Calibration Certificate ครั้งที่2

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Head Office:

House#9/3 13"d X'loor), Lane#0l, Block-B,
Section-6, Mirpur, Dhaka-1216
T.S.S Gorporation Emaik tsscorn20l 2@smaiLcom"
Web: ; Cell: +8801913-589807

Calibration of Certificate
ltalian-Thai Development Public Company Limited
Project: N{RT Dhaka Mass Rapid Transit Development Project

lnstrument Name: Total Station

Model: iM-101. Brand: SOKKIA
Serial Numtrer: ZS 003193
Temperature: 30.0'{l
Pressure: 760 mm Hg
Method of Calibratian: Standard lnspechon Procedure

Mechanical Operation & Optics Check

SL No. Description Remarks
1 Leveling Foot Screw Good
2. Hotizontal Clamp & Fine N{otion Screw Good
-", . Vertical Clarnp & Fine lvfotion Screw Good
1. Focusing knob & Eyepiece Good
5. Circular Bubble Good
6. Display Good
Optical plummet Cood

Calibration Check Program operation Check

Sl No. Clhecking Results Allowable Checking Remarks
Particulars' Limits Parficular*t
1. Ilorizontal *2tt *20 Setting Out Wcrking well
2. Minimum Focusing I.3 m r.3 Co-ordinate Working well
3. Optical Plummet 0.3 mm 0.3 Topo Working weII
tr'ocusing Range
4. Distance *'ith Prism 1.Smm*2ppm 1.5mm+2ppm KILM Working well
5. Ysrtical Index *1tt +20 Rf,,M W'orking well

Checked By

Service Engineer

Registered OIIice: Zinnu Yilla, Chunkutia, Keranigonj, Dhaka-1310

ceII Phone: +8801922-122741
Ilead 0lfice:
House#9/3 (3"dF"Ioor), Lane#0l, Btock-B
Seetion-6, Nlirpur, Dhaka-l2 I 6

its T:S.S Corporation Emaik tsscorE20l"

lYeb : wr*T r' CeIL +8801 91 3-589807

Calibration C ertilicate

Italian-Thai Development Public Ccmpany Limited
Projec* MRT Dhaka Mass Rapid Transit Development Project

Insfrument Name: Automalic Level Machine

Model: 820, Brand: Sokdcia
Serial Nrrmber: ZF 3257
Temperature:30.0. C
Pressure: 760 mmHg
Method of Calibration: Standmd Inspection and Twa-Peg Test
Date: 03-12-2018

Mechanical Operation & Optics Check

Item Description Result
1 Leveling Screw Good
2. Focusing Good
J. Crcular Bubble Good
+. Focusing knob Good
5. Eyepiece Good
6. Pentaprism Good
7. Horizontal Fine lr,lotion Screw' Good

Two- Peg Test Result

Station Back Inter I'ore Leveling Difference Error Distaree Remarks
Readirg Reading Re*ding(mm (m)
(mm) {mm} )
A B Rise(mm) Pall
1 182s r 096 729 0 60.0 Midway
between A &
2 1474 744 734 1 r0.0 From peg A
J 174s t0t 6 729 U 10.0 From peg B
Note: Allowable limit is + 3mm IBRTC BtiETj

Service Engineer

| Registered Office: Zinnu Villa. Begun Bari, Chunkutia, Keranigonj, Dhaka-i3i0
= = II We are different Cell Phone: +8801922-122741

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