steel sphere of radius r falls at speed v through a liquid, it experiences a drag force F given by Feary, where a is a constant. Which one of the following is a suitable SI unit for a? AN B Ns’ Cc Nm's D Nm’s 6. What could be a correct expression for the speed of ocean waves in terms of its wavelength A, the depth fof the ocean, the density p of sea-water, and the acceleration of free fall g? A yea B gih Cc Jpgh D Jelp 7. The relationship between four physical quantities is given by the equation P= Q—RS. Given that the equation is homogeneous, which of the following statements must be correct? P,Q, R and S all have the same units. P,Q, Rand S are all scalar quantities The product RS has the same units as P and Q. The product RS is numerically equal to (Q- P) camp 8. Which one of the following expressions has different units from the other three? ‘A. density x volume x velocity B rate of change of momentum the Young modulus * area D weight 9. What are the SI base units of pressure? A kgms! B kgm's® Cc kgm's® D kgm 10, What are the SI base units of specific heat capacity ? A ms?*K" B oms'K" © m's?*K* D ms'Kt Arkerel CQ Pie & Measurement Q 11. The energy £ of a photon of electromagnetic radiation of frequency fis given by the expression E=hf. What are the SI base units of the Planck constant h? A kgms? B kgm's* C kgm's? D kgm's 12. In terms of kilogram (kg), metre (m), second (s) and ampere (A), what are the base units of potential difference (the volt)? A mand A only B_ sand Aonly C m,sandAonly — D_ kg,m,sandA 13. Ifan object of mass m has momentum p, which of the following quantities has identical base units to the expression p*/m? A. energy B_ force C power D velocity 14, Which one of the following expressions has a base unit that is not the second (s)? A. I ifrequency B capacitance x resistance CC flengih acceleration D__ mass + spring constant 15. Which quantity has a unit with an alternative form in terms of just two different SI base units? A. area B charge C current D force 16. What is a possible unit for electric field strength? A Cm? B NC © Nm D NV" 17. The ohm (Q), the unit of resistance, has an - altemativeform VA" unit «alternative form Which pair in the table has a correct alternative A | coulomb (C) A ‘ form of the associated unit? B | farad F) ve! C | pascal (Pa) Nm? D | volt) Ic 18. Over certain ranges of temperature and pressure, the behaviour of many real gases (which deviates from the ideal gas equation pI’ = RT’) can be represented quite closely by the equation (p+ &)e-o=Rr a b where @ and b are constant characteristics of the A | Pam‘ mol? m’ mol" particular gas. B | Pam* mol* m* mol ‘Which row in the given table has possible units of a C | Pam? mol’ my mol! 7 D | Pam® mol? m' mol and 6 19. Which pair consists of units that are mot equivalent? A Wom? ,T B Js’; c jctv D As';C Aten MOQ Fhysee Measurement Q 20. The potential difference between two points could be defined as the ratio ower dissipated ‘A changing magnetic flux ® could induce an e.m4. F in a coil given by E a What are the base units of magnetic flux? A ms?A™ B kgms*A! Cc ms'taA D kgm’s*At 21. ‘The specific heat capa cal", where T'is the thermodynamic temperature and a is a constant characteristic of the solid. Which one of the following gives the SI base units of the constant a? A kem’s*K* B kgm’s*K* Cc m’s*K* D m’s*K* of a particular solid, at temperatures close to OK, is given by 22, The heat capacity C of a solid as a function of its temperature Tis given by the expression C=al+pT? A TK? Which row in the table shows possible units of « and 8? et a D IK‘ [Errors & Uncertainties] 23. The diameter d of a uniform wire was measured using a micrometer, reading to +0.01 mm, and the following results were obtained: 102mm = 1.02mm —-1.01mm = -1.02mm_—1.02mm ‘The micrometer gives a reading of -0.02 mm when the wire is removed and the jaws are closed At the appropriate precision, what is the value of d? A 1.0mm B 1.00mm C 1.038mm D 1.04mm 24, In an experiment, a student calculated the speed of sound to be 327.66 ms" and estimated the accuracy of his result to be +3%. Which of the following shows his result with the appropriate number of significant figures? A 300ms™ B 3277ms" C 328ms" D 330mst 23, Which one of the following will involve random errors in the measurement? not allowing for zero error on a moving-coil voltmeter not subtracting background count rate when determining the count rate from a radio active source stopping a stopwatch at the end of a race using the value of g as 10 N kg' when calculating weight from mass camp 26. The diameter of a wire was measured by a student and the following readings were obtained: 152mm, 148mm, 149mm, 151mm, 149mm, What is the most appropriate way for the student to report the diameter of the wire? A (15040.01)mm = B 1.5mm C (1.498 40.012)mm D 1.498mm Arkerel CQ Pie Measurement Q_9 27. Several pairs of readings are plotted on a graph and the gradient of the best-fit line is used to determine i the measurand. Which of the following statements about this method is incorrect? A Itreduces the effects of random errors. B_ It may be possible to identify "poor" readings. C It may be possible to identify and avoid random errors. D _Itmay be possible to identify and avoid systematic errors. 