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Body weight & Kettlebells

1. Jump Squats. 40 Seconds

2. Skaters. 40 Seconds.

3. Kettle Bell 2 handed front swings. 1:00

4. Kettle Bell Front Squats. 40 seconds

Repeat 4 X no break

2-minute break.

1. Kettle Bell Upright Row (lift) 40 Seconds

2. Kettle Bell Alternating Curls. 40 Seconds

3. Kettle Bell Pendulum Swing. 40 Seconds

4. Kettle Bell Lunges (passing Kettle Bell between legs) Alternating legs. 40 Seconds

5. Kettle Bell Hollow Hold moving KB left to right.

Repeat 4 X No Break

CHALLENGE: Hold arms out with or without Kettle Bells. 2 MINS

Cool down – Stretch 5 Mins.

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