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BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

Manage business document
design and development
Student Workbook

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BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

Table of Contents

Unit of Competency...............................................................................................................................4
Performance Criteria...........................................................................................................................5
Foundation Skills.................................................................................................................................7
Assessment Requirements..................................................................................................................8
1. Establish documentation standards.................................................................................................10
1.1 – Identify organisational and legislative requirements for information entry, storage, output, and
quality of document design and production.........................................................................................11
Data entry.........................................................................................................................................11
Data storage......................................................................................................................................12
Ensuring the quality of document design and production................................................................12
1.2 – Evaluate organisation's present and future information technology capability in terms of its
impact on document design and production........................................................................................13
Technological evaluation...................................................................................................................13
Thinking about the future.................................................................................................................14
1.3 – Identify types of documents used and required by organisation.................................................15
Primary documents...........................................................................................................................15
Other forms of documents................................................................................................................16
1.4 – Establish documentation standards and design tasks for organisational documents in
accordance with information, budget and technology requirements...................................................17
Document standards.........................................................................................................................17
Inclusion of information....................................................................................................................18
2. Manage template design and development.....................................................................................19
2.1 – Ensure standard formats and templates suit the purpose, audience and information
requirements of each document...........................................................................................................20
Establishing the purpose and audience requirements......................................................................20
Document format types....................................................................................................................21
2.2 – Ensure document templates enhance readability and appearance, and meet organisational
requirements for style and layout.........................................................................................................23
BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

Organisational requirements for style and layout.............................................................................24

2.3 – Test templates, obtain organisational and user feedback, and make amendments as necessary
to ensure maximum efficiency and quality of presentation..................................................................25
Testing templates..............................................................................................................................25
Evaluation of success criteria............................................................................................................26
3. Develop standard text for documents..............................................................................................27
3.1 – Evaluate complex technical functions of software for their usefulness in automating aspects of
standard document production............................................................................................................28
3.2 – Match requirements of each document with software functions to allow efficient production of
Technical functions...........................................................................................................................28
Linking software functions................................................................................................................30
3.3 – Test macros to ensure they meet the requirements of each document in accordance with
documentation standards.....................................................................................................................31
Testing macros..................................................................................................................................31
Creating a macro...............................................................................................................................31
4. Develop and implement strategies to ensure the use of standard documentation..........................33
4.1 – Prepare explanatory notes for the use of standard templates and macros using content, format
and language style to suit existing and future users.............................................................................34
Prepare explanatory notes................................................................................................................34
Note-taking guidance........................................................................................................................34
4.2 – Develop and implement training on the use of standard templates and macros and adjust the
content and level of detail to suit user needs.......................................................................................36
Develop and implement training.......................................................................................................36
Essential research.............................................................................................................................36
Training based on the user’s needs...................................................................................................37
4.3 – Produce, circulate, name and store master files and print copies of templates and macros in
accordance with organisational requirements......................................................................................38
Produce master files.........................................................................................................................38
The circulation of master files...........................................................................................................38
Naming conventions.........................................................................................................................39
5. Develop and implement strategies for maintenance and continuous improvement of standard
5.1 – Monitor use of standard documentation templates and macros, and evaluate the quality of
documents produced against documentation standards......................................................................41
BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

5.2 – Review documentation standards against the changing needs of the organisation, and plan and
implement improvements in accordance with organisational procedures...........................................41
Evaluation of documents..................................................................................................................41
Changing standards...........................................................................................................................42
Summative Assessments......................................................................................................................44
BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

Unit of Competency

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to establish standards for the design and
production of organisational documents and to manage document design and production processes to
ensure agreed standards are met.

It applies to individuals employed in a range of work environments who require well-developed skills in
the use of a range of software packages. They use these skills to establish, document and implement
consistent standards of document design within an organisation.

No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

Unit Mapping Information

BSBADM506B Manage business document design and development – Equivalent unit

Unit Sector

Administration – General Administration

BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

Performance Criteria
Element Performance Criteria
Elements describe the Performance criteria describe the performance needed to
essential outcomes. demonstrate achievement of the element.

1. Establish 1.1 Identify organisational and legislative requirements for

documentation information entry, storage, output, and quality of document
standards design and production
1.2 Evaluate organisation's present and future information
technology capability in terms of its impact on document
design and production
1.3 Identify types of documents used and required by
1.4 Establish documentation standards and design tasks for
organisational documents in accordance with information,
budget and technology requirements

2. Manage template 2.1 Ensure standard formats and templates suit the purpose,
design and audience and information requirements of each document
development 2.2 Ensure document templates enhance readability and
appearance and meet organisational requirements for style
and layout
2.3 Test templates, obtain organisational and user feedback and
make amendments as necessary to ensure maximum
efficiency and quality of presentation

3. Develop standard text 3.1 Evaluate complex technical functions of software for their
for documents usefulness in automating aspects of standard document
3.2 Match requirements of each document with software
functions to allow efficient production of documents
3.3 Test macros to ensure they meet the requirements of each
document in accordance with documentation standards

4. Develop and 4.1 Prepare explanatory notes for the use of standard templates
implement strategies and macros using content, format and language style to suit
to ensure the use of existing and future users
standard 4.2 Develop and implement training on the use of standard
documentation templates and macros and adjust the content and level of
detail to suit user needs
4.3 Produce, circulate, name and store master files and print
copies of templates and macros in accordance with
organisational requirements
BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

Element Performance Criteria

Elements describe the Performance criteria describe the performance needed to
essential outcomes. demonstrate achievement of the element.

5. Develop and 5.1 Monitor use of standard documentation templates and

implement strategies macros, and evaluate the quality of documents produced
for maintenance and against documentation standards
continuous 5.2 Review documentation standards against the changing
improvement of needs of the organisation, and plan and implement
standard improvements in accordance with organisational procedures
BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

Foundation Skills
This section describes language, literacy, numeracy and employment skills incorporated in the
performance criteria that are required for competent performance.

Learning skills:

 Actively reinforces own knowledge and skills by training others.