28. The diameter of a steel ball was determined by using a o 123 4 5 6 metre rule to measure four similar balls in a row. om The positions on the scale were estimated to be as follows, { X (1.040.2)cm + + Y ($.0£0.2)em x Y Which of the following gives the value of the diameter with its associated uncertainty? A (1.040.05)em BB (1.0£0.1) em C (1.0£0.2)em D (1.040.24)em 29, Inan experiment, the time ¢ for a ball to fall from rest through a vi vertical distance h was measured. The given graph was plotted by a student who knew that the equation h = 4 gt” applies. Which statement is an explanation for the intercept? Air resistance should be taken into account for larger values of h ° 1 There is @ constant delay between starting the timer and releasing the ball There is an error in the timer which consistently makes it run fast. The student should have plotted / against r”, came 30. Which one of the following techniques could reduce or eliminate the systematic error of the quantity being measured? adjusting an ammeter to remove its zero error before measuring a current ‘measuring several internodal distances on a standing wave to find the mean intermodal distance ‘measuring the diameter of a wire repeatedly and calculating the average timing a large number of oscillations to find a period came 31. Four balances were used to measure the mass of a 1,000 kg weight. The reading was taken five times at each balance balance] 1 [2 [3 [| 4 | 5 | Ke 1.000 | 1,000 | 1.002 | 1.001 | 1.002 | 1.001 1.011 | 0,999 | 1.001 | 0.989 | 0.995 | 0.999 1.012 | 1.013 | 1.012 | 1.014 | 1.014 | 1.013 0.993 | 0.987 | 1.002 | 1.000 | 0.983 | 0.993 reading /kg ‘mean The values obtained and the means are shown in the given table. Which balance is not very precise but has the smallest systematic error ? came 32, Inan experiment to measure the acceleration of free fall g, each of four students made a series of student ranalée g/m” measurements. The results are as shown in the a fost] 979 | 984 | 983 given table. B_ | 981 | 10.12 | 9.89 | 8.94 Which of the students obtained results that could Cal eee aoe be considered precise but not accurate? D_ | 845 | 846 | 850 | 841 & Aten MOQ Fhysee Measurement Q 33. A steel rule, reading to + 1 mm, gives the following results when used to measure the length of a bar. 892mm, 891mm, 892mm, 891mm, 891mm, 892mm Ifthe true length of the bar is 895 mm, which row in the table is correct? Tesulis are accurate | results are precise to within | mm to within | mm A no, no B no yes c yes no D yes yes 34, Systematic and random errors may be compared by contrasting the following pairs of properties: P, : error can possibly be eliminated error cannot possibly be eliminated Qy: error is of constant sign and magnitude Qz»: error is of varying sign and magnitude Ry: ervor will be reduced by averaging repeated measurements Ry: error will not be reduced by averaging repeated measurements What are the properties applicable to random errors? A P1Q,Rs Bi P1,Qs,Ro c D P2,Q,R: 35, The true value of a quantity x is xp, In an experiment, the quantity is measured many times and the number N of readings giving a value x is plotted against x. Which of the following graphs best shows measurements that are precise but not accurate? Ue We La ta, 36. ‘The power loss P in a resistor can be calculated by measuring the potential difference 1” and the resistance R, and using the equation P = 1"7/R. In the experiment, the uncertainty in I” and R was estimated to be 3% and 2% respectively. What is the uncertainty in the calculated value of P? A 4% BO™% Cc 8% D 11% ‘The acceleration of free fall g was to be determined by measuring the period of oscillation T and the length /of a simple pendulum, and using the formula 4x31 T? In the experiment, the uncertainties in measuring / and 7 were estimated to be 4% and 1% respectively What is the uncertainty in g? A % B 3% Cc 5% D 6% Arkerel CQ Pie Measurement Q 11 38. The volume of a cube was determined by measuring its dimensions with vernier callipers, which can i be read with an uncertainty of +0.1 mm. The length of each side was measured as 30 mm. ‘What is the approximate uncertainty in the value of its volume? A £% B i% c 1% D 1% 39. Aresistor is marked as having a value of 4.7 + 2%. The power P dissipated in the resistor, when connected in a simple electrical circuit, was to be calculated from the current in the resistor, which measured as (2.50+0.05) mA. What is the percentage uncertainty in the calculated value of P? A 2% B 4% C 6% D 8% 40. The sides of a rectangular wafer of silicon were measured using vernier callipers to the nearest tenth of a millimetre. The lengths measured by a student were 10.4 mm, 6.3 mm and 2.3 mm. Which of the following gives the volume of the wafer with the appropriate precision? A 15070 10?mm> = B_1.507 10?mm?