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the portfolio of moves

training with kettlebells

exercise 52 pendulum swing non-stop

l stability l strength l power

a b c

A pendulum swings freely, however, when a kettlebell is involved we need to be

in control. Being in the hip hinge position, the legs are not the driving force here;
more so the torso is driving and controlling the swinging action. Practise the
movement without the weight – i.e. “learn it, then work it”.

l Stand with feet slightly wider than hip distance apart with the kettlebell
between your feet (6 o’clock position).
l Bend down (hip hinge) and lift the weight off the floor keeping your back flat
and arms straight.
l Then using your torso muscles, lift the weight up to the right (9 o’clock position)
then quickly drive it back towards the floor and without stopping, swing it up
to your left (3 o’clock position). Repeat so the weight continues to swing side to

tricks of the trade
There is a real temptation to hold your breath when you do this. Years
ago we would have said that was ‘bad’ for you, but now we understand
core stabilisation better we know that it’s an instinctive reaction that
aides stabilisation – just don’t hold it for any longer than one repetition.


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