Reading skills:

 Evaluates information from complex texts, including organisational policies and procedures

 Extracts and evaluates information from a range of support sources to extend understanding.

Writing skills:

 Selects text type, subject matter and language to suit a specific audience and purpose

 Organises content to support the purposes and format of the product.

Oral communication skills:

 Participates in verbal exchanges to gain information

 Uses listening and questioning techniques to clarify and confirm understanding

 Presents complex technical information adjusting presentation style and vocabulary to suit

Numeracy skills:

 Recognises and interprets numerical information related to budgets.

Navigate the world of work skills:

 Recognises and adheres to organisational and legislative requirements.

Interact with others skills:

 Actively identifies requirements of important communication exchanges, selecting appropriate

channels, format, tone and content to suit purpose and audience.

Get the work done skills:

 Applies formal processes when planning complex tasks, producing plans with logically
sequenced steps, reflecting an awareness of time constraints

 Systematically gathers and analyses all relevant information and evaluates options to make
informed decisions
BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

 Utilises a broad range of complex features within digital applications to improve productivity,
optimising software functions for specific purposes.

Assessment Requirements

Performance Evidence

Evidence of the ability to:

 Identify the organisational needs, requirements and information technology capabilities

relevant to the design and production of documents

 Establish documentation standards to meet organisational requirements

 Design, test and amend document templates

 Develop and implement documentation and training to support use of standard templates and

 Monitor the implementation of standard documentation templates and macros and make
improvements in line with organisational requirements.

Knowledge Evidence

To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the individual must:

 Describe document production processes

 Identify costs involved with the implementation of standard documentation

 Explain the software applications relevant to document design and development in the

 Identify key provisions of relevant legislation and regulations, codes and standards affecting
document production

 Outline organisational policies and procedures relating to document production

 List sources of expertise available externally to the organisation or workgroup.

BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

Assessment Conditions

Assessment must be conducted in a safe environment where evidence gathered demonstrates

consistent performance of typical activities experienced in the general administration field of work and
include access to:

 Computer hardware and other document production equipment

 Software applications appropriate to the task

 Media for production of documents

 Samples of high-quality standard documents.

Assessors must satisfy NVR/AQTF assessor requirements.


Companion Volume implementation guides are found in VETNet -
BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

1. Establish documentation standards

1.1 Identify organisational and legislative requirements for information entry, storage, output, and
quality of document design and production.

1.2 Evaluate organisation's present and future information technology capability in terms of its
impact on document design and production.

1.3 Identify types of documents used and required by the organisation.

1.4 Establish documentation standards and design tasks for organisational documents in
accordance with information, budget and technology requirements.
BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

1.1 – Identify organisational and legislative requirements for information entry,

storage, output, and quality of document design and production
By the end of this chapter, the learner should be able to:
 Produce business documents following organisational and legislative requirements

 Display data accurately and clearly using appropriate presentation formats

 Store data accurately and responsibly following the legislation guidelines.

You will have to meet specific organisational and legislative requirements when producing business
documents. It might be necessary to include details of the specific processes and means of distribution
carried out by your business. It is also important to account for the laws which relate to businesses in
your market and pertain to the states of Australia.

Standards will have to be maintained when producing these documents:

 Emails

 Memos

 Letters

 Reports

 Order forms

 Invoices

 Cash flow statements

 Income tax documents

 Meeting agenda and minutes

 Company promotions.

Data entry
Your business might employ data entry specialists and use a variety of software for the organisation of
essential information. You must ensure that data is accurate, clear, and presented in appropriate
formats. The use of plain and simple language is generally advisable. However, you might have to
explain specialist business terms. You should aim for consistency in terms of presentation and maintain
high standards of grammar and punctuation. Employees may be expected to follow the conventions
outlined in a style and formatting guide.

If you want to ensure that your data entry workers maintain high levels of efficiency and accuracy, then
it would be worth giving them regular breaks. You should set reasonable deadlines for the production of
documents and ensure that all information is reviewed prior to distribution.

Data storage
BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

There are numerous means of storing business information. You might save files to a desktop computer,
CD Rom, or thumb drive. If you require remote access, then it would be worth uploading your business
data to the cloud. However, you will have to follow strict rules with regards to privacy and
confidentiality. Personal information about employees and customers should be securely saved and
retained for a definite amount of time. Employees with responsibility for handling sensitive and valuable
information may be required to sign confidentiality agreements. You are also encouraged to keep back-
ups of key documentation, in case your digital equipment fails.

If you don’t meet these data storage responsibilities, then there will be a prospect of fraud,
discrimination, and other illegal acts.

You must act in accordance with key Australian legislation regarding data storage. The 1998 Australian
privacy act includes 13 major principles related to the handling of personal information. It specifies the
need to create and follow privacy policies and sets clear boundaries with regards to the types of
information that may be collected and recorded. Businesses are expected to take particular care over
the collection and dissemination of information related to tax and health.

Ensuring the quality of document design and production

The quality of your document design and production will have a direct impact on perceptions of your
business. You are advised to create a comprehensive list of quality metrics which must be met by
different members of your organisation. Consistency will have to be maintained across all departments.
You should also follow the conventions specific to the production of different business documents.

You should focus on the following aspects:

 Legibility and readability of text

 Use of tables, graphs, and other visual elements

 Use of colour

 Inclusion of headings

 Distinguishing particular sections of information

 Document formatting

 Inclusion of contact information.

BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

1.2 – Evaluate organisation's present and future information technology

capability in terms of its impact on document design and production
By the end of this chapter, the learner should be able to:
 Use different types of business software to enhance document design and production

 Evaluate technological capabilities and efficiency of technical equipment at their


 Implement plans for how money should be spent on the technological progression of
the business.

There are numerous information technology resources which are designed to enhance the process of
document design and production. You should consider the availability of suitably skilled digital workers
within your organisation. The capabilities of your digital hardware and software must also be taken into
account. Your organisation may have assigned considerable amounts of money for the development of
a hardware suite featuring desktop computers, laptops, scanners, and printers.