— C_—s1.51 = 10° mm* D 15x10? mm? 41. The mass and linear dimensions of a rectangular block were = measured and the results obtained, and their associated 25.020.1)g uncertainties, are given in the table. length = (5.0040.01)em ‘The density of the block was calculated to be 2.50 g em” breadth = (2.00£0.01)em = (1.004001e1 ‘What was the uncertainty in the calculated density? height = (.0040.01)em A +001 gem* B +002gem* C +005 gem* D +0.13gcm* 42. The given table shows the data measured by a [7 ; as length of w = (154001 student to calculate the Young modulus for a eee = i aoa ciyen brass which was in the form of a wire mass at load = (6002001)kg Which of the following contributes most to ‘Guicanion Gf wire) (4.040.1)mm the uncertainty in the calculated value of ae ne ere 5 the Young megulus? acceleration of free fall = (9.81 £0.01) ms A. measurement of length B_ measurement of diameter C_ measurement of load D_ measurement of extension 43, The velocity v of a liquid in a pipe was to be determined by measuring the force F on a small dise placed in the centre of the pipe with its plane perpendicular to the flow. The equation relating F to vis constant * (velocity v) where kis a constant. The velocity v had to be calculated with a maximum uncertainty of 1%. What is the maximum permissible uncertainty in measuring the foree F? A 0.25% B 05% c 1% D 2% force & Aten MOQ Fhysee 12__ Measurement Q 44, ‘The external diameter d; and intemal diameter d; of a metal tube were quoted as (64 +2)mm and (47 £ 1) mm respectively What is the percentage error in (dy ~ d:) ? A 03% B 1% Cc O% D 18% 45, The period of oscillation 7 of a simple pendulum is given by the equation T=2nJi/g where /is the length of the pendulum and g is the acceleration of free fall ‘When such a pendulum was used to determine g, the fractional error in the measurement of T'was + and that for / was +y. What is the fractional error in the calculated value of g? A xty B x-y © &-y D 2xty 46, The time taken for a body, dropped from the top of a tower, to fall to the ground was given as (2.00.1)s. The acceleration of free fall was to be taken as 10ms™. ‘What is the appropriate way to quote the calculated height of the tower? A (2040.1) B (20+0.5)m © Q0t)m D (20+2)m 47. Inan experiment to determine the density of a steel ball, the uncertainty in the measurement of its mass was 1% and that of its diameter was 3% What is the uncertainty in the calculated density of the steel ball? A 2% B 4% Cc 8% D 10% [Scalars & Vectors] 48, Which of the following lists comprises three vector quantities? A. displacement, velocity, energy B_ displacement, velocity, momentum C velocity, acceleration, power D_ force, work, energy 49. The given diagram shows two forces, each of ION, acting at a point P. _-10N ‘The angle between the directions of the forces is 120°. Which of the following is the magnitude of the resultant force? sae A 5N B 10N " 10N © 17N D 20N 50. Two vectors X and Y are shown in the given diagram. Which one of the vector triangles correctly shows the magnitude and direction of the vector Z. as the vector X - Y? x > A B c D WAY ae Arkerel CQ Pie & Measurement Q 51. Which one of the following is not a vector quantity? A acceleration B_ mass momentum D velocity 52, Which one of the following pairs comprises one vector quantity and one scalar quantity? A displacement : acceleration B force: kinetic energy momentum = velocity D power: speed 53. Which list of quantities contains only scalar quantities? A mass, acceleration, temperature, kinetic energy B_ mass, volume, electric potential, kinetic energy C acceleration, temperature, volume, electric charge D_ moment, electric field, density, magnetic flux 54, Which one of the following pairs comprises one scalar quantity and one vector quantity? A_ kinetic energy and momentum B potential energy and work velocity and acceleration D__ weight and force 55. Which one of the following lists has the quantities force, kinetic energy and momentum correctly identified as scalar or vector? force — kinetic energy momentum A scalar scalar scalar B scalar vector vector C vector scalar scalar D vector scalar vector ‘56. Fig. 