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What do we need to know in our research-

aside from the key informants' answers or contribution in the research specifically their feelings and
attitudes in buying , researchers want to know if the variation or improvements in flavors of milk tea
products has a signficant effect in student-consuners preferences and buying behavior. The research
also wants to know the risks and benefits

Why do we need to know that-

This is of great help in addressing what the consumers desire or most prefer towards to achieve product
satisfaction. As the research is composed of two dependent relationships from consumers buying
behavior and the profitability of milk tea shops, selecting proper methodologies, methods and approach
is necessary.

What kind of data will answer our question

Datas gathering their experiences, preferences and attitude towards buying can be discovered with the
use of semi-structured interview, with the use of likert scale in answering some questions. The use of
Likert Scale in interviewing milk tea shops is necessary in answering such questions involving innovation,
awareness and openness in providing services for customers.

Where can we find data

We can gather the datas through the 8 key informants, from which 5 are student consumers selected
through purposeve sampling. While the three (3) milk tea shops are slected through purposive or
availability sampling

Whom do we contact for access

Time 5able for acquisition in part three

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