You may use these types of business software:

 Desktop publishing

 Word processing

 Professional invoicing

 Database management

 Billing and payroll maintenance.

Technological evaluation
You should evaluate technological capabilities in accordance with the scale and specific nature of your
organisation. Consider what are you are attempting to achieve in the production of different documents
and ascertain the efficiency of your technical equipment. Research the different forms of technology
that are available and being utilised by the competition. Decide whether further investment would have
a significant impact on your business capabilities. You may question your employees about the
performance of technology and cost-effective solutions for improvement. Customers may also be willing
to provide feedback on the design and production of business documents.
BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

The availability of technology will have a direct bearing on the following elements of
document design and production:
 Visual presentation

 Textual elements

 Document layout

 Print speed and quality

 Organisation of tasks

 Quality standardisation

 Development of macros and templates.

Thinking about the future

Business technology is developing at a rapid pace. Employees have come to expect access to rapid Wi-Fi
internet connections and advanced productivity programmes. It is quite common for modern-day
businesses to hire workers with specialist skills in digital marketing, search engine optimisation, and
document design. However, you are encouraged to think about the amounts of money that can be
realistically allocated to the technological progression of your business. You might have the opportunity
to draw upon the existing skills of your workforce or develop appropriate training. It might also be
worth delaying investment until the release of brand new business programmes and hardware.
BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

1.3 – Identify types of documents used and required by organisation

By the end of this chapter, the learner should be able to:
 List the different types of documents used and required by their organisation

 Use different types of documents to suit various tasks in the business.

Primary documents
Primary forms of documentation required by your organisation:
 Business plans– They should contain your business aims and highlight your strategic
vision. You may include an outline of marketing methods and information about the
expected financial performance of your business

 Business policies –Your business is likely to produce a variety of policies. They may
cover everything from workplace health and safety to data management. The policies
may be distributed to employees and uploaded onto your website for public

 Emails – The vast majority of business use emails as an immediate form of contact with
employees, customers, and other key stakeholders. They may contain essential
business information and be attached to documents. You might also be keen to harness
the power of email marketing

 Memos – If you want to keep organisational information private then it is advisable to

send memos. They are usually quite short and contain specific details of business
processes and procedures

 Letters – It is still common to send business letters,

despite the development of communication
technologies. They are usually written in a formal style.
The recipients include customers, business associates,
and financiers. It is important to follow letter-writing

 Business reports – You may choose to write reports

about everything from the financial performance of your
business to the effectiveness of specific marketing
methods. They are usually quite long and include a
variety of text and data

 Purchase orders – Your business may use specialist software for the organisation and
presentation of purchase orders. They are comprised of the request for goods or
services and confirmation that they have been received. Essential details include the
date, supplier contact information, nature of items or services ordered, costs, and
invoice due date
BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

 Invoices – The formatting of invoices will differ, depending on the business. However,
they should include the contact and financial details of the payee, together with details
of the purchased goods or services. The expected payment date should be specified

 Spreadsheets – You may use spreadsheets to record and present a range of numerical
data about your business. They are typically used as a means of documenting cash flow
and sales attributable to specific products and services. You can use the data for the
creation of graphs and tables.

Other forms of documents

 Meeting agenda – Your meeting agenda should
include the schedule and any topics that are
definitely going to be addressed. It should be
circulated to all of the people who are going to
be in attendance

 Minutes – The meeting minutes should

highlight any details that have been discussed
and action points that have been agreed. They
should detail the people who came to the
meeting and the timings of any key speeches
and agreements

 Press releases – You may be expected to write press releases about key business
developments. They may highlight the expected release of new products, or major
events relevant to the organisation. You can send releases to newspapers and
magazines or distribute them online

 Project proposals – You should set out the reasons for strategic decisions and primary
business objectives in your project proposals. They may contain details of expected
financial performance and measures that will be taken to limit the negative impacts of
a particular course of action

 Brochures – Appealing brochures may be distributed to increase the amount of

customer interest in your products and services. You may present them to people who
visit your business premises or distribute them to prospective customers. Graphic
designers may be hired to enhance the impact of your brochures

 Presentations – There are a range of computer programmes which can be used for the
development of interesting and visually stimulating presentations. You may use them
as a means of summarising information during a business meeting. There is also the
option of printing slides for circulation within your organisation

 Technical and user documentation – It may be necessary to outline information about

key business processes and procedures in technical manuals and user guides. You
should account for the knowledge of your audience when producing such
BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

1.4 – Establish documentation standards and design tasks for organisational

documents in accordance with information, budget and technology
By the end of this chapter, the learner should be able to:
 Use different technologies to produce appealing and informative documents

 Design and produce high-quality documents following specific client requirements,

style guides and set criteria

 Enlist the help of external personnel if they don’t have the required time or expertise to
produce a document.

Document standards
High standards must be established and maintained if you are to set a positive professional impression
and ensure that your documentation fulfils its purpose. It will be necessary to ascertain the specific
client requirements and meet criteria for satisfaction. Different technologies may be used in the
production of appealing and informative documents. If you don’t have the required time or expertise,
then it would be worth enlisting the assistance of external personnel.

The following experts may be of particular assistance:

 Professional Writers

 Graphic Designers

 Printers

 Digital Designers.

You should ensure the quality of these design elements:

 Binding – The size and function of your documentation will have a
direct bearing on the choice of binding. There is considerable variation in the price and
aesthetic quality of different binding types

 Colour photocopy – High-quality printing machines should be used if you are intending
on distributing coloured copies of your documentation

 Drawing – You may choose to create diagrams and product representations by hand.
Alternatively, you could make use of digital drawing programmes such as Xara and
Microsoft Publisher

 Print quality – Good print quality will be essential if your documents are to make the
right impression. The choice of printer, print mode and ink will all have an impact on

 Final document presentation – You are encouraged to spend time reviewing your
documents before distribution. Co-workers may provide helpful feedback on
presentation quality
BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

 Production of graphics – You can integrate various types of images and graphical
representations when using word processing programmes. Colours, sizes and formats
may all be altered, in accordance with your documentation preferences.