1 shows the directions and lines of 3N action of two forces applied to a circular a disc. D Which one of the arrows in Fig. 2 cS best represents the line of action of the resultant force? aN Fig 1 Fig.2 57. ‘The given diagram shows the directions of three co-planar North (bearing 0°) forces, of magnitudes 20 N, 40N and SON, applied to a particle at P, What is the approximate bearing of the 40N additional force required to maintain equilibrium? A 3P B 107° West Fast © 143° D 217 (bearing 270°) (bearing 90°) 58. Two forces of magnitudes 4 N and 6N are applied to a point. Which one of the following could not be the magnitude of their resultant? A IN B 4N Cc 8N D 10N Aten MOQ Fhysee 4 59, Measurement Q ‘The given diagram shows a particle with an initial velocity of 15 ms" in the Or direction. Its velocity, at a later time, is 15m"! at an angle of 60° to Ox. (Directions are given as angles measured oO anticlockwise from the direction Ox.) * What change of velocity has taken place in this interval ? zero 26 ms" at an angle of 30° to Or. 15 ms" at an angle of 120° to Ox. 15 ms" at an angle of 360° to Ox. Isms cae 60. ‘Three forces of magnitudes SN, 4N and 3N are in equilibrium Assuming that sin 37° = 0.6, what is the angle between the 5 N force and the 3 N force? A 37° B 53° Cc 90° D 127° 61 Ben, Sam and Jim are pushing a large object. Ben exerts a force of 400 N at 60° to Ox while Sam exerts a force of 200N, at a direction of 30° to Or, as shown in the given diagram Which one of the following sketches shows the magnitude and direction of the smallest force that Jim should exert such that the resultant of the three forces acts along Ox? A B c D sim Sin sim 492N Jim oo 4248 2AM ND 20N Ce no” «Y av av 62. ‘The given diagram shows a horizontal force F applied to a body of mass m on a smooth plane inclined at an angle 0 to the horizontal. What is the magnitude of the resultant force acting on the body? A Feos0 ~ mgsind B Fsind +mgcos0 C Fsind —mgcosé D Fcos@ + mgsind 63, On a smooth horizontal surface, a body of mass 2 kg is moving with a speed of 1.41 ms in a north- easterly direction, when a force of 0.2 N acting in a westerly direction is applied to the body for 10s ‘What is resultant speed of the body? A 041 ms" in a north-easterly direction. B_ 1.00ms" ina northerly direction. C 1.41 ms" in a north-westerly direction. D_ 2.24ms" in a direction 63.4° east of north. Arkerel CQ Pie & 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 Newtonian Mechanics Kinematics Linear motion. Non-linear motion. Dynamics Newton's laws of motion. Conservation of linear momentum. Forces Types of force Forees in equilibrium Tuming effects of forces. Work, Energy, Power Work and Energy. Potential energy and kinetic energy Power. Motion in a Circle Kinematics of uniform circular motion. Centripetal acceleration. Centripetal force Gravitational Field Gravitational force and field Gravitational potential Orbital motion. Oscillations Simple harmonic motion. Damped and forced oscillations: resonance. Section 2 22, 79 3, 85 39, 90 48, 95 56, 100 64, 105, 71, 110 Mechanics is concerned with the motion of bodies under the action of forces. Newtonian mechanics (or classical mechanics) confines itself to situations where (1) the speeds of bodies relative to one another are small compared to the speed c of electromagnetic radiation, and (2) the dimensions of bodies are /arge compared to the dimensions of atoms, Aten MOQ Physee 2 gg 22__ Kinematics Q Kinematics [Linear Motion] 1. Fora particle accelerating along a straight line, what is the definition of its velocity? A. Velocity is displacement divided by time. B__ Velocity is distance divided by time. C Velocity is the rate of change of displacement. D Velocity is the rate of change of distance 2. Which of the following gives the acceleration of a body? A. the area under its displacement-time graph B__the area under its velocity-time graph C the gradient of its displacement-time graph the gradient of its velocity-time graph, 3. After accelerating down @ hill, a cyclist moves at constant speed and then decelerates as he climbs up another hill. Which graph show the variation of distance s traveled by the cyclist with time (? A B c D a = In kK = 5 = t 0 : ' 4. The given graph shows the variation with time of the velocity velocity of a moving body. Which graph best represents the comesponding variation of displacement with time? time A B Cc D displacement displacement Alisplacement displacement ® ‘ime ° time 8 imo time 5. The average speeds of a car, accelerating uniformly 7 through three gear changes, are as shown. 20ms" for 20s What is the overall average speed of the car? 40ms? for2.0s A lms? B 133ms? 60ms” for 6.05 Cc 40mst D 48ms* 6. Acar is travelling with uniformly increasing speed along a straight road Which graph best represents the motion of the car? A B c D . . uf £ i i 5 5 E o > ° - ° - ° - © time © time 0 time © time Arkerel CQ Pie Kinematics Q_2 7. A steel ball is released from rest a distance above a rigid horizontal surface and bounces several times. ‘The diagram shows how its velocity varies with time. _ Which statement correctly explains why the pet : areas X and Y are equal? A The ball's acceleration is the same during its upward and downward motion. B_ The speed at which the ball leaves the surface after an impact is equal to the speed at which it returns to the surface oe for the next impact. Panes C For one impact, the speed at which the ball hits the surface equals the speed at which it leaves the surfa D_ The ball rises and falls through the same distance between impacts. 8 The minimum time T required for a car to safely overtake a lorry is illustrated in the given [2a diagram. It is measured from car begins to overtake: time 1= 0 the time the front of the car is level with the rear of the lorry, until the tory + rear of the passing car is a full car-length = ahead of the front of the lorry. car safely overtakes: times= 7 The lorry may be taken to be 17.0m long and the car 3.5m long ‘The given graph shows how the speeds v of the car and the lorry vary with time 1 What is the value of 7? A 086s B 12s Cc 26s D 30s tory -/-— ims" 26] 9. Acar is moving along a straight line The given graph shows how the velocity v of the car varies with time 1 During which of the given time intervals does the car's acceleration have its greatest numerical value? a pat 7 A B c D 10. At time ¢= 0, a steel ball is thrown upwards from the top of a cliff. After rising to its maximum altitude, the ball falls past the eliff-top and into the sea, The given graph shows the variation with time 1 of velocity v of the ball. The magnitudes of the areas of the two triangles are S and R, as shown. Which expression gives the height of the cl the sea? AR BS Cc RS & Aten MOQ Physee 24 ul Kinematics Q A ball is held above rigid horizontal surface and released so that it falls on the surface and rebounds several times. ‘The given graph describes the motion of the ball after being released. What is represented by the quantity y? B displacement o velocity ‘A acceleration C kinetic energy D Time 12, A ball is released from rest above a horizontal v surface and is allowed to bounce. The given graph shows how its velocity v varies with time ¢, (The downward direction is taken as BC D positive.) 0 At which of the given times on the graph does the ball reach its maximum height after bouncing? 13. The graph shows the variation with time 1 of the displacement s of an object moving in a straight line. a Which of the following graphs best represents the comesponding, variation of velocity v with time £? ‘ A B c D y | » \ » t vt 0 - 0 - 0 i 7 i 7 i 7 7 14, A trolley is projected up an inclined runway at 080 time = 0. The variation of its velocity with veloc 0.60 time ris as shown in the given graph. 040 What is the maximum distance up the runway ” 2 pe Nes times reached by the trolley on A 080m B 10m an Cc 20m D 40m Par 080 15. The given graph shows the variation with time of the acceleration of a car travelling along a straight road. At which of the given points on the graph does the velocity of the car has the greatest value? Arkerel CQ Pie Kinematics Q_25 [Uniformly Accelerated Motion] the road. The car has a speed of 10ms'' when it passes one post, and 20ms'' when it passes the next. What is the acceleration of the car? A 067ms* B 1lsm 16. A racing car accelerates uniformly along a straight road. Marker posts are placed at 100m apart along B > Cc 25m: D 60ms* 17, A metal ball hits a sand bed one second after it is released from rest, and makes an impression 8.0 mm deep in the sand. Air resistance may be taken as negligible, ‘What is the average deceleration of the ball on hitting the sand? A 6.0x10?ms* B 12«10°ms? C 6.0x10*ms* D 1.2x10‘ms? 18. A stone is released from rest at the top of a 40m high tower. Air resistance may be taken as negligible ‘What is the time taken for the stone to fall the last 10m to the ground? (Take gas 10m”) A 038s B lds C 25s D 28s 19. A ball is thrown vertically upwards, rises to a maximum height, where it is momentarily at rest, and falls back to the hands of the thrower. The upward direction is to be taken as positive, Air resistance may be considered negligible. ‘What is the acceleration of the ball at the various stages of its motion? rising at maximum falling height A -981 ms? oO +9.81ms7 B -981m:; -98lms* -9.81ms~ Cc +981m: +981ms? D = +981m 0 20. A steel ball is released from rest above a horizontal surface and bounces several times Which graph best represents the variation of the ball's acceleration a with time ¢? 