Inclusion of information
There may be strict requirements regarding the types of information that you include in written
documentation. You should take account of the intended audience and ensure that their concerns are
addressed. It may be necessary to write and format your documents in accordance with style guides and
established conventions. Templates may assist you in the completion of data entry tasks.

These textual elements should be considered:

 Language – The choice of language will depend on upon your intended audience. It is
generally advisable to write in a simple style for general understanding. Direct phrases
and active verb tenses should be used when giving instructions. Any technical terms or
jargon should be explained at the beginning of your documentation

 Style – There are bound to be stylistic conventions specific to the types of documents
that you are producing. Appropriate typography and balances of colour may be used
for readability and quality of presentation. Particular wording styles should be applied

 Format – You should ensure consistency in the formatting of

your documents. The choice of headings, fonts, bullet points,
and other stylistic elements should be maintained. You are
advised to make use of document templates

 Drafting – You might have to produce numerous drafts and

obtain organisational approval before documents are
finalised for distribution. Outlines may be used in the
organisation of information

 Editing – Poor standards of grammar and punctuation will reflect badly on your
business. It is advisable to use word checking tools once the information has been
entered. However, you should also take the time to read through and ask colleagues
for feedback. Consider the organisation and logical progression of your documentation.

Considering your budget and technological requirements

There are a number of financial aspects which should be taken into consideration when producing
business documents. You may have to decide whether it would be more cost-effective to develop style
guides and train your staff members than to enlist the assistance of external professionals. You should
also consider the potential impact of different technologies. You might have the option of investing in
brand new software for the production of high-quality documentation. This may result in improved
customer relations and enhanced promotion. Hardware upgrades may be made for improved efficiency
within your organisation. You should analyse the expected benefits, in light of financial availability. It is
also important to account for the competitive edge which new technology may give you.
BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

2. Manage template design and development

2.1 Ensure standard formats and templates suit the purpose, audience and information
requirements of each document.

2.2 Ensure document templates enhance readability and appearance and meet organisational
requirements for style and layout.

2.3 Test templates, obtain organisational and user feedback and make amendments as
necessary to ensure maximum efficiency and quality of presentation.
BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

2.1 – Ensure standard formats and templates suit the purpose, audience and
information requirements of each document
By the end of this chapter, the learner should be able to:
 Create templates and guidelines for fast completion of certain documents

 Prepare and write documents based on the purpose and the recipient’s requirements

 Display knowledge and awareness of the audience and their requirements through the
documents produced.

We’ve already explained that there are numerous choices of business documentation. However, such
decisions will depend largely on what you are trying to achieve and who you are communicating with.
You may send invoices to prompt rapid payment. Emails may be sent to remind your employees that
they are expected to carry out specific tasks. You can save yourself a considerable amount of time by
creating templates and guidelines for the completion of these documents.

Business templates outline the details which have to be filled out by employees, customers, suppliers,
and other business associates. Original master templates cannot be overwritten. They may be used for
consistency when gathering information and the streamlining of business processes.

These templates may be developed:

 Invoice

 Business plan

 Financial datasheet

 Presentation

 Letter

 Purchase order.

Establishing the purpose and audience requirements

It is important to establish the purpose of your written documentation at the earliest opportunity. The
choice of information should be based upon the objectives that you are striving to meet. You should
write in a suitably persuasive or informal style and include targeted calls to action. It would be advisable
to learn as much as possible about the expected recipients of your business documentation. Consider
the level of knowledge and explanation that may be required for understanding. Address any concerns
or questions that you expect the readers to raise. Preparation will have a direct impact on the success of
your documentation.
BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

Document format types

Email formats
Businesses use a range of email management websites and servers. However, they are expected to use
standard formats and layouts in the production of professional emails. Readable fonts and text sizes
should be used to ensure that messages are communicated effectively. It is also important to use
appropriate forms of address, depending upon your relationship with the intended recipients. Formal or
informal writing styles may be chosen, in accordance with the email content. You may also be expected
to include company signatures and logos. Time and care should be taken over the creation of suitable
email headlines. It is quite likely that your email will be vying for attention against a host of other

Letter formats
You will be expected to follow a number of conventions in the production of business letters. Your
organisation may provide headed paper, including contact details and business logos. However, you
may be expected to align the relevant details when using word processing programmes. You may use
different salutations and levels of formality, depending on your relationship with the intended recipient.
You should use the full name and title when writing to a professional contact. The first name may be
sufficient if you are addressing a co-worker or business associate. Your letter should be well structured,
with a clear, beginning, middle, and end. You should clarify the purpose and specify any follow-up
actions that should be taken. A reference number may also be included.

Report formats
Different structures may be deemed appropriate depending upon the purpose of your business reports.
They typically begin with an executive summary, which highlights information contained within the
report. There will also be a background section, which details the reasons for writing the report and
explains specific terms for general understanding. The reports may continue with information regarding
the findings and a discussion of their relevance. There should be a clear conclusion and
recommendation for action based upon the report. Style and formatting guides may be consulted for
guidance on the inclusion of graphical elements.

Presentation formats
Business presentations are given for a range of purposes. They may be
used as a means of informing employees about the implementation of
new processes or potential investors about the prospects of financial
growth. Digital projections may be organised and slides printed for
distribution among the audience. Clear structure is essential, and the
presentation should ideally summarise information communicated by
an entertaining and engaging speaker. It is advisable to outline one
central idea per slide and ensure smooth continuation. Interesting
visuals may be included and activities used as a means of breaking the
presentation into manageable sections.
BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

Invoice formats
Different businesses are very particular about the formatting of their invoices. However, they usually
specify the inclusion of the buyer’s name, address, and bank account. Details of the purchased goods
should also be included, together with a due date for the payment. The terms must be met to avoid
potentially awkward telephone calls and legal action.