21. A small steel ball is released from rest and falls freely under gravity. If air resistance is negligible, ‘hich graph best represents the variation with time £ of its height 4 above the ground? A B c D & Aten MOQ Physee 26 Kinematics Q 22. A body is at rest at time = 0 and moves with constant acceleration Which of the following graphs best represents the variation with time ¢ of displacement s of the body? A B c D 23. A ball, falling at speed u, strikes a soft ground and becomes embedded in it It is subjected to constant deceleration until it stops. Which graph best represents how the stone's speed v varies with distance s measured downwards from the surface of the ground? A B c D 24, A steel ball is released from rest so that it falls to the floor and bounces back, Which graph best represents the variation with time £ of its velocity v, taking upwards as positive? A B c D y v 4 25. The acceleration of free fall of a body from rest is to be measured in an experiment. ‘What are the measurements needed? A. the height of fall and the time of fall B_ the height of fall and the weight of the body the mass of the body and the height of fall D the mass of the body and the time of fall 26. A lunar landing module is descending at a steady velocity of 10m" to the surface of the Moon. At an altitude of 120m, a small object becomes detached from its landing gear. The gravitational acceleration of the Moon may be taken as 1.6m ‘What is the speed of the object when it strikes the Moon? A 30ms! B 22ms" Cc 20ms" D I7ms! 27. A disc, subjected to uniform retardation while sliding across an icy surface, travels a distance x in time 1 Which pair of quantities, plotted to represent the motion of the dise, will give a straight line graph? A xandt B vands? C x/tands? D x/tands Arkerel CQ Pie & Kinematics Q__27 28. A car is decelerating uniformly and its velocity changes from 30 ms"! to 15 ms" in 75 m. ‘What further distance will it travel before it comes to rest? A 25m B 375m Cc 50m D 15m [Motion with Air Resistance] 29, For a body falling from rest through air of uniform density, which of the following graphs shows how its acceleration a varies with time ¢? A B c D a at a a g 8 fs fg 0 - 0 6 - 0 o 4 0 4 oo ot 30. A body falls from rest through the air. Which graph best illustrates the variation of the distance d fallen with time 1? A B c D a a a a © ° ° ° - ° t ° : ° t ° t 31 A parachutist, after stepping off an aircraft, falls freely for 2 s before opening his parachute. Which of the following graphs best represents the variation of his vertical acceleration a with time ¢ during the first 5s? D Ap On entering the liquid, the ball- Which graph best represents how its acceleration a varies with time ¢? A B c “LS A steel ball-bearing is dropped from rest a few centimetres above the surface of a viscous liquid. caring is subjected to a retarding force proportional to its velocity D ON 7 1 Aten MOQ Physee 28 Kinematics Q 33. The given graph is associated with the motion of a falling body. What could be represented by y on the vertical axis? , distance when air resistance is negligible distance when air resistance is not negligible speed when air resistance is negligible speed when air resistance is not negligible pom time 34. A man throws a ball which follows the path as shown. Air resistance is not negligible. path of ball When the ball is at the position shown, Sx what isthe direction of the resultant force on it? [Non-linear Motion] 35, The diagram shows a projectile fired at cortical | fotoanta speed w at an angle a to the horizontal cumpanent || component The acceleration of free fall may be taken asg AT sine | weota Which line in the table correctly ¢| asinancr | weosa™ shows the vertical and horizontal eeu components ofits velocity ater a time £? 36. A body is projected with an initial velocity u at an angle @ to the horizontal. At time ¢ after projection, its height and horizontal distance from the point of projection O are denoted by y and x respectively. If air resistance may be taken as negligible, which pair of expressions give the values of y and x? A y=utcosO-%4gt?, x=utsind B y=utsind-“%gt*, x=utcosd C yeursind+%gr, x= utcosd D y=utcosd, utsind ~ Agi 37. The given diagram shows a rifle aimed horizontally at a point P on a screen When the rifle is fired from a P P distance of 25m, the bullet strikes — Som * . 1 the screen at a point 5.0 mm below P. rifle +) etinges i The rifle is now fired with the screen i at a distance of 50m. Air resistance 1" position 1 may be taken to be negligible 25m cofscreen | poston ‘What is the new distance below P at which a {of sereen the bullet will strike the screen? A 10mm B 15mm C 20mm D 25mm 38, A ball, projected from P, follows a parabolic path and the T highest point reached is T. Air resistance may be Whehena aN Which statement is applicable to the vertical component of acceleration of the ball? A. Itiszero at T. B _Itis greatest at T. C__Itis greatest at P. D_ Itisthe same at P as at T. Arkerel CQ Pie Kinematics Q_29 39. The given diagram illustrates a projectile launched at point O following the path OPQRS, Air resistance may be neglected. When the projectiles is at the highest point Q of its path, which of the following statements is true? A. The horizontal component of the projectile’s acceleration is zero, B The horizontal component of the projectile’s velocity is zero. C The kinetic energy of the projectile is zero. D The momentum of the projectile is zero. 40. An aircraft is flying straight and level at a height of 500m and with t d a speed of 200m s when a ball is dropped from it. The ball takes A 25s 10km time £ to reach the ground and travels a horizontal distance d in B 25s Skm doing so. Air resistance may be taken as negligible and the value Cc 10s Skm of g may be taken as 10ms~, D 10s 2km ‘What are the values of ¢ and d? 41. The given diagram shows a motor-cycle taking off horizontally from a platform 1.25m above the ground and landing 10m away. What is the take-off speed? 128 nf A Sms" B 10ms? Cc isms D 20ms" 42. An object is projected horizontally with speed v from the top of a cliff ra J vims' him of height A and follows the path A 10 30 shown in the given diagram, h B10 50 What values of v and h will give t ‘ 3% x the greatest value of the angle 0? 43. The given diagram shows a trolley travelling at a constant electromagnet speed to the left. A steel ball is held by an electromagnet \ attached to the trolley. The ball is released and stroboscopic = photographs (a series of exposures on the same film at equal ball intervals) are taken of the path of the ball 7 Which of the following diagrams best represents what is seen OW OW con the photograph? A B c D . ? = lo & Aten MOQ Physee }0_ Kinematics Q 44. A steel sphere, dropped vertically on to a surface inclined at 45° to the horizontal, makes an elastic collision with the surface. A series of stroboscopic images of the sphere are recorded on a single photograph, Which diagram best represents what is seen on the photograph? 45. An object moves at constant speed in the y-direction. In the x-direction, it experiences a uniform acceleration for positive value of y. Which diagram best represents the path it follows? A B c D 46. A projectile is fired horizontally with a speed of 40ms'' from the top of a tall building on the surface of the Earth. Air resistance may be taken as negligible and the value of g may be taken as 10ms™ What will the projectile's speed be 3 s later? A 30ms! B 40ms" Cc 50ms* D 60ms" 47. An object of mass m is projected with initial velocity v from a point P, as shown. Air resistance may be taken as negligible. What is the magnitude of the change in momentum from leaving P to arriving at Q? A zero B mv © mvy2 D my 48. A projectile, fired at an angle to the horizontal in a gravitational field, follows a parabolic path. The positions of the projectile after successive equal time intervals are denoted by PQRST, where T is the highest point reached. Which statement is correct concerning the displacements PQ, QR, RS and ST? A. They are equal. B_ They decrease at a constant rate, They have equal horizontal components. D They increase at a constant rate. Arkerel CQ Pie Dynami Dynamics Q [Newton's Laws of Motion] 1. Which of the following is not one of Newton's laws of motion? The total momentum of a system of interacting bodies remains constant, providing no external force acts. The rate of change of momentum of a body is directly proportional to the extemal force acting on the body and takes place in the direction of the force. If body A exerts a force on body B, then body B exerts an equal and oppositely- 2. Amaircraft is flying straight and level with constant velocity relative to the ground ‘What is the resultant force acting on the aireralt? the weight of the aircraft the resultant of the air resistance and the thrust of the engines. the resultant of the air resistance and the weight of the aircraft ze. vamp 3. A parachutist of mass 80 kg is descending at a constant velocity of 3.0 ms" ‘What is the resultant force acting on the parachutist? (Take gas 10ms”) A. 800N upwards B zero C240 downwards D 360 N downwards 4. Apendulum bob, suspended from the ceiling of a train carriage, is just above a mark on the carriage floor when the train is at rest. The train is then moving forward with constant velocity. Whaat is the position of the bob? A. Itis behind the