Purchase order formats

Purchase orders may be provided upon completion of various business transactions. They are
comprised of the purchase order request and confirmation. The request should include details of your
business requirements and the amount that you have agreed to spend. The confirmation will include
relevant details of the order, including the date, supplier contact details, and invoice due date.

Meeting agenda and minute formats

The meeting agenda should highlight the various points that are to be expanded upon when employees
meet for business discussions. The time and location of the meeting should also be specified. The
agenda are usually handed out before business meetings commence. The minutes are produced
subsequently. They include names of the attendees, details of apologies that have been sent for non-
attendance, information that has been covered, and agreed follow-up actions. The attendees and any
individuals with a specific interest in the discussions are given minute copies.

Additional information requirements:

 Include clearly defined paragraphs

 Incorporate visual elements, to stimulate

thought, and engage the audience

 Include headers, footers, and page numbers for

the reader’s convenience

 Use appropriate language and include

explanations where necessary

 Apply consistent formatting principles

 Check documents thoroughly, before

BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

2.2 – Ensure document templates enhance readability and appearance, and

meet organisational requirements for style and layout
By the end of this chapter, the learner should be able to:
 Produce appealing and readable templates taking into account the purpose and
audience requirements

 Use all the digital tools available to optimise the templates and end result

 Use the organisations style guides when producing business templates to meet
expectations regarding style and layout.

You are encouraged to spend time organising and formatting your templates for enhanced readability
and appearance. It would be worth spending some time considering the purpose of your templates and
how to lay out the specific sections of content. You could create a few outlines and decide upon the
templates that are best suited to your business. Such organisation will allow for improved information
gathering and improve the professional image of your business. You are encouraged to think about the
audience requirements and consider what you want to achieve when issuing the templates. There will
be inevitable variation in the layout and presentation of different templates. However, digital tools will
allow for the optimisation of everything, from business letters to invoices.

There are various aspects of readability that should be taken into account when producing document
templates. You should consider the questions and concerns that are bound to be raised and include text
accordingly. You are also encouraged to break up any textual blocks and include headings for enhanced
understanding. The reader should be able to scan your document and find sections of particular
interest. It is also advisable to keep your sentences and paragraphs reasonably short. Care should be
taken over the choice of font types and sizes. It is also important to maintain the balance of colour, for
optimum readability. An appropriate amount of space should be left between lines, and you should
make good use of white space. You should aim for clarity and accuracy in your writing. However, you
shouldn’t make the mistake of assuming a condescending tone. If you’re in any doubt, then it would be
worth using online tools, such as the readability calculator (

If you want to make a positive impression, then it will be important to
consider the appearance of your document templates. You may be
concerned about the placement of business logos and essential elements of
text. The layout of your document boxes and variation in textual features
will also have an impact on perceptions of your documentation. Thankfully
you can make use of an assortment of visual enhancement tools when using
programmes such as Microsoft Word and PowerPoint. Colour may be used
to make your documentation more appealing and highlight key sections of
text. Think about the details that you want to include in headers and
footers. Design your documentation for optimum usability.
BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

Organisational requirements for style and layout

It is quite likely that your organisation will have definite expectations regarding the style and layout of
business templates. They may provide informative guides to assist you in the creation of documents for
different purposes.

You may consider these elements of style:

 Appropriate page alignment and size – You may have to use specific page margins and
place the text boxes in defined areas. The use of portrait or landscape pages may be
deemed suitable

 The use of colour – You should consider the ways in which colours balance and contrast
within your document. The formality of your documentation will also have some
bearing on colour

 Use of bullet points and text alignment – Your organisation may specify the types of
bullet points that should be used in different documents. You may also use different
alignments and indentations to maintain interest and draw attention to key sections of

 Choice of typography – You can use different types of fonts to distinguish between
sections within your documentation. You should also consider the effects of
punctuation upon the implied meaning of your content.

Additional layout considerations:

 Arrangement of textual elements – You will have to decide how to order the
information and set it out on the page

 Use of headings and textual highlights – You can break the information up and draw
attention to the key elements when using headings

 Use of a layout grid – You can use a layout grid to organise

the information on the page and ensure that it follows a
logical order

 Inclusion of white space – It is essential to include

distinctive spaces, to break up your document, and
enhance readability

 Use of text boxes and borders – Clear text boxes and

borders can create a divide between different
sections of text.
BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

2.3 – Test templates, obtain organisational and user feedback, and make
amendments as necessary to ensure maximum efficiency and quality of
By the end of this chapter, the learner should be able to:
 Create a selection of template concepts for testing by the organisation and customers

 Use feedback to make changes and improvements to documents

 Implement any reasonable suggestions for improvement in the business.

Testing templates
It’s worth creating a selection of template concepts, for testing in accordance with your organisational
requirements. You should seek the feedback of different staff members and identify the templates that
will be most effective. There is also the option of sending business templates to existing customers and
obtaining feedback. Changes and improvements should be made at the earliest opportunity to reduce
the chance of complaints later on. Your documents should have a definite purpose, and they should be
clearly presented for clarity and understanding.

You can test your templates in the following ways:

 Focus groups – This would involve the distribution of your templates among a group of
employees, or customers. They would be asked to suggest possible means of

 One-on-one interviews – People may be prepared to give thorough explanations of

their thoughts when surveyed on an individual basis. They may give detailed
explanations of the reasons for liking or disliking business templates. However, it is
important not to ask leading questions

 Surveys – You could distribute digital or paper-based templates and then ask the
recipients to complete surveys based on their experiences

 Usability testing – You should develop clear expectations regarding the completion of
business templates before carrying out usability testing. The participants will be asked
to complete the template, and you should consider the ease of understanding and
finishing set tasks. The results should be recorded for the identification of potential
BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

Evaluation of success criteria

Your organisation may take account of different success criteria upon the completion of template
testing. However, the main issues will be the speed and accuracy of completion. You may also be
interested in finding out what the testers think about the presentation of your templates. It is quite
likely that you will be overwhelmed by the amount of customer feedback. However, you should
consider the trends and issues that are identified by large numbers of people. You are advised to
implement any reasonable suggestions for improvement and make it clear that you have taken
feedback into account.