mark, so that the pendulum string is along the resultant of the forces due to the motion of the train and gravity B__Itremains over the mark because the force due to the motion of the train is balanced by the reaction of the pendulum string on the support. CC _Itis behind the mark in a position in which the horizontal force exerted by the train on the bob is balanced by the horizontal component of the tension in the pendulum string. D__Itremains over the mark because the motion of the train produces no additional force on the bob. 5. A helicopter of mass 3.0 10°kg is rising vertically with a constant velocity of 25 m ‘What is the resultant force acting on the helicopter? (Take g as 10ms*) A zero B_ 3.0% 10'N downwards © 4.5% 10'Nupwards D_ 7.5*10'N upwards 6. A tractor of mass 1000 kg tows a trailer of mass 1000 kg. The total resistance to motion has a constant value of 4000 N and one quarter of this resistance acts on the trailer. The tractor and trailer are moving with a constant speed of 6m s”! ‘What is the force exerted on the tractor by the tow-bar? A ON B_ 1000N © 3000N D 4000N & Aten MOQ Physee 2 Dynamics Which of the following statements best describes the weight of an object? the gravitational field acting on the object the gravitational force acting on the object the mass of the object multiplied by gravity the object’s mass multiplied by its acceleration came The given diagram shows a ball of weight 1’ moving along a horizontal surface until it falls off the edge at time 7. Which of the following graphs shows the variation with time r of the resultant vertical force F acting on the ball as it moves from X to Y. ‘The given diagram shows a ear with rear-wheel drive accelerating in the direction shown. Go Which of the following diagrams best shows the direction of the resultant force exerted on the rear wheels by the road? af 5 f co dD — ‘A man of mass m sits in a car which is accelerating horizontally at 0.50 g (where g is the acceleration of free fall). What is the magnitude of the total force F exerted by the car's seat on the man? A 050mg B 10mg © Limg D 15mg u A body is falling freely under gravity. What is its rate of change of momentum equal to? A. impulse B kinetic energy C power D weight 12, ‘The given graph shows the variation with time of the force acting on a body that is moving in a straight line. ‘What is the resulting change in momentum of the body? A 40kgms" B 36kgms" 2 © 20kgms* D 16kgms* . force time/s 13, ‘The given diagram shows the variation with time of a force F applied to amass of 10kg. Attime s=5s, the gain in momentum of the mass is 40 kg ms‘. ‘What should be the value of x? Aad BS Cc 10 D 15 ova 3s 4 5 time/s Arkerel CQ Pie & Dynamics Q 14. A body is accelerated by a constant force. Which graph best shows the variation of its momentum with time? A B c D g E 5 et 5 z = i E 5 E : z z i a ° - ° ~ ° ~ ° - ° ‘ime ° time 6 time ° time 15. The given diagram shows the variation with time f of a force acting ona body of mass 3 kg. 10 ‘What is the momentum acquired by the body at time ¢= 8? force/N A ONs B 10Ns Cmca © 30Ns D 50Ns time v/s 16. When a mass of 2kg is acted upon by a force of 4N for a duration of 2s, what is its rate of change of momentum? A lkgms” B 2kgms* C 4kgms* D 8kgms* 17. The given graph shows the variation with time 1 of the force Fexerted ona body. The area under the graph represents the change of a physical quantity associated with the body. ‘What is this quantity? 5 A. acceleration B_ kinetic energy 0 1 momentum D potential energy 18. The mass of a racing car, including driver but not fuel, is S00 kg. When approaching a bend, the car decelerates from a speed of 50 ms"! to 30 ms" with the brakes exerting a fixed retarding force of T000N. When the car is almost out of fuel, the time for it to decelerate is f. When it has a full load of 130 kg of fuel, the time for it to decelerate is ty Which of the following is the value of the time difference (2 ~ 11)? A 037s B 056s C 093s D 143s 19. In an experiment, a trolley was found to run down a slope with uniform acceleration a. In a second experiment, the mass of the trolley is doubled and the trolley is allowed to run down the same slope. In both experiments, the effects of friction and air resistance are negligible. Which of the following statements is correct for the second experiment? A. The accelerating force is the same. B_ The acceleration is %a. C The acceleration is a D The acceleration is 2a. 20. A conerete block has a mass of 1000 kg and a crane has a maximum safe working load of 1.2x 10'N. ‘What is the maximum safe upward acceleration of the block while being lifted by the crane? A 0.83ms* B iims? © 12ms? D 22ms? Aten MOQ Physee

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