These suggestions might be made:

 Increased personalisation

 Inclusion of brand names and logos

 Simplification and explanation of business language

 Increased user control over the templates

 Inclusion of additional space for detailed responses

 Addition of visuals, to clarify meaning and break up

the text.
BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

3. Develop standard text for documents

3.1 Evaluate complex technical functions of software for their usefulness in automating aspects
of standard document production.

3.2 Match requirements of each document with software functions to allow efficient production
of documents.

3.3 Test macros to ensure they meet the requirements of each document in accordance with
documentation standards.
BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

3.1 – Evaluate complex technical functions of software for their usefulness in

automating aspects of standard document production

3.2 – Match requirements of each document with software functions to allow

efficient production of documents
By the end of this chapter, the learner should be able to:
 Use advanced technical functions of software to produce business documents

 Use the latest word processing and presentation programmes to incorporate styles,
create graphs and optimise images

 Demonstrate technical knowledge by matching the requirements of each document

with software functions.

Technical functions
You’ll find that there are a great range of advanced technical functions, which can aid you in the
organisation and presentation of business documents. The latest word processors and presentational
programmes allow you to incorporate styles, create informative graphs, and optimise images. You
should acquaint yourself with the different features and decide those that will be of particular use in the
production and maintenance of business documents.

You can expect to utilise these functions:

 Data transfer – There are a number of ways of
transferring documents between computers. You
can send files as email attachments, or upload
them onto detachable thumb drives. Cloud-
based storage systems may be used for the
transfer of particularly large files

 Display features – You’ll find that there are

various display features, which may be used
when creating business documents. The full-screen reading mode in Microsoft Word is
of particular use when scanning your documents for errors. The outline view may be
used for the editing of particularly large documents. You also have the option of
zooming out and observing multiple pages. The clipboard can hold up to 24 textual
sections, for movement within your document

 Embedding – You can embed elements from different programmes within one central
document. Data produced in Microsoft Word and Excel can be effectively combined.
This will mean that you don’t have to send multiple documents

 Exporting – You can save your documents in numerous formats including PDF, Word
Doc and Doc X. Such files may then be exported to other computers. This will allow the
files to be viewed by users who are using different versions
BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development
BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

 Fields – You’ll discover that fields are of particular use when incorporating information
about the documents that you are creating. It is possible to include numerous details,
such as the number of characters, author name, and page number. Dynamic fields
change as you alter the documents. This reduces the amount of time and manual effort

 Form fields – There are numerous fields that can be added to your business forms. You
may choose to include tick boxes or signature lines for optimum usability

 Formulae – Formulas are particularly useful when it comes to the creation and analysis
of financial documents. You can use them to add certain elements together or perform
complex multiplications. The formulas adjust in accordance with any document
changes that you make

 Importing – You can import sections of data from one document into another. This is a
particularly effective way of combining numerical data and wording. It is helpful when
creating reports

 Index – It is possible to index different forms of

essential business information. Invoice and
customer numbers are just a couple of the choices.
This information can be collated within a database
and linked appropriately

 Linking – It is possible to incorporate links between

different sections of documents. This is particularly
useful if you require rapid access to specific

 Macros – We can implement macros as shortcuts, instead of going through a series of

manual steps each time we want to change a document. An example would involve the
assignment of a button for a particular task, such as underlining, or creating a

 Merge criteria – We can merge two sets of data and maintain the same sorting criteria
(numerical or alphabetical), for enhanced organisation within documents

 Sort criteria – There are numerous options when it comes to the sorting of criteria.
Automatic sorting can be completed quickly and easily for the effective presentation of

 Table of contents – You can create a table of contents for an overview of information
contained within a document. It is also possible to link the different sections for rapid
access. This will mean that you don’t have to considerable amounts of time searching
for specific information. It is also possible to rapidly update the table of contents upon
project completion.
BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

Linking software functions

You can use this table format as a means of linking software functions with specific

Business documents Relevant software functions

Emails  Data transfer

 Linking

Letters  Display features

 Linking
 Macros

Presentations  Display features

 Fields
 Linking
 Table of contents

Meeting agenda and minutes  Data transfer

 Exporting
 Macros
BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development
BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

3.3 – Test macros to ensure they meet the requirements of each document in
accordance with documentation standards
By the end of this chapter, the learner should be able to:
 Create a macro/shortcut for the organisation of numerical data to help in producing
financial datasheets

 Use the step by step process to test the effectiveness of macros

 Implement any changes that need to be made to improve performance.

Testing macros
It has already been explained that macros are shortcuts which are assigned for the efficient completion
of document procedures. You can record these shortcuts when using the Microsoft Office suite and use
them whenever necessary. A shortcut for the organisation of numerical data may be useful when
creating financial datasheets. Alternatively, you could use a button for the alignment of images and
graphs within business documents. It is advisable to use a step by step process when checking the
effectiveness of your macros. This will allow you to identify the performance of each function and see
whether any changes should be made.

Creating a macro
To create a Microsoft Word macro, you must:
1. Go to the view tab and select the drop down macros menu

2. Click on the record macro button

3. Click on button and assign the macro to the quick access toolbar

4. Enter an appropriate macro name and assign a symbol if so desired

5. Complete the documentation function while the macro recorder is switched on

6. Press save and stop recording the macro.

BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

Follow this macro testing procedure:

1. Access the drop-down macro tab and click view macros

2. Select the macro that you’d like to test and click on the run button

3. Specify that you’d like to carry out a step by step assessment of the macro

4. If you see a zero in the macro number box, then the process step will work effectively

5. If any problems are identified, then a dialogue box will appear and explain the reasons

6. You should press ok for details of the specific action which failed

7. Take note of the action name, error number, and any other information before making
the changes in the Visual Editor

8. You may choose to return and edit the macro for increased efficiency. It is also possible
to assign macros to groups for combined action within a document.

If editing is necessary, then follow these steps:

1. View your macro in the normal way

2. Choose from the selection of available macros

3. Click on the edit button

4. View details of your macro in the Visual Basic Editor and make amendments as

5. Resave the macro and the changes will

be applied

6. If you require additional assistance,

then click on F1 when using the Visual
BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

4. Develop and implement strategies to ensure the use of

standard documentation
4.1 Prepare explanatory notes for the use of standard templates and macros using content, format
and language style to suit existing and future users.

4.2 Develop and implement training on the use of standard templates and macros and adjust
the content and level of detail to suit user needs.

4.3 Produce, circulate, name and store master files and print copies of templates and macros in
accordance with organisational requirements.
BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

4.1 – Prepare explanatory notes for the use of standard templates and macros
using content, format and language style to suit existing and future users
By the end of this chapter, the learner should be able to:
 Create explanatory notes providing information for the use of templates

 Trial macros and various templates so you can gain a good understanding of how they
work before advising others

 Write notes using content, format and language to suit the individual learner, also
taking into account their level of technical expertise.

Prepare explanatory notes

You will need to have a comprehensive understanding of the various templates and macros if you are to
provide accurate information about their use. It is important to trial them and explore the range of
applicable software functions. This will enable you to write with the learner in mind. You should also
consider the technical expertise of the people that you are writing for. Some may be completely new to
the use of macros and templates. Others may have a wealth of technical expertise. Your content should
be written accordingly.

You might have to create explanatory notes on the following topics:

 The creation of templates for professional use

 Information that should be included in existing templates

 The development, testing, and editing of macros.

Note-taking guidance
There are numerous ways of creating explanatory business notes. You might jot them down in
notebooks, or use the advanced note-taking capabilities of a tablet. You may choose to use structured
bullet points to record key points. It is advisable to use easily understandable language. If technical
terms are deemed essential, then explanations should be given. You also have the option of including
sketches, to clarify the meaning of your text. However, there’s a chance that you’ll be restricted on the
amount of time for note-taking.

You can use the following means of note

 Email

 Sticky notes

 Note-boards

 Text messages.
BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

Including essential content

You are encouraged to use a structured list format when providing instructions on the use of templates
and macros. There should be a clear and highly logical order, from beginning to end. It is worth re-
emphasising the importance of accounting for the specific needs of the note readers. You should explain
any technical terms at the earliest opportunity. Your notes should be brief and succinct. It may be worth
pointing your readers to additional sources of information regarding any topics that are difficult to
comprehend. Care should be taken over the storage of paper and digital notes. You will have the added
convenience of being able to rapidly amend any notes that are saved on the computer. However, you
should use file names and documents that are obvious and accessible. If you’re unsure whether your
notes are suitable, then ask for the opinion of a trusted colleague.
BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

4.2 – Develop and implement training on the use of standard templates and
macros and adjust the content and level of detail to suit user needs
By the end of this chapter, the learner should be able to:
 Carry out a training needs analysis to examine what skills employees already have and
how much training they require

 Plan and produce training materials to teach someone how to use templates and
macros from scratch

 Consult technical experts to ask them for help and advice on training and implement
any changes needed to improve it.

Develop and implement training

There are numerous ways of training employees in the use of standard templates and macros. However,
the first step will be to carry out a training needs analysis. You should consider the skills that your
employees already possess and how much training they realistically require. It is also worth considering
the amount of time and money that you have to invest in the development and presentation of training
materials. The need for training should be reviewed on a regular basis, and you should ensure that
relevant personnel are up-to-date with regards to their technical skills.

Essential research
You should learn as much as possible about the templates and macros before drafting your training
materials. Have a go at training somebody who is completely new to the use of templates and macros.
Identify the problems that they experience and plan the most appropriate training steps. You should
also consult fellow technical experts and ask them for advice on training development.

You may choose from the following

training options:
 Focused group discussions

 E-learning

 Video training

 On-the-job training

 Mentoring

 Development of training manuals and courses

 Sessions led by external professionals.

BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

Training based on the user’s needs

You should remain focused on the expected users of any training materials. They may have a limited
amount of time to learn about the use of templates and macros. It will be necessary to highlight the
amount of time expected for completion of the training and level of knowledge required. You are also
advised to break the training up into sections and highlight the most important points. You should use
short paragraphs and bullet points. The content should be highly relevant and concise. The active voice
and verbs may be used to prompt the user. It might be worth including screenshots to clarify the
meaning of any instructions that you give.

Time should be spent reviewing and optimising your content for the learner. You should identify and
discard any sections that don’t anything to the overall meaning of your text. Make sure that the training
fulfils its purpose, and that technical information is communicated in an easily understandable manner.
Don’t rely exclusively on digital spelling and grammar checkers. Ask knowledgeable staff members to
review the training and identify any areas of improvement. Carry out a trial and ensure that the learners
can comprehend and act upon the training.
BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

4.3 – Produce, circulate, name and store master files and print copies of
templates and macros in accordance with organisational requirements
By the end of this chapter, the learner should be able to:
 Create and name master files to store templates and macros, making sure they include
all the required information

 Store print copies of templates and macros as a back-up if computer equipment fails or
files are lost

 Circulate and grant master file access to trusted technical staff, providing them with the

Produce master files

Master files are created for the purpose of storing original versions of templates and macros. They may
be securely saved on a central computer, and access may be restricted to key technical personnel. It is
possible to collate all of the information regarding the use of macros and templates within one main
master file. Your organisation may also opt to store print copies of templates and macros in case the
computer equipment fails, and the saved files are lost.

You should follow these steps for the creation of a master file in Microsoft Word:
1. Open and save a blank document

2. Click on the view tab and select the outline view

3. Click on the show document button on the main ribbon

4. Select the insert option and choose the

file that you want to assign to a master

5. Double click on the file that you want to

include in the master document

6. Insert any additional files into the master

document and save when the process is

The circulation of master files

You are encouraged to circulate and grant master file access to trusted technical staff. They will ensure
that copies are securely stored and distributed to relevant staff members. Master files should be
created, in accordance with the development of new macros and templates. They should include details
of how to access and update the files. You may share master copies via email, or a secure computer
network. Alternatively, you may print copies and circulate by hand and fax. They may be stored in well
organised and highly secure filing cabinets.
BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

Naming conventions
You are advised to name master files appropriately for easy identification. You should specify the date
of creation, version number, and department which the master file relates to. If you’re circulating paper
copies, then you should include the names of any staff members responsible for safe storage. Digital
files may be saved securely in Google Drive or Dropbox. You may specify passwords, for restricted
access to your master files.
BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

5. Develop and implement strategies for maintenance and

continuous improvement of standard documentation
5.1 Monitor use of standard documentation templates and macros, and evaluate the quality of
documents produced against documentation standards

5.2 Review documentation standards against the changing needs of the organisation, and plan
and implement improvements in accordance with organisational procedures
BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

5.1 – Monitor use of standard documentation templates and macros, and

evaluate the quality of documents produced against documentation standards

5.2 – Review documentation standards against the changing needs of the

organisation, and plan and implement improvements in accordance with
organisational procedures
By the end of this chapter, the learner should be able to:
 Trial document templates and macros to evaluate effectiveness of them

 Review macros and templates on a regular basis, and carry out surveys to gather
feedback on the documentation

 Implement any changes required to documents or produce new ones depending on

feedback gathered

 Inform the relevant staff how to make updates and communicate any details of
amendments with them.

You are encouraged to evaluate the effectiveness of your documentation templates and macros. The
first stage of evaluation should be a trial to ensure that the information can be understood and that the
processes are completed efficiently. If the templates and macros are deemed suitable, then you should
establish performance categories for continuous monitoring. You may be concerned with the effects
upon worker efficiency and minimisation of cost. It would be worth carrying out regular surveys and
finding out what your employees think about the documentation.

You may consider the following success criteria:

 Speed and accuracy of template completion

 Effectiveness of macro processes

 Amount of time taken to adapt to the introduction of new templates and macros

 Feedback from employees, customers and other document users.

Evaluation of documents
It is likely that your organisation will have defined standards regarding the creation and maintenance of
business documentation. Some standards will apply exclusively to specific macros and templates. You
should ensure that such standards are realistic and measurable. Some information may have to be
written in accordance with organisational style guides. There may be specifications regarding the type of
language and style that is used.

You should review your macros and templates on a regular basis. It may be necessary to make
amendments, for improved rates of completion and accuracy.
BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

You could outline your evaluation in a table like this

Documentation standards Means of achievement

Documents suited to user requirements Researching the audience and performing

usability testing

Inclusion of relevant and understandable Ensuring high levels of organisation and

information consistency in the presentation of information.
Using appropriate indexing methods and
highlighting key details

Decreased cost and improved efficiency Ensuring clarity and accessibility of information

Technical accuracy Asking for technical feedback and carrying out

usability testing

Standards of grammar and style Using checklists, style guides and templates for
the inclusion of information

Means of saving and storing Using appropriate file names and formats.
Ensuring that documents are securely stored the
access of key personnel when required

Changing standards
It is likely that you will create new documents and make changes as your business develops. The
documents should be trialled, and you should take user feedback into account. It would be worth
carrying out trials and monitoring the completion of macros and templates. This will allow you to
identify any problems and means of improving your business documents. Clear instructions and
guidelines should be given, detailing the analysis and maintenance of essential business files.

You should include details of how to carry out the following procedures:
 Make amendments and track changes

 Distribute files across your organisation and obtain feedback

 Collect and identify particularly important documentation reviews

 Approve the distribution of finalised documents.

These standards should be considered:

 Production and management of files

 Elements of style and grammar

 Document design and formatting

 Accessibility of information

 Document reviews and updates.

BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

It may be necessary to update style guides and instructions relevant to particular documents. You
should also consider investment in documentation software for the purpose of updating and
maintaining records regarding business use.

Plans for the improvement of your documentation

If you want to ensure the comprehensive improvement of your business documentation, then you
should create clear plans of action. You may identify particularly impressive examples of
documentation, which can be used as a basis for any changes. Relevant staff members should be
informed of how to make updates and communicate details of amendments. The details of document
changes should be recorded for later reference.
BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

Summative Assessments
At the end of your Assessment Booklet, you will find the Summative Assessments.

This includes:

 Skills assessment

 Knowledge assessment

 Performance assessment.

This holistically assesses your understanding and application of the skills, knowledge and performance
requirements for this unit. Once this is completed, you will have finished this unit and be ready to move
onto the next one – well done!
BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development


These suggested references are for further reading and do not necessarily represent the contents of
this unit.


What makes a good document:

Avoiding costly and dangerous data entry errors:


The importance of information storage & retrieval systems in organisations:

The importance of safe data storage for your small business:

The 5 basic principles of design:

Document control:

The privacy act:

Company capabilities:


Business technology:

Types of business software:

5 types of business documents:


Business documents:

Let standards guide your documentation:


Document design templates:

Print quality:

Designing business documents:

BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

What makes a good document:

The importance of document templates:


How to use document templates in Microsoft Word:


Why readability is important for content:


The importance of designing for readability:


How to get feedback from employees:


The 5 best ways to get feedback from your customers:


Usability methods:

File transfer:

10 hidden Microsoft Word features that will make your life easier:

How to edit macros in Excel’s Visual Basic editor:


Create, run, edit, or delete a macro:


Complete guide to taking notes effectively at work:


Professional and technical writing/instructions:

What are some positive & negative training impacts on an employee:

How to carry out effective training needs analysis:


Training your staff to deal with new technology:


Training delivery methods:

BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

Designing a training manual:

Tech writing handbook:

Definition of master file:

How to create a master document in word 2013:


How to create your own documentation standards:

Produce documents in a business environment - NCFE

All references accessed on and correct as of 10/9/15, unless other otherwise stated.

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